3 1833 01429 8571
iGc 929.2 St79s
Stowell, William Henry
Stowell genealogy
':^^.^■uS■^^ a>7/^^a^ns ^'J?.-
To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook
without a source, a tree without a root.
— Chinese Proverb.
Copyright 1922
William Averill Stowell
Amherst, Mass.
Printed in V. S. A.
All rights re$tTted
Foreword 5
The Origin of the Family 7
The Name 10
The Search for Samuel 12
Statistics 15
First Generation 17
Second Generation 21
The Parentage of David, Jonathan and Nathaniel, who went
to Connecticut 24
Third Generation 37
Fourth Generation 65
Fifth Generation 135
Sixth Generation 276
Seventh Generation 503
Eighth Generation 750
Ninth Generation 817
Index 821
The author has devoted to the preparation of this volume
the past twenty years of his life and it is, therefore, a source of
keen satisfaction to him to offer it finally as his contribution
to the Stowell family. And now, upon the completion of his task,
he wishes to thank all those members who have so whole-heartedly
aided him in the compilation of the work. Especially, he wishes
to offer to his secretary. Miss Nellie M. Chapman, his sincere and
deep appreciation for her able and earnest collaboration. To a
considerable extent, it has been due to her efficient and skillful
assistance that The Stowell Genealogy has been brought to a
successful termination.
One of the oldest houses in England, situated in Quantock,
County Somerset, on the Southern coast, sis miles from the
Bristol Channel.
The Manor of Cothelstone came into the possession of the
Stowell family in 1066 and is of great antiquity as it was built
long before 1066 by a Saxon King and Queen. It then con-
sisted of an extensive mansion, illustrated above, with many
buildings innnediately surrounding it including a church, eleven
fami houses and fifty-four cottages. It was retained by them
in an unbroken line from 1066 to 1820,
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The Stowell Genealogy
Although the compiler has been unable to discover the par-
entage of our common ancestor, the Samuel Stowell who settled
in Hingham, Mass., it is reasonably certain he belongs to the
Stowell or Stawell family that settled in County Somerset,
England, over eight hundred years ago.
During my several visits to England I have interviewed
every Stowell living in London or its vicinity and while they
could throw no light on the main point of my inquiry, viz.
Samuel's parentage, they all traced their own family back to
Somerset and were positive there were no Stowells in England
excepting those who originated in Somerset, hence a brief refer-
ence to the earlier generations as probable ancestors may be of
The founder of the family was the Norman knight Adam,
who came over with William the Conqueror in 1066 and his ser-
vices were rewarded by giving him the manor called '*de
Coveston or de Cothelstone" and the manor of "de Stawelle"
in Moorlinch, County Somerset.
Gerard in 1633 wrote: "The Manor of Cothelstone dates
back to long before the Conquest of 1066, when a Saxon King
and Queen are said to have been its founders. They secluded
themselves within its walls in fulfilment of a vow taken at the
Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. It has more the appearance of
a cloister than a knightly castle such as the warrior, Sir Adam,
might have desired."
"Cothelstone is a very remarkable place on account of its
great antiquity, being one of the oldest homes in England, sit-
uated six miles from the Bristol Channel, in Quantock, County
Somerset. It came into the possession of the Stawell family in
1066. At that time the manor consisted of a beautiful and ex-
tensive mansion with many buildings belonging to it and im-
mediately clustered around it, including the Church, eleven
farm houses and fifty-four cottages. This manor has been re-
tained in the Stawell family in an unbroken line, from oldest
son to oldest son, from 1066 down to the present time."
8 The Stowell Genealogy
"On the summit is a round tower, nothing whatever being
known of its builder or the date of its erection. From it a mag-
nificent view is obtained, said to be the most extensive in
The manor of "de Stawelle" also dates back to old Saxon
times when it was known as "Estawella" or Eastern Spring.
Originally these Norman knights were known only by their
Christian names, but gradually they adopted for purposes of
identification, as their surname, the name of the manor or estate
where they lived. Thus Sir Adam became Sir Adam de Coves-
ton. This was very soon changed to Sir Adam de Cothelstone
and later on to Sir Adam de Stawelle.
The titled branch inherited by the eldest son was very in-
fluential in the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th centuries and in the
time of the Civil Wars was the most prominent family in South
Western England, as they had acquired by marriage or purchase
some twenty-six additional manoi^s or estates vnth. the church
livings and advowsons that accompanied them. They built one
of the largest mansion houses in England. They were royalists
and staunch supportel^ of the Stuarts. When the Parliamen-
tary Party and Cromwell came into power their estates were
confiscated and their mansion house and the church badly dam-
aged and Sir John Stawell was Imprisoned for several years in
the Tower of London, living in poverty with his health com-
pletely broken down.
Under Charles II a restoration was made of such property
as remained and his son Ralph as recompense was created on
the fifteenth of January, 1683, a Baron under the title of "Lord
Stawell of Somerton," named after one of the other manors.
Later, when the title of Baron lapsed owing to the failure
of male issue it was continued by special Act of Parliament
upon the daughter Mary as Baroness Stawell, 21 May 1760, with
the right of inheritance by her male descendants, but after a
few generations the title of Baron again became extinct owing
to the lack of male issue.
Some of the younger sons were created Knights in their
own right through their ability and prominence and thus ac-
quired the title of Sir and sen'cd as members of Parliament
and in other high offices.
The church is quite near the Manor House and was always
a part of it and the livings and advowsons belonged to the
Stowell family.
It is of great antiquity and contains old medallions of
ancient stained glass and monuments and tombs of the Stowell
family dating back to 1300.
^Members of the Stowell family haA^e worshipped here since
r. nothing whatever being
orcction. From it a mag-
ihul to be the most extensive in
'ie Stawelle" also dates back to old Saxon
known as "Estawella" or Eastern Spring,
-se Norman knights wer*» kno^vni only by their
7,h ' - ^ :;; ;-rvy in-
ii'^ii'ttJftiVr^/ b/ts 98;joH 'lonfiM edi -in^a ofiisp ai do'inax) aril 'k the
odf'^r (/)^#ovbB'i)nB a^nivil sriJ biiB tr io j-UBCf '#^f^
^- ' '"'■-' '• .7;IimGi llyv/of^ "^
some . .>t:ir-. -..■..■.■■■ ■ -:■ . .'■
ioiji^^^fli^^^iQ,^^inai>v^g^rVi«M,^ ^ -.^ H
and stay?^r:h papooitci-s of li.e ^; j.«f;SI of^rifted la^f^ifc^'C^i^-iit
confiscated and their maix^ion house uiid the church badl;^^J^
aged and Sir John St aw ell was imprisoned for several years in
the Tower of Loudon, living in poverty- with his health com-
pieteU' Irokfii donr..
[■ '■ '
■ f rr; . .
\ Baron again
scnfi were cre-i
.i:K uflice-s.
The Stowell Genealoqt 9
As the family title carried with it the control of so many
church livings and advowsons, quite a large number of the de-
scendants of the younger branches went into the ministry and
naturally fell into the livings which were within the gift of the
family. The most prominent was Hugh Stowell of Manchester
and the Isle of Man, who was the Henry Ward Beecher of
England and the most eminent and eloquent preacher of his day.
The church at Cothelstone is quite near the Manor House
and was always a part of it. In the windows are some excel-
lent specimens of ancient stained glass. The most interesting
objects, however, are the tombs and monuments of the Stawell
family dating back to the year 1300. Members of the Stawell
family have been worshippers in it continuously from 1066 to
The church at Hingham, Mass., which was organized in
1635 and attended by Samuel Stowell, the immigrant, has had
Stowell worshippers continuously from 1649 to the present day.
While not the oldest church society or organization, the church
building itself, erected in 1680, is the oldest meeting house in
America that has been continuously used for public worship,
hence the church at Cothelstone and the church at Hingham
have between them had Stowell worshippers from 1066 to the
present time.
Samuel was not a common name in the family in the early
days. In Col. George D. Stawell 's History of the Stawell fam-
ily, the name of Samuel does not appear in a single instance
until recorded in the Registers of Bath and Chudleigh in 1562.
Forty Stowells are mentioned therein; thirty-five of th£se are
speUed Stowell and five are spelled Stawell. The name of Sam-
uel appears in the Bath Abbey Register which gives the birth of
a Samuel Stowell on the 5th of January 1581 and the Chudleigh
Parish Register gives the death of a Samuel Stowell, 7th of
December 1628, probably the same Samuel. He may have mar-
ried and had children though I find no record either of his mar-
riage or of any children.
Possibly our immigrant Samuel may have been a son of
his. We know the date of death of our Samuel to be in 1683,
but as we do not know his age at time of death, we cannot defin-
itely fix upon the date of his birth, but indications point to about
10 • The Stowell Geneaixxit
1625. As far as dates are concerned this would fit in with his
being the son of the above Samuel who died in 1628.
Although there were a few scattered families there prior to
that date, the real settlement of Hingham, Mass., occurred in
1635 when a large colony from Hingham, England, came over
with the Rev. Peter Hobart among them as their pastor and or-
ganized the town naming it Hingham after their old English
This would make Samuel about ten years old at that time.
He may have been brought over by some relative on his mother's
side, or by some friend of the family or as an orphan appren-
ticed to one of the immigrants. This was probably the case for
his name does not appear on any of the ship's registers or in
any of the Hingham records until his marriage in 1649 to Mary
Farrow is recorded in Hobart 's Diary.
The Stawell Barons always spelled their name "Stawell"
in their personal signature to deeds, letters, documents, etc.
Owing to their large land holdings they were very frequently
involved in law suits. In these Court records it is generally
spelled ''Stawell" though "Stowell" sometimes appears. In
other records as of births, deaths and marriages, and especially
in regard to others than the titled family, it is very often spelled
In England the name is always spelled either "Stawell'' or
"Stowell," never in any other way. In earlier times "Stawell"
predominated. At present as many spell it "Stowell"
as "Stawell."
In America it has never been spelled "Stawell." The orig-
inal immigrant spelled it "Stowell" and that form is generally
used, although "Stoel" is quite common.
In all the vital statistics of births, deaths and marriages,
and in all deeds, wills and court records it is given as "Stowell"
in all of the first three generations, viz: in those of the ori<:inal
immigrant Samuel, in thase of his six sons, Samuel-, Jolm=,
David-, William-, Israel-, and Benjamin- and in those of his
eleven grandsons, viz. :
The above churcii was built in 1680, and is the oldest churchy J
building in America which has been continuousry used for church "''
purposes. The Hingham Church Society was formed in 1635,.
and a church was then built which was used for 45 years, but
proving too small the present church was erected. Since 1635
there have been but six pastors. The average years of their
service has been 49 and their average age at death 82. Samuel
Stowell worshipped in both churches and his descendants still
worship there.
(From plate Joi.i.t-.l h. Ui. Cli;Mle>> ii. t>U... .;.,
has would fit in with >- ^
j>e. dhd in 1628.
ered families there prior to
thf * . Hingham, Mass., occurred in
i IP. Hingham. En^rland, came over
.aiong them as their pastor and or-
tie lown naming it Hingham after their '>)d English
would n.
■^Bie a JO :iHT'- ,
rioujdr Jaablo adJ ar biui ,0801^ ^|. Jiuid .^vv iloiurlo svudii 91IT
domdo loi baan .^laiJonniJfloo flW^d^ir:)bl7r BoiiainA ni s"ibliud
.6831 iHitf>9M-W^^8feT^'*rtgi3oavifowd0.ma|ly^?«Hf ^5^_ . •»®^'iWJi
2B7r doi; ^ •
•n^ii. iQ,8i^^v^y^«5i^'^^,'?-' ■.l.'" s.'i:;, ...US aj,i)c..rs. In
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Uil8 8lfrftbH^9«9b ?rd rhxiB ©daifiiu lUftril:^,iif3?*J««^3(>,f^JJj9:?^Jp,}
S: w- . ., .9i9rft qrd^ow
In P-ng!
(From plate loaiipd bj- Dr. Charles II. Stowell.)
The Stowell Genealogy 11
SamueP, son of SamueP.
John^, son of John-.
Benjamin^, son of Benjamin^.
IsraeP and Isaac^, sons of IsraeP.
SamueP, David^, Jonathan", John^, Benjamin^, and Nathan-
ieP, sons of David-.
In the case of David^, Jonathan^, and NathanieP, however,
while it appears as ''Stowell" in all of their earlier records, it
sometimes appears as ' ' Stowell ' ' and sometimes as ' ' Stoel ' ' after
they moved to Ashford, Conn.
Seven of these eleven grandsons, viz. : SamueP, John^ Ben-
jamin^, IsraeP, Isaac^, SamueP and Benjamin^ and their de-
scendants remained in Hingham, Newton or Watertown, Mass.,
where their name appears in the records many times, always
spelled Stowell. Three of these eleven grandsons, viz. : David^,
Jonathan^ and NathanieP went to Pomfret, Conn., and remained
there, or in adjoining towns, where their name and that of their
descendants frequently appears spelled both ways. Their
brother John^ also bought land in Pomfret at about the same
time, but he never lived there permanently; however, his name
appears there once as "Stoel."
Ten of these eleven grandsons married and had eighty-three
children whose names are recorded one hundred and eighty-eight
times as "StoweU'' and eighteen times as "Stoel" as follows:
SamueP had 5 children recorded 15 times as Stowell and
0 times as Stoel. John^ had 8 children recorded 21
times as Stowell and 0 times as Stoel. IsraeP had 9
children recorded 19 times as Stowell and 0 times £ls
Stoel. Isaac^ had 11 children recorded 27 times as
Stowell and 0 times as Stoel. Benjamin^ had 10 child-
ren recorded 22 times as Stowell and 0 times as Stoel.
SamueP had 9 children recorded 18 times as Stowell
and 0 times as Stoel. David^ had 12 children recorded
26 times as Stowell and 10 times as Stoel. Jonathan^
had 4 children recorded 3 times as Stowell and 4 times
as Stoel. John^ had 8 children recorded 15 times as
Stowell and 1 time as Stoel. NathanieP had 7 child-
ren recorded 22 times as Stowell and 3 times as Stoel.
Total, 83 children recorded 188 times as Stowell and
18 times as Stoel.
12 ' The Stowt:ll Genealogy
It first appears as "Stoel" in a deed to Jonathan dated at
Ashford, Conn., 31 April 1728 and again in deeds to him in
1733 and 1735. It then appeai-s as "Stoel" in a deed to David
dated Ashford, Conn., 22 Aug. 1740. As both deeds were exe-
cuted in Ashford, the "Stoel" may have been written into them
by the seller of the property or by the lawyer who drew them up,
but most probably it was written "Stoel" by the to^^^l clerk
when recording them. In any event that method of spelling
originated in Ashford, Conn., and has been followed until the
present day by many of the descendants of David and Jonathan.
The descendants of the others retained the original way of spell-
However, previous to 1728, it was spelled "Stowell" in the
ease of Jonathan, in all the statistics of his birth, death and
marriage, and was also spelled "Stowell" in seven deeds record-
ed in Jonathan's name in Middlesex County, Mass., before he
moved to Connecticut.
It was spelled "Stowell" previous to 1740 in the case ot
David, in all the statistics of his birth, death and marriage and
was spelled " Stowell " in seven deeds recorded in David's name
in Middlesex County, Mass., before he moved to Connecticut and
was also spelled "Stowell" in nine deeds recorded in David's
name in Pomfret after he moved to Connecticut.
After 1728 there were eleven deeds recorded in Ashford,
Conn., in the name of Jonathan Stoel. After 1740 there >Tere
two deeds recorded in Ashford, Conn., seventeen in Willington,
Conn., and three in Windham, Conn., in the name of David Stoel.
There are several instances where members of the same
family spelled their name differently and in some cases like that
of David and Jonathan cited above, the same individual spelled
it sometimes as "Stowell" and sometimes as "Stoel."
Thus it will be seen that for the first eighty years of the
family's existence in America, the name was always spelled
"Stowell" never "Stoel."
The early settlers of New England scrupulously preserved
their church and the public records and it is owing to these cus-
toms that we have such a full record of the first four genera-
tions, marred only by the destruction of some of them by fire.
The Stowell Genealogy 13
During the French and Indian Wars the Colonial troops,
marching on their way to Canada through the then wilderness
now known as Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, were not
slow in recognizing the fertility of the soil and the possibilities
of acquiring larger farms on easier terms than could be obtain-
ed in their home towns, which were becoming too crowded for
farming purposes ; hence there followed a large emigration into
this new territory which these wars opened up.
After the Revolution a still larger emigration took place
into New York and the western territory beyond. This being
a wilderness, church and town organizations were slow in form-
ing and the same care was not taken as in the original settle-
ments, so the vital statistics were deficient and consisted quite
largely of what were kept in the family Bible. These old Bibles
were gradually lost and are now very rapidly disappearing.
Believing it was necessary for some one to rescue from ob-
livion at once, before it was too late, this still existing but fast
disappearing material, the compiler commenced about twenty
years ago to gather data about our Stowell ancestors. He also
believes he has had exceptional facilities in making his research-
es, because being a life member of the Minnesota Historical So-
ciety at St. Paul, where he then lived, he had the "free run" of
their most excellent library, that is, he had the privilege of go-
ing back among the shelves and taking down the books himself
and did not have to fill out a card and wait for an attendant
to bring the book to the reading room. He also enjoj^ed, for the
same reason, similar privileges at the well known New England
Historic Genealogical Society in Boston and being an ex-member
of Congress had the same courtesy extended to him by Mr.-
Spofford, the librarian of the Congressional Library at Wash-
ington, where he spent several months in research work.
While on a trip up the Nile in 1898-9, I had the good for-
tune to become acquainted with Sir John Evans, the well known
Egyptologist, a Director of the British Museum and next to
Lord Kelvin, the most noted scientist of his day in England.
He was then on a mission to investigate for them the authen-
ticity of some Egyptian palimpsests. He was also President of
several Scientific and Antiquarian Societies, among them The
Society of Antiquaries, of London, the leading genealogical so-
ciety of England.
14 The Stowell Genealogy
When I went to London, I was introduced by him to the
Society of Antiquaries at Burlington House where I had the
' ' free run ' ' of their library ; also to the British Museum and to
Somerset House and to Sir Henry Maxwell Lyte, in charge of
the Records at Chancery Lane, and to Lord Sherborne, the
present representative of the titled Stowells and the custodian
of all their papers and documents.
Any one who knows how difficult it is for an outsider, even
for an Englishman who is not a member, to cross the threshold
of an English Club or Society, can appreciate what an advan-
tage this introduction was. I personally examined every book
in the Society of Antiquaries, searching for the date and place
of birth and the parentage of our common ancestor Samuel, but
without success.
In 1913 I commissioned the well known genealogist J. Gard-
ner Bartlett to search in England for the ancestors of Samuel
Stowell, but the "World War so completely paralyzed all such
efforts that he was compelled to give up and return to America
in 1915, before he had completed the examination. While he
covered most of the ground, there is still much to be examined.
His report herewith shows what records he examined, so
that anyone who desires in the future to resume the search
can take it up where he left off and thus avoid duplication.
' ' My dear Mr. STO^^^ELL :
The following sources were examined during a search in
1914 and 1915 for the English ancestry of Samuel Stowell.
Lists were made of all Stowell wills to the year 1690 in the
Prerogative Court of Canterbuiy and in all the local Probate
Courts covering the Counties of Beds, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge,
Cheshire, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Essex, Gloucester, Hants, Herts,
Hunts, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Norfolk, Northamp-
ton, Nottingham, Oxford, Rutland, Somerset (Wells and
Taunton), Stafford, Suffolk (Bury St. Edmunds, Ips^^^ch and
Norwich), Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Wiltshire, AVorccster and
Abstracts were made of all the Stowell WiHs in the Pre-
rogative Court of Canterbury and of the Somerset Wills at
The Stowell Genealogy 15
Wells and Taunton ; the few Stowell Avills found in all the other
Courts were read but not abstracted. No Samuel Stowell was
found in any of these wills.
Sixteen Stowell suits were found in the Star Chamber
Courts between 1558 and 1603. These were examined but no
mention of a Samuel Stowell was found.
About 100 Stowell suits were found in the Court of Chan-
cery between 1558 and 1714; these were all examined, but no
Samuel Stowell was found.
In the Court of Request from 1603 to 1625 no Stowell
suit was found.
The Parish Registers of Meare and Glastonbury were ex-
amined. No Stowell item was found although there was a John
Stowell on the subsidy or tax list of 1628 at Meare.
As the Stowell family was located principally in Somer-
setshire, I have the theory that Samuel Stowell of Hingham,
Mass., was brought over from England by some relatives, not
of his family name, Avho came from Somersetshire and settled in
Hingham, like the Otis, Gill, Lane, Frye and some other fam-
ilies, but I was not able to find proof to establish this theory.
J. Gaedner Bartlett."
While prosecuting this work, the writer has had it constantly
forced upon his notice that the family is now steadily diminish-
ing in numbers as the following table will show :
1st Samuel
7th 1372 have record of 388 1550 or 4 per family
8th 1550 have record of 342 956 or 2 8-10 per family
Total No.
Total No.
These Married Sons
had Children
27 or 4>4 per family
87 or 8 7-10 per family
285 or IYb, per family
773 or 6^ per family
402 •
of these 278 I have the
record of 259 who had
1372 children or 5 3-10
per family.
16 The Stowell G-enealogy
Of the six married sons of SamueP, three, viz: Samuel- John^
and Benjamin^ had only one married son each. William- had
one daughter, but no sons. David^ had ten children, with five
married sons and eighteen married grandsons, and Israel^ had
five children, with two married sons and eleven married grand-
sons; so these two were the prolific founders of the family and
the average was seven and one-half each, though the whole
family of SamueP only averaged four and one-half.
The next three generations had an average of seven and one-
half as an unusually large proportion lived and married. This
does not mean that a family of eight would quadruple or be four
times larger than their progenitors. On the average nearly one-
fourth of the children die in infancy. Some do not marry and
of those who do some have no children, so the practical result is
that only about one-half of the children marry and have families ;
but these three generations with an average of seven and one-half
children actually about tripled the number of Stowells in
existence for each generation. Since then there has been a
falling off.
Something has been found out about every Stowell mention-
ed in the first four generations except about Josiah^ and Eliza-
beth^, the children of David- and Elizabeth*, daughter of SamueP
David^. As I can find no record of either their death or mar-
riage, they probably died in infancy.
One of the oldest houses in America, on Fort Hill Street,
at the foot of the hill on wliich stood the old fort prior to King
Philip 's War.
The streets were then mere grassy lanes without sidewallvs.
The houses were of logs with thatched roofs and oiled paper
for windows. Here Samuel Stowell lived. Later, on the same
spot, over 250 years ago, the above house was built. It is still
standing and has been occupied by at least five generations of
Lue descendants of Samuel Stowell.
The Stowell Gkstlajloqy
o oaa of Samu::-!' t'lr''., \V7.: ^.ir.;'
nly one i
i v> sons. D«v. .
ei<?hteen married /
four!:! :-i thr oM' i-.-;. :<" ". ••' ^
TfeS^:?® IliM jtoI' no ,Boi-t9niA ni g^gr/oil :f39bIo siit ifr -jnu.
Vittyr o-^' 'fo'h'^ t7oi bio 9iit boots rforrrT/- rro Uid ^rft >a- ^oVf -^Ht-fB
1 '
,.iiliii //:•!. 'i'. jUL'.'^ji// ^/jiUJ-i /^e;<;iii,; JiJiii irn.i j j ij h cjvji.c -ju l
a^tl/jq- fedio briB aioo'i bodotisrlt ilJw g-gol io qiow asanorf orfT
offlB^'SifJ" 'oi6r.f^cKtF>J^ •'ijoril n&vroJ8 isumsg *ji'jH. ■ ^»'/robum lotjt
robablvdiediniV^^^^^^ ^^"^"^^ lo .iH.ba.:>..L aril
o 5
H p.
First Generation 17
1. SAMUEL^ STOWELL was a blacksmith. In those days,
especially in a small community like Hingham, the village black-
smith was a very useful member. He not only shod the horses,
but repaired all the wagons, farming tools and implements and,
what was of great importance, the fire arms with which those
pioneers defended their homes and property. His work was
humble and undoubtedly crude measured by modern standards,
but it covered a wide scope, was essential and apparently was
well done for he stood well and was a respected member in that
rather dignified and self respecting community, for his descend-
ants all married into the best families of Hingham and Newton.
Samuel does not appear to have taken any part in the polit-
ical or official or church life of Hingham for his name does not
appear as an office holder. Bringing up a large family seem-
ingly engrossed all his time and thoughts. His mental character-
istics are shown in that clause of his will wherein he provided for
his wife and children.
The will of SamueP Stowell was dated 27 Oct. 1683, probated
30 Jan. 1683-4. Wife Mary and sons Samuel and David Stowell
appointed Administratrix and Administrators. "To wife Mary
for her maintenance and the bringing up of my children, not al-
ready brought up, during the time of her widowhood, then on her
marriage or decease, the estate is to be divided among my child-
ren, both sons and daughters, my eldest son Samuel to have a
double share. My beloved friends Capt. John Jacob and Thomas
Lincoln to be overseers of my estate." Inventory £185.1.2
(Suff. Prob., Vol. 6, p. 447.)
Residence, Fort Hill Street, Hingham. Had a lot in Hing-
ham granted to him in 1656 and drew lot No. 4, his share in un-
divided land in Cohasset in 1670. "At a town meeting 12 Dec.
1677, the inhabitants who are proprietors of the undivided com-
mon lands in said Hingham give and grant unto Samuel
Stowell to hi-3 heirs and assigns forever, the 59th lot in 4th
Division of land in said Hingham and Weymouth, containing
ten and one-half acres, etc."
18 The Stowell Genealogy
Samuel was bom in England and died in Hingham, Mass.,
9 Nov. 1683. He married 25 Oct. 1649, Kary Farrow, daughter
of John and Frances Farrow, bom in Hingham, County Nor-
folk, England, 22 Sept. 1633. She died in Hingham, Mass.,
24 Oct. 1708, age 75. She married second, 10 Oct. 1689, Joshua
Beal, a widower who lived on an adjoining lot and was a select-
man of Hingham from 1669-1699 and a Deputy to the General
Court for Hingham in 1700.
Her parents, John and Frances Farrow, sailed from Eng-
land in 1635, when Mary was two years old. They settled in
Hingham where they had land granted them in 1636. John
Farrow died in Hingham, Mass., 7 July 1686-7, and his wife
Frances died there 28 Jan. 1688-9. His will dated 28 March
1687, probated 17 Aug. 1687, mentions his daughter Mary, wife
of Samuel Stowell and his granddaughter Mary, Avife of John
Children born in Hingham, Mass:
i. MARY2, b. 15 Aug. 1C53; bp. 16 Oct. 1653; d. Hingham, Mass.,
22 Oct. 1714, age 61; m. Hingham, Mass., 25 Feb. 1682-3,
John Garnet, son of John and Mary Garnet, b. Hingham,
Mass., bp. 17 July 1652, d. Hingham, Mass., 16 Dec. 1700,
age 48. John Garnet, the father, had land granted him iu
Hingham in 1656. He came to Hingham about 1650, married
in Boston 10 April 1651, and had ten children, of whom the
eldest, John, married Mary Stowell.
Children bom in Hingham, Mass. (Garnet) :
1. John, b. 4 Jan. 1683-4, d. Hingham, Mass., 20 April 1742,
ago 58, m. Scituato, Mass., 22 Nov. 1711, Rebecca Ripley,
who d. Hingham, Mass., 1767. She m. 2lid 11 Nov. 1747,
Samuel Whiton. John Garnet resided at Liberty Plain,
South Hingham, and had nine children (Garnet) : i. 7?* bcf-
ca, ii, Susanna, iii. Mary, iv. John, v. Hachel, vi. Amos,
vii. Alice, viii. Grace, ix. Mercy.
2. Mary, b. 3 Aug. 1686, d. Hingham, Mass., 4 De<-.. 1715,
age 29.
3. Ruth, b. 12 Feb. 1688-9, m, Hingham, Mass., 31 May 1722,
Amos Berry of Wej-mouth, who d. 18 Sept. 1737, ago 42.
Children (Berry) : i Sarah, ii. Jane, iii. Hannah, iv. Se-
becca, v. Amos, vi. Thomas.
4. Elizabeth, b. 24 Oct. 1691.
5. Hannah, b. 12 May 1694, m. Hingham, Mass., 16 Doc.
17:n, Daniei. Caryl or Carrix. Cliiihlron (Caryl or Car-
rel) : i. Joseph, ii. Elimheth.
First Generation 19
6. Eemember, b, 25 Sept. 1697.
ii. Samuel, b. 18 May 1655.
iii. John, b. 15 March 1G57-8.
iv. David, bp. 8 April 1660.
V. Eemember, b. 22 April 1662, d. Hingham, Mass., 5 Nov. 1694,
age 32 years, m. there 16 March 1687, Thomas Remington. He
is the first of the name in the Hingham records; but there is
no account of his birth or death, nor of hia descendants, though
many of them have lived and died there during the last 250
years. Supreme Court Record No. 13011, 4 March 1687, con-
tains their marriage bond (under the Law of Andrus).
Children bom in Hingham (Remington) :
1. Jael, b. 22 April 1688, m. Hingham, Mass., 13 June 1710,
Thomas Beal, son of John and Mary (Gill) Beal, b. Hing-
ham, Mass., 15 March 1671-2. They resided on Fort Hill
St., Hingham, and had nine children (Beal) : i. Jael, ii.
Mary, iii. Hannah, iv. Mercy, v. .Thomas, vi. SUerCce, vii.
Leah, viii. Thomas, ix. Israel.
2. Joshua, b. 1689-90, d. Hingham, Mass., 1 July 1733, m.
Eliz.abeth. Children: i. Joshua, ii. Elisabeth, iii. John,
iv. EUsJm, v. Mary, vi. Sarah, vii. Thomas, viii. Olive,
ix, Joshua.
3. Mary, b. 9 May 1691.
4. Abigail, b. 27 Feb. 1692-3.
vi. Infant, b. 5 Sept. 1664, d. Hingham, Mass., 21 Sept. 1664.
vii. William, b. 23 Jan, 1665-6.
viii. Israel, b. 27 April 1668, d. Hingham, Mass., 15 Nov. 1669.
ix. Israel, b. 10 Aug. 1670.
X. Elizabeth, b. 7 June 1673, d. Hingham, Mass., 25 Sept. 1746,
age 73, m. Hingham, Mass., 14 Dec. 1699, George Lane, son of
Josiah and Deborah (Gill) Lane, b. Hingham, Mass., 22 June
1677, d. Hingham, Mass., 5 May 1741, age 63. No issue.
The immigrant Williami Lane, descended from the Lanes
who went to England Avith William the Conqueror, settled in
Dorchester in 1635 and had six children of whom Georges was
the 4th.
This George had a house and lot granted him in Hingham,
18 Sept. 1635. He was a shoemaker and a Selectman 1669 to
1678. Had nine children, of whom Josiah^ was the third. Josiah
had ten children, of vrhom George, who married Elizabeth
Stowell, was the third. He was a carpenter.
George* in his will, probated 9 June 1741, provided "and
further 'tis my mind and will that my negro man servant,
named Boston, should, in consideration of his faithful services,
The Stowell Genealogy
be set at liberty and have his full freedom from a state of
slavery, after the decease of my said wife, Elizabeth Lana"
The will of Elizabeth, dated 15 March 1746, probated 3
Oct. 1746, Joseph Lewis, Exr., bequeaths to George Lane French
Theodore French, Abigail French and to Elizabeth Stowell, dan'
of Israel, Remember Garnet, Hannah Callander, Euth Berry
Leah Bell and Rachel Stowell.
Benjamin, b. 8 June 1676.
Second Generation 21
2. SAMUEL^ STOWELL (Samuel^) was born in Hing-
ham, Mass., 18 May 1655, d. there 21 Sept. 1695, age 40 years,
married there 13 Jan. 1684-5, Rachel Gill, dau. of Thomas and
Hannah (Otis) Gill, born at Hingham, Mass., 3 Oct. 1661, died
there 5 April 1715, age 53 years.
Administration was granted on estate of Samuel Stowell,
to his widow Rachel, 16 July 1696. Articles of Agreement made
31 Jan. 1715-6 between the children of Samuel Stowell late of
Hingham, deceased, and Rachel his wife, relative to the dis-
tribution of property, viz.; Samuel, William, Rachel and
Hannah. (Suff. Prob.)
Thomas Gill, the father of Rachel, was born in England
about 1616. He was one of the early settlers of Hingham and
the ancestor of all the Gills there. Had a house lot and five
acres of land granted him in 1635. He died 24 Feb. 1704-5,
age about 89. Hannah Otis was a daughter of John Otis and
died in Hingham, Mass., 25 Jan. 1675-6.
Children of Samuel and Rachel (Gill) Stowell born Hing-
ham, Mass. :
i. Samuels, b. 10 Nov. 1685, d. Hingham, Mass., in infancy.
8. ii. Samuel, bp, 5 June 1687.
iii. Kachel, b. 10 Sept. 1689, d. Hingham, Mass., 16 Jan. 1748-9,
age 59. Her will dated 16 Nov. 1740, probated 7 Sept. 1748,
calls herself spinster, brother William. Executor, gives to brother
William and cousins (meaning nephews) Samuel Stowell, Jr.,
and Joseph Stowell. (Suff. Prob.)
iv. Hannah, b. 9 July 1692, m. Seituate, Mass., 4 Oct. 1716,
James Briggs, son of Ensign Cornelius and Mary (Doughty)
Briggs, b. Seituate, Mass., 2 March 1683-4. Cornelius Briggs
was in King Philip's War. James Briggs m. 1st, 7 May 1713,
Elizabeth Garrett, who died 28 Dec. 1715.
Children of James and Hannah (Stowell) Briggs, all born in
Seituate, Mass.:
1. John, b. 28 Sept. 1717, d. Seituate, Mass., S Nov, 1717.
2. John, b. 1 Jan. 1718, d. Seituate, Mass., 28 Feb. 1807, age
89, m. Seituate, Mass., 11 May 1747, Abigail Neal, dau. of
Joseph and Abigail (Smith) Neal, b. Seituate, Mass., 6 Feb.
1721, d. there 12 Sept. 1795, age 74.
The Stowell Genealogy
Children bom Scituate, Mtiss. (Bbigos) : i. Margaret, ii.
John, iii Abigail, iV. Annui, v. Joseph, \»i. Sabera, vii.
Bebecca, viii. Elisha, ix. Lydia, x. Deborah.
3. James, b. 27 'Feb. 1719, m. Scituate, Mass. (Int. 14 Dec.
1745) Hannah Barker, dau. of Barnabas and Hannah
(Turner) Barker, b. Scituate, Mass., 17 Jan. 1724, d. there
16 May 1792, age 68.
Children born Scituate, Mass. (Briggs) : i. Hannah, ii.
Sarah, iii. Lucy, iv. James, v. Lucy, vi. Sarah, vii. Thom-
as B.
4. Seth, b. 28 Aug. 1721, d. Pembroke, Mass., 23 July 1801,
m. Scituate, Mass. (Int. 2 Nov. 1745) Abigail Church,
dau. of Nathaniel and Jerusha (Perry) Church, b, Scituate,
Mass., 11 Feb. 1726, d. Pembroke, Mass., 3 Nov. 1795. He
Avas a shipwright. Children (Brigos) : i. Enas, ii. Elisha,
iii. Alden, iv. Thomas.
5. Job, b. 28 Oct. 1732, d. Scituate, Mass., 9 Nov. 1722.
6. Elisha, b. 26 Oct. 1723.
7. Hannah, b. 27 Nov. 1734, m. Scituate, Mass., 2 Dec.
1746, John Holmes. Children (Holmes) : i. Hannah,
ii. Sarah.
8. Eachel, b. 23 Dec. 1726, m. Scituate, Mass., (Int. 26 Oct.
1745) Samuel Curtis, son of William and Rachel (Stodder)
Curtis, b. Scituate, Mass., 4 Jan. 1719, d. there 24 Jan.
175C, age 37. She m. 2d at Scituate, Mass., 25 Nov. 1761,
Jonathan Hatch, son of Israel and Elizabeth (Hatch)
Hatch, bp. 8 Juno 1712, Children by first husband (Cur-
tis) : i. Elisabeth, ii. Job, iii. Samuel, iv. Enoch, v. Chrifi-
9. Cornelius, b. 3 Nov. 1728, d. 26 Sept. 1769, m. Scituate,
Mass., 23 May 1753, Jekusha Church, dau. of Nathaniel
and Jerusha (Perry) Church, b. Scituate, Mass., 8 March
1732. Children born Scituate, Mass. (Briggs) : i. Mary,
ii. Bnth, iii. Cornelius, iv. Samuel, v. Jerusha, vi. Church.
10. William, b. 23 July 1731, d. Scituate, Mass., 5 Dec. 1815,
ago 84, ra. there 6 June 1754, Elizabeth Copeland, dau. of
Joseph and Elizabeth (Tolmian) Copeland, b. Scituate,
Mass., 6 May 1736. He was a shoemaker and farmer. Chil-
dren, all born in Scituate (Briggs) : i. Bachel, ii. Biith,
iii. William, iv. Elijah, v. Lemuel, vi. EUzahcih, vii. John,
viii. Charles, Lx. Cornelius, x. Huldah.
William, h. 12 Oct. 1694, d. Hingham, Mass., 20 April 1771,
ago 76. Unmarried. Administration was granted on the estate
of William Stowell, lato of Hi-ngham, deceased, to Seth Briggs,
of Pembroke, Plymouth County, and to Adam Stowell of Hing-
Second Generation 23
ham, Suffolk County, 26 April 1771. Inventory returned 20
Dec. 1771, gives personal property £27.13.4 and real estate in
Abington, We^onouth and Hingliam £862 (Suff. Prob. 14920).
His sister Rachel having died before him in 1748, unmarried,
William apparently divided his estate among six of the chil-
dren of his sister Hannah (Stowell) Briggs and four of the
children of his brother Samuel, one-tenth tO' each, viz.: to John
Briggs, Seth Briggs, James Briggs, William Briggs, Rachel
Hatch, wife of Jonathan Hatch, and Hannah Holmes, wife of
John Holmes, who were children of Hannah, and to Adam
Stowell, Joseph Stowell, Samuel Stowell and Rachel Remington,
wife of Thomas Remington, who were four of the children of
Samuel; but he does not mention Obadiah, the other son of
Samuel, or 0"badiah's children.
In appraising the shares divided to Adam Stowell a^d
Joseph Stowell, consideration had been had by us of their
mother's right of improvement in the pieces of land at Hochley
and New Bridge for life (Suff. Prob. 25 May 1772).
3. J0HN2 STOWELL (SamueV) was bom in Hingham,
Mass., 15 March 1657-8, died there 10 Nov. 1689, age 31, m. there
3 Sept. 1683, Mary Beal, dau. of John and M;ary (Gill) Beal,
born at Hingham, Mass., bp. 26 Oct. 1662, died there 7 June
1748, age 85. She m. 2d at Boston, Mass., 31 May 1695, Nathan-
iel HoBART, son of Thomas and Jane Hobart, born 25 May 1665.
Administration granted widoAv Mary, 28 April 1691. In-
ventory £165.10.11. Distribution one-third to Mary and two-
thirds to John, only child, 31 May 1695. (Suff. Prob. No.
John Beal arrived in Boston, 10 Aug. 1638, in the ship Dil-
igent from Hingham, England. Was a shoemaker. Settled in
Hingham, Mass. and had six acres of land granted him on South
St. in 1638. Had six sons, four daughters and two servants.
His first wife, Nazareth, was a sister of the Hingham Minister,
Peter Hobart. She died 23 Sept. 1658. He married second,
10 March 1659, Mrs. Mary Jacobs, who died 15 June 1681. He
died in 1688, age 100 years. Was deputy to the General Court
in 1649 and 1659. His eldest son John was born in England
about 1627 and married first, Elizabeth, 6 Jan. 1658-9, who
died 1 Feb. 1659-60. He married second, Mary Gill, dau. of
Thomas and Hannah (Otis) Gill who was baptised at Hingham,
24 The Stowell Genealogy
Mass., Jan. 1643-4, died there 17 June 1701. He died at Hing-
ham, Mass., 12 Sept. 1694. Their daughter Mary, the second of
the name, bp. 26 Oct, 1662, married John Stowell.
John Stowell bought land in Hingham of Thomas and
Susannah Jewell, 28 March 1687 and of Abraham and Sarah
Holman, 6 Dec. 1688.
Children of John and Mary (Beal) Stowell born in
Hingham :
i. Infant^, b. 21 May 1684, d. in infancy,
ii. JOHA", b. 16 Sept. 1685, d. Hiugham, Mass., Oct. 1685.
9. iii. John, b. 14 July 1687.
The original immigrant, Samuel, had eleven children, seven
of whom were sons. One of these died in infancy; the other
six married. Of the six married sons, four remained in Hing-
ham, viz. : Samuel, John, William and Benjamin ; and their rec-
ords fully appear in the Vital Statistics of Hingham, The
other two, viz. : David and Israel moved to Newton where they
raised large families, but the destruction by fire in 1770 of the
church archives of Newton has left us with very imperfect
data as to the births, marriages and deaths of their children.
The Hingham group, comprising four out of six married
sons of Samuel, left the following descendants:
SamueP who had only 1 married son and 4 married grandsons.
John^ who had only 1 married son and 2 married grandsons.
William^ who had only 0 married son and 0 married grandsons.
Benjamin- who had only 1 married son and 3 married grandsons.
Making a total of 3 married sons and 9 married grandsons.
The Newton group comprising two out of the six married
sons of Samuel, left the following descendants:
David^ who had 5 married sons and 18 married grandsons
IsraeP who had 2 married sons and 11 married grandsons
making a total of 7 married sons and 29 married grandsons.
It will be seen that one-half of the grandsons of Samuel
and nearly one-half of the great grandsons were descendants
Second Generation 25
of David- and over one quarter were descendants of IsraeP and
that the Newton group furnished over three quarters of all the
descendants of SamueP. Moreover, twelve out of the eighteen
grandsons of David^ were children of David^ Jonathan' and
NathanieP. Thus one-third of all the descendants of SamueP
came from these three who went to Connecticut, which is prob-
ably the origin of the general tradition that "the Stowell family
is descended from three brothers." In view of these facts the
loss by fire of the early data of three quarters of the Stowell
family has not only been a serious handicap in tracing them,
but also in separating the children of David from those of Israel
as well as determining which of David's children were by his
first wife, Mary Champney, and which were by his second wife,
Mary Stedman. Its importance is so a,pparent that it has been
considered desirable to give in detail every known fact bearing
upon the question.
During the earlier years of the work of compilation the
prevalent belief was that David^, Jonathan^, and NathanieP were
the children of IsraeP and the work was prosecuted for some time
upon that theory. Some still adhere to it, but I have failed to
find and they have failed to furnish any positive proof sustain-
ing it ; on the contrary, the kno-^ii facts assign them to David'.
They have been credited to David- largely by a process of
elimination. They could not have been the children of SamueP,
John^, "William^ or Benjamin^ (the Hingham group) because
the Vital Statistics of Hingham contain very complete data re-
specting all the members of that group, which data such as dates
of birth and marriage exclude them from being their possible
parents. It will also be noticed that the Hingham records
make no mention whatever of either David, Jonathan or Nathan-
iel, an omission not likely to occur if they had belonged to the
Hingham group, for they were too prominent and too numerous
to have been overlooked by that painstaking community. They
must therefore have been the children of either David or Israel,
although there is no affirmative proof in any town record to
show which. If it can be shown by the Court records that they
were not the children of Israel, then, perforce, they must have
been the children of David.
The Administration of the Estate of Israel, and the Court
records relative thereto clearly show they were not the children
26 The Stowell G-enealogy
of Israel. Marriage and birth dates negatively show the same
thing ; hence they must have been the children of David, the only
possible parent left.
It will be borne in mind that no known fact conflicts with
this theory, while under it every fact is possible; furthermore,
from wills, baptisms and other sources all the other children of
both David and Israel can be properly placed and accounted for.
Administration of Estate of Israel Stowell.
Midd. Prob. No. 15587, 6 Sept. 1725. Administration was granted
on the Estate of Israel Stowell, late of Newton, deceased,
to Israel Stowell liis eldest son, etc.
7 Jan. 1726. Appraisers appointed, Joseph Ward, William
Marean, John Stone. Bondsmen, Israel Stowell, weaver of
Newton, Joseph Ward, husbandman.
27 April 1726. The following heirs sign the appraisal of the
estate signifying their approval : ' ' Israel Stowell, eldest son ;
Abigail Stowell and Elizabeth Stowell of full age; Eobert
Murdock guardian of Isaac Stowell and Temperance Stow-
ell, minors."
Vol. 17, p. 491. 14 Nov. 1726. The estate could not be divid-
ed without prejudice to its value so the Judge "at the nom-
ination of Israel Stowell, the deceased's eldest son, Abigail
Stowell and Elizabeth Stowell, daughters of full age and
Robert Murdock, guardian of the two minor children of
said deceased, appoints Joseph Ward, William Marean
and John Stone, all of Newton, to appraise the estate."
14 Nov. 1726. The guardianship of Isaac Stowell, a minor in
his 19th year, and of Temperance Stowell in her 15th year,
two children of Israel Stowell, late of Newton, deceased,
intestate, at their own election, is committed to Robert Mur-
dock of said Newton, yeoman. Israel Stowell, weaver,
10 Jan. 1727. The heirs of Abigail Stowell, Elizabeth Stowell
and Robert Murdock, guardian, sign Israel's account.
Vol. 45, p. 286. 9 Nov. 1736. Isaac Stowell of Dcdham, weaver ;
Abigail Pease, wife of Josiah Pease of Upton, Worcester
Co., husbandman; Elizabeth Stowell and Temperance
Stowell, both of Newton, singlcwomen; heirs of Israel
Stowell, deceased, receipt to Israel Stowell, Administrator,
for their share of the property.
Second Generation 27
The record of the Court that IsraeP is the eldest son is the
crux of the whole question. The Court proceedings covering a
period of over ten years make no mention of David, Jonathan or
Nathaniel, an omission hardly possible had they been Israel's
children. The following facts about Israel's children are, how-
ever, established.
1. Abigail, the oldest child, was born in Hingham per Hing-
ham records 13 Sept. 1699. We know Israel moved to
Newton in 1700.
2. Israel designated by the Court as the oldest son was bom
about 1703 after the family moved to Newton.
3. Elizabeth designated by the Court as of full age in 1726 was
bom about 1705. .
4. Isaac, guardianship records state he was in his 19th year
in 1726, hence bora about 1708.
5. Temperance, guardianship records state she was in her 15th
year in 1726, hence born about 1712.
As IsraeP, born about 1703, was the eldest son as shown by
the Court Records, then David^, Jonathan^ and NathanieP —
if they were his brothers — must have been born after 1703 and
must also have been bom in the years intermediate between the
births of Israel, Elizabeth, Isaac and Temperance; hence David
could not have been bom earlier than 1704 and Jonathan not
earlier than 1706.
We know that David married Patience Herrington, 2 May
1716 ; that he bought land in Newton, 1 May 1717, and executed
a mortgage 4 Jan. 1718 ; hence if David^ was the son of IsraeP
as claimed, he was only twelve years old when he married
Patience in 1716 ; only thirteen years old when he bought that
land in 1717; only fourteen years old when he executed that
mortgage in 1718 and only fifteen years old when Elizabeth was
born in 1719.
We know that Jonathan^ married Margaret Hammond,
8 Oct. 1719 ; bought land in 1718 and sold land in 1721 ; there-
fore, if he were a son of IsraeP as claimed, he was only thirteen
years old when he married; only twelve years old when he
bought that land and only fifteen when he executed that deed.
The improbability of these youthful marriages and the impos-
sibility of such land transactions, coupled with the Court records.
28 The Stowell Genealogy
clearly eliminate them as the children of Israel-; hence Da\id2
is the only possible parent remaining.
David^ left no will, nor are there any Court records to sho-n
whether he was or was not the father of David^, Jonathan^ and
NathanieP ; but a strong presumption that he M'as the father of
David^ is shown in Supreme Court case No. 16369 where an
Attachment was issued against David Stowell, Senior, and David
Stowell, Junior, 15 D^c. 1722, on account of a bond they had
jointly given R. Dewing. This bond contains the original sig-
nature of David Stowell, Senior and David Stowell, Junior,
and points to a relationship between them ; besides at this time,
there was no other David StoAvell in existence, nor was one
The strongest evidence that they were the sons of David^
lies in the fact that the 2d Church of Watertown has a record
of the baptism on 20 Nov. 1709, of Da^^d, Mary, Jonathan, John.
Nathaniel, Josiah and Benjamin, all children of ''Goodman
Stowell" and that "Goodman Stowell" and his wife owned the
Covenant and that the five oldest children consented to the
Covenant on that day. All these were his children by the 2d
wife Mary Stedman and were all baptised on the same day.
As we know from other data that Maiy, John and Benja-
min were undoubtedly children of David^, it follows that their
brothers David, Jonathan and Nathaniel were also his children.
Equally strong is the fact that Robert Murdock and David
Stowell married sisters and that Robert Murdock was appointed
guardian of Israel's children, Isaac and Temperance. If David,
Jonathan and Nathaniel had also been children of Israel, Robert
Murdock would have been appointed their guardian. They
were omitted because Robert Murdock knew them to be the
children of his brother-in-law, David StoAvcll.
On the other hand presumptive evidence against David be-
ing their father is found in the case of Benjamin^ a son of
David-, who died unmarried and whose estate was administered
by his brother John^.
Midd. Prob. No. 15585. 22 Dec. 1729. Administration on the
estate of Benjamin Stowell, unmarried, late of Newton,
deceased, husbandman, granted to John Stowell of Water-
town, husbandman, with Samuel Stowell of Watertown,
Second Generation 29
clothier, as surety; worded "Whereas your late brother
Benjamin Stowell, late of Newton, deceased, etc."
Over a year afterwards the Court instructed John to "notify
the heirs to appear" showing there had been some delay or
difficulty in the matter.
11 Feb. 1731. John Stowell was instructed by the Court to
notify the heirs to appear and he endorsed on the back of
the order that he had "notified the follomng heirs to ap-
pear, viz. Samuel Stowell, Ruth Osborn and Mary King."
This includes the names of all the then living children of
David except the three we are considering. It would seem as
though the absence of their names in the Court proceedings
would eliminate them as children of David, just as we elimin-
ated them in the case of Israel, but there is this difference.
Israel's estate was fully considered and finally settled by the
Court. Benjamin's estate was never wound up or settled in
Court nor considered in the Court beyond the above quotations,
but was apparently settled by the heirs by an agreement among
themselves outside of the Court.
It will be noticed John reports to the Court that he has
"Notified the following heirs" implying he has not notified all
of them, possibly because at that time David, Jonathan and
Nathaniel were living in Pomfret, Conn., and consequently
were beyond the jurisdiction of the Court, but more probably
because John the Administrator also bought land in Pomfret
about this time and lived there for a while and that as Benja-
min's property was personal they made amicable division among
themselves and never clewed up the case in Court.
As there are no records of the birth of David's children
by either Mary Champney or Mary Stedman, the dates can be
given only approximately ; the parentage, however, is establish-
ed by the %vill of Samuel Champney.
Midd. Prob. No. 4242. Will dated 21 Sept. 1692. Probated
6 Jan. 1695-6. Mentions his wife Sarah, sons Samuel and
Joseph, daughter Sarah Clark and grandchildren, Sarah and
Mercy Clark. He also mentions David Stowell and his grand
children, Samuel Stowell and Ruth Stowell, children of his
daughter Mary (Champney) Stowell, deceased; Samuel
Stowell to receive his legacy when he is twenty-one and Ruth
Stowell when she is seventeen. In case both his sons Sam-
30 The Stowell Genealogy
uel and Joseph die without issue, then property goes to
daughters. In a Codicil made 11 May 1694, he cancels his
bequest to his wife Sarah, deceased, and to his son-in-law
David Stowell, but does not cancel his bequest to David's
children, Samuel and Ruth.
This cancellation was probably because David had married
again. As Samuel Champney did not make his will or the cod-
icil until after the death of his daughter Mary and until after
David Stowell had married Mary Stedman, it is evident Sam-
uel and Ruth were the only children of David by Mary Champ-
ney and by inference the other children were by Mary Stedman.
The latter, in the absence of any other data, have been arranged
in the order named in their baptism, which is also the order of
their marriage.
1. David^ married Patience Herrington 2 May 1716 and was
probably bom about 1693.
2. Mary^ married John King 2 April 1718 and was probably
born about 1695.
3. Jonathan^ married Margaret Hanmiond 8 Oct. 1719 and
was probably bom about 1697.
4. John^ married Sarah Ford 1 Nov. 1722 and was probably
bom about 1699.
5. Nathaniel^ married Margaret Trowbridge 22 Oct. 1731 and
was probably bom about 1703.
6. Josiah^ was probably bom about 1705.
7. Benjamin^ was probably bom about 1708.
8. Elizabeth^ was baptised at Watertown in 1711.
Suff. Prob., 27 Jan. 1678. Administration was granted on es-
tate of Nathaniel Stedman (aged about 50) deceased, to
Temperance Stedman, his widow.
Midd. Deeds, 2 Jan. 1693-4. Temperance Stedman, widow, and
Nathaniel Stedman, Junior, only son, and Robert Mnrdock
of Roxbury and his wife, Hannah Murdock, one of the
daughters of Nathaniel Stedman, Senior, of Muddy River,
decea.sed, intestate, sell to Roger Adams of Muddy River,
land that was Nathaniel Stedman 's Senior.
Second Generation 31
Midd. Deeds, Vol. 12, p. 255. David Stowell and Robert Mur-
dock, both of Cambridge, husbandmen, sell on 29 June
1698 to Thomas Belknap of Cambridge, glover, for £17.0.0,
land in Wobum, Mass., containing Mansion House, called
** Forty pound Meadow" theirs by inheritance.
(Signed) David Stowell,
Mary Stowell, his wife.
Robert Murdock,
Hannah Murdock, his wife.
Mary Stedman, born before 1678, the date of her father's
death, was probably a minor in 1693-4 at the time of the first
sale cited above for her name does not appear on that deed, but
she became of age before the second sale in 1698 when her name
appears. Hannah Stedman married Robert Murdock, per Rox-
bury records, 28 April 1692. Mary Stedman married David
Stowell, per Cambridge records, either on the 7 April 1692 or
7 April 1695. There is some doubt about the date of Mary's
marriage. The original entry in the Midd. Prob. Registry ap-
pears to have been changed from 7 April 1693 to 7 April 1692,
apparently a contemporary correction. The figures do not sug-
gest 7 April 1695, a date often quoted, though the dates of the
two deeds quoted above would indicate it was in 1695 rather
than in 1692. On the other hand, preceding this entry on the
original paper are two other marriages of Dec. 1692 and immed-
iately following it is another of Dec. 1692. As there are only
four marriages in the group, the correct date is apparently 7
April 1692. This date is confirmed also by Midd. Deeds Vol. 18,
p. 220, David Stowell with consent of wife Mary, sells to John
EUis, land in Cambridge, 7 Jan. 1694, showing he was
married to Maiy Stedman before 7 April 1695, unless the Mary
who signed was Mary Champney. Now the codicil to the will
of Samuel Champney, dated 11 May 1694, states that his
daughter M]ary was then dead ; hence if it was his daughter Mary
who signed that deed on the 7th Jan. 1694, then she must have
died and David must have married Mary Stedman in the four
month interval between the 7th Jan. 1694 and 11 May 1694.
Midd. Deeds, Vol. 14, p. 429. Nathaniel Hobart of Hingham-
sells to David Stowell of Watertown, weaver, land in
Watertown 6 Feb. 1707-8, showing David lived in Water-
town in 1708.
32 The Stowell Genealogy
David was undoubtedly a man of great strength of character
and of good social standing for his children all married well
and became prominent citizens in their respective communities.
This was especially so of Maiy who married John King and was
the mother of the numerous Kings who occupied such prominent
positions in the earlier days of our country.
Although only sixty-four when he died he had long been
known in New ton as ' ' Old Stowell. '' He was in Woburn in 1686
and in Watertown in 1708, but was identified with Newton. He
was a weaver by occupation. The only office he held was that
of Surveyor of Highways, 5 March 1715.
4. DAVID- STOWELL {Sa7nuel') was born in Hingham,
Mass., bp. there 8 April 1660, died at Newton, Mass., 9 Sept.
1724, age 64. He married first on 4 Dec. 1685, Mary Champney,
dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Hubbard) Champney, born Billerica,
Mass., 12 May 1662, died at Waterto^^^l, Mass., 9 Sept 1690.
David married second at Cambridge, Mass., 7 April 1692, ]\L\ry
Stedman, dau. of Nathaniel and Temperance Stedman, who died
at Newton, Mass., 27 Sept. 1724.
Children by first wife Mary Champney:
10. L Samuels, date and place of birth tmknown.
ii. Ruth (flato and place of birth aud death unknown), m. at
Boston, 'Mass., 30 Aug. 1715, John Osborn, sou of John and
Elizabeth Osborn, b. Boston, Mass., 11 June 1672.
Children born in Boston (Osborn) :
1. John, b. 16 May 1716, m. (Int. Boston, Mass., 6 July
1738) Anna Dene (Dean).
2. Frances, b. 26 April 1718, d. young.
3. Frances, b. 28 May 1723, m. (Int. Boston, Mass., 20 April
1749) William Dockum.
4. SAR.\n, b. 5 Oct. 1724, m. (Int. Boston, Mass., 1 Nov. 1744)
Epiiraim Morton of Plymouth, Mass., son of Ei)hraim and
Susanna (^forton) Morton, b. Plymouth, Mass., 1722.
Children by second wife Mary Stedman:
David, bp. Watertmvn, Mnat., 20 Nov. 17*00.
Mart, b. Watertown, Ma.'»s., ]>p. 20 Nov. 1700.
.ToN'ATiiAN, b. Watertown, Mnss., bp. 20 Nov. 1709.
John, b. Wat/>rtown. Miu»s.. h]\ 20 Nov. 1709.
Nathaniel, b. Watertown, Mass., bp. 20 Nov. 1709.
Second Generation 33
JosiAH, b. Watertown, Mass., bp. 20 Nov. 1709. He probably
died young as he is the only one not mentioned in his brother
Benjamin's estate.
Benjamin, b. "Watertown, Mass., bp. 20 Nov. 1709, d. Newton,
Mass., 29 Nov. 1729, unmarried. His estate, probated 22 Dec.
1729, is given in statement above.
Elizabeth, b. Watertown, Mass., bp. 15 July 1711. Although
there is no authority for it, the Elizabeth given by Bond as bp.
15 July 1711 is placed here because it is the only place where
she can be put. She is generally credited with being the
daughter of Da^dd^, but in order to do that they have to as-
sume he had a wife before Patience and they give her the name
of Elizabeth. Davids was hardly old enough in 1711 to have
a daughter, being only 18. There is no record of any marriage
of this Elizabeth; neither is there any record of the birth, death
or marriage of this daughter Elizabeth; nothing but the bap-
tism. She may have been the daughter of David^, for it may
be noted in the deed given above that David^ bought land in
Watertown, 6 Feb. 1707-8 and is described in the deed as ''of
Watertown," and all his other children were baptised there 20
Nov. 1709, so he may have been living there in 1711. She prob-
ably died young for in the settlement of the estate of Benjamin,
who would have been her brother, no mention is made of a sister
Elizabeth, although it mentions all his known brothers and sis-
ters except Josiah, who also probably died young.
5. WILLI AM2 STOWELL (Samuel^) was born in Hing-
ham, Mass., 23 Jan., 1665-6, d. there 28 Sept. 1693 age 27, m.
Sarah ■ .
Administration on estate of "William Stowell granted widow
Sarah and brother Samuel Stowell, 26 Oct. 1694. (Suff. Prob.)
Child of William Stowell:
i. Mary3, b. Hingham, Mass., 27 Nov. 1693, d. Weymouth, Mass.,
20 April 1740, age 46, m. Weymouth, Mass. (Int. 10 July 1714)
Nathaniel Pitty, son of Joseph and Sarah Pitty, b. Weymouth,
Mass., 14 June 1()91. She was a posthumous child.
4 Jan. 1710-11, Mary Stowell, dau. of William Stowell,
deceased, late of Hingham, age 18, chose "my trusty friend,
John Lewis, blacksmith, to be my guardian." (SufF. Prob.)
Children born Weymouth, Mass. (Pitty) :
1. William, b. 14 Sept. 1715, m. Abigail, and had five chil-
dren: i. Nathaniel, ii. Betsey, iii. James, iv. Joseph, v.
34 The Stowell Gtenealogy
2. Nathaniel, b. 6 Aug. 1718, m. Weymouth, Mass., 4 Aug.
174.''., Mary Kichabds, dau. of Ephraim and Sarah (Bate)
Richards, b. WejTnouth, Mass., 13 March 1721-2. Children:
i. Experience, ii. Olive, iii. Mary, iv. Nathaniel, v. Thomas,
vi. Sarah.
3. Thomas, b. 5 Feb. 1721.
4. John, b. 23 March 1725.
5. Mary, b. 10 March 1729, m. Wej-mouth, Mass., (Int. 12
April 1747) Daniel Studley, son of David and Susannah
(Vinton) Studley, b. Scituate, Mass., 28 April 172.5. Chil-
dren (Studley) : i. Daniel.
6. Sarah, b. 9 Sept. 1732, m. Weymouth, Mass. (Int. 29 April
1750) Bexjamin Townsend.
7. EuTH, b. 8 Jan. 1735, m. Weymouth, Mass., 22 Sept. 1763,
John Jones, son of Isaac and Mary (Randal) Jones, b.
WejTUouth, Mass., 31 Dec. 1732. Children (Jones) : i. Su-
sanna, ii. Hannah, iii. Jacob.
6. ISRAEL^ STOWELL {Samuel^) was born in Hingham,
Ma.ss., 10 Aug. 1670, d. Newton, Mass., 7 Aug. 1725, age 55. m.
Abigail Fuller, dau. of Lt. Samuel and Marj^ Fuller, b. Barn-
stable, Mass., about 1674, d. Newton, Ma.ss., 11 April 1718.
Israel resided in Hingham, Mass., until about 1702, then Newton,
Mass. He was a weaver.
For probate records of Israel see pages 27 and 28.
Israel Stowell of Hingham, weaver, and Abigail his wife,
sell to John Lewis of Hingham one-third of a lot of planting
land, formerly laid out by the inhabitants of Hingham, to
Stephen Paine ; theirs by inheritance from Samuel StoAvell, the
father of Israel, 19 Jan. 1699. (Suff. Deeds.)
David Stowell, son and surviving Executor of Samuel
Stowell, confirms sale of this land which formerly belonged to
his father and the within one-third part of which was set aside
as Israel's share and quit claims for himself and heirs all right
to said land, 8 March 1699. (Suff. Deeds.)
Isaac Patch of Newton sells to Israel Stowell of Dedham,
Suffolk Co., land in Newton, 15 Oct. 1716. Wife Edith releases
dower. 13 Feb. 1716, Israel Stowell and Abigail, his wife, sell
land in Newton to Charles Chambers, Jonathan Dowc, Jonathan
Remington, Edmupd Goffe and Jonas Bond. (Midd. Deeds.)
Second Generation 35
Children of Israel and Abigail (Fuller) Stowell:
i. Abigail', b, Hingham, Mass., 13 Sept. 1699, m. Newton, Mass.,
7 Feb. 17M, Josiah Pease of Upton, son of Jonathan and Eliza-
beth (Booth) Pease, b. Enfield, Conn., 1706.
Robert Pease came from Ipswich, England in April 1634 in
ship Frances, with wife Marie and settled in Salem. His second
son, John, probably born in England about 1630, married Mary
Goodell, dau. of Robert Goodell. She died 5 Jan. 1669. His
fifth child was Jonathan, bom Salem, 2 Jan. 1669. Jonathan
married 11 Oct. 1692, Elizabeth Booth. They had eight children,
of whom the sixth was Josiah, who married Abigail Stowell.
Children of Josiah and Abigail (Stowell) Pease:
1. Josiah, b. Upton, Mass., 28 June 1735, d. there 20 July
1814, m. there 14 July 1757, Lydia Nutting, b. 1737, d.
Upton, Mass., 1 Feb. 1811, age 74. Children: i. AMgail,
ii. Mary, iii. Aaron, iv. Josiah, v. Stowell.
16. ii. Israel, b. Newton, Mass., about 1703.
. iii. Elizabeth, b. Newton, Mass., 1705, d. Upton, Mass., 1774, uu-
married. In administration of estate of Israel Stowell, 14 Nov.
1726, Elizabeth is described as of age. (Midd. Prob.)
Will of Elizabeth, probated 26 Aug. 1774, Dr. Josiah Deane,
sole Executor, bequeathes to sister Temperance Ozling, to sister 's
son, Jonathan Ozling, to brother Israel Stowell, to sister's son,
Josiah Pease. (Midd. Prob. No. 57141.)
17. iv, Isaac, b. Newton, Mass., 1708.
V. Temperance, b. Newton, Mass., 1712, m. Newton, Mass., 23
Nov. 1736, Jonathan Osland, son of John and Sarah (Hyde)
Osland, b. Ne-w-ton, Mass., 30 June 1706. In administration
of estate of Israel Stowell, 14 Nov. 1726, Temperance is de-
scribed as a minor in her loth year and Robert Murdoch is
appointed her guardian. (Midd. Prob.)
Children (Osland) :
1. Esther, b. Newton, Mass., 25 Aug. 1738.
2. Jonathan.
3. Hannah, m. 1744, William Eurrage, son of John and
Lydia (Ward) Burrage. IISS^-^BO
7. BENJAMIN^ STOWELL {SamueV) was bom in Hing-
ham, Mass., 8 June 1676, d. there 5 Aug. 1730, age 54, m, 21 Feb.
1722-3, Mrs. Ruth (Ward) Bate, dau. of Henry and Ruth
(Bailey) Ward and widow of Samuel Bate of Weymouth, whom
she m. at Weymouth, (Int. 16 Oct. 1714). Samuel died at Wey-
mouth, 31 July i718. He was a son of Deacon Edward Bate.
36 The Stowell Genealogy
Benjamin Stowell lived on Fort Hill St., Hingliam. Was a
Administration granted on estate of Benjamin Stowell, late
of Hingham, deceased, husbandman, to his widow Ruth at
Boston, Mass., 18 May 1731. (Suff. Prob.)
Samuel Ward had land granted him in Hingham in 1636
on the Lower Plain. Was Deputy in 1637 and 1638. Was
Town Clerk in 1646. Owned land on Main and Ward Streets.
He gave Ward's Island in Boston Harbor to Harvard College.
Had two children of whom the first was Henry who married
Remember Farrow, dau. of John and Frances Farrow and a
sister of Mary Farrow, wife of Samuel Stowell. He had twelve
children of whom the third was Henry, b. Hingham, 20 Sept.
1666, who married Ruth Bailey, 25 May 1694. Was the father
of Ruth, who married Benjamin Stowell. He was constable
and lived on High St., Hingham.
Children of Benjamin and Ruth (Bate) Stowell born in
Hingham :
i. RuTH3, b. 11 Feb. 1723-4, d. Hiugham, Mass., 6 Aug. 1742, age
18, m. Hingham, Mass., (Int. 30 Nov. 1740) Dr. Daniel French
of Weymoutli, son of Stephen and Abigail (Beal) French, b.
Hingham, Mass., about 1720, d. there about 1775. He m. 2d.
at Hingham, Mass., 3 Jan. 1744-5, Mary Lan:e of Hingham.
Ho was a physician. Had one cliild by Ruth Stowell:
1. Infant, b. Hingham, Mass., 3 Aug. 1742, d. there 24 Aug.
18, ii. Benjamin, b. 12 Jan. 1726-7.
ilL Israel, bp. 6 Dec. 1730.
Third Generation 37
8. SAMUEL^ STOWELL {Samuel-"-^) was born in Hing-
ham, Mass., bp. 5 June 1687. d. there 8 Dec. 1756, age 69, m.
Seituate, Mass., 11 June 1717, Susanna Lambert of Seituate,
dau. of John and Anna Lambert, b. Seituate, Mass., 1 June 1699,
d. Hingham, Mass., 27 Sept. 1775, age 76. Samuel lived on Fort
Hill St., Hingham.
29 Sept. 1738, Samuel Stowell of Hingham, sells to Peter
Ripley, Jr., of Hingham, two shares of all the undivided lands
in township of Hingham formerly granted by said town to my
grandfather Samuel Stowell, late of Hjngham, deceased. (Suff.
Children all born in Hingham, Mass. :
19. i. Samuel,4 bp. 29 Nov. 1719.
20. ii. Adam, b. 15 Aug. 1722.
21. iii. Joseph, b. 4 Feb. 1726-7.
22. iv. Obadiah, b. 26 July 1730.
V. Rachel, b. 27 May 1734, m. Hangham, Mass., 30 Sept. 1751,
Thomas Eemington, son of Joshua ajid Elizabeth Remington,
b. Hingham, Mass., 22 May 1726. Children (Remington) :
1. JOTHAM, bp. Hingham, Mass., 3 May 1753.
2. Jesse, bp. Hingham, Mass., 29 Dec. 1754, d. there 24 Feb.
Thomas Remington, m. at Hingham, 16 March 1687,
Remember Stowell, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Farrow)
Stowell. They had four children, of whom the second was
Joshua, b. Hingham, Mass., 1690, m. Elizabeth. He d.
1 July 1733, age 43. They had nine children, of whom the
seventh was Thomas, who married Rachel Stowell.
9. J0HN3 STOWELL {Jolin" Samuel^) was born in Hing-
ham, Mass., 14 July 1687, died there 1 Dec. 1767, age 80. He
m, 1st, Seituate, Mass., 27 Dec. 1710, Elizabeth Eells, dau. of
John and Frances (Oviatt) Eells and granddaughter of Maj.
Samuel and Anna (Lenthal) Eells, she a Mayflower descend-
ant. Elizabeth was b. 1693, bp. at Milford, Conn., 8 Oct. 1699,
died at Hingham, Mass., 23 May 1714.
38 The Sto^n'ell Genealogy
Jolin m. 2d at Hingham, Mass., 6 Jaii. 1714-5, Deborah
Garnet (or Gardner) dau. of Stephen and Sarah (Warren)
GaiTiet, b. Hingham, Mass., 9 Oct. 1689, d. Hingham, Mass., 3
July 1728, age 38.
John ra. 3d at Hingham, Mass., 10 April 1729, MLvrgaret
Stoddek Lincoln, dau. of Daniel and IMargaret (MaeVarlo)
Stoddcr and widow of Israel Lincoln, b. Hingham, Mass., bp. 7
June 1691, d. there 24 Nov. 1777, age 86. He resided on Fort
Hill St., Hingham, Was con.stable in 1723, and partner in
Land Bank 17-10.
The will of John Stowell was probated 18 Dec. 1767.
Executors, son Stephen and Benjamin Lincoln, Jr. Bequeathed
to wife Margaret what she brought to me at marriage. To
grandchildren, children of my son John, his right in the dwell-
ing house and one-third part of what I received from Da\-id
Garnet which belongs to them as heire of their grandmother.
Deborah Stowell, deceased. To daughters, Mary Joy, Deborah
Tower and Elizabeth Stowell. Residue to son Stephen.
John Eells was a resident of Dorchester, Mass., from 1633
to 1641, when he returned to England. He had two children
who remained here of whom the second was Samuel- Avho mar-
ried fii*st Anna Lenthal and married second Sarah (Bateman)
North. He held the offices of Custom Master, Commissioner"
To%\-n Clerk of Milford, Captain of the Train Band, Deputy
to the General Court of Conn. Was in King Philip's War.
He moved to Hingham after his second marriage in 1689
where he was Selectman, Commissioner, Deputy to the General
Court of Mass., Major and Justice of the Peace for Suffolk Co.
He had nine children of whom the 4th by Anna Lenthal was
John, bp. at Milford, Conn., 5 June 1670, who married Frances
Oviatt, dau. of Thomas and Frances Oviatt. They had three
children of whom the eldest was Elizabeth who married John
Children of John and Elizabeth (Eells) Stowell all born in
Hingham :
i. Maky», b. 21 Oct. 1711, d. Ilinghnm, M!i.«9., 7 May 1790, ago
78, m. Hingham, Mass., 7 Fob. 17.33 4, Jkj)EDIAh Joy, son of
Joseph and Klizabcth (Andrews) Joy, b. Ilinghani, Mass., 27
Feb. 170.3-4, d. there 10 Oct. 1798, ago 94. Lived at West Hing-
ham, Mass.
Third Generation 39
Thomas Joy settled in Boston in 1638. Went to Hingham
in 16-A6. Erected a saw mill and grist mill there. Elected a
member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in
16(35. Married Joaai Gallop, dau. of John G-allop. They had
nine children of whom Josephs was tlie fourth, who married
Mary Prince, dau. of John and Margaret Prince. Joseph was
Constable in 1673, also Ensign. They had fifteen children, of
whom Josephs was the first, b. Hingham, 30 July 1668, d. there
29 April 1716. Married there 22 May 1690, EUzabeth Andrews,
dau. of Thomas and Ruth Andrews, b. Hingham, 22 Sept. 1665,
d. there 10 Sept. 1743. He was constable 1696 and 1711. Lived
on Main Street. They had nine children, of whom the eighth
wag Jedediah, who married Mary Stowell.
Children of Jedediah and Mary (Stowell) Joy, born Hingham:
1. Nathaniel, b. 19 Nov. 1734, killed in French and Indian
War 1763, m. Hingham, Mass., 26 Nov. 1751, Elizabeth
Whitmarsh, dau. of John and Rachel (Ward) Whitmarsh,
b, Hingham, Mass., 11 Aug. 1733. She m. 2d 1770, John
Hamburg. They lived at Abington, Mass. He was a
farmer. In Col. Thomas' Regt. Had four children:
i. Micah, ii. Lucy, iii. Nathaniel, iv. David.
2. MiCAH, b, 7 June 1736, d. Hingham, Mass., 8 April 1744.
3. Elizabeth, b. 26 June 1738, d. Hingham, Mass., 13 Sept.
4. Mart, b. 11 Sept. 1739, m. Hingham, Mass., 8 May 1758,
Jonathan Ward, and had, 1. Mary.
5. Rachel, b. 25 Dec 1741, m. Hingham, Mass., 15 May 1760,
Isaiah Bates, son of Ebenezer and Sarah (Gaines or Gard-
ner) Bates, b. Hingham, Mass., 30 Sept 1739. Lived at
Abington, Mass., and had children (Bates) : i. Calvin, ii.
Elisabeth, iii. Eachel, iv. Jerome, v. Isaiah.
6. Elizabeth, b. 9 Sept. 1744, d. Hingham, Mass., 16 Jan.
1751-2, age 7.
7. Sarah, b. 28 March 1747, d. Hingham, Mass., 15 Jan. 1751-2.
8. Jedediah, bp. 6 June 1754, d. Hingham, Mass., 9 Nov. 1841,
age 87, m. 1st, 18 June 1786, Susanna Rice, m. 2d, 2 Aug.
1789, Fanny Ranger, b. 1767, d. Hingham, Mass., 31 May
1824, age 57. Jedediah was in the Revolution.
ii. Son, b. 1714, d. Hingham, Mass., 4 May 1714.
Children by 2d wife, Deborah Garnet:
iii. Sarah, b. 23 Oct. 1718, d. Hingham, Mass., 5 Dec. 1720.
23. iv. John, b. 15 March 1719-20.
24, V. Stephen, b. 5 Jan. 1721-2.
vi. Sarah, b. 11 Sept. 1724, d. Hingham, Mass., 27 May 1728.
40 The Stowell Genealogy
vii. Deborah, b. 28 Sept. 1726, d. Cummington, Mass., 7 June 1780,
age 53, m. Hingham, Mass., 25 Nov. 1746, Peter Tower, son
of Peter and Patience (Garnet) Tower, b. Hingham, Mass., 12
Jan. 1728-9, d. Cummington, Mass., 4 Aug. 1814, age 85. He
m. 2d, 11 July 1809, Joanna Baker. They lived in Hingham,
Weymouth and Cummington, Mass. Peter Tower, though over
45, was in Capt. Pyam Cushing's Co. guarding the shore after
the evacuation of Boston by the British in March 1776, also in
Capt. Job Cushing's Co. from 18 Dec. 1776 to 1 April 1777.
Was in Capt. Elias AVhiton's Co. stationed in Boston in 1778.
Left Hingham for Cummington after the close of the war.
Peter Tower came to Hingham in 1637. Was granted land
on Main St. Was a farmer. Fence Viewer and one of Comjnit-
tee on Prudentials. Married Margaret, dau. of Richard Ibrook.
They had ten children of whom the fourth was Jeremiah^, who
married Mrs. Elizabeth Rowland and was a weaver. They had
three cliildi-en, of whom the eldest was Jeremiahs, who married
Hannah Hobart, dau. of John and Hannah (Burr) Fobart.
They had four children, of whom the second was Peter*, born
in Hingham, Mass., 14 Sept. 1701, died there 21 April 1768, m.
there 11 May 1727, Patience Garnet, dau. of Stephen and Sarah
(Warren) Garnet, she bom in Hingham, 3 Sept. 1703. He was
a cooper. They had eight cliildren, of whom the eldest was
Peter"*, who married Deborah Stowell.
Children of Peter and Deborah (Stowell) Tower, born Hingham:
1. Leah, b. 14 Nov. 1747, d. Cummington, Mass., 23 Jan.
1847, age 99, m. Hingham, Mass.. 18 Oct. 1770, Nathaniej.
ToTVEK, son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Teague) Tower, b.
Hingham, Mass., 7 Oct. 1744, d. Cummington, Mass., 9
April 1810, age 65. Resided in Hingham then Cumming-
ton, Mass.
Nathaniel Tower was a soldier of the Revolution. Mem-
ber of Capt. James Lincoln's Co. guarding the shores of
Boston during the siege.
Children, first five born in Hingham, last two bom in
Cummington, Mass. (Tower) : i. Lcnh, ii. Nnlhaniel, iii.
Peter, iv. Amirosc, v. Sally, vi. JVarrcn, vii. Boxy.
2. Sarah, b. 29 April 1750, m. Hingham. Mass., 13 Sept.
1770, Abner Bates, son of David and Hannah (Lincoln)
Bates, b. Weymouth, Mass., 10 Aug. 1740. Children
(Bates): i. John, ii. Jbner, iii. Hannah, iv. Dehhe.
3. Lypia, b. 27 Aug. 1752, m. Hingham, Mass., 6 Jan. 1772,
Bei,a Cu.shiko, son of Frederick and Grace (Bate) Gushing,
or Hozckiah and Lydia Cushing, b. WcjTnouth, Mass., 3 May
1748. Children (Cushing): i. Lydia, ii. Deborah, iii. Han-
nah, iv. Betsey.
Third Generation 41
4. Stephen, b. 24 May 1755, d. Cummmgton, Mass., 25 April
182,6, age 70, m. Scituate, Mass., 21 April 1776, Anna
BowKEK, dau. of Luke and Joanna (Dunbar) Bowker, b.
Scituate, Mass., 13 Sept. 1753, d. Cumfmington, Mass., 2
Jan. 1821, age 67. He m. 2d, Mary, wko d. at Cfumming-
ton, Mass., Sept. 1826, age 56. Children: i. Anna, ii. Ste-
phen, iii. Luke, iv. John, v. David, vi. Joanna, vii. Debo-
rah, viii. Clarissck, ix. Peter, x. Otis, xi. Salome, xii. Galen,
xiii. Bhoda.
5. EuFus, b. 28 Aug. 1757, d. Boston, Mass., 1819, m. Sally,
who m. 2d Thojias Waite of Boston, 20 July 1820. Chil-
dren: i. Eufus, ii. Esther, iii. Frederick.
6. Lucy, b. 25 April 1760, d. Porter, N. Y., 17 March 1831,
m. 1st Hingham, Mass., 31 Jan. 1780, Jonathan Farrow,
son of David amd Sarah (Pratt) Farrow, b. Hinghajn,
Mass., 19 June 1756. She m. 2d at Cummington, Mass., 16
June 1796, John Bailey, who d. Cummington, Mass., 27
Oct. 1826. Children by first m. (Farrow) : i. Lucy, ii.
Peter, iii. Calvin, iv. Sally, v. Jonathan, vi. Susanna. Chil-
dren by 2d m. (Bailey) : vii. Hannah, viii. Joanna, ix.
Polly T., X. Nelson.
7. Asa, b. 18 July 1762, d. Cummington, Mass., 31 Oct. 1843,
age 81, m. Weymouth, Mass., 25 Dec. 1783, Deborah Dyar,
dau. of Stephen and Leah (Bate) Dyar, b. Weymouth, Mass.,
14 Aug. 1766, d. Cununington, Mass., 30 June 1851, age 84.
Children: i. Asa, ii. Polly, iii. Hannah W., iv. Jane, x.
Deborah, vi. Leah, vii. William, viii. Leah, ix. Dyar, x.
Stephen D.
8. Molly, b. 27 April 1765, m. Weymouth, Mass., (Int. 7
July 1807) Moses Johnson of Colerain. Child: i. Purley.
9. Deborah, bp. 4 Oct. 1767, d. Windsor, 3 May 1853, age 85,
m, Weymouth, Mass. (Int. 14 Jan. 1789) JosiAH Pratt,
son of Jonathan and Sarah (Dyar) Pratt, b. Weymouth,
Mass., 21 Jan. 1768, d. Windsor, 14 May 1845, age 77.
Children (Pratt) : i. Deborah, ii. Josiah, iii. Dorrance Gor-
don, iv. Alonzo, V. Philena, vi. Mary A., vii. Caroline.
10. Patience, bp. 22 April 1770, m. Wej-mouth, Mass., 25 Oct.
1790, Joshua Lovel, son of Jacob and Mary (Tower)
Level, b. Weymouth, Mass., 6 Aug. 1761.
Children by 3d wife, Margaret Lincoln:
viii. Elizabeth, bp. 8 Feb. 1729-30, d. Hingham, Mass., 12 Dec. 1815,
age 85, m. Hingham, Mass., 11 Jan. 1749 50, Joseph ST0^VELL,
son of Samuel and Susanna (Lambert) Stowell, b. Hingham,
Mass., 4 Feb. 1726-7, d. there 29 Nov. 1782, age 55. For children
see Joseph Stowell No. 8.
42 The Stowell Genealogy
10. SAMUEL^ STOWELL {Davidf SamueV) was born
about 1687, d. at Walthan, Mass., 12 March 1748, m. at Ply-
mouth, Mass., 5 Nov. 1714, Sarah Cooper, dau. of Richard and
Hannah (Wood) Cooper, of PljTnouth, she a Mayflower descen-
dant, b. Plymouth, IMass., 4 Nov. 1693, d. at Newton, Mass.,
3 April 1781, age 87. Samuel lived in Newton, Waterto^vn,
Waltham and Newi;on Upper Falls, Mass. The Proprietors of
Watertown met at his house 2 Oct. 1724 and granted him land.
25 June 1724, Samuel Stowell of Watertown, Middlesex
County, clothier, and his wife Sarah for £250, quit claim to our
brother John Cooper all our right in the estate of our father
Richard Cooper of Plymouth, deceased. (PhTnouth Deeds.)
6 Aug. 1712, Josiah Green of Salem, clerk, sells to Samuel
Stowell of Newton, his mansion house and barn within the
limits of Newton and pasture land in Newton. (Midd. Deeds.)
10 Sept. 1713, Samuel Stowell of Ne^vton, weaver, sells to
Elisha Dunham of Newton, land in Newton. (Midd. Deeds.)
There is no mention of Avife releasing dower, but Samuel must
have then been of age and been born before 1691.
21 Jan. 1715, John Abbot of Watertown, millwright, for
£100, sells to Samuel Stowell of Ne"v\i;on, fulling mill and small
mansion house in Watertown. (Midd. Deeds.)
6 Jan. 1721-2, Jonathan Pool of Reading sells dwelling
house and fulling mill to Samuel Stowell of Newton. (Midd.
19 Jan. 1721-2, Samuel Stowell of Newton, clothier, sells
to Nathaniel Harris of Watertown, fulling mill and mansion
house in Watertown, wife Sarah releases dower. (Mdd. Deeds.)
21 Nov. 1723, Joseph Bowman of Lexington, sells to Sam-
uel Stowell of Watertown, clothier, land in Watertown. (Midd.
14 June 1725, Noah Parker . of Newton, sells to Samuel
Stowell of Watertown, land in Newton, adjacent to the Upper
Falls on Charles River, with fulling mill, etc. (IV0dd. Deeds.)
Children of Samuel and Sarah (Cooper) Stowell:
i. Hannaii-J, b. about 1715, d. Watertown, Mass., 26 Sept. 1801,
ape 85, m. Watertown, Mass., 11 Oct. 173.3, Jonathan Barn-
ard, son of John and Mary (Morse) Barnard, b. Watertown,
Mass., 20 May 170:3, d. Walthtuu. Mass.. 15 Mwy 1775, iv^o 72.
Thikd Generation 43
Jonathan and Hannah owned the Covenant 12 Oct. 1735, per
Watertown Church records.
John Barnard with wife Phoebe and sons John and Samuel,
left Ipswich, England, 10 April 1634, in ship Eaizabeth for New
England. He was made freeman at Watertown, Mass., in 1635,
proprietor 1636-7, selectman 1644. They had nine children, of
whom the first was John, born in England, 1631, m. at Water-
town, Mass., 15 Nov. 1654, Sarah Fleming, dau. of John and Aim
Fleming of Watertown, where she was born 1 Sept. 1639. They
also had nine children, of whom the first was John, born at
Watertown, Llass., 30 Oct. 1657, m. there first, 5 March 1682-3,
Sarah Cutting, dau. of Richard and Sarah Cutting, b. Water-
town, Mass., 2 Sept. 1651, m. 2d at Watertown, Mass., 17 Nov.
1692, Elizabeth, dau. of Deacom John and Sarah Stone, b. at
Watertown, Mass., 5 May 1672, where she died 6 May 1694.
Ho m. 3d at Watertown, Mass., 23 July 1694, Mary Morse, b.
at Watertown, Mass., 11 Feb. 1671-2. They had nine children,
of whom the seventh was Jonathan, husband of Hannah Stowell.
Children bom Watertown, Mass. (Barnard) :
1. Jonathan, b. 26 Jan. 1734-5, bp. 19 Oct. 1734r5.
2. Phoebe, b. 22 Feb. 1735-6, bp. 29 Feb. 1735-6.
3. Fleming, b. 19 Feb. 1737-8, bp. 26 Feb. 1737-8, d. 23 June
1760, age 22.
4. JosiAH, bp. 12 April 1741, d. Springfield, Mass., 18 Nov.
1758, on return from the Army at Lake George.
5. Edmund, bp. 3 July 1743, m. 25 Nov. 1773, Elizabeth
6. Cornelius, bp. 15 Sept. 1745.
7. Joseph, bp. 10 April 1748.
8. Benjamin, bp. 4 March 1749-50, d. Peru, Vt., 1837, m. 6
Jan. 1774, Lucy Wood, dau. of Nathan and Rebecca
(Haynes) Wood, b. Stow, Mass., 10 April 1751, d. Peru,
Vt., 1847. Lived at Westminster until 1790, then Peru'
Vt., in 1800. Children: i. Louisa, 11. Josiah, iii. Lucy, iv!
Benjamin, v. Hannah, vi. Stowell, vii. Joseph, viii. Nancy
9. Nathan, bp. 8 Dec. 1751, m. Waltham, Mass., 6 Dec. 1781
Sarah Wellington, dau. of Thomas and Margaret (S^one)'
Wellington, b. Waltham, Mass., 10 AprU 1760. Child:
10. Sarah, bp. 2 April 1753, m. Waltham, Mass., 30 Dec. 1778
John Randall. " '
11. Hannah, bp. 17 May 1754, m. Waltham, Mass., 29 Dec
1774, William Stone, son of Moses and Hannah (Tainter)*
Stone, b. Watettown, Mass., 6 Oct. 1750. Children (Stone) •
1. Abigail, ii. Leonard, iii. Bichard, iv. Heimbah, v. Joseph
44 The Stowell Genealogy
vi. Betsey, vii. Susanna, viii. Eliza, ix. Seth, x. Eveline,
xi. Caroline, xii. Anna.
12. JosiAH, bp. 24 Dec. 1758.
ii. Abigail, b. 14 Sept. 1717, bp. 12 June 1748, d. Watertown,
Mass4, 31 March 1789, age 71, m. there 14 March 1755-6, Eben-
EZEB Stone, son of Ebenezer and Sarah (Bond) Stone, b.
Watertown, Mass., 4 Oct 1715, d. there 17 Oct. 1783, age 68.
Child (Stone):
1. Cornelius, b. Watertown, Mass., 20 Xov. 175G, d. there
30 March 1776, age 19.
iii. JosiAH, b. 28 Sept. 1719, d. Brookfield, Mass., 1770. Had a
seat in Watertown Congregational Church in 1741 also in 1748.
Was a member of Christ Church, Episcopal, in Boston before
7 Sept. 1754, when a certificate was given him.
Described as Josiah Stowell of Marlborough in two Midd.
Deeds, 1761-1762. No wife mentioned. Moved to Boston,
March 1764, then to Newton, 11 Oct. 1765.
Administration granted to Cornelius Stowell, 30 May 1770
on estate of Josiah Stowell of Brookfield, Mass., deceased,
weaver. (Wor. Prob. No. 57158) . There is nothing in papers to
show relationsliip of the heirs or whether he was married.
25. iv. Thomas, b. 28 Sept. 1719.
V. Thankful, b. 25 Jan. 1722, m. Weston, Mass. (Ijit. 17 March
1744-5) John Garfield, son of Lt. Thomas and Mercy (Bigelow)
Garfield, b. Weston, Mass., 3 Dec. 1718, d, Weston, Mass., May
Edward Garfield was one of the early proprietors of Water
town. Was Selectman 1638, '55, '62. He married first Rebecca
. Married second, Mrs. Joanna Buckminster. He had
five children, of whom the fourth was Benjamin, who married
first Mehitable Hawkins and second Elizabeth Bridge.
He was captain in the Militia. Was Deputy to the General
Court nine times and held many other oflices.
He had eight children, of whom the fourth was Thomas,
b. Watertown, Mass., 12 Dec. 1680, d. Weston, Mass., 4 Feb.
1762. m. 2 Jan. 1706-7, Mercy Bigelow, dan. of Joshua and
Elizabeth (Flagg) Bigelow, she b. Watertown, Mass., 1686, d.
at Weston, Mass., 28 Feb. 1744-5. They had sax children of
whom the sixth was John, who married Thankful Stowell. Chil-
dren bom Weston, Mass. (Gaefieli>) :
1. Sarah, b. 19 June 1749, m. Weston, Mass., 7 Oct. 1771,
Benjamin Pierce, son of Jonas and Mary (Adams) Pierce,
b. Weston, Mass., 20 May 1744.
2. Infant, b. and d. 7 July 1750.
Third Generation 45
3. John, b. 11 Oct. 1751, m. Weston, Mass., 6 July 1775,
Lucy Smith, dau. of Josiah and Hepsibeth (Steams)
Smith, b. Weston, Mass., 5 March 1747. Children : i. Saa-ah,
ii. John, iii. Abraham, iv. Lucy, v. Samuel, vi. James,
vii. Thomas, Ariii. Isaac, ix. Thankful, x. Abel.
26. vi. Cornelius, b. 13 Sept. 1724.
vii. Sakah, m. Watertown, Mass., 17 Oct. 1749 Josiah Perey, son
of Josiali and Bethia Perry, b. Watertown, Mass., 8 Feb. 1713-4.
He m. 1st 10 March 1735, Elizabeth Harrington, who died
26 Sept. 1748. Sarah was dismissed to Worcester Church 3
Aug. 1752.
viii. Maey, bp. 4 Oct. 1730, m. Ashford, Conn., 25 April 1751, Job
Tyler, son of Ebenezer and Catherine (Bragg) Tyler, b. Attle-
boro, Mass., 18 June 1727, d. Ashford, Conn., 24 Feb. 1800,
age 72. He m. 2d, 6 Oct. 1757, Martha Chaffee, who died
8 April 1796. Job Tyler was Lieut of the 10th Co. 5th Eegt.
Alarm List, Conn. Militia 1777.
ix. EiJZABETH, bp. 18 June 1732.
11. DAVID^ STOWELL OR STOEL (David^ Samuel^)
was born in Newton, Mass., about 1693, bp. in Watertown, Mass.,
20 Nov. 1709, d. Willington, Conn., before 5 Sept. 1763 when
his will was probated. He m. 1st at Newton, Mass., 2 May 1716,
Patience Herrington, dau. of John and Hannah (Winter)
Herrington of Walthan, b. Watertown, (afterwards Cambridge
Farms), Mass., bp. 10 Oct. 1697, d. Newton, Mass., 1 (or 21) Oct.
1724, age 27. David m. 2d, at Newton, Mass., 1 Dee. 1725, Mary
DnxAWAY. He m. 3d at Andover, Mass., (Int. 1 Jan. 1732-3)
Mary Foster of Andover, perhaps dau. of Abraham and Abigail
(Parsons) Foster, b. Ipswich, Mass., 15 May 1715, or dau. of
Caleb and Mary (Sherman) Foster. She m. 2d at Mansfield,
Coim., 10 Feb. 1766, William Ames of Bridgewater, son of
William Ames,
David Stowell resided in Watertown and Newton, Mass.,
and Pomfret and Windham and Willington, Conn. He was a
weaver in Massachusetts and a farmer in Connecticut.
Will of David Stoel of Willington, Conn, dated 14 May
1763, probated 5 Sept. 1763. Wife Mary Stowell and Moses
Holmes, executors.
Bequeaths to wife M'aiy Stoel all household furniture, also
a horse, cow and six sheep and one-half of dwelling house, barn
and farm and fire wood, suitably cut to fit the fire place, as long
46 The Stowell Genealogy
as she remains my widow. To son David Stoel, one-half of
dwelling house, bam and farm, all farming tools and all stock
except that given widow. To sons Isaac Stowell and Samuel
Stoel the whole of 200 acres lying in "Walpole, N. H., to be divided
equally. To grandchildren Jonathan, Josiah, Eunice and
Patience Stoel, children of my late son Ebenezer Stoel, de-
ceased, twenty shillings which upon consideration of a valuable
portion I have heretofore given their father is their full portion
out of my estate. To my daughters and their heirs, viz: Eliz-
abeth Pulsifer, Jerusha Abbott, Anna Stoddard, Mary Royce,
Susannah Lyon, Sarah Royce and Hi+tie Wright, thirty-five
shillings. To my daughter Patience Stoel and her heirs, ten
pounds. To my three sons, David, Isaac and Samuel Stoel, all
my wearing apparel to be divided equally.
David is described as David Stowell of Newton, Mass. in
seven Midd. Deeds 1717 to 1724, as David Stowell of Pomfret,
Conn, in nine Pomfret Deeds 1732 to 1745, as David Stoel of
Pomfret in two Ashford deeds 1740 to 1749, as David Stoel of
Windham, Conn, in three Windham deeds 1745 to 1751, as David
Stoel of Windham in two Pomfret deeds in 1751, as David Stoel
of Willington, Conn, in fourteen Willington deeds 1752 to 1763.
The name is spelled Stowell in three Newton and Andover mar-
riage records.
David Stowell and wife Mary joined Hampton Church,
5 Sept. 1742.
David Stowell sells dwelling in Newton, Mass., 26 Oct.
1724. (Midd. Deeds.) As his Avife Patience died, 1 Oct. 1724,
five days after giving birth to Ebenezer, this sale may have been
of his homestead preparatory- to moving to Pomfret, where his
name appears in 1725.
Administration granted John Herrington, eldest son,
10 Aug. 1741, on estate of John Herrington of Waltham.
(Midd, Prob.) In the division 13 Nov. 1741, it states "we can
not find that the children of Patience Herrington, deceased, the
late wife of David Stowell, have received anything saving nine
pounds paid their motlier in her life time."
David Stoel was undoubtedly a man tf great encrgj^ and
activity as is evidenced by his numerous purchases of land,
frequent removals to new localities, etc.
Third Generation 47
CMldren of David and Patience Stowell all bom in Newton :
i. Elizabeth*, b. 21 Aug. 1719, m. Pomfret, Conn., 2 Oct. 1740,
David Pulcephek. In Pomfret in 1749. In Ware River, Mass.,
later. Went to Rockingham, Vt., in 1766 with wife and five
children. Were charter members of church. Defended the
* ' Rail Fence ' ' at Bunker HiU. Never returned after the battle.
AVas in the Lexington Alarm. Built the first log cabin "Inn"
of Rockingham, Vt., where the town meeting of 28 March 1771
was held. Children (Pulcepher) ;
1. MIary, b. Pomfret, Conn., 29 Jan. 1744, m. John Harwood
of Ware River, Mass. Children: i. Lydia, ii. Polly.
2. Esther, b. Pomfret, Conn., 13 March 1747.
3. John, b. Pomfret, Conn., 8 July 1749. In Revolutionary
War with his father in Battle of Bunker Hill, ' ' marcht for
Ticonderoga. ' ' Was one of the founders of the first Baptist
Church in Rockingham, Vt. Children: i. Oliver, ii. David,
iii. Betsey, iv. Polly, v. John, vi. Elias, vii. Solomon, viii.
Zera, ix. Elijah, v. SibMe, xi. Anannali.
4. David, b. Pomfret, Conn., 6 Oct. 1751, d. there 6 Nov. 1754.
5. Elizabeth, b. Pomfret, Conn., 12 June 1754, m. Capt. John
Fuller, who was tp. Rockiagham, Vt., 29 June 1783. He
was in the Revolution.
6. David, b. Pomfret, Conn., 28 Sept, 1756, d. 14 Jan. 1835,
m. Ist 15 Oct. 1778, Priscilla Russell, dau. of James and
Lucy Russell of Walpole, N. H., b. there 20 Feb. 1754, d.
12 June 1816. He m. 2d, 31 Oct. 1816, Mrs. Joanna
Weaver. Children: i. Elizabeth Stoell, ii. Samuel Wood,
iii. Lucy, iv. Irene, v. Philena, vi. David, vii. Elias, viii.
Paitty, ix. William W.
7. Ebenezer, b. probably Ware River, Mass., m. 20 June 1782,
Unity Reed. Was in Revolution with those who "marcht
to Manchester." Children: i. Esther, ii. Ebenezer, iii.
Anna, iv. Cynthia, v. Ori<n, vi. Handilla, vii. Unity, viii.
Elvira, ix. Josiah Heed.
8. Samuel Wood, b. probably Wnre River, Mass., bp. Rock-
ingham, Vt., 29 June 1783.
ii. Jerusha, b. 22 Sept. 1721, d. Pomfret, Conn., 29 Feb. 1768,
age 46, m. Pomfret, Conn., 9 May 1745, William Abbott, son of
Paul and Elizabeth (Gray) Abbott of Pomfret, Conn., b. Ash-
ford, Conn., 18 Feb. 1723, d. Pomfret, Conn., 1 Nov. 1805. He
m. 2d at Pomfret, Conn., 4 June 1778, Hannah EDMUi'n)S, who
d. Pomfret, Conn., 5 Feb. 1808.
Children (Abbott) :
1. Anna, b. Pomfret, Conn., 20 June 1748, d. there 5 Nov.
1791, age 43.
48 The STO^VELL Genealogy
2. William, b. Pomfret, Conn., 27 May 1752, m. 8 July 1776,
Hannah Snow. Children: i. Asa, ii. Betsey.
3. Elizabeth, b. Pomfret, Conn., 3 March 1756, bp. 25 April
1756, d. Pomfret, Conn., 31 Dee. 1769,
4. Rhoda, b. Pomfret, Conn., 27 July 1761, bp. 9 Aug. 1761.
27. iii. Ebenkzer, b. 26 Sept. 1724.
Children of David and Mary (Dillaway) Stowell born
Newton :
iv. Anna, b. about 1727, d. Pomfret, Conn., 20 June 1804, age 77,
m. Hampton, Conn., 21 Jan, 1748, Ebenezer Stoddard, son of
Eleazer and Susanaiali (Hall) Stoddard of Pomfret, b. Newton,
Mass., 8 March 1721, d. Pomfret, Conn., 2 July 1806, age 85.
Anna •was not the daughter of Jonathan and Margaret Ham-
mond, his first wife. Anna died in 1804, age 77, hence born
1727. Margaret Hammond died 15 May 1722, five years before
the birth of Anna. Jonathan married Margaret Hewett, 6
March 1723, but Anna does not fit in between Margaret, b. 16
Dec. 1726 and Mary, b. 2 Aug. 1728, as there are only nineteen
months between them. Jonathan docs not mention Anna in his
will. David married Mary Dillaway in 1725 and Anna is sup-
posed to be their eldest child. David was a member of Hamp-
ton Church. There is nothing to show Jonathan ever lived at
Children born Pomfret, Conn. (Stoddard) :
1. Judith, b. 24 Sept. 1749.
2. AuusA, b. 5 Dec. 1750, d. 22 April 1807, m. Pomfret, Conn.,
30 Sept. 1804, Lamaris Dean.
3. EBEKliER, b. 10 Sept. 1752, m. Pomfret, Conn., 2 Jan.
1777, Alathea Robinson. He was a farmer. Children:
i. Parley, ii. Alathea, iii. Polly, iv. Ebeneser, v. WiUard,
vi. Otis.
4. Lois, b. 10 Oct. 1759.
5. Anna, b. 9 Jan. 1761.
V. Mart, mentioned in will of David^ as his daughter Mary Royce.
vi. Susannah, b. about 1729. d. Pomfret, Conn., 22 Sept. 1768, m.
Abington, Conn., 16 May 1754, Jonathan Lyon, Jr., son of
Jonathan and Eli7.abcth (SabLn) Lyon, b. Pomfret, Conn., 19
March 1732. Children bom Pomfret, Conn. (Lyon) :
1. Amarylide, b. 2 April 1755. .1. Ponifrot, Conn.. 11 Sept. 1764.
2. Susanna, b. 15 July 1757.
3. Alkthea, b. 7 July 1759, d. Pomfret, Conn., 8 Aug. 1763.
4. Alanson, b. 11 Jan. 1762, d. Pomfret, Conn,, 12 Sept. 1764.
5. Alethea, b. 26 Sept. 1765.
6. Amaryllys, b. 12 June 1767.
Third Generation 49
Children of David and Mary (Foster) Stowell born Pom-
fret, Conn.:
vii. Sakah, b. 1 Jan. 1734, m. Mansfield, Conn., 12 Jan. 1756, John
RoYCE, son of James and Mehitable (Arnold) Eoyce, b. Mans-
field, Conn., 24 Feb. 1721-2. Children all bom at Mansfield,
Conn. (Koyce) :
1. Lemuel, b. 13 Jan. 1757.
2. Jerusha, b. 29 June 1758.
viii. Mehitable, b. 20 June 1735, m. Ashford, Conn., 14 March 1755,
John Weight, son of John and Judith Wright, b. Ashford,
Conn., 18 Feb. 1732-3.
Children born in Asliford, Conn. (Wright) :
1. Mary, b. 9 April 1756.
2. Phoebe, b. 29 Oct. 1757.
3. DAvro, b. 18 July 1759.
4. JuDAH, b. 5 July 1761.
5. Clara, b. 5 June 1763.
6. Elijah, b. 22 Jan. 1765.
7. Asa, b. 13 Oct. 1766.
8. Amasa, b. 13 Oct. 1766.
28. ix. Davit, b. 7 July 1736.
29. X. Isaac, b. 6 Oct. 1739.
.SO. xi. Samitel, b. 2 Sept. 1742.
sii. Patience, b. 16 Oct. 1744, bp. Hampton, Conn., 4 Nov. 1744.
xiii. Elijah, b. . Probably died young as he is not mentioned
in the will of his father, David.
12. MARY^ STOWELL {David'' Samuel^) was baptised at
Watertown, Mass., 20 Nov. 1709, died 7 March 1770, married
at Boston, Mass., (Int. 2 April 1718) John King of Boston, his
second marriage.
John King, born in Kent, England, came to Boston in the
latter part of the 17th century. He had five children by his
first wife, viz. : John, Elizabeth, William, Richard and Lydia.
Of these Richard died when three years old. His eldest child
by his second wife, Mary Stowell, was also named Richard.
These two Richards have led to some confusion as to which was
the maternal ancestor of the many prominent descendants of
Richard King of Scarboro, but it was unquestionably Mary
There has also been some doubt as to whether John King
married the Mary Stowell who was the daughter of David of
50 The Stowt<:ll Genealogy
Newton, or Mary the daughter of William of Hingham. This
is settled, however, by the Boston Marriage Kecords and by
the Middlesex Probate. The Boston Records give "John King.
Int. marriage, 2 April 1718 to Mary Stowell of Newton."
Administration was granted on estate of Benjamin Stowell,
late of Newton, deceased, son of David, unmarried, to his
brother John Stowell. 11 Feb. 1731, John Stowell signs to the
Court that he "has notified the following heirs to appear, viz.:
Samuel Stowell, Euth Osborn and Mary King." (Midd. Prob.
No. 15585.)
We know John, Benjamin, Samuel and Ruth were children
of David ; hence, Mary King was the daughter of David Stowell
of Newton. Mary Stowell of Hingham was the only child of
William Stowell and married Nathaniel Pitty of Weymouth,
as appears in the Hmgham and Weymouth Records.
The parentage is further confirmed by the History of Paris,
Me. "Samuel Stowell, John Stowell and Richard King were
among the original grantees in 1736 of Township No. 4, now
Paris, ]Me. ' ' This Samuel and John Stowell are the same as those
mentioned in above probate and were children of David of
Newton and they joined with them their nephew Richard King,
the son of their sister Mary (Stowell) King, in the grant.
The children of John and Mary (Stowell) King Avere
pioneer settlers in that part of Massachusetts, then known as the
Province, now as the state of Maine. They were prominent in
shaping its destinies, were men of great energj^ and high
character and covered a wide field of activity in both business
and political affairs. Their remarkable versatility and command-
ing influence in shaping public opinion, both before and during
the Revolution, and the prominence of their descendants in
Legislative, Executive and Diplomatic positions in State and
Nation has been universally recognized.
Mary King was admitted to New North Church, Boston, 20
June 1725.
Children of John and Mary {Stowell) King:
i. KiciiARDi, 1). ]io.stoii. Mu.^s.. ITJS. .1. Suirlioro. Mi-.. 127 March
177.0, Hge 57, m. Scarboro, Me., 20 Nov. 1753, Sebella (Isa-
bella) BiiAGDON, dan. of Samuel and (Banks) Brandon
of York, Me., b. there 8 April 1731, d. Scarboro, Me., 19 Oct.
1759, age 28. Richard m. 2d, Scarboro, Mo., 31 Jan. 1762, Makt
Third Generation 51
Black, b. York, Me., 8 Oct. 1736, d. Scarboro, Me., 28 May
1816, age 79.
Lived at Watertown, Mass. and Scarboro, Me. Apprenticed
as house wriglit. Formed partnership with Ebenezer Thornton
of Watertown for timber and ship building. Lived in Boston
until 1748. He bought from William Clear, of Boston, land
at "Dunston Landing." This is the first record of his being
in Scarboro. Bought house and additional land, 5 Nov. 1748.
Was the first constable of Scarboro. Selectman 1757, '58, '59,
'60. Was Commissary of Subsistence and Captain in the
forces that captured Louisburg in 1745 under General Pepperell.
Was farmer, merchant, ship owner and magistrate in Scarboro'
Children of Richard and Sebella (Bragdon) King:
1. RuFUS, b. Scarboro, Me., 24 March 1755, d. New York City,
29 April 1827, age 72, m. there 30 March 1786, IVIary Ajlsop,
dau. of Hon. John Alsop, a merchant of New York City,
she b. New York City, 17 Oct. 1769, d. Jamaica, N. Y.,
5 June 1819, age 49.
Rufus King was a graduate of Harvard in 1777. Was
Major and Aid on Staff of Gen. Glover in Rhode Island,
1778. Member of Mass. General Court from Newburyport
1783-84. Delegate from Mass. to the Continental Congress
1784. Member of Convention that framed the Constitution
of the United States 1787. Member of Convention of
Mass, which ratified the Constitiition of the United States
1788. Senator of U. S. from New York 1789-1796, 1813-
1819, 1820-1825. Appointed Minister to Great Britain by
Washington 1796. Continued Minister to Great Britain
under Adams and Jefferson until 1803. Was again Minister
to Great Britain under J. Q. Adams 1825. Inflexibly op-
posed to slavery in the Union. Orator, Statesman, Patriot.
Children of Rufus and Mary (Alsop) King:
i. John Alsop, b. 3 Jan. 1788, m. 3 Jan. 1810, Mary
Ray. He was educated at Harrow School, England, in
same class with Lord Byron and Sir Robert Peel, Prime
Minister. Was member several terms of the New York
House of Representatives. Member of New York Sen-
ate 1823. Secretary Legation, London, 1S25. Member
of U. S. Congress 1849-1851. Governor of State of
New York, 1856-1860.
ii. Charles, b. 16 March 1789, m. 1st Eliza Grace, m,
2d, Henrietta Low. He was member of New York
House of Representatives 1813. Editor North Ameri-
can. President Columbia College, N. Y.
52 The Stowell Genealogy
iii. James Gore, b. 8 May 1791, m. Sarah GtRace. He
was a banker. Member U. S. Congress 1849-1851.
iv. Henry, d. young.
V. Edward, b. 13 March 1799, m. Sarah Worthington,
dau. of Gov. Worthington of Ohio. He was president
of State Senate of Ohio. One of the most famous ora-
tors of the West.
vi. Frederick Gore, b. 6 Feb. 1802, m. Emily Post.
vii. Caroline, d. youmg.
2. Mary, b. Scarboro, Me., 2 Nov. 1757, d. 30 March 1824,
age 67, m. 23 June 1773, Dr. Kobert Southgate, son of
Stewart and Elizabeth (Scott) Southgate, b. Leicester, 26
Oct. 1741, d. 2 Nov. 1833, age 92.
'3. Pauline, b. Scarboro, Me., 1 March 1759, d. Portland, Me.,
27 Feb. 1832, age 73, m. Scarboro, Me., 3 May 1777, Db.
Aaron Porter, son of Moses Porter, b. Boxford, Mass.,
28 March 1752, d. Portland, Me., 30 June 1837, age 85. He
was member of Legislature 1790-1812.
Children of Richard and Mary (Black) Kjng:
4. Richard, b. Scarboro, Me., 22 Dec. 1762, d. there 27 Oct.
1830, age 67, m. there 14 Jan. 1790, Hannah Larrabee,
b. 22 June 1771, d. 23 May 1845, age 73.
5. Isabella, b. Scarboro, Me., 8 Sept. 1764, d. there 12 Sept.
6. Dorcas, b. Scarboro, IMe., 20 May 1766, d. Saco, Me., 6
Oct. 1833, age 67, m. 28 Dec. 1786, Joseph Leland, son of
Phineas and Lydia (Fletcher) Lelamd, b. Grafton, Mass.,
30 Dec. 1756, d. Saco, Mc, 29 May 1839. Joseph Leland
was in Battle of Bunker Hill.
7. William, b. Scarboro, Me., 9 Feb. 1768, d. Bath, Me.,
17 July 1852, m. Ann N. Frazier. He was a member of
Mass. House of Representatives 1804-5-6-7. Member Mass.
Senate 1808-9-10-11. Major General Militia 1807-1812.
Democratic Candidate for Lt. Governor of Massachusetts
1812, 13, 16, 17, defeated each time. President Constitu--
tional Convention of Maine. First Governor of the new
state of Maine, 1821. For twenty-eight years Trustee
of Bowdoin College. His statue stands in the Capitol at
Washington as one of the representatives of the State of
8. Ei.izABKTH, b. Scarboro, Mo., 7 Jan. 1770. ni. Dr. Benjamin
James Porter.
9. Cyrus, b. Scarboro, Mo., 6 Sept. 1772, d. Saco, Me., 25
April 1817, m. TTav^'Att Storfr. TTo wjiq •> grndnnto of
Columbia College 1794. Member U. S. Congro.sa 1813-1817.
Third Generation 53
ii. Mary, b. Boston, Mass., 8 June 1719, m. 25 June 1738, Joseph
Granby of Casco Bay, Me.
iii. Saeah, b. Boston, Mass., 27 Feb. 1720-1, bp. New North Church,
27 June 1725.
iv. Mehitable, d. Saco, Me., 15 May 1810,
V. "William, b. Boston, Mass., bp. New North Church, 27 June
1725, m. 6 Nov. 1751, Mary Gold wait.
vi. David, b. Boston, Mass., bp. Nevv^ North Church, 12 Aug. 1726,
d. Saco, Me., 11 IMarch 1807, age 80, m. there 14 March 1762,
Elizabeth Gray, b. 1746, d. Saco, Me., 17 March 1777, age -31.
viii. Eebecca, b. Bostom, Mass., bp. New North Church, 10 Nov.
1728, m. 10 March 1746, Luke Welch.
viii. JosiAH, b. Boston, Mass., bp. New North Church, 4 April 1731,
d. Boston, Mass., 24 March 1786, age 54, m. 14 July 1757,
Mary Cannon.
ix. Martha, b. Boston, Mass., bp. New North Church, 2 Sept. 1733,
d. Saco, Me., 11 May 1810, age 76, m. 1st, 13 Oct. 1757,
Benjamin Swan. She m. 2d, 30 Aug. 1772, John Kneeland.
X. Katherine, bp. 23 May 1736.
Since those Eevolutionary days many descendants also
have occupied prominent places in Legislative, Military and
Educational positions, notably Gen. Horatio King, who was
Postmaster General.
The writer remembers that some fifty years ago, being a
young man, he used to feel quite mystified and flattered at the
marked cordiality shown him by Gen. King during their con-
versations. It was explained later when the subject turned to
family history and Gen. King remarked, "You know the first
King, the immigrant John, born in England, married Mary
Stowell and our family have always regarded her as the mother
of all the Kings in America and have held her in high esteem
on account of her strong character and brilliant intellect and
attribute to her the talents possessed by so many of her descend-
ants. That is the reason I take such a warm interest in the
Stowell family."
13. JONATHAN^ STOWELL {BavidJ' Samuel^) was bom
at Newton, Mass., about 1697, bp. at Watertown, Mass., 20 Nov.
1709, d. Ashford, Conn., between 31 Jan. and 17 Aug. 1776. He
married first at Newton, Mass., 8 Oct. 1719, Margaret Hammond,
dau. of Isaac and Ann (Kenrick) Hammond, b. Newton, Mass.,
54 The Stowell Genealogy
25 Aug. 1694, d. there 15 May 1722, age 27. He married second
at Roxbury, Mass., 6 March 1722-3, JVIargaret He\\t:tt, dau. of
Hercules and Jane Hewett, b. Boston, Mass., 23 June 1694.
He m. 3d, Amy or Ama (perhaps Amy Russ, dau. of Abraham
and Hannah Russ) b. 1707, d. Abington, Conn., 3 Nov. 1793,
age 86. She m. 2d, Gershom Richardson.
Jonathan resided in NeAvton, ]\Iass., until 1725, then Pom-
fret, Conn., until 1733, then Ashford, Conn. Was a clothier in
Newton and a farmer in Conn.
Will of Jonathan Stowell, dated 31 Jan. 1776, gives to his
wife Amy one-third; to his daughters, Margaret Scarborough
and Meriam Smith one-third ; to his grandchildren, the children
of son Jonathan, deceased, Amasa, Areulus, Elledurin, Mary,
John, Nathan and Jonathan one-third. Executor, Nathaniel
Loomis of Ashford. Probated 17 Aug. 1776. On death of wife
her one-third to be divided equallj^, one-half of it to his
daughters and one-half to his grandchildren. Inventory
£357.12.2 returned 4 Dec. 1776. (Pomfret Probate.)
He is described as Jonathan Stowell of Newton, Mass., in
seven Middlesex Deeds 1718 to 1722. As Jonathan Stoel of
Pomfret, Conn., in one deed, 30 April 1728, when he first buys
land in Ashford. As Jonathan Stoel of Ashford, Conn., in ten
deeds 1733 to 1772.
5 March 1718, Obadiah Coolidge, John Sawin and Daniel
Bond sell for £100 land in Newton to Jonathan Stowell of
Newton, clothier. (Midd. Deeds.) This deed shows Jonathan
could not have been a son of Israel and that he was of age in 1718.
6 July 1721, Jonathan Stowell of Ne\vton, sells to John
Chandler all right he has, by right of his wife, in the estate of
his Avife's father, Isaac Hammond, the widow Ann Hammond
having a life interest in the same. Margaret, his wife, releases
dower. (Midd. Deeds.)
25 July 1721, Isaac Hammond of Newton, sells right to
his share of his father Isaac Hammond's, deceased, estate to
Jonathan Stowell of Newton, subject to mother Ann Hammond's
u.se for life. (Midd. Deeds.)
19 Sept. 1722, Daniel Raynsford of Canterbury, Conn.,
hu.sbandman, and Hannah his wife, the daughter of Isaac
Hammond of Newton, IVIiddlesex Co., Mass., yeoman, deceased,
Third Generation 55
to brother-in-law Jonathan Stowell of Newton, clothier, their
right to estate of their mother Ann Hammond. (Midd. Deeds.)
9 Feb, 1724-5, Jonathan StoweJl of Newton and wife
Margaret, sell all right and interests in estate of Ann Hammond
to A. Hammond. (Midd. Deeds.)
Jonathan Stoel of Pomfret, Conn., buys from John Brooks,
two parcels of land of 100 acres for £110, 30 April 1728. (Ash-
ford Deeds.) This is the first instance anywhere in any will,
deed or vital statistic, where the name is spelled "Stoel."
Jonathan had no children by first wife Margaret Hammond
as far as known nor by third wife Amy.
Children of Jonathan and Margaret (Hewett) Stowell:
i. Maegaket*, b. Pomfret, Conn., 16 Dec. 1726, m. Ashford, Conn.,
1 Feb. 1743-4, Stephen Scarborough.
6 March 1781, Margaret Scarboro of Ashford appointed
Administratrix of estate of Stephen Scarboro, late of Ashford,
deceased. Division to Margaret Scarborough, widow; to John
Scarborough, eldest son; to Stephen, the second son; to Joseph,
the third son; to Elisha, the youngest son; to Hannali Keyes,
the eldest daughter; to daughter, Abigail Thorn; to daughter,
Mary Watkins; to youngest daughter, Margaret Scarborough,
9 May 1781. (Pomfret Prob.)
Children bom Ashford, Conn. (Scarborough) :
1. Hannah, b. 18 Sept. 1744, m. Keyes.
2. John, b. 12 Feb. 1745-6.
3. Mary, b. 11 May 1749, m. Watkins.
4. Stephen, b. 7 Oct. 1752, m. Ashford, Conn., 4 July 1782,
Mary Harris. Children: 1. Elias, ii. Chester, iii. Folly,
iv. Johv, V. Stephen, vi. Mary, vii. Danforth.
5. Abigail, b. 29 July 1754, m. Thorn.
6. Joseph, b. 26 Nov. 1756.
7. LIaroaret, b. 26 June 1759.
8. Elisha, b. 15 April 1763.
ii. Mary, b. Pomfret, Conn., 2 Aug. 1728, d. Ashford, Conn.,
10 Jan. 1761, age 32, m. Ashford, Conn., 6 Dec. 1748, Josl\h
Smith. He m. 2d at Asliford, Conn., 29 Dec. 1761, Mary
"Watkins, who d. 18 June 1770. Cliild (Smith) :
1. Josiah, b. Ashford, Conn., 3 Oct. 1758.
iii. Meriam, b. Ashford, Conn., 29 May 1737, d. there about 1795,
m. there about 1757, Hezekiah Smith, who d. at Ashford,
Conn., about 1789. John Stowell, son of Jonathan, sells his
aunt, widow Meriam Smith, land left him by his grandfather
56 The Stowell Genealogy
Jonathan, 2 April 1791, Nathan Stowell, son of Jonathaji,
sells his aunt same as above, 21 May 1792.
31 March 1778, Gershom Eichardson and Ama Richardson,
present wife of said Gershom, both of Stafford, Conn., quit
claim to Hezekiah Smith of Ashford for £45, all right to 13
acres of land in Ashford, and part of house and bam, lately
owned by Jonathan Steel, late of Ashford, deceased, which
was set off to Ama Richardson, widow and relict of Jonathan
Stowel, as her thirds in his estate. (Ashford Deeds.)
Mrs. Meriam Smith was appointed Administratrix of estate
of her late husband Hezekiah Smith. (Pomfrct Prob., Vol. 5,
p. 385.)
Billarky Snow ^tis granted administration on estate of
Mrs. Meriam Smith, late of Ashford, deceased, 3 March 1795.
(Pomfret Prob., Vol. 8, p. 81.)
Children of Hezekiah and Meriam (Stowell) Smith:
1. Amos, b. A.shford, Conn,, 21 March 1768.
2. Jonathan.
ri. Oliver.
4, Hezekiah.
5, Meriam,
0, Mary, m. Ashford, Conn., 17 May 1781, Billarky Snow,
son of Samuel and Hannah Snow, b. Ashford, Conn., 18
Sept. 1757. Cliildren (Snow) : 1. FJeazer, ii. Smith, iii.
Cynthia, iv. Clyna, v. Myra, vi. Meriam.
31. iv. Jonathan, b. 9 April 1740.
14. JOHN^ STOWELL (David^ Samuel^) was* born at
Newton, Mass., bp. at "Watertown, Mass., 20 Nov. 1709, d.
Worcester, Mass., before 1 Dee. 1762, m. Wejonouth, iMass.,
(Int. 1 Nov. 1722) Mrs. Sarah (Magoon) Ford, dau. of James
and Sarah Magoon and widow of Hezekiah Ford, b. Scituate,
Mass., bp. 18 Sept. 1709. She m. 1st at Scituate, Mass., 8 Dec.
1720, Hezekiah Ford. There were three Maroon ehiklren all
baptised on the same day, viz.: 18 Sept, 1709, after the death of
their father, James. Sarah, mentioned fii-st and presumably
the oldest, was bom about 1703.
John Stowell lived in Ne^vton until 1725, then Watertown
until 1743, then Worcester, Mass, Was a farmer. He held
various offices in Watertown, Was elected fence viewer, 4
March 1727, and March 1728, tythinf:man 6 March 1731, con-
stable 28 June 1737, one of a committee on I'rudentials, 1 Alay
Third Generation 57
1724, 23 April 1731 and 29 May 1734. Bought a seat in tlie
Watertown Church in 1732. He was evidently a land speculator
as nearly 40 deeds are recorded of his purchases and sales in
Newton, Watertown and "Worcester, mostly after 1731.
In 7 Middlesex Deeds 1718-1725 John is described as of Newton.
In 14 Middlesex Deeds 1725-1741 John is described as of
In 7 Worcester Deeds 1742 — John is described as of Watertown.
In 7 Worcester Deeds 1744-1762 John is described as of
In 2 Plymouth Deeds John is described as of Worcester.
In 1 Plymouth Deed John is described as of Watertown.
10 June 1743, Abaisha Rice of Worcester sells to John
Stowell of Watertown "my tenant of housing and land in
Worcester where I now live, 100 acres." (Wor. Deeds.) The
house, now No. 48 Granite St., is part of the old homestead, has
always been in possession of the family and is now occupied by
his descendants.
1 Dec. 1762, Bond of Administration of John Stowell, yeo-
man and David Curtis, housewright, both of Petersham and
Benjamin Stowell of Worcester, for John Stowell as Admin-
istrator on estate of his late father, John Stowell, late of
Worcester, deceased. (Wor. Prob. No. 57155.)
The town of Pomfret was on a purchased tract. A list of
the proprietors in 1731 mentions David, Jonathan and Nathaniel
Stowell as living west of this purchase. Then it says "The
Thomas Grow settlement was near the Windham line, now in-
cluded in the town of Hampton. A large tract of land west
of the purchase was owned and occupied by John Stowell."
(Hist, of Windham, p. 529.) His name does not appear after-
wards in the records. He was a brother of David, Jonathan
and Nathaniel and evidently bought land near them when they
did and lived there for a short time ; but soon returned to Water-
town for all his children, except John, are recorded as bom in
Watertown. John may have been born in Connecticut.
Children of John and Sarah (Ford) Stowell:
i. Sarah*, b. Newton, Mass., 14 Aug. 1723, bp. 15 Nov. 1741,
m. Sturbridge, Mass. (Int. 16 June 1743) David Curtis, son
of Thomas and Phoebe (Gould) Curtis, b. Ajidover, Ma^s., Jam.
58 The Stowell Genealogy
1721-2, d. Petersham, Mass., 13 Sept. 1806, age 85. Lived at
Sturbridge and Petersham, Mass. Children (Cimxis) :
1. Samuel, b. Sturbridge, Mass., 18 Dec. 1744, m. Peter-
sham, Mass., 5 April 1767, Susanna Miles, dau. of Da,mel
and Susanna Miles, b. Petersham, Mass., 20 Dec. 174 — .
2. Saeaii, b. Sturbridge, Mass., 1 March 1747, d. Petersham,
Mass., 2 April 1827, age 80, m. there 14 Aug. 1766, Joseph
Gleason, son of Isaac and Thankful (Wilson) Gleason, b.
Framingham, Mass., 3 Feb. 1743, d. Petersham, Mass., 19
Sept. 1814, age 71. Children (Gleason) : i. SaraJi, ii.
Deborah, iii. Molly, iv. Fanny, v. David, vi. Lucinda, vii.
Litci'ida, viii. Joseph, ix. Betsey, x. Curtis.
3. Molly, b. Sturbridge, Mass., 6 Maich 1748-9, d. Peter-
sham, Mass., 6 Sept. 1834, age 85, m. there 8 March 1768,
Jonathan Sanderson, son of Nathaniel and Mary (Drury)
Sanderson, b. Petersham, Mass., 6 Sept. 1740, d. there 26
Dec. 1832, age 92. Children (Sanderson) : i. John, ii. Su-
sannah, iii. Curtis, iv. Sarah, v. ilolla, vi. Joel.
4. David, b. Sturbridge, Mass., 6 Sept. 1751, m. Petersham
Mass. (Int. 5 Oct. 1777) Mrs. Mary Foster of New Salem,
5. EujAH, b. Sturbridge, Mass., 2C July 1754.
6. Priscilla, b. Petersham, Mass., 14 Oct. 1757, d. Phillipston,
Mass., 3 Feb. 1808, m. Petersham, Mass., (Int. 15 Aug.
1778) Edward Powers, Jr., son of Edward and Mary
(Nourse) Powers, b. Petersham, Mass., 10 Sept. 1754, d-
Phillipston, Mass., 9 Sept. 1830, ago 76. Children (Pow-
ers) : i. Sally, ii. OUver, iii. Sylvi<j, iv. PrisoUla, v. Ed-
7. Thomas, b. Petersham, Mass., 28 Oct. 1759, d. there 26
Fob. 1839, age 79, m. there 10 May 1782, Mary Clark.
dau. of David and Sarah Clark, b. Petersham, Ma^s., 29
Nov. 1762. Cliild: i. UannaJi.
8. Eunice, b. Petersham, Mass., 14 Aug. 1761, d. there 20
July 1814, age 53, m. there 4 Nov. 1780, Jacob Powers.
son of Edward and Mary (Nourse) Powers, b. Pofershnm,
Mass., 6 June 1759, d. there 4 April 1812, age 52. Children
(Powers) : i. Eunice, ii. David, iii. Jonathan, iv. Lydia-, v.
Betsey, vi. Mary, vii. Betsey, \-iii. Susannti. ix. Joel, x.
Jacob, xi. Curtijf, xii. SaUy.
9. PnvnENCE. b. Petersham, Mass., 2 Fob. 1765, m. there 4
Jan. 1782, Eli.sha Chase, son of Henry and Abigail (Strnt-
ton) Chase, b. Petersham, Mass., 16 Jan. 1759.
32. ii. John, b. Wntortown, Mass., or Pomfret, Conn., 1726.
Third Generation 59
iii. James, b. Watertown, Mass., 4 July 1728, d. Watertown, Mass.,
15 July 1728.
33. iv. Benjamin, b. Watertown, Mass., 4 May 1730.
34. V. Hezekiah, b. Watertown, Mass., 25 Dec. 1732.
vi. Jerusiia, b, Watertown, Mass., 1 Feb. 1734-5, d. Worcester,
Mass., 3 Sept. 1801, age 66, unnuarried.
vii. Jemima, b. Watertown, Mass., 6 March 1736-7, d. after 30 June
1798, unmarried. Jemima and Jerusha both mentioned in will
of their brother Benjamin, dated 30 June 1798.
35. viii. David, b. Watertown, Mass., bp. 30 March 1740.
36. ix. Hugh.
15. NATHANIEL^ STOWELL {David'- SamueV) was bom
in Newton, Mass., about 1703, bp. Watertown, Mass., 20 Nov.
1709, d. Pomfret, Conn., 11 March 1757, m. at Newton, Mass.,
22 Oct. 1731, Margaret Trowbridge, dan. of James and Hannah
(Bacon) Trowbridge, b. Newton, Mass., 29 Oct. 1709, d. Pomfret,
Conn., 3 Nov. 1794, age 85. He lived at Pomfret and Abington,
Conn, Was a farmer. He had land in Pomfret deeded to him in
1730, west of Thomas Grove's settlement, near the Windham
line. He was in Abington in 1752. Was heaviest tax payer.
Had first choice of pews after the town officials in New Abington
Church, May 1753. In seven deeds he is described as Nathaniel
Stowell of Pomfret, name spelled Stowell, 1730 to 1751.
Division of real estate April 1757 to Margaret (widow),
Ephraim (eldest son), Nathaniel, Elisha, Daniel, Oliver and
Lemuel. Seth and Hannah not mentioned. In 1763 Seth
receipts for his share of his father's estate. (Prob, Kec. Dist.
of Pomfret.)
Division of personal estate of Nathaniel Stowell, late of
Pomfret, deceased, to ye relict and heirs, namely: to Margaret
Stowel, widow; to Ephraim Stowel, eldest son; to Nathaniel
Stowel, second son ; to Daniel Stowel, third son ; to Elisha Stowel,
fourth son; to Seth Stowel, fifth son; to Oliver Stowel, sixth
son; to Hannah Stowel, daughter; to Lemuel Stowel, seventh
son, 10 May 1758. (Pomfret Rec.)
1 March 1796, Ephraim Stowel, administrator of estate of
Margaret Stowel, late of Pomfret, deceased, (her thirds in the
estate of Nathaniel Stowel, deceased) estate divided to eldest
son Ephraim two ninths; to only daughter Hannah Stowel, to
60 The ST0^VELL Genealogy
son Lemuel the whole of remainder of the thirds, he having
purchased the other five rights from Nathaniel, from the heirs
of Daniel and from Elisha, Oliver and Seth. (Pomfret Rec.)
Children born in Pomfret, Conn.:
EphraimS b. 2 Oct. 1732.
Nathaniel, b. 7 Dec. 1734.
Daniel, b. 2 Aug. 1737.
ErjsHA, b. 9 Feb. 1740.
Seth, b. 9 Sept. 1742.
Oliver, b. 7 Dee. 1744.
vii. Hannah, b. 18 April 1747, d. Pomfret, Conn., Dec. 1832, age
85. Hannah Stowell deeds to Lemuel Stowell land inherited
from their father, 13 June 1774. (Pomfret Deeds.)
43. viu. Lemuel, b. 4 March 1750.
ix. Robert. The U. S. Census for 1790, gives a Robert Steel at
Stafford, Conn., with 1 male over 16, 2 males under 16, 4
females. May possibly be a son of Nathaniel.
16. ISRAEL'' STOWELL {Israel^ SamueV) was born in
Newton, Mass., about 1703 and died there 21 March 1776 age 73,
m. there 8 Oct. 1729, Sakah Cheney, dau. of Joseph and Sarah
(Wiswall) Cheney, b. Newbury, Mass., 30 Sept. 1704, d. Newton,
:Mass., 7 Oct. 1775, age 71.
Israel was surveyor of highways, 4 March 1733, selectman in
1741-49-50-52-58-63. Was on school committee, 7 March 1748.
Ten deeds in Suffolk and Middlesex Counties describe him as of
Newton and spell the name Stowell.
The immigrant John Cheney settled in Roxbury, 1635, went
to Newbury in 1636 where he was given a large tract of land.
He had ten children of whom Daniel, born in England in 1633,
married Sarah Bayley, dau. of Jokii and Eleanor (Emory)
Daniel had eight children of whom the seventh was Joseph,
bp. at Newbury, Mass., 9 April 1682, d. 2 May 1749, m. Int.
Newbury, 14 Nov. 1702, Sarah Wiswall, dau. of Noah and
Theodocia (Jackson) Wiswall. He was constable and collector
in 1723. He had five children of whom Sarah, the eldest, mar-
ried Israel Stowell.
Third Generation 61
Children of Israel and Sarah (Cheney) Stowell:
44. i. Israel*, b. Nevpton, IMass., 16 Nov. 1732.
ii. Sarah, b. Newton, Mass., 29 Dec. 1733, d. Newton, Mass., 1741.
45. iii. Joseph, b. Newton, Mass., 1 Feb. 1735-6.
iv. Daniel, b. Newton, Mass., 20 May 1738, d. Westward in the
King's Service, 26 Oct. 1760, age 22. Private in Capt. Ephraiin
Jackson's Co. from 17 March to 26 Oct. 1760.
46. V. Enoch, b. Newton, Mass., 16 July 1740.
vi. Abigail, b. Newton, Mass., 29 Jan. 1742-3, d. 4 Dec. 1772, m.
Newton, Mass., 4 Oct. 1770, Jacob Packajid, son of Jacob and
Dorothy (Perkins) Packard, b. Bridgewater, Mass., 11 Aug.
47. vii. Abijah, b. Newton, Mass., 12 May 1745.
viii. Ehoda, m. Natick, Mass., 2 Sept. 1792, Joseph Bacon, son of
Joseph and Abigail (Coal) Bacon, b. Sherbom, Mass., 7 Sept.
ix. Elizabeth.
As the three brothers, Da\ad, Jonathan and Nathaniel,
the sons of David^, went to Connecticut and as their descendants
comprise one-half of all the Stowells in America, it became a
tradition that the Stowell family were descended from three
So the three brothers, Israel, Joseph and Enoch Stowell,
sons of IsraeP, went in 1764 to Winchester, N. H. and became
the progenitors of about one quarter of all the Stowells, thus
strengthening the "three brothers" tradition.
They evidently cut loose from their old Newton home for
on the 27 May 1776, they sold, their wives releasing dowers, to
their brother Abijah Stowell "all their rights in the estate of
their father, Israel Stowell, late of Newton."
They were active in organizing towns and in forming the
new state and were ardent patriots in the Revolution. Later
their numerous descendants went to New York and tbe West
and were active there in building up new communities.
17. ISAAC^ STOWELL {Israel^ Samuel^) was born in
Newton, Mass., about 1708, mar. there 17 Feb. 1731-2, Abigail
Hyde, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Dana) Hyde, born about
1712. He resided in Newton, HopMnton and Dedbam, Mass,
Was a weaver.
62 The STo^vELL Genealogy
14 Nov. 1726, Administration of estate of Israel Stowell.
The guardiansKip of Isaac Stowell, a minor in his 19th year,
son of Israel Stowell, late of Newton, deceased, at his own election
is committed to Robert Murdock. (Midd. Prob. 15587.)
Samuel Hyde embarqued from London with wife Temper-
ance in ship Jonathan, April 1639 and settled in Cambridge
Village, now Newton. Was one of the proprietors of Billerica,
Mass. He had five children of whom the third was Job who
married Elizabeth Fuller, dau. of John and Elizabeth Fuller.
Their fifth child was Jonathan w^ho was less than two years
old when both parents died. He was brought up by his maternal
grandfather, John Fuller. Jonathan was born in Cambridge,
22 May 1684, died in Ne-w^on, 2 Aug. 1731, married in Cam-
bridge, 4 April 1706, Hannah Dana, dau. of Jacob and Patience
Dana. Their fifth child was Abigail, who married Isaac Stowell.
There is no other Hyde family in which she can be placed.
She was over eighteen when her father died and therefore no
guardian was necessary for her and she married a few months
later. She named one son Jacob — not a StoweU name — but the
name of her grandfather Jacob Dana and also of her uncle.
She named another son Thaddeus, a Hyde name, as did her
brother Jonathan who also named a daughter Abigail.
Hannah (Dana) Hyde, married second Henry Adams, his
third wife, who in his will gives "to the three daughtei-s of my
last wife, Hannah, the goods she brought with her." Mary
Smith and Thankful Fay were two of them and Abigail made
the third.
Children of Isaac and Abigail (Hyde) Stowell:
48. j. Isaacs b. Newton, Mass., 1732 or 1733.
49. ii. Jacob, b. Dedham, Mass., 3 April 1736.
iii. Abigail, b. Dedham, Mass., 6 Oct. 1737, m. Dedhnm, Mass., 8
July 1760, Jamks Duff of Eoxbury.
50. iv. Joseph, b. Dedham, Mass., 1 May 1739.
V. Mary, b. Dodlinm. Mass., 2 Doe. 1741. d. Di.llnnii, M«ss., 2'*
Aug. 1755, age 13.
51. vi. Samukl, b. Dedham, Mass., 27 Mny 1743.
vii. Ebenezer, b. Dedham, Mass., 22 Dec. 1744. He was on pay
roll in Capt. William Barrow's Co., 2 Nov. 1762 to 20 Feb.
1703; in Cai)t. Moses Ilnrt's Co., 22 March 1763 to 25 Nov.
1763. W^is private in Capt. Ebenezer BarteDc's Co., 2 July
Third Generation 63
1778 to 17 July 177S to guard Watertown. Was private in
Continental Army 24 March 1781 for three years. Bounty paid
him Dedham, 18 June 1781,
Lemuel, b. Dedham, Mass., 25 March 1747.
Thaddeur, b. Dedham, Mass., 19 April 1750, d. there 10 June
Thaddeus, b. Dedham, Mass., 7 Aug. 1751.
Mary, b. Dedham, Mass., 30 May 1755. See Abijah Stowell,
No. 47.
18. BENJAMIN^ STOWELL {Benjamin'' Sam-ueV-) was
born in Hinghain, Mass., 12 Jan. 1726-7, died at Hingham, Mass.,
18 Feb. 1786, age 59, married Susanna Hersey, youngest dan.
of Daniel and Mary (May) Hersey, born at Hingham, Mass.,
6 Dec. 1730, died there 2 March 1794, age 63. Lived at Hing-
ham, Mass. Was constable of Hingham, 1751. At a meeting
held at Concord, Mass., 28 Nov. 1751, he was appointed one
of a committee to locate a saw mill at Walpole, N. H.
Benjamin Stowell was on aceomit dated Charlesto-wn, 22
Jan. 1761, rendered by John Foye against Mass. Bay for money
paid to invalids, etc., on the road to Albany from the westward,
said Stowell of Hingham in Capt. Bradford's Co., Col, Thomas'
Benjamin Stowell was a private in Hemaii Lincoln's Co.
which marched to Hull, 14 June 1776. Private in Capt. Peter
Gushing 's Co., Col. David Gushing 's Regt. at Hull, 27 Feb.
1778. Private in Capt. Elias Whitin's Co., Col. Symm's Regt.,
9 March 1778 to 28 April 1778, one month and twenty days at
26 May 1796, Elias Hersey of Hingham, Administrator of
estate of Benjamin Stowell of Hingham, deceased, sells to Israel
Lincoln, Jr., one-half of dwelling house and land in Hingham as
it lies undivided with Israel Stowell (except the widow's third
in house and land).
Hersey is an old English family which came over with
William the Conqueror. The first one of the name in this
country was William who settled at Hingham in 1635 and had
five acres of land on South Street given him on 3 July 1636.
He married Elizabeth and had six children of whom
the fifth was John who married Sarah . They had eleven
64 The Stowell Genealogy
children of whom the seventh was Daniel, b. Hingham, Mass.,
23 April 1682, died there 20 May 1766, married there 28 Dec.
1710, Mary May, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah (Langlee) May,
bom at Hingham, Mass., 3 Sept. 1687, died there 10 Jan. 1760.
They had five children of whom the youngest was Susanna,
who married Benjamin Stowell.
Children of Benjamin and Susanna (Hersey) Stowell born
in Hingham:
i. RuTH^, b. Jan. 1751-2, d. Hingham, Mass., young.
54. ii. Israel, b. 25 Dec. 1753.
55. iii. Benjamin, b. 21 Jan. 1756.
iv. Silence, b. 30 April 175S, m. Hingliam, Mass., 13 Nov, 1783,
Capt. Noah Hobart, son of Japhet and Hannah (Humphrey)
Hobart, b. Hingham, Mass., 9 Aug. 1756, d. Salem, Mass., 27
March 1843, age 86. He was in the Revolution.
Children (Hobart) :
1. Hannah, bp. First Church, Salem, 15 April 1787.
2. Ebenezer, bp. First Church, Salem, 26 July 1789.
3. Lucy, bp. First Church, Salem, 8 April 1792.
4. Ruth, bp. East Church, Salem, 7 Sept. 1794,
5. John Sloss, bp. East Church, Salem, 13 Oct. 1796.
6. Charles, bp. East Church, Salem, 24 Feb. 1799.
V. Tamar, b. 22 Feb. 1761, d. Hingham, Mass., young.
vi. Tamak, b. 9 Feb. 1763, d. Hingham, Mass., .30 Jan. 1793. age 30.
vii. Zaccheus, b. 17 March 1765, d. Boston, Mass., 25 Feb. 1802.
age 38, m. Boston, Mass., 2 May 1790, Rebecca Rand. She m.
2d at Boston, Mass., 13 June 1802, Theophilus Doe.
12 April 1802, Rebecca Stowell, widow, of Boston, is ap-
pointed Administratrix of estate of Zaccheus Stowell (Sufif.
Prob. No. 216:14.)
12 Dec. 1803, Theophilus Doe of Boston, Admr. estate of
Zaccheus Stowell, late of Boston, sells two-thirds of house and
lands of said deceased to Elisha Larned of Boston, widow's
dower reserved. (SuflF. Deeds.)
viii. Isaiah, b. 26 June 1767, d. Hingham, Mass., 10 Feb. 1776.
L\. Ruth, b. 16 June 1769, bp. IS June 1769, d. Hingham, Mass.,
29 Nov. 1781, ago 12.
X. SusANNAif, b. 5 Aug. 1772, d.' Saoo, Me., 1805, m. Ist at Bos-
ton, Mass., 24 March 1796, David Burbank. son of Asa aJid
Esther (Emory) Burbank, b. Kcnnebunkport, Me., 1770. She
m. 2d, CoL. John D. Burbank in 1797, son of Asa and Esther
(Emery) Burbank. He m. 2d, Sarah Felch or Fitch.
Fourth Generation » 65
19. SAMUEL* STOWELL (Samuel'-^-') was born in Hing-
ham, Mass., bp. 29 Nov. 1719, died in Plainfield, Mass., 6 Aug.
1799, age 79, married in Hingham, Mass., 25 Nov. 1742, Abigail
TowNSEND, born about 1718, d. Hingham, Mass., 30 Sept. 1754,
age 36. Samuel married second at Hanover, Mass., 6 Nov. 1755,
Hannah Lambert, dau. of John and Sarah (Staples) Lambert,
b. Hanover, Mass., June 1736, bp. 3 July 1736, d. Plainfield,
Mass., 1 Feb. 1816, age 79.
He lived at Fort Hill St., Hingham, Weymouth, Abington,
Bridgewater and Plainfield, Mass. Was a cooper. He is
described as Samuel Stowell of Weymouth in one Suffolk Deed,
22 April 1763, as of Abington in one Suffolk Deed, 12 Jan. 1773
and as of Abington in one Plymouth Deed, 12 Feb. 1773 and
as of Bridgewater in two Plymouth Deeds, 19 Nov. 1781 and 1
Feb. 1794. Wife Hannah releases dower in three deeds of sale.
Children of Samuel and Abigail (Townsend) Stowell, b.
Hingham :
i. Abigails, b. 11 Nov. 1743, d. Hingham, Mass., young.
56. ii. Samuel, b. 4 March 1744-5.
Children of Samuel and Hannah (Lambert) Stowell:
iii. Abigail, b. Hingham, Mass., bp. 3 Oct. 1756, d. Hamilton,
N". Y., 14 Sept. 1843, age 86, m. Abington, Mass., 16 Jan. 1X79,
Jonathan Torrey, son of Abner and Lydia (Beal) Torrey, b.
Abington, Mass., 28 July 1758, d. Hamilton, N. Y., 14 Jiuic
1837, age 78. He was a farmer and carpenter. Was in the
Revolution in Capt. Eeed's Co., Col. John Bailey's Regt.
Cliildren (Torrey) :
1. Jonathan, b. Cummington, Mass., 18 Aug. 1781, d. Hamil-
ton, N. Y., 29 Dec. 1840, age 59, m. Plainfield, Mass., 22
March 1804, Olive Thayer, b. Plainfield, Mass., 2 March
1779, d. Lebanon, N. Y., 17 Feb. 1871, age 92. Lived at
Plainfield and Adams, Mass., and Hamilton, N. Y. Cliil-
dren: i. Lucy, ii. Nelson, iii. Tyla, iv. Harriet.
2. Elias, b. Cummington, Mass., 5 Feb. 1783, d. Deansvillc,
N. Y., 9 Oct. 1860, age 77, m. Plainfield Mass., 31 Jan.
1805, Susannah Gardner, dau. of Benjamin and Molly
(Tirril) Gardner, b. Abington, Mass., 21 March 1788, d.
GQ The Stowell Genealogy
Deansville, N. Y., 31 Oct. 1858, age 70. Lived in Plainfield,
Mass., and Hamilton, Lyontown and Deansville, N. Y.
Was a woodenware maker, carpenter and larmer. Children:
i. Henry Jackson, ii. Susannah^ iii. Eleanor, iv. Sarah
Maria, v. Polly Ann, vi. Williaim Gardner, vii. Abigail Jam,e,
viii. Am-anda Celinda.
3. Hannah, b. Cummington, Mass., 1784, d. Hamilton, N. Y.,
6 Jan. 1847, m. Plainfield, Mass., 13 March 1806, Hosea
Thayer, b. Springfield, Mass., 26 Nov. 1784, d. Hamilton,
N. Y., 16 Jan. 1872, age 87. No children.
4i. Lydia, b. Plainfield, Mass., 18 Aug. 1785, d. there 1 May
1858, age 72, m. there 6 Dec. 1808, Jeremiah Stockwell,
son of Jeremiah and Hannah (Beswick) Stockwell, b.
Plainfield, Mass., 23 July 1788, d. New Philadelphia, Ohio,
20 May 1876, age 87. Was a farmer. Children (Stock-
well).: i. Sarah, ii. Jeremiah, iii. Daniel, iv. Lorenzo Dow,
V. Hosea Thayer, vi. Jonathan Torry, vii. Mary Ann, viii.
Charles H.
5. Abner, b. Plainfield, Mass., d. there young.
6. Amos, b. Plainfield, Mass., d. there young.
7. Daniel, b. Plainfield, Mass., d. there young.
8. Eleanor, b. Plainfield, Mass., d. there young,
iv. Warren, b. Wej-mouth, Mass., 1758.
V. Hannah, b. Wej-mouth, Mass., 1760.
57. vi. Caleb, b. Abington, Mass., bp. 18 Nov. 1764.
58. vii. David, b. Abington, Mass., 1770.
viii. Eachel or Polly, b. Abington, Mass., d. Brockton, Mass.,
1796, m. Brockton, Mass., 24 Feb. 1791, Solomon Hill, son of
Ebenezer and Abigail (Stodder) Hill, b. Brockton, Mass., bp.
14 June 1761. He m. 2d, Sally Hollis, 26 Jan. 1797. Child by
Rachel: i. Polly, b. Bridgewater, Mass., 20 Dec. 1792.
59. ix. Eliphalet Phineas, b. Abington, Mass., 1775.
20. ADAM^ STOWELL (Samuep-^-^) was born in Hing-
ham, Mass., 15 Aug. 1722, died at Hingham, Mass., 6 Dee. 1807,
age 85, m. there 22 Jan. 1751-2, Deborah Cowen, born at Hing-
ham, Mass., 1734, d. there 16 Jan. 1808, age 74.
Adam lived on Fort Hill St., Hingham, Mass. Was a black-
smith. Soldier in the Revolution in Capt. Heman Lincoln's
Co., in expedition against Cro%vn Point, 1756. In Col. Lovil's
Ecgt. marched to Hull, 14 Dee. 1776. Two Plymouth and three
Suffolk Deeds 1772 to 1807, described him as Adam Stowell of
Fourth Generation 67
Children born Hingham, Mass. :
i. Eliakim'"', b. 12 Oct. 1753.
60. ii. IssACHER, b. 18 April 1755,
61. iii. Seth, b. 21 Sept. 1756.
iv. Rachel, b. 23 Sept. 1758, d. Hingham, Mass., 29 Nov. 1819,
age 61. m. there 22 Dec. 1777, Peter Herrey, son of Jonathan
and Sarah (Whiton) Hersey, b. Hingham, Mass., 5 Dec. 1757,
d. there 16 May 1844, age 86. Lived on Hersey St., Hingham.
Was in the Eevolution. Children born Hingham (Heeset) •.
1. Rachel, b. 14 April 1778, d. Hingham, Mass., 8 Sept. 1863,
ni. there 25 May 1S23, Thojias Steel, h. Dorsetshire, Eng-
land, 15 June 1778, d. Hingham, Mass., 22 Nov. 1856,
age 78.
2. Peter, b. 1 Jan. 1782, d. Hingham, Mass., 13 May 1860,
age 78, m. there 1 Sept. 1805, Mary Dunbar, dau. of Dainiel
and Phillipa (Damon) Dunbar, b. Hingham, Mass., 1782, d.
Weymouth, Mass., 23 Jan. 1864, age 82. Children: i. Mary,
ii. Peter, iii. Loring, iv. Delia, v. Martha, vi, Wilson, vii.
Sarah TV., viii. Daniel Dunhar.
3. Deborah, b. 8 April 1785, d. Hingham, Mass., 22 Sept.
1863, age 78, m. there 25 Apiil 1811, John B. Mayhew of
4. Gripley, b. 16 Nov. 1786, d. Hingham, Mb.ss., 28 July 1827,
age 40, m. there 22 Oct. 1808, Lucy Cudworth, dau. of
Joseph and Elizabeth (Souther) Cudworth, b. Scituate,
Mass., 24 Feb. 1785, d. Hingham, Mass., 3 Jan. 1867, age
82. Was a cooper. Children: i. Gridley Foster, ii. Sally
Cudworth, iii. Caleb Strong, iv. George Washington, v. Al-
bert Fiske.
5. Clarissa, b. 21 April 1789, d. Hingham, Mass., 27 Nov.
6. Grace, b. 13 June 1791, m. Hiagham, Mass., 20 Jan. 1810,
Allen Mahurin. She m. 2d, Weymouth, Mass., 24 Jan.
1826, Benjamin Bates, son of Jesse fund Ruth (Burrill)
Bates, b. Weymouth, Mass., bp. 3 July 1791, d. 10 Jan. 1859.
Child; i. Almira Horsey Bates.
7. Charlotte, b. 1 Dec. 1793, m. Hingham, Mass., 1 Dec. 1811,
Robert Corthell, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Hersey)
Corthell, b. Hingham, Mass., 12 Feb. 1790, d. there 18 Dec.
1862, age 72. Was a cooper. Children: (Corthell): i.
John, ii. Nelson, iii. Eachel Stowell, iv. Elisabeth, v. Bob-
ert, vi. Ann Maria, vii. Charlotte, viii. Deborah M.
8. David, b. 2 July 1797, m. Hingham, Mass., 10 Oct. 1818,
Abigail Gates.
68 The Stovn'ell Genealogy
9. QrixcY, b. IS June 1799, d. ]\Iethuen, Mas?., 20 July 1874.
age 75, m. Weymouth, Mass., 31 Dec. 1820, Rebecca Th-vyer
dau. of Barnabas and Lucy (Nash) Thayer, b. WejTnouth,
Mass., bp. 6 July 1800, d. Methuen, Mass., 30 March 1867,
age 71. Children: i. Silas Quincy, ii. Emili/ E. E., iii. Cath-
erine D., iv. Timothy Cressey.
V. Hannah, b. 9 Jan. 1761, d. Hingham, Mass., 12 Aug. 1827, age
66, m. Hingham, Mass., 14 Jan. 1781, Israel Whiton. son of
Stephen and Sarah (Stodder) Whiton, b. Hingham, Mass., 20
Sept. 1758, d. there 2 Aug. 1840, age 81. Was a cooper. Was
in the Revolution. Children born Hingham (WinxoN) :
1. Israel, b. 21 Nov. 1781, d. Hingham, Mass., 6 Nov. 1825,
age 44, m. there 11 April 1812, Rebecca Cleverly. No
children. She m. 2d, Hingham, Mass., 12 Nov. 1840, Seth
2. Cajipbell or KurBALL, b. 19 Feb. 1784, d. Boston, Mass.,
5 Dec. 1851, age 67, m. Desire Jordan.
S. Hannah, b. 15 May 1787, d. Hingham, Mass., 9 Sept. 1788.
4. Isaiah, b. 8 Oct. 1789, d. Hingham, Mass., 7 April 1871,
age 81, m. Barnstable, Mass., 5 Nov. ISIO, Martha Davis
Esterbrook, dau. of Gorham and Susanna (Gorham) Ester-
brook, b. Hingham, Mass., 21 Nov. 1857, age 67. Children:
i. Martha Davis, ii. Isaiah Gorham, iii. Charles Esterbrook,
iv. SiLsan Allen, v. Dehoroh EimbaU, vi. Albert, viL Anna
Allen Esterbroolc, viii. Eviily, ix. Albert, x. Olive Marble,
xi. William Stowell.
5. BOYAL, b. 22 Feb. 1792, d. Hingham, Mass., 18 Aug. .i877,
ago 85, m. there 3 July 1811, Esthi:r Cleverly, dau. of
Elizabeth Cleverly, b. Quincy, Mass., 1787, d. Hingham,
Mass., 19 April 1867, age 80. Was a trader and had nine
children: i. Elisabeth Devina, ii. Hannah Stowell, iii.
Catherine Gushing Andrews,' iv. Catherine Gushing Andrews,
V. Eoyal, vi. Hiram, vii. James, viii. Henry Jackson, ix.
Eebecca Cleverly.
6. Job Stowell, b. 23 Jan. 1797, d. Hingham, Mass., 8 Feb.
1875, age 78, m. there 22 Feb. 1821, Licy F.\rren, dau. of
Jacob and Lydia (Dunham) Farreu, b. East Haven, Conn.,
3 Feb, 1802, d. Hingham, Ma5s., 14 Dec. 1884, age 82.
Children: i. Lucy, ii. Lydia Alrnira, iii. Jnsiah Wilder, iv.
Mehitable Siser, v. Lyman Barnes.
7. Hannah Stowell, b. 30 Jan. 1799, d. Hingham, Mass.,
6 Jan. 1881, age 82, m. there 20 Nov. 1S2.1. Lyman Barnes,
■on of Eli and Polly (Merritt) BameP, b. Hardwick, M.i93.,
26 Sept. 1796. d. Hinghf-m, Mass., 26 March 1882, age 83.
62. vi. .\nAM, h. 9 April 176,1.
Fourth Generation 69
vii. Job, b. 1 April 1765.
viii, Deborah, b. 6 May 1767, d. Hingham, Mass., 18 Feb. 1846, age
78, m. Hingham, Muss., 28 Oct. 1793, Israel Hersey, son of
Israel and Priseilla (Sprague) Hersey, b. Hingliam, Mass., 9
Sept. 176i), d. there 13 Aug. 1853, age 83. Cliildren bom Hing-
ham (Hersey) :
1. Deborah, b. 20 Sept. 1794, d. Hingham, Mass., 20 May
1856, age 61, m. there 7 Jan. 1817, Samuel Leavitt, son
of Samuel and Rachel (Gushing) Leavitt, b. Hingham,
Mass., 27 Jan. 1789, d. there 9 March 1857, age 68. Was
a carpenter. Children: i. Charles, ii. Deborah Stowell.
2. Ezra, b. 2 Jan. 1799, d. L;^nn, Mass., 19 Aug. 1837, age
38, m. Eachel Clapp, dau. of Dwelly and Rachel (Litch-
field) Clapp, b. Hingham, Mass., 1799, d. there 15 Oct. 1869,
age 70. She m. 2d, Jacob Hersey.
3. Emma, b. 13 May 1802, d. Hinghata, Mass., 7 July 1883,
age 81, unmarried.
63. ix. Jesse, b. 1 May 1769.
X. Lydia, b. 31 July 1771, d. Hingham, Mass., 17 March 1854, age
82, m. Hingham, Mass., 12 April 1792, Abijah Hersey, son of
Abijah and Margaret (Hersey) Hersey, b. Hingham, Masa.,
13 June 1769, d. there 14 June 1841, age 72. Was a cooper and
lived on Fort Hill St., Hingham. Children, all bora Hingham,
Mass. (Hersey) :
1 Lydia Stowell, b. 5 Aug. 1792, d. Boston, Mass., 26 Jan.
1869, age 76, m. 24 Nov. 1811, Isaac Bnu), son of Isaac
and Elizabeth Bird, b. Boston, Mass., 1789, d. Dorchester,
Mass., 17 Feb. 1857, age 68.
2. Eleanor, b. 18 Nov. 1794, m. Dolbeare, of Boston.
3. Clarissa, b. 5 Oct. 1796, d. Boston, Mass., 3 Feb. 1868,
age 71, m. Aaron Guild, son of Aaron and Lydia Ann
Guild, b. Dedham, Mass., d. Boston, Mass., 26 Feb. 1871,
age 79.
4. Peggy, b. 28 Oct. 1798, d. 5 Jan. 1864, m. Whittemore
of Boston.
5. HosEA, b. 4 Feb. 1800, d. Hingham, Mass., 24 Sept. 1826,
m. there 24 Oct. 1824, Hannah Lincoln, dau. of Israel
and Chloe (Lincoln) Lincoln, b. Hingham, Mass., 8 July
1801. Children: i. Hollis, ii. Caroline Guild. She m. 2d,
Martin Battles.
6. WILLLA.M, b. 15 Sept. 1802, d. Chelmsford, Mass., 1833, m.
Waltham, Mass. (Int. 10 Sept. 1831) Lydia Ann Taylor,
dau. of Walter Taylor, b. Chelmsford, Mass., 10 Dec. 1811,
d. Winchendon, Mass., 17 July 1876, age 64. She m. 2d
23 April 1836, Henry Hastings; m. 3d, 19 Jan. 1840,
Arcmtbald Chase.
70 The Stowell Genealogy
7. Eveline, b. 15 Sept. 1805, d. Hingham, Mass., 13 Sept.
1887, age 82, m. there 29 June 1828, Edwaed F. Moese
of Boston, who d. Hingham, IVIass., 23 Nov. IS-io, age 40.
She m. 2d, Hingham, Mass., 19 Sept. 1850, John P, Dawes,
son of Ruel and Sally (Hersey) Dawes, b. Hingham, Mass.,
11 Nov. 1807.
8. Warren Adam, b. 25 May 1809, d. Hingham, Mass.. 1 May
1883, age 73, m. there 21 April 1833, Sarah Ann Wilson,
b. Boston, Mass., 1808, d. Hingham, Mass., 4 Aug. 1849,
age 41. He m. 2d, Hingham, Mass., 31 March 1850, Sabra
Eassett, dau. of Martin and Sabra (Briggs) Bassett, b.
Hingham, Mass., 3 Nov. 1819. d. there 15 May 1893, age
73. He was master builder and mason. Proprietor stage
line from Hingham to Boston. Children: i. Hosea Ballon,
ii. Dau., iii. WiUiam Harrison, iv. Sarah Avu, v. Benjamin
xi. WiLiiAM, b. 4 Aug. 1776, d. Rochester, N. Y., 1829, age 53.
21. JOSEPH* STOWELL {Samuel^-^-^) was born in Hing-
ham, Mass., 4 Feb. 1726-7, died there 29 Nov. 1782, age 55, m.
there 11 Jan. 1749-50, Elizabeth Stowell, dan. of John and
Margaret (Stodder) Stowell, b. Hingham, Mass., 8 Feb. 1729-30,
d. there 12 Dec. 1815, age 85.
Lived on Fort Hill St., Hingham. He is described in
seven Suffolk Deeds as Joseph Stowell of Hingham, 1758 to 1773.
Children all born Hingham, Mass. :
64. i. Daniel^ b. 19 Aug. 1750-51.
ii. Elizabeth, b. 25 Sept. 1754.
iii. Ltjcy, b. 9 Jan. 1759, m. HiDgham, Mass.. 16 March 1777, Hosea
Stodder, son of Simoo and Sarah (Lane) Stodder, b. Hingham,
Mass., 16 Aug. 1756. Lived in Hingham and Boston, Masfl.
Was a Revolutionary soldier. Children (Stodder) :
1. David, b. Hingham, Mass., 12 Jan. 1779.
2. HosKA, b. Boston, Jlitss., 29 March 1785.
22. OBADIAH-' STOWELL {Samuel'-^-^) was born in
Hingham, ]\l;iss., 2(5 July 1730, died in Army in Canada in 1758,
age 28, married at Hingham, IMass., 22 April 1751, Mary Cain,
dau. of David and Mary (Dunbar) Cain, born in Hingham,
Mjiss., bp. 8 Fob. 1729-30, died Hinghani, Mas.s.. 3 Feb. 1790.
age 60. She mar. 2d, 9 Nov. 1772, James Hay^n^ard. Lived
on Fort Hill St., Hingham.
Fourth Generation 71
Obadiah was private in Capt. Ebenezer Deal's Co., Col.
Benjamin Lincoln's Re^., 15 Aug. 1757 for the relief of Port
William Henry. Was private in Capt. Edward Ward's Co.,
in Col. Joseph William's Regt. in 1758 at Louisburg and died
on that expedition. Served 15 April to 17 Oct.
Arthur Cain, who resided on South St., Hingham, died there
18 Dec. 1687. He married at Hingham, Mass., 29 Nov. 1675,
Sarah Gold, dau. of Edward and Margaret Gold, born in 1648,
bp. at Hingham, Mass., 29 Nov. 1658, died there 11 Feb. 1731,
age 85. They had five children of whom the third was David,
born in Hingham, 24 April 1682, died at Hanover, Mass., 10
Feb. 1731-2 age 50, married 28 Sept. 1720, Mary Dunbar, dau.
of Joseph and Christian (Garnet) Dunbar, born at Hingham,
Mass., about 1695, died there 25 Dec. 1764 age 70. They had
five children of whom the fifth was Mary Cain who married
Obadiah Stowell.
Children of Obadiah and Mary (Cain) Stowell born in
Hingham :
i. Susannas, b. 10 Feb. 1751-2, d. Hingham, Mass., 22 Nov. 1802,
age 50, m. there 26 Nov. 1773, Joseph Hill of Bridgewater,
son of Ebenezer and Abigail (Stoddard) HjU, b. Abington,
Mass., 1750, bp. Brockton, Mass., 23 June 1751, d. Abington,
Mass. 1832, age 82. Lived on Pleasant St. Hingham.
Children (Hill) :
1. Joseph, b. Hingham, Mass., 13 May 1776, d. S. Scituate,
Mass., 9 Feb. 1850, m. Hingham, Mass., 10 April 1802,
Lois Whiton, dau. of Ezekiel and Olive (Stodder) Whiton.
Children: i. Mary, ii. Flora, iii. Sylvia, iv. Balph.
2. Nabby, b. Hingham, Mass., 25 July 1778.
3. Sttsanna, b. Hingham., Mass., 25 Nov. 1780.
4. Dama, b. Hingham, Mass., 26 Nov. 1782, d. 8. Scituate,
Mass., 8 Dec. 1866, age 83, m. Scituate, Masls., 20' Dec.
1805, John Stockbridge. Children (Stockbridge) : i.
Susanna Stowell, ii. Dama, iii. James, iv. John.
5. Hannah, b. Hingham, Mass., 1 Nov. 1785, d. there 8 July
1869, age 83, m. there 27 Oct. 1811, Lemuel Dill, Je., son
of Lemuel and Milcah (Stodder) Dill, b. Hingham, Mass.,
14 June 1788, d. there 21 Aug. 1864, age 76. Was a cooper.
Children (Dill) : i. Lemuel, ii. Charles, iii. Hannah, iv.
6. Charles, b. Hingham, Mass., bp. 30 Nov. 1788, d. there
25 Nov. 1802, age 14.
72 The Stowell Genealogy
7. Daniel, b. Abington, Mess., 8 April 1790, d. Hingham,
Ishiss., li July 1870, age 80, m. Elizabetth Birney, dau.
of Joel and Elizabeth (Kelly) Bimey, b. St. Andrews,
N. B., 1796, d. Hingham, Mass., 27 Jan. 1870, age 74.
Children: i. Daniel, ii. Martha C, iii. Susanna S., iv.
Elisabeth, v. Abigail, vi. Charles, vii. Olive, viii. Sarah M.,
ix. George, x. Joseph.
ii. Molly or Mary, b. 4 July 1753, d. Hingham, Mass., 8 Dec.
1831, age 78, m. there 3 Dec. 1772, Jacob Stodder, son of
Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Sprague) Stodder, b. Hingham, Mass.,
2 April 1751, d. there 8 April 1810, age 59. Was a cooper and
lived in West Hingham. Children born Hingham (Stodder) :
1. Jacob, b. 5 Sept. 1773, d. Hingham, Mass., 10 Sept. 1773.
2. Molly, b. 28 Sept. 1774, d. Hingham, Mass., 10 Sept.
1854, age 80, m. there 7 July 1796, Nathaniel Hjeksey,
son of Israel and Priscilla (Sprague) Hersey, b. Hingham,
Mass., 4 April 1774, d, there 19 March 1860, age 86.
Children (Hersey) : i. Nathaniel, ii. Jacob, iii. Mary, iv.
Prisoilla Sprague, v. Gushing, vi. Hannah B., vii. Calvin.
3. Jacob, b. 11 Feb. 1777, d. Hingham, Mass., 21 Sept. 1777.
4. Jacob, b. 14 July 1779, d. HinghaTii, INIass., 1821, m. Eliza-
beth Richards, dau. of Oliver and Abigail (Bartlett)
Richards, b. Newburyport, Mass., bp. i:S June 1793. Chil-
dren: i. Charles, ii. Eliza, iii. Jacob, iv. Mary Hull, vj.
William, vi. Francis, vii. Hannah Stowell, viii. Susan
Green, ix. Abigail.
5. Obadiah, b. 16 July 1781. d. Boston, Mass., 16 March 1858,
age 77, m. there 19 Aug. 1804, Hannah Gardner, who d.
North Bridgewater, Mass., 21 June 1864> age 79.
6. Grace Barker, b. 27 Oct. 1783, d. Hingham, Mass., 2 May
1859, age 75, m. there 31 March 1805, Enos Lincoln.
Child (Lincoln) : i. Enos.
7. William, b. 5 Dec. 1785, S. Weymouth, Mass., 2S Feb.
1857, age 71.
8. Susan, b. 16 May 1788, d. Hingham, Mass., 1 Oct. 1844,
m. there 21 Aug. 1806, John Waters, son of Elijah and
Hannah (Leavitt) Waters, b. Hingham, Mass., 22 Oct.
1785, d. Hingham, Mass., 15 Sept. 1846. Ho was a farmer
and lived on North and Ship Sts., Hingham. Children
(Waters): i. Elijah, ii. John, iii. William, iv. Abner, v.
Joseph Warren, vi. Hannah Leavitt, vii. Susan, viii. Sarah
Harding, ix. Sarah Harding, x. Lydia Ann.
9. Hannah, b. 6 July 1789, m. Hinghtun, Mass., 18 March
1810, Calvin Gardnfhi, son of Isaac ajid Sarali Gardner, b.
11 Oct. 1787, d. Hingham, Mass., 17 July 1848, age 60.
Fourth Generation 73
10. Joshua, b. 27 May 1793, d. Woburn, Mass., 15 Aug. 1873,
age 80, m. there 19 May 1819, Almiba Colbubn, dau. of
Josiah and Huldah (Wilson) Colburn, b. Dracut, Mass.,
7 Oct. 1800, d. Woburn, Mass., 15 March 1869, age 68.
Children: i. Almwa Elisabeth, ii. Catherine Gardner, iii.
Julia Augusta, iv. Mary Ann, v. Georgiana,. vi. Helen Vic-
toria, vii. Adeline Cohurn.
iii. Hannah, b. 8 June 1755, d. Boston, Mass., 15 Feb. 1844, age 88.
65. iv. Obadiah, b. 30 June 1757.
23. JOHN^ STOWELL {JoJm^-^ SamueV-) was bom in
Hingham, Mass., 15 March 1719-20, died in Army 1760, age 40,
married Hingliam, Mass., 29 March 1744, Mary Remington, dau.
of Joshua and Elizabeth Remington, born Hingham, Mass.,
13 June 1722, d. there 26 Sept. 1770, age 48. Lived on Fort Hill
St., Hingham. Enrolled for service in Canada 1760.
12 March 1773, Thomas Stowell of Boston, appointed
guardian of John Stowell, Mary Stowell and Sarah Stowell,
minors above the age of 14 years, children of John Stowell, late
of Hingham. (Suff. Prob.)
Children born Hingham, Mass. :
1. Isaiahs, bp. 29 Dec. 1745.
ii. Sakah, bp. 7 June 1747, d. Hingham, Mass., 14 Aug. 1747.
66. iii. Thomas, b. 8 Nov. 1748.
67. iv. Joshua, b. 21 Sept. 1750.
V. Sarah, bp. 28 July 1754, m. perliaps Boston, Mass., 11 Oct.
1791, Samuel Frothy.
vi. Mart, bp. 3 Oct. 1756, m. Boston, Mass. (Int. 16 May 1787),
Francis Price.
68. vii. John, bp. 25 March 1759.
24. STEPHEN* STOWELL (John^-^ SamueP) was bom
in Hingham, Mass., 5 Jan. 1721-2, died there 24 Jan. 1795, age
73, m. there 1 Jan. 1746-7, Lydia Sprague, dau. of Matthew and
Sarah (Fearing) Sprague, born in Hingham, Mass., 29 Oct.
1723, d. there 28 Sept. 1813, age 90. Lived on Fort Hill St.,
Will of Stephen Stowell probated 31 March 1795. To wife
Lydia Stowell, to daughter Margaret Remington, to grand-
daughter Lydia Stowell, to son Noah Stowell, he to be Executor
of wiU. ( Suff . Prob. 20410. )
74 The Stowell Genealogy
Stephen Stowell and Benjamin Lincoln, Jr., both of Hing-
ham, Executors of will of John Stowell of Hingham, sell one-
fourth part of two grist mills in Hingham to Caleb Bates, 2 Feb,
1768. (Suff. Deeds 119:229.) There are six deeds in name of
Stephen Stowell of Hingham, 1755 to 1776. Wife Lydia
releases dower.
William Sprague arrived in Salem, Mass., 1629. He was
in Charlestown in 1635 when land was given him there. Mar-
ried in 1635, Milicent Eames, dau. of Anthony Eames. They
had ten children of whom the eldest was Anthony who married
Elizabeth Bartlett, dau. of Eobert and Mary (Warren) Bart-
lett. They had nine children of whom the youngest was
Matthew, bom in Hingham, Mass., 27 March 1688, died there
16 June 1783, age 95, married there 13 Sept. 1716, Sarah Fear-
ing, dau. of Israel and Elizabeth (Wilder) Fearing, she baptised
in Hingham, Mass., 1 Dec. 1689, died there 15 Oct. 1763, age 74.
He was a farmer and constable in 1727. They had five children
of whom the fourth was Lydia who married Stephen Stowell.
Children of Stephen and Lydia (Sprague) Stowell born
Hingham :
i. Ltdias, b. 26 April 1749, d. Hingham, Mass., 27 Dec. 1751.
ii. Margaret, b. 23 Aug. 1750, d. Hingham, Mass., 17 Jaa. 1752.
69. iii. Stephen, b. 10 Nov. 1752.
vi. LvDiA, b. 29 Aug. 1755, d. Hingham, Mass., 2-i iMay 1770, age 14-.
T. Bei.a, b. 23 June 1757, d. Hingham, Mass., 14 Aug. 1775, ago
18. Was a soldier at Lexington Alarm, 19 April 1775, 13 days.
Private in Capt. James Lincoln's Co., Col. Benjamin Lincoln's
Begt., 12 May 1775 to 14 Aug. 1775 at Hingham, 3 months.
vi. Margaret, b. 9 April 1759, d. ningham, ^Ta.^s., 18 Aug. 1845,
age 86, m. there 15 Nov. 1787, Elisha Remington, son of
Elisha and Leah (Bcul) Remington, b. Hingham, Mass., 2 May
1751, d. there 2 Dec. 1S22, age 71. Children born Hiugliam,
Mass. (Remington) :
1. Puineas, b. 5 July 1790.
2. Peggy, b. 10 Aug. 1792.
3. Elisha, b. 7 Dec. 1794.
4. Bei<a, b. 16 Sept. 179G.
5. Bela, b. 7 April 1790, d. Hingham, Mass., 22 June 1842.
6. T.rATi Beat,, b. 2 Aug. 1801.
7. Martin, bp. 15 April 1804.
70. vii. NoAii, b. 26 Aug. 1763.
Fourth Generation 75
25. THOMAS* STOWELL (SamueP David^ Samuel^) was
bom in Watertown, Mass., 28 Sept. 1719, died in Waltham,
Mass., 11 Jan. 1755, age 35, married Waltham, Mass., 18 July
1745, Rebecca Whitney, dau. of Ensign David and Rebecca
(Fillebrown) Whitney, b. Watertown, Mass., 2 Nov. 1721.
Lived in Watertown and Waltham, Mass. Was a clothier.
Had a seat in the Watertown Congregational Church in
In seven deeds 1742 to 1753 he is described as Thomas
Stowell of Waitham. In one deed in 1747, of Watertown. In
one deed in 1750 as of Lexington.
Children born Waltham, Mass.:
i. Eebeccas, b. 9 Sept. 3 746, d. Groton, Mass., 14 Nov. 18S0, ago
84, m. there 2 April 1767, Capt. Abraham CmiD, son of Isaac
and Eunice (Pierce) Child, b. Waltham, Mass., 12 Aug. 1741,
d. Groton, Mass., 3 Jan. 1834, age 92'. Capt. Child v^^as in the
Indian Wars 1760-1763. Was in the Battle of Lexington 1775.
Was Captain in the Revolution in New Jersey. Children boru
Waltham, Mass. (Chilp) :
1. David or Daniel, b. 29 Nov. 1767.
2. Jonathan, b. 5 March 1769.
3. William, b. 16 Sept. 1770.
4. Nabby or Abigail, b. 26 May 1772, m. Waltham, Mlass., 2
April 1797, James Buchanan.
5. Kebecca, b. 18 Sept. 1773.
6. Abbaham, b. 16 Feb. 1775.
7. Thomas, b. 21 April 1777.
71. ii. David, b. 7 I^eb. 1748.
iii. Elizabeth, b. 14 June 1752, d. 4 Aug. 1797, age 45, m. !1774,
Aaron Brown, son of Isaac a^nd Mary (Balch) Brown, b. Water-
town, Mass., 16 Sept. 1752, d. 14 Nov. 1811, age 59. Aaron
Brown was a merchant in New Ipswich and Boston. He m. 2d,
Thesta Dana, dau. of Hon. Samuel Dana of Brighton, Mass.
Children (Brown) :
1. Aaron, b. Lincoln, Mass., 15 Jan. 1774, d. 13 June 1843,
age 69, m. Lucy Bartlett. Children: i. Lucy, ii. George,
iii. Isaac, iv. William, v. Elizabeth, vi. Charles.
2. Mary, b. 27 Nov. 1777, d. 8 Nov. 1830, age 53, m. Timo-
thy Dakin, son of Amos and Sarah (Minot) DaJdn, b.
Lincoln, Mass., 27 March 1764.
3. Betsey, b. Dec. 1779, d. 29 Jan. 1822, age 42, m. 4 Aug.
1799, Samuel Hale, son of Samuel asid Mindwell (TiUot-
son) Hale, b. Oxford, N. H., 10 Feb. 1773. Children
76 The Stowell Genealogy
(Hale) : i. Elisabeth, ii. Elizabeth, iii. Samuel BrowTi, iv.
Frederick Augustus, v. Samuel Brown, V\. George, vii^
Elizabeth, viii. Edward.
4. Isaac, b. Sept. 1782, d. 27 Sept. 1827, age 45.
5. Samuel, b. 20 Aug. 1783, d. 18 Sept. 1812, age 29.
6. Son, b. March 1785, d. March 1785.
7. S.VRAH, b. 6 July 1788, d. 21 Aug. 1790.
8. Lucy, b. Groton, Mass., 9 April 1792, d. Westborough,
Mass., 19 July 1863, age 71, m. 29 March 1821, Rev. Elijah
Demond, soil of Israel H. and Hannah (Henry) Demond,
b. Rutland, Mass., 1 Nov. 1790, d. Westboroiigh, Ma.=is., 20
July 1877, age 86. Children (Demoxd) : i. Charles Brown,
ii. Lucy Ann, iii. Sarah Ellen, iv. Mary Louisa, v. Edward
Henry, vi. George Stowell.
9. Sarah, b. 1794, m. Gardner Blanchard Perry. Children
(Perry) : i. Gardner Blanchard, ii. Edward Hale, iii.
Charles French, iv. Mary Sophia.
26. CORNELIUS^ STOWELL (SamueV David'' Samuel^)
was born in WatertoAvn, Mass., 13 Sept. 1724, died at Worcester,
Mass., 3 Jan. 1804, age 79, married there 22 March 1749-50,
Zervillah (Livillia, Sivilla) Goulding, dau. of Palmer and
Abigail Goulding, b. Worcester, Mass., 25 Dec. 1730, d. there
7 June 1812, age 81. She was sister of Capt. Palmer Goulding 2d.
Cornelius was a clothier and lived at the corner of Park
and Orange Sts., Worcester. He went to Worcester about 1744,
soon after it was organized, and was a very active and influen-
tial citizen for sixty years in its civil, military and mercantile
affairs. He was constable of Worcester in 1758 and 1766, field
driver in 1762, fence viewer in 1768-69, surveyor 1772. About
1790, Cornelius with his sons Peter and Ebenezer commenced
the manufacture of woolen goods and after 1804 made a speci-
alty of carpets for the fine quality of which they became famous
throughout New England. They made the first carpets used in
the State House at Boston. They also made calico prints.
Cornelius was one of the grantees of Shoreham, Vt. under
the New Hampshire grant, 9 October 1761, and of Chester, Vt.
under the New Hampshire grant of 23 Feb. 1754 and 4 Nov.
1761. He sold land in Chester, Vt. in 1793. Was one of the
signers of the Royal Protest, 20 June 1774 and remained a strong
Royalist during the Revolution. In 1775, although over fifty
years of age, he was given the opportunity to either join the
Fourth Generation 77
Colonial Troops or to furnish a substitute or to be deemed a
public enemy. He declined. In consideration of his past dis-
tinguished services he was not held under arrest, but was
allowed his freedom on parole, on giving his word that he would
not leave Worcester nor furnish aid to the enemy ; which promise
he kept and after the war was over he regained the good
will and confidence of his fellow citizens.
He was Sergt. in Capt. James Goodwin's Co., Col, John
Chandler Jr's. Regt. for relief of Fort William Henry in Aug.
1757. Marched from Worcester to Sheffield. Was 1st Lieut,
in Captain William Page's Co. from 31 March to 3 Dec. 1760
in Crown Point Expedition.
30 May 1770, Cornelius Stowell was made Administrator
of the estate of Josiah Stowell, his brother, late of Brookfield,
weaver, deceased. (Wor. Prob. No. 57158.)
Will of Cornelius Stowell was probated 1 May 1804,
Nathaniel Faire, Executor. Mentions wife; gives sons Abel,
Peter and Ebenezer one-seventh each; Cornelius Coolidge,
grandson, one-seventh; daughters Polly Redington and Abigail
Carlisle one-seventh each; and the children of his late son
Thomas, one-seventh. (Wor. Prob. No. 57133.)
In eleven Worcester deeds he is described as Cornelius
Stowell, Gentleman, of Worcester. He deeded during his life
time, for love and good will, land to his sons Abel, Thomas,
Ebenezer and Peter.
Children born Worcester, Mass. :
i. Samuels, b. 24 Sept. 1750, d. Worcester, Mass., 14 April 1774,
age 23. Was one of signers to a petition to the Legislature
to incorporate Township No. 4 as the To-mi of Paris, Maine.
His grandfather Samuel was one of the original grantees.
72. ii. Abel, b. 12 June 1752.
iii. Abigail, b. 10 Sept. 1754, d. Worcester, Mass., 29 Aug. 1756.
73. iv. Thomas, b. 4 Jan. 1756.
V. Hannah, b. 2 Aug. 1757, d. Worcester, Mass., 29 May 1784,
age 26, m. there 25 Sept. 1777, Col. Moses Coolidge, son of
Samuel and Ruth (Clark) Coolidge, b. Watertown, Mass., 11 July
1763, d. 5 Nov. 1838, age 85.
Children born Watertown, Mass. (Coolidge) :
1. Cornelius, b. 30 Aug. 1778, d. 1843. Graduate of Harvard
1798. Merchant in Boston.
78 The Stowell Genealogy
2. SAMfEL Frederick, b. 6 April 17S0, m. Watertown, Mass.,
13 June 1813, Xancy Sanbeksox, dau. of John and Lydia
(Hager) Sanderson, b. 21 Jan. 1783. Was a merchant in
Boston. Children: i. Jitlia Ann, ii. Frederick Wm., iii.
Charlotte Augusta, iv. Mary, v. Grace.
3. Joseph, b. 9 Dec. 1781, d. "Watertown, Mass., young.
4. Ebenezer, b. 31 Aug. 1784, d. Watertown, Mass., March
vi. John-, b. 1760, d. Worcester, Mass., young.
74. vii. Peter, b. 25 April 1762.
viii. Elizabeth, b. 6 June 1764, d. Worcester, Mass., 21 Xor. 1784,
age 20, m. Worcester, Mass., 22 Jan. 1783, William Jennison,
son of Capt. Israel and Mary (Heywood) Jennison, b. Worces-
ter, Mass., 13 April 1758, d. Sv.anton, Vt., 21 July 1818, age 60.
xi. C!ORNELirs, b. 26 Dec. 1766, d. Worcester, Mass., 24 April 1776.
X. Ebenezer, b. 1 Nov. 1768, d. Sheldon, Vt., 14 Jan. 1849, age
80. Unmarried. C. A. Wall, in Eeminiscences of Worcester,
says Ebenezer, after being in business in Worcester for several
years, went to Sheldon, Vt., having never married.
•XI. Abigail, called Xabby, b. 19 Jan. 1771, m. Worcester, Mass.,
1795, David Carlyle of Walpole, a printer of Boston,
xii. Mary, b. 8 Oct. 1773, d. Walpole, N. H., 21 Dec. 1825, age 52,
m. Worcester, Mass., 21 Feb. 1797, TnOMiiS Eeddington, son of
Benjamin and Euth (Steams) Reddington, b. Lunenburg, Mass.,
29 March 1766, d. Walpole, X. H., 26 Jan. 1824, age 57. Lived
at Walpole, X. H., and Boston, Mass. Merchant, Whig. Chil-
dren (Eeddington) :
1. Charles Stearns, b. Walpole, X. H., 8 Jan. 1798, d.
Boston, Mass., 8 May 1802, age 4.
2. George Thomas, b. Walpole, X. H., 27 Xov. 1799, d. Bos-
ton, Mass.. 17 May 1802, age 2.
3. William Eben-ezer, b. Boston, Mass., 12 Oct. 1801, d. Bos-
ton, Mass., 5 Jan. 1803.
4. Charles Thomas, b. Boston, Mass., 16 Oct. 1803, d. St.
Augustine, Fla., 21 Dec. 1831, age 28.
5. Mary Stf-\rxs, b. Worcester, Mass.. 19 Oct. 1806, d. 1874,
ra. St. Johrsbury, Vt., 5 June 1832, George Warner Ely,
son of Guy and Nancy (Wetherbee) Ely. b. Charlestown,
Mjiss., 12 .Tune 1808. d. Phil.adclph.ia, Pa., 6 Sopt. 1876,
age 68. Lived at Littleton, N. H., 18091844. Merchant
and scythe manufacturer. Representative 1840. Justice
of the Ponoo. Childron (Ely) : i. fharJcx Jlcddinfrton. ii.
CnroUnr Warner, iii. Geornr Benjaviin, iv. TTmri/ Guv, v.
WiUiam Henderson, vi. Frederick Levereit, vii. Edward
BillingM, viii. Guy.
Fourth Generation 79
6. Geopoje Benjamin, b. Charlestown, Mass., 27 Nov. 1808,
d. Littleton, N. H., 1 Dec. 1888, age 80, unmarried. Lived
at Littleton, N. H., from 1829 until death. Was a mer-
chant and sc}i:he manufacturer. Director Littleton Na-
tional Bank 1871-1887. Director Littleton Savings Bank
1871-1888. Director White Mountains Railroad.
7. William Ebexezer, b. Charlestown, Mass., 19 Sept. 1810,
d. Boston, Mass., 1 May 1880, age 69, m. Esther Forsaitii.
Lived in Boston. Was a clerk.
8. Francis Cornelius, b. Charlestown, Mass., 28 March 1813,
d. there 31 July 1813.
9. Frances Ann, b. Charlestown, Mass., 30 March 1814, d.
Concord, Mass., 2 Nov. 1861, age 47. Unmarried.
10. Henry Corneltus, b. Charlestown, Mass., 24 Nov. 1816,
d. Littleton, N. H., 2 March 1889, m. 30 April 1846,
]VL\Rr Bean Eichakbson, dau. of Stephen Richardson, b.
Lisbon, Maine, 20 July 1821. Lived at Littleton from
1834. Merchant and scythe manufacturer. Children: i.
Stella Louise, ii. Charles Thomas, iii. Mary Frances, iv.
Isabella Steams, v. George Eenry.
27. EBENEZER* STOWELL {David'-^ Samuel') wa<^
born in NeTvton, Mass.. 26 Sept. 1724, died before 9 Sept. 1753
(See Probate), married at Abington, Conn., 19 Feb. 1746,
Anna (Hannah) ]\Iartin, dau. of George and Mercy Martin,
born in Windham, Conn., 15 July 1725, died there 29 Nov.
1781. She married second at Pomfret, Conn., 30 May 1758,
John Lestcoln, son of Samuel and Euth (Huntington) Lincoln,
born in Pomfret, Conn., 28 July 1726 and died there 7 June
1810, age 83.
Resided in Abington, "Windham and Willington, Conn.
9 Sept. 1753, Anna Stowell, widow of Ebenezer, appointed
guardian of Jonathan Stowell, age 7 years, Eunice, age 8 years,
Josiah, age 5 years, and Patience, age 1 year and two months.
Said widow now belongs to Windham. (Hartford Prob.)
9 Oct. 1753, Administration on estate of Ebenezer Stowell
late of Willington, deceased, granted Anna Stowell. Account
allowed 9 Sept. 1755, In the account are mentioned Sarah
Stowell, David Stowell, Ebenezer Stowell and George ]\Iartin.
(Hartford Prob.) Sarah Stowell and David Stowell may have
been Ebenezer 's sister and brother and George Martin the
80 The Stowell Genealogy
father of wife Anna Martin and Ebenezer a nephew named
for him.
The name is spelled Stowell in Newton, Mass. record of birth
and in Abington, Conn, record of marriage, Stowel in Windham
deed, 25 June 1751 and Stoel in Windham deed, 8 Sept. 1751,
and in Willington deed, 24 Sept. 1751.
Children of Ebenezer and Anna (Martin) Stowell:
i. Eunice-'"', b. Abington, Conn., 9 Jan. 1746-7, m. 1st Windham,
Conn., 10 April 1769, Matthew Warner, son of Isaac and
Ann (Davison) Warner, b. Windham, Conn., 28 June 1743. She
m. 2d, Windham, Conn., 1 May 1777, John Brigham.
Children by Matthew Warner, born Mansfield, Conn.:
1. Milan, b. 8 Feb. 1770.
2. Bela, b. 25 Oct. 1771.
3. Stoel, b. 7 March 1774.
75. ii. Jonathan, b. Abington, Conn., 5 Sept. 1748.
76. iii. Josiah, b. Windham, Conn., 20 Miarch 1750.
iv. Anna, b. Abington, Conn., 16 Jan. 1753, d. Windham, Conn.,
30 Sept. 1754, age 2.
Y. Patience, b. Windham, Conn., 24 Nov. 1753, m. Windham, Conn.,
2 April 1778, Thomas Kingsbury, ."^on of Thomas and Sarali
(Preston) Kingsbury, b. 24 April 1752. As her father, Eben-
ezer, died before 9 Sept. 1753, Patience was of posthimious
birth and was described when baptised at Wmdham, Conn., 2.>
Dec. 1753, as the daughter of Hannah Stowell, widow.
Thomas Kingsbury served 28 days in Lexington Alarm.
Enlisted 1776 and sei-ved one year. Was in battle of White
Plains and Princeton. Next enlisted with his team for six
Children born Windham, Conn. (Kjngsbury) :
1. Phila, b. 29 Dec. 1778, d. Windham, Conn., 2 March 1779.
2. Phila, b. 5 April 1780, d. Windham, Conn., 3 Feb.. 1804,
age 23, m. there 1 Jan. 1799, Erastus Bibbins, son of
William and Loui.sa (Simons) Bibbins, b. Windliam, Conn.,
i. Stoivcll, ii.
17 March 1798.
bp. 18 April 1773. Children (BiBBlxs
KoYAi>, b. 24 NOT'. 1781.
Lucy, b. 2 Feb. 1784, d. Windham, Conn.
Hannah, b. 8 July 1785.
Fanny, b. 28 April 1790.
Lucy, b. 28 Nov. 1797.
Fourth Generation 81
vi. Warren. The Bridgewater Mss. p. 90, N. E. H. G. Soc, by
Mitchell, gives Warren as a son of Ebenezer. Warren was a
private in Capt. Abner Crane's Co., 3 Feb. 1779 to 4 May 1779,
on guard at Boston. Was private in Capt. Jacob Haskins' Co.,
Col. John Jacob's Regt., 28 Aug. 1779 to 31 Jan. 17S0. Was
a private in Altrara Washburn's Co., Col. Theophilus Cotton's
Eegt., 10 March 1781 to 1 AprU 1781, at Rhode Island,
The collateral facts clearly indicate that this Warren was
not the son of Ebenezer, as claimed above. Possibly he may
have been the son of Samuel4-3-2-i. First, Warren is not men-
tioned in the will of his assumed grandfather David in 1763,
while Jonathan, Josiah, Eunice and Patience are mentioned.
As Ebenezer died in 1753, before Patience was born, Warren
could not have been his son unless he was a twia with Patience-
in wliich case he would have been baptised at the same time.
Abington is a post-oflace withxa and a part of the town of
Pomfret. Hampton Church seems to have been a neighbor-
hood church on the borders of Windham, Abington and Canada,
situated in Windham village. The town clerk of Abington gives
the birth of Eunice, Jonathan and Anna as being in Abington
and as being the children of Anna. The church records of
Hampton church give the birth of Josiah and Patience as being
in Hampton and as being the cliildren of Hannah. The church
records of Hampton give the baptisms of Eunice, Jonathan,
Josiah and Patience as of Windham, but no mention of War-
ren is made in any of these records.
9 Sept. 1753, Anna Stowell, widow of Ebenezer, was ap-
pointed guardian of Jonathan, age 7, Eunice, age 8, Josiah, age
5 and Patience age one year and two months, but there is no
mention of Warren. This is singular, as being the yoiing-
est, he would need guardianship most.
In Willing-ton deed of 19 Jan. 17C9 Eunice Stoel; of 13 Dec.
1769 Jonathan Stoel; of 37 April 1771 Josiah Stoel and
of 24 Dec. 1774 Patience Stoel, all of Windham, each sell
their one-fourth interest in 90 acres of land left them by
their father Ebenezer to Seth Crocker. No deed from Warren
is found. Note they each sell one-fourth interest.
28. DAVID* STOWELL OR STOEL (David'-' Samuel')
was born in Pomfret, Conn., 7 July 1736, died at Rockingham,
Vt., 7 Dec. 1786, age 50, married at Willington, Conn., 13 Nov.
1756, Sarah Royse, dau. of James and Mehitable (Arnold)
82 The Stowell Genealogy
David lived at Willington, Conn, and "Walpole, N. H. and
was in Rockingham, Vt, before 3 March 1778 when and where
he took the oath to support the Constitution of Vermont. Made
Freeman in 1781. Was in Capt. Samuel Weatherbee 's Co., Col.
Isaac Wyman's Regt., Aug. 1776.
David and wife joined the "Willington Church, 26 July 1761,
and were admitted by letter to Walpole, N. H. Church in 1768.
27 March 1788, Administration on estate of David Stowell
of Rockingham to John Stowell. (Rockingham Dist. Windham
Co. Probate) . Two Willington deeds give name David Stoel of
Windham, 1751. Two Willington Deeds give name as David
Stoel of Willington, 1757-59.
Children of David and Sarah (Royse) Stowell:
Davids, b. Wmington, Conn., 25 Dec. 1757.
William, b. Willington, Conn., about 1759.
John, b. Williugton, Conn., 14 Feb. 1761.
Sarah, b. Willington, Conn., bp. 24 April 1763.
Daughter, bp. Willington, Conn., July 1765.
Mehttable. b. Walpole, N. H., bp. 14 June 1772.
Asa, b. Walpole, N. H., 3 June 1771.
Stephen Arnold, bp. Walpole, N. H., 13 Oct. 1776.
12 May 1802, Stephen Arnold said he did not agree with
the majority of Rockingham in religion. (Vt. Antiquarian,
Vol. 2, p. 113.).
29. ISAAC^ STOWELL OR STOEL {David'-'' Samuel')
was born in Pomfret, Conn., 6 Oct. 1739, married at Willington,
Conn., 9 Feb. 1758, Phoebe Root, probably dau. of Samuel and
Mercy (Parker) Root, bom Coventry, Conn., 31 July 1735.
She had brothers Rufus, Nathan, Ezra and Elias; she named
two of her children Rufus and Nathan and her son Ebenezer
named two Ezra and Elias after his uncles.
Isaac resided in Willington, Conn., until about 1767, Wal-
pole, N. H. until about 1777 then Rockingham, Vt. Isaac Stoel
and wife joined AVillington Church, 26 July 1761, Isaac Stoel
and wife wore admitted to Walpole Church 1768. Phoebe Stoel
was admitted to Rockingham Church, 28 Oct. 1781.
Isaac was in Capt. Barker's Co., Col. Conant's Regt. to
Fort William Ilcnry in 1757. He enlisted in Capt. Tristrum
Da\is' Co., 10 March 1760, age 20, residence, Brimfield, father
Fourth Generation 83
David, Col. John Worthington 's Kegt, Isaac Stoel appears on
account dated Charlestown, 22 Jan. 1761, rendered by John
Foye for money paid to invalids on the Albany road returning
from the "West. Isaac was chosen Ensign in Capt. Wood's Co.,
Rockingham, Yt., 18 July 1775. Went to Ticonderoga in Feb.
1777, was color bearer. Was constable of Eockingham, 1777.
Took oath of Allegiance to Vermont, June 1777.
Isaac Stowell buys land in Walpole, N. H., 31 Oct. 1765 of
Benjamin Bellows. (Provincial Deeds, Vol. 80, p. 531).
Children of Isaac and Phoebe (Root) Stowell or Stoel:
81. i. EBENEZER5, b. Willington, Conn., 14 Dec, 1758.
82. ii. Isaac, b. Willington, Conn., 1 Oct. 1761.
iii. Phoebe, b. Willington, Conn., 27 April 1763, m. Rockingham,
Vt., 16 June 1782, Elisha Knight, son od: Simeon and Sarah
(Harwood) Knight, b. Northfield, Mass., 29 Dee. 1754. Phoebe
was received in 1st Church of Rockingham, 28 Oct. 1781. Elisha
Knight was one of the Company that "mareht to Ticonderoga"
in 1777. Was prominent in the affairs of the town. Children
born Rockingham, Vt. (Knight) :
1. AsAHEL, bp. 1 Aug. 1784.
2. Amanda, bp. 19 June 1785.
3. Phoebe, bp. 5 Aug. 1787.
4. Amasa, bp. 25 Oct. 1790.
Ira, b. Willington, Conn., 27 Dec. 1764.
Nathan, b. Willington, Conn., 17 Dec. 1769.
RuFUS, bp. Rockingham, Vt., 27 Sept. 1778.
Mercy, bp. Rockingham, Vt., 27 Sept. 1778.
viii. LuciNDA, bp. Rockingham, Vt., 7 June 1782. Given as Lueinda
daughter of Phoebe which would indicate that Isaac died be-
fore that date.
30. SAMUEL^ STOWELL OR STOEL {David^-^- Samuel^)
was bom in Pomfret, Conn., 2 Sept. 1742, died Pomfret, Conn.,
30 Jan. 1824, age 81, married Willington, Conn., 24 April 1760,
Anna Rtjss, dau. of John and Rebecca (Wood) Russ, b. Ash-
ford, Conn., 9 Feb. 1748-9, died 11 April 1829, age 80.
Samuel and wife joined the Willington Church 26 July
1761 when he was 19 and she 13 years old. Samuel was famous
for his great strength and is accounted the strongest man ever
raised in Willington and she the handsomest woman. He is
recorded as Samuel Stoel of Willington in 16 deeds 1767 to
1804 in Willington Land Records.
84 The Stowell Genealogy
He was in the Revolution. Corp. Samuel Stowell paid
from 1 Jan. 1781 to 31 Dec. 1781. 1st Co. Capt. Edward Bulk-
ley, 3d Regt. Col. Samuel B. Webb, on the rolls 25 April 1782,
also Light Inf. Co. Capt. Wells, afterwards transferred. (Vol. 8
and 12, Conn. Hist. Soc). On Pension list 1820.
Mrs. Holman says John and Rebecca (Wood) Russ were
married in 1737 and had Abigail, Mary, John, Eunice and Anna.
If Anna was born 9 Feb. 1748-49 she was only eleven or twelve
years old when married in 1760 ; yet the names of her children
are significant, among them being Abigail, Mary, John, Eunice
and Anne, the same as those of her brothers and sisters.
Children of Samuel and Anna (Russ) Stowell born Will-
ington, Ct. :
86. i. AsA5, b. 5 March 1761.
87. ii. Samuel, b. 28 July 1762.
iii. JMary or Polly, b. 24 Oct. 1763, m. Mansfield, Conn., 8 Oct.
1798, Phineas GrOODENOUGH of Charlton, Mass.
Children (Gooden'OUGH) :
1. Stowell, b. Willington, Conn., 7 March 1800.
2. Polly, b. Pomfrct, Conn., 2 May 1805.
88. iv. Abel, b. 23 Dec. 1764.
V. Akke, b. 1 Sept. 1766.
vi. Eebekah, b. 25 July 1768, m. Davis.
vii. Abigail, b. 9 Aug. 1770, m. Eockingham, Vt., 24 May 1789,
Samuel Eastman Jr., son of Samuel and Dorothy (Humphrey)
(Gaggail) Eastman, b. Rehobotli, Mass., 31 March 1768. Chil-
dren bom Eockingham, Vt. (Eastman) :
1. MiSPAH, b. 23 March 1790, d. Rockingham, Vt., 9 May
2. HUMPHRIA, b. 10 March 1791, d. Eockingham, Vt., 23 Feb.
3. Samuel, b. 4 Sept. 1792, d. Anna, 111., 19 Feb. 1868, m,
4 July 1818, Elizabeth Tanner, dau. of Josias and Hannah
(Cheney) Tanner, b. Clarendon, Vt., 20 May 1800, d.
Pontiac, Mich., 4 Sept. 1826. Lived at Ridgeway, N. Y.
Farmer. Soldier in War of 1812, in battle of Plattsburg.
Children: i. Horace Tanner, ii. Samiid Jcfiias.
4. Abigail, b. 8 May 1794, m. Shrewsbury, Vt., 9 Aug. 1818,
John Cheney, son of Ephraim and Bathshcba (Segur)
Cheney, b. Clarendon, Vt., 4 Oct. 1782.
5. Caroline, b. 16 Aut^. 1796, d. New Lebanon, N. Y., ai.
6. Seba, b. 18 July 1798 d. Huron Co., Ohio, 1856.
Fourth Generation
7. Laura, b. 11 June 1800, m. John Bullard, son of John
BuUard, b. Barre, Vt.
8. Chakles, b. 18 May 1802, d. Lykins, Crawford Co., Ohio.
9. Walter, b. 22 Oct. 1804.
10. Nancy, b. 3 May 1806, m. Harlet Waterhouse.
11. Jarvis Chase, b. 9 May 1810, d. McHenry Co., 111., 1848.
12. Philura, b. 20 'Feb. 1815, m. John Brown.
89. -viii. OzNi, b. 29 Feb. 1772.
90. ix. John, b. 16 July 1774.
X. David, b. 16 July 1774, d. WUlington, Ct., 25 Aug. 1774.
xi. Eunice, b. 9 Dec. 1775, d. Willington, Ct., 10 April 1776.
xii. Eunice, b. 23 Aug. 1777, m. Grafton, Vt., 12 Feb. 1800,
Samuel Spring Jr., son of Samuel Spring, b. Battery, Maine.
Was a farmer and lived at Grafton, Vt.
Children born Grafton, Vt. (Spring) :
1. Marshall, b. 21 Nov. 1800, m. Grafton, Vt., 12 Oct. 1837,
Ann Chrysty.
2. Horace, b. 30 Dee. 1801, d. Grafton, Vt., 10 June 1803,
3. Anna, b. 25 May 1803, d. Grafton, Vt., 25 Aug. 1805.
4. Cyrus, b. 6 Dec. 1804.
5. Leverett, b. 19 Oct. 1806.
6. LuRA, b. 24 May 1808.
7. Levi, b. 15 June 1811.
8. William, b. 30 Sept. 1813.
9. Caroline, b. 9 Jan. 1816.
10. Edward, b. 12 Dec. 1818.
11. Eunice, b. 4 Feb. 1822.
12. Samuel Stowell, b. 25 Dec. 1823, d. Duluth, Minn., 18
July 1875, age 51, m. Franklinville, Vt., 9 May 1850,
Ellen Hogg, dau. of William Hogg, b. Dalkeith, Scotland,
1827, d. 1898, age 71. Samuel was Dist. Attorney of Cat-
taraugus Co., N. Y., 1859 to 1865 and County Judge
of Cattaraugus Co., 1870 until 1875. Children: i. Alfred^
ii. Levi, iii. George E., iv. Sanuiel A. The eldest was an
LL.D. and was a Judge of the Supreme and Appelate
Courts of New York.
xiii. Zerviah, b. 27 July 1779.
David^ Samuel^) was born in AsMord, Conn., 9 April 1740,
died before 1776, married at Ashford, Conn., 4 April 1761,
Rhoda Wilson, dau. of Jacob and Ruth (Smith) Wilson, born
at Ashford, Conn., 12 Feb. 1742, d. there 16 May 1825, age 83.
86 The Sto\\"ell Genealogy
Jonathan^ left no will, but his father Jonathan^, (Pomfret
Probate, Jan. 1776) left a will in which he mentions, wife Amy
and grandchildren, children of my son Jonathan, deceased,
Amasa, Areulus, Elledurin, Mary, John, Nathan and Jonathan.
He is recorded in five deeds of Ashford as Jonathan Stoel
Jr. of Ashford, 1771-1773.
Children of Jonathan and Rhoda (Wilson) Stowell born
Ashford, Conn. :
AMASA5, b. 27 Nov. 1762.
Archelaus, b. 4 April 1764.
Alladukan, b. 6 Feb. 1766.
iv. TklARY, b. 17 Sept. 176«, m. Ashforri, Conn.. 4 Oc\ . 1791,
Thomas Cheney, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Parry) Cheney,
b. Ashford, Conn., 24 June 1769. Lived at Ashford, Conn.
Children born Ashford, Conn. (CHEafEY) :
1. Hervey, b. 30 March 1793.
2. Danforth, b. 29 Oct. 1794.
3. Thomas, b. 12 Sept. 1796.
4. Polly, b. 1 April ISOO.
5. Jonathan Stovo^ll, b. 31 Dec. 1802.
6. John, b. 5 Dec. 1S04.
v. John, h. 18 July 1769, m. Ashford, Conn., 10 Aug. 1794,
Polly Keyes, dau. of Solomon and Sarah (Sumner) Keyes,
b. Ashford, Conn., 20 June 1773.
Abel Simmons appointed guardian to John Stowell, a minor
about 16 years old, of Ashford, 3 May 1785.
Ashford Laud Records give one deed in name of John
Stowell of Ashford, 1791. Mansfield Deeds describe John as of
Mansfield, 1 May 1795 to 17 April 1797, and describe him as
removed from Mansfield, Dec. 1799.
Polly Keya'f, with brothers and sisters and Sarah, widow
of Solomon Keyes, late of Ashford, deceased, divide estate,
12 June 1792. (Pomfret Prob. Vol. 8, p. 344.)
94. vi. Nathan, b. 17 Dec. 1771.
95. vii. Jonathan, b. about 1773.
32. JOHN^ STOWELL {Jolin^ DavicP Samuel}) was bom
in 1726, died at Petersham, Mass., 5 April 1791, age 65, married
Sarah Pakmenter, born 8 Oct. 1730, d. Petersham, Ma.ss., 23
June 1830, age 99, or married Sarah Mossman, b. Sudbury,
Mass., 1729, d. 23 Oct. 1830.
Fourth Generation 87
John lived at Worcester until about 1749, then Nichewaug
1749-1759, then Guilford, Vt. 1759, then Petersham, Mass.,
1760 until death. In the intervening five years between the
birth of Sarah, recorded in Newton in 1723 and of James,
recorded in Watertown in 1728, John^ moved from Newton to
Watertown and during this period, probably in 1726, the eldest
son John* was born, though his birth is not recorded in either
That he was the son of John^ is proven by Worcester Pro-
bate 57155, 1 Dec. 1762 where administration on estate of John
Stowell, late of Worcester, deceased, was granted to John
Stowell Jr. of Petersham. Sureties on bond of John Stowell
Jr. were Benjamin Stowell of Worcester, a son, and David
Curtis of Petersham, a son-in-law of John^,
John* was another one of those very energetic men who
figured largely in business affairs, moved often and pioneered
into new and unsettled regions where no official records of birth
were kept and paid no attention to keeping them himself so
that we have scant data of his numerous family.
Of 19 Worcester Deeds one in 1748 describes him as John
Stowell, Jr. of Worcester. Six deeds from 1750 to 1759 describe
him as John Stowell Jr. of Nichewaug. Twelve deeds from 1762
to 1789 describe liim as John Stowell of Petersham.
John Stowell signed a petition to the Mass. Legislature,
15 March 1770 for a new grant for the township of Alstead,
N. H. (Vol. 24, Town Papers of New Hampshire).
5 July 1791, Abel Stowell et als of Petersham, with Ben-
jamin Stowell of Worcester on bond, granted administration
on estate of John Stowell of Petersham, deceased, by Abel
Stowell and John Dimmick. (Wor. Prob. 57156.)
John Stowell and wife Sarah admitted to Petersham
Church, 15 Aug. 1773.
Children of John and Sarah (Parmenter) Stowell:
i.^ SARAiirj, b. Nichewaug, Mass., about 1750, d. Guilford, Vt.,
about 1821, m. (Int. Petersham, Mass., 13 Aug. 1774) Joel
BiGELOw, son of Jotham and Mary (Richardson) Bigelow, b.
Holden, Mass., 30 June 1752, d. Ellisburg, N. Y., 1830. Lived
at Guilford, Vt. He was a farmer. During the controversy
between Vermont and New York, he was quite prominent,
taking sides with New York and was elected member of the
88 The Stowell Genealogy
Assembly in 1784, from Cumberland Co. He was also com-
missioned Adjutant by the State of New York about that time.
Children born Guilford, Vt. (Bigelow) :
1. John, b. 7 Nov. 1774, d. went West and never heard from,
m. Guilford, Vt., 9 March 1797, Rebecca Grow, dau of
Nathaniel and Susanna (Dow) Grow, b. "Windham, Vt.,
4 May 1777, d. Loraine, N. Y., 7 Jan. 1845, age 67. She m.
2d, EUisburg, N. Y., 24 Dec. 1834, Hubbard Randall.
Child: i. Joel Bigelo-w.
2. Sally, b. 20 Feb. 1776, m. Guilford, Vt., 7 March 1798,
Joseph Wh^lard.
3. Polly, b. 28 Jan. 1778, m. Guilford, Vt., 28 Nov. 180O,
Amos Billings of Leyden, Mass.
4. Joel, b. 8 March 1780.
5. William, b. 16 Nov. 1781, d. Phillipston, Mass., 6 Oct.
1849, age 67, m. there 27 Jan. 1805, Ahathxjsa Bigelow,
dau. of Jotham and Marcy (Powers) Bigelow, b. PhiUipston,
Mass., 6 Sept. 1785, d. there 12 Dec. 1852, age 67.
Children: i. Horatio Nelson, ii. James Harvey, iii. William
Martin, iv. Eolla Richardson, v. Ducay Alonso, vi. Jotham
Poioers, vii. Bciijoinin Franklin, %-iii. Gcrshom Milton,
ix. Joel Stowell, x. Hora<;e Wales, xi. Itollin (hiilford,
xii. Arathusa Marietta, xiii. Estelle Fanny.
6. Jotham, b. 28 Jan. 1784, m. Guilford, Vt., 1 Jan. 1811,
Ceunda Bullock, dau. of Lovell and Jennet Bullock, b.
Guilford, Vt., 12 Dec. 1786. He m. 2d, Guilford, Vt., 25
Sept. 1825, Nancy Nichols, dau. of Ephraim and Abigail
Nichols, b. Guilford, Vt., 24 May 1787. Children: i.
Jotlumn, ii. Lovell, iii. Luhe, iv. Lyman, v. Tirzah, vi.
Daniel Richardson, vii. Lafayette Jotham,.
7. Richardson, b. 5 Oct. 1785, d. GuUford, Vt., 25 Jan. 1812,
age 26, m. Lancaster, Mass., 27 May 1809, Mrs. Sarah
(Chandler) Hall, dau. of Gardiner and Elizabeth
(Rugglcs) Chandler and widow of George Holman IlaU,
b. Hardwiek, Mass., 1784, d. Brattleboro, Vt., 3 July 1819,
age 35. Child: i. Elizabeth Augusta.
8. Ira, b. 23 Aug. 1787.
9. RUFUS, b. 8 July 1789, d. unmarried.
10, Tirzah, b. 7 July 1792, d. Watertown, N. Y., m. Ambrose
Hunt of EUisburg, N. Y.
ii. Molly, b. Nichewaug, Mass., about 1750, (perhaps b. Guilford,
Vt.), d. Potensham, Ma.ss., 8 Jaji. 1843, age 84, m. (Int. Peter-
sham, Mass., 7 Doc. 1776) Ji;ssE Dimick, son of Josso and
Rachel (Kidder) Dimick, b. Mansfield, Conn., 22 April 1752,
d. Petersham, Mass., 4 Sept, 1807, ago 55.
Fourth Generation '89
Children (Dimick) :
1. Hannah, b. Guilford, Vt., 1778, d. Petersham, Mass., 4
June 1830, age 52, m. there 10 May 1798, Capt. Levi
Houghton, b, 1771, d. Petersham, Mass., 4 Oct. 1836, age
65. Lived at GuUford, Vt. and Petersham, Mass.
Children (Houghton) : i. Maria, ii. Charles, iii. Fanny,
iv. Eliza', V. Lticretia, vi. Jane, vii. Maria Amelia; viii.
Miranda, ix. Warren DknicTc.
iii. Susanna, m. (Int. Petersham, Mass., 19 Nov. 1778) Rev.
Henry Williams of Guilford, Vt. Children (Williams) i.
Avery, ii. Henry, iii. Lucy, iv. Sally, v. Susanna, vi.
yij_ ^ -piy^ Elisabeth.
96. iv. Joab, b. Nichewaug, Mass., about 1754.
97. V. John, b. Nichewaug, Mass., about 1756.
vi. Prudence, b. Nichewaug, Mass., about 1758.
vii. Mary, b. Nichewaug, Jklc^ss., abt. 1759, m. 20 May 1784,
Sergt. Abner Adams, son of Capt. Daniel and Keziali (Brooks)
Adams. He m. 2d, 10 Nov. 1796, Sarah Sawtelle. Lived at
Townsend, Mass. Was a farmer. Was a private in Capt. Samuel
Douglass' Co., Col. James Prescott's Regt., 19 AprU 1775.
Was Sergt. in Capt. Job Shattuck's Co., Col. Jonathan Reed's
Regt., 26 Sept. to 9 Nov. 1777. On Pension Rolls, 4 March
1831 until death. Was a selectman. Member of the Legislature
from Townsend. Children (Adams) :
1. Capt. James, b. Townsend, Mass., 11 March 1785, d. there
28 Oct. 1864, age 79, m. 6 Nov. 1808, Nancy Pratt, who
d. 13 March 1861, age 76. Lived at Townsend, Mass. Was
a farmer. Capt. Militia 1812 to 1815. Children: i. Nancy,
ii. Elisabeth, iii. Lydia, iv. Catherine Susan, v. James
98. viii. Lemuel, b. Nichewaug, Mass., about 1761.
99. ix. Samuel, b. 1762-3.
X. Anna, b. about 1765, d. Sunderland, Mass., 21 Aug. 1818, age
53, m. Sunderland, Mass., (Int. Petersham, Mass., 9 Feb. 1786)
Simon Cooley, son of Abner and Jerusha (Graves) Cooley, b.
Sunderland, Mass., 26 July 1754, d. there 9 Feb. 1797, age 42.
She m. 2d, 11 March 1802, John Wiley, son of Ebenezer and
Elizabeth (Sprague) Wiley, b. S. Reading, Mass., 1 July 1760,
d. there 1834. Children bom Sunderland, Mass., (Cooley) :
1. Betsey, b. 31 Dec. 1788, m. Sunderland, Mass., 11 Jan.
1808, Russell Cooley, son of Abner and Martha (Russell)
Cooley, b. Leverett, Mass., 11 July 1780.
90" The Stowell Genealogy
2. Charles, b. 1 Sept. 1790, d. Sunderland, Mass., 10 Nov.
1S70, m. Petersham, Mass., (Int. 16 Feb. 1815), Mary, or
Polly Stowell, dau. of Lemuel and Prudence (Gould)
StOTveU, b. Petersham, Mass., 17 Dec. 1795, d. there 17 April
1S44, age 4S. He m. 2d, Electa Baetlett, dau. of Daniel
and Lovise Bartlett, b. Hadley. Mas?.. 20 Sept. ISOS. d.
there 4 April 1872. Children: i. Eliza Angela, ii. Simon
Foster, iii. Charles Austin, iv. Dexter Stowell, v. Persis
Marie, vi. Avery Williams, vii. Fanny, viii. Dau., ix. Edwin
Avery x. Clarissa Cardelia, xi. George Lemuel.
3. Clakissa, b. 3 Dec. 1793, d. Sunderland, Mass., 21 Oct.
1814, age 20. Unmarried.
4. Child, d. young.
5. Child, d. young.
xi. Elizabeth, b. about 1767, m. Petersham. Mass. (Int. 21 Jan.
1790) James Houghton, son of Edward and Lucretia (Bich-
ardson) Houghton, b. Guildford, Vt., 2 Aug. 1763, d. there 6
Jan. 1848, age 84.' Stowell Street in St. Albans, Yt. named
after her.
Children born Guilford, Vt. (Houghton) :
1. Abel, b. 28 April 1790, d. St. Albans, Vt., 4 Sept. 1873,
m. Deerfield, Mass., 18 Sept. 1817, Amelia SI-ebbins, dau.
of Col. Asa and Emilia (Harvey) Stebbius. b. Deerfield,
Mass., 20 March 1798, d. St. Albans, Vt., 6 May 1881.
He was Cashier St. Albans Bank r.nd a prominent citizen.
Children: i. Emilia, ii. George Frederick, iii. Fra/ncis Ja/mes,
iv. Mary Ann, v. Soland Stebbins.
2. Betsey Eliza, b. 20 Nov. 1794, d. Townsend, Vt., 18 Juiy
1872, age 78, m. 21 July 1814, Chakles Phelps, son of
Timothy and Zipporah (Williams) Phelps, b. Marlboro,
Vt., 13 Sept. 1781, d. Cincinnati, Ohio, 19 Nov. 1854.
Cliildren (Phelps) : i. Charles, ii. James, iii. Elisa iv.
Fanny, m. Hon. Alfonzo Taft, who was also bom in
Townsend, Vt. and was Atty. Gen. in Cabinet of Pres.
Grant and was Minister to Austria and Russia. Alfonzo
Taft was, by his second wife, the father of William
Howard Taft, the 27th President of the United States.
V. Mary, vi. Lxtcy Jane.
3. James, b. 18 Sept. 1797, d. 1843, m. Harriet Blake.
Cliildren: i. George, ii Sclden, iii, Henry, iv. Mary.
100. xii. Abel, b. Petersham, Mass., 1769.
101. xiii. ASAUEL, b. Petersham, Mass., 4 April 1771.
33. BENJAMIN* STOWELL (John' David' Saynuel')
was bom in Watcrtown, Mass., 4 May 1730, died at Worcester,
Fourth Generation 91
Mass., 6 Aug. 1803, age 73, married at Framingliam, Mass., 23
Oct, 1755, Elizabeth Parker, dau. of Moses and Elizabeth
(Wait) Parker, born Framingham, Mass., 21 Feb. 1733, died
at Worcester, Mass., 26 March 1821, age 88.
Benjamin lived on Granite St., Worcester, Mass. He was
one of the proprietors of Rockingham, Vt. under the grant of
1752. Had a house and lot and 20 acres of land granted him
and was living there in 1754. On 11 Aug. 1755, he sold land
in Rockingham to Michael Lovell and apparently left there at
that time for he married Elizabeth Parker, 23 Oct. 1755, and
settled in Worcester where all his children were born.
Benjamin Stoell appears on Muster Roll sworn to at Wor-
cester, 20 Dec, 1748, under command of Maj, Daniel He^•wood.
Marched on an alarm to the defence of the Western Frontiers
bj^ order of Col. J. Chandler.
Benjamin Stowell on JMuster Roll at Worcester, 27 Aug.
1757, as Corporal under command of Capt, Benjamin Flagg,
From 24 Sept. to 14 Oct. in Col. Chandler's R^gt. raised to
reinforce the forces at Lake George.
Benjamin Stowell on Muster Roll at Worcester, 2 Jan. 1758,
of men detached out of Capt. James Goodwin's Co., Col. John
Chandler's R^gt. which marched to the relief of Fort WiUiam
Henry in Aug. 1757. Was a private, served" from 10 Aug. to 17
Aug., marched from Worcester to Sheffield. He served as 1st
Lieut, in Capt. James Johnson's Co., Col. Oliver Partridge's
Regt. in 1758 and in the same Company in 1759 under General
He inherited land from his father John in Township No. 4,
(Paris) Maine, and was given land for his services in the Indian
Wars, At a meeting of the proprietors in Watertown, 5 Jan,
1774, he was made one of a committee to build a road in Paris,
Me, and on the 22 June 1774, reported to the proprietoi-s that the
road had been built. The Revolution evidently interfered with
any further settlement in Maine, for, during that period, the
family again appear in Vermont at Guilford; but after the
War was over the three eldest sons settled on this land in
Paris and became the progenitors of the very numerous and
highly eminent members of this branch of the Stowell family
which was well known in those days throughout Maine.
92 The STO^VELL Genealogy
Benjamin Stowel of Worcester, Gentleman, am held and
bound to my father John Stowel of Worcester, to pay £10 to
the heirs of John Stowel if Jolin should die without a will, and
according to the will if John makes one, or if John should want
money during his life to have a part, 18 July 1759. (Wor. Deeds
Benjamin Stowel of Worcester, Gentleman, for love of son
Nathaniel Stowel of Worcester, deeds % part of all lands I
now own in Worcester, 12 May 1792. (Wor. Deeds 115:548).
Benjamin sold Lot No. 7 in 6th Range, Paris, Me. to Thomas
Stevens of Worcester, 14 Jan. 1785. Sold Lot No. 21 in 6th
Range to Caleb Fuller of Paris, Me., 10 Feb. 1795. Sold Lot No.
22 in 6th Range, Paris, Me. to Daniel Shaw of Paris, Me., 11
Sept. 1799.
Benjamin held the foUoAving offices in Worcester : Constable
1773, Selectman 1777, Deer Reever 1764-1771, Tythingman 1767-
1775, Fence Viewer 1769, Surveyor of Highways 1768-72-78-80-
81-86-91, School Committee 1769-72-73-76-77, Lieutenant 1779-
81. Was one of a committee to raise money for the soldiers
in the Revolution.
Benjamin Stowell of Worcester, Gentleman, will was pro-
bated 4 Oct. 1804, Mentions wife Elizabeth, two eldest sons
Wniiam and Daniel, sons Elias, Nathaniel, David and Benjamin.
Daughters Sarah, wife of Thomas Stevens and Betsey, wife of
Reuben Hubbard. Sisters Jerusha Stowell and Jemima Stowell.
Codicil dated 30 June 1803. Whereas since making my will, my
son David is deceased, leaving two sons, Alexander and Levi,
they are to have their father's share, he having died insolvent.
David's widow Eunice also mentioned. (Wor. Prob. No. 57128.)
Children all born in Worcester, Mass. :
102. i. W1LLIAM6, b. 8 Aug. 1756.
103. ii. D.\NIEL, b. 8 Dec. 1757.
iii. Sarah, b. 20 May 1760, d. Paris, Me., 25 March 1829, age 68,
m. Thomas Stearns Ste\'ens, son of Simon and Martha
Stevens, b. Wtn-cester, Ma.ss., 2 Sept. 1762, d. Paris, Me., 19
June 1815, age 52.
Children bom Paris, Me., except Daniel (Stevens) :
1. Daniel, b. Worcester, Mass., 1782, m. Almira Stevens,
dau. of Dr. Cyprian and Sarah (Robinson) Stevens, b.
Paris, Me., 7 June 1791.
Fourth Generation 93
2. Sally, b. 24 Sept. 1784, m. Jared M. Buck, son of Peter
and Jemima (Fay) Buck. Children (Buck) : i. Mary Ann,
ii. William P., iii. Sarali Stevens, iv. Elizabeth Parker.
3. Benjamin, b. Oct. 1786, d. 15 May 1861, m. Mary Brigos,
of Glover, Vt., who d. 9 Sept. 1848, Children: i. George
fV., ii. Lewis, iii. Hartwell, iv. Susie Ami, v. Eleotra.
4. John, b. 1788. Studied medicine at Paris, Me.
5. Clara, b. 1790.
6. Martha, b. 1793, m. Paris, Me., John Barker Wartfoed.
7. Eliza, b. 23 Nov. 1795, d. Paris, Me., 18 Feb. 1858, age 62,
m. there, Deacon Martin Beett, son of Amzi and Phoebe
(Packard) Brett.
8. Thomas, b. Nov. 1801, d. Paris, Me., 26 Nov. 1865, m.
9 May 1831, Mahala Bartlett, dau. of Daniel and Bethany
(Morse) Bartlett. b. Hebron, Maine, 20 Sept. 1802, d.
Carsville, "Wis, 5 Jan. 1877. Children: i. Francis Marion,
ii. Augustus Cli-ase, iii. LouAsa Woodman, iv. Daniel Bart-
lett, V. George Dana BoardmoAi, vi. William Emerson, viL
Adonvram Judson.
104. iv. Elias, b. 5 April 1762.
V. Betsey, b. 6 July 1764, d. Paris, Me., 15 April 1852, age 88,
m. Worcester, Mass., 30 April 1782, Reuben Hl^bbard, son of
Jonas and Mary (Stevens) Hubbard, b. Worcester, Mass., 13
Sept. 1761. She m. 2d at Paris, Me., 18 Nov. 1802, Eev. James
Harper, son of WUliam and Elizabeth (Emery) Harper, b.
Berwick, Me., 17 Dec. 1769, d. Paris, Me., 24 Dec. 1842, age 73.
Rev. James Harper was the first ordained Baptist Minister in
Maine and preached for 40 years. He married 1st Sally Merrill,
who died 19 April 1802.
vi. Paul, b. 2 July 1766, d. Worcester, Mass., 2 Nov. 1766.
vii. Paul, b. 31 Jan. 1769, d. Worcester, Mass., 31 March 1769.
105. viii. Nathaniel, b. 19 April 1770.
106. ix. Da\td, b. 14 AprU 1773.
X. Benjamin, b. 6 March 1776, d. Natchez, Miss., 22 April 1834,
age 58, unmarried. Graduate of Williams. Was a lawyer.
From the Miss. Territory, Benjamin Stowell was Ensign, 6
March 1813.
34. HEZEKIAH* STOWELL {JoTin^ David^ SamueV-)
was born in Watertown, ]\Iass., 25 Dec. 1732, d. Afton or Bain-
bridge, N. Y., married Worcester, Mass., 24 Nov. 1758, Hepzibah
Persis Rice, dau. of Adonijah and Persis (Gates) Rice, b. Wor-
cester, Mass., 3 April 1740. .
94 The Stow^ll Genealogy
Hezekiah lived at Lancaster, AVorcester and Petei'sham,
Mass., Guilford, Vt., and Bainbridge, N. Y. Was an Innkeeper
at Guilford. Farmer at Bainbridge, N. Y.
Hezekiah was evidently a man of great energy, unimpeach-
able integrity and deep religious convictions and an aggressive
leader among men in times of danger. His varied activities pre-
sent as stirring and picturesque a career as can be found in that
famous historical contest between New York and New Hamp-
shire for the possession of Vermont, in which the "Green
Mountain Boys" and the ''York Party" were the participants
and which resulted in Vermont acting as a sovereign unit by
itself during the Revolution, in an alliance with the other
Colonies against England, but independent both of the other
Colonies and of the Continental Congress.
Bom in Waterto-\\Ti, Mass., we find him at the age of twenty-
two enlisted from Lancaster, Mass. in the expedition under
John Winslow which went in 1755 to expel the Arcadians from
Arcadia. He married in Worcester in 1758 and lived there
until about 1762 when he moved to Petersham ; there he remain-
ed until about 1766 when he went to Guilford, Vt. where he
kept a tavern which became famous as the headquartei-s of the
' ' York Party ' ' of which he was one of the leading spirits. That
the "York Party" reposed unlimited confidence in his ability
and integrity is shown by the fact that their meetings were
held in his house and all their arms and military supplies were
placed in his custody.
Guilford was originally formed under a charter granted
by New York. This was afterwards revoked by the King and
Council, but later was reestablished by them. New Hampshire
granted a Charter to the same land, 2 April 1754, but owing to
the Indian Wars, nothing was done. On the 20 ^larch 1764,
a new Charter was granted by the King Avith full powers of self
control subject only to the control of the Parliament of England.
Thus Guilfoi-d became and was the only independent town in
Vermont and was, in fact, a little republic of its own. Both
New York and New Hampshire granted charters to most of the
other lands m what is now Vci-mont ; hence the coiiiinunity was
naturally divided into two factions. Ncav York feebly defended
its claims. New Hampshire was more aggressive. The move-
Fourth Generation 95
ment to form a new state out of this disputed territory became
very strong and was supported by the famous ' ' Green Mountain
Boys" and opposed by the ''York Party" who had their head-
quarters at Guilford. Both parties vigorously supported the
Revolution against England ; hence the Continental Congress
evaded any positive or final recognition of either for fear of
offending the other side with the natural result that both were
dissatisfied and both ignored the laws of Congress. Each one
also ignored the laws of New York or New Hampshire according
to their preferences.
In Guilford they governed themselves entirely and settled
all questions by a vote in the town meeting. Here the "York
Party" had possession of all the old town records, but for the
seven years of the Revolution they kept no records, not even
of their own proceedings.
Hezekiah took an active part in the Revolution in behalf
of the Colonies. For his services in it and in compensation for
the lands in Guilford taken from him, the State of New York
gave him, in 1783, 840 acres and gave his son Asa 220 acres in
Bainbridge, in what is now Jericho, to which place he moved, 11
July 1786, being the first inhabitant and pioneer settler there.
He first located at Bettsburg (name changed to Jericho in 1789)
on the east side of the Susquehanna River, living at one time on
an island of 40* acres knowTi as "Stowell Island". In 1790 he
moved to the west side of the river to what is now Afton, formed
from Bainbridge, 18 Nov. 1857 ; he was buried there.
Hezekiah is said to have had eleven children. His eldest,
Levi, is recorded as born in Worcester and Elijah and Persis in
Petersham. Asa, the second child, was probably born in Peter-
sham, though not recorded there. The date and place of birth
of the other children are unknown as all the old family records
were destroyed when the old "Stowell Homestead" built by
Hezekiah was burned in 1900.
Hezekiah was one of the grantees of Townshend, Vt., 21
June 1759 and of Chester, Vt., 3 Nov. 1761, both New Hamp-
shire grants. He held the following offices in Guilford, Vt. :
Pound Keeper, 17 May 1774. On the Committee of Correspon-
dence for Liberty, Westminster, Vt., 7 Feb. 1775. Captain in
Ephraim Doolittle's Regt., 20 May 1775. Surveyor, 6 May 1776.
96 The Stowell Genealogy
On Committee of Safety, Pound Keeper, to lay out roads, to sell
land, 7 April 1777. To lay out the to\^ai into school districts, 12
Jan. 1778. Made Captain of the Guilford Co. in Col. William
Williams' Regt., 7 May 1778. Made one of the proprietors of
Guilford, 1779. Given charge of the powder, lead and military
stores, 18 May 1779. One of the Committee of Safety on the
York side, there being one from each of the twenty-one towns
of Cumberland Co., 1780. One of County Committee from
Guilford, 16 May 1780. One of Committee against the pre-
tended State of Vermont, 1781 and 1782. Justice of the Peace
for Cumberland Co., 5 June 1782. To^yn meeting held at his
house, 27 April 1784. One of the founders and deacon of the
1st Presbyterian Church of Bainbridge, 1793.
Edmund Rice was born in England about 1594, settled in
Sudbury, then Marlboro, Mass. in 1639 and died there 3 May
1663. He had twelve children of whom the fourth was Thomas"
who married Mary. He was living in Marlboro in 1664 and died
there 16 Nov. 1681. They had thirteen children of whom the
eleventh was Jonas" born at Marlboro, 6 March 1672-3, died at
Worcester, 22 Sept. 1753, age 81, married at Marlboro, 10 Feb.
1701-2 Mary Stone, born there 10 Aug. 1677. He was the first
settler of Worcester and Judge of the Court. They had five
children of whom the fifth was Adonijah* who was the first white
child born in Worcester, bom 7 Nov. 1714, married Persis Gates
who died there 6 June 1760. Adonijah was in several campaigns
of the French and Indian Wars in Capt. Andrew Dalrymple's
Co. He died at Bridport, Vt., 20 Jan. 1802, age 88. They had
eight children of whom the oldest was Persis who married
Hezekiah Stowell.
Children of Hezekiah and Hepzibah Persis (Rice) Stowell:
107. i. Levis, b. Worcester, Mass., 8 Jan. 1759-60.
108. ii. Asa, b. 1762.
iii. Elijah, b. Petersham, Mass., 2 Feb. 1764, m. Rebecca, who
d. Afton, N. Y., 25 Feb. 1837, age 70. Elijah lived on west
side of Susquehanna River. He died when quite old while on
a visit in Penn. No children.
iv. Persis, b. Petersham, Mass., 2 April 1766.
V. Betsey, m. Daniel Dickinson. Settled in Guilford, Vt., then
Roroca Falls, N. Y.
vL Reuben.
Fourth Generation 97
vii. Isabel, d. Johnatown, Ohio, m. Bainbridj^e, N. Y., Elisha
Stowell, son of Israel and Mary (Butler) Stowell, b. Win-
chester, N. H., 29 Jan. 1767, d. Johnstown, Ohio,
viii. Abel.
ix. Polly, m. Calvin Stowell, son of Israei and Mary (Butler)
Stowell, b. Winchester, N. H., 5 Dec. 1774, d. Groton, N. Y.,
8 Nov. 1838, age 64.
X. Sally, m. CHAPa.ES Grinnell, who d. Bainbridge, N. Y.
SamueV-) was born in Watertown, Mass., 30 March. 1740, d. Guil-
ford, Vt., 3 June 1816, m. Rutland, Mass., 6 Dec. 1770, Mary
Larrabee, dau. of Timothy and Mary Larrabee, b. Lunenberg,
Mass., 19 Oct. 1748, d. Guilford, Vt, 17 Aug. 1844.
David lived at Worcester, Mass. and Guilford, Vt. He was
a cordwainer in Worcester and farmer in Guilford. He is
described in a Guilford deed in 1768 as "from Worcester,
gentleman ' '.
He was a deacon in Guilford Congregational Church many
years. Made surveyor of highways, 6 May 1776-1777, leather
sealer, 7 March 1791. Tythingman, 10 March 1794; trustee
school district, No. 5, 1811 ; Member of Legislature for Guil*
ford, 1779 ; selectman for Guilford, 1781 ; sends statement to
council, 1781.
He was commissioned 1st Lieut. 4 Jan. 1776, in Capt. Shep-
ardson's Co., Guilford, 26 Feb. and March 1776. Was Capt.
in Col. William William's Regt. on pay roll 29 Sept. 1777 to 21
Oct. 1777 and received pay for the Co. 3 Sept. 1778. In com-
mand of a company for the relief of Bennington.
Will of David Stowell of Guilford probated 13 Aug. 1816.
In it he mentions wife Mary, son Ira, daughters Mollie Edwards,
Lease Tinker, Sally Gould, Kate Bates and Betsey Stowell. No
mention of David, who probably died young, nor of CjTida, who
died 26 April 1802. (District of Marlboro, Vt., Probates.)
Children of David and Mary (Larrabee) Stowell, born
Guilford, Vt.:
i. Mollys, b. 30 Dec. 1771, m. Guilford, Vt., Benajah EdwaedS;
son of William Edwards, d. HI., 1839 or 1840. William,
father of Benajah. was from Windham, Conn., and was one of
the 1st settlers at Guilford, Vt. Benajah Edwards lived at
Guilford and Athens, Vt. Was a farmer, selectman and lister.
98 The Sto^vell Genealogy
Children (Edwards) :
1. LuTHEK, b. Guilford, Vt., 15 Sept. 1793, Had a son Dana
Edwards and a dau. who married Joel Franklin of Guilford,
Vt. and lived near Moline, 111.
2. William, b. Guilford, Vt., 18 July 1795.
3. David Stowell, b. Guilford, Vt., 28 Nov. 1797.
4. Joel, b. Guilford, Vt., 16 Aug. 1799.
5. Benajah, b. Athens, Vt., 27 Jan. 1802, m. Guilford, Vt.,
9 Nov. 1825, AsENATH Richmond, dau. of Peleg and
Susanna (BroT;\Ti) Richmond, b. Guilford, Vt., 12 Jaa.
1806, d. 3 Oct. 1855, age 49. Lived i.': Marlboro and
GuUford, Vt. Children: i. James Harvey, ii. Albert S., iii.
John B., iv. Mary A.
6. Eri, b. Guilford, Vt., 3 April 1804,
7. Sarah, b. Guilford, Vt., 13 March 1806, unmarried.
8. Polly or Mary, b. Guilford, Vt., 30 April 1808, d. Brat-
tleboro, Vt., 11 Oct. 1890, age 82, m. Guilford, Vt., 12
March 1833, Jeremiah Taylor.
9. Solomon Huntington, b. Guilford, Vt., 31 May 1810,
m. Guilford, Vt., 16 Sept. 1840, Almira H. Smith, dau.
of Alvah Smith.
10. Edward, b. Guilford, Vt., d. 12 Feb. 1890, m. 1st at Guil-
ford, Vt., 3 May 1841, Amanda Biqelow, dau. of Capt.
William and Lucretia (Ashcroft) Bigelow, b. Guilford,
Vt., 23 Aug. 1813, d. 3 Aug. 1860.
ii. Leafe, b. 25 Nov. 1773, m. Tinker.
iii. Sally, b. 4 April 1776, m. Guilford, Vt., 20 May 1804,
Leusus Gould, of Lcverett, Mass., son of Solomon and Prudence
(Rood) Gould, b. Leverett, Mass., 12 June 1775.
iv. DA\^D, b. 9 Oct. 1778.
109. V. Ira, b. 17 Nov. 1780.
vi. Cynda, b. 24 June 1783, d. Guilford, Vt., 26 AprU 1802, age 18.
vii. Kate ot Katherine, b. 30 June 1785, d. Adams, N. Y., m,
Artemas Bates. Child (Bates) :
1. Lavinia Katherinr, b. Adams, N. Y., 6 Feb. 1820, m.
Adams, N. Y., 20 Feb. 1841, James Monroe Cleveland,
son of Elihu and Lucretia (Hotchkiss) Cleveland, b.
Unadilla Forks, N. Y., 5 June 1820. Children (Cleveland) :
i. Artemas, ii. Daughter.
viii. Elizabeth, b. 20 Fob. 1788, d. Guilford, Vt., 11 May 1788.
ix. Betsey, b. 23 March 1790, d. Solon, Ohio, 2 June 1871, age 81,
m. Guilford, Vt., 31 Jan. 1815, Caleb Remington Fletcher,
son of Caleb and Sarah (Joyner) Fletcher, b. Templcton, Mass.,
5 April 1785, d. Solon, Ohio, 16 Sept. 1878, age 93. Lived at
Adam.s, N. Y. and Solon, Ohio. Children (Fletcher) :
Fourth Generation 99
1. Lorenzo, b. Adams, N. Y., 31 Oct. 1815, m. Fredonia,
N. Y., 10 June 1840, Adelia Bobbins; "Was in the mer-
cantile business. Children: i. Jennie, u. Frances Mary,
iii. Ella Addie.
2. David Stowell, b. Champion, N. Y,, 17 July 1817, m.
21 Oct. 1857, Caroline Fleming. Lived at Troy, Ind.
Children: i. Caleb Bemington, ii. George Washington, iii.
Wallace Crawford, iv. Emma Emeline.
3. Elizabeth Remington, h. Adams, N. V'., 17 Dee. 1819,
a. Eochester, Penn., 7 July 1858, age 38, m. Bedford, Ohio,
28 April 1845, Orlo Eobbins Coe, son of Israel and Ann
(Bosworth) Coe, b. Rootstown, Ohio, 22 April 1822, d.
Elkhart, Ind., 11 July 1897. He m. 2d, Nancy Jane
Moorhead. Lived at Eochester, Penn., Cleveland, Ohio,
Wellsville, Oliio, and California. Children (Coe) : i.
Hartuood Henry, ii. Darwin Fletcher, iii, Dwight StehMns,
iv. Ehvood Mason, v. Edivard Bigelow.
36. HUGH^ STOWELL {JoJin^ David'' JSamueV) was
bom about 1745. The History of Eastern Vermont, page 532,
by D. H. Hall, says Hugh Stowell was chosen Moderator at
Guilford, Vt., in 1784, by the York Party. As David and Heze-
kiah were very active in support of the York Party at Guilford,
Hugh was probably their brother. After the Revolution, Heze-
kiah went to Bainbridge, N. Y., and descendants of Hugh appear
at Oswego, but I have been unable to definitely trace Hugh or
his wife.
110. i. Hughs, b. about 1775.
37. EPHRAIM* STOWELL (NatJianiel^ David' SamueV)
was bom in Pomfret, Conn., 2 Oct. 1732, d. Abington, Conn.,
7 Sept. 1805, age 72, m. Pomfret, Conn., 9 March 1758, Eliza-
beth Cutler, dau. of Seth and Elizabeth (Babcock) Cutler, b.
Hampton, Conn., 10 July 1735, d. 26 Feb. 1823, age 87. Lived
at Pomfret, Conn.
Administration of estate of Ephraim Stowell, late of Pom-
fret, deceased, granted to William Trowbridge, 1 Oct. 1805.
(Brimfield Probate).
Estate divided to Daniel Stowell, a son; to Seth Stowell, a
son ; to Sally Stowell, a dau. ; to Olive Stowell, a dau. ; but
100 The Stowell Genealogy
Hannah Spalding, Jolin Stowell, Nathaniel Stowell, Elizabeth
FoUett, Sarah Stowell, Oliver Stowell and Sally Stowell had
conveyed their rights to David Hutchins, Oliver conveyed his
right to Sally Stowell, 12 June 1824. (Pomfret Prob.)
In nine Pomfret, Conn. Deeds, 1758 to 1776, he is described
as Ephi-aim Stowell of Pomfret,
Children born Pomfret, Conn. :
i. Hannahs, b. 23 Jan. 1759, d. Ashford, Conn., 9 March 1823,
age 64, m. there 1 Sept. 1808, Ephraim Spalding, son of
Ephraim and Abigail (Bullard) Spalding, b. Plainfield, Mass.,
24 May 1747, d. Ashford, Conn., 1811. No children. They
lived at Asliford, Conn. Ephraim m. 1st Esther Snow. He was
a private in Capt. Jonathan Parker's Co., Col. Comfort Sage's
Regt., 1776. Was private in Capt. Jonathan Parker's Co., Col.
Charles Webb's Regt., enlisted 1 March 1778, discharged 1 March
111. ii. Nathaniel, b. 5 Aug. 1760.
iii. Ephfjum, b. 19 May 1763, drowned at East Windsor, Conn., 17
May 1785, age 22.
112. iv. John, b. 12 March 1765.
V. Sarah b. 18 May 1767.
113. vi. Seth, b. 15 Oct. 1769.
114. vii. Daniel, b. 18 Dec. 1771, m. Lucy.
115. viii. Oliver, b. 25 Feb. 1774.
ix. Elizabeth, b. 3 June 1777, d. Windham, Conn., 6 April 1872,
age 94, m. there 29 March 1798, Oliver Follett, son of Heze-
kiah and Hannah (Reed) Follett, descended in the 4th gener-
ation from John Follett who settled in Salem, Mass., Oliver b.
Windham, Conn., 1 Nov. 1776, d. there 12 July 1816, age 39.
Children born Windham, Conn. (Follett) :
1. Marie, b. 31 Jan. 1800, d. 19 Jan. 1864, m. Nov. 1821,
Martin Harris. Children (Harris) : i. Oliver, ii. Maria,
iii. Edward, iv. Albert, v. Ilarriet.
2. Marvin, b. 28 Nov. 1801, d. Windham, Conn., 25 Sept. 1888
age 86, m. tliere 8 Feb. 1828, Mary Buck, dau. of Bradford
and Mary (Robinson) Buck, b. Windham, Conn., 11 Feb.
1800. d. thoio 4 July 1879. Cliild. i. Elirohi Ih.
3. Benjamin, b. 22 Oct. 1803, d. Olivet, Mich., Dec. 1892,
m. Oct. 1827, Hannah Warren, dau. of Charles G. Warren,
b. 16 Jan. 1813, d. 18 June 1900. Children: i. Edwin,
ii. Hannah Ellen.
Fourth Generation 101
Ephraim, b. 24 Dec. 1805, d. 1 May 1864, age 58, m. Dec
1833, Diana Higgins, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Nims)
Higgins, b. 18 March 1806, d. 30 May 1886, age 80.
Children: 1. Ephraim, ii. Edward, iii. Willard, iv. William,
V. Oliver.
Waterman, b. 15 Feb. 1808, d. 25 May 1850, age 42, m.
7 Sept. 1838, Sarah Upham. Children: i. Mary, ii. Emily.
Oliver, b. 31 Jan. 1810, d. Windham, Conn., 21 Jan. 1814.
Emily, b. 21 Jan. 1812, d. 4 Dec. 1904, age 92, m. Wind-
ham, Conn., 13 Dec. 1835, Gilbert Billings, son of John
S. and Phoebe (Spicer) Billings, b. Windham, Conn., 14
Aug. 1804, d. 17 Oct. 1878. Children: i. Edward, ii. John,
iii. Sarah Maria, iv. Frances H., v. Emily, vi. Ellen J.,
vii. Edward G.
Oliver, b. 8 April 1814, d. July 1887 or 1888, m. 15 Oct.
1855, Mary Potter. Child: i. Annie.
38. NATHANIEL^ STOWELL (NatJianieV David^ Sam-
uel^) was born Pomfret, Conn., 7 Dec. 1734, died at Peru, Mass.,
23 March 1814, age 79, married at Pomfret, Conn., 21 May 1761,
Lois Bugbee, dau. of Jesse and Experience (Peake) Bugbee,
born at Woodstock, Conn., 2 Aug. 1739, died at Peru, Mass.,
6 Aug. 1824, age 85. Lived at Pomfret, Conn, until 1768;
he had purchased Lot No. 17 in Partridgefield (now Peru) in
Aug. 1767, moved there in 1768 when he built a log house and
dug the first well. It was still in use in 1885. Hervey remem-
bers his father Nathaniel used to take burning brands from the
fireplace to scare away the wolves.
Nathaniel was a farmer. Elected Town Clerk at first meet-
ing held in Peru in Aug. 1771. Nathaniel and wife admitted
to Peru Church in 1799.
Nathaniel was Corporal of Pomfret Co. in 1756-7. Marched
out as Clerk of the Pomfret Co., Capt. John Grovenor, after the
alarm of the capture of Fort William Henry. In March 1775,
was one of the Committee of Safety. 22 April 1775, went with
Capt. Nathan Watkins' Co. of minute men and the Mass. Eeg-
ister says he was at battle of Bunker Hill. When the Co.
returned to Peru he remained and was stationed at Fort No. 3,
Charlestown, N. H. He was private in Capt. Zebulon Norten's
Co., Maj. Hyde's Berkshire Militia.
102 The Stowell Genealogy
In eight Pomfret deeds, 1759 to 1769, he is described as
Nathaniel Stowell of Pomfret, Conn. In one Pomfret Deed 1791,
he is described as Nathaniel Stowell of Partridgefield, Mass.
Children of Nathaniel and Lois (Bugbee) Stowell:
i. ALTHEA5, b. Pomfret, Conn., 12 Dec. 1762, d. Peru, Mass., 14
Sept. 1815, m. (Int. Peru, Mass., 10 Jan. 1807), Rev. John
Leland. He was pastor of Peru Congregational Church from
1783 to t815.
ii. Lois, b. Pomfret, Conn., 23 Jan. 1764.
iii. Molly, b. Pomfret, Conn., 28 Nov. 1765, d. Peru, Mass., 18
Dec. 1826, age 61, m. there (Int. 22 Oct. 1792) Davtd Ide, b.
1764, d. Peru, Mass., 28 July 1830, age 66.
Children born Peru, Mass. (Ide) :
1. Olivier, b. 26 Aug. 1793, m. (Peru, Mass., Int. 23 Jan. 1818)
Clarissa Fuller.
2. Harvey, b. 1 Oct. 1795.
3. Polly, b. 1 Jan. 1797 d. Peru, Mass., 16 Nov. 1797.
4. Asa, b. 19 April 1798.
5. Cynthia, b. 3 April 1800, m. Hiram Shepard,
6. Lucy, b. 15 Sept. 1801, d. Peru, Mass., m. there (Int. 22
May 1827) Daniel Cone, Jr., son of Daniel and Olive Cone,
b. Peru. Mass., 11 March 1800. Children (Cone) : i. Milo
Eoyt, ii. Lucy Asenath.
7. Cyrus, b. 15 Dec. 1803, d. Middlefield, Mass., May 1883,
age 79. Unmarried.
116. V. Cyrus, b. Pomfret, Conn., 3 Oct. 1767.
vi. Experience, b. Peru, Mass., 1769, d. 27 Dec. 1S36, age 67, m.
Peru, Mass., 15 Oct. 1789, Malachi Loveland, Jr., son of
Malachi and Priscilla (Norkott) Loveland, b. Hebroai, Conn.,
1761, d. Chester, Mass., 6 Dec. 1823, age 62.
Children (Loveland) :
1. Malachi, b. Peru, Mass., 1799, bp. "WorthLngton, Mass., 11
Sept. 1808, d. Avon, N. Y., 1843, m. Reed's Comers,
N. Y., 1824, Mary Stone of Gorham, N. Y. Lived at
Canandaigua and Avon, N. Y. Children: i. Lafayette, ii.
Mary E., iii. Harvey Stowell.
2. Allen, b. 1801, bp. Worthington, Mass., 11 Sept. 1808,
d. 184S.
3. Mary, bp. Worthington, Mass., 11 Sept. 1808, d. Rushford,
N. Y., 1846, m. Chester, Mass., 1 Jan. 1824, Sanford
Leonard, son of Bernice Leonard, b. Worthington, Mass.,
bp. 8 Nov. 1809.
4. Eunice, b. 17 Dec. 1805, bp. Worthington, Mass., 11 Sept.
1808, m. Worthington, Mass., 27 Sept. 1827, John Boyd.
Fourth Generation 103
5. AsEL S., b. 6 May 1811, m. 1st Emily Thompson, m. 2d,
Victor, N. Y, 1836, Maey Jane Conover. Children: i.
Vincent C, ii, Julia A.
Lois Bugbee, b. Peru, Mass., 28 June 1771, d. there 7 July 1845,
age 74, m. there 27 May 1807, Thomas Matthews, son of
James and Sarah (Howes) Matthews, b. Yarmouth, Mass., 6
March 1768, d. Hinsdale, Mass., 13 Oct. 1824, age 56. She
m. 2d, Peru, Mass., 16 July 1829, David Ide, b. 1764, d. Peru,
Mass., 28 July 1830, age 66. David Ide m. 1st MoUy Stowell,
sister of Lois.
Children by first husband Thomas Matthews:
1. AzEL Dennis, b. Hinsdale, Mass., 1809.
2. James, b. 1811, d. Peru, Mass., 12 Oct. 1835.
3. Electa, b. 1813, d. Hinsdale, Mass., 30 Aug. 1822.
Clara, b. Peru, Mass., 1773, m. Alexander Donaldson.
Children (Donaldson) :
1. John, b. Nelson, N. Y., 24 June 1805, d. Lincoln, Neb., 3
June 1875, age 70, m. Nelson, N. Y., 16 May 1833, Fanny
Maria Brush, dau. of George Phillips and Polly (Keeler)
Brush, b. Spencertown, N. Y., 2 Jan. 1807.
Hervey, b. Peru, Llass., 1775.
Daniel, b. 1777.
Cecelia or Celia, b. 1779, d. 27 Nov. 1857, age 76, m. Peru,
Mass., (Int. 14 Nov. 1803), IsitaEL Frink, Jr., son of Israel
and Esther Frink, b. Peru, Mass., 6 June 1780, d. Peru, Mass.,
7 Dee. 1814, age 34.
119. xii. Azel, b. Peru, Mass., 12 June 1782.
39. DANIEL* STOWELL (NatJiameP David'' JSamueV)
was bom in Pomfret, Conn., 2 Aug. 1737, drowned in the Con-
necticut River near Bellows Falls, Vt, while a messenger in the
service, 12-15 Dec. 1778, age 40, married Abington, Conn., 12
April 1763, Anna Bugbee, dau. of Col. Jesse and Experience
(Peake) Bugbee, b. Woodstock, Conn., 20 Sept. 1744, d. 1771.
Lived at Pomfret, Conn, and Palmer, Mass.
Daniel was private in Capt. Jedediah Fay's Co., 3d Regt.
Conn. Troops, 24 May 1758 to 20 Oct. 1758. He was Corporal
in Capt. John Spaulding's Co., 1st Regt. Conn. Troops, 13 April
to 3 Dee. 1761. He was private in Capt. Joshua Whitney's Co.
Col. Josiah Whitney's Regt., 31 July to 14 Sept. 1778. Was
in 1st Alarm, 3d Conn. Regt.
In three Pomfret and one Ashford Deed he is described as
Daniel Stoel of Pomfret, 1759 to 1765.
104 The Stowell Genealogy
Children of Daniel and Anna (Bugbee) Stowell:
120. i. Calvins, b. Pomfret, Conn., 12 April 1765.
ii. Chloe, b. Pomfret, Conn., 14 Sept. 1767, d. Abington, Conn.,
12 Oct. 1779.
121. iii. Luther, b. Woodstock, Conn., or Palmer, Mass., 8 Feb. 1770.
40. ELISHA* STOWELL (NatJianieF David' Samuel^)
was born in Pomfret, Conn., 9 Feb. 1740, died at Hartland, Vt.,
21 Feb. 1814, age 74, married at Pomfret, Conn., 12 Jan. 1769,
Jerusha Sabin, dan. of Seth and Joanna (Cady) Sabin, bom
Pomfret, Conn., 2 Feb. 1746, d. Strafford, Vt, 1832, age 86.
Lived at Pomfret, Conn, and Hartland, Vt.
In seven Pomfret Deeds he is described as Elisha Stowell of
Pomfret and in one Pomfret Deed he is described as Elisha
Stowel of Pomfret.
He was Sergt. in Capt. Brown's Co., Col. Durkee's Regt.,
4th Conn. Line, 23 April 1777 to 1 June 1778. In Lexington
Alarm 1775, nine days.
Children born Pomfret, Conn.:
i. Sarahs, b. 9 Oct. 1769.
ii. Mary or Polly, b. 3 May 1771, d. Hartland, Vt., 1 March 1813,
age 41, m. there 4 Dec. 1794, John Marshall Grow, son of
Joseph and Tirzah (Sanger) Grow, b. Pomfret, Conn., 15 Nov.
1771, d. Derby, Vt., 26 Jan. 1853, age 81. He m. 2d, 13 May
1814, Mrs. Olive (Blake) Fitch.
Children born Hartland, Vt. (Grow) :
1. Elijah, b. 11 Aug. 1796, d. Hartland, Vt., 28 Sept. 1863,
age 67, m. Euth Marcy, dau. of Winthrop and Abigail
(Sargent) Marcy, d. Hartland, Vt. Have an adopted son
2. Jerusha, b. 15 July 1798, d. Woodstock, Vt., m. Hartland,
Vt., 18 Jan. 1817, Daniel Bareett, d. Woodstock, Vt. She
m. 2d, Henry Blaisdmjl. Had issue.
3. Polly, b. 15 July 1798, d. Hartland, Vt., in infancy.
4. Celia, b. 13 March 180O, d. Hartland, Vt. in infancy.
5. Wilkes Stowell, b. 6 June 1802, d. Westboro, Mass., 13
May 1870, m. Hartland, Vt., 6 Jan. 1827, Pameua Short,
b. Hartland, Vt., 24 Jan. 1808, d. Westboro, Mass., 16
Sept. 1884. Children: i. William Wallaoe, ii. Polly
Stowell, iii. Julia Emma, iv. Corintha Belinda, v. Simeon
Short, vi. Emily K., vii. Albert T.
Fourth Generation 105
6. Calvin Sabin, b. 6 March 1805, d. Salem, Vt., 1878, m.
Hartland, Vt., 16 Feb. 1831, Susan M. Sargent, dau. of
Moses and Susan (Noyes) Sargent, b. Bath, N. IL, 12 April
1811, d. W. Charlestown, Vt., 1888. Children: i. Imcvus
A., a. Pauline L., iii. Annie E., iv. Helen A., v. James M,
vi. Florence A.
7. Marcus Antonius, b. 17 May 1807, d. Newark, Vt., 23
Feb. 1891, age 83, m. Salem (Derby) Vt., Oct. 1831,
Elizabeth Senter, b. 1807, d. Newark, Vt., 23 Feb 1891
age 84. Child: i. Lizzie J.
8. John Marshall, b. 12 Feb. 1810, d. Derby, Vt., 12 Dec.
1902, m. Derby, Vt., 6 Dec. 183S, Elizabeth ' Willey^
dau. of Jesse and Lucy (Perkins) Willey, b. Derby Vt '
16 June 1817, d. there 19 Sept. 1861. He m. 2d, 9' July
1862, Elizabeth Louisa Hodge of Stewartstown, N. H.,
d. 14 Dec. 1892. Children: i. John Marshall, ii. Elisabeth,
iii. Calvin S., iv. Leland A., v. Marcus A.
9. Leland Howard, b. 28 June 1815, d. Johnson, Vt., 23 Sept.
1902, m. there 28 Oct. 1844, Luoy Ann McDaniel, dau.
of David and Mahala McDaniel, b. Johnson, Vt., 28 Aug.
1822. Children: i. Eugene Pangborn, ii. Henry Prentiss,
iii. Lemuel EichTnofid, iv. Charles Sumner.
iii. Gelia, b. 5 May 1773, d. Windsor, Vt., 19 Oct. 1799, age 26,
m. 28 Aug. 1797, Capt. Caleb Burke, son of Solomon and Keziah
(Benjamin) Burke, b. Windsor, Vt., 7 May 1773, d. Columbus,
Wis., 28 April 1854, sge 80.
Children (Burke) :
1. Cyril Stowell, b. Windsor, Vt., 18 Dec. 1798, d. Brooklyn,
N. Y., 22 Sept. 1851, age 52, m. 28 Dec. 1829, Julia Near-
ING, b. Windsor, Vt., 14 Dec. 1810.
iv. Wilkes, b. 31 March 1775.
V. Jerusha, b. 28 Nov. 1777, d. Holland, Vt., m. Hartland, Vt.,
4 March 1799, Samuel Porter Grow, son of Joseph and Tirzah
(Sanger) Grow, b. Hartland, Vt., 23 March 1773, d. there 22
March 1850, age 77. Lived at Hartland, Vt.
Children bom Hartland, Vt. (Grow) :
1. Orson Augustus, b. 23 Feb. 180O, d. Brownington, Vt.,
4 Feb. 1875, age 75, m. Derby, Vt., 15 May 1825, Fanny
Albee, dau. of Capt. Elijah Albee, b. Derby, Vt Feb
1803, d. 22 Nov. 1898. Children: i. Jane Fra>nc0s, ii. Edwin
Augustus, iii. Lorenzo Samuel, iv. Timothy Bose.
2. Maria, b. 15 April 1802, d. Hartland, Vt., 27 Feb. 1803.
106 The Stowell Genealogy
3. AiDEN, b. 6 March 1804, d, W. Charlestown, Vt., 21 Jan.
1890, m. Derby, Vt., 8 or 13 Feb. 1833, Roxylana Cadt,
dau. of Manassali and Elizabeth (Hutchins) Cady, b.
Windsor, Vt., 1803, d. Barton, Vt., 7 Sept. 1858.
Children: i. Mary Ann, ii. Samuel Ashbel, iii. Joseph Bates,
iv. Minerva.
4. Lorenzo, b. 11 March 1806, d. Highland, Calif., 10 July
1890, m. Oldtown, Me., 5 Dee. 1838, Hakriet F, CuRBUai,
b. Vassalboro, Me., d. Fullerton, Calif., 22 Dec. 1910.
Children: i. Charles Currier, ii. Samuel Lorenzo, iii. Mary
Frances, iv. Walter Frenumt, v. Wallace Dayton.
5. Tikza Sanger, b. 31 Jan. 1808, d. Hartland, Vt., 8 Feb.
6. Samuel Ashbel, b. 21 Feb. 1809, d. Hartland, Vt., 13
Feb. 1811.
7. Paschal Paoli, b. 27 April 1811, d. Carrollton, G^., 8
Dec. 1861, m, Charlestown, Vt., 3 Dec. 1835, Elmyba
Walcott. Children: i. Paschal Paoli, ii. Jacob Clark, iii.
Lewis K., iv. Theodore A., v. Samuel Emerson, vi. Mary
8. Mary Ann, b. 8 April 1814, d. Carrollton, Ga., 31 Jan.
1874, m. Derby, Vt., 23 Sept. 1834, Sanford Kingsbury,
sou of Charles and Persis (Stewart) Kingsbury, b. Derby,
Vt., 24 June 1805, d. Carrollton, Ga., 28 Dec. 1869.
Children (Kingsbury) : i. Jerusha Persis G., ii. Sanford
Theo, iii. Joseph, iv. Charles Samuel, v. Edwin A., vi.
Amelia F., vii. Mary Ann, viii. Lucius L., ix. Paschal Paoli,
X. Katherine.
■ 9. Samuel Porter, b. 23 Nov. 1816, d. Clearwater, Neb., 8
Dec. 1895, m. Vassalboro, Me., 15 March 1848, Violetta
Zevina Currier, b. Vassalboro, Me., 7 Nov. 1826, d. Athens,
Ohio, 9 May 1857. Children: i. Jerusha, ii. Viola Jerusha,
iii. Edgar L., iv. Charles Porter, v. Benjamin Franklin, vi.
Amelia Frances, vii. John Lorenzo, viii. George Ellsworth,
ix. Albert Samuel.
10. Frances Amelia, b. 19 Jan. 1819, d. Weeks MiUs, Me.,
5 May 1893, m. 8 Oct. 1850, John T. Gray, d. Weeks Mills,
Me., 3 Dec. 1899. Children (Gray) : i. Eugene Samuel,
ii. Jermie F.
vi. Chloe, 15 Doc. 1779, d. Hartlnnd, Vt., 28 April 1858, age
78, m. there 19 Feb. 1799, Jacob Ames of Strafford. She m.
2d, Hartland, Vt., 6 Jan. 1803, Josiah Lee, son of Zebulon and
Mary Lee, b. Hartland, Vt., 6 July 1775, d. there 2 Aug. 1860,
Fourth Generation 107
Children by Josiah Lee:
1. Caroline, b. Hartland, Vt., 22 June 1804.
2. Carlos, b. Hardwick, Vt., 22 Oct. 1806.
3. Clarissa, b. Warwick, Vt., 17 Oct. 1809, m. Hartland, Vt.,
28 Nov. 1833, Solomon Crandall, son of Gideon and
Esther (Rix) Crandall, b. Royalton, Vt., 11 Oct. 1807.
Children (Crandall) : i. Caroline Frances, ii. Hattie.
4. Harriet, b. Hartland, Vt., 3 Jan. 1811, m. there 1 Oct.
1846, William F. Gill.
41. SETH^ STOWELL (NatJianieP David^ Samuel') was
bom in Pomfret, Conn., 9 Sept. 1742, died at Union, Conn., 3
April 1798, age 55, married at Pomfret, Conn., 30 June 1778,
Dinah Holt, dau. of Joshua and Mary (Abbott) Holt, bom at
Windham, Conn., 22 March 1750, died 21 Feb. 1826. age 75.
She m. 2d, Paul Holt. Seth lived at Abington, Pomfret, Ashf ord
and Union, Conn.
7 July 1763, Seth Stowell receipts to his guardian David
Trowbridge for his share of property of his father's estate.
(Pomfret Probate).
Seth was one of those who helped to buy and equip a vessel
to act as privateer during the Revolution.
Inventory on estate of Seth Stowell late of Union, deceased,
allowed by court at Stafford, Conn., 26 April 1800, Heirs:
Dinah Stowell, widow; Olive Stowel, Keziah Stowell, Artimesa
Stowell, Mardin Stowel. (Union Probate).
Pomfret Rec. give three deeds in name of Seth Stowell of
Pomfret 1777 to 1781 and one deed in name of Seth Stowell of
Union 1787. Ashford Rec. gives one deed in name of Seth
Steel of Pomfret 1781.
Children of Seth and Dinah (Holt) Stowell:
i. Oliver, b. Abington, Conn., 2 April 1779, d. 13 June 1826, age
50, m. Woodotock, Conn., 6 Feb. 1803, Luther Corbin, son of
Silas and Anna (Fisk) Corbin of Stiirbridge, b. Woodstock,
Conn., 18 Feb. 1775, d. New Woodstock, N. Y., 5 Aug. 1848,
age 73. Children (Corbin) :
1. SORAMUS, b. 20 Nov. 1805, d. 26 Sept. 1825, age 19.
2. Samantha, b. 6 Feb. 1806, d. 29 Jan. 1859, m. John
Kenyon. Childxen (Kj:nyon) : i. J. S.
3. Anna, b. 12 Jan. 1809, d. 11 Aug. 1856, m. Jared Morse.
108 The Stowell Genealogy
Children (Moese) : i. J. J.
4. Eunice, b. 24 April 1810, d. 28 Aug, 1894, m. 23 Sept.
1832, CteRis Rew, b. 17 April 1807, d. 1 March 1887.
Children (Rew) : i. Warren, ii. Melville W., iii. Madison
A., iv. Ory Luoius, v. Milton D., vi. Newton C, vii. Carlton
H., viii. Walter L.
5. Philetta, b. 21 Jan. 1813, d. 31 March 1813.
6. Calvin Luther, b. 29 April 1814, d. 22 Oct, 1865, m. 17 Feb.
1841, Clarissa (Brace) Eldred, dau. of Jeduthan and
(Bushnell) Brace and widow of Moses Eldred, b. Litch-
field, Conn. Child: i. Lucvus Brace.
7. Lucius Stowell, b. 31 July 1817, d. 15 March 1865, m. 18
Feb. 1847, Charlotte Holmes. Children: i. Anna, ii. Etta.
8. Samuel C, b. 26 April 1820, d. 12 Aug. 1902, m. March
1853, Charlotte R. Stowell, dau. of Ansel Kenny and
Anna (Cadogan) Stowell, b. New Woodstock, N. Y., 15
Aug. 1828, d. New Woodstock, N. Y. Children: i. Charles
M., ii. Franlc, iii. Dwiighter, iv. Daughter,
9. Mary, b. 14 May 1823, d. 4 Sept. 1885, m. Peckham.
ii. Keziah, b. Abington, Conn., 4 Feb. 1781.
iii. Artemesia, b. Ashford, Conn., 7 Nov. 1784, d. New Woodstock,
N. Y., 25 Jan. 1853, age 68, m. New Woodstock, N. Y., 1 Jan.
1806, Abial Ainsworth, son of Nathan and Phoebe (Kinsley)
Ainsworth, b. Woodstock, Conn., 10 May 1777, d. New Wood-
stock, N. Y., 4 Nov. 1866, age 89. Lived at New Woodstock
now Cazenovia, N. Y.
Children born New Woodstock, N. Y. (Ainsworth) :
1. SoPHRONiA, b. 21 Oct. 1806, d. Manlius, N. Y., 1869, age
63, m. New Woodstock, N. Y., 31 Oct. 1833, Harry C.
2. Parmenus, b. 2 April 1808, m. 6 Jan. 1831, Kezia Webber,
d. New Woodstock, N. Y., 16 Oct. 1847. M. 2d, Nov. 1848,
Amanda Carpenter, d. New Woodstock, N. Y., 1 Sept. 1893.
Lived at New Woodstock and was a farmer. Children
by 1st wife Keziah: i. Lucian Lester, ii. Idicretia Louisa,
iii. Walter Clement, iv. Harriet Caroline. Children by 2d
wife Amanda: v. Ella Kezia.
3. Walter, b. 14 Jan. 1810, d. Albion, N. Y., 1881, age 71,
m. Lucy Doty about 1834.
4. Abial Leroy, b. 9 Feb. 1812, d. Whitesville, N. Y., 15
July 1890, age 78, m. New Woodstock, N. Y., 1 Jan. 1837,
Mary C. Carpenter, b. there 29 Jan. 1814, d. 30 Sept.
1884, age 70. Children: i, Willard Carpenter, ii. Jared
Leroy, iii. Mary Sophronia, iv. Eroist\bs C, v. Amelia M.
Fourth Generation 109
5. Rev. Sorannus Corbin, b. 22 Jan. 1814, d. 8 Feb. 1888, age
74, m, Virgil, N. Y., 6 Sept, 1836, Caroline M. Hawkins,
d. 9 Oct. 1885. He was a Baptist Minister. Children:
i. Spencer Montagiie, ii. Emily Maria, iii. Eerinan Beeve,
iv. Caroline Maria; v. Elbert Augustus, vi. Ellen Augustus.
6. Spencer Seth, b. 18 Oct. 1816, m, 20 Sept. 1845, Frances
A. Douglas of Sangersfield, N. Y., d. May 1853. He m.
2d, 20 May 1860, Mary A. Hawkins of West Union, Iowa.
He was a Baptist IVJanister, graduate Colgate 1843, A.M.
1846, ordained 1845. In 1870 established the Ainsworth
School at West Union, Iowa. Children by 1st wife:
i. James Douglas, ii. Sarah Frances. Children by 2d wife:
iii. Maude Mary.
7. Artemesia Eliza, b. 25 May 1819, d. N. Woodstock, N. Y.,
26 July 1822.
8. Lucian S., b. 16 Jan. 1822, d. New Woodstock, N. Y., 3
July 1823.
9. Eliza M., b. 8 Jan. 1824, d. New Woodstock, N. Y., 5
March 1827.
10. Amelia Melvina, b. 24 Jan. 1830, d. Manlius, N. Y., 6
Jan. 1892, age 62, m. 1856, Jewett Dunbar of Buffalo,
N. Y.
iv. Mardin or Marvin, born about 1786. I have found no record
of the birth of either a Mardin or Marvin, but in an inventory'
of the estate of Seth Stowell, 26 April 1800, Mardin Stowell is
mentioned as one of the heirs. (Union, Conn. Probates, 26
AprU 1800.)
The Town Clerk of Tolland, Conn, reports that a Marvin
Stowell bought land in ToUand in Feb. 1813, and sold land
in June 1814.
Marvin Stowell, tanner of Cazenovia, sold land to Eliakim
Sylvester, 19 Aug. 1816 and sold land to Isaac Morse, 20 June
1826. (Madison Co., N. Y. Deeds.)
Orlando Holt Stowell of Delphi, b. West Woodstock, N. Y.,
age 68, (b. about 1822) son of Marvin and Lucy (Holton)
Stowell, m. New Woodstock, N. Y., 31 March 1890, Mary Jane
Daly of New Woodstock, b. Fabius, N. Y., age 52, dau. of Isaac
and Angeline (Smith) Daly. (Vital Statistics of N. Y.)
As Mardin Stowell had sisters Olive and Artemesia, who
lived at New Woodstock, which is near Cazenovia, it would seem
that Mardin and Marvin might be the same person.
42. OLIVER* STOWELL {Nathaniel David'' Samuel^)
was bom at Pomfret, Conn., 7 Dec. 1744, died at Abington,
110 The Stowell Genealogy
Conn., 20 July 1836, age 91, married at Stafford, Conn., 30 July
1778, Abigail Strickland, dau, of Jonathan and Joanna Strick-
land, born at New London, Conn., 16 Aug. 1757, died New
London, Conn., 18 Aug. 1856, age 99.
Oliver lived at Pomfret and Stafford, Conn. Was a
physician. Was in the Revolution. He was active in forming a
Public Library at Abington, Conn.
Pomfret Rec. gives one deed in name of Oliver Stowell of
Pomfret, 1776 and two deeds in name of Oliver Stowell of
Stafford 1778 and 1789.
Children born in Stafford, Conn.:
i. Margarets, b. 4 Aug. 1779, d. 12 Dec. 1825, age 46, m. Zeno
Fakrington of Wales, Mass., b. Enfield, Conn., 10' May 1781,
d. 9 Feb. 1864, age 82. Children born Wales, Mass. (Faering-
ton) :
1. Billings Stowell, b. 29 Nov. 1811.
2. Zend, b. 10 Oct. 1813.
122. ii. Jonathan, b. 25 Aug. 1781.
123. iii. Augustus Oliver Artemus, b. 4 June 1783.
124. iv. Abigail, b. 9 Aug. 1785.
V. Alathea, b. 17 Feb. 1788, d. 11 Aug. 1879, age 91, m. Stafford,
Conn., 11 March 1807, AsA Child, son of Jacob and Meletiah
(Curtis) Child, b. West Woodstock, Conn., 13 Sept. 1781, d.
Lenox, N. Y., July 1854, age 72. Lived at West Woodstock,
and then Eaton and Lenox, N. Y.
Children (Child) :
1. Royal Hibbard, b. W. Woodstock, Conn., 17 Jan. 1809, m.
14 Jan. 1835, Cornelia De Gaass Gates, b. Lebanon, N. Y.,
25 Sept. 1814, d. 2 Oct. 1868. He m. 2d, Servilia Gh^beet
Benedict, dau. of Stephen Benedict. Lived at Lenox and
Canastota, N. Y. Farmer. Children: i. George G., ii.
Cyrene N., iii. Ezra G.
2. Mary, b. Eaton, N. Y., 22 May 1814, m. 8 May 1841,
Julius Duncan, b. 28 Nov. 1814. Child (Duncan) : i.
3. LuKAN, b. Eaton, N. Y., 18 July 1819, m. 22 July 1846,
AuLTON A. Briggs, d. lowa. Lived at Leroy, Mo. Farmer.
Children (Briggs) : i. Ansel Child, ii. Carona Hibbard, iii.
Rhoda Didcis, iv. William Floyd, v. John Charles Fremont,
vi. Aulton FranJc, vii. Waird Potter, viii. Alathea.
Fourth Generation 111
4. Eliza, b. Eaton, N. Y., 26 May 1821, m. 26 March 1843,
Thomas McCleart, b. 21 March 1814, d, 23 Feb. 1853.
Lived at Sullivan, N. Y. Fanner. Children (McCleaky) :
i. Mary, ii. Betsey, iii. Samuel, iv. Anna, v. Emma.
5. Benjamin, b. Lenox, N. Y., 1 June 1823, m, 17 Aug. 1849,
Celestia Esmina Child, dau. of Ephraim and Armenia
(Higgins) ChUd, b. 20 Oct. 1831. Lived at Lenox, N. Y.
Children: i. Alice, ii. Frank W., iii. Lucy A.
6. EOXY Aj^n, b. Lenox, N. Y., 28 June 1826, m. 12 Dec. 1860,
Elbridge W. Flower. L,ived at Warren, HI. and Mont-
gomery Co., Iowa. Children (Flower) : i. Alathea, ii.
Emily E., iii. Jessie, iv. Grove L., v. Lizzie L., vi. Marh,
vii. Mattie, viii. Infant.
7. Emily, b. 26 Sept. 1829, at Lenox, N. Y., d. Detroit, Mich.,
Nov. 1860, m. Lenox, N. Y., 26 May 1852, Francis Daniel
Whitney, son of Daniel Harris and Louisa (Caswell)
Whitney, b. Mexico, N. Y., 1 March 1827, d. Cleveland,
N. Y., April 1854. She m. 2d, 1857, Marcus Weaver.
Children (Weaver) : i. Ella, ii. Mattie, iii. George.
vi. Pliny, b, 27 April 1790, d. 25 July 1812, age 22.
125. vii. LuDOVicus, b. 21 Jan. 1793.
126. viii. LoREN, b. 3 Marcli 1795.
ix. Laura, b. 3 March 1795, d. Kalamazoo, Mich., m. Edmund
Chapman, b. Jefferson Co., N. Y., d. Kalamazoo, Mich. Lived
at South German, N. Y., and Kalamazoo, Mich. He was a
sea captain. Children (Chapman) :
1. John, b. South . German, N. Y., 4 Aug. 1817.
2. Lucy Abigail, b. South German, N. Y., 18 Aug. 1818.
3. George.
4. Charles.
43. LEMUEL^ STOWELL {NathanieP David^ SamueV)
was born in Pomfret, Conn., 4 March 1750, d. Abington, Conn.,
30 June 1824, age 74, ni. there 23 Jan. 1783, Susannah Barrows,
dau. of Sylvanus and Ruth (Blossone) Barrows, b. Abington,
Conn., 28 Dee. 1757, d. there 9 April 1S22, age 64. Lived at
Abington, Conn. Was a tanner.
23 March 1771, Lemuel Stowell receipts to his guardian
William Osgood Sr. for his share of his father's estate. (Pomfret
Will of Lemuel Stowell probated 3 Aug. 1824, mentions
daughters Martha Stowell and Tirza Williams and grandson
Lemuel Stowell Williams. (Pomfret Probate).
112 The Stowell Genealogy
Pomf ret Records give eleven deeds describing him as Lemuel
Stowell of Pomfret, 1782 to 1823.
Children born Abington, Conn. :
i. JosiAHS, b. 27 Dec. 1783, d. Abington, Conn., 4 Jan, 1805,
age 21.
ii. Austin, b. 21 Aug. 1786, d. Abington, Conn., 20 Feb. 1814,
age 27. He was Q. M. Sergt., New Londoai, Col. Jonathan
Lyon 's Co., 20 June to 24 June 1813. Q. M. Sergt. New London,
Maj. Zeph't "WiUiams' Regt., 25 June to 14 July 1813.
iii. Martha, b. 10 Aug. 1788, d. Abington, Conn., 29 May 1845,
age 56. Unmarried.
In her will 1845, Martha mentions sister Tirza Williams,
nephews Austin Stowell Williams and nieces Susan Williams
and Maria Williams. (Pomfret Prob.)
iv, TiEZA, b. 17 July 1792, d. 30 April 1887, age 94, m. Abington,
Conn., 9 March 1820, LuDOVicus Wiluams, son of Thomaa
and Elizabeth (Stedman) Williams, b. Hampton, Conn., 8 Aug.
1792, d. 3 Aug. 1862, age 70. Children born Pomfret
(Williams) :
1. Susan Elizabeth, b. 15 March 1821, d. Sept. 1900, age
79, m. 1 Oct. 1845, James M. Wilcox.
2. Lemuel Stowell, b. 14 Aug. 1823, d. Nov. 1899, age 76,
m. 30 July 1848, Martha Porter.
3. Anna Maria, b. 30 July 1825, d. Pomfret, Conn., 2 Dec.
1910, age 85, unmarried.
4. JosiAH Austin, b. 23 Feb. 1832.
5. Austin S.
6. Loren.
44. ISRAEL* STOWELL (IsareP-'' Samuel' )was born in
Newton, Mass., 16 Nov. 1732, d. 21 Feb. 1801, age 68, m. 1st,
Shrewsbury, Mass., 7 Aug. 1764, Mary Butler, dau. of Peter
and Sarah Butler, b. 3 Oct. 1736, d. 31 May 1777, age 40. He
m. 2d, Winchester, N. H., 25 Aug. 1777, Sarah Carpenter.
He m. 3d, Winchester, N. H., 21 Aug. 1781, Mary Leonard.
He lived at Petersham, Mass., and Winchester, N. H. Was a
He joined Winchester Church 14 Nov. 1764. Mary Butler
Stowell joined 27 Jan. 1765. He was Selectman for Winchester
1773 to 1776.
He certifies to list of signers, 3 June 1776 to petition
opposed to England, called the "Association Test", also reports
Fourth Generation 113
his brother Enoch as absent but opposed to England and would
sign. His brother Joseph also signed. Certifies to Census 1773.
(Town Papers of N. H.).
Worcester Rec. give two deeds in name of Israel Stowell of
Petersham 1759. Middlesex Rec. give one deed in name of Israel
Stowell of Winchester, N. H., 1776.
Children by Mary Butler bom Winchester, N, H. :
127. i. Israels, b. 23 May 1765.
128. ii. Elisha, b. 29 Jan. 1767.
iii. Molly or Maby, b. 17 Aug. 1768, m. Guilford, Vt., 7 June
1786, Aaron Franklin, son of Aaron Franklin. Children
born Guilford, Vt. (Franklin) :
1. Elisha, b. 23 Nov. 1787, m. Guilford, Vt., 6 Nov. 1808,
Hannah Barnes.
2. Mary, b. 4 Oct. 1794, m. Guilford, Vt., 10 March 1814,
Amos Gallop, son of Joseph and Mary Gallop, b. Guilford,
Vt., 23 Oct. 1788.
3. Aaron, b. 8 June 1798, m. 1825, Sarah Ann Stowell,
dau. of Israel and Anna (Knapp) Stowell, b. New Caanan,
N..Y., 3 April 1800, d. Colerain, Mass., 11 April 1858,
age 58.
4. Israel, b. 4 Nov. 1801.
5. Molly, b. 27 1804.
6. SOPHRONA, b. 14 1807.
7. Eunice, b. 1810.
129. iv. JosiAH, b. 22 March 1770.
130. v. Luther, b. IS Oct. 1772.
131. vi. Calvin, b. 5 Dec. 1774.
Children by Sarah Carpenter born Winchester, N. H. :
132. vii. Abishai, b. 13 May 1778.
133. viii. Reuben, b. 4 Nov. 1779.
134. ix. Ebenezer, b. 25 or 30 April 1781.
Children by Mary Leonard:
135. X. Moses, b. Winchester, N. H., 28 March 1782.
xi. Patty, b. Winchester, N. H., 3 Sept. 1783, bp. May 1785,
d. Winchester, N. H., 17 April 1801, age 17.
136. xii. Aaron, b. Guilford, Vt., 4 Sept. 1785.
45. DEACON JOSEPH* STOWELL (Israel-- Samuel')
was born at Newton, Mass., 1 Feb. 1736, died Winchester, N. H.,
29 Feb. 1812, age 76. mar. Petersham, Mass., 2 Feb. 1761,
Martha Page, dau. of David and Priscilla (Boynton) Page,
114 The Stowell Genealogy
b. Lunenburg, Mass., 26 April 1741, d. Winchester, N. H., 6
Oct. 1819, age 78. David Page was one of the leading men of
his day.
Joseph lived at Winchester, N. H. Was a Physician. Joseph
and Martha owned the covenant of Petersham Church, 31 Jan.
1762. He was made Selectman 7 Sept. 1775, made Enumerator
5 Oct. 1775. Was one of seven sent to represent the town at
the formation of the State. Joseph joined Winchester Church
14 Nov. 1764; Martha joined 7 July 1765. Joseph was made
deacon in Winchester Church in 1780.
Joseph Stowell and David Page were signers to petition
to secure the Charter for town of Lancaster, N. H. Joseph
Stowell was also one of the signers to the petition against Great
Britain in Winchester, N. H., 3 June 1776.
Children born Winchester, N. H.
i. Sarahs, h. 3 Dec. 1761, d. Winchester, N. H., 19 Jan. 1832,
age 70, m. Winchester, N. H., 23 April 1778, Isaac Hutchins,
■ b. 1754, d. Winchester, N. H., 27 Feb. 1830, age 76. Lived at
Winchester, N. H. Children born Winchester (Hutchins) :
1. Betsey, b. 1779, d. Winchester, N. H., 1779.
2. Ebenezer, b. 27 March 1780.
3. Cheney, b. 18 April 1782.
4. Elisha, b. 18 Aug. 1784.
5. Saeah, b. 31 Dec. 1789, d. Winchester, N. H., 17 Aug. 1793.
6. EuFUS, b. 7 April 1792, d. Winchester, N. H., 23 Sept. 1794.
7. David, b. 31 Oct. 1794.
8. Daniel, b. 24 June 1796, d. Winchester, N. H., 20 Sept. 1798.
9. Sally Stowell, b. 25 July 1799.
10. EuFUS, b. 16 Jan. 1802.
11. Flavilla, b. 24 May 1805.
ii. Abigail, b. 23 Oct. 1764, m. 1st, at Winchester, N. H., 9
Jan. 1783, Asa Hutchins, b. Winchester, N, H., d. there 9
April 1802. She m. 2d, 13 Nov. 1805, CoL. John Wood who
d. 9 Feb. 1818, age 62.
Children bom Winchester, N. H. (Hutchins) :
1. Elias, b. 20 Feb. 1784.
2. Sophia, b. 16 Feb. 1786, m. IIosea Ivtng.
3. WiLLARD, b. 8 Feb. 1789, m. Lydia.
4. ESBON, b. 18 rpeb. 1791, d. Winchester, N, H., 2 July 1805,
age 14.
5. Asa, b. 8 April 1793, m. Mrs. Lydia Hutchins, widow
of his brother Willard.
Fourth Generation 115
6. Joseph Stoweia, b. 3 Sept. 1795, m. 2 Aug. 1821, Sally
White, dau. of Luther White. Children: i. Alfred, ii.
Edward, iii. George Henry, iv. Edward.
7. HosEA, b. 3 Nov. 1797, d. Winchester, N. H., 12 Sept. 1799.
8. HosEA, b. 27 Sept. 1799, d. Winchester, N. H., 6 Oct. 1802.
Children by second husband John Wood:
9. Abigail.
10. John.
iii. Patta or Patty, b. 25 J^n. 1767, m. Winchester, N. H., 27
Nov. 1788, Caleb Willis, son of Joab and Martha (Bolton)
Willis, b. Winchester, N. H., 1755.
Children born Winchester, N. H., (Willis) :
1. David, b. 7 May 1791, d. Winchester, N. H., 25 March 1795,
2. Betsey, b. 3 June 1793, d. Winchester, N. H., 8 Dec. 1793.
3. Levi, d. Winchester, N. H., 10 Jan. 1808.
4. Louisa, b. Winchendon, Mass., 14 Dec. 1804, d. Gilsum,
N. H., 26 June 1884, age 79, m. Gunn.
iv. Elizabeth, b. 13 March 1769, d. 13 Jan. 1819, age 49, m. Ist,
Winchester, N. H., 13 Oct. 1796, Alpha Wright. She m. 2d,'
24 Nov. 1803, Joshua Parker.
Children bom Winchester, N. H. (Wright) :
1. Alpha, b. 13 March 1798.
2. Paul, b. 13 Sept. 1800.
137. v. Joseph, b. 2 Oct. 1771.
vi. Eunice, b. 19 March 1774, m. Winchester, N. H., 19 March
, Benjamin Flint, son of Benjamin and Peggy (Sawyer)
Flint, b. N. Reading, Mass., 8 April 1757, d. Salem, Mass.,
18 Jan. 1829, age 71. Benjamin Flint was in the Revolution,
vii. Rhoda, b. 16 Aug. 1776, d. Lempster, N. H., 19 Nov. 1817,
age 41, m. Winchester, N. H., 10 Oct. 1797, Jesse Spaulding,
son of Jonathan and Lydia (Richardson) Spaulding, b. West-
ford, Mass., 19 Aug. 1771, d. Bradford, N. H., 1848. Children
(Spaulding) :
1. Salathiel, b. Winchester, N. H., 15 July 1798, d. Lempster,
N. H., 6 Dec. 1820.
2. Elijah, b. Winchester, N. H., 12 May 1800, d. Claremont,
N. H., 10 Aug. 1831, m. 8 Nov. 1825, Charlotte Lincoln,
dau. of Lemuel and Mehitable Lincoln, b. Acworth, N. H.,
19 Nov. 1797, d. Fitchburg, Mass., 10 Oct. 1867.
Children: i. Emily Irene, ii. Mary.
3. Martin, b. Lempster, N. H., 19 Aug. 1805, d. Rutland,
Vt., 8 March 1890, m. Acworth, N. H., 17 June 1835,
Mary Silsby, who d. 13 Jan. 1873. Lived at Rutland,
116 The Stowell Genealogy
Vt. Children: i. Oricma Bhoda, ii. Salathiel Martin, iii.
JoJm Prentiss, iv. Frances Elmira, v. Edmund Holden,
vi. Elijah FranJclin.
4. Rhoda, b. Washington, N. H., 23 Aug. 1810, d. Langdon,
N. H., 15 Dec. 1838. She was teacher in female seminary
at Utica, N. Y,
138. viii. Elijah, b. 28 May 1779.
ix. Dolly, b. 22 Sept. 1781, d. Winchester, N. H. fall of 1855, m.
Winchester, N. H., 3 Nov. 1801, Eliab Howard, son of Jonathan
Howard, b. Winchester, N. H., d. there 24 May 1838.
Children (Howard) :
1. Polly, m. Winchester, N. H., Caleb Hill. Lived at
Winchester, N. H. Children (Hill) : i. Maria E., ii. Mary
Sophia, iii. Gardner C, iv. Jonathan 0., v. Almina D.,
vi. Maria H., vii. Lucy Elvira, viii. Laura A.
2. Jonathan, m. 6 May 1829, Hannah Loveland. Lived at
Linden, N. Y. Was a Physician. Children: i. Louise,
ii. Sarah Arvilla, iii. Aaron Eliab.
3. Elijah, b. 25 Aug. 1807, d. 10 Nov. 1879, age 72, m.
Winchester, N. H., Sarah Smith, b. 2 June 1805, d. 5 Dec.
1870, age 65. Lived at Winchester, N. H. Children:
i. Gilbert S., ii. Eugenia S., iii. Charles G., iv. AngeUme
U., V. Marietta L., vi. Charles G., vii. Luther E., viii.
Emily E., ix. Sarah Jane, x. Stephen B., xi. Emetine W.
139. x. Rev. Paul, b. 30 Oct. 1785.
46. REV. ENOCH^ STOWELL (Israel'-^ Samuel^) was
born in Newton, Mass., 16 July 1740, died at New Woodstock, N.
y., 1829, mar. at Winchester, N. H., 12 Sept. 1765, Sarah Field,
dau. of Gains and Sarah (Holton) Field, born Winchester, N. H.
6 April 1743, died there 16 Dec. 1815, age 78. Lived at Win-
chester, N. H. Enoch and Jeremiah Pratt were two of the early-
settlers in Winchester. He was a Baptist Minister. Enoch
joined the Winchester Church, 14 Nov. 1764, his wife Sarah
joined 13 July 1766. He was on Winchester Tax List, 1776.
Enoch was a Corporal in Capt. Francis Towne's Co., Col.
David Oilman's Regt. Dec. 1776 to reinforce Ticonderoga. He
was in Capt, Oliver Capon's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Regt.
1778 to reinforce Ticonderoga. Lieut. Enoch Stowell was one
of a committee, 5 Feb. 1781, to raise soldiers in Winchester for
the Revolution. He was one of seven to represent the town of
Winchester at the formation of the State of New Hampshire.
Fourth Generation 117
Children born Winchester, N. H. :
140. i. Daniels, b. 12 June 1766.
ii. AciSH, bp. 4 Oct. 1767, probably died young.
141. iii. Enoch, b. 27 Aug. 1768.
Jesse, b. 14 May 1771.
David, b. 27 June 1773.
Solomon, b. 27 Oct. 1775, bp. 21 Jan. 1776.
KoswELL, bp. 1779.
Royal, b. 2 Mar. 1780, probably died young.
ix. Sylvanus, b. 21 Mar. 1785, bp. May 1785, m. Prijdence Cook,
dau. of Francis and Ruth (Berse) Cook, b. Winchester, N. H.,
d. New York.
47. ABIJAH^ STOWELL {IsraeP-^ Samuel^) was bom
in Newton, Mass., 12 May 1745, died Framingham, Mass., 6
Feb. 1800, age 54, mar. 1st at Bridgewater, Mass., 17 Oct. 1771,
Ehoda Packard, dau. of Jacob and Dorothy (Perkins) Packard,
born Bridgewater, Mass., 25 June 1749, died Newton, Mass.,
24 June 1776, age 28. He married 2d at Newton, Mass., 17 Aug.
1778, Mary Stowell, dau. of Isaac and Abigail (Hyde) Stowell,
bom Dedham, Mass., 30 May 1755. He was a weaver.
Abijah lived at Newton until. 1782, Framingham 1782 until
10 April 1786, Natick, Mass. 1786 to 1795 or 1796 when he moved
to Fitzwilliam, N. H. He stayed there only a few years when he
moved back to Framingham, Mass. Was taxed on land in
Fitzwilliam in 1789, but was not on Poll tax list until 1795
or 1796.
Abijah Stowell was a private from Newton in Capt. Edward
Fuller's Co., Col. William Mclntoch's Regt., 19 March 1778
to 5 April 1778, stationed at Roxbury.
In three Midd. Deeds he is called Abijah Stowell of Newton,
1776 to 1782. In two Midd. Deeds as Abijah StoweU of
Framingham, 1782 to 1784. In one Suffolk Deed as Abijah
Stowell of Newton, 1782.
Children by first wife Rhoda Packard:
145. 1. Abijahs, b. Newton, Mass., 18 Aug. 1772.
146. ii. Jacob, b. Newton, Mass., 22 Dec. 1774.
iii. Samuel, b. Newton, Mass., about 1776, bp, Framingham, Masa.,
June 1784, d. Roxbury, Mass., 26 Oct. 1825, age 49, m. Dor-
chester, Mass., 21 Nov. 1805, Lydia Calder of Dorchester.
118 The Stowell Genealogy
Children by second wife Mary Stowell:
147. iv. David, b. Newton, Mass., 30 May 1779.
V. Sally, b. Newton, Mass., 23 April 1781, m. Pierce.
vi. Polly, bp. Framingham, Mass., June 1784, m. Ezra Saunders,
son of David and Molly (Livingston) Saunders, b. Billerica,
Mass., 1 May 1772. Children (Saunders) :
1. GiLMAN, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., died there 11 May 1806,
age 2 years.
148. vii. Asa Lyman, bp. Framingham, Mass., April 1785.
149. viii. Isaac, b. Natick, Mass., 1 May 1787,
ix. Ehoda, bp. Natick, Mass., 23 Sept. 1792, m. Harlow, a sea
captain. Children (Haklow) :
1. Mary.
2. Reuben. A Methodist Minister.
X. Lucy, bp. Newton, Mass., 27 July 1794.
48. ISAAC* STOWELL {Isaac' Israel^ Samuel^) was
bom at Newton or Hopkinton, Mass., 1732, died at Dedham,
Mass., 3 March 1820, age 88, mar. at Boston, Mass., 24 May 1753,
Mary Oliver, born 1734, died at Dedham, Mass., 6 June 1812,
age 78. Lived at Dedham, Mass., was a weaver.
Records of the First Baptist Church of Dedham give
Mary Stowell, wife of Isaac, owned the covenant in order to
have their children baptised, 13 Aug. 1758.
Six Norfolk Deeds give Isaac Stowell of Dedham, 1799
to 1812.
Isaac Stowell, Jr., enlisted 2 April 1759 in Col. Francis
Brinley's Regt. under his Excellency Jeffrey Amherst, age 26.
Residence Dedham. Was on muster roll dated Boston, 3 July
1760, private in Capt. Simon Slocomb's Co., served from 2
April 1759 to 22 April 1760. Was on roll in Capt. Simon
Slocomb's Co., Col. Frye's Regt. in service in Nova Scotia,
served from 1 Jan. 1760 to 20 Nov. 1760. Was on roll dated
Boston, 18 Dec. 1760, private in Lt. Benjamin Holden's Co.,
served from 23 April 1760 to 20 Nov. 1760 ; residence Dedham.
Was private in Capt. George Gould's Co. at Lexington Alarm,
19 April 1775, 31/2 days' sei-vicc. Was private in Capt. Joseph
Gould's Co., 36th Regt., 3 May 1775, to 5 Oct. 1775. He was on
list of soldiers brought by Sloop Prosperous, John Rraordnn,
master, from Fort Cumberland to Boston, per account of said
Fourth Generation .119
Bragdon for passage money against Mass., dated Boston, 24
Nov. 1760.
Children born Dedham, Mass.
i. Davids, b. about 1754, bp. 13 Aug. 1758, d. before 1776. He
was private in Capt. Robert Smith's Co., Col. William Heath's
Regt. at Lexington Alarm, 19 April 1775. Was private in
Capt. Moses Whiting's Co., 36th Regt. 5 May 1775 to 5 Oct.
ii. Maky, b. about 1756, bp. 13 Aug. 1758.
150. iii. Isaac, bp. 27 Aug. 1758.
iv. Rebecca, bp. 16 Aug. 1761.
V. Sarah, bp. 12 Feb. 1764, d. Boston, Mass., 10 Dec. 1826, age
46, m. Dedham, Mass., 28 April 1803, Nathaniel Green of
vi. Abigail, bp. 15 March 1767, d. Dedham, Mass., 12 March 1856,
age 88, m. there 11 May 1796, Joseph Richards, son of Eliakim
and Mary (Mayo) Richards, b. Dedham, Mass., 20 April 1765,
d. there 26 March 1813.
Children born Dedham, Mass., (Richards) :
1. Eliakim, b. 22 March 1797, m. (Int. Dedham, Mass., 29
May 1824) Fanny Johnson, dau. of Obed and Lucy
(Holmes) Johnson, b. 5 Feb. 1797. Cliildren: i. William
M., ii. Faitmy J. iii. Fanny E., iv. George W., v. Hannah
E., vi. Ellen M.
2. Joseph, b. 18 Feb. 1798, m. Dedham, Mass., 3 April 1825,
Jane S. Wilson of Needham, Mass,
3. Betsey, b. 28 May 1800, m. 24 Oct. 1819, Nathaniel
Sumner, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Sumner, b. Ded-
ham, Mass., 23 Sept. 1789, d. Dedham, Mass., 26 Sept. 1834,
age 45. She m. 2d, Dedham, Mass., 20 Nov. 1839,
Eliphalet Fuller.
4. Hannah, b. 28 March 1802, d. unmarried.
5. Mary, b. 21 Oct. 1804, m. Dedham, Mass., 28 Oct. 1827,
Porter Boyden, son of Benjamin and Roxa (Hartshorn)
Boyden, b. Dedham, Mass., 9 June 1800.
6. Stowell, m. HopMnton, Mass., 4 April 1837, Nancy
Burnap Valentine, dau. of Joseph and Patty (Burnap)
Valentine, b. Hopkinton, Mass., 14 July 1807.
vii. Lucy, bp. 29 Oct. 1769, d. Dedham, Mass., 30 Nov. 1853, m.
Dover, Mass., 3 Dec. 1797, IvpRY Bacon.
viii. Hannah, bp. 17 Nov. 1771, d. Dedham, Mass., 21 Aug. 1829,
m. there 10 April 1803, Samuel Pond, son of Jonas and Sarah
(White) Pond, b. Dedham, Mass., 1 May 1764, d. Needham,
Mass., 2 Oct. 1858, age 94.
120 The Stowell Genealogy
Children born Dedham, Mass. (Ponb) :
1. Hannah, b. 23 March 1805, d. Boston, Mass., 21 Sept.
1865, m. 15 Dec. 1824, Joseph Hibbert of Boston.
2. LuciNDA, b. 31 Oct. 1806, d. Medfield, Mass., 20 Oct. 1890,
age 83, m. Dedham, Mass., 11 April 1830, Otis Brigham,
son of Barnabas and Eunice (Mandell) Brigham, b. North
Brookfield, Mass., 2 July 1795, d. Needham, Mass., 6 Dec.
1864. Children (Brigham) : i. Joseph Henry, ii. Framcis
Otis, iii. Horace Wait, iv. Hannah, Lucinda, v. Horace Wait,
vi. George Frederick, vii. Charles, viii. Nancy Jane.
3. Aaron Payne, b. 16 June 1810, d. Brookline, Mass., 15
Dec. 1864, m. 1 Dec. 1831, Eebecca Wilson Smith, dau.
of Josiah and Sarah Smith, b. Dedham, Mass., 1812, d.
Boston, Mass., 13 Oct. 1884, age 72. Lived at Dedham
and Brookline, Mass, Was stage driver. Children: i.
Josiah Francis, ii. William Lewis, iii. Aaron Augustus.
151. ix. Joel, bp. 16 Oct. 1774.
X. David, bp. 29 Sept. 1776.
49. JACOB* STOWELL (Isaac^ Israel^ Samuel') was
born in Dedham, Mass., 3 April 1736, died at Windsor, Vt., 13
Nov. 1806, married Douglas, Mass., 16 Dee. 1757, Beulah Liver-
more, dau. of Jonas and Esther (Hyde) Livermore, born Graf-
ton, Mass., bp. 21 Sept. 1737, died at Windsor, Vt., 17 Nov.
1825, age 88. He lived in Dedham and Uxbridge, Mass.,
and Windsor, Vt. Was a farmer. '
Jacob Stowell, drummer, in Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regt.
On list 26 July 1756. On return dated Camp at Fort William
Henry, 11 Oct. 1756.
To the Honorable Spencer Phips, Esq., Lieut. Governor
and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Province
of the Massachusetts Bay and to the House of Representatives
in General Court assembled, 8 Feb. A. D. 1757 :
The petition of Jacob Stowell of Needham, in the County
of Suffolk, blacksmith. Humbly showeth that your Petitioner
served in the expedition against Crown Point the year past,
that your Petitioner went in the Spring and came away with
the last soldiers that marched off in the Fall. Your Petitioner
served in the Company raised by Capt. James Stebbins and
since his decease commanded by Capt. William Humphrey,
in Col. Ruggles' Regt., that your Petitioner was sick before he
Fourth Generation 121
set out on his march home when your Petitioner came to the
town of Sheffield he could travel no further and a man and horse
were sent to the said town and brought your Petitioner home,
which cost your Petitioner the sum of four pounds and two
shillings lawful money.
Wherefore your Petitioner Humbly Prays that your Honor
and this Honorable Court would be pleased to allow and order
that your Petitioner shall be paid the said four pounds and two
shillings, exclusive of his wages, or to do whatever in your Wis-
dome and Justice you shall think reasonable and as in duty
bound your Petitioner shall ever pray.
Jacob Stowell.
The Committee report four pounds
and two shillings in full.
William Richardson, per order.
Jacob first bought land in .Uxbridge, per Worcester Deed,
27 June 1760, and is therein described as of Dedham, and his
daughter Mary is recorded as born in Dedham, his old home,
in 1762. In nine Worcester Deeds 1761 to 1763, he bought and
sold lands in Uxbridge, Douglas and Royalshire and is described
therein as of Uxbridge. He next appears in Vermont, per Doc.
Hist, of New York by Sec. of State, Vol. 4, p. 406-408. 1 Nov.
1770, Jacob Stowell, one of the signers on a petition of the
inhabitants of Cumberland and Gloucester Counties in the
Province of New York on the west side of the Connecticut River
for relief against the New Hampshire Grants, saying disorder-
ly persons in Windsor, Cumberland County had obstructed
the Court of Common Pleas of New York, they claiming juris-
diction belonged to New Hampshire instead of to New York.
He evidently had selected Windsor as his permanent home
though his first purchase of land there was not until the second
of Jan. 1778, which was jugt the time Burgoyne was invading
Vermont. Between that date, 1778 and 1806, his name appears
on seven Windsor Deeds. He does not appear of record to have
lived there until about 6 Jan. 1782, when he renewed the Cov-
enant at the East Parish Old South Congregational Church.
His name appears on the tax list, 7 March 1786 and he was
made a Trustee of School District No. 5 in 1786. In 1799 for
one dollar he gave a perpetual lease to School District No. 12
122 The Stowell Genealogy
of lot 8, Eange 9, which was a part of his property of 240 acres,
"so long as it was used for school purposes." The school was
still in use in 1920.
The following incident which the compiler copied from
the First Church records shows the rigid church methods of
those days. The First Church extended a call to Mr, Shuttle-
worth to become their pastor. Afterwards the Trustees thought
he was too liberal and dismissed him. Most of the congregation
liked him and organized a separate church which Jacob and his
w^fe joined and attended regularly. The old church wrote
Jacob and his wife to know why they had neglected to attend
communion for three consecutive Sundays. After several let-
ters they finally sent a Committee to personally deliver a warn-
ing that if by a fixed date they did not confess and renew the
Covenant they would be excommunicated. The committee re-
-■^•'oA that when they presented the warning "Jacob threat-
ened to foot them out of the house for annoying his wife," so
Jacob and wife were excommunicated, 7 Sept. 1792. Beulah,
Jacob's wife, was restored to the communion, 6 Feb. 1820, some
28 years later, Jacob having died in 1806.
"~ Will of Jacob Stowell filed 26 Nov. 1806. Elias Hoisington,
appointed Executor, deceased before settling the estate when
Abram Morey Avas appointed 24 Jan. 1811. One of the witnesses
to the Codicil was Betsey Stowell, wife of son Jacob. Son
Oliver not mentioned in will. Legatees: To wife Beulah, one-
third of real estate and aU the furniture, etc. during her life
then it to be divided equally among the three daughters. Son
Joel $100 and clock. Daughter Mary, wife of Elias Hoisington,
$100. To Beulah, wife of David Lombard, $100. To Daughter
Esther, wife of Nathan Barrett, $100. Son Jacob $70 note and
six acres of land called upper lot, horse, saddle and bridle.
Son Asaph $60. Grandsons Elias Hoisington Jr. and Giles Gill
residue of estate when Giles Gill is 21. (Prob. Windsor Dist).
Beulah Livermore was descended from Corp. John Liver-
more who was born 30 Sept. 1604 at Little Thurloe, England
and came to America on the ship Frances in April 1634. He
went first to Watertown, Mass. Was one of the original settlers
of New Haven, Conn, and one of the signers of the famous
New Haven Agreement in 1639. His wife was Grace Sherman,
Fourth Generation 123
dau. of Edmund and Grace (Mekin) Sherman. Their son
Samuel was born in New Haven, Conn., 11 Kay 1640, mar. 4
June 1668, Anna Bridge, dau. of Matthew and Anna (Danforth)
Bridge, she born Cambridge, Mass. in 1647. Their son Daniel
born in Watertown, Mass., 3 Feb. 1674, mar, 28 May 1697,
Mary Coolidge, dau. of Ensign John and Mary (Wellington)
Coolidge, she born Watertown, Mass. 27 June 1680. Their
son Jonas born in Watertown, Mass., in 1710, mar. 3 July 1735,
Esther Hyde, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Williams) Hyde, she
bom in Newton, Mass., 24 April 1704. It was their daughter
Beulah Livermore, bp. Grafton, Mass., 21 Sept. 1737, who
married Jacob Stowell.
Children of Jacob and Beulah (Livermore) Stowell:
i. Marys, b. Dedliam, Mass., 20 Oct. 1762, d. "Woodstock, Vt., 5
March 1842, age 79, m. Windsor, Vt., 7 March 1782, Capt.
Elias Hoisington, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Miller)
Hoisington, b. Stonington, Conn., 12 Dec. 1757, d. "Windsor, "Vt.,
15 Jan. 1810, age 52. She m. 2d, "Windsor, Vt., 4 Jan. 1813,
Capt. William Bryant of Cornish, N. H. Capt. Bryant was
in Col. Joab Hoisington 's Regt.
Children born Windsor, Vt. (Hoisington) :
1. Elijah, b. 29 Aug. 1783, d. 27 Dec. 1847, m. Olive Maect.
2. Elias, b. 20 Oct. 1785, d. Windsor, Vt., 4 May 1830, m.
there 17 March 1808, Phoebe Huggins. Children: L
Sylvester, ii. Almira, iii. Elias, iv. Emily, v. D&nnis, vi.
Hira, vii. David, viii. Ira, ix. Aaron.
3. Oliver, b. 6 April 1788, d. Attica, N. Y., 1868.
4. Horace, b. 21 Dec. 1789, d. Winnebago Co., HI., 16 March
1877, m. Windsor, Vt., Gratia Steele, who d. Attica,
N. Y., before 1835. Children: Elias and others.
5. Polly, b. 24 Sept. 1791, d. Windsor, Vt., 5 March 1842,
m. Fletcher.
6. Sayles, b. 1 Sept. 1793, d. Rochester, Vt., 22 Dec. 1874,
age 81, m. Windsor, Vt., 17 Feb. 1814, Abigail Davis.
Children: i. Sayles.
7. Aaron, b. 14 Aug. 1795, d. 11 July 1857, m. Windsor, Vt.,
3 Oct. 1816, Ora Cady, dau. of Manassah and Elizabeth
(Hutchins) Cady, b. Windsor, Vt., 1795.
8. Elmira. b. 16 MfiT 1798, d. Windsor, Vt., 22 Jan. 1800.
9. Beulah, b. 22 Sept. 1801, d. Attica, N. Y., 1837, m. there
124 The Stowell Genealogy
ii. Rebecca, m. John Gill, b. about 1756, d. Windsor, Vt., 7 Maj
1832, age 76. Lived at Windsor. Children (GiLii) :
1, Giles, b. Windsor, Vt., m. there 14 May 1809, Lynda.
Savage, dau. of Nathan and Elizabeth (Sawins) Savage, b.
Windsor, Vt., 24 Jan. 1790. Children: i. FranTclin, ii. Elisabeth.
iii. Beulah, m. David Lumbard. Children (Lumbard) :
1. David, m. Windsor, Vt., 4 Feb. 1810, Milison Sawin,
dau. of Munin and Milison (Powers) Sawin, b. Windsor,
Vt., 4 April 1790. Children: i. Laura M.
2. Anna called Nancy, m. Windsor, Vt., 10 Jan. 1811, Robeet
Cain of Windsor.
3. Jesse, m. Windsor, Vt., 18 Sept. 1814, Olive Carlton.
4 Harvey, m. Windsor, Vt., 7 Dec. 1823, Pluma Carlton, dau.
of Abraham and Betsey Carlton, b. Windsor, Vt., 29
July 1803.
5. Asaph, m. Windsor, Vt., 1 May 1822, Eunice Lxjmbakd,
dau. of John and Mary (Wells) Lumbard, b. Windsor, Vt.,
20 March 1800.
6. Sophia, m. Windsor, Vt., 1 June 1828, Freeman Carlton,
son of Abraham and Betsey Carlton, b. Windsor, Vt.,
11 May 1801.
7. Caleb, m. Windsor, Vt., 25 Jan. 1829, Clarissa Brooks.
8. Zerviah, m. Windsor, Vt., 8 July 1838, Samuel Sherman.
152. iv. Joel, b. 17 Nov. 1768.
153. V. Jacob, bp. Windsor, Vt., 1783.
vi. Esther, bp. Windsor. Vt. 1783, m. Windsor, Vt., 6 Dec. 1798,
Nathan Barrett.
vii. Asaph, bp. Windsor, Vt., 1783.
154. viii. Oliver, b. Windsor, Vt., 1778.
50. JOSEPH* STOWELL {Isaac^ Israel^ SamueV) was
bom in Dedham, Mass., 1 May 1739, m. Needham, Mass., 27
Jan. 1763, Hannah Richardson, dau. of Ezekiel and Lydia
(Ockinton) Richardson.
Joseph Stoel was a private in Capt. Vail's Co., Col. Nichol's
Regt. per account rendered by Bazaleel Eager 4 Jan. 1759, for
victualling men on their return from Lake George in 1758.
Was private on muster roll dated Boston, 3 Feb. 1759. Private
in Col. Francis Brinley's R^gt. 2 April 1759 to 22 April 1760
from Dedham. He was on service in Nova Scotia in Capt.
Simon Slocomb's Co., Col. Frye's Regt., 1 Jan. 1760 to 20 Nov.
1760, Was in Lexington Alarm, 19 April 1775, six days.
Private in Capt, Robert Smith's Co,, Col, William Heath's
Fourth Generation 125
Regt., 21 Jan. 1776. In Capt. H. Hall's Co., Col. Lemuel
Robinson's Regt., 30 Jan. to 28 Nov. 1776. Enlisted 28 Nov.
1776 for three years. Was at White Plains. Was in McFar-
land's Corps Invalides, paid from 1 Jan. 1780 to 31 Dec. 1780.
Child of Joseph and Hannah (Richardson) Stowell:
i. Ebenezers, b. about 1777, d. Dedham, Mass., 24 Jan. 1807.
51. SAMUEL* STOWELL {Isaac^ Israel' Samuel^) was
bom in Dedham, Mass., 27 May 1743, d. at Gray, Maine, 20
Jan. 1826, age 82, m. Portland, Maine, 17 Aug. 1767, Patience
BuTMAN (or Bootman), dau. of Bradstreet Butman of Portland,
Maine, b. 1750, died at Gray, Maine, 22 Aug. 1836, age 86.
Bradstreet Butman was a soldier in the Revolution.
Samuel Stowell lived at Gray, Gorham and N. Yarmouth,
Me. He was a farmer. Cumberland Co. Maine gives eight
deeds in name of Samuel Stowell of Gray, Maine, 1794 to 1814
and three deeds in name of Samuel Stowell of N. Yarmouth,
Me. in 1816.
Samuel Stowell enlisted from Dedham, 2 April 1759 in Col.
Francis Brinley's Regt., served until 22 April 1760. In service
in Nova Scotia, Capt. Simon Slocomb's Co., Col. Frye's Regt.,
1 Jan. 1760 to 29 Sept. 1760. On pay roll Capt. Moses Hart's
Co. of Dedham, 16 March to 20 Nov. 1763.
Samuel Stowell was in the Revolution, enlisted at George-
town, Cape Ann, for nine months to go to Fishkiil, enlisted
from Col. McCobb's Regt. as returned by Charles Gushing,
Brigadier for Lincoln Co., dated Pownalborough, 28 May 1778,
delivered to Capt. Lamont's Co. Age given as 36. Arrived
at Fishkiil, 16 June 1778.
Children of Samuel and Patience (Butman) Stowell:
i. Patiences, m. Gorham, Maine, 8 March 1789, Alexander Boss,
son of James and Hannah (Dyer) Ross, b. Gorham, Me., 7 Aug.
1769, d. Gray, Maine.
155. ii. Reuben.
iii. Betsey.
iv. Abigail, m. Dover, Mass., 2 April 1796, Joseph Chickerino
of Roxbury, b. Dover, Mass., 4 Feb. 1755, d. there 23 Jan. 1812,
age 57.
V. Lydia, b. about 1777, d. New Gloucester, Me., 11 March 1754,
age 77.
126 The Stowell Genealogy
156, vi. Isaac, b. Gray, Maine, 27 Oct. 1780,
■vii, Susanna, d. New Gloucester, Me., 2 May 1852, m. Edward
Thompson, Children (Thompson) :
1, Joseph Mariner, d. Gorham, Me., 4 Oct. 1869.
2, James, d. Gray, Me.
3, Carter,
4, Elizabeth, d, 21 Oct. 1910, m, Alvin Shaw,
viii, Thaddeus, m. Betsey. Was a cordwainer and lived at N.
Yarmouth, Maine.
There are two deeds in name of Thaddeus Stowell of N. Yar-
mouth, 1814 and three deeds in name of Thaddeus Stowell of N.
Yarmouth, 1816.
ix. Ebenezer, Cumberland Co., Maine gives two deeds where his
father Samuel sells to Ebenezer Stowell of Gray 1800 and 1813.
52. LEMUEL* STOWELL {Isaac^ Israel SamueV) was
born in Dedham, Mass., 25 Mjirch 1747, died there 29 March
1832, age 85, m. Boston, Mass., 24 Dee. 1767, Rebecca Fisher,
of Needham, dan. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Weeks) Fisher, b.
Dedham, Mass., 14 Sept. 1750, d. there 18 Sept. 1834, age 84.
Lived at Dedham, Mass.
Lemuel Stowell was a private in Capt, Joseph Guild's Co,,
Col. Greaton's Regt. at Lexington Alarm, 19 April 1775, 13
days. Was a Drummer in Capt, George Guild's Co., Col. Paul
D. Sargent's Regt., 15 May 1775,
Rebecca was received in First Church, Dedham, 31 Dec.
Will of Lemuel Stowell of Dedham probated 1 Aug. 1832,
"To my four children, viz.: Fisher Stowell; Rebeccah, the wife
of Amasa Gay; Elizabeth, the wife of Jacob Stowell and Sally,
the wife of Nathaniel Owen, $5,00 each. Residue to wife
Rebeccah and she to be the Executor," (Norfolk Prob. No.
Will of Rebecca Stowell of Dedham, ' ' To my four children,
viz. : Fisher Stowell ; Rebecca, the wife of Amasa Gay ; Elizabeth,
the wife of Jacob Stowel and Sally, the wife of Nathaniel Owen,
$1,00 each. Residue to grandson George L. Owen. My grandson
Nathaniel Owen Jr., to be Executor, (Nor. Prob. No. 17515).
There are two Midd. deeds, 1768 and 1770, three Suff.
deeds 1771 to 1777 and ten Nor. deeds, 1787 to 1828 in the
name of Lemuel Stowell of Dedham.
Fourth Generation 127
Children all born in Dedham, Mass. :
i. Eebfxcas, b. 18 Jan. 1770, m. 26 May 1792, Amasa Gay, son of
Samuel and Elizabeth Gay, b. Dedham, Mass., 20 Dec. 1761.
ii. Elizabeth, b. 19 Nov. 17;72, d. Massena, N. Y., m. Windsor,
yt., Dec. 1793, Jacob Stowell, son of Jacob and Beulah (Liv-
ermore) Stowell, b. Windsor, Vt., bp. 17SC, d. Massena, N. Y.
157. iii. FiSHEE, b. 30 July 1776.
iv. Sally, b. 28 Nov. 1780, d. Dedham, Mass., 2 Jan. 1844, age
63, m. Dedham, Mass., 28 April 1803, Nathaniel Owen, son
of Ebenezer and Deborah Owen, b. Ashford Conn., 24 Oct.
1776, d. Dedham, Mass., 6 Jan. 1858, age 81.
Sally, wife of Nathaniel Owen, admitted to communion
Dedham Church, 11 March 1804. Children (Owen) :
1. Nathaniel, b. Dedham, Mass., bp. 8 July 1810.
2. George L.
53. THADDEUS^ STOWELL {Isaac' Israel^ Samuel^)
was bom in Dedham, Mass., 7 Aug. 1751, died there 28 May 1786,
age 35, m. Boston, Mass., 18 June 1772, Deborah Fisher, dau.
of Daniel and Elizabeth (Weeks) Fisher, b. Dedham, Mass., 11
April 1754, d. Wrentham, Mass., 5 March 1801, age 47. She m.
2d at Dedham, Mass., 8 Feb. 1789, Dantel Bacon, b. 17 Dee.
Thaddeus lived at Dedham, Mass. and Washington, N. H.
Deborah, wife of Thaddeus Stowell admitted to Dedham
Church, 23 June 1776.
Thaddeus Stowell was a private in Capt. Aaron Fuller's Co.
at the Lexington Alarm, 19 April 1775, five days. Private in
Capt. George Guild's Co. Paid for eight months to 1 Dee.
1775. Private in Capt. Jacob Haskin's Co., Col. John Jacob's
Regt. 2 July 1778 to 8 Dee. 1778. Private in Continental Army,
17 July 1780 to 22 Dee. 1780. Private in Capt. Battle's Co.,
Col. Mclntoch's Regt. 9 June 1779, age 29. Name is in return
of Selectmen of Dedham of 12 June 1778 of men sent to Rhode
Island to whom bounties were paid for three years, 24 March
Children all born in Dedham, Mass.
i. Catherines, b. 11 June 1773, d. May 1790, age 19.
158. ii. Jesse, b. 19 Aug. 1775.
128 The Stowell Genealogy
iii. Nancy, b. 31 May 1778, d. Dedham, Mass., 8 March 1805,
age 27, m. Wrentham, Mass., 4 Dec. 1803, William Moeeison.
He went to Canada after death of Nancy, but left a son William
Morrison in Dedham.
iv. Mary oe Polly, b. 21 Nov. 1781, m. (Int. Dedham, Mass., 1
May 1802), Warken Clark of Dedliam.
159. V. Abner, b. 1 Jan. 1786.
54. ISRAEL-* STOWELL (Benjamin^-^ Samuel^) was
born in Hingham, Mass., 25 Dec. 1753, d. there 30 March 1844,
age 90, m. there 24 Oct 1779, Lydia Mansfield, dau. of Joseph
and Sarah (Waters) Mansfield, born Hingham, Mass., 5 Dec.
1757, d. there 4 April 1830, age 72. They lived on West St.
Hingham. He was a cooper.
Israel was a private in Capt. Jotham Loring's Co., Col.
John Greaton's Regt., 27 April 1775. Private in Capt. Gushing 's
Co., 36 Regt., from 5 Oct. 1775 to 18 Dee. 1775. Private in Capt.
Cushing's Company expedition against Canada, reached
Montreal, 21 May 1776. In the Burgoyne Campaign in New
York, 1777. Was Corporal in Capt. Thomas Nash's Co., Col.
Da\nd Cushing's Regt. 20 Dec. 1777 to 1 March 1778 at Fort
Hill, Boston. Corporal in Capt. Theophilus Wilder 's Co. to
defend Newport 1780. Received a Pension under Act of
Congress, 18 March 1818.
Children all born Hingham, Mass. :
i. LYDIA5, b. 21 July 1780, d. Hingham, Mass., 12 Feb. 1856,
age 75, m. Hingham, Mass., 6 Dec. 1807, Isaac Hersey, son of
Jeremiah and Mary (Hersey) Hersey, b. Hingham, Mass., 19
Dec. 1777, d. there 8 Sept. 1865, age 87. He was a butcher and
lived on South St., Hingham. Children born Hingham, Mass.
(Hersey) :
1. Isaac, b. 19 Oct. 1808, d. Hingham, Mass., 6 Sept. 188.5,
age 76. Unmarried.
2. Lydia Otis. b. 31 Jan. 1810, d. Boston, Mass., 30 Sept.
1894, age 84, m. Hingham, Mass., 25 Jan. 1835, Darius
Eddy, son of John and Abiah (Sturtevant) Eddy, b.
PhTTiouth, Mass., 15 Sept. 1809, d. Bosto-n, Mass., 14 Dec.
1893, age 84. He was a manufacturer of refrigerators and
lived in Boston, Mass. Children (Eddy) : i. Darius F., it.
Lydia A., iii. Lydia H., iv. Otis, v. Lewis, vi, Isaac H.,
vii. George, viii. John Lodge.
Fourth Generation 129
3. Susan, b. 27 Aug. 1811, m. Hingham, Mass., 17 Jan. 1836,
Elihu Thayer, son of Elihu and Elizabeth (Savil) Thayer,
b. Quincy, Mass., 25 Oct. 1811. Lived on South St., Hing-
ham, Mass. Was a trader. Children (Thayer) : i. Albert
Elihu, ii. Suso/n Anne Frances, in. Charles Marion.
4. Sarah Waters, b. 25 Jan. 1814, d. Boston, Mass., 16 Oct.
1868, m. Hingham, Mass., 21 March 1841, Lewis Eddy, son
of John and Abijah (Sturtevant) Eddy, b. Plymouth,
Mass., 3 Nov. 1815. Lived at Plymouth, Mass. Child
(Eddy) : i. Frank Lewis.
5. Henry Miles, b. 12 Dec. 1821, d. Hingham, Mass., 6 Feb.
1876, age 54, m. Hingham, Mass., 10 April 1845, Eliza J.
Brown of Quincy. Was a trader, lived on South St.,
Hingham. Had four children.
ii. Ruth, b. 20 June 1782, m. Hingham, Mass., 3 July 1806, John
Dana of Boston,
iii. Joanna, b. 12 Jan. 1784, d. Hingham, Mass., 19 July 1858, m.
Hingham, Mass., 16 Jan. 1810, David Stodder, son of Thomas
and Mary (Lewis) Stodder, b. Hingham, Mass., 8 June 1785,
d. there 24 June 1865, age 80. Was a stone mason and lived
on Fort Hill St., Hingham. Children born Hingham (Stodder) :
1. Henry Lewis, b. 8 Oct. 1811, d. New Orleans, La., 20 Dec.
1834, age 23.
2. Joanna, b. 12 Oct. 1813, d. Hingham, Mass., 21 Feb. 1841,
age 27, m. there .30 Nov. 1834, GBroLEY Stodder, son of
Gridley and Betsey (Stodder) Stodder, b. Hingham, Mass.,
19 Oct. 1807, d. there 21 May 1864, age 56. He was a
Master Mariner and lived on West St., Hingham, Mass.
Children (Stodder) : i. Joanna, ii. John Henry.
3. Ebed Stowell, b. 4 June 1817, d. Hingham, IMass., 3 June
1887, age 70, m. there 2 Sept. 1836, Mary Ann Clapp, dau.
of Increase and Sarah (Holbrook) Clapp, b. Weymouth,
Mass., 26 Aug. 1817. He was a shoemaker and lived on
Fort Hill St., Hingham. Children: i. Henry Lewis, ii.
Anna Maria, iii. Henrietta Lewis, iv. David Frwncis, v.
Henry Wallace, vi. Ma/ry Bailey Bichards, vii. William
4. Davh), b. 4 Dec. 1820, d. Randolph, Mass., 5 Aug. 1842,
age 21, m. Hingham, Mass., 28 Nov. 1841, Elizabeth Jones
Whiton, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Jones) Whiton. She m.
2d, 10 Dec. 1846, Leavitt Lincoln Bicknell.
5. Eben, b. 13 April 1823, m. Hingham, Mass., 6 Jan. 1848,
Lucy Ann Bicknell, dau. of Ezra and Lucy (Cain) Bick-
nell, b. Hingham, Mass., 14 Dec. 1827. Child: i. Lucy Ella.
130 The Stowell Genealogy
6. William Dana, b. 1 Aug. 1825, m. Hingham, Mass., 24
Sept. 1865, Hannah Lincoln Battles, dau. of Martin and
Hannah (Lincoln) Battles, b. Hingham, Mass., 27 June
1835. Lived on Fort Hill St., Hingham. Children : i. Henry
Lewis, ii. Mary Elizabeth.
7. Mary Elizabeth, b. 11 Dec. 1827, d. Stockton, Calif., 24
May 1867, age 39.
160. iv. Ebed, b. 30 Jan. 1786.
161. V. Hkrsey, b. 19 May 1788.
vi. Henry, b. 4 Aug. 1790, d. Hingham, Mass., 14 Sept. 1795.
162. vii. Caleb, b. 17 Oct. 1792.
viii. Susanna, b. 23 June 1795, d. Hingham, Mass., 28 July 1868,
age 73, m. Hingham, Mass., Leavitt Gill, son of Nathaniel and
Lydia (Humphrey) Gill, b. Hingham, Mass., 30 April 1789,
d. there 20 Jan. 1854, age 64. He was a silversmith and lived
on South St., Hingham. Children born Hingham (Gill) :
1. Leavitt, b. 20 April 1817, d. Hingham, Mass., 16 Dec.
1838, age 21.
2. Susan, b. 6 Dee. 1821, d. Boston, Mass., 11 July 1905, age
83, m. Hingham, Mass., 15 March 1843, Albert Stodder,
son of Stephen and Peggy (Bemington) Stodder, b. Hing-
ham, Mass., 9 Sept. 1817. Lived in Boston.
3 .Henry, b. 18 Dec. 1823. Child: i. diaries Henry.
4. Hannah Wilder, b. 19 Aug. 1825, d. Hingham, Mass., 31
May 1838, age 12.
5. Harriet, b. 8 Feb. 1828, d. Boston, Mass., 19 Feb. 1899,
age 71, m. Hingham, Mass., 19 June 1855, Freeman Rice,
son of Jabez and Betsey (Stevens) Eice, b. Marlboro, Mass.,
30 June 1816.
6. Mary Dana, b. 20 April 1830, d. Togus, Maine, 4 Nov. 1886,
age 56, m. Hingham, Mass., 2 Jan. 1853, Luther Stephen-
son, son of Luther and Sarah (Hersey) Stephenson, b.
Hingham, Mass., 25 April 1830. He was commissioned
Capt. of Co. I, 4th Mass. Vol. Inf. Made Lt. Col. 32d
Eegt. Made Brig. Gen., 15 March 1865. After the War
placed in command of the Soldier's Home. Children
(Stephenson): i. Albert Leavitt, ii. Sarah, iii. Walter, iv.
Harriet Dexter, v. Augustus Thayer, vi. Susan Gill.
7. Nathaniel, b. 29 July 1832, d. Hingham, Mass., 31 Dec.
1865, age 33. Was in Civil War.
8. Lydia Mansfield, b. 25 April 1835, m. Hingham, Mass.,
4 Jan. 1859, Seth Augustus Thayer.
ix. Henry, b. 13 Aug. 1797.
Fourth Generation 131
X. Harriet, b. 8 Feb. 1801, d. Boston, Mass., 18 April 1882, age
81, m. Hingham, Mass., 21 Nov. 1819, John Stodder, son of
Demerick and Polly (Stodder) Stodder, b. Cohasset, Mass.,
13 Sept. 1795, d. Hingham, Mass., 25 Dec. 1827, age 32. He
was a Master Mariner and lived on North St., Hingham.
Children born Hingham, Mass. (Stodder) :
1. Henry Franklin, b. 14 Oct. 1822, d. Brookline, Mass., 13
July 1891, age 68, m. Hingham, Mass., 24 Oct. 1854,
Isabella Binnet, dau. of Charles James Fox and Clarissa
(Loring) Binney, b. Boston, Mass., 12 Nov. 1830. Lived in
Boston and Brookline, Mass. Children: i. Earri&t, ii. Emily,
iii. Mary Isabella, iv. Nellie Frances, v. Charles FranMin.
2. Emeline Lincoln, b. 30 Sept. 1825, d. Boston, Mass., 3
July 1891, age 65, m, Hingham, Mass., 31 Oct. 1848,
Omar Loring, son of George and Welthea (Drew) Loring,
b. Duxbury, Mass., 13 Oct. 1825, d. Boston, Mass., 19 Jan.
1889, age 63.
xi. Mart, b. 18 May 1803, d. Hingham, Mass., 24 March 1888, age
84, m. there 30 Jan. • 1842, Gridlet Stodder, son of Gridley
and Betsey (Stodder) Stodder, b. Hingham, Mass., 19 Oct.
1807, d. there 21 May 1864, age 56. He was a Master Mariner
and lived on West St., Hingham, Mass. Children born Hingham
(Stodder) :
1. Joanna, b. 12 Nov, 1842, d, Hingham, Mass., 17 Aug.
1860, age 17.
2. John Henry, b. 11 Feb. 1845.
55. BENJAMIN* STOWELL {Benjamin^-'' Samuel^) was
bom in Hingham, Mass., 21 Jan. 1756, d. there 21 March 1794,
age 38, married there 1 Nov. 1780, Chloe Lincoln, dau. of Job
and Mercy (Hersey) Lincoln, b. Hingham, Mass., 28 April
1760, d. there 15 June 1842, age 82. She m. 2d, 28 July 1796,
Israel Lincoln.
Benjamin lived on West St. Hingham. He was a private
in Capt. James Lincoln's Co. from 1 Jan. 1776 to 15 April 1776
for defence of sea coast. Private in Capt. Heman Lincoln's Co.
14 Dec. 1776 for defense of sea coast at Hull. Private in Capt.
Peter Cushing's Co. 27 Feb. 1778. Private in Capt. Elias
Whiton's Co., Col. Symmes' Eegt., 9 March 1778 to 28 April
1778, with guards at Boston. Private in Capt. Samuel Ward's
Co., Col. Coggeswell's Regt., 5 Oct. 1778 to 31 Dec. 1778 at
132 The Stowell Genealogy
Boston. Private in Capt. Champney's Co., Major Heath's
Detachment, 30 May 1780 to 1 Jan. 1781.
Elias Hersey renders account as Adminstrator of estate
of Benjamin Stowell, late of Hingham, deceased, 30 Sept. 1794.
(Suff. Prob.)
Children all born at Hingham, Mass. :
i. Isaiahs, b. 11 Feb. 1782, d. Boston, Mass., 18 June 1816, age
34, married at Boston, Mass., 12 Oct. 1806, Elizabeth Eaton,
dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth (Williams) Eaton, b. Boston,
Mass., 27 Aug. 1783, d. there 19 Nov. 1837, age 56. He was
admitted to First Baptist Church, Boston, 3 June 1804.
Isaiah Stowell was a private in Capt. R. Hartshorn's Co., Lt.
Col. P. Osgood's Regt., raised in Boston and served there from
1 July 1814 to 31 July 1814. He was private in Capt. D.
Dunston's Co., Lt. Col. A. Binney's Regt., served at Boston
from 12 Sept. 1814 to 10 Oct. 1814. Was private in Capt. N.
Hasting 's Co., Lt Col. J. Dudley's Regt., raised in Newton and
vicinity, service at S. Boston from 13 Sept. 1814 to 7 Nov. 1814.
ii. Chloe, b. 6 Jan. 1785, d. Hingham, Mass., 18 Nov. 1785.
iii. Mercy, b. 3 March 1788, d. Hingham, Mass., 5 Sept. 1854, age
66, m. there 17 Jan. 1808, Allen Lincoln, a mariner, son of
Barnabas and Olive (Gilbert) Lincoln, b. Hingham, Mass., 27
March 1784, d. on Schooner Ann at Holmes' Hole, 11 May 1828,
age 44. Children born Hingham (Lincoln) :
1. Juliette A., b. 14 April 1809, d. Hingham, Mass., 19 Oct.
1842, age 33, m. there 22 Dec. 1829, John Phillips Dawes,
son of Ruel and Sally (Hersey) Dawes, b. Hingham, Mass.,
11 Nov. 1807. He m. 2d, Mrs. Eveline (Hersey) Morse.
Lived on North St., West Hingham, Itlasa. Children
(Dawes) : i. John G., ii. Lydia Ann, iii. B&silla, iv.
Juliette Amelia}, v. William Lorenzo.
2. Benjamin Stowell, b. 25 April 1811, d. Hingham, Mass.,
18 Jan. 1890, age 78, m. there 27 Dec. 1834, Mary
Anderson, dau. of Alexander and Polly (Lincoln) Anderson,
b. Hingham, Mass., 15 May 1813, d. there 26 May 1893,
age 80. Was a shoemaker and lived on North St., Hingham.
Children: i. Benjamwn, ii. Mary Amanda, Ki. Mary Amanda,
iv. Helen Elisabeth, v. Alexander Henry, vi. Ann Augusta,
vii. Horace, viii. Martha, ix Ha/rriet Ells, x. Granville Ellis.
3. Alfred, b. 22 Nov. 1813, d. Hingham, Mass., 12 Aug. 1865,
m. there 3 Dec. 1837, Mary Lee Curtis, dau. of Benjamin
and Dorcas L. (Marston) Curtis, b. Gloucester, Mass., 25
Sept. 1817. He was a mariner and shoemaker, lived on
Fourth Generation I33
Beal St., Hingham. Children: i. Alfred Augustus, ii. Ben-
jamin Curtis, iii. Samuel Marston, iv. Martha, v. Irving^
vi. Eugene, vii. Infant, viii. Ernest Wilbur, Lx, Mori/ Lee,
X. Irene Ines.
4. Allen Augustus, b. 15 March 1817, m. Hingham, Mass.,
16 May 1842, Phoebe Gorham Childs, dau. of James and
Phoebe (Gorham) Childs, b. Hingham, Mass., 22 Nov. 1821.
Lived on Hersey St., Hingham. Children: i. Mercy E., ii!
Allen Augustus, iii. Euth Ann, iv, Alvah Willis.
5. Ann Rosina, b. 18 Sept. 1819, d. Weymouth, Mass., 9 Oct.
1865, age 46, m. Hingham, Mass., 10 Oct. 1838, Eussell
Barton, b. Vt. 1811. Teamster and lived on South St.,
Hingham. Children (Baeton) : i. Eussell 0., ii. Silvii
Ann, iii. Ann Eosina, iv. Bradford Lorenzo, v. Walter E.,
vi. Eollis Winfield.
6. Bradford Heeset, b. 26 May 1822.
7. Lorenzo.
8. Alonzo, b. 1827, m. Hingham, Mass., 24 Dec. 1851, Maey
Ford Morse, dau. of Joshua and Sophronia (Sprague)
Morse, b. 1830, d. Hingham, Mass., 2 Sept. 1856, age 26.
He m. 2d, Hingham, Mass., 25 Feb. 1864, Sarah E. Wright,
dau. of Samuel and Sarah Wright, b. Westboro, Mass., 184l!
Child: i. Alonzo F.
iv. Rebecca, b. 30 AprU 1791, d. Hingham, Mass., 7 Jan. 1875,
age 83, m. there 21 Nov. 1813, Elijah Souther, son of Daniel
and Grace (Sprague) Souther, b. Hingham, Mass., 21 Oct.
1787, d. there 20 Sept. 1873, age 85. Was a shipwright and
lived at Hingham. Children born Hingham, Mass. (Souther):
1. Elijah, b. 2 July 1814, d. Boston, Mass., 15 Sept. 1866, age
52, m. Martha Jane Mitchell, dau. of John and Hannah
(Barestead) Mitchell, b. Boston, Mass., 9 Jan. 1822, d.
Hull, Mass., 28 Feb. 1897, age 75. He was a mariner and
lived at Hull, Mass. Children: i. George Henry, ii. Dwniel,
iii. Edward Otis, iv. Anna Fredonia.
2. Rebecca, b. 13 March 1816, d. Hingham, Mass., 14 Oct.
1888, age 72, m. there 13 March 1842, James Price, son of
William and Mary Ann (Lackary) Price, b. London, Eng-
land, 2 Dec. 1812, d. Hingham, Mass., 22 Nov. 1882, age 70.
Lived on Leavitt St., Hingham. ChUdren (Price) : i, Mary
Jane, ii. Anna Maria, iii. John James, iv. Frederick Arthur
V. Irene Souther, vi. Annie, vii. George.
3. John Sprague, b. 29 Jan. 1819, d. Hingham, Mass., 15
Nov. 1907, age 88, m. there 26 July 1846, Harriet N.
Snow, dau. of William and Sarah (Lord) Snow, b. Bangor,
134 The Stowell Genealogy
Maine, 16 March 1819, d. Hingham, Mass., 29 April 1895,
age 76. Lived on Leavitt St., Hingham. Was in Civil
War. Children: i. Josiali Whiton, ii. JosepMne, iii. John
Edgar, iv. Ella Snow,
4. Asa Fuller, b. 30 Aug. 1821, m. Hingham, Mass., 19 March
1848, Elizabeth E. Pickard. He was a shoemaker, went
tO' California. Children: i. Ermna Hersey, ii. Son.
5. Benjamin Stowell, b. 19 April 1824, d. Hingham, Mass.,
12 March 1888, age 64, m. there 1 April 1862, Elizabeth
PiNEO, dau. of Henry and Jemima (Porter) Pineo, b. Bos-
ton, Mass., 22 Feb. 1842. He was a shoemaker and lived
on Leavitt St., Hingham. Was in Civil War. Children:
i. Porter, ii. Parker, iii. Frederick, iv. Elisabeth, v. Herbert,
vi. Abby L., vii. Ida May.
6. Cordelia, b. 22 Sept. 1826, d. Cohasset, Mass., 12 July 1911,
age 84, m. Hingham, Mass., 29 Nov. 1849, Robert Titus
BuRBANK, son of John and Miriam (Barnes) Burbank, b.
Cohasset, Mass., 24 May 1827. Lived on King St., Cohas-
set, Mass. Children (Burbank) : i, John Bobert, ii. Charles
Henry, iii. Augusta.
7. Irene, b. 17 March 1829, d. Hingham, Mass., 23 Aug. 1852.
8. Tamar Stowell, b. 17 March 1833, m. Hingham, Mass.,
27 Nov. 1856, Samuel James Henderson, son of Timothy
and Nancy (Nichols) Henderson, b. Boston, Mass., 4 July
1828, d. Braintree, Mass., killed in R. R. accident, 18 Feb.
1880, age 51. Shoemaker, lived on Jones St., Hingham.
He was in Civil War. Children: i. Charles Sumner, ii.
Tamar Lowisa, iii. Chista/vus Owen, iv. Hi/ram Wiley.
V. Tamar, b. 7 March 1794, d. Hingham, Mass., 15 March 1875,
age 81, m. there 14 Dec. 1825, Ebenezer Hudson, son of William
and Seabury (Stodder) Hudson, b. Hingham, Mass., bp. 10 May
1801, d. at sea, 3 Oct. 1841, age 40. He was a mariner and
lived in Hingham. Children (Hudson) :
1. Eben Hollis, b. Hingham, Mass., 17 Jan. 1827.
Fifth Generation . 135
56. SAMUEL" STOWELL {Samuel ^■'■^-') was born in
Hingham, Ma^s., 4 March 1744-5, died in Troy, N. Y. (Adminis-
tration papers filed 3 June 1813), married first at Weymouth,
Mass., (Int. 16 Feb. 1765) Molle Blancher or Blanchard, dau.
of John and Mary (Kingman) Blancher, born at Weymouth,
Mass., 29 April 1748. He married second at Braintree, Mass.,
22 August 1772, Alethea Thayer, dau. of Daniel and Ruth
(Clark) Thayer, born at Braintree, Mass., 20 April 1748.
Children :
163. i. SAMUEL6, b. Weymouth, Mass., 18 Jan. 1765-6.
164. ii. Daniel, b. Wej-mouth, Mass., bp. 18 June 1769.
iii. Hannah, bp. Weymouth, Mass., 18 June 1769, m. Amasa
iv. Abigail.
V. Mary.
vi. Susannah,
vii. Alexander.
165. viii. Willakd, b. Champlain, N. Y.
57. CALEB"* STOWELL (Samuel *-^-2-^) was bom at Ab-
ington, Mass., bp. 18 Nov. 1764, died at Hamilton, N. Y., 27
May 1839, age 74, married at Plainfield, Mass., 6 Oct. 1788,
Ruth Samson, dau. of Michael and Hannah (Pool) Samson of
Ashfield, Mass., b. Abington, Mass., 4 Sept. 1771. He m. 2d,
Plainfield, Mass., 26 July 1803, Molly Torrey, dau. of Abner
and Lydia (Beal) Torrey, born Abington, Mass., died at Hamil-
ton, N. Y., about 1813. He mar, 3d at Lebanon, N. Y., Mrs.
RoxANNA Torrey, who died there in the fall of 1849.
Caleb was a farmer and lived in Abington and Plainfield,
Mass., and Hamilton, N. Y. He was in the Revolution.
In Vol. 9, p. Ill (1907) Mayflower descendant, Caleb is
described as of Plainfield, Mass., in deed where Caleb and wife
and Ruth Samson, spinster, quit claim to Michael Samson,
lands in Hingham belonging to their mother Hannah Samson
of Abington. Deed signed by Ruth but not by Caleb.
136 The Stowell Genealogy
Petition for letters of Administration on estate of Eoxanna
Stowell of Lebanon, N. Y. made 25 April 1850 by John Pettet
of Lebanon, who states that she died at Lebanon ' ' some time last
Fall" that the petitioner is the husband of the granddaughter
of the deceased (does not give name of granddaughter) that
his wife and Theodore Torrey, her son, who resides in one of
the western states, her only heirs and has no husband. Letters
granted 29 June 1850. (Madison Co. Surrogate).
Children by first wife Ruth Samson:
166. i. Barnet, b. Easthampton, Mass., 2 March 1790.
ii. Polly, b. 14 Sept. 1791.
iii. Betsey, b. 14 Aug. 1793, d. 27 April 1814, unmarried.
167. iv. Davis, b. 17 Feb. 1796.
V. Rachel, b. 6 Jan. 1797, m. Petee Holmes.
vi. Susan, b. 2 Sept. 180O, m. Elijah Pease.
Children by second wife Molly Torrey:
vii. Chandler, b. Plainfield, Mass., 26 Nov. 1804, d. there young.
168. Tiii. Caleb, b. Plainfield, Mass., 29 March 1807.
169. ix. Ransfokd, b. Plainfield, Mass., 6 May 1809.
170. X. William, b. Plainfield, Mass., 15 June 1810.
xi. Diana, b. Plaiufileld, Mass., 4 May 1812, d. Palmyra, Mich.,
18 Jan. 1888, age 75, m. Hamilton, N. Y., 23 Jan. 1831, HOEATio
G. Pope, son of Arnold and Hannali (Thompson) Pope, b. Bur-
lingt,on, N. Y., 2 Feb. 1806, d. Palmyra, Mich., 17 March 1882,
age 76. Children born Hamilton, N. Y. (Pope) :
1. HosEA Thayer, b. 13 Jan. 1835, d. Palmyra, Mich., 26 Jan.
1875, m. Hamilton, N. Y., 14 April 1857, Sarah A. Nash,
dau. of Andrew B. and Fanny M. (Campbell) Nash, b.
Sherburn, N. Y., 9 Nov. 1838. Child: Andrew N. Pope.
2. Arnold, b. 23 May 1837, m. Palmyra, Mich., 19 July 1862,
Eliza C. Street, dau. of Robert and Almyra (Clark) Street,
b. Palmyra, Mich., 30 July 1840. Children: i. Lincoln, ii.
'Ralph, iii. Almyra D., iv. Ernest H.
58. DAVID^ STOWELL {Samuel ^-^■^-^) was born at Ab-
ington, Mass., 1770, died at Plainfield, Mass., 2 May 1847, age
77, married at Bridgewater, Mass., 3 Sept. 1789, Mary Hollis,
dau. of Stephen Hollis, born at Bridgewater, Mass., 1769, died at
Plainfield, Mass., 29 Dec. 1836.
David lived at Plainfield, Mass. Was on Pension List 1820.
Children bom at Plainfield, Mass., except Nahrnn, bom
Bridgewater :
Fifth Generation I37
171. i. NAHUM6, b. 11 April 1791.
ii. Sally, b. 12 July 1793, d. Plafofield, Mass., 18 March 1885
age 91, m. Plainfield, Mass., 21 Feb. 1811, Caleb Packard'
son of Caleb and Euby Packard, b. Ashfidd, Mass., 27 March
1789, d. Plainfield, Ma.ss., 9 Aug. 1861, a^e 72. Thov lived at
Ashfield and Plainfield, Mass. Children (Packard) : '
1. Philander, b. Ashfield, Mass., 20 Aug. 1812, d. Plainfield
Mass., 16 Nov. 1889, age 77, m. 21 March 1833, Clarissa
HORSFORD, dau. of Moses H. and Lovina (Chamberlain)
Horsford, b. Westmoreland, N. Y., 12 Feb. 1818, d Plain-
field, Mass., 10 Aug. 1902, age 84. He was a farmer.
2. Thomas, b. Ashfield, Mass., 12 July 1815, d. there 17 Jan.
1892, age 77, married. Was a farmer.
3. Harriet, m. Ashfield, Mass., 3 Dec. 1835, Daniel T. Stock-
well, son of Lorenzo StockweU, b. 1814. Children (Stock-
well) : i, Nellie, ii. .
4. David, b. Ashfield, Mass., 22 Sept. 1819, d. Plainfield, Mass.,
3 May 1901, age 81, m. there 23 Oct. 1842, Deborah Gard-
ner, dau. of Apollos and Mehitable (Tirrell) Gardner, b.
Plainfield, Mass., 11 Nov. 1822, d. there 25 Jan. 1895.'
5. LoRiNDA or LuciNDA, b. Ashfield, Mass.
« 6. Sylvester, b. Ashfield, Mass., 13 April 1824, m. Plainfield
Mass., 14 May 1856, Julia A. Thayer, dau. of Asa and
Sarah Smith (her 2nd mar.), b. Dalton, Mass., 4 Sept. 1836
d. Plainfield, Mass., 29 March 1895, age 58. Was a farmer!
7. William, b. Ashfield, Mass., 18 Sept. 1826, d. Chatham, Ohio,
16 March 1905, age 78, m. there 30 March 1854 Elizabeth
Parsons, dau. of Erasmus D. and Hope (Crush) Parsons, b.
Cliatham, Ohio, 26 March 1834. Child: Nettie.
8. Strong C, b. Ashfield, Mass., 1829, m. Plainfield, Mass., 25
May 1853, Mercy Phillips, dau. of Hiram Phillips, b. Ash-
field, Mass., 1836. Was a farmer and lived at Plainfield.
9. Nahum, b. Ashfield, Mass., 1834, d. Pittsficld, Mass., 26 July
1871, m. Plainfield, Mass., 29 May 1859, Eliza A. Stock-
well, dau. of Consider and Philena StockweU, b. Plain-
field, Mass., 1838. Was a farmer.
10. Sarah, b. Plainfield, Mass., 1836, m. there 25 Nov. 1852
Jason W. Gardner, son of Apollos and Mehitable (Tirrell)
Gardner, b. Plainfield, Mass., 1830. Farmer and lived at
Plainfield, Mass.
172. iii. David, b. 20 July 1797.
173. iv. William, b. 29 March 1801.
V. Mehitable, b. 20 Dec. 1805, d. Wauseon, Ohio, 29 May 1884,
age 78, m. Plainfield, Mass., 7 May 1829, William Torret,'
half brother of Mary Shaw, who married William Stowell a
138 The Stowell Genealogy
brother of Mehitable, b. Plainfield, Mass., 23 Sept. 1807, d.
Wauseon, Ohio, 29 June 1895, age 87. Lived at Plainfield, Mass.,
and Wauseon, Ohio. Was a farmer and hardware dealer. Chil-
dren born Plainfield, Mass. (Torrey) :
1. Augusta H., b. 17 Dec. 1835, d. Wauseon, Ohio, 6 Aug.
1870, age 34, m. Chatham, Ohio, 29 May 1856, Oscar F.
White, son of James and Anna White, b. 7 June 1832, d.
Wauseon, Ohio. Child (White) : i. Jane.
vi. Hannah, b, 9 June 1807, d. Plainfield, Mass., 9 June 1851,
age 44, m. there 26 July 1826, Minot Vining, son of Joseph
and Sarah (Porter) Vining, b. Weymouth, Mass., 21 March
1804, d. Chatham, Ohio, 10 May 1883 age 79. Lived at Plain-
field and Hawley, Mass., and Chatham, Ohio. Children (Vining) :
1. IUnnah Pamelia, b. Plainfield, Mass., 23 May 1828, d.
Wauseon, Ohio, 17 Aug. 1884, age 56.
2. Marv Jane, b. Plainfield, Mass., 8 Feb. 1830, d. Chatham,
Ohio, Nov. 1890, age 60, m. there 7 Feb. 1884, J. H. Cole.
3. Clara, b. Plainfield, Mass., d. there young.
4. MiNOT, b. Plainfield, Mass., d. Chatham, Ohio.
5. Ann Eliza, b. Hawley, Mass., 30 Jan. 1837, d. Chatham,
Ohio, 18 March 1910, age 73.
vii. Clarissa, b. 9 May 1811, d. Elsie, Mich., 1903, m. Plainfield,
Mass., 30 Dec. 1841, Thaddeus Chamberlain, b. Conn. 1810,
d. Elsie, Mich., 1886. Lived at Northampton, Mass., and Elsie,
Mich. Children born Northampton, Mass. (Chamberlain) :
1. John, b. 1846, d. Elsie, Mich., 3 July 1910', m, Ovid,
Mich., 24 Dee. 1869, Sophia Hambleton, dau. of Cordelia
(Kelly) Hambleton, b. Cuyahoga, Ohio, 13 April 1841.
Lived at Northampton, Mass., and Cuyahoga, Ohio. Chil-
dren: i. Earl S., ii. Albert E.
was born at Abington, Mass., 1775, died at Amboy, Oswego Co.
N. Y. about 1855, married at Plainfield, Mass., 28 June 1804,
Sibyl Rogers of Ashfield, dau. of Sibyl (Cranston) Rogers
(a direct descendant of Lord Cranston of Scotland) d. Amboy,
Oswego Co., N. Y., about 1825.
He lived at Evans Mills, Sherbum and Amboy, N. Y. Was
a farmer. Raised bees.
Children :
i. Gekstiom Eogeks<5, b. Evans Mills, N. Y., d. Chariton, Iowa,
m. Van Slyke.
ii. Porter, b. Evans Mills, N. Y.
174. iii. PiiinejVS Rogers, b. Evans Mills, N. Y.
Fifth Generation 139
iv. Drusilla Abigail, b. Evans Mills, N. Y., 5 Aug. 1813, d. there
24 Aug. 1895, age 82, m. Rutland, N. Y., 21 Jan. 1833, Moses
Bishop, son of Conrad and Nancy (Hoover) Bishop, b. Herki-
mer, N. Y., 9 Feb. 1808, d. Evans Mills, N. Y., 7 July 1881
age 73. Lived ,at Evans mils, N. Y. Carpenter and builder!
Cliildren born at Evans Mill, N. Y. (Bishop) :
1. Samuel Ross, b. 3 May 1834, d. Evans Mills, N Y 28
July 1834.
2. Marshall Monroe, b. 15 Sept. 1835, d. Evans Mills, N. Y.,
1 Oct. 1900, age 65, m. Rensselaer Falls, N. Y., 27 April
1864, Martha Ella Lucretia Gore, dau. of George Henry
and Margaret (Little) Gore, b. Rensselaer Falls, N. Y., 22
Feb. 1841. She m. 2d J. J. Lamb. Children: 'i. Stmley
Marshall, ii. Lewis Warren.
3. Janet Josephine, b. 22 Oct. 1838, d. Evans Mills, N. Y
22 Feb. 1917, m. De Kalb, N. Y., 7 Jan. 1857, Paul' Brown
Clarke, son of Calvin and Nancy (Brown) Clarke, b.
Brookfield, N. Y., 1 March 1835, d. Evans Mills. N.' Y.^
4 Aug. 1895, age 60. Lived at Evans Mills, N. Y.' Was a
harness dealer.
4. Antoinette, b. 16 Feb. 1841, d. Evans MUls, N. Y., 19
Sept. 1863, age 22.
5. Charles Moses, b. 13 Oct. 1847, d. Evans Mills, N. Y.,
29 Jan. 1850, age 2.
6. Clinton Henry, b. 20 Sept. 1854, d. Evans Mills, N. Y.,
8 June 1856.
V. Sibyl, b. Evans Mills, N. Y., m. Washington Day or Davis.
Children :
1. Merritt.
2. Wadsv^orth.
3. Monroe.
4. Althane, m. George Fitch.
175. vi. Darius Warren, b. Evans Mills, N. Y., 16 Jan. 1820.
176. vii. Willard, b. Amboy, N. Y., 30 Jan. 1825.
viii. Josephine.
60. CAPT. ISSACHER' STOWELL(A(^am* Samuel'-'-^)
was bom in Hingham, Mass., 18 April 1755, died at Wakefield,
Mass., 26 April 1813, age 58, married first at Hingham, Mass.,
5 Nov. 1778, Lydia Hobart, dau. of David and Rachel (Heyford)
Hobart, bom at Hingham, Mass., bp. 21 July 1751, died at
Wakefield, Mass., 28 Oct. 1802, age 51. He mar. second at
Reading, Mass., 12 Dec. 1802, Mrs. Jane Hobart.
140 The Stowell Genealogy
He lived on Fort Hill St. Hingham, Was a sea captain.
Was a seaman on brigantine "Tyrannicide'', Capt. Jonathan
Haraden, 7 March 1777 to 29 Aug. 1777. Held a commission from
George Washington as a Privateer and was styled Captain. He
was in Capt. Charles Cushing's Co. on expedition against
Canada which reached Montreal 21 May 1776.
In one Suffolk and one Middlesex deed he is described as
Issacher Stowell of Hingham, 1797.
Children by first wife Lydia Hobart, all bom Hingham,
Sons, b. July 1780, d. Hingliam, Mass., July 1780.
Eliakim, b. 12 Jan. 1782.
ISSACHKR, b. 11 Aug. 1783, d. there 3 Jan. 1786.
ISSACHKR, b. 13 Feb. 1786.
(Son, b. and d. Hingham, Mass., June 1788.
Martin, b. 7 July 1789.
Charles, b. 8 Oct. 1790.
Lydia Ann, b. 26 Sept. 1792, d. Hingham, Mass., 28 Sept. 1792.
61. SETH» STOWELL (Adam" Samuel'-^-^) was bom in
Hingham, Mass., 21 Sept. 1756, married there 27 Dec. 1779,
Sarah Rice.
Seth was Quartermaster of the Frigate "Protector", Capt.
John Foster Williams, (in battle with British Frigate "Admiral
Duff") from 5 March 1780 to 17 Aug. 1780. Was private in
Capt. Theophilus Wilder 's Co., Col. Benjamin Gill's Regt., 24
Aug. 1777 to 29 Nov. 1777. Was private in Capt. Thomas Nash's
Co., Col. David Cushing's Regt., 20 Dec. 1777 to 1 March 1778
at Fort Hill, Boston. At Burgoyne's surrender, Sept. 1777.
Was private in Capt. Charles Cushing's Co. on expedition
against Canada, reached Montreal 21 May 1776. Was in Capt.
Moses French's Co., Col. Jonathan Titcomb's Regt. 15 May 1777
to 15 July 1777 in R. I. expedition.
Children born Hingham, Mass.:
181. i. SETH6, b. 23 Aug. 1781.
ii. Sarah, b. 13 April 1784, d. Hingham, Mass., 5 May 1788, age 4.
iii. Sally Eice, b. 8 March 1789, d. Weymouth, Mass., 29 July 1873,
age 84, m. Hingham, Mass., 22 May 1808, Asa Kingman, son of
Nathan and Chloe (Smith) Kingman, b. Bridgewater, Mlass.,
1787, d. Weymouth, Mass., 21 July 1843, age 56. Lived at Hing-
ham and Weymouth, Mass. Children born Hingham (Kingman) :
Fifth Generation 141
1. Sarah Rice, b. 1809, d. Weymouth, Mass., 22 June 1894,
age 86, m. Hingham, Mass., 18 Feb. 1827, Isaac Lambert
BiNNEY, son of Elkanah and Anna (Lambert) Binney, b.
Weymouth, Mass., 20 Aug. 1806, d. there 1 Jan. 1861, age
54. Lived at Weymouth, Mass. and was a shoemaker.
CMldren (Binney) : i. Isaac Henry, ii. Sarah Stowell, iii.
James, iv. James S., v. Anna E., vi. Caroline Wilder, vii.
Abby Louisa, viii. Ebenezer Learned, ix. Ebenezer L., x.
Asa Kingsbury.
2. Asa, b. 19 Jan. 1812, d. Weymouth, Mass, 23 Aug. 1868,
age 56, m. there 15 May 1831, Jane Peatt, dau. of Joseph
and Nancy (Dyer) Pratt, b. Weymouth, Mass., 31 Aug. 1813,
d. there 30 March 1901, age 86.
3. Abigail, b. 1814.
4. Josiah, b. 1817.
62. ADAM» STOWELL {Adam* Samuel^-''-^) was born in
Hingham, Mass., 9 April 1763, died at Cohasset, Mass., July
1803, age 40, married at Hingham, Mass., 19 Aug. 1790, Hannah
Foster, probably dau. of Timothy and Hannah (Clapp) Foster,
died at Lowell, Mass., 27 Sept. 1851. She m. 2d, Cohasset,
Mass., 3 Jan. 1805, Dr. Israel Nichols.
Adam lived on North Main St., Cohasset, on West side of
Common in a house which he built in 1793.
Administration of estate of Adam Stowell, 9 Aug. 1803.
Widow Hannah, Administratrix, Jacob Flint, Clerk, with
Elisha Doane and Christopher James, traders, on bond, appoint-
ed guardians of Hannah Stowell, Adam Stowell, Betsey Stowell,
Joseph Foster Stowell and Mary Stowell, all minors under 14,
children of Adam Stowell, late of Cohasset, deceased, 14 Aug.
1804. (Nor. Prob. 17513.)
Children bom Cohasset, Mass. :
i. Hannah^, b. 6 June 1791, m. Boston, Mass., 20 Jan. 1814,
Josiah Fuller.
ii. Adam, bp. 16 June 1793. Adam Stowell was a pupil in Cohas-
set Academy in 1804 and 1805.
iii. Betsey, b. about 1795.
iv. Joseph Foster, b. about 1797.
V. Mary, bp. 2 June 1799, m. Boston, Mass., 1 .Tan. 1818, James
HuBLBY, son of John and Mary Hurley, d. Boston, Mass., 8
Jan. 1850, age 63.
142 The Stowell Genealogy
63. JESSE' STOWELL (Adam* Samuel^'^-^) was bom
in Hingham, Mass., 1 May 1769, married at Wales, Mass., 23
Sept. 1790, Phoebe Winchester, dau. of Elkanah and Lydia
Winchester, bom about 1774, died at Wales, Mass., 4 Jan.
1864, age 86.
Jesse lived at Wales, Mass., 1791 to 1796, then Littleton,
Mass. and Springfield, Vt. Was a housewright. Three Middle-
sex deeds describe him as Jesse Stowell of Littleton.
Children :
i. WiLLiAMC, b. Wales, Mass., 6 March 1793.
ii. Lydia, b. Wales, Mass., 11 July 1796.
iii. Nancy, b. Ldttleton, Mass., 22 July 1799.
182. iv. Silas Winchester, b. Littleton, Mass., 2 July 1802.
183. V. AiiEXANDER HAMILTON, b. Springfield, Vt, 9 June 1804.
184. vi. Jesse Adams, b. Springfield, Vt., 24 Feb. 1806.
64. DANIEL^ STOWELL {Joseph" Samuel''-^-^) was born
in Hingham, Mass., 19 Aug. 1750, married at Cambridge, Mass.,
18 March 1773, Susannah Sherrow. He mar. second,
Elizabeth ■ . He lived at Hingham and New
Bedford, Mass. Enlisted in the same company twice in the
Revolution. Susanna Stowell was admitted to full communion,
9 March 1777 in Dartmouth Church.
Children :
i. Elizabeths, b. Hingham, Mass., bp. 30 Oct. 1774, m. New Bed-
ford, Mass., 24 Dec. 1797, Stephen Chtjbch of Westport.
ii, Susanna.
iii, ElCHARD.
Daniel b. New Bedford, Mass., 16 May 1779.
Joseph, b. Stonington, Conn.
Lucy Stodder.
David, m. New Bedford, Mass., 14 Oct. 1810, Pamelia Jones,
b. Boston, Mass., 1786, d. New Bedford, Mass., 10 Jan. 1847,
age 61. Pamelia Stowell, widow of David Stowell, admitted
to First Baptist Church at New Bedford, Mass., 30 June 1813.
4 May 1818, WHlliam Tallman of New Bedford made Admr.
of estate of David Stowell, late of New Bedford, mariner,
deceased. (Bristol Co. Prob.)
65. OBADIAH"^ STOWELL (Obaaiah* SamueP-'-^) was
bom in Hingham, Mass., 30 June 1757, married first at Hing-
ham, Mass., 30 April 1784, Oli.a Hobart, dau. of James and
Fifth Generation 143
Deborah (Spra^e) Hobart, bom at Hingliam, Mass., 9 Sept.
1763, died there 15 Nov. 1787, age 24. He married second at
Cohasset, Mass., 23 April 1789, Sarah Kilby, dau. of Gushing
and Huldah (Orcutt) Kilby, born at Cohasset, Mass., bp. 20
Sept. 1772. She mar. second. Frost Hudson.
He was private in Capt. James Lincoln's Co. 29 May 1775
to 1 Jan. 1776 at Hingham. Private in Capt. Charles Cushing's
Co. on the expedition against Canada, reaching Montreal 21
May 1776.
Child by OUa Hobart :
i. James Hobartg, h. Hingham, Mass., bp. 16 Oct. 1785, d. there
15 Oct. 1786.
Child by Sally Kilby:
ii. James Hobart, b. Cohasset, Mass., bp. 7 Feb. 1790.
66. THOMAS^ STOWELL (JoJin*-'-^ SamueV) was bom
in Hingham, Mass., 8 Nov. 1748, died before 1795, married at
Boston, Mass., (Int. 19 Nov. 1779) Susannah Thayer, dau. of
Obadiah and Joanna (Thayer) Thayer, born Braintree, Mass.,
29 May 1754, died at Boston, Mass., 4 Sept. 1810, age 56.
Susannah Stowell, widow, was admitted to Hollis St.
Church, Boston, 6 Aug. 1809.
Edward Tuckerman of Boston, by deed of 3 Nov. 1778 con-
veyed to Thomas Stowell, late of Boston, land and dwelling
house in Boston, and since finding the title defective at the
time of the sale, have this day purchased by deed a title of
William Thurston, lawyer of Thomas Stowell. Title rested in
following children of Thomas Stowell, viz. : Sukey Waters,
wife of Clark Waters; John, Polly, Thomas, Benjamin and
George Stowell all of Boston and Susannah StoAvell, wife of
Thomas Stowell, deceased. (Suff. deeds 207:120).
Thomas Stowell, private, on pay roll sworn to in Suffolk
Co. 16 Feb. 1763, served 16 April 1762 to 31 Oct. 1762. Thomas
Stowell was a member of Capt. John Haskins' Co. of Militia
in Boston 1773.
Children all born Boston, Mass.:
i. SUKEY6, bp. 22 Nov. 1780, d. Boston, Mass., 18 Feb. 1833, ago
51, m. Boston, Mass., 1 Dec. 1801, Clark Waters, son of Clark
Waters, d. Boston, Mass., 14 Aug. 1815, age 35.
144 The Stowell Genealogy
ii. George, bp. 30 Dec. 1781, d. Boston, Mass., 19 Dec. 1819, age
28. He was private in Sergt.. H. K. Appleton's G-uard, service
at Fort Strong from 1 Dec. 1814 to 15 Feb. 1815.
Administrator's account of estate of George Stowell, 7 Jan.
1822. . (Suff. Prob. 26324.)
iii. LucRETiA, bp. 6 Jan. 1782.
iv. Thomas, bp. 21 Aug. 1783.
V. Elizabeth Thayer, bp. 8 Nov. 1785, d. Boston, Mass, 2 Sept.
1821, age 36.
vi, Polly, bp. 2 May 1786, d. Boston, Mass., 13 Oct. 1827, age 41,
m. (Int. Boston, Mass., 1 Aug. 1806) Samuel Brtoe, son of
Samuel Bride, d. Boston, Mass., 2 Dec. 1816, age 39.
Child (Bride) :
1. Mart Ann T., d. Boston, Mass., 4 Oct. 1838, age 29.
187. A'ii. Thomas, b. 3 Feb. 1790.
188. viii. John, b. 19 Oct. 1784.
ix. Ebenezer, bp. 22 Jan. 1795.
X. Benjamin, bp. 22 Jan. 1795, d. Boston, Mass., 12 Oct. 1830,
age 41. He was private in Capt. R. Hartshorn's Co., Lt. Col.
Messenger's Regt. raised at Boston, served from 16 Sept. to 10
Oct. 1814.
67. JOSHUA" STOWELL (JoJin*-^-^ SamueV) was born
in Hingham, Mass., 21 Sept. 1750, died there 23 Nov. 1804, age
54, married there 28 Aug. 1777, Sarah Humphrey, bom Oct.
1752, died at Hingham, Mass., 4 May 1802, age 49.
Joshua Stowell lived on Fort Hill St., Hingham. He was
private in Capt. James Lincoln's Co., Col. Benjamin Lincoln's
Regt. 19 April 1775. Was private in Capt. Jotham Loring's
Co., Col. Greaton's Regt. 27 April 1775 to 1 Aug. 1775. Was
private in Capt. Gushing 's Co., 36th Regt. from 5 Oct. 1775 to
18 Dec. 1775 in Fort No. 2, Boston. Was private in Capt. Cush-
ing's Co., reached Montreal 21 May 1776. Was private in Capt.
Thomas Nash's Co., Col. David Cushing's Regt. 20 Dec. 1777 to
1 March 1778, Fort Hill, Boston. Was private in Capt. Elias
Whiton's Co., Col Symmes' Regt. 9 March 1778 to 9 June 1778,
Fort Hill, Boston. Private in Capt. Benjamin Beal's Co., Col.
Gerrish's Regt. July 1778 to 1 Jan. 1779. Was in the Burgoyne
Campaign 24 Aug. 1777 to 29 Nov. 1777.
Three Suffolk Deeds in name of Joshua Stowell of Hingham,
1785, 1786 and 1797.
Fifth Generation 145
Children bom in Hingham, Mass.:
i. Sarahs, b. 8 Nov. 1778.
ii. Betsey, b. 21 April 1781.
iii. Chbissey, b. 28 Jan. 1784, m. Simon Dudley, son of Francis
and Elizabeth (Whipple) Dudley, b. 23 April 1787, d. 1857.
Children (Dudley) :
1. Abel S.
2. Joel F.
3. Charles F.
4. Eliza Ann.
5. Mary Jane.
iv. Debby, b. 19 Jan. 1786.
V, Polly, b. 19 March 1789.
vi. Lucy, b. 25 Aug. 1791, m. Boston, Mass., 14 Dec. 1815, Thomas
Williams. A Thomas Williams, son of Samuel and Mercy
(Case) Williams was born in Grafton in 1791.
vii. Mary, b. 1793, d. Boston, Mass., 23 Feb. 1860, age G6.
68. JOHN'* STOWELL (JoTin''-^-^ Samuel^) was born
in Hingham, Mass., bp. 25 March 1759, married Susanna Todd.
She was the first white female child born in Temple, N. H. and
died in Ashbumham, Mass., 1 May 1842, age 81.
John Stowell was in Hillsborough in 1784. Lived in Temple,
N. H. until 1825 then Ashburnham, Mass. He was a woolen
manufacturer. Built woolen mills at Ashbumham in 1825.
John Stowell signed petition 31 March 1784 to grant a
Representative in Legislature for Temple, N. H. and in 1785
for militia. (Town papers N. H.)
Was a Revolutionary soldier when sixteen. Private in
Capt. Daniel Whiting's Co., Col. Jonathan Brewer's Regt. 27
May 1775 to 6 Oct. 1775. Private with Major Andrew Symmes
about Boston, 12 May 1777. Private in Capt, Nathaniel Heath's
Co., Col. Thomas Craft's Regt., 16 Sept. 1777.
Children born Temple, N. H. :
189. i. John B.g, b, 5 June 1783.
ii. Thomas, b. 4 Feb. 1785.
iii. Susanna, b. 11 April 1787.
Moses, b. 12 May 1789.
Joshua, b. 12 May 1789.
JiJiEMiAH, b. 5 June 1791.
Nathaniel Newman, b. 16 May 1795.
146 The Stowell Geneaixxjy
viii. Polly or Mary, b, 11 March 1795, d. 26 July 1879, m. Ash-
bumham, Mass., 25 Dec, 1817, Lewis Wheeler, son of Josiah
and Huldah (Page) Wheeler, bom Westminster, Mass., 18
April 1793, d. Ashby, Mass., 12 Aug. 1859. They lived at
Westminster and Fitchburg, Mass., and Mason, N. H.
Children (Wheeler) :
1. Lewis Gould, b. Westminster, Mass., 27 Oct. 1818, d.
Charlestown, Mass., 6 April 1896, m. 2 Dec. 1838, Mary
Elizabeth Chandler, dau. of Philemon and Mary (Whit-
ing) Chandler, b. Merrimac, N. H., 20 May 1823, d. Wake-
field, Mass., 14 June 1892, age 69. Lived at Charlestown,
Mass. Was agent for periodicals. Children : i. Mary Eliza-
beth, ii. Helen Sophia, ii. Fannie Emeline, iv. Ben.jamin
FranJclin, v. Eva, vi. Grace Lomse.
2. Mary Ann, b. Westminster, Mass., 15 May 1820, d. there
26 Dec. 1881, age 61, unmarried.
3. John Preston, b. Westminster, Mass., 5 Feb. 1823, d.
Gloucester, Mass., 24 Sept. 1899, m. 1st Sophia Smith, m.
2d, Abby St. Claire. Lived at Gloucester, Mass! Had
five children.
4. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Fitchburg, Mass., 2 June 1824, d. 23
Oct. 1904, m. Gilman Blanchard. Children (Blanchard) r
i. Julia, ii. George Gilman, iii. Emma, iv. Carrie May, v.
Guy Clifford.
5. Susan Caroline, b. Fitchburg, Mass., 5 Aug. 1826, m. 29
Nov. 1848, Daniel Lunt Morse, son of Joshua and Martha
(Lunt) Morse, b. Newburg, Mass., 18 Jan. 1817, d. Ames-
bury, Mass., 15 Feb. 1896, age 79. Child (Morse) : i.
Wilbur M.
6. Moses Stowell, b. Fitchburg, Mass., 2 Feb. 1828, d. 4 Feb.
1904, m. Lucy Ann Hartwell, dau. of Charles Hartwell,
b. Ashby, Mass., 2 June 1824, d. Fitchburg, Mass., 16
March 1879, age 54. Five children,
7. Joshua Stowell, b. Fitchburg, Mass., 6 Oct. 1829, m, Ash-
burnham, Mass., 5 Sept. 1853, Dorothy Marble Leathers,
dau. of John C. and Alma (Marble) Leathers, b, Ashburn-
ham, Mass., 11 March 1834. Children: i. Eugene Lunell,
ii, Carrie N., iii. Minnie Mabel, iv. Lunell Everett.
8. Infant, b. Fitchburg, Mass., 16 June 1831, d. there 16
June 1831.
9. Josiah Page, b. Westminster, Mass., 26 May 1832, d. in
Civil War, 13 Sept. 1864. .
10. Harriet Lucinda, b. Westminster, Mass., 13 June 1834,
d. 20 Nov, 1909, m, 1st Eichardson, m. 2d, Fitchburg,
Mass., 5 July 1869, Roderick Monroe, son of Collin and
Katherine (McKenzie) Monroe, b. Earltown, N, S., 1 Jan.
Fifth Generation 147
1837, d. 30 Jan. 1881. Children (Eichardson) : i. James
Herbert. Children (Monroe) : ii. Archie, iii. Gertrude
11. Asa Newman, b. Westminster, Mass., 15 May 1836, d.
Boston, Mass., 7 Jan. 1891, age 54, m. 12 Sept. 1861, Mar-
tha Maria Garfield, dau. of George W. and Rebecca (Wes-
ton) Garfield. Children: i. Id<v Josephine, ii. Eugene
Clifton, iii. Ernest Newm-an, iv. Eva Louisa.
12. Martha Eveline, b. Mason, N. H., 1 May 1840, d. Boston,
Mass., 6 Feb. 1870, age 29, m. Brighton, Mass., 28 Nov.
1860, Gilbert Hathaway Godding, son of Jonas and
Patience (Tollman) Godding, b. Livermore, Me., 31 May
1836, d. GleasondaJe, Mass., 13 Dec. 1899, age 63. He was
a painter and decorator. He m. 2d, 18 Sept. 1873, Ara-
bella Joy. Children by first wife: i. Harry Gay, ii. Charles.
Sally, b. 8 Nov. 1796, d. Ashbumham, Mass., 16 Jan. 1887,
age 90, m. Ashbnrnham, Mass., 22 May 1816, Capt. Grover
Scolley, son of Grover and Lois (Atherton) Scolley, born. Har-
vard, Mass., 28 Aug. 1777, d. 1 Nov. 1852. He m. 1st at Ash-
burnham, Mass., 29 Jan. 1802, Sally Dickenson, who d. 19 Nov.
1815. He was an officer in Ashbumham Light Infantry. Was
manufacturer of kid and morocco shoes for many years. Chil-
dren born at Ashbumham, Mass. (Scolley) :
1. Susan Wheeler, b. 3 Oct. 1817, m. Ashbumham, Mass.,
10 April 1839, Dr. Edwin Leigh. Child: i. Martha.
2. Dr. George Washington, b. 13 April 1819, m. Hillsboro,
111., 20 Nov. 1843, Elizabeth Stearns Wyman, dau. of
Col. N. Wyman, of Hillsboro, HI. In spring of 1839 he
went to St. Louis, Mo., and graduated from Medical De-
partment of Kamper College in 1843. Practised in Shelby-
ville ten years, then went to Washington, D. C.
3. Mary, b. 8 Feb. 1821, m. Ashbumham, Mass., 26 Nov.
1840, Russell Whipple.
4. Milton J., b. 18 Feb. 1822, m. „ 1st Ashbumham, Mass.,
2 Sept. 1847, Mary Woods Hastings, dau. of Joseph B,
and Adaline (Woods) Hastings, b. Ashbumham, Mass., 13
Nov. 1828, d. there 11 Jan. 1863, age 33. He m. 2d. at
Southborough, Mass., 24 Nov. 1864, Sarah A. Stone, dau.
of Almond and Sarah D. (Williams) Brewer (her 2d m.),
b. Oakham, Mass., 18 Oct. 1838, d. Templeton, Mass., 1
April 1909, age 70. Cliildren: i. George Grover, ii. Charles
Augustus, iii. Clara Lizzie, iv. Mary Addie.
5. Ci>arissa, b. 12 Sept. 1824, m. Samuel B. Wright.
6. Charles Newman, b. 23 Feb. 1826, d. Templeton, Ma.ss.,
24 Aug. 1900, age 74, m. Ashbumham, Mass., 1 Jan. 1850,
Nancy C. Barrett, dau. of Townsend and Sarah (Wlieeler)
148 The Stowkll GENEAiiOGY
Barrett, b. Ashburnham, Mass., 12 Nov. 1831, d. Templeton,
Mass., 12 Oct. 1900, age 69.
7. Infant, d. 1828.
8. Albert, b. 13 Sept. 1829, d. Ashburnham, Mass., 27 Sept.
1882, age 53, m. Townsend, Mass., 16 Oct. 1852, Augusta
Stratton, dau. of Samuel and Lo-visa (Gibson) Stratton,
b. Rindge, N. H., 29 April 1835, d. Ashburnham, Mass.,
6 Oct. 1873, age 38. Children: i. Edwm D., ii. Clara A.
9. Edwin, b. 5 July 1831, m. 1st Boylston, Mass., 26 Nov.
1863, Hattie Maria Wilson, dau. of James F. and Persia
(Bruce) Wilson, b. Marlboro, Mass., 16 Feb. 1838, d. W.
Boylston, Mass., 24 June 1866, age 28. He m. 2d, Fitch-
burg, Mass., 16 March 1867, Louisa J. Hadley, dau. of
David and Abigail Hadley, b. 'Fitchburg, Mass., 1839.
10. Joseph, b. 13 Aug. 1833. Lived in Newton, Ga. Planter
and merchant. Unmarried.
11. Infant, d. 1835.
12. Elmjra, d. young.
13. LuciNDA, d. young.
X. Charles.
xi. Lucinda, d. Lempster, N. H., April 1835,^ m. Ashburnham,
Mass., 1 Dec. 1825, Clement Spalding, son of Capt. James and
Sally (Fairbanks) Spalding, b. Lempster, N. H., 26 Aug. 1804,
d. Wis., 7 May 1856. Lived in Fitchburg, Mass., New Ipswich
and Lempster, N. H. He m. 2d, 27 Nov. 1837, Hannah Young-
man. Children (Spalding) :
1. Sarah E., b. New Ipswich, N. H., 13 Oct. 1826, m. 7 Feb.
1847, Ephraim Lawrence of Groton, d. Ashburnham,
Mass., 24 Oct. 1847. She m. 2d, 24 April 1849, James Mc-
Lain of Groton, Mass., who d. Marshall, Mich., 24 June
1871. She m. 3d, Dr. Carlos Scott of Maple Grove, Mich.
She m. 4th, 27 April 1883, Charles E. Dow of Mandan,
N. D. She had one son by E. Lawrence and eleven children
by J. Mc.Lain.
2. James A., b. Fitchburg, Mass., 27 April 1828, m. Mabtha
Anderson of Black Eiver, Wis. Had six children. .
3. Susan M., b. Fitchburg, Mass., 13 Sept. 1829, m. 7 Nov.
1849, Amos Robert Wilson of Ashburnham, Mass., son of
John Wilson, b. Ashburnham, Mass., 7 May 1825. Had
three children.
4. Harriet E., b. Lempster, N. H., 27 Aug. 1831, m. Isaac
ViCKERY of Groton, Mass. Had three children.
69. STEPHEN" STOWELL {Stephen* John^-'' Samuel^)
was bom in Hingham, Mass., 10 Nov. 1752, d. there 14 March
Fifth Generation 149
1791, age 38, m. there 27 Sept. 1774, Jane Sherow. Jane
Sherow m. 2d at Hingham, Mass., 26 June 1791, Samuesl
HoBART, and m. 3d at Reading, Mass., 12 Dec. 1802, Capt.
Stephen Stowell was Drnmmer in Capt. James Lincoln's
Co., 5 Kay 1775 to 22 May 1776. Private in Capt. Heman
Lincoln's Co. from 14 June 1776 to 14 Dec. 1776 at Hull.
Private in Capt. Theophilus Wilder 's Co., 24 Aug. 1777 to 29
Nov. 1777, in Burgoyne' Campaign. Private in Capt. Thomas
Nash's Co., 20 Dec. 1777 and in Capt. Elias Whiton's Co., 9
March 1778 to 28 April 1778 at Fort Hill, Boston. Private in
Capt. Theophilus Wilder's Co., 22 July 1780 to 29 Oct. 1780 to
defend Newport. Private in Capt. Thomas Vinson's Co., 20
Oct. 1779 to 23 Nov. 1779 at North River.
i. Lydia6, b. Hingham, Mass., 28 May 1775, d. there 2 July 1795.
70. NOAH^ STOWELL {Stephen' JoJin^-^- Samuel^) was
bom in Hingham, Mass., 26 Aug. 1763, d. there 14 Sept. 1850,
age 87, m. at Weymouth, Mass., (Int. 8 Nov. 1794) Lucy Pratt,
dau. of Stephen and Hannah (Faunce) Pratt, b. Weymouth,
M^s., bp. 6 Oct. 1771, d. there 10 Nov. 1857, age 86. Noah
Stowell was a farmer and lived on Fort Hill St., Hingham, Mass.
Children born in Hingham, Mass.:
i. Stephen'3, bp. 27 Dec. 1795, d. Hingham, Ma^., 1 Jan. 1796.
ii. Lydia Sprague, b. 4 May 1797, d. Lakeville, Mass., 17 Feb.
1861, age 63, m. Dr. Moses Emery of N. H., son of Joshua and
Ruth (Nott) Emery, b. Walpole, N. H., 17 June 1794, d. Lake-
ville, Mass., 27 Nov. 1860, age 66. Lived at Middleton and
Lakeville, Mass. Children (Emery) :
1. John Dexter Pratt, b. E. Bridgewater, Mass., 22 Nov.
1828, m. 25 Dec. 1850, Susan H. Morey, b. Deer Isle, Me.
Children: i. Charles Francis, ii. Dexter E., ii. Alice Eu-
genia, iv. George Barnard.
2. Lucy Stowell, b. Middleton, Mass., 20 July 1830, d. Lake-
ville, Mass., 5 April 1901, age 70, m. Raynham, Mass., 4
Feb. 1848, Edward Brown, son of Emery and Molly (Bis-
bee) Brown, b. E. Bridgewater, Mass., 2S June 1824, d.
Lakeville, Mass., 7 March 1891, age 66. He was a shoe-
maker. Children (Brown) : i. Edward Emery, ii. Lucy J.,
iii. Eerlert F., iv. Lydia Ella, v. Albert Bishop.
150 The Stowell Genealogy
194. iii. Stephen, b. 4 March 1799.
195. iv. Noah, b. 2 May 1801.
V. Keren Happuck, bp. 16 Oct. 1803, d. Braintree, Mass., m,
Asa Dyer, son of Peter and Eunice Dyer, b. Braintree, Mass.,
27 May 1799.
196. vi. Jarer, bp. .31 Jan. 1808.
vii. Lucy, m. Joseph Gannett, son of Joseph and Euth (Gannett)
Gannett, b. Scituate, Mass., 21 Sept. 1810.
viii. Elizabeth, b. 1817, m. West Brid;^water, Mass., 10 Doc. 1843,
Eliphalet H. Brown, son of Lewis, and Betsey Brown. He was
a shoemaker.
ix. Edwin, b. 1822, d. Abington, Mass., 4 May 1830, age 8.
71. DAVID^ STOWELL {Tliomas^ SamueP David^ Sam-
uel^) was born at Waltham, Mass., 7 Feb. 1748, died at Pelham,
Mass., before 27 Feb. 1805, married at Brookfield, Mass., 20
Jan. 1781, Elizabeth Thomas of Brookfield, born 1760. David
Stowell was a farmer and lived at Brookfield and Pelham, Ma.ss.
Samuel. Meriam of Lexington appointed guardian over
David Stowell, a minor in the 16th year of his age, son of
Thomas Stowell late of Waltham, Mass., IS June 1763. (Midd.
Docket 11586).
David was private in Capt. John AVood's Co., Col Baldwin's
Regt., 27 May 1775 to Dec. 1776. Continental Army, 4 Feb.
1777 to 31 Dee. 1779, three years. In Col. Wesson's 9th Regt,
1 Jan. 1780 to 4 Feb. 1780. Private in Capt. Daniel Grout's
Co., Col. Enoch Hallett's Regt., 7 Sept. 1780 to 30 Oct. 1780.
Private in Capt. John Cutler's Co., Col Luke Drury's Regt.,
20 Aug. 1781 to 28 Nov. 1781, Continental Army.
Two Worcester deeds give David Stowell of Brookfield,
1782 and 1793.
Will of David Stowell of Pelham, dated 27 Feb. 1805.
Mentions wife Elizabeth, son Ebenezer Stowell, daughters
Elizabeth and Sally. Son Ebenezer appointed Executor, 10
Oct. 1826. (Hampshire Co. Prob).
Children :
197. i. Ebenezer", bp. Brookfield, Mass., 10 Nov. 1782.
ii Elizabeth.
iii. Sarah, b. Brookfield, Mass., 17 Oct. 1786, d. Cuyiiga, N. Y.,
4 Dec. 1854, age 68, m. Brookfield, Mass., 1804, Dr. Nathaniel
Kellogg of New Salem, son of Samuel and Lucy (Snow) Kel-
Fifth Generation 151
logg, b. New Salem, Mass., 22 July 1781, d. Cayuga, N. Y., 15
Jan. 1858, age 76. Was in War of 1812, Lived at New Salem,
Mass., and Cayuga, N. Y. Physidan. Children (Kellogg) :
1. Elmira, b. New Salem, Mass., 10 May 1806, d. Clyde, N. Y.,
12 Oct. 1866, m. Cayuga Bridge, N. Y., 1 Jan. 1828, Thomas
James Whiting, b. Clyde, N. Y.., 10 April 1801, d. there
22 Feb. 1881. Residence: Springfield, Mas3., Cayuga Bridg^i
and Clyde, N. Y. Shoemaker. Children (Whiting): i.
Irene Jewitt, ii. Enjuatie Cady. iii. Theodore Jerome, iv.
Herman Gray.
2. Ralph, b. New Salem, Mass., 9 Nov. 1807, d. New Orleans,
La., 2 March 1854, m. 1830, Rebecca Blake Woodward, dau!
of Nathaniel and Mary Woodward, b. Boston, Mass., 7 June
1801, d. Cambridgeport, Mass., 6 Feb. 1877, age 76. ' He was
a dry goods merchant. Children: i. Nathaniel W., ii. Al-
bert Henry, iii. Anne Elizabeth, iv. Louise Whiting.
3. Albert Gallatin, b. New Salem, Mass., 12 July 1809, killed
by Indians in Texas in 1839, unmarried.
4. Elsie, b. New Salem, Mass., 31 July 1812, d. 6 Nov. 1867,
m. Georoe S. Whitney, son of Dr. Jonathan and Dolly
(Smith) Wliitney, b. 25 Feb. 1810, d. Corning, Iowa, 31
Oct. 1884.
5. Delia, b. Cayuga, N. Y., 30 Sept. 1815, d. Rochester, N. Y.,
1878, m. 1st, Cayuga, N. Y., 8 Sept. 1833, David Lewis
Ford, son of David Ford, d. Brazos, Texas, 5 Nov. 1836. Two
children hj Ford: i. Albert Lewis, ii. Sarah Delia. She m.
2d, at Mt. Morris, N. Y., 14 March 1865, Henry Wray, son
of Christopher and Elizabeth (Bowman) Wray, b. Derby.
England, 28 Dec. 1805, d. Rochester, N. Y., 22 April 18S4.
6. Ebenezer, b. Cayuga, N. Y., 20 April 1818, d. San Augus-
tine, Texas, 19 July 1840, m. there 4 Oct. 1839, Maria Bur-
DETT, b. Shelby Co., Tenn., 27 Aug. 1821. She m. 2d, in 1842,
Rev. L. a. Williams. Child: i. El enezer Albert.
7. Elizabeth, b. Cayuga, N. Y., 9 AprU 1821, d. Jackson, Mich.,
1S84, unmarried-.
S. Cornelia, b. Cayuga, N. Y., 13 Sept. 1823, d. 15 Feb. 1858,
m. 28 Aug. 1856, Saybrook Lee of Camillus, N. Y. He was
killed in Battle of the Wilderness, 6 May 1864.
9. Henry, b. CajTiga, N. Y., 12 April 1826, m. Mt. Morris
N. Y., 25 April 1854, Maria LucRE-nA Sleeper, dau. of
Reuben and Lucretia Caroline (Lyman) Sleeper, b. 5 March
1822. Children: i. Arthur Lee, ii. Henry Balph. He lived
in Clyde, Seneca Falls, Auburn, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Mt. Mor-
ris, Coming, Frcdonia and New York, N. Y., Hamilton
Canada, Titusville, Penm., and Jackson, Mich,
152 The Stowell Genealogy
72. ABEL" STOWELL (Cornelius* SamueV David^ Sam-
uel^) was bom at Worcester, Mass., 12 June 1752, died there
3 Aug. 1818, age 66, mar. there 22 Nov. 1781, Relief Jennison,
dau. of Capt. Israel and Mary (Hey ward) Jennison, born at
Worcester, Mass., 7 Nov. 1754, died there 14 April 1817, age 62.
Resided at corner Park and Salem Sts., Worcester, Mass.
Abel Stowell was the famous Old Clock Maker of Worcester
whose clocks were the standard for New England one hundred
years ago, the same as the Howard clock was a generation ago
and were used in the State House and in all public buildings.
He was constable for Worcester 1785, 1792 and 1793. Fence
viewer 1811. Six Worcester deeds describe him as Abel Stowell
of Worcester 1774 to 1804.
The heirs of Abel Stowell of Worcester, viz : James Ridgway
and wife Faith, John Ridgway and wife Betsey, Marshall
Symmes and wife Lephe, John J. Stowell and Alexander
Stowell, agree that Abel Stowell of Medford and Cornelius
Stowell of Worcester be Administrators of estate of Abel Stowell,
15 Aug. 1818. (Wor. Co. Prob.)
Children all bom Worcester, Mass. :
i. Faithg, b. 9 Nov, 1782, d. 6 Dec. 1856, age 74, m. Worcester,
Mass., 12 Jan. 1802, James Ridgway, son of James and Sarah
(Coburn) Ridgway. Lived at Worcester, Mass. Children born
Worcester (Ridgway) :
1. Sarah Cobuen, b. 23 Jan. 1803.
2. Harriet Antoinette, b. 22 Feb. 1818, d. Boston, Mass.,
10 March 1897, age 79, m. 13 Sept. 1838, John Ridgway,
son of John and Betsey (Stowell) Ridgr^ay, b. Boston,
Mass., 23 Feb. 1813, d. there 4 Aug. 1869, age 56. He was
a jeweler. Children (Ridgway) : i. Harriet Elizabeth, ii.
John James, iii. Charles Lowell, iv. Joseph Bell.
198. ii. Cornelius, b. 15 Oct. 1784.
iii. Betsey, b. 4 July 1786, d. Boston, Mass., 7 July 1852, ago 66,
m. Worcester, Mass., 31 Dec. 1807, John Ridgway, son of Joseph
and Abigail (Bell) Ridgway, b. Boston, Mass., 1780, d. there
15 March 1851, age 71. He was a jeweler. Children born Bos-
ton, Mass. (Ridgway) :
1. Betsey Cornklia Stowell, b. 6 Oct. 1808.
2. Mary Ann, b. 8 Dec. 1810, d. Newburyport, Mass., 29 Oct.
1872, age 61, unmarried.
Fifth Generation I53
3. JoHxN, b. 23 Feb. 1813, d. Boston, Mass., 4 Aug. 1869, age
56, m. 13 Sept. 1838, Harriet Antoinette Eidgway, dau.
of James and Faith (Stowell) Eidgway, b. Worcester, Alass.,
22 Feb. 1818, d. Boston, Mass., 10 March 1897, age 79.
Ho was a jeweler. He was the inventor of the first disap-
pearing cannon in 1862, a model of which, made by his own
hands, may be seen at the Mass. Inst, of Tech. Children:
i. Harriet Elisabeth, ii. John James, iii. Charles Lowell, iv.
Joseph Bell.
4. Susannah Sumner, bp. 7 Sept. 1823, m. William H.
5. Eliza Cornelia, bp. 7 Sept. 1823, m. Cambridge, Mass., 14
Feb. 1856, Thomas H. Grenville, son of Thomas Grenville.
199. iv. Abel, b. 14 March 1789.
V. Lephe, b, 29 March 1791, d. Medford, Mass., 23 Nov. 1848,
age 57, m. AVorcester, Mass., 26 Jan. 1818, Marshall Symmes^
son of Capt. John and Elizabeth (Wright) Symmes, born Med-
ford, Mass., 30 July 1789, d. Medford, Ma.ss. They lived at
Symmes Corner, now in Winchester. He was a blacksmith and
farmer. In 1642 the town of Charlestown gave 60 acres of
land in Winchester to the Eev. Zachariah Symrnes. This land
has never been outside the Symmes family. All transfers have
been through the Probate Court. Children (Symmes) :
1. Marshall, b. Winchester, Mass., 27 Oct. 1818, d. there
19 July 1911, age 92, m. Worcester, Mass., 17 June 1846,
Abigail Stowell, dau. of Samuel and Abigail (Heywood)
Stowell, b. Worcester, Mass., 16 Aug. 1824, d. Winchester,
Mass., 22 April 1905, age SO. Lived at Winahester and
Medford, Mass. Farmer. Bought the Governor Brooks
farm. On School Committee 1852, assessor 1853 to 1856,
supt. streets 1863. Children: i. Frances Louise, ii. Fred-
eridk Marshall, iii. Ella Lephe, iv. Walter Fay, v. Anna
Elisa, vi. Samuel Stowell, vii. Albert Henry, viii. Abbie
2. Elizabeth Eelief, b. Medford, Mass., 28 Sept. 1820, d.
there 1 Dec. 1820.
3. Harriet Stowell, b. Medford, Mass., 15 Nov. 1821, d.
Winchester, Mass., 13 July 1895, age 73, unmarried.
4. Alexander Stowell, b. Medford, Mass., 13 Dec, 1823, d.
there 26 April 1893, age 69, m. there 29 Jan. 1852, Sarah
Jane Livermore, dau. of Thomas and Sarah C. Livermore,
b. Watertown, Mass., 10 Nov. 1S30, d. Medford, Mass., 10
April 1874, age 53. Children: i. Arthur E , ii. Mary Ellen,
iii. Jennie, iv. Nettie, v. Dan., vi. Dau.
154 The Stowell Genealogy
5. Philemon Wright, b. Medford, Mass., 12 Feb. 1826, d.
Winchester, Mass., 8 Jan. 1861, age 34, m. Worcester. Mass.,
31 Oct. 1855, Eliza Putnam Stowell, dan. of Samuel and
Abigail (Hey\vood) Stowell, b. Worcester, Mass., 21 Feb.
1832, d. Winchester, IVIkss., 8 Oct. 1856, age 24.
6. Ellen Louisa, b. Medford, Mass., 16 May 1828, m. there
30 Oct. 1851, Oliver Locke Wellington, son of Isaac and
Mary Wilder (Jackson) Wellington, b. Medford, Mass.,
16 Oct. 1825, d. Winchester, Mass., 1 Dec. 1909, age 84.
One son: Fratik Wellington.
7. Charles Thomas, b. Medford, Mass., 9 March 1832, m.
Roxbury, Mass., 30 March 1865, Abby Elizabeth Hunt,
dau. of John and Elizabeth (Whiting) Hunt, b. Roxbury,
Mass. Children: i. Irving L., ii. Charles E.
200. vi. John J., b. 18 April 1793.
201. vii. Alexander, b. 9 Sept. 1795.
202. viii. GusTAA^us Adolphus, b. 26 Dec. 1798.
73. THOMAS' STOWELL (Cornelius* SamneF David?
SamueV) was born in Worcester, Mass., 4 Jan. 1756, d. there
before 24 Sept. 1799, a^e 43, married at Newton, Mass., (Int.
4 April 1779) Anna Stone, dau. of Jonas and Anna (Stone)
Stone, b. Newton, Mass., 20 June 1755, d, at Worcester, Mass.,
13 Sept. 1846, age 91.
He was on Worcester school committee 1784-87-89. Sur-
veyor of highways, 1786-1793.
Administration granted on estate of Capt. Thomas Stowell,
late of Worcester, deceased, to his widow Anna, 24 Sept. 1799.
(Wor. Prob. 57178.)
Anna Stowell of Worcester, Adm. estate of Thomas Stowell,
late of Worcester, gentleman, deceased, sells to Peter Stowell
and Ebenezer Stowell, clothiers, land in Worcester 29 Nov. 1800.
(Wor. deeds 142:255.)
Children born Worcester, Mass.:
i. SAKAH6, b. 19 March 1780, d. Worcester, Mass., 28 Feb. 1861,
age 80, m. there 22 Nov. 1812, Henry Heywood, son of Abel
and Abigail (Chamberlain) Heywood, b. Worcester, Mass., 5 Aug.
1785, d. there 10 Sept. 1872, age 87. Lived at Worcester. Chil-
dren born Worcester (Heytn^OOD) :
1. Emily Ann, b. 5 July 1814.
2. Abigail Sarah, b. 6 Nov. 1815. d. Worcester, Mass., 11
Nov. 1842, age 27.
Fifth Generation 155
3. William Henry, b. 14 April 183 7, d, Worcester, Mass., 25
June 1897, age 80, m. there 31 Dec. 1844, Maky Gates Sut-
ton, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Sutton, b, Worcester,
Mass., 5 Feb. 1817. Children: i. George Sutton, ii. Mary
Elizabeth, iii. Emily Ann, iv. Mary E., v. Edwin E.
4. Edwin Thomas, b. 27 Feb. 1822, d. Worcester, Mass., 16
May 1847, age 25.
ii. Nancy or Anna, b. 3 Aug. 1781, d. Worcester, Mass., 10 March
1869, age 87, m. there 16 March 1807, John Curtis, son of
Tyler and Lydia (Chamberlain) Curtis, b. Worcester, Mass.,
23 Dec. 1783, d. there 3 Aug. 1826, age 42. Lived at Worces-
ter. Children born Worcester (Curtis) :
1. George Thomas Stowell, b. 22 Sept. 1808, m. Harriet.
Children: i. John Bates, ii. Mary A.
2. Tyler Prentiss, b. 16 June 1810, d. Worcester, Mass., 16
June 1896, age 86, m. Amelia R. Riley, dau. of Calvin
and Eunice (Miller) Eiley, b. Middletown, Conn., 25 Feb.
1821, d. Worcester, Mass., 25 Dec. 1903, age 82. Children:
i. Kate Eiley, ii. E. P.
3. Sarah Ann, b. 7 June 1812, d. Worcester, Mass., 25 Feb.
1877, age 64, unmarried.
.4. Harriet Newell, b. 4 Sept. 1814.
5. John Edwin, b. 11 Oct. 1816.
203. iii. Samuel, b. 5 April 1783.
204. iv. Thomas, b. 22 March 1786.
V. Hannah, b. 22 Feb. 1788, d. Worcester, Mass., 6 May 1868,
age 80, m. Worcester, Mass., 29 Dec. 1814, Silas Barber, son
of Joseph and Elizabeth Barber, b. Worcester, Mass., 15 March
17S6, d. there 18 Aug. 1870, age 84. Children born Worcester
(Barber) :
1. Elizabeth McClanathan, b. 27 Sept. 1815, d. Worcester,
Mass., 27 Jan. 1840, age 24, m. there 22 April 1839, Amos
E. Harlow. Child: George Prentice Harlow.
2. Stephen Albert, b. 27 Sept. 1817, d. Worcester, Mass.,
26 Aug. 1840, age 22.
3. George Augustus, b. 4 Sept. 1819, d. Worcester, Mass.,
1 Feb. 1894, age 74, m. there 29 Nov. 1848, LuCY W.
Clapp, dau. of Jeremiah and Betsey Clapp, b. Barre, Vt.,
4. Jl"Lia Anne, b. 7 Oct. 1821, d. Worcester, Mass., 5 Feb.
1902, age 80, m. there 30 Dec. 1845, Joseph E. Bond,
son of Joseph and Sophia (Smith) Bond, b. Boylston,
Mass., 19 May 1820, d. Worcester, Mass., 3 Jan. 1896, age
5. William Thomas, b. 1 Jan. 1824.
156 The Stowell Genealogy
205. vi. William, b. 5 June 1790.
vii. Palmkr Goulding, b. 25 Nov. 1792, d. Worcester, Mass., 11
Oct. 1796, age 4.
viii. Palmer, b. 29 Nov. 1796, d. Worcester, Mass., 18 Oct. 1820,
age 24,
206. ix. Joseph, b. 30 Dec. 1798.
74. PETER" STOWELL {Cornelius* Samuel^ David^ Sam-
uel^) was born in Worcester, Mass., 25 April 1762, died there
16 July 1810, age 48, mar. Betsey Jennison, daii. of Capt. Israel
and Mary (HeyAvood) Jennison, b. Worcester, Mass., 22 Jan.
1764, d. there 7 Aug. 1848, age 84.
Peter Stowell was a clothier and lived in Worcester, Mass.
He was constable 1797-1798. On petit jury 1793.
Administration granted on estate of Peter Stowell, late
of Worcester, deceased, to his widow Betsey Stowell, Adminis-
tratrix. Abel Stowell on bond, 24 July 1810. (Wor. Prob.
Administration granted on estate of Betsey Stowell, late of
Worcester, deceased, to her daughter Servilla G. Stowell, Adm.
Other heirs : Eliza Howe, Isaac Adams and his wife Mary Adams^
William M. Harrington and his wife Adeline- Harrington, Caro-
line Stowell and Frances S. Stowell. Adm. 20 April 1849.
(Wor. Prob. 57129.)
Children born Worcester, Mass. :
i. ELIZABETH6, b. 12 May 1790, d. Worcester, Mass., 16 Aug. 1874,
age 84, m. Worcester, Mass., 25 Sept. 1813, Thomas Howe.
Children born Worcester (Howe) :
1. Edwin Israel, b. 2 Jan. 1815, d. Worcester, Mass., 21
Nov. 1866, age 51, m. there 15 Nov. 1836, Emily Flagq
Gates, dau. of Joshua and Betsey (F]agg) Gates, b. Wor-
cester, Mass., 6 Jan. 1816. Child: i. Edvjard Sigourney.
2. George Stowell, b, 9 April 1817, m. Worcester, Mass.,
12 March 1842, Harriet Howe, dau. of Levi and Lydia G.
Howe, b. Worcester, Mass., 29 March 1822.
3. Charles Thomas, b. 30 Dec. 1818, d. Worcester, Mass., 4
June 1856, age 36, unmarried.
4. Adeline Eliza, b. 23 Feb. 1821, m. Worcester, Mass., 21
July 1840, Joshua Lovely.
5. Sarah Maria, b. 23 Feb. 1823, d. Worcester, Mass., 4 Jan.
1859, age 25, unmarried.
Fifth Generation 157
6. Mary Reddington, b. 3 Dec. 1824, m. Worcester, Mass.,
23 Oct. 1844, William A. Notes. ChUdren (Noyes) : i.
Frances Elisa, ii. Williajn Henry.
7. Albert Jennison, b. 29 April 1826, d. Worcester, Mass.,
21 July 1855, age 29, unmarried.
8. IsABELLE Amelia, b. 4 Nov. 1827, d. Worcester, Mass.,
11 Sept. 1851, age 23, unmarried.
ii. IsRAia. Jennison, b. 9 May 1792, d. Worcester, Mass., 12 Aug.
1796, age 4.
iii. Zervilah Goulding, b. 5 April 1794, d. Worcester, Mass., 25
April 1883, age 89, unmarried.
iv. Mary, b. 30 July 1796, d. Chelsea, Mass., 17 Sept. 1870, age
74, m. Worcester, Mass., 30 Oct. 1822, Isaac Adams, son of
Caleb and Hannah (Blackman) Adams, b. Boston, Mass., d.
Chelsea, Mass., 27 Jan. 1862, age 73. Lived on Ann St., Boston.
He was a saddle and harness maker. Children born in Boston,
Mass. (Adams) :
1. Susan, d. young.
2. Susan, d. young.
3. John Stowell, d. Boston, Mass., 19 May 1893, age 70,
m. Chelsea, Mass., 27 Nov. 1851, Harriet A. Jones, dau.
of John and Lorena (McCurdy) Jones, b. Gardiner, Me.,
19 March 1830, d. Boston, Mass., 11 May 1897, age 67.
He was an editor.
V. Abigail Adeline, b. 15 March 1799, d. Worcester, Mass., 1
April 1869, age 70, m. William M. Harrington, son of Noah
Harrington, b. Grafton, Mass., d. Worcester, Mass., 12 Feb.
1871, age 83. He was a merchant and lived in Worcester.
Children born Worcester (Harrington) :
1. Frances G., b. 4 Oct. 1821, d. Worcester, Mass., 9 Feb.
1885, age 63, unmarried.
2. William Henry, b. 29 April 1824, d. Worcester, Mass., 4
April 1890, age 66.
3. Chauncey Goodrich, b. 30 June 1826, m. Millbury, Mass.,
28 May 1851, Louise Ann Harrington, dau. of Luke and
Harriet (Tainter) Harrington, b. Millbury, Mass., 23 June
vi. Caroline, b. 10 July 1801.
vii. Frances S., b. 8 Jan. 1805, d. Concord, N. H., 24 Jan. 1887,
age 82, unmarried.
75. JONATHAN'* STOWELL {Ebenezer* David'-^ Sam-
uel^) was born in Abington, Conn., 5 Sept. 1748, d. at Mans-
field, Conn., 6 Oct. 1818, age 70, m. at Mansfield, Conn., 4 Feb.
158 The Stowell Genealogy
1773, Anna Cummings, b. 1751, d. Mansfield, Conn., 9 April
1829, age 76.
Jonathan resided in Mansfield and Windham, Conn.
Six Manfsfield and three Windham deeds give his name as
Jonathan Stowell, while five Mansfield and three Windham
deeds give it as Jonathan Stoel, 1772 to 1801.
His will was proved 5 Nov. 1818. Son Warner Stowell and
Zalmon Storrs, Executors. Gives to wife Anna ; to dau. Sophia,
wife of Philip Barrows; to dau. Anna Lincoln; to children of
son Ebenezer, viz. : Jonathan, Laura, Mary, Milton, James,
Albert and Stedman Stowell; to children of dau. Roxa South-
worth, viz. : Nabby and William Southworth ; to daughters
Phila Frink, Polly Friiik, Olive Campbell, Eunice Baldwin and
to son Warner Stowell. (Windham Prob.)
Children :
207. i. EBENEZER6, b. Mansfield, Conn., about 1774.
ii. Anna, b. about 1776, d. Windham, Conn., 15 Aug. 1834, m.
Windham, Conn., 10 June 1792, Nathaniel Lincoln, Jr., son
of Nathaniel and Agnes (Austin) Lincoln, b. Windham, Conn.,
1 Feb. 1771, d. there 27 Dec. 1864, age 93. He was a cooper.
Children (Lincoln) :
1. Sumner, Lee, b. AVindham, Conn., 26 Nov. 1820, d. there
18 May 1879, age 58, ra. Cordelia Kimball of Scotland.
2. Grin.
3. Henry, bp. 27 Nov. 1821.
4. Warner.
5. Samuel A.
6. Lucius, bp. 27 Nov. 1821.
8< Huldah.
9. Olive, d. Windham, Conn., 28 March 1818.
ili. RoxANA, b. Mansfield, Conn., about 1778, d. there 8 Feb. 1814.
age 36, m. there 11 Oct. 1797, Samuel Southworth, Jr., son
of Samuel and Abigail (Aspinwall) Southworth, b. Mansfield,
Conn., 19 April 1772. Children born Mansfield, Conn. (South-
worth) :
1. Nabby, b. 5 Sept. 1798, m. Mansfield, Conn., 27 Sept. 1824,
Samuel S. Woodworth.
2. William, b. 21 July 1801.
iv. Phila, b. Mansfield, Conn., 14 Sept. 1779, d. Windham, Conn.,
1 Nov. 1862, age 83, m. Mansfield, Conn., 12 Oct. 1801, Andrew
Frink, son of Andrew and Lydia (Sawyer) Frink, b. Windham,
Conn., 7 July 1777, d. there 25 March 1868, age 91. Children
all bom Windham, Conn. (Frink) :
Fifth Gejjeration - 159
1. Amanda, b. 31 Jan. 1803, d. Cleveland, Ohio, 30 March
1892, age 89, m. Windham, Conn., 16 Oct. 1828, Edwin
Smith, son of Nathaniel Smith, b. Windham, Conn., 20
April 1801, d. 12 July 1873, age 72. Children (Smith):
i. Beuben Fairbanlcs, ii. Andrew Frink, iii. Ermina Ger-
trude, iv. Williatn, v. Edwin.
2. Jonathan Stowel, b. 17 Oct. 1805, d. 21 May 1871, age
65, m. Lebanon, Conn., 18 March 1829, Ruth Wells Arm-
strong, dau. of Azariah and Wealthy Ann (Rogers) Arm-
strong, b. Franklin, Conn., 22 Dec. 1806, d. Windham, Conn.,
7 May 1887, age 80. Jonathan S. Frink and Chester W.
Chapin owned a stage line between Springfield, Mass., and
Norwich, Conn., about 1835. Children: i. Julia Maria, ii.
George Hyde.
3. William Baldwin, b. 6 Dec. 1809, d. Windham, Conn., 19
Sept. 1847, age 37. Unmarried. Member Legislature for
Windham, 1845. Treasurer of the first mill on the Willi-
mantic River making cotton duck.
4. Andrew, b. 20 July 1812, d. Windham, Conn., 25 Jan. 1893,
m. Chaplin, Conn., 23 Sept. 1833, Susan Brown Abbe, dau.
of Moses Cleveland and Tabitha (Waldo) Abbe, b. Bozrah-
ville, Conn., 15 April 1810, d. Windham, Conn., 15 July
1903. Was a farmer and merchant and lived at Windham.
Children: i. George Abbe, ii. Edwin Smith.
5. Maria Julia, b. 14 April 1815, d. Windham, Conn., 7 Jan.
1855, age 39, m. there 17 Oct. 1834, William P. Gates, b.
1810, d. Windham, Conn., 30 May 1883. Cliildren (Gates) :
i. William Frederick, ii. Susan Maria, iii. Henry.
V. Mary or Polly, b. Mansfield, Conn., about 1783, m. there 11
Nov. 1804, Silas Frink, aon of Andrew and Lydia (Sawyer)
Frink, b. Windham, Conn., 24 Oct. 1779. Children bom Mans-
field, Conn. (Frink) :
1. Edward Huntington, b. 21 Oct. 1805.
2. Mary Ann, b. 25 Oct. 1808, m. Windham, Conn., 8 Nov.
1830, William Dorrance. Children (Dorranck) : i. John,
ii. Mary, iii. Lucy, iv. Edward, v. George, vi. Harriet.
3. Lucretia, m. Worthington, Mass., John Hazen.
4. Charles M., m. a Spafford.
5. Luther.
vi, Ol.TVE, b. about 1785, m. William Campbell.
vii, Eunice, b. about 1787, m. Mansfield, Conn., 28 Feb. 1809,
•Eliphalet Baldwin. Children born Norwich, Conn. (Bald
win) :
1. Lloyd Elliot, b. 13 April 1810.
2. Emily Maria, b. 23 Dec. 1811.
3. Eunice, b. 27 Sept. 1815.
160 The Stowell Genealogy
208. viii. Warner, b. Windham, Conn., 18 Nov. 17S9.
ix. Sophia, b. Windham, Conn., 27 May 1792, d. Mansfield, Conn.,
3 Aug. 1864, age 72, m. there 11 Nov. 1813, Philip Bakrows,
son of Philip and Sarah Parker (Fisk) Barrows, b. Mansfield,
Conn., 2 June 1792, d. there 4 Dec. 1871, age 79. Children
born Mansfield, Conn. (Barrows) :
1. Delia, b. 13 Sept. 1814, m. Mansfield, Conn., 24 April
1835, John Tracy.
2. Sally Maria, b. 4 Nov. 1816, m,. Mansfield, Conn., 23 June
1836, Nelson Conant, son of Sylvanus and Chloe (Azard)
Conant, b. Mansfield, Conn., 5 Sept. 180'8. Was a farmer
and lived at Mansfield. Children (Conant) : i. Elisabeth
Ann, ii. Edxvard D.
3. Elizabeth Sophia, b. 12 Dec. 1818, m. Ansel Arnold.
4. Theodore Austin, b. 16 Dec. 1821, d. young.
76. JOSIAH« STOWELL {Ehenezer"^ David'-^ Samuel')
was born at Windham, Conn., 20 March 1750, d. Middlebury
Vt, 1 Feb. 1837, age 86, m. Mansfield, Conn., 5 Nov. 1772, Mary
Leavens, dau. of James and Bathsheba Leavens, b. Mansfield,
Conn., 25 June 1752, d. Middlebury, Vt., 11 Jan. 1830, age 77.
He was a farmer and lived in Mansfield, Conn., then went to
Middlebury, Vt. in 1807.
Josiah was Cornet of Troops of Horse, 5th Regt., May 1776.
Lieut, of Horse, 4th Regt., Oct. 1776. Capt. of Horse, 4th Regt.,
1776 to 1783, under Major Ebenezer Backus.
Fourteen Mansfield deeds give name as Josiah Stowell and
twelve deeds as Josiah Stoel. Six Windham deeds give it as
Josiah Stowell and one deed as Josiah Stoel. Residence in all
given as Mansfield, 1772 to 1803.
Children born Mansfield, Conn. :
i. L0REY6, b. 2 Oct. 1773, d. Mansfield, Conn., 28 Feb. 1795, age
21, m. Mansfield, Conn., 21 Oct. 1793, Epaphras Southworth,
son of Deacon Constant and Mary (Porter) Southworth, b.
Mansfield, Conn., 28 Aug. 1772, d. Middlebury, Vt., 28 June
1797, age 24. Childrcin (Southworth) :
1. Harry, b. Mansfield, Conn., 1 Jan. 1795, d. there 2 Jan.
ii. James, b. 11 July 1775, d. Monsfield, Conn., 12 March 1777.
209. iii. Alkred, b. 14 April 1778.
Fifth Generation 161
Cynthia, b. 12 Dec. 1780, d. Mansfield, Conn., 17 April 1833,
age 52, m. there 26 April 1804, Zalmon Stobrs, son of Dan
and Kuth (Conant) Storrs, b. Mansfield, Conn., 18 Dec. 1779, d.
there 17 Feb. 1867, age 87. He m. 2d, Mansfield, Conn., 10 Xov.
1835, Clarissa (Manning) Stowell of Middlebury, Vt., the
widow of Orin Stowell, a brother of his first wife Cynthia.
Zabnon Storrs graduated from Yale in 1801. Postmaster over
twenty years. Sent to Legislature. Justice of the Peace until
disqualified by age. 1834 candidate for Gov. of Conn. 1835
established a manufactory for silk thread with son Daniel P.
Storrs. Children bora Mansfield, Conn. (Storrs) :
1. Origin, b. 22 Feb. 1S05, d. Lockport, N. Y., 18 March
1892, age 87, m. Auburn, N. Y., Dec. 1832, Frances A.
Morris. Lived at Mansfield, Conn., Eochester, Seneca Falls
and Lockport, N. Y. Was a merchant and banker. Mayor
of Lockport in 1871. Adopted son, William W.
2. Dan Paddock, b. 6 Feb. 1807, d. Mansfield, Conn., 31 March
1887, age 80, m. there 14 Dec. 1829, Mary Sollace. He
m. 2d, Hebron, Conn., 23 Feb. 1847, Lucinda G-ilbert, dau.
of Ralph and Sarali Bassett (Nichols) Gilbert, b. Hebron,
Conn., 25 Feb. 1826, d. Hartford, Conn., 15 April 1891, age
65. Lived at Mansfield Center, Conn. Was a silk manu-
facturer. In Legislature. Children: i. Mary Theresa, by
first wife, and by second wife he had: ii. Sarah Gertrude,
iii. Ellen Gilbert.
3. Austin Conant, b. 2 June 1810, d. Mansfield, Conn., 20
Jan. 1812.
4. Zalmon Austin, b. 31 July 1833, d. Hartford, Conn., 22
Feb. 1890, age 77, m. 28 July 1864, Mary Howell of Hart-
ford. Lived at Tolland and Hartford, Conn. Was a lawyer
and judge. U. S. Senator. V. P. Charter Oak Life Ins.
Co. Treas. Soc. of Savings. Child: i. Lcioi^ A.
5. Cynthia Selina, b. 27 Feb. 1816, d. Hartford, Conn.. IS
.Tune 1913, age 97, m. 26 April 1841, Herbert Campbell.
Lived at Mansfield Center, Conn. Children (Campbell) :
i. Herbert Storrs, ii. Cynthia Eugenia, iii. Delia Fersis.
6. Susan Maria, b. 14 Feb. 1823, d. Hartford, Conn., 23 Nov.
1905, age 82, m. Mansfield, Conn., 22 Oct. 1844, Leonard
Chapin Dewing, son of Ebenezer and Catherine (Chapin)
Dewing, b. Woodstock, Conn., 6 July 1811, d. New York
City, 18 March 1866. Lived at Hartford and Mansfield,
Conn. Children (Dewing) : i. Edwin Stcrrs, ii. Leonard
7. Delia Sopiironia, b. 27 Oct. 1824, d. Willimantio, Conn.,
17 Dec. 1872, m. Mansfield, Conn.. 27 Oct. 1852, Joab
Ellsworth Cusiiman, son of Demmon and Sophia (Mc-
162 The Stowell Genealogy
Call) Cushman, b. Mansfield, Conn., 1 July 1822. Lived at
Willimantic, Conn. Blacksmith and carriage maker. Chil-
dren (Cushman) : i. Ellsworth, ii. Origen, iii. S^vsan Mc-
210. V. Grin, b. 20 Oct. 1784.
vi. Lucy, b. 3 July 1787, d. Mansfield, Conn., 1 March 1871, m.
Middlebury, Vt., 27 Jan. 1811, 'Fearing Swift, son of Capt.
Barzillia and Sarah (Fearing) Svvift, b. Mansfield, Conn., 20
Aug. 1787, d. 17 July 1858, at Mansfield, Conn. Children
(Swift) :
1. Austin Stokrs, b. Mansfield, Conn., Apiil 1812, d. unm.
2. Lucy Adams, b. 1815, d. 1 Sept. 1837, m. Nathan Rixpobd.
3. Maky E., b. 29 Nov. 1822, d. 4 Sept. 1824.
4. George Fearing, b. 6 Oct. 1824, d. unmarried.
211. vii. MiLLEN, b. 22 July 1789.
212. viii. Henry, b. 11 Dee. 1798.
77. DAVID^ STOEL OR STOWELL {Dmid'-'-^ Samuel')
was bom at Willington, Conn., 25 Dec. 1757, d. Brandon, Vt.,
8 Feb. 1849, age 91, married at Walpole, N. H., 13 Oct. 1774,
Molly Hodgkins, b. 22 Aug. 1755, d. Brandon, Vt., 31 Dee.
1843, age 88.
He lived at "Walpole, N. H. and Clarendon and Brandon,
Vt. Was a carpenter. He was in Capt. Samuel Wetherbee's
Co., Col. Isaac Wyman 's Regt. 1776. Took oath of allegiance to
Vt., 3 March 1778. Made Freeman 1781. On Pension Roll,
23 Oct. 1833, age 75.
Children :
213. i. DAVID6, b. Kockingham, Vt., 25 May 1778.
214. ii. John, b. Walpole, N. H., 15 Feb. 1780.
iii. Molly, b. Walpole, N. H., 5 Apiil 1782, d. Mill Brook, 10
Sept. 1861, age 79.
iv. Mehitable, b. Clarendon, Vt., 18 April 1784, d. Ohio, 3 Sept.
1842, age 58, m. Clarendon, Vt., 11 Oct. 1801, William Armi-
V. Silas, b. Clarendon, Vt., 6 May 1786, d. Columbus, Ohio, 22
Sept. 1862, age 76.
vi. Eeuben, b. Clarendon, Vt., 31 March 1788, d. there 21 Feb. 1790,
age 2.
vii. Sarah, b. Clarendon, Vt., 16 Aug. 1790, d. 12 April 1820, age 29.
215. viii. Henry, b. Clarendon, Vt., 26 July 1792.
ix. Hannah, b. Clarendon, Vt., 14 Oct. 1794, d. Brandon, Vt., 3
Oct. 1802, age 8.
Fifth Generation 163
216. X. Stephen, b. Clarendon, Vt., 22 Sept. 1797.
217. xi. William, b. Clarendon, Vt., 28 Feb. 1800.
78. WILLIAM' STOEL OR STOWELL (David*-'-^ Sam-
uel^) was born in Willington, Conn., 1759, died at Cooperstown,
N. Y., 28 Feb. 1822, age 63, married at Eockingham, Vt, 7 Feb.
1779, Phoebe Sawtelle, born about 1756, died at Cooperstown,
N. Y., 21 Jan. 1837, age 81.
He lived at Walpole, N. H. and Cooperstown, N. Y. Was
a dry goods merchant. Was in Col. Benjamin Bellow's Regt.,
N. H. Went in expedition to Ticonderoga, 7 May 1777.
Will of William Stowell probated 23 March 1822, heirs:
Phoebe Stoel, wife ; Fanny Stoel, dau. ; David Stoel, son ; James
Stoel, son; granddaughter Louisa Pratt. Executors William
Stowell and Fanny Stowel. (Otsego Co. Surrogate.)
Children born at Walpole, N. H. :
218. i. W1LLIAM6, b. 11 Sept. 1780.
ii. Jonas, b. 6 May 1783, d. Hartwick, N. Y., 25 Dec. 1816, age 3-3.
Unmarried. Letters Testamentary issued 18 Jan. 1817, to James
Stowell. Heirs: brothers James and William, Jr., sister Fanny
and sons and dau. of William, Jr. (names not given). (Otsego
Co. Surrogate.)
219. iii. James C, b. 25 March 1785.
iv. Phoebe, b. 25 Jan. 1787, d. Cooperstown, N. Y., 20 March 1815,
age 28.
V. Fanny, b. 31 May 1791, d. Hartwick, N. Y., 25 June 1838, age
47, m. Amos West.
yi. Clarissa, b. 26 Nov. 1793, d. Cooperstown, N. Y., 6 May 1815,
age 21, m. James Sholes.
220. vii. David, b. 14 March 1797.
Samuel^) was born in Willington, Conn., 14 Feb. 1761, d. Rock-
ingham, Vt., 22 July 1839, age 78, married at Rockingham, Vt.,
30 Oct. 1787, Joanna Barry, dau. of Jonathan and Joanna
Barry, b. 16 Jan. 1763, d. Rockingham, Vt., 7 Oct. 1847.
John Stoel and wife admitted to First Church, Rockingham,
28 Sept. 1794. He made deacon 3 April 1820.
He was private in 4th Regt., Ulster Co. Militia, Col.
Johannes Hardenburg. Private in Capt. Joseph Shed's Co.,
Col. Joseph Gerrish's Regt. (1st) 18 Oct. 1779 to 2 Dec. 1779,
service near Claverack. He was a soldier over alarm at burning
164 The Stowell Genealogy
of Royalton in 1780, Capt, Jonathan Helton 's Co., Col. Ebenezer
Wood's Regt. On Pension List, 24 Oct. 1832, age 72.
Children all born and died at Rockingham, Vt. :
i. Infants, bp. 1788, d. Dec. 1788.
ii. Joanna, b. 14 Oct. 1790, d. 28 Nov. 1798, age 8.
iii. John, b. 3 March 1793, d. 6 Sept. 1809, age 16.
iv. David, b. 9 Aug. 1705, d. 24 Ang. 1795.
V. Betsey, b. 27 May 1797, d. 26 June 1852, ago 55, unmarried.
80. ASA'* STOEL OR STOWELL {David'-'-^ 8amuef)
was bom in Walpole, N. H., 3 June 1771, d. Rockingham, Vt,
5 Sept. 1845, age 74, mar. at Walpole, N. H., 13 June 1792,
Abigail Kidder, dau. of Nehemiah and Abigail (Kittridge)
Kidder, b. Tewkesbury, Mass., 1 Nov. 1773, d. at Rockingham,
Vt., 17 Oct. 1807. He mar. 2d at Rockingham, Vt., 19 Oct. 1808,
Lois Dewey, b. 1768, d. Rockingham, Vt., 7 Oct. 1811, age 43.
Asa resided at Rockingham, Vt. Was recorded there as a
voter on 22 May 1797. Was a farmer.
Children all born in Rockingham, Vt., by first wife:
221. i. ASA'S, b. 12 Nov. 1793.
ii. James, b. 7 Sept. 1795, d. Walpole, N. H., March 1867, age 71.
iii. Abigail, b. 15 Sept. 1797, d. Drewsville, N. H., 10 Sept. 1873,
m, Rockingham, Vt., 25 Nov. 1817, John Tut-tle, of Alslead,
N. H., b. 1793, d. DrewsvUle, N. H., 9 Dec. 1840. Children born
at Alstead, N. H. (Txjttle) :
1. Philip Bundt, b. 9 Sept. 1818, d. Alstead, N. H., 1884, m.
Betsey Brown Glover, dau. of Edward and Hannah
(Brown) Glover, b. Grafton, Vt., 14 Nov. 1814, d. Alstead,
N. H., 1882. Was a farmer.
2. Charles Stowell, b. 21 Feb. 1820, d. Rockingham, Vt., 7
Nov. 1879, age 59, m. there 10 March 1842, Emily F. Wat-
kins, dau. of Alpheus timd Mary Watkins, b. 1822, d. Rock-
ingham, Vt., 23 Feb. 1876. Was a farmer.
3. Abigail Kidder, b. 22 Sept. 1821, d. Charlestown, N, H., 27
Feb. 1899, age 77, m. there 17 July 1838, Horace Hull, son
of Horace and Lois (Abels) Downer, b. Charlestown, N. H.,
4 Nov. 1816, d. there 8 Feb. 1894, age 77. Children (Hull) :
i. Sophia Lois, ii. Charles T.
Sophia. Lois Enll m. Stephen Alden Spooler, son of John
Alden and Prudence (Jenner) Spooncr and had three chil-
dren: i. Sophia Abigail, ii. Charles Howell, iii. Bnth Jenner.
Charles Eowell Spooner, b. Charlestown. N. H., 6 Aug. 1858,
gi-aduate Norwich University, Vt., 1878, B.S. B.A. 1879,
Fifth Generation 165
M.A. 1897, LL.D. University of Vt. 1904. He has b«en
President of Norwich University, Vt., since Aug. 1904.
4. John Lewis, b. 18 Feb. 1823, d. Charlestown, N. H., 11 Feb.
1914, age 91, m. Harriet Nevers, d. Charlestovvn, N. H., 30
July 1887. Residence, Drewsville and Claremont, N. H.
Farmer. Children: i. Willard J., ii. Charles H., iii. Dcm.
5. Mary Ann, b. 21 Sept. 1824, d. WaJpole, N. H., m. Rocking-
ham, Vt., 10 April 1851, Holland B. Watkins, son of Ralph
and Hannah (Quimby) Watkins, b. Walpolo, N. H., 16 July
1821, d. there. Had three children.
6. Susan, b. 10 Sept. 1826, d. Walpole, N. H., 10 Oct. 1892,
age (,Q, m. Joseph Kidder, son of Abiah and Achsah
(Winchester) Kidder, b. Walpole, N. H., 26 July 1825, d.
Walpole, N. H.
7. Willard, b. 1828, d. Alstead, N. H., 1869, m. Susan Cap-
pin, b. Boston, Mass., d. Alstead, N. H. So>n, Willard.
8. Oralin, b. 29 Nov. 1830, d. Walpole, N. H., 22 Jan. 1892.
9. Caroline E., b. 1832, d. Walpole, N. H., 17 Nov. 1860, m.
Joseph Kidder, son of Abiah and Achsah (Winchester)
Kidder, b. Walpole, N. H., 26 July 1825, d. Walpole, N. H.
10. Sophia, b. 1836, d. DrewsviUe, N. H., 2 Aug. 1870, m.
222. iv. EoYAL, b. 25 June 1799.
V. Willard, b. 5 April 1801, d. Rockingham, Vt., 7 July 1827, age
26, unmarried.
223. vi. Charles, b. 27 Jan. 1803.
224. vii. David, b. 9 July 1804.
viii. Polly or Mahy, b. 21 April 1806, d. Rockingham, Vt., 28 Aug.
1900, age 94, m. 1st, Rockingham, Vt., 13 Jan. 1831, William
TuTTLE, b. 1800, d. 12 March 1842, age 42. She m. 2d, at Alstead
N. H., 11 May 1847, James Chandler, son of James and Abigail
(Vilas) Chandler, b. Alstead, N. H., 20 Sept. 1801, d. Walpole,
N. H., 5 April 1884, age 83. Children by William Tuttle:
1. Laura, b. 1832, d. 2 Oct. 1870, age 38.
2. Sarah A., b. 1836, d. 3 July 1874, age 38.
81. EBENEZEE' STOWELL OR STOEL {Isaac'' David'-^
SamueP) was born in Willington, Conn., 14 Dec. 1758, died at
Cornish, N. H., 27 April^ 1837, age 78, m. Rockingham, Vt., 31
May 1781, Parhelia Whitney, b. 1757, d. Cornish, N. H., 4 Aug.
1848. Resided at Grantham. Served in the Revolution, then
settled on the West side of Grantham Mountain, which was
afterwards annexed to Cornish. Was Corporal in Capt. Burt's
Co., Col. Samuel Fletcher's Regt. from 2 May 1779 to 28 June
1779 in defense of the frontier. Private in Mass. Continental
166 The Stowell Genealogy
Line. Was in the famous Rogers Rangers. Name placed on
Pension Rolls 2 Aug. 1820, Pamelia Stowell of Grantham on
Pension Rolls of 1840, age 83.
Children all born at Grantham N. H, :
i. Ebf.nezf.r6.
ii. Belinda, b. 6 June 1787, d. Fairlee, Vt., 12 Nov. 1864, age 77,
m. Oliver Burr, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Dorchester)
Burr, b. Grantham, N. H., 2 Dec. 1780, d. Cojnish, N. H., 30
June 1844, age 63. Children born Cornish (Burr):
1. HOLUSTER Harvey, b. 12 Sept. 1805.
2." Tryphena, b. 24 April 1808, d. Cornish, N. H., 12 Nov.
1876, age 68, m. Abram Childs. Children (Childs) : i.
Oliver Burr, ii. Amanda, iii. Almina, iv. Samuel, v. Truman.
3. Truman, b. 14 Dee. 1809, d. Cornish, N. H., 8 Oct. 1883.
4. Bradley, b. 20 Feb. 1813, d. Lebanon, N. H., 23 Feb.
1892, m. Thetford, Vt., 6 April 1836, Maria S. Reed, b.
Thetford, Vt., 22 July 1813, d. Lebanon N. H., 25 Dec.
1881. Cliild: i. Mary Malincy.
5. Warken, b. 12 March 1815, d. Cornish, N. H., 29 Dec.
1890, m, Sarah Eastman.
6. Oliver, b. 29 June 1817, d. Cornish,. N. H., 6 March 1818.
7. Celinda, b. 10 Jan. 1819, d. Cornish, N. H., 30 Jan. 1845,
m. Samuel Knight. Children (Knight) : i. Emma, ii.
Edwin, iii. Truman.
8. Mary Ann, b. 2 April 1821, d. Cornish, N. H., 27 May 1822.
9. Permilla, b. 12 June 1823, d. Cornish, N. H., 8 Nov. 1824.
10. LucENA, b. 2 May 1825, d. Fairlee, Vt., 29 Nov. 1903, age
78, m. 25 Feb. 1847, Luthek H. Blood, d. Sept. 1852.
She m. 2d, 3 Oct. 1853, Nathaniel Eogers. Child by 1st
mar.: Ella Frances Blood, and one dau. by 2d mar. who d.
in infancy.
11. LuciNDA, b. 9 July 1827, d. Pontiac, IMicli., 19 Sept. 1852,
m. Whitney Erastus Stowell, son of Araasa and Betsey
(Spalding) Stowell, b. Cornish, N. H., 2 Sept. 1820, d. S.
Acton, Mass., 9 Jan. 1893, age 72. Child (Stowell) : i.
12. Eben, b. 15 Nov. 1829, m. 30 Aug. 1853, Hannah E.
Burr. Lived at Keene, N. H . Children : i. Farley Norris,
ii. Edith.
13. Permilla Dorchester, b. 9 Feb. 1832, d. St. Johnsbury,
Vt., 15 Feb. 1895, m. Westmoreland, N. H., 11 July 1853,
John Leverett Couch, son of .John Morton and Fanny
(Goodale) Couch, b. Plainfield, Mass., 23 March 1830, d.
Fifth Generation 167
St. Joknsbury, Vt., 27 July 1906. Ldved at Cornish and
Claremont, N. H., and St. Johnsbury, Vt. Children
(Couch) : i. Mary Lizzie.
Israel, b. about 1785.
Elias, b. about 1789.
Ezra, b. 24 June 1791.
IKA, b. about 1793.
Amasa, b. 1795.
Calvin, b. about 1799.
82. DR. ISAAC* STOWELL OR STOEL {Isaac"- David'-^
SamueV-) was born in Willington, Conn., 1 Oct. 1761, m. Rock-
ingham, Vt., 15 Nov. 1783, Sally Emerson of Walpole, N. H.
Isaac Jr. had one pound powder and one-half pound lead
when he marcht to Manchester, 1777. Private in Capt. Nehemiah
Lovewell's Co. from commencement of Campaign to 27 Not.
1781. Private in Capt. William Simond's Co., Col. Bradley's
Regt., 1782. Private in Capt. Rice's Co. on pay roll N. Y., 26
Oct. 1782.
Isaac with Nathan, sold whole of their land in Pittsford,
12 Oct. 1811 to John Lilly. 26 July 1802, Isaac announced he
did not agree in religion with the majority of the town.
Children :
229. i. Isaac, b. N. Y., 1797.
ii. Polly, b. East Killingly, Conn., April 1804, d. there 19 April
1829, m. there to Thomas Slafter, son of Silas and Susan
(Burgess) Slafter, b. Killingly, Conn., 15 May 1804. He m.
2d, 15 April 1832, Sarah Ann Chase. Lived at Killingly,
Conn. Child (Slaftek) :
1. Polly, b. Killingly, Conn., 8 April 1829, m. Georoe Dur-
FEE. Child (Dtjrfee) : i. Thomas Vespasian.
83. IRA'* STOWELL OR STOEL {Isaac^ David^-^ Samuel})
was born in Willington, Conn., 27 Dee. 1764, d. Hyde Park, Vt.,
3 July 1834, age 69, mar. 1st at Grantham, N. H., March 1788,
Lucy Parkhurst. He m. 2d, Hanover, N. H., Aug. 1788.
Rebecca Whitten. He mar. 3d at Hanover, N. H., 20 Feb. 1817,
Sarah Lord, of Hanover, N. H., born 1779, d. at Thetford, Vt.,
27 Sept. 1829, age 50. He mar. 4th, Mary Powell.
168 The Stowell Genealogy
The name is spelled Stoel in Willington birth, Stowell in
three deeds to him, 1798 to 1802, and Stoel in one deed to him,
1812, and two deeds by him, 1816-1831 and in probate records.
Spelled Stowell in Thetford records of birth of his eleven
Lived at Thetford and Hyde Park, Vt.
Administration on estate of Ira Stowell, late of Hyde Park,
deceased, granted to Lucius H. Noyes, 2 Aug. 1834 on petition
of Mary Stowell, widow. 11 July 1835, Lucius H. Noyes sells
real estate of Ira Stowell, late of Hyde Park, deceased, intestate,
to widow Mary Stowell. She gives her note and signs Mary
Stoell. (Probate District of Orleans, Vt.)
Children by second wife, Rebecca Whitten, born Thet-
ford, Vt.:
i. Fannys, b. 11 June 1789.
230. ii. Constant, b. 4 April 1792.
iii. Levina, b. 15 March 1794, m. Thetford, Vt., 12 March 1817,
James Crart.
iv. Eebecca, b. 19 June 1796, m. Thetford, Vt., 3 Nov. 1813,
David Wilmot, son of Timothy and Mary (Copp) Wilmot, b.
Norwich, Vt., d. Thetford, Vt., 4 Feb. 1853. Lived at Thetford,
Vt. David was a Plattsburgh Volunteer 1814. Children born
Thetford, Vt. (Wilmot):
1. Alden, b. 7 Nov. 1814, m. Thetford, Vt., 23 Dec. 1839,
Hannah Garey Johnson, dau. of Ira and Diana (Downer)
Johnson, b. Thetford, Vt., 23 Dec. 1821. He m. 2d, Thet-
ford, Vt., Mercy A. Chamberlin. CMldren: i. Luc^i
Leonard, ii. Ira Neivton, iii. Harriet Almeda.
2. Ira S., b. 8 Oct. 1816, m,. Thetford, Vt., 27 Dee. 1849,
Eliza Ellen Roberts of Thetford.
3. Almeda Caroline, b. 21 Aug. 1818, d. Thetford, Vt., 3
Jan. 1916, age 97, m. Barrett.
4. Jerome, b. 20 May 1821.
5. Rebecca, b. 11 July 1824, d. Bradford, Vt., 21 Feb. 1907,
age 82, m. Draper.
6. Arthur M., b. 17 April 1826.
7. Silas, b. 20 April 1828.
8. Drusilla Frances, b. 25 Sept. 1831, d. Bradford, Vt., 13
April 1915, age 83, m. Martin.
9. Cynthia.
V. Harmony, b. 21 Oct. 1799.
Children by third wife, Sarah Lord, b. Thetford, Vt. :
231'. vi. Elam Nathaniel, b. 15 April 1818.
Fifth Generation 169
vii, IKA, b. 15 Oct. 1820, d. Thetford, Vt., 30 Jan. 1822.
viii. Sarah, b. 9 Aug. 1822, d. 25 Feb. 1836, age 13.
ix. Mary Irene, b. 9 Dec. 1829, d. Thetford, Vt., 25 Oct. 1896,
age 66, m. Henry Davis. She m. 2d, John H. Huntington,
son of John and Hannah (Ayers) Huntington.
Children by 4th wife, Mary Powell, born Thetford, Vt. :
232. X. Ira A,, b. 29 Dec. 1831.
xi. Harriet, b. 4 April 1834, m. Park Avery, b. Thetford, Vt.
Children born Thetford, Vt. (Avery) :
1. John P., b. 5 June 1859, d. Strafford, Vt., 30 March 1912,
age 52, m. Tlietford, Vt., 25 Nov. 1889, Abbie L. Fulton,
dau. of R. H. and E. J. (Clark) Fulton, b. Strafford, Vt.,
2. Mary E., b. 23 Oct. 1856, d. Thetford, Vt., 13 Dec. 1915,
ege 59.
84. NATHAN^ STOWELL {Isaac' David'-^ Samuel') was
born in Ashford or Willington, Conn., 17 Dec. 1769 and died at
Kishwaiikee, 111., 19 Dec. 1850, m. Sarah Butterfield, born at
Chelmsford, Mass. or Wilton, N. H., 4 July 1774, died at Kish-
waukee, 111., 29 June 1848, age 74. She was dau. of Stephen
and Sarah (Sawyer) Butterfield.
Nathan resided in Windsor, Vt. until 1797, then in Waits-
field, Vt., until 1802, then in Granville, Vt. until 1807, then in
Waitsfield, Vt., until 1842 when he moved to Kishwaukee,
McHenry Co., 111.
He was a farmer. Selectman for Waitsfield, 1826. His
name is recorded as Nathan Stowell in eleven deeds in Pitts-
ford, Vt.
Children :
i. Hannahs, b. Windsor, Vt., 30 July 1796, d. Marengo, 111., 1
May 1867, age 70, m. Waitsfield, Vt., 13 Feb. 1817, Joseph
Kimball, son of Daniel and Mary (Mudget) Kimball, b.
Weathersfield, Vt., 20 Feb. 1791, d. Marengo, 111., 3 Sept. 1874,
age 83. Lived at Francestown, N. H., Waitsfield, Vt., about
1838 and Marengo, 111., 1845. Children (Kimball) :
1. Daniel, b. Francestown, N. H., 8 Feb. 1818, m. Baraboo,
Wis., 26 Dec. 1852, Harriet A. Hill. Children: i. Eliza
J., ii. Mary F., iii. Charlotte E., iv. Harriet A., v. Wil-
lard, vi. Alice A., vii. Edith E., viii. Walter G.
2. Daughter, b. Francestown, N. H., 26 Feb. 1819, d. there
12 March 1819.
3. Enos, b. Francestown, N. H., 1 April 1820, d. North Free-
170 The Stowell Genealogy
dora, Wis., 7 April 1884, age 64, m. Baraboo, Wis., 21 Nov.
1858, Grace Wilson. Children: i. Alice M., ii. Mary Bell,
iii. Ealph E.
4. Joseph, b. Francestown, N. H., 9 Aiig. 1821, d. Franklin-
viJle, 111., 23 Nov. 1882, age 61, m. 20 Sept. 1847, Marcia
M. Skinner, who d. 8 Dec. 1878. He m. 2d, 24 Dec. 1879,
Elma C. Dana. Children: i. Evelyn M., ii. Lettie M.
5. Son, b, Francestown, N. H., 3 Feb. 1823, d. there 1 April
6. Horace, b. Francestown, N. H., 26 Aug. 1824,' d. there 20
June 1825.
7. Mary F., b. Francestown, N. H., 10 Hay 1826, m. 13 April
1847, Osgood Joslyn. Children (Joslyn) : L Irene A.,
ii. Georgianna M., iii. Everett 0.
8 Warren, b. Francestown, N. H., 17 Dec. 1827, m. 23 March
1853, Emeline Green, b. 11 Nov. 1829. Lived at Union,
Wis. Children: i. Anna A., ii. John W., iii. Joseph A.,
iv. Fredericlc D., v. David E., vi. Enos L.
9. Alanson, b. Francestown, N. H., 24 June 1829, m. Seneca,
111., 1 Jan. 1856, Fanny Stowell, dau. of Nathan and
Sarah (Greensliitt) Stowell, b. Waitsfield,, Vt., 17 Aug.
1835. Lived at Marengo, 111. Child: i. Eugene E.
10. Sarah H., b. Francestown, N. H., 17 Jan. 1831, m. 27
Sept. 1854, Elisha Wilson. Children (Wilson) : i. Ame-
lia M., ii. Franlc L., iii. Walter M., iv. CarPie E., v.
FredericTi E., vi. Grace E.
11. Eliza J., b. Francestown, N. H., 10 Feb. 1833, d. 19 May
12. H. AucrsTUS, b. Francesto^Ti, N. II., 26 Feb. 1835, m. 9
Sept. 1886, N. Strong, of Augusta, Wis.
13. Sttsan, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 6 Feb. 1838, m. 6 Oct. 1859,
William B. Sanfoed, son of Stanley and Marie Maria
(Bradford) Sanford, b. Canton, N. Y., 4 March 1836.
Lived at Marengo, 111. Children (Sanford) : i. Adelhert
E., ii. Willard C.
14. Willard C, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 10 June 1841, killed at
battle of Guntown, Miss., 10 June 1864. Member of the
95th Regt. 111. Vol.
ii. Sarah, b. Windsor, Vt., 23 Aug. 1797, d. Waitsfield, Vt., 10
Feb. 1834, age 36, m. there 22 Jan. 1823, Robert Leach, son of
Joseph and Mary (Wiley) Leach, b. New Boston, N. H., 30
Oct. 1789, d. Randolph, Vt., 24 Dec. 1876, age 87. Went to
Waitsfield in 1818, them to Randolph in 1S59. He wrs cnllod
"Captain." Was Selectman of Waitsfield 1829 and 18:10.
233. iii. Joseph, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 27 Oct. 1798.
iv. Fanny, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 4 Aug. 1800.
Fifth Generation 171
V. Olive, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 19 March 1801.
vi. Salu, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 18 April 1802.
234. vii. Nathan, b. Granville, Vt., 8 Feb. 1804.
viii. JOUN, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 16 Aug. 1805.
ix. Jeremiah, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 27 Feb. 1807.
X. Cynthia, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 14 Feb. 1809.
23i5. xi. Pascal, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 6 April 1811.
xii. Ehoda, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 15 July 1812.
xiii. Keziah, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 13 Dec. 1814, d. Parkersburg, Iowa,
28 Jan. 1899, m. 1st, Waitsfield, Vt., 13 Feb. 1839, Ahirah
JosLiN, son of James and Naomi (Dickins) Josilin, b. Waits-
field, Vt., 17 June 1813, d. Belvedere, 111., March 1842, age 28,
m. 2d, Harvard, 111., 30 April 1843, Martin . Manzer, son of
Martin and Elizabeth (Smith) Manzer, b. Swanton, Vt., 14
Dec. 1804, d. Parkersburg, Iowa, 12 July 1889, age 84. ChUd
by first husband:
1. Infant, died at birth.
Children by second husband, Martin Manzer:
2. Elizabeth M., b. 26 Dec. 1843, d. 1 April 1914, m. 20 Oct.
1869, Newton Dawson, son of John and Elizabeth (New-
ton) Dawson. No children.
3. James A., b. McHenry Co., 111., 15 April 1845, d. 27 March
1S80, m. Parkersburg, Iowa, 22 March 1870, L\URA Owens,
dan. of Ransom and Sarah (Webster) Owens, b. Newville,
Ind., 23 Nov. 1850. Cliildren: i. Herbert, ii. Deivard, iii.
4. Sarah A., b. 21 Nov. 1846, d. 4 Dec. 1901, m. 8 Nov. 1868,
George Mead, b. Swanton, Vt., 16 June 1843, d. 1 April
1912. Child (Mead) : i. Archie.
5. Annette J., b. 18 Sept. 1848, d. 14 Nov. 1903, m. 16 Dec.
1870, Thomas Loban. Has ten children.
6. Eva Belle, b. Haiward, 111., 6 May 1853, m. Parkersburg,
Iowa, 22 April 1875, Valentine Lahr, son of Valentine
and Phillipina (Wirt) Lahr, b. Oppenheim, Germany, 4
Dec. 1849. Children (Lahr) : i. Lula, ii. Franl: August,
iii. Blvo, iv. William E., v. Edward V.
xiv. Augusta, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 23 June 1816.
85. RUFUS^ STOWELL OR STOEL {Isaac'^ David^'^
SamueV) was born at Rockingham, Vt., in 1776, bp. 27 Sept.
1778, d. Vershire, Vt., 26 May 1836, m. 1st, Betsey Chase, dau.
of Abner and Betsey (Bradley) Chase, b. about 1772, d. 25 Nov.
1829, age 57. He m. second at Vershire, Vt., 2 March 1831,
Martha Morrison.
172 The Stowell Genealogy
Rufus Stowell of Vershire, died intestate. Martha Stowell
apptd. Admx. 19 July 1836. (Probate Dist. Bradford, Vt.)
Children by 1st wife Betsey Chase:
i Louisas, b. 23 Oct. 1802, m. 20 Mai-cli 1825, Simeon Newcomb,
son of Jacob and Priscilla (Howard) Newcomb, b. Thetford,
Vt., 20 March 1802. Lived at Thetford, Vt. Children aU bom
Thetford, Vt. (Newcomb) :
1. Edwin, b. 4 Feb. 1828, d. Thetford, Vt., 20 Nov. 1912, age
84, m. 5 July 1849, Meribah S. Sargent, b. 2 May 1832.
Children: i. Ellen A., ii. Ellen S., iii. Ettie L.
2. Albert C, b. 8 April 1832, m. 22 Aug. 1863, Cynthia E.
Conaly, b. 12 April 1832.
3. Emeline Elizabeth, b. 14 Dec. 1836, m. 18 March 1856,
Zenas Morey, b. 16 July 1831. Children: i. Albert, ii.
Ervin, iii. Edward.
ii. DiADAMA, b. 5 Sept. 1804, d. Thetford, Vt., 23 March 1881, m.
29 March 1825, Levi Newcomb, son of Jacob and Priscilla
(Howard) Newcomb, b. Thetford, Vt., 20 March 1802. Resided
at Thetford, Vt. Children (Newcomb) :
1. William E., b. Thetford, Vt., 16 Jan. 1826, m. there 24
Oct. 1848, Mariette Bryant, b. Thetford, Vt., 14 Feb.
1830. CHldren : i. Luella, ii. Charles L.. iii. Emmaroy,
iv. Clarence, v. Wayland, ^^. William E., vii. Clara A.,
viii. Stella.
2. Sophronia, b. Thetford, Vt., 25 Oct. 1828, d. there 29
July 1832.
3. EoxANNA E., b. Thetford, Vt., 30 Nov. 1831, d. there 15
Jan. 1908, m. there 21 March 1853, Daniel Waterman.
Resided at Thetford, Vt. Children (Waterman) : i. Erni
C, ii. Mary D.
4. Laura A., b. Thetford, Vt., 12 April 1841, d. 13 July 1870,
m. 13 Jam. 1859, Arthur Wilmot. Child (Wilmot) : i,
Willis A.
236. iii. Rufus, b. about 1808.
iv. Pamelia, b. Grantham, N. H., March 1812, d. Fairlee, Vt., 26
April 1895, m. Truman or Freeman Prescott, b. Fairlee, Vt.
Children (Prescott) :
1. SAPireoNA Ann, b. 8 Aug. 1838, d. Barre, Vt., 19 Nov.
1909, m. Wilmot.
2. Georgia Emma, b. S. Fairlee, Vt., 9 May 1854, d. there
29 Aug. 1909, m. Hartford, Vt.. 25 Dec. 1875, Felix E.
Savvy, son of Francis K. and Adell (Barabee) Savvy, b.
Stanstead, P. Q., about 1844. Lived at Hartford, Vt.
He was a saddler.
Fifth Generation 173
86. ASA^ STOEL OR STOWELL (SamueV David'-^- Sam-
uel^) was born in Willington, Conn., 5 March 1761, d. 13 April
1838, age 77, m. Washington, Mass., 1 May 1783, Judith
Matthews, b. 16 Feb. 1760, d. 23 Aug. 1845, age 85. Asa and
wife joined the Church in Willington, 12 April 1793. Asa
recommended to church in Norwich, Vt. 1802.
Asa was private in Capt. Hinckley's Co., Col. Charles
Webb's Regt., enlisted 20 May 1777 for three years. Was
Corporal at discharge 7 May 1780. He was under Gen. Wayne
at storming of Stony Point. Under Washington at battles of
White Marsh and Monmouth and spent the winter at VaUey
Forge. Was on the Pension List at Crown Point, N. Y., 1810,
age 79.
He is described as Asa Stoel of Willington, Conn, in twelve
deeds 31 March 1788 to 16 Jan. 1799 and as Asa Stoel of
Washington, Berkshire Co., Mass. in one deed 23 April 1787.
Children :
i. Phoebes, b. Willington, Conn., 15 April 1784, d. 13 April 1838,
age 54.
ii. David, b. Willington, Conn., 6 June 1785, d. 21 Jan. 1862, age
76, m. 17 Feb. 1841, Polly Chapman, bp. Willington, Conn.,
14 July 1793.
iii. Polly, b. Willington, Coiiin., 20 .Jan. 1787, d. 8 Sept. 1861,
age 74.
237. iv. EOYAL, b. Norwich. Vt., 23 Aug. 1798.
238. V. Horace, b. Norwich, Vt., 31 July 1803.
87. SERGT. SAMUEL'' STOEL (Samuel* David'-^ Sam-
ueV-) was born in Willington, Conn., 28 July 1762, d. Orwell,
N. Y., 27 Jan. 1850, age 87, mar. 1st at Willington, Conn., 19 Oct.
1784, Eunice Crocker, dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth
(Fenton) Crocker, b. AVillington, Conn., bp. 22 Feb. 1764, d.
Willington, Conn., 22 Nov. 1786. He m. second at Willington,
Conn., 17 May 1787, Hannah Whiton, dau. of Elijah and
Hannah (Crocker) Whiton, b. Ashford, Conn., 28 Oct. 1760,
d. Orwell, N. Y., 4 Nov. 1829, age 69.
Resided in Willington, Conn, and Orwell, N. Y. Bought
land in Orwell in 1817 and went there in 1830. Was a farmer.
Samuel Stoel enlisted in 1776, Avhen 16 years old and
served five years until army disbanded. Was in 3d Conn. Line,
Capt. Edward Bulkley's Co., Col. Samuel B. Webb's Regt.,
174 The Stowbll Genealogy
1781 to 1783. Was in battles of White Plains, Stony Point,
Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Monmouth and Yorktown,
was twice promoted for bravery. Was first man on the first
redoubt taken at Yorktown. As a Patriot and Christian he
fought a good fight. He was honorably discharged 1 Jan. 1784
by Gen. Knox, his commander. Was placed on Pension Roll
of Tolland Co., Conn. 1818 and transferred to Oswego Co.,
N. Y. in 1823.
Administration on estate of Samuel Stowell granted 24
Sept. 1850, Elijah Stowell, Admr. Heirs: Eunice Carpenter,
dau. ; Samuel Stowell, son ; Hannah Stowell, dau. ; Elon Stowell,
son ; Apphia Wliite, dau. ; Samuel, William, Allen, Hiram,
Albert, Eunice and Jane, grandchildren, children of Oren
Stowell. (Surrogate, Oswego Co., N. Y.)
Child by first wife, Eunice Crocker:
239. i. Oren Crocker«, b. Willington, CoBn., 10 June 1785.
Children by 2d wife Hannah Whiton, bom Willin^on,
Conn. :
ii. Eunice, b. 16 March 1788, d. Pulaski, N. Y., 26 Dec. 1867,
age 79, m. Willington, Conn., 26 Nov. 1812, Jason Smith of
Randolph, Vt. She m. 2d, at Sandy Creek, N. Y., 1824, Deacon
Amasa Carpenter, who d. at Sandy Creek, K. Y. Lived at
"Willington, Conn., and Sandy Creek, N. Y. Children by Jason
Smith, born Willington, Conn. :
1. Marcus Stowell, b. 21 Sept. 1813, d. Stafford Springs,
Conn., 1 Oct. 1882, age 69, m. Mary M. Landis, b. 27
June 1816, d. Orwell, N. Y., 6 July 1844, age 2S. He m.
2d, Mrs. Mary Hindman Fisk, b. New Haven, Conn., 6
Aug. 1818, d. 10 Oct. 1910, age 92. Lived at Orwell,
N. Y.J and Stafford Springs, Conn. Children: i. Orlando
Preston, ii. Newton Whiton, iii. James, iv. William Her-
bert, V. FraxnTc Eugene.
2. William Henry, b. 23 AprU 1815, d. Orwell, N. Y., 7 Oct.
1848, age 33, m. Adams Center, N. Y., 14 July 1840, Amy
Loretta Redway, dau. of Chauncy Hamilton and Loretta
(Cooper) Redway, b. Adams Center, N. Y., 14 July 1816,
d. Mexico, N. Y., 22 July 1841, age 25. He m. 2d, 1S47-8,
LuciNDA BalcU, dau. of John and Eunice (Stowell) Balch,
b. Orwell, N. Y., 6 Dec. 1823, d. Orwell, N. Y., 30 April
1851, age 27. Was a physician. Child: i. Ellen.
Fifth Generation 175
Children by Amasa Carpenter, born Sandy Creek, N. Y.:
3. Samuel Whiton, b. 31 Dec. 1826, d. Sandy Creek, N. Y.,
22 March 1828.
4. Maria Louisa, b. 22 Dec. 1828, d. Sandy Creek, N. Y., 27
Aug. 1885, age 56, m. there 8 May 1S59, William A.
Brady, son of Thomaa J. and Susan (Whitcomb) Brady,
b. Amsterdam, N. Y., 9 Jan. 1819, d. Three Oaks. Mich.,
26 Oct. 1866, age 47. Children (Brady): i. FranJc Car-
penter, ii. Cora Ellen.
240. iii. Elijah, b. 27 Dec. 1789.
241. iv. Samuel, b. 26 July 1791.
V. Hannah, b. 24 June 1793, d. Orwell, N. Y., 4 Aug. 1864, age
71. Unmarried.
242. vi. Elon, b. 20 Sept. 1796.
vii. Apphia, b. 12 Nov. 1798, d. Richland, N. Y., 1 July 1877, age
78, m. Orwell, N. Y., 1828, Calvin White, son of William and
Huldah (Valence) ^Tiite, b. Hillsdale, N. Y., 10 Jan. 1797.
Lived at Orwell, Milford, Hartwick, Whipple Hill, Colchester
and Walton, N. Y. Children (White) :
1. Charles Elijah, b. Orwell, N. Y., 1 July 1829, d. Rich-
land, N. Y., 16 Aug. 1898, age 69, unmarried. Lived at
Pulaski, N. Y. Was a farmer.
2. Joseph Gates, b. Milford, N. Y., 30 Aug. 1830, d. Rich-
land, N. Y., 1 Jan. 1906, age 75, m. EUisburg, N. Y., Oct.
1870, Mrs. Phoebe (Ei,lis) Chamberlain, b. EUisburg,
K Y., 1834, d. Richland, N. Y., April 1874. He m. 2d,
March 1877, Rebecca Elizabeth Soxtlb, dau. of Reuben
and Austia (Calkins) Soule, b. 1827, d. Richland, N. Y.,
3 Aug. 1885. Lived at Richland, N. Y. Children: i.
George, ii. Watterson.
3. Loretto Jane, b. Milford, N. Y., 16 Dec. 1831, d. Pinc-
ville, N. Y., 23 Feb. 1886, m. Sandy Creek, N. Y., 5 April
1865, RosvTELL W. Bennett, son of Reuben and Elizabeth
(Wood) Bennett, b. Richland, N. Y., 20 Oct. 1823. Lived
at Salmon River, N. Y. Teacher. Children (Bennett):
i. George Willis, ii. Charles Wesley.
4. George William, b. Hartvsdck, N. Y., 3 May 1833, d.
Richland, N. Y., 7 Feb. 1912, age 78, unmarried. Lived
at Pulaski, N. Y. Architect and civil engineer.
5. Delia Elvira, b. Whipple Hill, N. Y., 12 Aug. 1834, m.
30 Sept. 1867, Percival Soule, b. 29 Oct. 1835. Lived at
Altmer, N. Y. Teacher. Children (Soule^ : i. Agnes
Genevieve, ii. Alice Aureiia, iii. Eugenia) Marguerite, iv.
Thomas Percival.
6. Samuel Williams, b. Whipple Hill, N. Y., 22 Oct. 1835,
d. there 22 Nov. 1835.
176 The Stowell Genealogy
7. HuLDAH Catherine, b. Colchester, N. Y., 6 May 1837, d.
Richland, N. Y., 24 Sept. 1863, unmarried. Teacher.
8. Henry Cornelius, b. Walton, N. Y., 26 Nov. 1838, d.
Ellishurg, N. Y., 29 Aug. 1867, age 28, unmarried. Lived at
Pulaski, N. Y. Bridge builder and contractor.
9. Francis Marion, b. Walton, N. Y., 17 March 1842, d. Rich-
land, N. Y., Nov. 1885, age 43, m. Pulaski, N. Y., Nov.
1866, Mary Murray. Lived at Pulaski and Richland, N. Y.
Carpenter and joiner. Children: i. May Louisa, ii. Katie,
iii. Frances Marion.
10. Mary Louisa, b. Walton, N. Y., 7 Feb. 1845, d. Richland,
N. Y., 14 Sept. 1863, age 18, unmarried. Teacher.
viii. Alaiena, b. 25 Dec. 1«00, d. Orwell, N. Y., 2 June 1838, age
37, unmarried.
ix. Florilla, b. 29 Sept. 1802, d. Wellington, Conn., 15 July 1805,
age 2.
88. ABEL'' STOEL {SamueV Bavid^-'' Samuel')was born
in Willington, Conn., 23 Dec. 1764, mar. Hinesburg, Vt., 8 Oct.
1790, Anne Billings, daii. of Joanna Billings.
Abel was in Capt. Buckley's Co. Paid from 1 Jan. 1781
to 31 Dec. 1781.
Children :
i. Joanna^, b. Hinesburg, Vt., 19 Dec. 1792.
243. ii. Elkanah, b. 21 Jan. 1802.
89. OZNI^ STOEL OR STOWELL (Samuel* David'-^
SamueV) was born in Willington, Conn., 29 Feb. 1772, died
at Cape Vincent, N. Y., 12 May 1845, age 73, married Polly
Westcott, born N. Y., 29 May 1773, died at Hounsfield, N. Y.,
21 June 1815, age 42.
When a child went with his parents to Vermont. Was one
of the first settlers in Jefferson Co., N. Y. The place was named
' * Stowell 's Comers ' ' after him. He lived for a while in Canada,
but soon returned just before the War of 1812. Lived at Cape
Vincent, N. Y.
Ozni was a farmer and Inn Keeper at Stowell 's Comers
for many years. Was in Battle of Sacket Harbor, May 1813,
with his eldest son.
Children born Stowell 's Corners, Hounsfield, N. Y.:
i. Freelgveo, b. 7 Feb. 1794, d. Hounsfield, N. Y., 21 Oct. 1860,
age G6, m. Chapman.
Fifth Generation 177
ii. Sajsra, b. 20 May 1795, d. Stowell's Corners, N. Y., 30 April
244. iii. William, b. 1 Feb. 1797.
iv. Polly, b. 1 Feb. 1797, d. Cape Vincent, N. Y., 22 June 1876,
age 79, m. Baker Massey, b. 1791, d. 31 May 1858. Children
(Massey) :
1. Polly Westcott, b. 6 Dec. 1815, d. 1873. m. Watertown.
N. Y., Benjamin Brown, m. 2d, Franklyn Brown.
2. Freelove Stowell, b. Feb. 1817, d. 3 885, m. Watertown.
N. Y., William Henry Childs.
3. Lucy Swain, b. Oct. 1818, d. 1843, m. Watertown, N. Y.,
1842, Albert Adams.
4. Eliza Longworthy, b. April 1821, d. 1882, m. Cyrknus
5. Armina, b. 1823, d. 1890, m. Watertown, N. Y., Samuel
Stackhouse. Child : i. L. E.
6. Ward Eaton, b. 1825, d. 1906, m. Dubuque, Iowa, 1873,
Hattie Walton.
7. Clarissa Lee, b. 1827, d. Princeton, Wis., 1906, m. Water-
to^\^l, N. Y., Dr. Nathan Millard.
8. Frances Pamet.i.s b. 1829, m. InJ., Ralph Rogers, m. 2d,
9. Sanp'Ord Monhoe, b. 1831, d. Alden, Iowa, 1907, ni.
Mariette Hunter.
10. William Childs, b. 1834, d. 1902, in. Mansfield, Ohio,
Sophia Redrup.
11. Martha Antoinette, b. 1836, m. D. E. Hedges. Children
(Hedges): i. Hon. Fred M., ii. Jennie Deane.
245. V. John, b. 14 Nov, 1798.
vi. Hannah, b. 9 Oct. 1800, m. Chapman.
vii. Abigall, b. 14 July 1802, d. Stowell '3 Comers, N. Y., 17 July
1846, age 44, m. there 16 Sept. 1822, Merrick Moses Bates,
san of Samuel and Sally (Houghton) Bates, b. Brimfield, Mass.,
10 July 1801. Served in Militia as Col. of 21st Light Art!
Was a farmer at Hounsfield, N. Y., then moved to Watertown,
N, Y. In 1850 went to California, where he acted as cook and
panned gold. After one year returned via Panama and then
went to Canada. Children born at Hounsfield, N. Y. (Bates) :
1. Sarah, b. 23 Av.g. 1S23, m. Hounsfield. N. Y., 23 May 1844,
John Winslow, son of Samuel and Lucy (Frazier) Wins-
low, b. Woodstock. Vt., 19 Dec. 1802, d. Wa.tertown, N. Y.,
7 July 1875, age 71. He was assessor for Watertown sev-
eral years and supervisor for Wat/^rtown throe years. Was
member of State Legislature 1849. Pi-esident Jefferson
County Agricultural Society, 1853. Excise Commissioner
ten years. Vice-President Agricultural Insurance Companv.
178 , The Stowell Genealogy
1871. Director of Watertowoi Fire Insurance Company.
diild (WiNSLOw) : i. John.
2. Chaukcey Westcott, b. 10 Oct. 1825, d. Ankeny, Iowa,
29 June 1918, age 92, m. Hounsfield, N. Y., 31 Dec. 1848,
LoRENTiNE Cleanthe Potter, dau. of Anson and Alba
(Fall) Potter, b. Browns^-ille, N. Y., 16 Dec. 1830. He waa
farmer, store keeper and postmaster at Crocker, Iowa for
21 years. Children: i. Cleora Abigail, ii. Delia Adelle, iii.
Herbert Anson, iv. Carrie Estelle, v. Minnie May.
3. Melissa Hannah, b. 5 Oct. 1827, m. Hounsfield, N. Y.,
30 Sept. 1848, Austin Maxson, b. N. Y., 7 Aug. 1821.
He was killed by lightning. Children (M.vxson) : i. Dutte,
ii. Liiella Jane, iii. De Esting, iv. Merrick B.
4. Emeline Mary, b. 1 Oct. 1829, d. summer of 1913, m. S
Jan. 1851, Ciiauncey Reed, b. 23 May 1831, d. 1 Sept. 1885.
Children (Reed) : i. Merrick Henry, ii. George Parker, iii.
Nellie E., iv. Ida, v. Bert, vi. Emma.
5. Alden, b. 1832, d. 1859, m. Frances Childs. Children:
i. Cassie, ii. Fred.
6. Samuel Alvy, b. 22 Nov. 1834, d. Adams, N. Y., 23 May
1876, age 41, m. Adams Center, N. Y., 1 Feb. 1865, Cinda-
rilla B. Greene, dau. of Charles and Amy (Slieldon)
Greene, b. Adams, N. Y., 14 June 1833. Lived in Ohio,
New Orleans and Adams, N. Y. Machinist. Children:
i. George Samuel, ii. Sheldon Svimnons, iii. Samuel Fox.
7. Helen, b. 12 Aug. 1836, d. Adams Center, N. Y., 12 Feb.
1909, age 72, m. Sackett Harbor, N. Y., 20 Jan. 1859,
De Esting Reed, son of Simon and Philena (Richards)
Reed, b. Reed Settlement, N. Y., 10 Oct. 1834. Children
(Reed) : i. Edioard Fretnont, ii. Williit Warren, iii. Abi-
gail Bosa, iv. Myra.
8. Almira, b. 1839, d. Chicago, 111., 1903, ra. Dr. Joseph
Bemir of Chicago. Children (Bemis) : i. Marvin, ii.
George, iii. Alta.
9. Warren W., b. 5 Jan. 1842, d. 18 June 1888, m. 1867,
Amelia Hart, b. 28 May 1848. Children: i. George War-
ren, ii. Merrick, iii. Ella Louise, iv. Sarah Eva, v. Frank
10. Freelove Stowell, b. 23 April 1845, m. 2 Jan. 1867,
Lyman Trumbull Ward, son of Moses Lyman and Deme-
dici (Scott) Ward, b. 30 Sept. 1842, d. Hazel, S. D., S
Nov. 1903, age 61. Children (Ward): i. Lyman, ii. Brad-
viii. Roxanna, b. 26 March 1804, d. Stowell 's Corners, N. Y., 27
March 1864, age 60, m. Hounsfield, N. Y., Caleb Blodgett.
Fifth Gi':neration
Children (Blodgett) :
1. Joseph.
2. Amelia.
3. Warren.
OzNi, b. 22 March 1806, d. 1881, age 75. ISiarried a widow in
Vermont and died there. No children.
SnuBAEL Westcott, b. 4 Aug. 1809.
Sally M., b. 27 Nov. 1811, m. Arnold or Chapman
Rebecca, b. 25 Dec. 1813, m. Mansfield, Ohio, Joseph S. Sim-
mons. Child (Simmons) : i. Hattie.
JOHN» STOEL OR STOWELL (Samuel' David'-'
Samuel^) was born at Willington, Conn., 16 July 1774, d. Bos-
ton, Mass., 2 Jan. 1816, mar. at Boston, Mass., 6 Oct. 1807,
Hannah Learned, dan. of Jedediah and Mary (Grant)'
Learned, b. Cambridge. Mass., 21 Aug. 1781, d. Salem, Mass.,
3 Feb. 1862. age 80. Lived in Cambridge and Boston. Mass.'
Children :
i. John Winchesters, b. Cambridge, Mass., 17 May 1808, d. Boa-
ton, Ifesg., 1 April 1814, age 5.
ii. Hannah, b. Cambridge, Mass., 6 Feb. 1810.
iii. Mary Learned, b. Boston, Mass., 3 Dec. 1812, d. Danvers,
Mass., 3 June 1841, age 28, m. Salem, Mass., 27 Dec. 1831,
Jedidiah Learned, son of Henry and Phoebe (Leatherbee)
Learned, b. 1805. Lived in Boston, Salem and Danvers, Mass.
Children (Learned) :
1. John Henry, b. Boston, Mass., 30 Sept. 1833.
2. George Franklin, b. Boston, Mass., 1 Sept. 1835.
3. Mary Persis, b. Salem, Mass., 18 Dee. 1837.
iv. Susanna, b. Boston, Mass., 10 Dec. 1815, d. there 7 May 1816.
91. AMARA" STOWELL (Jonntlian*-^ David'' Samitd^)
was born in Ashford, Conn.. 27 Nov. 1762, d. Oswego, N. Y..
3 Jan. 1834, age 71, m. Mansfield, Conn., 21 Feb. 1785,
Bathsheba Leavens, dan. of James and Bathsheba Leavens, b.
Mansfield, Conn., 5 Nov. 1759, d. 27 Sept. 1822, ago 62.
Amasa lived in Ashford until 1787, Mansfield, Conn, until
1794, Brimfield, Mass., 1799, Vergennes, Vt. and Oswego. N. Y.
Was an Innkeeper in Brimfield.
Mansfield Land Rec. give Amasa Stowell of Ashford 1787,
one deed, Amasa Stoel of Ashford 1787, one deed, Amasa
Stowell of Mansfield 1791 to 1797, five deeds, Amasa Stowell
of Brimfield, Mass. 1795, three deeds.
180 The Stowell Genealogy
Children :
i. Ryllab, b. Ashford, Conn., 15 July 1786, m. Tergemies, Vt.,
12 Dec. 1808, A.vron Bellamy.
247. ii. Rodman, b. Mansfield, Conn., 5 May 1788.
iii. Ratio, b. Mansfield, Conn., 25 May 1791, d. there 22 Oct. 1791.
iv. Roderick, b. Mansfield, Conn., d. Mobile, Ala. A sea captain.
248. V. Ratio Leavens, b. Brimfield, Mass., 28 Aug. 1795.
vi. BiNDA, b. Mansfield, Conn., m. Pennison. Children (Penni-
SON) :
1. George.
2. Claea .
92. ARCHELAUS^ STOWELL {J onatlmn"-^ David^- Sam-
uel^) was born in Ashford, Conn., 4 April 1764, d. Virgil, N. Y.
after 1825, m. Ashford, Conn., 4 Nov. 1791, Olive Bugbee, dau.
of Timothy and Hannah (Wood) Bugbee, b. Mansfield, Conn.,
13 Oct. 1771.
Resided at Mansfield, Conn, and Virgil, N. Y.
Six Mansfield, Conn, deeds 1788 to 1797, describe him as
Archelaus Stowell of Mansfield.
Children born at Mansfield, Conn. :
249. i. Luciuse, b. 2 Feb. 1793.
ii. A1.MIRA, b. 21 June 1796, d. Momenoe, 111., 17 May 1886, age
90, m. Mansfield, Conn., 10 April 1816, John Balch, son of
Bezaloel and Ruth (Davis) Balch, b. Mansfield, Conn., 7 Dec.
1791, d. Momence, 111., 3 April 1868, age 76. Lived at Cort-
land, N. Y., and Momence, 111. Children (Balch) :
1. Fidelia Ann, b. 9 June 1825.
2. Horatio Orlando, b. 31 March 1827.
3. Emma Melvina, b. 11 Oct. 1831.
4. Mary Jane, b. 9 April 1833.
5. John Ranson, b. 18 Jan. 1835.
6. Betsey Roxanna, b. 30 July 1841.
iii. Ai.PHEUS, b. 7 June 1798.
250. iv. Jehiel, b. 17 May 1800.
V. Sabrina, b. 23 Jan. 1802.
vi. John S., b. 15 Nov. 1804.
vii. Olive Maria, b. 17 Sept. 1808.
93. ALLADURAN^ STOWELL {Jonailian*-^ David^ Sam-
ueV-) was born in Ashford, Conn., 10 Feb. 1766, died at More-
town, Vt., 11 April 1855, age 89, mar. 7 May 1789, Mrs. Mary
Fifth Generation 181
(Wilson) Richardson, bom Ashford, Conn., 11 April 1766,
died Moretown, Vt., 16 June 1846, age 80.
Resided at Acworth, N. H. and Moretown, Vt. Was a
Children born Acworth, N. H. except last child born
Moretown, Vt. :
i. JANE6, b. 17 April 1790, d. Acworth, N. H., 18 March 1792.
ii. Polly, b. 24 Aug. 1791, d. Moretown, Vt., 4 Feb. 1S69, age
77, m. Moretown, Vt., 15 Feb. 1816, John Howes, son of Joseph
and Martha (Hayward) Howes, b. Lebanon, Conn., 16 July
1787, d. Moretown, Vt., 2 Feb. 1848, age 60'. Lived at More-
town, Vt. Was a carpenter and joiner. Children born More-
town (HowKs) :
1. Alladuran Stowell, b. 17 Dec. 1817.
2. Charles, b. 7 Jan. 1820, d. Moretown, Vt., 11 Aug. 1881,
age 61, m. there 4 Jan. 1849, Mary Ellen Davis, dau. of
John B. and Nancy (Adkins) Davis, b. Duxbury, Vt., 16
May 1825, d. Moretown, Vt., 29 Aug. 1897, age 72. Chil-
dren: i. Clara S., ii. Ella A., iii. Fratik.
3. John Howard, b. 18 Oct. 1822, d. Moretown, Vt., 19 July
1867, age 44, m. Caroline Achsah Silsby, dau. of Lasell
and Lucy (Mayo) Silsby, b. Moretown, Vt., 3 Sept. 1830,
d. Eloise, Mich., 14 Feb. 1906, age 75. Child: i. Arthur T.
4. LuciNDA S., b. 1825, d. Moretown, Vt., 9 April 1861, age 36.
5. Mj>.ry E., b. 4 May 1832, m. Moretown, Vt., 16 Dec. 1855,
Augustine Prentiss, son of Robert and Mary (Luce;
Prentiss, b. Moretown, Vt., 5 March 1829. She m. 2d, 15
Oct. 1889, Dennison F. Freeman, d. 25 Feb. 1905.
6. George, b. 21 July 1835, d. Moretown, Vt., 27 Nov. 1916,
age 81, m. Barre, Vt., 15 March 1865, Sarah Ann Strong,
dau. of Aaron and Asenath (Phelps) Strong, b. Berlin, Vt.,
12 May 1834. No children. Was selectman, constable and
collector. Represented Moretown in the Legislature 1878.
251. iii. John, b. 25 July 1793.
iv. LuciNDA, b. 26 July 1795, d. Moretown, Vt., 11 June 1871, age
75, unmarried.
252. V. Hauvey, b. 11 March 1797.
253. vi. Duren, b. 16 June 1799.
vii. Rhoda, b. 17 March 1801, d. Moretown, Vt., 15 Dec. 3 830,
age 29, unmarried,
viii. Hannah, b. 10 March 1803, d. Moretown, Vt., 4 May ISOS,
age 5.
ix. Perris, b. 29 Aug. 1805, d. Moretown, Vt., 17 Oct. 1808, age 3.
X. Son, b. 9 Sept. 1807, d. Moreto^Ti, Vt., 11 Sept. 1807.
182 The Stowell Genealogy
94. NATHAN^ STOWELL (JonatJian^-^ David'' Samuel')
was born in Ashford, Conn., 17 Dec. 1769, d. Cornwall, Vt., 14
Feb. 1810. m. Huldah Scott, dau. of Sylvester Scott of Water-
town, Conn., b. Litchfield, Conn., 18 April 1775, d. Cornwall,
Vt., 18 April 1844. She m. 2d, Cornwall. Vt., 25 Dec. 1811,
Nathan Eells of Cornv/all, Vt., who d. Cornwall, Vt., 22 Sept.
Nathan v.as a farmer and lived at Cornwall where he also
kept a tavern.
Nathan Stowell of Ashford sells to his aunt Mariam Smith,
widow, right to land left him by his grandfather Jonathan,
21 May 1792. (Land Records, Ashford, Conn.)
Nathan Stowell married Huldah Scott (sister of Ellen
Foot, '.vife of Daniel Foot) who came from Ashford, Conn, to
Cornwall, Vt. in 1796. (History of Cornwall, Vt.)
Children born Cornwall, Vt. :
254. i. Chauncey Hookers, b. 8 April 1802.
ii. Caroline Lucy, b. 1804, m. Cornwall, Vt., 31 March 1831, Abi-
JAH HuRD, son of William Abijali Hurd, b. Bridport, Vt., 6
Aug. 1806, d. Hollen, Kansas, 1899, or d. Pike's Peak, Col.
Lived at Pike's Peak, Col. Children (Hurd):
1. Charles, b. 1834.
2. Nathan, b. Vermont, 15 Nov. 1S37, m. 3 Juno 1869.
Maggie Ayers. He was Pros. Colorado Pioneer Soc. Chil-
dren: i. W. A., ii. Lillie Maud, \\\. Pearl Mina.
3. Edwin, d. Cornwall, Vt., in infancy.
4. William J., b. 8 Dec. 1843, d. 1906. He was at one time
president of Board of Directors of State Penitentiary.
Also influential in establishing the commissiotn for the
installment of an advanced system of school books.
5. Carrie E., b. 14 Nov. 1845.
iii. EmviN, b. Cornwall, Vt., 1806, d. there 27 March 1813
95. JONATHAN^ STOWELL {Jonatlian'-^ David^ Sam-
uel) was born in Ashford, Conn., died there 5 May 1801, mar.
there 28 Nov. 1800, Elizabeth Stebbins, dau. of Thomas and
Sarah (Tiffany) Stebbins, b. Ashford, Conn., 4 April 1776.
Elizabeth was appointed Administratrix and asked settle-
ment of account of estate of Jonathan Stowell, 2 Feb. 1802.
Rhoda Stowell memtioned as claimant. (Prob. Fomfret Dist.)
Fifth Generation 183
Jonathan Stowel of Ashford, Conn, sells to Relasky Snow
his right in land left him by his grandfather Jonathan, 20 April
1795. (Ashford, Conn. Land Records.)
i. Sally Stebbinss, b. Ashford, Conn., 5 Nov. 1801, m. Mans-
field, Conn., 28 Oct. 1819, James Huntingtok.
96. JOAB'* STOWELL {John^-- David^- Samuel was born
in Nichewaug, Mass., about 1754, died 1812, m. Greenwich, Mass..
9 July 1778, Lydia Hunt of Greenwich. Lydia admitted to
Petei-sham Church Nov. 1785.
Joab resided in Petersham. Was private in Capt. Reuben
Dickinson's Co., Major Baldwin's Regt., 23 May 1775. Private
in Capt. Joel Fletcher's Co., Col. Doolittle's Regt., 8 June 1775.
Lydia Stowell, widow (Dexter Stowell on bond) of Peter-
sham, appointed Administratrix of estate of late husband, 18
March 1812. (Wor. Prob. 57154.)
Children born Petersham, Mass. :
i. J0AB6, b. 21 Feb. 1782.
ii. Lydia, b. 14 Feb. 1789, d. Petersham, Mass., 11 Dec. 1874, age
85, m. there 9 Dec. 1813, Abiather Blanchard, son of Seth
and AbigaTil (Babbitt) Blanchsardj,, b. Petersham, Mass., d.
there 10 July 1861, age 70. Children born Petersham, Mass.
(Blanchard) :
1. Seth.
2. Joab, b. 1 July 1817, d. Petersham, Mass., 1 Jan. 1894,
age 77, m. there 24 Jan. 1847, Lucinda Osment, dau. of
John and Anna (Morgan) Osment, b. Manchester, Mass.,
24 Oct. 1816, d. Petersham, Mass., 4 May 1902, age 86.
Children: i. Abiathar H., ii. CJara Osment.
3. Lorenzo, b. 30 April 1818, d. Petersham, Mass., 16 March
1888, age 69, m. there (Int. 11 March 1847) Harriet Be-
lief Eaton, dau. of Avery and Lydia (Brown) Eaton, b.
Phillipston, Mass., 9 Nov. 1824, d. Petersham, Mass., 4
Dec. 1868, age 44. He m. 2d, Athol, Mass., 5 Oct. 1873,
Caroline Sawtelle, dau. of Ely and Betsey (Baldtvin)
Strong, b. Granville, Mass., 11 Feb. 1823, d. Petersham,
Mass., 10 Sept. 1907, age 84.
4. Emery, b. 1 Jan. 1820, d. Petersham, Mass.. 1 Aug. 1890,
age 70, m. Mary. Child: i. Lorenzo.
184 The Stowell. Genealogy
5. Adaline, b. 22 June 1821, d. Amherst, Mass., 26 Nov. 1900,
age 79, ra. Petersham, Mass., 22 June 1847, George Babbitt
Gallond, son of Jeremfah and Dorcas (Babbitt) G^Uond,
b. Petersham, Mass., 27 June 1824, d. Amherst, Mass., 23
March 1888, age 63. Children (Gallond): i. George J.,
li. Lyman Wilder, iii. Merrick J.
6. Merrick, b. 26 April 1823, d. Athol, Mass., 26 July 1898,
age 75, m. Petersham, Mass., 29 Feb. 1848, Lucy Ann
Hammond, dau. of Charles and Mary A. (Stevens) Plam-
mond, b. Petersham, Mass., 7 Feb. 1828, d. Athol, Mass.,
7 Feb. 1886, age 58.
255. iii. Ira, b. 22 Feb. 1797.
97. JOHN^ STOWELL {Jolin'-^ David' SaniueV) was born
in Nichewang, Mass., 1752, died at Shutesbury, Mass., 13 July
1814, age 62, mar. at Framingham, Mass., 12 Oct. 1780, Lois
Eames^ dau. of Henry and Lois (How) Eames, b. Framingham,
Mass., bp. 26 Feb. 1758, d. Shutesbury, Mass., 20 Jan. 1855,
age 97.
He lived at Petersham, Mass., until 1806 when he moved to
Shutesbury with wife and seven children. Was a teacher in
early life, afterwards became a farmer.
Administration granted Nov. 1814 on estate of John
Stowell, late of Shutesbury, deceased. The widow Lois Stowell
declines to serve as Admx. and asks for the appointment of son
Henry. Bond signed by Henry Stowell, Luther Stowell and
William Ward. (Franklin Co. Probate 6750.)
Children :
256. i. J0HN6, b. Petersham, Mass., 26 Dec. 1781.
ii. Sarah, b. Petersham, Mass., 27 Sept. 1783, m. Emerson.
iii. Lucy, b. Petersham, Mass., 24 May 1786, m. Torrey.
Henry, b. Petersham, Mass., 27 June 1788.
Peter, b. Petersham, Mass., 23 Dec. 1790.
Luthee, b. Petersham, Mass., 5 Jan. 1793
Jesse, b. Petersham, Mass., 12 March 1795.
viii. Frederick, b. Shutesbury, Mass.
98. LEMUEL" STOWELL (JoJin*-^ David'' Samuel^) was
bom in Nichewaug, Mass., 1762, died at Petersham, Mass., 11
April 1807, a^-e 45, mar. (Int. Petersham, Mass., 21 April 1787),
Prudence Gould of Leverett, dau. of Solomon and Prudence
Fifth Generation 185
(Kood) Gould, b. Leverett, Mass., 26 June 1767. Lemuel resided
in Petersham, Slass.
Administration granted on estate of Lemuel Stowell, late
of Petersham, Mass., 20 May 1807. To widow Prudence Stowell
of Petersham as principal and widow. Asahel Stowell et als
as sureties give bonds for Prudence. (Wor. Prob. 57159.) She
had two children living 21 July 1812.
Children born Petersham, Mass. :
2(30. i. Dexter«, b. 29 May 1789.
ii. Mary or Polly, b. 17 Dec. 1795, d. Sunderland, Mass., 17
April 1844, age 48, m. Petersham, Mass. (Int. 16 Feb. 1815),
Charles Cooley, son of Simon and Anna (Stowell) Cooley, b.
Sunderland, Mass., 1 Sept. 1790, d. there 10 Nov. 1870, age 80.
Lived in Sunderland, where all the children were born ( Cooley ; :
1. Eliza Angela, b. 18 Nov. 1815, d. Sunderland, Mass., 14
June 1892, age 76, m. tliere 26 June 1836, Cornelius Hil-
LLA.RD of Northfield, Mass. Children (Hilliard); i. Mary
E., ii. Julia E.
2. Simon Foster, b. 28 Oct. 1817, d. 12 April 1879,
m. 27 Oct. 1847, Esther E. Rose, dau. of Silas Rose, b.
20 Oct. 1824. Lived at North Hadley, Mass. Children:
i. Ella Hose, ii. Addison Gilmore, iii. Silas Hose.
3. Charles Austin, b. 3 Aug. 1819, d. Sunderland, Mass.,
17 Dee. 1854, age 35, unmarried.
4. Dexter Stowell, b. 29 Sept. 1821, d. Hadley, Mass., 21
Nov. 1851, age 30, m. Blandford, Mass., 5 Oct. 1847, Maria
E. Miller, dau. of Mareellius C. Miller. Was a merchant.
Children: i. Mary, ii. Charles Dexter.
5. Persis Maria, b. 24 Nov. 1823, d. Sunderland, Mass., 13
Jan. 1861, age 37.
6. Avery William, b. 1 Nov. 1825, d. Sunderland, Mass., 14
Feb. 1829.
7. Fanny, b. 29 Oct. 1827, d. Sunderland, Mass., 28 Aug. 1831.
8. Daughter, b. 18 May 1829, d. Sunderland, Mass., 20 May
9. ED-v^^N Avery, b. 2 Feb. 1831, m. 30 Aug. 1857, Ellen S.
Davis, d. June 1898. He graduated from Amlierst College,
1854. Teacher. Children: i. George Lincoln, ii. Maria
10. Clarissa Cordelia, b. 17 Jan. 1833, m. Sunderland, Mass.,
29 Nov. 1860, Benedict B. Williams, son of William F.
and Amanda Williams, b. DeKalb, N. Y., 1832. Farmer.
Children (Williams) : i. Eerlert, ii. Annie Laurie.
186 The Stowell Genealogy
11. George Lemuel, b. 6 Nov. 1839, m. 21 Nov. 1866, Abbie H.
Smith, dau. of Hojt and Content (Dodge) Smith, d. 30
April 1890. He m. 2d, 28 Dec. 1892, Abigail H. Wright,
dau. of Elnathan and Harriet A. Wright. Eesided at
Plumtrecs, Sunderland, Mass. Children: i. Nellie Davis,
ii. Fred Smith, iii. Mary Emma, iv. Edith Maria, v. Esther
Eose, vi. Edwin Prince.
iii. Child, died young.
99. SAMUEL^ STOWELL {John"-^ David^- Smmiel') was
born about 1762, died at Petersham, Mass., 11 April 1807, age 45,
m, Brookfield, Mass., 18 Sept. 1797, Nancy Gilbert, dau. of
Lemuel and Ruth (Gilbert) Gilbert, born Brookfield, Mass.,
14 Oct. 1773, d. there 8 Dee. 1846, age 73. She mar. 2d at
Brookfield, Mass., 20 March 1809, Naaman Thomas, son of Wm.
and Abigail Thomas.
Child born Brookfield, Mass. :
i. Theodotias, b. 22 Nov. 1798, m. Brookfield, Ma5s., 26 Feb.
1819, Edmond Pitts. Child (Pitts) :
1. John Norwood, b. Brookfield, Mass., 26 Aug. 1820.
100. ABEL^ STOWELL {JoJin'-'. David'' Samuel') was
born in Petersham, Mass., 1769, died there 27 Jan. 1811, age 42,
married at Hardwici^, Mass., 5 July 1792, Rachel Freeman,
dau. of Eli and Mary (Rice) Freeman, b. Hardwick, Mass., 10
Sept. 1769, died at Petersham, Mass., 7 Feb. 1847, age 77.
Resided at Petersham, Mass. In eight Worcester Deeds he is
described as Abel Stowell of Petersham.
Rachel, widow of Abel, consents to the appointment of
Asahel (brother of Abel) as Admr. 11 Feb. 1811. Nathaniel
StoAvell of Worcester on Asahel's bond. (Wor. Prob. 57121.)
Rachel, widow, appointed guardian 21 May 1812, over
Anna, Sally, Polly and Abel Stowell, all under 14 years of age,
children of Abel Stowell. (Wor. Prob. 57125.)
19 Oct. 1812, Clarissa and Rufus Stowell, minors over 14
years old and children of Abel Stowell, late of Petersham,
deceased, petition that Rev. Festus Foster be appointed their
guardian. (Wor. Prob. 57132.)
Fifth Generation 187
Children born Petersham, Mass. :
i. Clarissao, b. about 1793, m. Petersham, Mass., 5 March 1816,
Simon Dudley, son of Francis and Elizabeth (Whipple) Dud-
ley, b. 23 April 1787.
261. ii. RuFUS, b. 7 Nov. 1795.
iii. Horace, b. 11 April 1798, d. Petersham, Mass., 30 Sept. 1803.
iv. Anna, b. 1801, d. Petersham, Mass., 16 Feb. 1885, age 84,
V Sally, b. 1803, d. Petersham, Mass., 17 Aug. 1828, age 25.
vi. Abel, b. 28 June 1806, d. Petersham, Mass., 21 July 1807.
vii, Polly.
262. viii. Abel, b. 10 April 1808.
ix. Charles.
101. ASAHEL^ STOWELL (Jolin*-^ David- Samuel') was
bom at Petersham, Mas*^., 4 April 1771, died there 2 June 1840.
age 69, mamed Guilford, Vt., 10 April 1796, Persis Ward, b.
Guilford, Vt., 31 May 1776, died Deerfield, Mass., 10 March
1858, age 81.
Asahel was a farmer and lived at Petersham, Mass. Persis,
wife of Asahel Stowell admitted to Petersham Church 13 Oct.
1822. Asahel was admitted to same 8 Dec. 1822.
Asahel Stowell of AVorcester made will 18 April 1840.
Probated 4 Aug. 1840. Mentions wife Persis, dau. Betsey Bos-
worth, wife of Koyal Bosworth, dau. Maria T. Stebbins, son
Daniel, dau. Cylindia, son Avery, grandchildren Mary Elizabeth,
Persis Maria and Fanny Amelia Stowell, daughters of my
deceased son John Stowell. Wife Persis, Executrix. (Wor. Prob.
Children all bom in Petersham, Mass. :
i. Elizabethg, b. 24 April 1797, d. Petersham, Mass., 20 July
1851, age 54, m. there 1 Jan. 1822, Royal Bosworth, son of
George and Hannah (Gibbs) Bosworth, b. Petersham, Mass.,
18 April 1795, d. Boston, Mass., 7 Jan. 1886, age 90. Lived
at Petersham and "Warren and afterwards Boston, Mass. Coal
merchant. Children (Bosworth) :
1. Asahel, d. Boston, Mass., 21 June 1849, age 25, m. Warren,
Mass., 5 Jan. 1848, Lydia Cutler, dau. of Newell and
Huldah (Fairbanks) Cutler, b. Warren, Mass., 5 March
1826, d. Deerfield, Mass., 1 July 1904, age 78. She m.
2d, 27 Nov. 1849, Edward William Stebbins. No children.
188 The Stowell Genealogy
2. Elizabeth, b. Ware, Mass., 1836, d. Boston, Mass., 20 Nov.
1866, age 30, m. Boston, Mass., 17 Sept. 1861, Daniel F.
Savage, son of Daniel and Sarah Savage, b. East Maehias,
Me., 1830. Graduate of Amlierst College. Clergyman.
Children (Savage) : i. Anna, ii. Elizabeth, iii. Sarah.
3. Persis Louise, b. Ware, Mass., 10 July 1838, d. Revere,
Mass., 29 Sept. 1800, age 52, m. Boston, Mass., 20 Feb.
1861, Joseph Chester Young, son of William and Dolly S.
(E'ratt) Young, b. Hingham, Mass., 1837, d. Boston, Mass.,
26 May 1901, age 63. Children (Young): i. Henry Carlos,
ii. Elizabeth Louise, iii. Eoyal Bosworth, iv. Mary Bigelow.
263. ii. John Ward, b. 19 May 1799:
iii. ]\£aria, b. 6 Aug. 1800, d. Petersham, Mass., 24 IMjirch 1801.
iv. Maria T., b. 22 Dee. 1801, d. Deerfield, Mass., 13 April 1872,
age 70, m. Petersham, Mass., 15 Dec. 1824, Asa Stebbins, son
of Asa and Emilia (Harvey) Stebbins, b. Deerfield, Mass., 25
March 1800, d. there 4 Oct. 1864, age 64. Maria was admitted
to Petersham Church 8 Dec. 1822. Asa Stebbins was a farmer
and lived at Deerfield, Mass. Was selectman, town clerk, treas-
urer, Justice of the Peace and member of Legislatm-e. Chil-
dren born Deerfield, Mass. (Stebbins) :
1. Edward Williams, b. 18 Oct. 1826, d. Deerfield, Mass.,
27 Dee. 1866, age 40. m. Warren, Mass., 27 Nov. 1850,
Lydia A. (Cutler) Bosworth, dau. of Newell and Huldah
(Fairbanks) Cutler and widow of Asahel S. Bosworth, b.
Warren, Mass., 5 March 1826, d. Deerfield, ^lass., 1 July
1904, age 78. Was a farmer. Assessor 1851-1864. E^pre-
sentative 1856. Justice of Peace 1858. Children: i. Anna
2. Francis Ward, b. 8 Nov. 1829, d. Deerfield, Mass., 28 Oct,
1906, age 76, m. Shelbume, Mass., 17 Nov. 1852, Ellen
Wells, dau. of Col. David and Helena Frances (Thwing)
Wells, b. Shelbume, Mass., 7 Sept. 1833, d. Deerfield, Mass.,
9 Dec. 1871. He m. 2d, Deerfield, Mass., 17 June 1873,
Mrs. Ellen S. (Burnham) Hawks, dau. of Silas and
Martha (Dewey) Burnham, b. Montague, Mass., 30 Sept.
1834. Francis W. was a farmer and lived in Deerfield,
Mass. Was also town treasurer. Children by first wife:
i. Rowland, ii. Joseph, iii. Fanny Emelia, iv. William. By
second wife: v. Helen Maria.
3. Fanny Emelta, b. 27 July 1832, d. Deerfield, Mass., 16
Aug. 1851, age 19.
4. Asa Harvey, b. 12 April 1836, d. Deerfield, Mass., 7 April
5. Asa Harvey, b. 5 AprSl 18.39, d. Tombstome, Ariz., July
1889, ago 50, m. 30 Oct. 1867, Alice Una Skinner, d. 26
Fifth Gknebation 189
July 1878. Lived at Tombstone, Ariz. Merchant. Chil-
dren: i. Horace Chase, ii. Alice Una, iii. Lydia.
6. Horace Stowell, b. 16 Nov. 1840, d. Framingham, Mass.,
21 July 1867, ago 26, m. Boston, Mass., 12 Jan. 1865, Mary
Louise Odiorne, dau. of George M. and Clementina Foster
(Coffin) Odiorne, b. Boston, Mass., 23 Jan. 1841, d. S.
Orange, N. J., 9 May 1907, age 66. A merchant and lived
in Boston. Child: i. Edith.
264. V. Danikl, b. 12 Sept. 1803.
vi. Oyundia, b. 27 Aug. 1805, d. Deerfield, Mass., 27 May 1892,
age 86, m. Petersham, Mass., 30 May 1844, Levi Russell, son
of Daniel and Sally (Newton) Russell, b. Hadley, Mass., 29
Oct. 1804, d. Boston, Mass., 21 April 1867, age 62. This was
Levi Russell's third marriage. He m. 1st, Amherst, Mass.,
17 Nov. 1831, Salome Cowles of Amherst. M. 2d, Greenfield,
Mass., 30 April 1835, Sarah Smith of Greenfield. Lived in
Hadley, Amherst, Lowell and Boston, Mass. Was a farmer and
later a coal dealer in Boston. Deacon in Congregational church.
Child born North Hadley, Mass. (Russell) :
1. Sarah Ward, b. 26 Feb. 1845, m. Boston, Mass., 14 July
1868, Edward Clark Cowi,es, son of Erastus and Olive
(Dickinson) Cowles, b. Hatfield, Mass., 27 March 1844, d.
Deerfield, Mass., 17 Aug. 1909, age 65. Lived at Deerfield,
Mass. Farmer. E. C. Cov.'les served during the wliolc
Civil War in 25th Mass. Vol. Inf. Captured near Drury'.n
Bluff. Prisoner nine months in Libby Prison at Richmond,
Va., and at Florence and Charlestown, S. C, and at Ander-
sonville, Ga. Was exchanged. Re-cnlistcd and served till
end of War. Children (Cowles): i. Mabel NicJcerscm,
ii. Mary Diclcinson, iii. Ed^oard Eu^ssell.
vii. Horace, b. 21 Nov. 1807, d. Mobile, Alabama, 3 July 1839,
age 31, unmarried. John W. Stowell appointed Admr. of estate
of Horace Stowell, 5 Sept. 1839. (Hartford Prob.).
viii. Fanny, b. 30 Dec. 1S09, d. Petersham, Mass., 3 Aug. 1811.
ix. Fanny, b. 1 April 1812, d. Petersham, Mass., 22 May 1822.
X. Avery Williams, b. 21 March 1814, d. Salina, N. Y., 5 July
1844, age 30, m. Louisa Gardner, dau. of Henry and Hannah
(Allen) Gardner, b. 20 March 1811, d. Alameda, Calif., 26 Dec.
1878, age 67. She m. 2d B. R. Norton. Avery W. lived at
Salina, N. Y., and was a jevrelry manufacturer. One child:
Persis Elkabeth.
Will of Avery W. Stowell of Salina, N. Y., probated 9 July
1844. Louisa Stowell and Abner Bates appointed Executors.
P. Outwater, Jr. and B, R. Norton, witnesses. Heirs: widow
Louisa Stowell and Persis Elizabeth Stowell, only child. (Sur-
rogate, Onondaga Co., N. Y.).
190 The Stowell Genealogy
102. CAPT. WILLIAjVP STOWELL (Benjamin* John''
David^ Samuel^) was bom in Worcester, Mass., 8 Aug. 1756,
d. Paris, Maine, 8 Jan, 1829, age 72, m. Worcester, Mass., Jan.
1781, Kata Nixon, dan. of Col. Thomas and Bethia (Stearns)
Nixon, b. Framingham. Mass., 31 July 1758, d. Paris, Maine,
16 Jan. 1842, age 83.
William Stowell went from Worcester, Mass. in 1771 to
what was then kno\\Ti as Township No. 4, being one of the early
pioneers in that section of Maine. On account of its exposed
and unprotected position during the Revolution, he left Maine
and went to Guilford, Vt., where he lived for some years. After
the close of the war, he with his brothers Daniel and Elias
returned to Maine and settled on land given to their father
Benjamin for services to the state of Mass. He first lived at
Norway then moved to Paris, 1786, a large part of which he
then owned, where he remained during the balance of his life.
He was very active in township, religious and business matters.
Signed the petition of 11 Oct. 1792 to have township No. 4
incorporated as "Paris." He was fence viewer in 1794-1796,
treasurer 1794-1797-1800-1803, hog reever 1795, selectman 1797-
1803. Engaged extensively in manufacturing. Built saw mills
and woolen mills. That portion of the town near the mills was
then known as Stowell 's Mills, now known as South Paris. Left
homestead to his son Thomas Nixon Stowell. Was a charter
member of the new Universalist Church in Paris and Norwoy.
4 Miarch 1805.
William was in Capt. William Gates' Co., Col. Jonathan
Holman's Regt., 4 Sept. 1776. In Capt. Samuel Hubbard's Co.,
Col. Job Cushing's Regt., 18 Aug. 1777 to 29 Nov. 1777. Was
22 days in the Northern Department. Was known as "Captain
Children :
i. Williams, b. Guilford, Vt., 8 Nov. 1781, d. Paris, Me., 2 May
1873, age 91, unmarried,
ii. Elizabeth Nixon, b. South Paris, Maine, 5 Oct. 1785, d. there
7 Oct. 1832, age 47, m. there 29 Jan. 1806, Stephen Decatuk
Phelps, son of Henry, Jr., and Lucy (Putnam) Phelps, descend-
ed from General Rufus Putnam, b. Sutton, Mass., 8 July 1783,
d. Park Iloe, Upper Canada, 21 Fob. 1829, age 46. Lived at
Fifth Generation 191
Grang-e, Buckfield, Paris and Minot, Me. Postmaster at Minot,
Me. Children (Phklps) :
1. William Putnam, b. Minot, Me., 2 July 1807, d. Cam-
bridge Mass., 14 Oct. 1847, m. Boston, Mass., 18 April
1835, Mahala Harris, dau. of Thomas and Mahala Harris?,
b. Cohasset, Mass., 5 May 1813, d. Cambridge, Mass., 10
April 1871. Children: i. William Henry, ii. Stephen De-
catur, iii. Mary Louisa, iv. James Nevers, v. Agnes Viola,
vi. Arthur Annond. Arthur Armond Phelps enlisted in
Navy when 15 and served 47 years. Was chief gunner on
Cruiser Cliarleston with Dewey at Manila. Was in charge
of Nitre Depot at Maiden.
2. Aurelia Nixon, b. Minot, Me., 22 Dec. 1808, d. there 17
April 1810.
3. Louisa Augucta, b. Minot, Me., 14 Jan. 1814, d. there 17
March 1814.
4. Stephen Decatuk, b. Minot, Me., 16 March 1814. Was
drowned at sea, Sept. 1837. Married and on their way to
Galveston, Texas. Ship was never heard from.
5. Albert Stowell, b. Buckfield, Me., 24 March 1817, d.
Cambridge, Mass., 18 July 1899, m. Boston, Mass., 31 Dec.
1850, Mahala (Harkis) Phelps, dau. of Thomas and
Mahala Harris and widow of his brother William, b. Co-
hasset, Mass., 5 May 1813, d. Cambridge, Mass., 10 April
1871. Ho m. 2d, Cambridge, Mass., 3 July 1880, Mrs.
Carrie E. Childs, dau. of Clark and Hannah Sears, b.
Boston, Mass., 1841.
6. Coridon Bemoxt, b. Buckfield, Me., 10 Jan. 1820, d. Oak-
land, Calif., 2'0 Jan. 1914, age 94, m. Boston, Mass., 16
March 1845, Mary Spaulding Gove, dau. of Jeremiah Dear-
born and Nancy Huntoon (Clark) Gove, b. Kensington,
N. H., 16 Nov. 1828, d. Petaluma, Calif., 30 Jan. 1899,
age 71. Children: i. Coridon Bemont, ii. Walter Irving,
iii. Allan Nixon, iv. Mary Alice, v. Annie Huntoon.
7. Thomas Sto^well, b. Buckland, Me., 2 Nov. 1822, d. New
York City, 10 Jan. 1900, m. Lake Drummond, N. C, 25
Jan. 1848, Margaret Riche Levy, dau. of Oapt. John Ben-
jamin and Emeline (Buell) Levy, b. Isle of Wight, Va., 4
April 1830, d. New York City, 1900.
Rear Admiral Thomas Stowell Phelps, Sr., was retired
at the tame of has death in 1900. Was appointed to the
Naval Academy 17 Jan. 1840, and saw his first sea service
on the sloop Preble in the Bay of Fundy and off the coast
of Labrador. He was pronwted to Passed Midshipman 11
Jul}' 1846. "N^Tiile serving on the sloop Boston in Novem-
ber of the same year, was wrecked on the island of Eleu-
192 The Stowell Genealogy
thera, West Indies. In Feb. 1847 he was ordered to the
steamer Polk for war and special services in Mexico. Dur-
ing 1850-1 he serA'ed in the old frigate Constitutiou, in the
Mediterranean Squadron. "Was made Master 1 March 1855,
and commissioned Lieut. 14 Sept. 1851. "Was at Fort Sump-
ter doing valuable service, served through the Civil War on
various vessels and particiipated in numerous engagements.
16 July 1862 was commissioned Lieut. Commander. He
executed a complete survey of the Potomac River. He
commanded the Juamita at the capture of Fort Fisher in
1865. He was commissioned Commp,ndcr 5 Aug. 1865.
Promoted to Captain in June 1871, in 1879 made Commo-
dore, made Rear Admiral and retired 2 Nov. 1884. Chil-
dren: i. Thomas SfoiveU, Jr., Rear Admiral in U. S. Navy,
Commandant Marc Island Navy Yard, ii. Margaret J., iii.
John Benjamin-, iv. Edmonia, v. Charles Henry.
265. iii. Major Thomas Nixon, b. Paris, Me., 12 Jan. 1789.
iv. Mary L., b. S. Paris, Me., 9 Nov. 1791, d. Norway, Me., 17
June 1846, age 54, m. Paris, Me., 1 Ja.n. 1822, Capt. Henry
Rust, son of Henry and Sally (Archer) Rust, b. Norway, Me.,
26 Jan. 1787, d. Haverhill, Mas=*., 9 June 186.^, age 76. The
father of Capt. Henry went to Norway to take up 6,000 acres
of land granted him. Mary lived in Norway and Portland,
Me., ajid Haverhill, Mass. Children born Norway, Me. (Rtjst) :
1. Sarah, b. 22 Feb. 1824, d. Norway, Me., 5 Nov. 1828.
2. Henry, b. 26 Sept. 182.5, d. Norway, Mo., 11 Nov. 1828.
.?. William Stowell, b. 20 July 1827, d. Norway, Me., 4
Sept. 1828.
4. Sarah, b. 22 Oct. 1829, d. Norway, Me., 6 April 1843.
5. Mary R., b. 13 March 18.31, d. Haverhill, Mass., 17 Feb.
1891, age 59, m. Norway. Me., 2?, May 1860, Henry Net-
TLETON Merrill, son of Henry A. and Abigail (Hill) Mer-
rill, b. Norway, Me., d. Haverhill, Mass., 25 April 1905,
age 78. Lived at Haverhill, Mass. Lawyer and .iudge.
Children (Merrill) : i. Harry 'Bust, ii. Kate Louisa Sust.
6. Henry, b. 2 Dec. 1833, d. Portland, M?., 21 July 1881,
age 47, m. Haverhill, Mass., 3 Oct. 1871, Katherine Hobbs,
dau. of Gen. George and Calista (Rust) Hobbs, b. Worw\^-
ter, Mass., 1835. Was Col. of the 13th ALnine in tlie Civil
War. Child: i. Katherine Louisa.
V. Clarissa, b. S. Paris, Mc, 21 Feb. 1794, d. there 23 April
1843, age 49, m. there Thomas Crocker, son of Roland and
Mehitablo (Merrill) Crocker, b. N. Conway, N. H., 14 April
1788, d. S. Paris, Me., 22 Aug. 1872, ago 84. Thomas Crocker
was member of the Governor's Council in 1835. Was Director
Fifth Generation 193
of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railway. Lived at Paris
Hill, Me. Children born Paris Hill, Me. (Crocker) :
1. Katherine Nixon, b. 9 Oct. 1817, d. Paris Hill, Me., 17
Oct. 1833, age 16.
2. Thomas Stowell, b. 27 Aug. 1819, d. Paris Hill, Me., 21
Nov. 1830.
3. Mary Elizabeth, b. 25 March 1822, d. Greenwood, Me., 24
April 1900, age 87, m. Paris, Me., 1 Jan. 1845, Jesse
Philip Daniels. Children (Daniels) : i. Thomas Crocker,
ii. Jesse.
4. Annette Marie, b. 9 Sept. 1824, d. Paris Hill, Me., 25
Nov. 1829, age 5.
5. Charles Henry, b. 30 July 1827, d. 1850.
6. Thomas Merrill, b. 1 Jan. 1831, d. Paris, Me., 20 Feb.
1893, age 61, m. Locks Mills, Me., 24 Sept. 1863, Harriet
Elizabeth Clark, dau. of James Thatcher and .Harriet
(Bridgham) Clark, b. Paris, Me., 27 July 1841, d. there
8 Dec. 1902, age 61. Children: i. Thomas Stowell, ii.
Harriet Clarissa.
7. Augustus G., b. 3 Nov. 1833, d. Paris Hill, Me., 8 Sept.
1837, age 3.
vi. Sevs^all, b. S. Paris, Me., 8 Oct. 1798, d. there in infancy.
103. DANIEL^ STOWELL (Benjamin^ JoJin^ David'' Sam-
ueV-) was born in "Worcester, Mass., 8 Dec. 1757, died Paris, Me.,
20 Sept. 1828, age 70, m. Guilford, Vt., 12 Sept. 1782, Lucretia
Houghton, dau. of Edward and Lucretia Houghton, b. Lancas-
ter, Mass., 17 Oct. 1761, d. Paris, Me., 20 March 1831, age 69.
Daniel was a farmer. Resided in Worcester, Mass., Guil-
ford, Vt., Norway, Bethel and Paris, Maine. Went from Worces-
ter, Mass. in 1771 to what was then known as Township No. 4
in Maine, being one of the first pioneers in that section. At the
first meeting of the Propietors of Township No. 4, held 21 June
1774, Daniel "Stowell was chosen clerk. During the Revolution,
on account of its exposed position, Daniel left Maine and went to
Guilford, Vt. where he married and lived for some years. He
first went to Norway in 1786. In 1793 the Township No. 4 was
incorporated as the Town of Paris. The last meeting of the
Proprietors of Towaiship No. 4 was held 3 April 1793 at the
house of Daniel Stowell and on the same day was held the first
meeting of the new Town of Paris with Daniel as Moderator.
At a meeting held at Daniel's house. 10 April 1793, to complete
194 The STO^^^:LL Genealogy
the town organization, Daniel was chosen Moderator, Collector,
Leather Sealer and Treasurer. Was one of a committee to lay-
out the town in 1795, one of a committee to organize the county
in 1796, assessor in 1795-96-98-99, on school committee in 1798,
was town Moderator for many years. Was known as "Squire
He was active in civil, military and religious affairs. Was
one of council of the 1st Church West Parish, Bethel, to select
a pastor, 25 April 1800 and 5 Nov. 1801. Was a charter mem-
ber of new Universalist Church for Paris and Norway, 4 March
1805. Deacon for many years. Was a charter member of
Lodge of Masons organized in 1807.
Five Worcester deeds describe him as Daniel Stowell of
Worcester, 1783 to 1792.
Daniel was private in Capt. Edward Craft's Co., Col. Rich-
ard Gridley's Regt. Art. returns dated French lines, 12 May
1775, 8 June 1775, 12 Oct. 1775, 6 Nov. 1775. Was private in
Capt. William Gate's Co., Col. Jonathan Holman's Regt., 4 Sept.
1776. Private in Capt. Samuel Hubbard's Co., Col. Job Cush-
ing's Regt., 18 Aug. 1777 to 29 Nov. 1777. Private in Capt.
Joshua Whitney's Co., Col. Josiah Whitney's Regt., 31 July
1778 to 14 Sept. 1778, in Rhode Island. Was Captain in Paris,
Me. in 1795.
Children :
26C. i. DANIEL6, b. Guilford, Vt., 7 April 1784.
ii. Eunice, b. Paris, Me., 17 Nov. 1788, d. there 2 March 1831,
age 42, m. there, Russell Hubbard, son of Gen. Levi and Mary
(Hemingway) Hubbard, b. Paris, Me., 1787, d. there 15 Feb.
1836. Children bom Paris, Me. (Hubbard) :
1. Columbia, b. 1-8 Sept. 1808, d. 15 Jan. 1851, age 42. m.
James Longley.
2. Hon. Hiram, b. 28 Sept. 1811. d. 27 Feb. 1899, age 87,
m. Paris. Mc., 30 June 1836, Elizabeth Burbank JtARBLE,
dau. of Nathan and Mchitable (Freeland) Marble, b. Bethel,
Me., 24 July 1815, d. Paris, Me., 2 Nov. 1848, age 33. He
m. 2d, Paris, Me., Nancy Jennette Marble, dau. of
Nathan and Mehitable (Freeland) Marble, b. Bethel, Me.,
22 Aug. 1824, d. Paris, Mc., 15 Aug. 1862, age 38. Chil-
dren by first wife: i. Levi, ii. Ellen, iii. Uiram Unssell, iv.
Freeland Marble, v. Elizabeth. Children by second wife:
vi. Marv, vii. IlatUe, viii. Jonnie.
Fifth Generation 195
3. Oliver, b. 19 Nov. 1813, d. 26 Feb. 1839, age 25, m. Eliza
Ann Hilborn, dau. of Thomas and Esther (Smith) Hil-
bum, b. Paris, Me., 9 June 1814. She m. 2d, Oilman
4. Daniel Stowell, b. 17 Oct. 1816, d. 18 March 1850, age 33,
m. Evelina Blake, dau. of Capt. Stephen and Sarah (Rob-
inson) Blake, b. Paris, Me.
5. Mary R., b. 25 Nov. 1821, m. Paris, Me., 26 Oct. 1842,
Jarvis Carter Marble, son of Natlmn and Mehitable
(Freeland) Mari)]e, b. Bethel, Me., 24 May 1821. Children
(Marble) : i. Mary Euhhard, ii. Elnor Halsey, iii. Lizsie
Hubbard, iv. Fannie Freeland.
iii. Sarah or Sally, b. Paris, Me., 26 March 1792, d. there 18
Nov. 1822, age 30, m. there 15 Jam. 1815, Hon. Stephen
Emery, son of Moses and Ruth (Bodwell) Emery, b. Minot
Me., 29 April 1790, d. Paris, Me., 1863, age 73. He m. 2d, 7
Feb. 1825, Jennett Loring. Lived at Paris, Me. "Was a law-
yer. Attorney Gen. of the State of Maine. Children (Emery) :
1. Sarah Jane, b. Hallowell, Me., 2 Nov. 1815, d. Hampden,
Me., 17 April 1855, age 39, m. Paris, Me., 10 Dec. 1833,
Hannibal Hamlin, son of Dr. Cyrus and Anna (Livermore)
Hamlin, b. Paris, Me., 27 Aug. 1809, d. Bangor, Me., 4
July 1891, age 82. Dropped dead at a public entertain-
ment. He m. 2d, Paris, Me., 25 Sept. 1856, Ellen Vesta
Emery, a half-sister of his first wife. He was Vice-President
of IT. S. 1861-1865. Was member of Legislature of Maine
1836-37-38-30-40. Speaker Legislature of Maine 1837-39-40,
Member 28th and 29th Congress, 1843 to 1847. Member U. S,
Senate, 1848 to 1861. Member U. S. Senate 1869 to 1881.
U. S. Minister to Spain, 1881 to 1882. Chosen Regent
Smithsonian Institution 1870. Children by first wife,
Sarah: i. George Fviery, ii. Charles, iii. Cyrus, iv. Sarah
Jane, v. George Emery. Children by second wife: vi. Han-
nibal Emery, vii. Frank.
2. George Freeman, b. Paris, Me., 10 Nov. 1817, m. 7 Sept.
1841, Abby Eliza Appleton, dau. of John White and So-
phia (Williams) Appleton, b. Richmond, Va., 15 Feb. 1822.
Lived at Portland, Me., and Boston, Mass. Was a law-
yer. Graduate of Bowdoin College 1836. Clerk of U. S.
Circuit Court, 1848-1876. Pension agent under Pres. Bu-
chanan, 1857-61. Children: i. John Appleton, ii. George
Frederick, iii. Frank Wilson, iv. HamUbal Hamlin, v.
Sarah Ellen, vi, Susan Appleton.
3. Stephen, b. Paris, Me., 16 Nov. 1822, d. yoimg.
267. iv. Levi, b. Paris, Me., 14 Jan. 1794.
196 The Stowell Genealogy
v. Eliza, b. Paris, Me., 30 Jan. 1797, d. 12 May 1823, age 26,
m. 1818, Dr. Asaph Kittredge, son of Jacob and Rebeekah
(Fletcher) Kittredge, b. Erookfield, Mass., 27 Feb. 1793, d.
New Haven, Conn., 6 Feb. 1868, age 75. Lived in Paris, Me.
Was a physician. Child (Kittredge) :
1. Charles F., b. Paris, Me., 2 May 1819, m. New Haven,
Conn., Phoebe Knapp.
104. ELIAS' STOWELL (Benjamin^ JoTin^ David' Sam-
ueV) was bom in "Worcester, Mass., 5 April 1762, d. Paris,
Maine, 26 Oct. 1839, age 77, m. Charlton, Mass., 7 Nov. 1790,
Mary or Polly Barnard, dau. of John and Sarah (Fisk) Bar-
nard, b. "Worcester, Mass., 13 Feb. 1773, d. Paris, Maine, 23
Aug. 1849, age 76. Lived in Worcester, Mass. and Paris, Me.
Was a farmer. Was Surveyor of Highways Worcester 1797-
1800. Was the first member of the Legislature of Maine from
Norway and Paris, 20 June 1793. Was unanimously elected
member of the Maine House of Reps, for seven successive terms
from Paris 1806 to 1812. Was one of Governor's Council for
two years. Was one of charter members of the new Universalist
Church of Paris and Norway, 4 March 1805. Was Senior Warden
of Lodge of Masons organized in 1807. Was one of the pioneers
of Paris, Maine to which place he moved in 1804. Built the
first dam across the Androscoggin River. Large Real Estate
Elias Stowell was private in Capt. Daniel Grout's Co., Col.
Hallett's Regt., 1 Aug. 1780 to 30 Oct. 1780.
Children :
i. Samtuels, b. Worcester, Mass., bp. 9 Oct. 1791, d. Augusta,
Me., 27 June 1856, age 64, unmarried. Samuel was taxed in
1815 on a house and 27 acres of land in Yarmouth, Me. Was
a member of Norway Lodge of Masons in 1822-3-4.
268. ii. Lewis Barnard, b. Worcester, Mass., 23 March 1793.
269. iii. Ma.tor Rufus, b. Worcester, Mass., 3 Oct. 1794.
iv. Sarah Freeman, b. Worcester, Mass., 8 Aug. 1796, d. S. Paris,
Me., 3 Jan. 1873, age 76, m. there, Abijaii Hall, son of Abi-
jah and Charlotte (Mathews) Hall, b. Paris, Me., 9 Dec. 1794,
d. S. Paris, Me., 14 June 1871, age 76. Merchant in Paris, Me.
V. Polly Barnard, b. Worcester, Mass., 4 Sept. 1798, d. S. Paris,
Me., 20 Aug. 1822, age 24, m. there 6 Aug. 1820, Major John
Dennett, son of Thomas Dennett, b. Kittery, Me., 4 Aug. 1795,
d. S. Paris, Me., 2 Feb. 1869, age 73.
Fifth Generation 197
vi. Bathsheba Lovell, b. S. Paris, Me., 1 Oct. 1802, d. Cincin-
nati, Ohio, 11 June 1871, age 69, m. S. Paris, Me., Frank
Augustus Bemis, son of Jonathan and Mary (Stearns) Bemis,
b. Paris, Me., 9 Dec. 179G, d. S. Paris, Me. He was a builder
of mills. Lived at Paris, Me. Children (Bemis) :
t 1. Frederick Augustus, b. Paris, Me., 29 Jan. 1821.
270. vii. John Barnard, b. S. Paris, Me., 3 July 1805.
viii, Permelia, b. S. Paris, Me., 21 July 1807, d. Portland, Me.,
11 April 1881, age 73, m. S. Paris, Me., Horatio Gates Cole,
son of John and Anna (Morrill) Cole, b. Winthrop, Me., 9 June
1802, d. Norway, Me., 22 Aug. 1871, age 69. Lived in Nor-
way, Me. Woolen mUls, carding. Children born Norway, Me.
(Cole) :
1. Mart Ann, b. 9 March 1829, d. Portland, Me., 18 Dec.
1895, age 66, m. Norway, Me., 9 Dec. 1849, Joseph Augus-
tus Kendall, son of Nathan Otis and Lydia (Emerson)
Kendal], b. Alfred, Me., 7 May 1823, d. Portland, Me.,
31 Nov. 1908, age 85. Lived at Alfred, Me. Merchant.
Child (Kendall) : i. Alfred Augustus.
2. Sarah Hall, b. 9 April 1831, m. Rumford, Me., 18 Sept.
1851, William Wirt Virgin, son of Peter Courtney and
Sally (Keyes) Virgin, b. Rumford, Me., 18 Sept. 1823,
d. Portland, Me., 23 Jan. 1893, age 69. Resided at Au-
gusta and Portland, Me. Lawyer. Grad. Bowdoin 1844.
Justice of Supreme Court of Maine. Child (Virgin) :
i. Marry Rust.
3. Horatio Gates, b. 6 March 1834, d. Savannah, Ga., 23
Feb. 1899, age 64, m. Lyme, N. H., 8 Sept. 1862, Lavinia
P. Turner, dau. of Philip and Sarah (Steele) Turner, b.
Lyme, N. H., 24 Aug. 1838, d. Roxbury, Mass., 4 May 1891,
age 21. Children: i. Edward, ii. Mary Louise, iii. Willis,
Horatio G. m. 2d, Randolph, Vt., 22 Aug. 1892, Emeline
G. Smith, dau. of Alonzo and Emeline R. (Turner) Smith,
b. Randolph, Vt., 8 Nov. 1858, d. there June 1906, age 47.
4. Charles Carroll, b. 23 Nov. 1835, d. Boston, Mass., 12
Aug. 1873, age 37, m. Anna K. Goodrich, dau. of Ezekiel
and Sarah Goodrich, b. Bridgeton, Me., 5 Jan. 1840, d.
Haverhill, Mass., 18 Aug. 1871, age 31. He m. 2d, at
Milton, Mass., Sept. 1892, Margaret Anna Haslem. Chil-
dren by first vdfe: i. Charles C, ii. Benjamin G.
5. Albert Henry, b. 3 Aug. 1838, d. Augusta, Me., 8 March
1873, age 34, m. Medford, Msss., 2 F'eb. 1865, Martha
Rogers James, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Rogers) James,
b. Medford, Mass., 10 July 1843. Two children.
198 The Stowell, Genealogy
6. Horace, b. 4 Oct. 1840, d. Norway, Me., 25 Oct, 1900, age
60, m. Norway, Me., 2 Jan. 1870, Alice Denison, dau. of
Lucius and Adaline C. (Hobart) Denison, b. Norway, Me.,
8 Nov. 1849. He m. 2d, Mary Knightly. Was a jeweler.
Children: i. Edward D., ii. Herbert D., iii. Annie May.
7. George Arthur, b. 17 March 1843, d. Norway, Me,, 8
May 1912, age 69, m. Norway, Me., 25 Sept. 1870, Sarah
Elizabeth Allen, dau. of Elbridge Gerry t.nd Louise (Dud-
ley) Allen, b. Norway, Me., 23 April 1850. Woolen manu-
facturer. Children: i. Jenrde May, ii. Leiia.
8. William Channing, b. 19 Oct. 1846, d. Norway, Me., 11
May 1908, age 61, m, Norway, Me., 13 Nov, 1866, Helen
Grace Downer, dau, of Horatio B., and Augusta C.
(Bowker) Downer, b. Paris, Me., 2 Oct. 1846. Carpenter
and coal dealer. Member Co. C, 29th Me. Regt. Children:
i. Horace H., ii. John D., iii. Haitie A., iv. Lillian Amy,
V. Harry Virgin.
9. Frederick Augustus^ b. 30 Aug. 1849, m. Roxbury,
Mass., 1873, Kosilla Arvilla Weymouth, dau. of Benjamin
and Lucina We.>Tnouth, b. Union, Me,, 1853, d, Waltham,
Mass., 16 Oct. 1882. He m. 2d, Norway, Me., 19 June 1893,
Mrs. Lillian Evans, dau. of Horatio B. and Augusta C.
(Bowker) Downer, b. Buekfield, Mo.. 28 April 1855. Child:
Permelia Stowell.
10. Harriet Amelia, b. 26 Jan. 1852, d. Norway, Me., 30
Oct. 1866, age 14.
ix. Son, b. S. Paris, Mie., 26 July 1813, d. there 20 Sept. 1813.
X. Harriet Newell, b. S. Paris, Me., 28 July 1814, d, Minneapo-
lis. Minn., 1899, m. Erastus King, son of Capt. George and
Polly (Hall) King, b. S. Paris, Me.. 21 April 1816.
271. xi. David Porter, b. S. Paris, Me., 22 Oct. 1816.
105. NATHANIEL^ STOWELL (Benjamin* Jdhn^ David^
SamueV) was born in Worcester, Mass., 19 April 1770, d. there
27 April 1860, age 90, m, there 17 April 1792, Catherine Bixby,
dau. of Solomon and Esther (Clark) Bixby, b. Worcester, Mass,,
24 Oct. 1771, d, there 12 May 1815, age 43. He m. 2nd, at Wor-
cester, Mass., 26 Jan. 1816, Lucretia Willard, dan. of Isaac
and Mary (Marcy) Willard, b, Worcester, Mass,, 6 Feb, 1777, d.
there 11 April 1857, age 80.
Resided on G-ranite St., Worcester. Was a farmer. Was
on Worcester Committee School Buildings 1797-99-1805. Field
driver 1804. Sur\^eyor of Highways 1798-1805-1807-1810-1813-
1817-1818-1830. Assessor 1812-13-15-22. Selectman 1816-17-18-
Fifth Generation 199
19-20-21-37. Justice of the Peace. Member of the Legislature
1830. Trustee Worcester Co. Horticultural Society. Deacon
First Baptist Church 1822 to 1860, 40 years.
Nathaniel Stowell of Worcester. Will dated 7 Sept. 1847 ;
wife Lucretia, sons David D. and Benjamin F., Executors.
Some public bequests. Gives to Maria Morse, Henry Bigelow,
George P. Bigelow and Elora Bigelow, children of my late
daughter Sophia Bigelow, deceased; to George H. Stowell and
Brown Penniman Stowell, children of my late son Leonard W.
Stowell, deceased; but George H. and Brown P. Stowell are to
pay John M. Studley, Theodore E. Studley and Thomas E.
Studley, children of my daughter Almira, wife of Zenas Studley ;
to Amelia Woodworth wife of James S. Woodworth. Residue
to my sons David D. Stowell and Benjamin F. Stowell. Codicil:
In consequence of death of three of his children, revokes some
of bequests. Son David D. deceased, to his widow Sarah W.
and their children, Nathaniel E. Stowell and Charles Gates
Stowell. (Wor. Prob. 57166.)
Children by Catherine Bixby bom Worcester, Mass.:
i. S0PHIA6, b. 21 March 1793, d. Worcester, Mass., 6 May 1844,
age 51, m. there 9 Sept. 1811, Capt. Lewis Bigelow, son of
David and Hannah (Wellington) Bigelow, b. Worcester, Mass.,
12 July 1778, d. there 16 Feb. 1859, age 80. Children all born
Worcester, Mass. (Bigelow) :
1. Lewis, b. 31 Jan. 1813, d. Worcester, Mass., 22 Feb. 1816.
2. Maria, b. 1 April 1815, d. Worcester, Mass., 23 Jan. 1896,
age 80, m. there 24 May 1836, Mason Hunting Morse.
Children (Morse) : i. Ellen Matilda, H. Maria Bigelow,
iii. Elisa Augusta, iv, Emma Sophia.
3. Henry, b. 20 May 1817, d. Newton, Mass., 21 Jan. 1866,
age 48, m. Boston, Mass., 25 Aug. 1840, Matilda A. Poolk,
dau. of Lett and Lydia (Parker) Poole, b. Charlestown,
Mass., 14 April 1818, d. Newton, Mass., 19 Feb. 1892, age
73. Was a physician. Children: i. Ethie Maria, ii. Lewis,
iii. Helen Matilda.
4. George, b. 4 March 1819, d. Worcester, Mass., 4 Oct. 1821.
5. Eliza, b. 22 April 1822, d. Worcester, Mass., 8 Feb. 1823.
6. Sophia, b. 30 Sept. 1825, d. Worcester, Mass., 3 Oct. 1826.
7. George Porter, b. 16 Nov. 1826, d. 8 Feb. 1865, age 38.
8. Eliza Ann, b. 12 July 1829, m. Worcester, Mass., 16 June
1857, John H. Howe, son of Samuel H. and Elizabeth H,
Howe, b. Leicester, Mass., 1829.
200 The Stowell Genealogy
872. ii. Leonard Worcestee, b. 28 May 1796.
iii. Maria, b. 20 April 1800, d. Worcester, Mass., 22 Nov. ISO'O.
iv. Almira, b. 27 Sept. 1801, d. Providence, E. I., 20 Nov. 1871,
age 70, m. Worcester, Mass., 13 April 1824, Zenas Studley,
son of Zenas and Betsey (Earle) Studley, b. Leicester, Mass.,
24 Jan. 1801, d. Worcester, Mass., 3 May 1862, age 61. Lived
at Worcester, where all children were born (Studley) :
1. Caroline Elizabeth, b. 13 Feb. 1825, d. Worcester, Mass,,
22 Jan. 1904, age 78, m. there 15 June 1848, Thomas h!
Smith, son of Thomas H. Smith, b. Nantucket, Mass., 1821.
2. Frances Amelia, b. 27 April 1827, m. Worcester, Mass.,
11 Aug. 1847, Appleton H. Danforth, son of Samuel and
Mehitable Damforth, b. 1817.
3. John Moore, b. S Jan. 1829, m. Worcester, Mass., 1 May
1850, Julia A. Gill, dau. of George and Maria Gill, b.
Brattleboro, Vt., 1831.
4. Theodore Earle, b. 20 March 1831.
5. Mary Jane, b. 1 June 1834.
6. Thomas Eakj-e, b. 29 Oct. 1836.
V. Eliza, b. 15 Sept. 1808, d. Worcester, Mass., 4 Julyn809.
vi. Amelia, b. 17 Aug. 1810, d. Worcester, Mass., 2 Dec. 1848,
age 38, m. there 2 Oct. 1832, James S. Woodworth, son of
Arad and Deborah (Studley) Woodworth, b. Warren, Mass.,
10 Oct. 1805, d. Worcester, Mass. 17 May 1892, age 86. He
m. 2d, Ann E. Brigham of Marlboro, Mass. Lived at Worces-
ter. James Woodworth was an architect and builder. Twice
a member of State Legislature. 40 years a director of the
Worcester Mutual Life Ins. Co. Children born Worcester
(Woodworth) :
1. George Clinton, b. 7 Aug. 1834, d. Worcester, Mass., 9
July 1838.
2. Jane Elizabeth, b. 12 March 1836, d. Worcester, Mass.,
22 May 1848.
3. James Clinton, b. 10 May 1839, d. Ft. Wayne, Ind., m.
there Martha Morris, dau. of Judge John Morris. Lived
at Fort Wayne, Ind., after 1865. Cashier Fort Wayne
National Bank. Capt. of 25th Eegt. Mass. Inf. Severely
wounded in battle of Cold Harbor. Children : i. John, ii.
Theresa, iii. Edtvard James, iv. Alice, v. Charles.
4. Amelia Jane, b. 20 Nov. 1848, m. Worcester, Mass., 6
Oct. 1875, Justin A. Tyler, son of Justin H. and Alice
Tyler, b. Huron, Ohio, 1847, Druggist. Lived at -Fort
Wayne, Ind. Children (Tyler) : i. Julian WoodtvortJi, ii.
Eaiph Sargent, iii. Waiter Studley, iv. Edgar James, v.
Florence Stowell.
Fifth Generation 201
Children by Lucretia Willard born Worcester, Mass. :
273. vii. Benjamin Franklin, b. 30 April 1816.
274. viii. David Dudley, b. 8 July 1817.
106. DAVID^ STOWELL (Benjamin'' John^ David'' Sam-
ueV-) was born in Worcester, Mass., 14 April 1773, d. there 3
Oct. 1802, age 29, m. there 1795, Eunice Tapt, dau. of Josiah
and Hannah Taft, b. Athol, Mass., 13 Aug. 1776. She m. 2d,
(Int. 24 April 1806) Capt. Samuel Curtis, Jr., a manufacturer
and one of Worcester's first citizens and well known Philan-
David Stowell lived in Worcester, IMass. Was a cabinet
Administration of the estate of David Stowell, late of
Worcester, was granted to his brother Nathaniel, 30 Oct. 1802.
Eunice the widow refused to be guardian and requested the
appointment of Moses Perry, 20 Feb. 1804. (Wor. Prob. 57135.)
Moses Perry was appointed guardian to Alexander Stowell
and David Stowell, otherwise called Levi Stowell, minors under
14 years of age, children of David Stowell, deceased, 7 May
1804. (Wor. Prob.)
In two Worcester deeds 1796 and 1797, named Daviid
Stowell of Worcester.
Children all born Worcester, Mass. :
275. i. Alexanders, b. 16 April 1797.
ii. Nancy, b. 22 May 1798, d. Worcester, Mass., in infancy.
276. iii. Levi, chainged to David, b. 23 April 1800.
107. LEVI= STOWELL [Hezekiah^ JoJin^ David'' SamueV)
was born in Worcester, Mass., 8 Jan. 1759-60, d. in Seneca
Falls, N. Y., 1829, while visiting there. He m. Sabrina Coke,
dau. of — and (Edgerton) Cole, b. Colesville, N. Y. and
died there. Resided at Colesville and Vallonia Springs, N. Y.
Children bom Colesville, N. Y. :
i. Mary ot Polly^, d. San Francisco, Calif., m. Ira Stevens.
ChUd: i. Janette.
ii. Elizabeth, d. Vallonia Springs, N. Y., about 1862, unmarried.
277. iii. LuciAN Bonaparte, b. 17 April 1812.
iv. Maria, d. Vallonia Springs, N. Y., m. 25 Jan. 1838, Myron
Johnson Plumb, son of John amd Elizabeth (Clark) Plumb, b.
202 The Stowell Genealogy
14 May 1809, d. 15 Oct. 1885. Children (Plumb):
1. Maria T., b. Yates, N. Y., 29 Dec. 1838, d. Waverlv,
Mich., 8 June 1880, age 50, m. 21 June 1863, Eliphalet
EioE CoLBURN, son of Trumau and Jerusha (Rice) Colburn,
b. Collins, N, Y., 28 Oct. 1829, d. Waverly, Mich. Lived
at Waverly, Mich. Children: i. Herbert T., ii Eva A.,
iii. Cora D., iv. Guy F., v. Leslie S.
V. Louisa, d. Vallonia Springs, N. Y., unmarried,
vi. Levi, b. 1820, d. San Jose, Calif., 1854, unmarried. Lived in
"Washington, D. C, then San Francisco, Calif. Grand Master
of State Lodge of Masons, Calif,
vii. Gratia Ann, d. Philadelphia, Penn., 1899, m. Gustavus Green,
b. West Bainbridge, N. Y., d. Vallonia Springs, N. Y. Chil-
dren (Green) :
1. Stowell W., b. Vallonia Springs, N. Y.
2. Elizabeth, b. Vallonia Springs, N. Y., d. there.
3. Sarah, b. Vallonia Springs, N. Y., d. there.
108. CAPT. ASA= STOWELL {Hezekidh" John^ David''
Samuel^) was born in Vt., 21 Oct. 1760, d. Bainbridge, N. Y.
3 Nov. 1826, age 66, m, Vt. Hannah Bixby, dan. of Samuel
and Hannah (Powers) Bixby, b. Princeton, Mass., 13 Dec. 1762,
d. Bainbridge, N. Y., 18 Sept. 1850, age 88. Resided in
Guilford, Vt., and Bainbridge, N. Y. Was a farmer. Was one
of the founders of the First Presbyterian Church in Bainbridge
in 1793.
Asa Stowell was in Capt. Josiah Boydon's Co., Col. Wil-
liam Williams' Eegt. on expedition to Bennington, Vt., 29
Aug. 1777 to 7 Sept. 1777. He was made Lieut, in Col. Benjamin
Jones' Regt., Tioga Co., 1793. Made Capt. in Col. Benjamin
Jones' Regt., Chenango Co., 1802.
Asa, and his father Hezekiah Stowell, were very active
members of the York Party at Guilford, Vt,, in the contest
between New York and New Hampshire for the possession of
the territory afterwards made into the State of Vermont. In
compensation for his losses the state of New York granted Asa
220 acres of land in Bainbridge, N. Y., 11 July 1786 on the
east side of the Susquehanna River, afterwards called Betts-
burg, then named Jericho in 1789, Asa settled here and in
1788 built the first inn of logs, replaced later by a frame build-
ing and this in turn replaced by a larger one, all three of which
Fifth GTeneration 203
were kept by Asa until his death. In 1810 Asa built a saw
mill and also a grist mill at Bettsburg.
Children bom at Bainbridge, N. Y. :
278. i. AiiAD6, b. 24 Oct. 1783.
ii. Hannah, b. 24 Aug. 1785, m. Bainbridge, N. Y., Aaron
Myers. She in. 2d, at Bainbridge, N. Y., Isaac Miner, who d.
Columbus, Ohio. Children (Myers) :
1. Harvey. Was a prominent attorney at Covington, Ky., h
partner of Ex-Gov. Stevenson. Was shot in his office. Had
a son Harvey who resided at Covington, Ky. Was a mem-
ber of the Legislature amd Speaker of the House.
2. Edward, killed at Fair Oaks, Va.
Children by Isaac Miner:
3. Griffin, went to California.
4. John, lawyer in Cincinnati.
5. William, Lived in Columbus, Ohio.
6. Emma, m. Moses Kirby. Child: Mmer Kirhy.
7. Mary, m. Wharton.
279. iii. Samuel, b. 24 Aug. 1793.
iv. Lepha, b. 1796, d. 18 Oct. 1870, m. 1817 or 1818, Dr. Nathan
BOYNTON, son of Caleb and Sarah (FJagg) Bovnton, b. Hamp-
shire Co., 1788, d. Elmira, N. Y., 2 June 1860." He was a phy-
sician. Also lumber dealer, owned saw mills and flour mills.
About 1833 moved to Clienango Co. and then to Elmira. In
History of Chenango Co. Lepha is called the most handsome
woman who ever lived in Afton. Children (Boynton) :
1. Emily, b. 22 Nov. 1819, m. 1844, George E. Carpenter,
son of Jesse and Emma (Sager) Carpenter, b. Chester
N. Y., 1813.
2. Austin Henry, b. Sept. 1820, d. Elmira, N. Y., 24 Aug.
1891, m. Port Deposit, Md., Nov. 1850, Elizabeth Cres-
WELL, b. 1 April 1825, d. 9 May 1886. In lumber business.
Was judge for many years. Cliildren: i. I^iszie E., ii.
Austin C, iii. Sidney E., iv. Edicin.
3. Maria Hannah, b. 1825, d. 2 July 1865, m. Sept. ]845,
Frederick Leach. Child (Leach) : i. Frederick.
4. Ella, b. 1839, d. 11 June 1883, m. 1861, George O. AIan-
cuester of Utica, N. Y.
5. Mary Jane, b. 1832, d. Bridgeport, Conn., 23 Oct. 1894,
m. 1356, Uriah S. Lowe of Elmira N. Y.
6. Edwin Nathan, b. 1824. Was physician and druggist.
7. Sarah.
280. V. Elijah, b. 2 Jan. 1799.
204 The Stowell Genealogy
vi. Jemima, b. and d. Bainbridge, N. Y., m. William Loop. Chil-
dren (Loop) :
1. Albert.
2. George.
3. Daughter.
4. Daughter.
vii. Asa, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., d. young on the Susquehanna Kiver
on his way to Philadelphia.
109. IRA^ STOWELL {David* John^ David"" SamueV) was
bom in Guilford, Vt., 17 Nov. 1780, d. there 30 June 1825, age
44, m. there 25 Dec. 1808, Ei^anor Goss, b. Philipston, Mass.,
1787, d. Roxbury, Mass., 1846, age 58. Lived at Guilford,
Ira Stowell, late of Guilford, Vt. will probated 1825. Widow
Eleanor appointed Administratrix. No distribution decreed.
(Probate Court, District of Marlboro, Vt.)
In 1849, Larkin Mead was appointed Admr. of the estate
of Ira Stowell, Junior, late of Illinois, deceased, leaving estate
in District of Marlboro, Vt. At the same time Benjamin Frank-
lin and Clara, his wife, heirs of Ira Stowell, late of Guilford, de-
ceased, requests that the real estate of the deceased, lately
held in dower by Eleanor Stowell, be divided among the
heirs of the deceased. The Commissioners appointed to di-
vide the estate of Ira, Sr. set off same to Asahel Stowell, to
the legal representatives of Ira Stowell, to Ward Bullock, to
Clarissa Franklin, wife of Benjamin Franklin, who appear to be
the only heirs of Ira Stowell.
Children all born at Guilford, Vt. :
281. i. ASAHEL6, b. 6 Nov. 1809.
ii. CtARissY or Clara, b. 4 March 1813, d. Eoxbury, Mass., 24
Dec. 1893, age 80, m. Guilford, Vt., 9 June 1839, Benjamin
Franklin, son of Jabez and Sarah (Darling) Franklin, b.
Guilford, Vt., 1 Oct. 1813, d. Roxbury, Mass., 7 Jan. 1891,
age 77. Lived in Roxbury, Mass. Engaged in livery and real
estate business. Member City Council. Representative to Mass.
General Court. Children bom Roxbury, Mass. (Franklin) :
1. Benjamin Henry, b. 15 April 1840, d. Roxbury, Mass., 21
Feb. 1841.
2. Claea Mama, b. 23 Aug. 1841, d. Roxburj-, Mass., 22 Feb.
Fifth Generation 205
3. Benjamin Edward, b. 18 July 1843, m. 1st, Moorhead,
Minn., 31 Oct. 1882, Ann Isabelle Irwin, dau. of Rev.
Leslie and Mary Ann (Wilson) Irwin, b. Bath Borough,
Penn., 15 April 1853, d. Moorhead, Minn., 15 July 1883. He
m. 2d, at Minneapolis, Minn., 5 May 1886, May Morrison,
dau. of Adam and Elizabeth (Drever) Morrison, b. Minne-
apolis, Minn., 27 Oct. 1857. Resided at Moorhead and
Minneapolis, Minn. Express business 40 years. One child
by second wife: i. Helen Elisabeth.
4. Henry Augustus, b. 21 July 1845, d. Boston, Mass., 19
July 1910, age 45, m. there 24 June 1874, Matilda Porter
Jordan, dau. of Auson and Henrietta Wmslow (Thurber)
Jordan, b. Oasco, Me., 31 March 1857. Children: i. Ben-
jamin Franklin, ii. Mabel Stowell, iii. Nellie Louise, iv.
Edith Winslmo, v. Mary Estelle.
5. Ira Stowell, b. 12 Sept. 1847, m. Dorchester, Mass., 19
Juno 1873, Annie L. Ordway, dau. of George D. T. and
Elizabeth (Rogers) Ordway, b. New York City, 19 Aug.
1849. Resided in Dorchester, Newton and Allston, Mass.
•Children: i. Arthxir Ira^ ii. Marion Ordway, i'ii. Duncan
Sogers, iv. Buth Stowell, v. Helen Elisabeth.
6. Ellen Louisa, b. 1 Nov. 1849, d. Boston, Mass., 15 Feb.
1870, age 20, unmarried.
7. Albert Barnes, b. 28 Jan. 1852, d. Melrose, Mass., 22
Aug. 1914, age 62, m. Roxbury, Mass., 30 Sept. 1874, Helen
Frances Jenness, dau. of Richard Sylvester and Emily
Ann (Hobbs) Jenness, b.. Charlestown, Mass., 9 Sept. 1853.
Resided at Roxbury and Melrose, Mass. Alderman. Dea-
con in Congregational Church. Steam heating business.
Children: i. Lillian, ii. Albert Barnes, iii. Lawrence, iv.
* Balph Stowell, v. Charles, vi. Isabelle Emily, vii. Clara
8. Charles Webster, b. 11 Feb. 1854, unmarried.
iii. Eleanor Alviry, b. 24 Oct. 1815, d. Cordova, HI., 1845 or
1846, unmarried.
282. iv. Ira, b. 28 Oct. 1819.
110. HUGH^ STOWELL {Hugh* John' David'' Samuel}) was
bom about 1775, died at Oswego, N. Y., age 94, m. Eleanor.
Children :
i. Anne6.
ii. Ellen.
iii. Frank.
283. iv. William Henry, b. about 1810.
206 The Stowell Genealogy
111. NATHANIEL^ STOWELL (EpJiraim' NatJianiel^
Bavid^ SamueV-) was born in Pomfret, Conn., 5 Aug. 1760, d.
Abington, Conn., 28 Dec. 1823, age 63, mar. Pomfret, Conn.,
Nov. 1795, AuRELiA Bancroft, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Barrett)
Bancroft, b. East Windsor, Conn., 8 April 1779, died Benson,
Penn., age 77. She m. 2d at Plainfield, 3 Sept. 1827, Hopkins
FiSK who died at Benson, Penn., 26 Dec. 1855.
Nathaniel Stowell was private in Capt. Brown's Co., Col.
Durkee's Regt. 4th Conn. Line. Enlisted 26 May 1777, reen-
listed 30 Aug. 1777 for three years. Discharged 26 May 1780.
Also in Capt. Bulkley's Co., Col. Webb's Regt. 3d Conn. Line.
Was on Pension List 1818 and 1820.
Administration of estate of Nathaniel Stowell, late of Pom-
fret, deceased, granted his widow Aurelia, 6 Jan. 1824. (Pom-
fret prob.)
Children :
i. Ephraim Cutlers, b. 19 Sept. 1796.
284. ii. Lester, b. 24 July 1798.
iii. Elizabeth Cutler, b. 22 March 1800, m. Bolton, Conn., 20
March 1826, Roswell White Bailey, son of Eoswell and Anna
L. (White) Bailey, b. Andover, Comn., 5 Feb. 1806. Children
born Bolton, Conn. (Bailey) :
1. Clarissa Sophronia, b. 8 April 18 — , d. Hartford, Conn.,
24 March 1901, m, Albany, N. Y,, 31 March 1848, John
Flavel Sprague, son of John and Sarah Buckley (Shepard)
Spra^e, b. Andover, Conn., 28 March 1823, d. Hartford,
Conn., 28 Jan. 1884, age 60. He was a liveryman. Chil-
dren (Sprague) : i. Elizabeth Helena, ii. Martlui' Jane, iii.
Carrie Eliza, iv. Charles Henry, v. Timothy Dwight.
iv. Cynthia Paine, b. Pomfret, Conn., 13 March 1802, d. Wood-
stock, Conn., 1874, m. Pomfret, Conn., Jan. 1830, Thomas Wil-
son, b. England, d. Westminster, Conn., age 84. He was a
landscape gardener. Lived at Grosvenordale, Danielson, Wau-
regan and Killingly, Conn. Children (Wilson) :
1. Mary Ann, b. Pomfret, Conn., d. Westminster, Conn., m.
Walter Cocking.
2. Nelson, b. Pomfret, Conn., d. Greenville, Conn., unm.
3. Lester, b. Pomfret, Conn., d. Woodstock, Conn.
4. Jane, b. Pomfret, Conn., 28 Aug. 1840, m. tliere 27 Feb.
1867, John Westley Lucie, b. Dover, N. H., d. Killingly,
Conn., 31 March 1886. Cotton manufacturer. Children
(Lucie) : i. Mary Helen, ii. Clara B.
5. Thomas, b. Pomfret, Conn.
Fifth Generation 207
6. LuciNA, h. Pomfret, Conn., m. Baker.
V. Laura or Lucina, b. 26 Feb. 1804.
vi. Sabrina, b. 11 April 1806, m. Joseph. Brownell. Children
(Brom'nell) :
1. Sarah A., b. Paris, N. Y., 17 Feb. 1831, m. 7 April 1853,
Charles Newcomb, som of Hon. Cordial and Mary (Dem-
ming) Newcomb, b. Tolland, Conn., 16 Aug. 1818. Re-
moved from Conn, to Benton, Penn. in 1850. Children
(Newcomb) : i. Mary S., ii. Edwm C.
vii. Lucretia, b. 12 April 1808.
viii. Al.'CE, b. 18 March 1810.
ix. Mary, b. 11 May 1812.
X. Susan, b. 14 Aug. 1814.
xi. Harriet, b. 8 Nov. 1816.
xii. Cardin Glover, b. 31 March 1819.
112. JOHN^ STOWELL {EpJiraim^ NatlianieP David'' Sam-
uel^) was born in Pomfret, Conn., 12 March 1765, d. Brooklyn,
Conn., 5 June 1846, age 81, m. Brooklyn, Conn., 4 Feb. 1800,
Tabitha Tyler, dau. of Asa and Antis Tyler, b. Brooklyn,
Conn., 26 Dee. 1776, d. there 25 March 1850, age 73. Resided
in Abington, Conn, until 1806, then Brooklyn, Conn. Farmer.
John C. Stowell of Killingly appointed Admr. of estate
of John Stowell, late of Brooklyn and of Tabitha Stowell, late
of Brooklyn, 14 July 1851. (Killingly Probates.)
Children :
i. Loras, b. Abington, Conn., 23 Sept. 1801, d. Brooklyn, Conn.,
21 March 1899, age 97, m. Hampton, Conn., 5 Jan. 1822, Daniel
Arnold, son of Daniel and Nancy (Bro-n-n) Arnold, b. 1801, d.
WilsonviUe, Conu., 9 July 1860, age 59. Lived at Brooklyn,
Wilsonville, Danielson and Willington, Conn. In marble works,
Danielson. Children (Arnold) :
1. Daniel, b. Brooklyn, Conn., 2 Oct. 1824, d. Poughkeepsie
N. y., 15 Sept. 1858, age 34, m. Eliza Holt of Hampton.
Children: i. Child, d. in infancy, ii. Charles Arnold, iii.
2. Maria Theresa, b. Brooklyn, Conn., 7 March 1827, d.
Union, Conn., 17 Dec. 1896, age 69, m. Danielsonville,
Conn., Oct. 1857, Jonathan C. Upham, son of Ichabod
and Abigail (Copeland) TJpham, b. Union, Conn., 16 Aug.
1828. Children (Upham): i. George W., ii. Sarah E.
3. Andrew Francis, b. Brooklyn, Conn., 28 April 1829, d.
there 16 June 1836, age 7.
208 The Stowell Genealogy
4. Jane Tylee, b. Brooklyn, Conn., 18 March 1832, d. Pom-
fret, Conn., 7 Jan. 1895, age 62, m. Killingly, Conn., Oct.
1858, Nathan W. Darbie, $1. Killingly, Conn., 12 Jan. 1878.
Lived at Daniclson, Wilsonville, Conn., New Brunswick,
N. J., Lynn, Canada West. Was a shoemaker. Children
(Darbie) : i. Kent Anthony, ii. Karah Lucretia, iii. Myron
5. Ealpii Andrew, b. Willington, Conn., 26 March 1841, d.
Nashua, N. H., 16 Jan. 1911, age 69, m. Frances Taylor
of Nashua, N. H. Child: i. Franlc.
ii. Sophia, b. Abington, Conn., 30 March 1803, d. Eastford, Conn.,
1874, m. Brooklyn, Conn., 17 March 1822, Esbon Arnold, son
of Daniel and Nancy (Bro^^^l) Arnold, b. Thompson, Conn., 12
July 1798, d. Eastford, Conn., July 1868, age 70. Lived at
Eastford, Conn. Children (Arnold) :
1. Charles.
2. Elizabeth, d. unmarried.
3. Ezra B., b. Woodstock, Conn., 23 June 1833, d. N. Ashford,
Colnn., 8 Jan. 1905, age 74, m. Ashford, Conn., 15 July
1857, Ann Eliza Vinton, dau. of Orin and Prudence (Has-
kell) Vinton, b. Southbridge, Mass., 5 Aug. 1831, d. Wood-
stock, Conn., 17 Jan. 1890, age 59. Children: i.. Charles E.,
ii. Louis J., iii. Anna F.
4. Louise, b. Woodstock,. Conn., 27 Aug. 1831, d. Stafford
Springs, Conn., 24 March 1914, age 82, m. North Ashford,
Conn., 20 Nov. 1856, Samuel Austin Reynolds, son of
Jonathiin W. and Zerviah (Jacobs) Reynolds, b. Mansfield,
Conn., 6 Oct. 1831, d. Stafford Springs, Conn., 8 Dec. 1913,
age 82. Children (Reynolds) : i. Frank, ii. Charles, iii.
Irving Vernett, iv. Ernest, v. Everett Austin^ vi. Evelyn
Louise, vii. Minnie Jane.
5. John Stowell, b. Union, Conn. 8 Feb. 1841, m. Putnam,
Conn., 30 Sept. 1866, Ellen Victoria Davenport, dau. of
Noah and Eunice B. (Durfoe) Davenport, b. Pomfret,
Conn., 9 Feb. 1844, d. Stafford Springs, Conn., 8 Jan. 1899.
Cliildren: i. Arflnir Melville, ii. Elmer Herbert, iii. Amy,
iv. Vernon Leroy, v. Grace May, vi. Clara Ethlyn, vii. Dora
Pea/rl, viii. Alice Nina, ix. Maude Kathleen.
iii. Horace, b. Abington, Conn., 9 March 1805, d. Palmer, Mass.,
24 July 1880, age 75, m. Pomfret, Conn., 26 Aug. 1833, Nancy
Ann Brown. Children:
1. Elsie, b. Palmer, Mass., 1842, ra. there 27 Dec. 1860, Wil-
liam H. Bullock, son of Sam.uel J. and Harriet Bullock,
b. Brattleboro, Vt., 1843.
Fifth Generation 209
iv. John Cutler, b. Brooklyn, Conn., 19 Oct. 1806, d. there 29
Dec. 1865, age 59, m. Killingly, Conn., 28 March 1833, Mary
Esther Richmond, dau. of Philip and Hannah (Chollar) Rich-
mond, b. Killingly, Conn., 9 Oct. 1804, d. Brooklyn, Conn., 4
Oct. 1873, age 69. Resided at Brooklyn, Conn. He enlisted 24
Dec. 1863, in Co. I, 1st Regt. Conn. Cavalry, discharged 3 June
Will of John Cutler Stowell, dated 28 Dec. 1865. Wife,
Mary Esther, appointed Executrix, 20 Jan. 1866. Mentions
adopted daughter, Mary Maria Stowell. (Prob. Dist. Brooklyn,
Conn.) . Albertus S. Bruce appointed guardian of Mary M.
Stowell, a minor of Brooklyn, 4 Nov. 1873. (Prob. Dist.,
Brooklyn) .
285. V. Bishop, b. Brooklyn, Conn., 23 May 1808.
vi. Oken, b. Brooklyn, Conn., 30 Jan. 1810, d. Willington, Conn.,
Dec. 1866, immarried.
vii. Jamin, b. Brooklyn, Conn., 27 Dec. 1811, d. Eastford, Conn.,
viii. Asa Tyler, b. Brooklyn, Conn., 6 Sept. 1813, d. Hampton,
Conn., 24 Juno 1868, age 54, m. there 16 March 1863, Sophro-
NIA Tillotson, b. Ashford, Conn., 1827, d. Hampton, Conn.,
ix. Mary Ann, b. Brooklyn, Conn., 5 June 1815, d. 26 Jan. 1895,
age 79, m. 28 Jan. 1838, Asa Towne, son of Ichabod and Pru-
dence (Albee) Towne, b. Thompson, Conn., 30 Jan. 1807. Lived
at Thompson, Conn., where children were born (Towne):
1. Oscar F., b. 15 Jan. 1839, m. 22 July 1860, Mary A.
Smith, b. 9 Sept. 1836. Children: i. Malcom B., ii. Agnes
E., iii. Clcmdia M., iv. Effie L.
2. Edgar, b. 30 Nov. 1841.
3. Dwight, b. 23 Dec. 1842, m, March 1867, Mrs. Susan
Allen. Child: i. Frank A.
4. Theresa, b. 13 Feb. 1846, m. March 1876, Willard B.
5. Eveline.
6. Frances TvOUIsa, b. 9 July 1850, d. 25 Dec. 1888, age 38,
m. James E. Keech. Had tv/o sons.
7. Charles L., b. 31 March 1852, m. 1S70, Ellen Young.
Children : i. Lewis, ii. Clinton, iii. Clayton.
* 8. William M., b. 22 Feb. 1855, m. 23 Feb. 1881, Minnie E.
Davis. Children: i. Clara, ii. James E.
113. SETH» STOWELL (Ephraim* NatJianieP David'' Sam-
uel^) was born in Pomfret, Conn., 15 Oct. 1769, d. North Plato,
111., mar. Mary Bancroft, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Barrett)
210 The Stowell Genealogy
Bancroft, b. East Windsor, Conn., 2 May 1767, d. North Plato,
111. Resided Hartford, Conn., New Berlin and Norwich, N. Y.,
Elgin, Yoimgsdale and North Plato, 111:. Was in Norwich
1806, New Berlin 1825 and 1850 and Elgin 1850.
Seth Stowell of Norwich, Chenango Co., N. Y., quits to his
mother Elizabeth Stowell of Pomfret, Conn., for love and her
more comfortable support, all his right to estate of his father
Ephraim, 1 Oct. 1806. (Pomfret Deeds.)
Children :
WALTER6, b. Hartford, Conn., 25 Aug. 1789.
May or Mary, b. Hartford, Conn., 8 Dec. 1791, m. Woodley.
Fanny, b. Hartford, Conn., 12 Jan. 1794, m. Dimmick.
Seth, b. Hartford, Conn., 18 Feb. 1796.
Kalph, b. Hartford, Conn., April 1799.
Marilla, b. New Berlin, N. Y., 5 Dec. 1806, d. East Windsor,
Conn., 20 Sept. 1884, age 77, m. there 24 Nov. 1836, Harvey
Bancroft Allen, son of Daniel and Submit (Bancroft) Allen,
b. East Wlindsor, Conn., 31 May 1812, d. there 17 May 1851,
age 39. Children all born East Windsor, Conn. (Allen) :
1. Daniel Harvey, b. 12 Sept. 1837, d. East Windsor, Conn.,
22 Feb. 1842, age 4.
2. Seth Stowell, b. 21 July 1839, m. Norfolk, Mass., 29 Oct.
1885, Mrs. Charlotte E. Morgan, dau. of William and
Charlotte (Bingham) McFall, and widow of Clark W. Mor-
gan, b. Middlebury, Vt., 11 Jan. 1840. Lived at San
Diego, Cal.
3. Daniel Harvey, b. 13 April 1845, m,. East Windsor, Conn.,
17 April 1870, Marion Elizabeth Beasley, dau. of John
and Laura (Clark) Beasloy, b. Ellington, Conn., 9 April
1849, d. 12 April 1899, age 50. He m. 2d, 14 Oct. 1902,
Mrs. Ellen Louise (Sexton) Allen, widow of his brother
Barrett and dau. of Syril and Sarah (Baker) Sexton, b.
Somer, Conn., 16 Oct. 1848.
4. Barrett, b. 6 May 1849, d. Enfield, Conu., 25 Aug. 1898,
age 49, m. 29 Nov. 1871, Ellen Louise Sexton, dau. of
Syril and Sarah (Baker) Sexton, b. Somer, Conn., 16 Oct.
1848. Children: i. Ida Mabel, ii. Eaymond L.
vii. Sally, m. William Wilcox.
114. DANIEL^ STOWELL {Ephraim* Nathaniel^ David'
Samuel^) was born at Pomfret, Conn., 18 Dec. 1771, m. Lucy
, b. Sheffield, Mass. Lived in Sheffield and Lee, Mass.
Was in Savannah, N. Y., in 1846 and 1848, living with his son-
Fifth Generation 211
in-law, James Tripp, expected to move to IVIichigan soon after.
Children :
289. i. Elijah Danielg, b. Sheffield, Mass., 12 April 1807.
290. ii. Corbet, b. Lee, Mass., 13 Nov. 1809.
iii. Stephen, b. Sheffield, Mass., 24 May 1811, d. Lee, Mass., 10
Jan. 1828, age 16.
iv. Daniel, b. Sheffield, Mass., 2 Aug. 1814.
V. Lucy, b. Sheffield, Mass., 24 Oct. 1816.
vi. Harriet, b. Beeket, Mass., 24 Oct. 1818.
vii. Charles, b. Lee, Mass., June 1821.
viii- Eliza, b. Lee, Mass., 18 April 1823.
115. OLIVERS STOWELL (Epliraim* NathaniS^ David'
SamueV) was born in Pomfret, Conn., 25 Feb. 1774, died be-
fore Nov. 1846, m. Olive Brewster.
He was a farmer. Lived at Unadilla, N. Y., 1809, Butter-
nuts, N. Y., 1820 and 1825 and South New Berlin, N. Y., 1850.
Children :
i. Mariettas.
ii. Martha.
iii. Orolana.
291. iv. Archelaus A., b. Hartford, Conn., 1828.
116. CYRUS^ STOWELL (Natlianiel"-^ David? SamueV)
was bom in Pomfret, Conn., 3 Oct. 1767, d. Peru, Mass., 13
Feb. 1859, age 91, m. 1st in 1790, Mrs. Eunice (Eaton) Little,
dau. of John and Eunice (Gould) Eaton, b. 9 July 1757, d.
Peru, Mass., 10 Nov. 1805, age 48. He m. 2d at Peru, Mass., 16
June 1806, Asenath Thompson, dau. of Peter and Elizabeth
(Badger) Thompson, b. Peru, Mass., 25 Jan. 1779, died at Hins-
dale, Mass., 19 March 1869, age 90.
Was a farmer and lived at Peru, Mass. Was Justice of the
Peace for fifty-two years. Known as ''Squire". Town clerk
for many years. Was member of Massachusetts House of Rep-
resentatives from Peru 1803 and for twelve years. Was delegate
to Constitutional Convention. Assessor, selectman and modera-
tor and surveyor of highways 1800.
Cyrus and Asenath joined the Peru Congregational Church
in 1808. He was chosen deacon 18 April 1814 and was member
for sixty-one years.
212 The Stowell Genealogy
Children by first wife Eunice, born Peru, Mass. :
i. CYNTHIA6, b. 15 May 1791, d. Peru, Mass., 24 March 1869, age
77, m. Peru, Mass. (Int. 25 Oot. 1814), Capt. Elisha Rock-
well, son of Major Amasa and Olive Rockwell, b. Peru, Mass.,
20 Aug. 1785, d. Peru, Mass., 31 Oct. 1874, age 89. Liived in
Peru and Hinsdale, Mass. He m. 1st, Peru, Mass. (Int. 15
Nov. 1811), Eunice Little, who d. 8 Nov. 1813. Children all
born Peru, Mass. (Rockwell) :
1. Cyrus Stowell, b. 27 Nov. 1816, d. Pelham, N. H., 21
Feb. 1885, age 69, m. Peru, Mass., 9 Nov. 1841, Mary
Pierce, dau. of Eli and Electa (Leland) Pierce, b. Peru,
Mass., 5 Sept. 1817, d. Methuen, Mass., 4 Dec. 1904, age
87. Lived at Peru, Mass. Child: i. Olivia Fersis.
2. Eunice Little, b. Peru, Mass., 1 March 1818, d. Peru,
Mass., 10 March 1826.
3. Pitt Wellington, b. Peru, Mass., 4 Feb. 1820, d. there
13 May 1820.
4. Olive C, b. 18 Nov. 1822, d. Peru, Mass., 10 April 1845,
age 22.
5. DwiGHT, b. Peru, Mass., 1 Jan. 1825, d. Peru, Mass, 30
Oct. 1826.
6. DwiGHT, b. 13 May 1827, d. Hinsdale, Mass., 13 May 1903,
age 76, m. Peru, Mass., 27 Nov. 1851, Jane Maria Has-
kell, dau. of Allen and Lucy A. (Harmon) Haskell, b.
Peru, Mass., 8 Feb. 1833. Was a farmer.
7. Jarvis, b. 18 March 1829, d. North Adams, Mass., 14 May
1885, ago 56, m. Adams, Mass., 16 Sept. 1859, Mary E,
Chapin, dau. of Joseph N. and Harriet (Cobb) Chapin, b.
Richmond, Mass., 17 Jan. 1838, d. Northampton, Mass.,
11 May 1903. He was a lawyer.
ii. Hiram, b. 1801, d. Peru, Mass., 13 April 1802.
Children by second wife Asenath, born Peru, Mass. :
292. iii. Cyrus Alexander, b. 7 Nov. 1808.
iv. Nathaniel Eaton, b. 1 May 1812, d. Peni, Mass., 18 March
293. V. Luther Thompson, b. 30 Oct. 1815.
294. vi. MiLO, b. 27 March 1819.
117. HERVEY^ STOWELL (Nathaniel'-^ David'' SamueV-)
was born in Peru, Mass., 1775, died there 29 April 1857, age 82,
m. 1st, Peru, Mass., 21 Nov. 1797, Margaret Converse, dau. of
James and Esther (Geer) Converse, b. Windsor, Mass., 1779,
d. Peru, Mass., 25 April 1824, age 45. He m. 2d at Peru, Mass.,
17 March 1825, Mrs. Jerusha Parsons Herrick, dau. of Syl-
Fifth Generation 213
vanus and Maiy Parsons, b. Worthington, Mass., 14 March
1787, d. Lee, Mass., or Peru, Mass., 5 Nov. 1883, age 96.
Hervey Stowell was a farmer and lived in Peru, Mjass.,
He and Ms wife Margaret were admitted to the Congregational
Church in Peru in 1799. Jerusha Persons Stowell admitted
in 1831.
Administration granted on estate of Hervey Stowell of
Peru who died April 1857, wife Jerusha appointed Adminis"
tratrix, 5 July 1858. No real estate. (Berkshire Prob. No. 8613.)
Children by first wife Margaret all born Peru, Mass. :
i. Austins, b. 17 Feb. 1799, d. Peru, Mass., 24 April 1824, age
25, m. Pittsfield, Mass., about 1823 or 1824, Appolonia Doug-
lass, dau. of Benjamin and Lois (McKay) Douglass, b. Ste-
phentown, N. Y., 20 May 1802, d. Pittsfield, Mass., 16 Sept.
1823, age '21, No children.
295. ii. James Converse, b. 8 June 1801.
iii. HiKAM, b. 11 Dec. 1802, d. Peru, Mass., 15 July 1826, age 23,
iv. Oaroline, b. 11 Sept. 1804, d. Hinsdale, Mass., 5 Aug. 1838,
age 34, m. Peru, Mass., 7 Oct. 1824, Elijah Augustus Went-
WORTH, son of Daniel and Susanna (Turner) Wentworth, b.
Hinsdale, Mass., 5 May 1800, d. there 21 June 1858, age 58.
He m. 2d, Cynthia Stowell, sister of Caroline. Caroline ad-
mitted to Pei-u Congregational Church in 1819. Resided in
Hinsdale, where all her children were born (Wentworth) :
1. Austin Merrick, b. 19 Aug. 1825, d. Chatham, N". Y., 5
Feb. 1890, m. East Chatham, N. Y., 4 Sept. 1849, Sarah
LoviCA Mecum, dau. of Joseph Meeum, b. Beeket, Mass., 7
March 1829, d. Chatham, N. Y., 5 May 1915. Lived at
Chatham. Children: i. Martha Caroline, ii. Charles Austin.
2. Mild Milton, b. 13 Nov. 1827, d. Hinsdale, Mass., 15
May 1902, age 74, m. Peru, Mass., 19 Oct. 1852, Eliza
Jane Parrisii, dau. of Hiram Parrish, b. Worthington,
Mass., 9 Jan. 1826, d. Hinsdale, Mass., 16 Nov. 1859, age
33. He m. 2d, Hinsdale, Mass., 9 April 1861, Clarissa
Eleanor Churchill, dau. of Charles E. and Hannah (Per-
cival) Churchill, b. Chester, Mass., 9 April 1833, d. Hins-
dale, Mass., 23 Oct. 1898, age 65. Lived at Hinsdale, Mass.
Children: i. William P., ii. Ella Maria, iii. Arthiir Milton,
iv. Ada Lillian.
3. Esther Amelia, b. 1838, d. Hinsdale, Mass., 13 May 1838.
296. V. Franklin, b. 20 Jan. 1807.
214 The Stowell Genealogy
vi. Althea, b. 26 Dec. 1808, d. Barre, N. Y., f) Jan. 1844, age
35, m. 24 April 1828, Horace Street, son of Caleb Mxinson and
Bathsheba (Chapin) Street, b. West Springfield, Rlass., 8 April
1802, d. Barre, N. Y., 21 June 1875, age 73. He m. 2d, Mrs.
Sally Bradner. Althea admitted to Peru Congregational
Church in 1827. Horace Street was a farmer and lived at
Barre, N, Y. Children (Street):
1. Alonzo Dwight, b. Barre, N. Y., 16 March 1829, m. 22
April 1851, Mary E. Osborne. Lived at Ashford and
East Superior, Wis. Carpenter. Children: i. Anna. Althea,
ii. Susan Emma, iii. Mary Ellen.
2. George Myron, b. Hinsdale, Mass., 28 March 1832, d.
Hammond, Wis., 31 March 1887, age 55, m. 21 Aug. 1855,
Syrena J. Wright, lau. of Hon. Elislia and Emeline
(Wright) Wright, b. West Barre, N. Y., 14 Aug. 1833.
Wag a farmer and lived at Hammond, Wis. Children: i.
Carl Elisha, ii. Nancy Caroline, iii. Alice B.
3. Hervey Stowell, b. Hinsdale, Mass., 29 Jan. 1836, m. 12
Dec. 1861, Julia A. Smith, dau. of Dr. E. S. Smith, b.
12 Nov. 1836, d. Sterling, HI., 8 Dec. 1889, age 53. Lived
at Sterling, HI. Was a merchant. Children: i. John, ii.
Emily Julia, iii. Walter Smith, iv. Albert Lee, and three
who died in infancy.
4. Caroline Loretha, b. Barre, N. Y., 6 Dee. 1838, m. there
17 Feb. 1864, Clark Hubbard, b. Barre, N. Y., 20 June
1838. Was a farmer and lived at Howell, Mich., and King-
man, Kansas. Children (Hubbard) : i. Charles Clark, ii.
Mary Althea, iii. Hairy JVillard, iv. Dwight Street.
vii. Cynthia, b. 23 'Feb. 1811, d. Hinsdale, Mass., 4 Jan. 1893, age
81, m. Peru, Mass., 14 Jan. 1839, Elijah Augustus Went
WORTH, son of Daniel and Susanna (Turner) Wcntworth, b,
Hinsdale, Mass., 5 May 1800, d. there 21 June 1858, age 58,
Cynthia was admitted to Peru Congregational Church in 1838,
Lived at Hinsdale, Mass., where children were born (Went
worth) :
1. Emily Clapp, b. 14 Feb. 1841, d; Pittsfield, Mass., 22
April 1897, age 55, m. Hinsdale, Mass., 20' M:arch 1867,
Alfred Thurston Dyer, son of Jared and OliA-e (Pool)
Dyer, b. Plainfield, Mass., 19 July 1839, d. Pittsfield, Mass.,
9 March 1906, age 66.
2. Edward Franklin, b. 17 Feb. 1850, m. Haydenville, Mass.,
13 Juno 1877, Alice Johnson, dau. of B. Sidney and
Marv F. (Abercrombie) Johnson, b. Haydenville, Mass.
Fifth Generation 215
yiii. Esther Amanda, b. 16 Nov. 1812, d. Worthington, Mass., 8
Nov. 1837, age 25, m. 'Franklin Benjamin, son of James and
Eunice (Worthington) Benjamin, b. Worthington, Mass., 25
Apiil 1803, d. Hartford, Conn., 7 Feb. 1871, age 67. Children
(Benjamin) :
1. Lydia Amanda, bp. Worthington, Mass., 1837, m, Thomas
Nangle of Hartford, Conn. Had three daughters and ono
297. ix. John Marshall, b. 16 Sept. 1814.
298. X. HxRVEY Eugene, b. 24 July 1816.
xi. Susanna Arminta, b. 26 March 1819, d. Peru, Mass., 20 Oct.
1843, age 24, unmarried,
xii. Margaret Parthenia, b. 5 March 1821, d. Hinsdale, Mass.,
11 Jan. 1854, age 32, m. Peru, Mass., 5 April 1840, Selden
Knox Ferguson, son of Loren and Laura (Cone) Ferguson, b.
Newark, N. Y., 8 May 1817, d. Hinsdale, Mass., 14 June 1857.
age 40. Margaret admitted to Peru Congregational Church in
1839. liived in Berkshire and Newark, N. Y., and Hinsdale,
Mass. Was a carpenter. Children (Ferguson):
1. Myron Stowell, b. Berkshire, N. Y., 9 Feb. 1841, d.
Harrisburg, Penn., 31 Aug. 1902, age 61, m, Bennington,
Vt., 6 May 1861, Martha Olivia Allen, dau. of Daniel
and Emeline (Harris) Allen, b. Bennington, Vt., 3 July
1844. Child: Frederick Howard. Myron S. Ferguson was
in Civil War. Was seriously wounded at Savage Station,
29 June 1862, was captured the same day and taken to
Ldbby Prison, where he was confined for sixty days then
paroled and exchanged. Promoted to Scrgt. Honorably
discharged at Harrisburg, Penn., 24 Nov. 1865.
2. Ei^abeth Waldo, b. Newark, N. Y., 7 April 1843, d.
Springfield, Vt., 25 April 1913, age 70, m. Peru, Mass., 3
April 1861, Orin Elijah Lb'ermore, son of Chester and
Betsey (Stevenson) Lavermore, b. Hinsdale, Mass., 28 Nov.
1837. Was contractor and builder. Children (Livermore) :
i. Minnie B., ii. Ada Grace, iii. Ernest Howard, iv. Bertha
May, V. Alma B., vi. Carleton.
3. Sarah Jane, b. Newark, N. Y., 26 June 1845, d. there
same day.
4. Daughter.
5. Daughter.
6. Charles Irving, b. Hinsdale, Mass., 11 June 1853. (See
record under Stowell as he was adopted by John Marshall
Stowell and took the name of Stowell.)
Child by second wife Jerusha, born Peru, Mass. :
xiii. LucELiA, b. 24 March 1831, d. Peru, Mass., 13 Jan. 1844, age
12 years.
216 The Stowell Genealogy
118. DANIEL^ STOWELL (NatJiayiiel'-^ David^ SamueV)
was bom 1777, m. Holliston, Mass., 23 Feb. 1804, Lovisa Leland,
dau. of Daniel and Sibble Leland, b. Holliston, Mass., 18 Aug.
1782. He admitted to Peru Congregational Church in 1803,
she admitted in 1831. They removed to Chicago, 111., before
3 March 1840.
Children all born Peru, Mass. :
i. Daniel Emmaryg, b. 16 April 1805.
ii. Anna, b. 17 Nov. 1807, d. Pern, Mass., 11 July 1823, age 15.
iii. IVlARiETTE, b. 14 July 1811.
iv. Hamilton, b. 27 April 1813.
V. Charles, b. 14 April 1815, d. Worcester, Mass., 7 Dee. 1845,
age 30, m. Charlton, Mass., 25 Nov. 1839, Frances Louisa
CUMMINGS, dau. of Jacob and Fanny (Gribbs) Cummings, b.
Charlton, Mass., 10 March 1819, d. Worcester, Mass., 14 Dec.
1845, age 26.
vi. SopiiRONiA M., b. 12 Dec. 1817, d. St. Charles, 111., 7 Oct.
1847, age 29, m. Kane Co., 111., 7 Jan. 1846, Alonzo J. Saw-
vii. Calcott a., b. 27 April 182i0, m. Elgin, Kane Co., 111., 5
April 1846, Eliza C. Winton. He was adrt^itted to Peru Con-
gregational Church in 1835.
viii. Anna, b. 15 March 1823, m. Elgin, 111., 19 Aug. 1844, Bazaled
Street. She was admitted to Peru Congregational Church in
ix. Hawaed, b. 21 June 1825, d. Lee, Mass., 7 Oct. 1825.
119. AZEL^ STOWELL {Nathaniel"-^ David'' Samuel') was
born in Peru, Mass., 12 June 1782, d. Marilla, N. Y., 23 Feb.
1865, age 82, m. Peru, Mass., 4 Jan. 1804, Abigail Maxwell,
b. Lebanon, Conn., 31 Jan. 1782, d. Alexander, N. Y., 8 Feb.
1852, age 70, Lived at Peru, Mass. and Marilla and Alexander,
N. Y. Carpenter. Azel and wife admitted to the Congregational
Church at Peru, in 1804.
Children :
1. Son6, b. Peru, Mass., 6 Jan. 1805, d. there 6 Jan, 1805.
299, ii. Horatio Nelson, b. Peru, Mass., 24 Feb. 1806.
300, iii, TiiERON, b. Peru, Mass., 4 July 1808.
301. iv. Myron Azel, b. Peru, Mass., 22 Nov. 1810.
V. Eunice Ermina, b. Peru, Mass., 27 Nov. 1811, d. Alexander,
N. Y., 5 Oct. 1836, age 24.
302. vi. Nathaniel Wellington, b. Peru, Mass., 13 May 1816.
Fifth Generation ♦ 217
vii. Maria Maxweu., b. Alexander, N. Y., 2 Sept. 1818, d. Avon,
N. Y., 24 May 1864, age 45, m. Robert E. Smith.
viii. Elizabeth Marilla, b. Alexander, N. Y., 11 Nov. 1820. d.
Watertown, S. D., Feb. 1890, m. Hyland Watson.
303. ix. John Maxwell, b. Alexander, N. Y., 9 March 1823.
120. CALVIN^ STOWELL {Daniel' Nathaniel^ David^
SamueV-) was born in Pomfret, Conn., 12 April 1765, d. New
Woodstock, N. Y., 25 Dec. 1858, age 90, m. 1st, Pomfret, Conn.,
21 Oct. 1790, Sarah Kinney, dan. of Amos and Esther (Utley)
Kinney, b. Pomfret, Conn., 19 Jan. 1768, d. New Woodstock,
N. Y. or Pomfret, Conn., 3 March 1824, age 56. Calvin mar.
2d at New Woodstock, N. Y., 1826, Mary S. Kinney, dan. of
Amos and Hannah (Rowland) Kinney, b. Spencertown, N. Y.,
10 June 1773, d. New Woodstock, N. Y., 29 April 1840, age 66.
Lived in Pomfret, Conn, until 1824 then at New Wood-
stock, N. Y. where he was one of the pioneers of Madison Co.
Sheriff of Otsego Co., N. Y. Calvin was on tax list Brooklyn
and Pomfret, Conn, in 1788.
Four Deeds Brooklyn, Conn., 1790 to 1793 in name of Calvin
Children born Pomfret, Conn. :
i. RowENA H0WLAND6, b. 20 May 1792, d. Pomfret, Conn., 20
Oct. 1792.
ii. Sophlv Marls., b. 28 July 1793, d. Pomfret, Conn., 12 June
iii. EkDWENA (adopted), b. Newton, Conn., 1788, d. New Woodstock,
1875, m. Erastus Webber.
304. iv. Calvin Bugbee, b. 24 Oct. 1795.
V. Ltjther Kinney, b. 1 May 1798, d. Pomfret, Conn., 3 0 May
305. vi. Anselm Kinney, b. 17 May 180O.
306. vii. Francis Edmuni>, b. 7 Dec. 1801.
viii. Henry Knight, b. 11 Aug. 1804, d. Pomfret, Conn., 3 Aug.
ix. Eliza Mabl\, b. 7 April 1807, d. Pomfret, Conn., 9 May. 1820.
307. X. ScTTfYLER Adrian, b. 28 Jatn. 1810.
No children by second wife, Mary Kinney.
121. LUTHER^ STOWELL {Daniel" NatJianieP David^
SamueV) was born in Woodstock, Conn., 8 Feb. 1770, d. in
Brookfield, Mass., 22 Sept. 1853, age 83, m. 1st, Sturbridge, Mass.,
218 The Stowell Genealogy
12 March 1796, Lucy Richardson, dan. of Samuel N. and Mary
(Walker) Richardson, b. Sturbridge, Mass., 20 July 1771, d.
Brookfield, Mass., 4 Oct. 1835, age 64. He m. second at Brook-
field, Mass., 13 May 1840, Lucy Bajrnes, dau. of William and
Lucy (Pease) Barnes, b. Brookfield, Mass., 3 Dec. 1784, d.
there 7 Sept. 1852, age 67. Lived at Sturbridge and Brookfield,
Will probated 6 June 1854. To wife Lucy B. property she
had when she became my wife. Son Luther Jr. Executor.
Heirs: sons Oshea, Ephraim C, Edmund T., daus. Lucy
A. Jennings and Harriet N. Mason. Rest and residue to Luther
Jr. (Wor. Prob. 57162.)
Children :
S08. i. Oliver Olmsby (Oshea)6, b. Brookfield, Mass., 19 Feb. 1797.
ii. LuTPiER, b. Sturbridge, Mass., 22 Dec. 1798. d. Brookfield,
Mass., 5 Aug. 1865, age 67, m. Brookfield, Mass., 11 May 1826,
Sophia Adaline Bakrett, dau. of Capt. Beujamin and Ruth
(Brigham) Barrett, b. Brookfield, Mass., 6 Nov. 1809, d. there
6 May 1899, age 89. No children.
Luther Stowell of Brookfield, Mass., 4 Feb. 1865. To wife
Sophia A. Stowell and to sister Harriet N. Mason. (Wor. Prob.
57163) .
309. iii. Ephraim Child, b. Brookfield, Mass., 17 June 1801.
iv. Caroline, b. Brookfield, Mass., 25 April 1803, d. there 20
March 1816.
V. Edward Turner, b. Brookfield, Mass., 18 June 1805, d. there
18 Dec. 1805.
310. vi. Edv/ard Turner, b. Brookfield, Mass. 17 Sept. 1806.
vii. Lucy A., b. Brookfield, Mass., 3 Feb. 1809, m. there 29 Oct.
1830, John Jennings, son of Gershom and Polly (Whittemore)
Jennings, b. Brookfield, Mass., 30 Sept. 1805. Lived at Brook-
field and Boston, Mass. Children (Jennings) :
1. George S., b. Brookfield, Mass., 17 Oct. 1832, d. West
Brookfield, Mass., 18 Aug. 1884, age 52. Was a florist.
2. Daughter.
Viii. Sarah Stone, b. Brookfield, Mass., 14 Oct. 1811, d. there 16
Jan. 1813.
ix. Harriet New^ell, b. Brookfield, Mass., 23 Jan. 1816, d. Hol-
liston, Mass., 7 March 1880, age 64, m. Brookfieild, Mnss., 6
July 1836, William James Mason, son of Thadden?! and Han-
nah (Allen) Mason, b. Barre, Mass., 10 April 1805, d. there
17 July 1852, age 47. He was a painter. Children (iL\S0N) :
Fifth Generation 219
1. Charles Edward, b. Brookfield, Mass., 16 June 1837, d.
Waltham, Mas9., m. there 17 Jan. , Anna W.
Eddy, dau. of Alexander and Anna M. Eddy, b. Providence,
R. I., 1844, d. Waltham, Mass., 15 May 1886.
2. Maria Roberts, b. 28 Sept. 1840.
122. JONATHAN'^ STOWELL (Oliver' Nathaniel' David^
SamueV) was born in Stafford, Conn., 25 Aug. 1781, d. Wilbra-
ham, Mass., 26 Oct. 1877, age 96, mar. 25 Sept. 1806, Mary
FiSKE, dau. of Elisha and Zerviah (Parker) Fiske, b. Stafford.
Conn., 11 Sept. 1783, d. Union, Conn., 17 Sept. 1852. Resided
in Northampton, South Hadley, Brimfield, and Wales, Mass.,
and Union and Holland, Conn, Was a shoemaker.
Children :
i. Aecenqs, b. Northampton, Mass., 25 July 1807, d. Waten^ille,
N. Y., 29 Dec. 1840, age 33.
311. jii. Lucius, b. Northamptota, Mass., 11 Nov. 1808.
%.i. Zerviah, b. Northampton, Mass., 29 Sept. 1810, d. Wales,
Mass., 2 Jan. 1847, unmarried.
312. iv. Pliny, b. Northampton, Mass., 3 July 1812.
V. Maria, b. Northampton, Mass., 3 Sept. 1814, d. Southbridge,
Mass., 23 Aug. 1868, age 54, m. Sturbridge, Mass., 26 Aug.
1833, JuDSON F. Cooper, son of Thaddeus Cooper, b. Conn.,
1813, d. Southbridge, Mass., 16 Feb. 1882, age 69. Fai-mer.
Children born Southbridge, Mass. (Cooper) :
1. Emma E., b. 28 Dec. 1840, m. Southbridge, Mass., 3 Sept.
1857, Daniel Waldo Smith, son of Henry and Louisa
(Stone) Smith, b. Grafton, Mass., 7 Nov. 1838.
2. Child, b. 8 June 1847.
3. JirDSON, b. 30 July 1852, m. Southbridge, Mass., 15 May
1872, Emma Brown, dau. of Julius and Louisa Brown, b.
Fishei-ville, Conn., 1853.
vi. Lucy, b. South Hadley, Mass., 4 Feb. 1816, d. 26 Feb. 1816.
313. vii. Lewis, b. South Hadley, Mass., 29 Jan. 1817.
•viii. Loretta, b. Wales, Mass., 1 July 1819, d. Springfield, Mass.,
26 Jan. 1906, age 86, m. Southbr'idge, Mass., 24 Nov. 1841,
Charles Barnes, son of Sullivan and Lydia (Hoar) Barnes, b.
Westminster, Mass., 6 June 1818, d. Springfield, Mass., 17
May 1883, age 64. Was a carpenter and lived at Webster,
Brimfield, Wilbraham, Belehertown and Springfield, Mass. Chil-
dren (Barnes) :
1. Arceno M., b. Webster, Mass., 3 May 1844, d. Brattleboro,
Vt., 29 Sept. 1907, age 63, m. O. L. Southland.
220 The Stowell Genealogy
2. Sullivan Buskirk, b. Brimiield, Mass., 1 Oet. 1854, m.
1st, Cora L. Clarke, m. 2d, Palmer, Mass., 24 Jan. 1894,
Mary Alice (Upham) Squires, dau. of William and Ee-
becca (Devereaux) Upham and widow of Charles Squires,
b. Belehertowu, Mass., 17 Feb. 1853. Cliildren by first wife:
i. Fannie Louisa, ii. Walter Clayton. Lived at Three
Rivers, Barre and Westfield, Mass. Was a merchant, post-
master, church clerk and treasurer,
ix. Mary, b. Brimfield, Mass., 11 Dec. 1821, d. Tewksbury, Mass.,
3 Dec. 1884, age 63, unmarried.
314. X. Martin, b. Wales, Mass., 20 Jan. 18'24.
(Oliver* NafhanieP DavicF SamueV) was born in Stafford,
Conn., 4 June 1783, d. Westfield, N. Y., 23 Aug. 1860, age 77. He
mar. first Huldah Warren. He mar. second Mary Stephens
Holmes, dau, of James and Milly Holmes, b. Warwich, Mass.,
15 Sept. 1797, d. Odgen, Utah, 20 Nov. 1885, age 88. Resided
in Watertown, Brutus, Solon and Westfield, N. Y. Went to
Nauvoo in 1846 when the Mormons were driven out, went to
Wisconsin, then to Salt Lake City, then to Westfield, N. Y.
There are so many of the Stowell name who have been
Communicants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints and who have held prominent positions in it, that a
short history of how they became members may be interesting.
They are all descendants of Augustus OHver Artemas
Stowell who was the first one of the name to join. He was a
prominent lawyer of Westfield, N. Y, which place with Palmyra
was the first center of the new faith founded in 1830. The
following account of the way Agustus O. A. came to join the
Church was written by his son William Rufus Rogers Stowell
and has been taken from his family records.
"In Feb. 1833, when Augustus O. A, and his oldest son
Dan were going to Westfield, N. Y. they overtook a Mrs, Brew-
ster and invited her to ride. He remarked 'It is a very cold
day,' She replied, 'Yes, it is exceedingly cold, nevertheless, it did
not prevent five persons from being baptised today.' He ex-
pressed surprise and inquired, 'Of what denomination?' She
replied. 'Mormon.' He remarked he had never before heard
of such a religion. She replied, 'They are a new sect of religion-
Fifth Generation 221
ists and I am now on my way to attend one of tlieir meetings.'
She extended to him an invitation to be present which he
accepted, sending his son Dan home with the team to inform his
"About eleven o'clock A. M;. next day he arrived home
accompanied by a Mr. Higbee who came with him to the saw
mill of Augustus O. A. to buy a load of lumber. An important
feature was that Augustus 0. A. brought home with him a
'Book of Mormon' which had been loaned him by a neighbor,
Mr. John Gould. He told his family what he had seen and
heard, read the book, became absorbed in it and studied it
intently, but made no comment until after he had twice care-
fully read it through, when he closed it with emphasis and said
with conviction, ' That book is as true as the Bible. ' This copy
was of the first edition, printed in Palmyra, N. Y. in 1830 and is
still in possession of the family."
"Augustus 0. A. was baptised in his own mill pond by Elder
James Higbee, the same man who accompanied him home from
that first meeting. Soon after this his wife, his eldest son Dan
and some of his daughters joined, but the second son William
Rufus Rogers did not join until Aug. 1834, a year later."
' ' At this time the Mormons who were actively proselyting
were also being subjected to violent persecutions, their property
destroyed, and their persons assailed by hostile mobs, so they
were forced to move from place to place, gradually gravitating
West into what was then a new and sparsely populated country.
They finally selected Jackson County, Missouri, as their pro-
spective central headquarters."
"In 1834 a military body called "Zion Camp" composed
wholly of Mormons was organized and marched from Ohio to
Missouri to defend their brethern, while the Elders strove to
prevent the disintegration of their Church, already commenced,
because of apostacy through fear and persecutions."
"These persecutions had an important bearing upon the
relationship of Augustus 0. A. to the Mormon Church for they
served to weaken his faith in his religion. He was a stong patriot
and a loyal citizen to his Government which he thought the
Church antagonized. These views caused him to sacrifice his
222 The Stowell Genealogy
religion to his patriotism and he withdrew from the Church.
He was doubtless honest in his motives but in error as to his
facts. He returned to Westfield, N. Y,, resumed the practice
of law and became prominent in his profession, having previously-
been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of N. Y., 11 May
1808. He became intolerant and finally forbid his wife and
children from attending Church or associating with the Saints,
but his son William Rufus Rogers continued in the Church. He
had accompanied them in their migrations to Nauvoo, 111. and
was Captain of a military company in the pilgrimage over the
Desert to Salt Lake City and in all their battles with the hostile
Indians. He was ordained an Elder and rose through all the
various Church offices until he became a Patriarch, the highest
of all except the President."
To make the record complete it might be added that none
of the brothers or sisters of Augustus 0. A. ever joined the
Komion Church. Some of the daughtei^ of A. 0. A. however,
joined and remained in it. Dan, the eldest son of A. 0. A.
joined when a boy, but after he grew up lost all interest in the
Church and remained in New York and Indiana until 1853 when
he started with his wife and family of six children for California,
but was killed while on the way by the Indians at the massacre
at Provo, 16 March 1854. Some of Dan's descendants are
members of the Church and some are not.
Augustus, the third and only other son of A. 0. A., remained
in New York State and never joined the Mormon Church, nor
did any of his children.
Franklin K. Lane, former Sec. of the Interior, writes,
''Never speak disrespectfully of the Mormon Church. It has
as law abiding, hard working and kindly a group of people as
will be found anywhere. They worked a miracle when a few
hundred crossed the continent, going into an unknown waste
and turned that desert that lies around Salt Lake City into a
garden. ' '
Sir William Willcocks, the great irrigation expert, who
built the Assuan Dam in Egypt and developed the greatest
irrigation enterprise in the world, came to the United States to
examine our irrigation projects. He reported, "No where else
Fifth Generation 223
have I ever seen people who understand so wisely how to apply
water to land as those living around Salt Lake City."
Children of A. 0. A. by first wife, Huldah Warren :
i. Eliza W.e, b. Watertown, N. Y., 31 Aug. 1810, d. Eeeds Cor-
ner, Wis., 14 Sept. 1899, age 89, m. Phineas Cole. Children:
1. William Cole of FuUerton, Neb.
2. Anna A. Cole of Watrous, N. M.
3. Mks. J. J. Wagner of Kansas City, Mo.
ji. Maria Louisa, b. Brutus, N. Y., 28 Jan. 1813, d. 29 May 1860,
age 47, m. Hiram Wheeler.
fiii. George Washington, b. Solon, N. Y., 4 June 1815 d there
1818. '
315. iv. Dan, b. So^od, N. Y., 7 Sept. 1817.
Children by second wife, Mary Holmes:
V. Sophia, b. Solon, N. Y., 21 July 1821, d. Sept. 1845.
316. vi. William Eufus Rogers, b. Solon, N. Y., 23 Sept. 1822.
^i. Minerva, b. Solon, N. Y., 23 April 1824, d. Sbowville, Utah,
12 Sept. 1883, age 59, m. Salt Lake City, Utah, David Buell
viii. Laura, b. Solon, N. Y., 27 July 1826, d. 16 April 1862, age
35, m. Baker.
ix. Matilda A., b. Westfield, N. Y., 24 July 1827, d. 21 Aug.
1857, age 30, m. M. Oris Packard.
317. X. Augustus, b. Westfield, N. Y., 24 March 1829.
xi. Alice, b. Westfield, N. Y., 19 July 1832, m. William Perry.
xii. Juliette, b. Westfield, N. Y., 29 Nov. 1835, m. William
xiii. Elvira, b. Westfield, N. Y., 2 April 1841, d. there 8 July
124. ABIGAIL^ STOWELL {Oliver'' NatJianieP David''
SamueV) was born in Stafford, Conn., 9 Aug. 1785, d. Canastota,
N. Y., 29 Oct. 1874, age 89, m. about 1823, John Rangton of
Canastota, N. Y., b. 1776, d. Canastota, N. Y., 11 April 1856,
age 80.
Children (Rangton) :
i. Reuben N.o, b. Grey, Me., 20 Dec. 1809, m. Olr'E Plumme*
Berry, b. Bedford, Me., 14 May 1811, d. 31 Dec. 1884, age 73.
ii. Zerviah, b. Mass., 29 Sept. 1810, d. 3 Jan. 1847, age 36.
iii. Mary Adelaide, b. Canastota, N. Y., 7 June 1824, d. there
19 July 1877, age 53, m. George J. Sheldon, b. 19 June 1828,
d. Canastota, N. Y., 23 Aug. 1898, age 70. Lived at New Bos-
ton, N. Y. No children.
224 The Stowell Genealogy
318. iv. Sarah A., b. Canastota, N. Y., 1827. As this Sarah A. Rang-
ton married Lorenzo Dow Stowell, whose ancestry is unknown,
I canmot place their children under his line, hence I am placing
them under the line of Oliver and treat his daughter Abigail
Stowell, who was the mother of this Sarah A. Rangton, as
though she was a son of Oliver.
125. LUDOVICUS' STOWELL (Oliver* NatMnieV David^
Samuel^) was bom in Stafford, Conn., 21 Jan. 1793, d. 17 Dec.
1839, m. Hartford, Conn., 27 May 1823, Catherine Sheldon,
dau. of James and Abigail (Humphrey) Sheldon, b. Hartford,
Conn., 2 April 1793, d. Hartford, Conn., 2 June 1873, age 80.
Laura S. Stowell appointed Administratrix with Ludovicus
Stowell on estate of Catherine Stowell, late of Hartford, 11
Feb. 1874.
Administration of estate of Sheldon Stowell granted Laura
S. Stowell, 6 March 1877.
Will of Laura S. Stowell, late of Hartford, proved 17 Feb.
1886. Gives property to church and friends. (Probate Court
Dist. of Hartford, Conn.)
Children :
i. Ludovicus Griswood^, b. Hartford, Conn., IS Feb. 1824, d.
Hartford, Conn., 30 July 1825.
ii. Ludovicus Sheldon, b. Hartford, Conn., 4 Feb. 1826, d. Hart-
ford, Conn., before 6 March 1877, m. Laura S. , who
d. Hartford, Conn., 12 Feb. 1886.
iii. Catherine Mary, b. HartfoTd, Conn., 31 Oct. 1827, d. Hart-
ford, Conn., before 11 Feb. 1784, unmarried.
iv. Laura Simpson, b. Hartford, Conn., 7 June 1830, d. Hartford.
Conn., 13 Feb. 1886, unmarried.
126. LOREN= STOWELL (Oliver* Nathaniel^ David'' Sam-
uel^) was born at Stafford, Conn., 3 March 1795, d. Lowell, Ind.,
Jan. 1872, m. Mary Matilda Reed, dau of and Ruth
(Daseum) Reed, b. Conn., 12 March 1799, d. 6 Oct. 1842, age 43.
Resided at Sherman, Ohio, Shelby, Ind., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Was in the War of 1812.
Children :
i. Laura Abigailb, b. Sherman, Ohio, 1 June 1820, d. Kalamazoo,
Mich., m. Homer Field, son of Stephen and Charlotte (Berry)
Field, b. Onondaga, N. Y., 20 Jutne 1813, d. Kalamazoo, Mich.,
28 April 1884, age 70. Children (Field) :
Fifth Generation 225
1. Francis M., b. 31 Oct. 1840.
2. Mary N., b. 26 July 1843, m. A. T. Symonds.
3. Stephen, b. 14 Dec. 1845, d. 3 June 1847.
4. Homer, b. 26 Feb. 1847, d. 29 Jan. 1866, age 18.
5. Oliver H., b. 26 Jan. 1849, d. 9 Aug. 1852.
6. Laura M., b. 12 Nov. 1851.
7. Delia E., b. 11 March 1855, d. 23 Aug. 1855.
ii. Oliver H., b. Sherman, Ohio, 25 Nov. 1822, d. Kalamazoo,
Mich., 3 Aug. 1843, age 20.
319. iii. John E., b. Shelby, Ind., 13 June 1824.
320. iv. George Washington, b. Sherman, Ohio, 12 Sept. 1826.
V. Leavis M., b. Sherman, Ohio, 19 July 1828.
321. vi. Marcus Lafayette, b. Sherman, Ohio, 22 Nov. 1830.
vii. Myron H., b. Kalamazoo, Mich., 11 June 1832.
viii. Loren, b. Kalamazoo, Mich., 6 Oct. 1835, d. 1845 or 1846.
127. ISRAEL^ STOWELL (Israel*-^-'' Samuel") was bom
in Winchester, N. H., 23 May 1765, d. Bainbridge, N. Y., 6
March 1832, age 66, m. New Canaan, N. Y., 13 Feb. 1797, Anna
Knapp, b. Canaan, Conn., 3 April 1776, d. Friendship, Wis., 22
June 1862. Resided in New Canaan, Jericho, and Bainbridge,
N. Y.
After Israel died, his wife Anna, with sons Butler and
Sylvester and daughters Sophia and Sophronia went to Friend-
ship, Wis.
Children :
i. Israels, b. New Canaan, N. Y., 10 Aug. 1798, d. Madiaon,
Wis., Feb. 1864, age 65, unmarried.
ii. Saoah Ann, b. New Canaan, N. Y., 3 April 1800, d. Coleraine,
Mass., 11 April 1858, age 58, m. 1825, Aaron Franklin, son of
Aaron and Molly (Stowell) Franklin, b. Guilford, Vt., 8 June
1798, d. Coleraine, Mass., 18 Dec. 1889, age 91. Lived at Cole-
raine, Mass., where all children were born ('Franklin) :
1. Elvira Sophronia, b. 8 Dec. 1827, d. Coleraine, Mass.,
23 April 1907, age 82, m. there 5 Jan. 1848, Joseph D.
Noyes, son of James and Mary (Taylor) Noyes, b. Guil-
ford, Vt., 30 May 1823, d. Coleraine, IVIass., 18 May 1906,
age 82. Child (Noyes) : i. Dora.
2. Mary Ann, b. 1829, m. Coleraine, Mass., 8 Nov. 1849,
EoswELL Barber, son of Thomas and Polly Barber, b.
Coleraine, Mass., 1819. Children (Barber) : i. Sevilla, \L
William, iii. Luthera.
226 The Stowell Genealogy
3. Augusta E., b, 12 Oct. 1827, d. Estherville, Iowa, 11 Dec.
1905, age 78, m. Guilford, Vt., 8 Jan. 1849, Eoyal Esta-
BROOK, son of Barnard and Mercy (Gladden) Estabrook,
b. Brattleboro, Vt., 18 Dec. 1822, d. Marshalltown, Iowa,
16 March 1889, age 66. aiildren (Estabrook) : i. Eva M.,
ii. A. Barnard.
4. Lucy Sophia, b. 24 Oct. 1831, d. Cliicago, lU., 2 AprU
1889, age 57, m. Wilmington, Vt., 29 Sept. 1858, CHaeles
Gladden Cobb, son of Joseph B, fi.nd Patience M. (Glad-
den) Cobb, b. Guilford, Vt., 17 March 1833, d. Chicago,
111., 4 Dec. 1907, age 74. Children (Cobb) : i. Arthur, ii,
Helen M.
322. iii, Luke Knapp, b. New Canaan, N. Y., 10 June 1802.
iv. Mary, b. New Canaan, N. Y., 11 March 1804, d. Coventry,
N. Y., 2 Aug. 1882, age 78, m. Bainbridge, N. Y., 8 April
1823, Joshua Lines Wilkins, son of Cooley and Polly (Cran-
dall) Wilkins, b. Coventry, N. Y., 11 Sept. 1799, d. there 11
Oct. 1872, age 73. Lived at Coventry, where children were
born (Wilkins) :
1. Walter Stowell, b. 28 Sept. 1824, d. Peoria, 111., 16
Feb. 1902, age 77, m. Fulton, N. Y., 2 Nov. 1853, Eliza-
beth Angelina Arnold, dau . of John Wesley and Angelina
(Camp) Arnold, b. Fulton, N. Y., 25 Jan. 1832. Children:
i. Earl De Fere, ii. Emma Jane.
2. Sally Amamlla, b. 17 Feb. 1826, d. Afton, N. Y., 11
Jan. 1907, age 80, m. Coventry, N. Y., 27 Oct. 1842, Silas
Wakeman, son of Epiphus and Abigail (Banks) Wakeman,
b. Conn., 8 March 1821, d. Afton, N. Y., 8 Jan. 1907,
age 87. Children (Wakeman) : i. CeUa, ii. Nettie, iii.
Sylvester Burr.
3. Sophia Annie, b. 28 May 1828, d. Coventry, N. Y., 12
Jan. 1831.
4. Emily Augusta, b. 18 March 1830, m. Coventry, N. Y.,
12 Feb. 1850, Harlow Roswell Andrews, son of Roswell
and Roxy (Holcomb) Andrews, b. Coventry, N. Y., 24 Jan.
1822, d. there 24 Aug. 1852. She m. 2d, Bainbridge,
N. Y., 16 Aug. 1854, George Williams, son of John Wil-
liams, b. Schoharie Co., N. Y., 16 July 1820, d. Quasque
ton, Iowa, 20 March 1900, age 79. Children (Williams) :
i. Walter J., ii. Burr, iii. Hattie V., iv. Stella C.
5. Sylvester Burr, b. 24 March 1833, d. Rockford, HI., 3
March 1921, m. Milton, Penn., 16 May 1861, Jane Good-
lander, dau. of Christopher and Mary (Osmond) Good-
lander, b. Miltoffi, Penn., 6 Feb. 1838, d. Rockford, lU.,
21 Dec. 1920. Lived at Rockford, 111. Manufacturer.
Fifth Generation 227
Children: i. George Lester, ii. Mary Boxy, iii. Buth Cran-
6. Ann Elizabeth, b. 12 Jan. 1835, d. 29 Dec. 1859, age
24, m. 27 Dec. 1858, Samuel Whitney Cummings, b. Del-
aware Co., N. Y., 1827, d. Sombra, Out., 26 July 1918.
7. Wallace Adelbert, b. 11 Feb. 1843, d. Afton, N. Y.,
28 Oct. 1918, m. 17 Feb. 1869, Jeanette Handy, who d.
Afton, N. Y., 19 Dec. 1916.
V. Sabra, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 10 Feb. 1806, d. there 23 March
Ti. Sophia Augusta, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 31 Aug. 1808, d.
Gerretsburg, Mo., 19 Dec 1898, age 90, m. Bainbridge, N. Y.,
8 Feb. 1837, Rev. Putnam Farrington Spoor, son of Cornelius
and Betsey (Farringtooi) Spoor, b. Delhi, N. Y., 10 Sept. 1810,
d. Strong's Prairie, Wis., 7 March 1875, age 64. Graduate Cats-
kill, N. Y. Minister of Methodist Episcopal Church. Children
(Spoor) :
1. LoRiNDA EsTELLE, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 19 Dec. 1837, m.
Friendship, Wis., 1 Dec. 1858, Robert U. Hendrick, son
of Levi and Amelia Hendrick, b. Wolcott, N. Y., 1 Sept.
1836. Lived at Chicago, HI., and St. Joseph, Mo. Child
(Hendrick) : i. Wilson Spoor.
2. Mary Amrette, b. Jerusalem, Penn., 14 Feb. 1840, m.
Chicago, 111., 23 Nov. 1866, Isaac D. Wilson, son of Isaac
N. and Hannah Wilson, b. Palestine, 111., 22 June 1832, d.
Kansas City, Kan., 30 Nov. 1893, age 61.
3. James Ferris, b. Tioga, Penn., 16 March 1844, m. Big
Springs, Wis., 12 Sept. 1866, Mary Theresa Hatch, dau.
of David Martin and Harriet (Butterfield) Hatch, b. Big
Springs, Wis., 23 July 1849. Lived at Saxton, Mo. Chil-
dren: i. Lillian Josephine, ii. FredericTc Wilson, iii. Alher-
marle Farrington.
4. William, b. 3 Nov. 1850, d. 15 Dec. 1850.
323. vii. Butler, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 31 March 1810.
324. viii. Sylvester, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 30 June 1812.
ix. Anna, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 8 Sept. 1814, d. Fulton, N. Y.,
20 Jan. 1847, age 32, m. N. Y., Ferris Hammond. No children.
X. Patty, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 13 Aug. 1816, d. there 13 Aug.
xi. SOPHRONIA Amret, b. Bainbridge, N. Y,, 3 Sept. 1817, d.
Topeka, Kan., 16 April 1888, age 70, m. Southport, N. Y.,
22 Oct. 1844, RoswELL Waterman Stowell, son of Abijah and
Lydia (Richards) Stowell, b. Richfield, N. Y., 14 May 1811, d.
Friendship, Wis., 6 Feb. 1878, age 66.
228 The Stowell Genealogy
128. ELISHA« STOWELL (Israel'-'-^ Samuel') was born
in Winchester, N. H., 29 Jan. 1767, d. Johnstown, Ohio, 31 Aug.
1842, age 74, m. at Bainbridge, N. Y., Isabel Stowell, dan. of
Hezekiah and Hepzibah (Rice) Stowell, b. July 1775, d. Johns-
town, Ohio, 16 Aug. 1841.
Was a farmer. Lived in Bainbridge, N. Y. until 1818, then
Wilkesville and Johnstown, Ohio. The parents of Elisha and
Isabel were pioneers in Bainbridge and settled on opposite sides
of the Susquehanna River. Elisha and Isabel joined the Presby-
terian Church at Johnstown, Ohio in 1840.
Children born Bainbridge, N. Y. :
i. Sarahs, b. 16 Jan. 1797, d. Smoekville, Kv., m. Chitwood.
3S5. ii. WiLLARD, b. 28 Sept. 1799.
iii. Jerusha, b. 7 Jujy 1801, d. Warren, Ohio, m. Purington.
iv. Mary, b. 28 July 1803, d. on R. R. train between Minneapolis,
Minn., and Aurora, TIL, in 1888, age 84, m. Wilkesville, Ohio,
18210, Henry Savery LeDuc, b. Middletown, Conn., 23 March
1797, d. Hastings, Minn., 23 April 1861, age 64. Lived at
Wilkesville, Amestown, Johnsto-mi and Delaware, Ohio, and
Hastings, Minn. Was a merchant and postmaster. Justice of
the Peace. Elder in Presbyterian Church. Both charter mem-
bers of Presbyterian Church at Jolinstown, Ohio, in 1835.
Children (LeDuc) :
1. Rev. Charles Sumner, b. Wilkesville, Oliio, 2 April 1821,
d. Troy, Kan., 9 March 1868, age 46, m. Utica, N. Y., 9
May 1855, Emma Rachel Butler, daa. of Elihu and Julia
(Pomeroy) Butler, b. 12 Sept. 1824, d. Los Angeles, Calif.,
1 Aug. 1913. Minister, graduate Kenyon College. Chil-
dren: i. Edward Mills, ii. Mary Pomeroy.
2. William Gates, b. Wilkesville, Ohio, 29 March 1823, m.
Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 25 M^ireh 1851, Mary Elizabeth Bron-
SON, dau. of Charles Pinckney and Elizabeth (Banning)
Bronson, b. Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 4 Aug. 1829, d. Hastings,
Minn., 23 May 1903, age 73. Lived at Hastings, Minn.
La'^-yer. Secretary of Agriculture during the Hayes Ad-
ministration. Joined Presbyterian Church, Johnstown, Ohio,
in 1843. Children: i. Mory M., ii. Florence G., iii. Wil-
liam B., iv. Alice S.
3. Joseph, b. Wilkesville, Ohio, 25 Jan. 1825, m. Minneapolis,
Minn., 21 May 1855, Elizabeth Bertram, dau. of Elsie
(Moneylaws) Bertram, b. New York City, 8 May 1823, d.
Muskoda, Minn., 30 June 1877, age 54. Lived in Minne-
apolis and northern Minnesota. Grocer and postmaster.
Fifth Generation
Elder in Presbyterian Church. Joined church at Johns-
town, Ohio, in 1844.
4. Elizabeth Reynolds, b. Wilkesville, Ohio, 13 May 1827,
d. Ontario, Calif., 24 Aug. 1912, age 85, m. Minneapolis,
Minn., 30 Oct. 1873, C. N. Boardman. No children.
5. Harry Elisha, b. Wilkes\ille, Ohio, 21 Nov. 1829, d. Lo«
Angeles, Calif., 18 Oct. 1907, age 77, m. Milton, 111., 7 May
1855, Frances Brookins, b. Milton, 111., d. Aurora, 111.,
1899. Physician. Graduate Chicago Medical College. No
6. James McAboy, b. Vv'ilkesville, Ohio, 2 Feb. 1S32, d. North-
field, Minn., 25 Aug. 1857, age 25, unmarried. La'W'yer.
Lived at Northfield, Minn. Graduate Kenyon College.
7. Mary Clarissa, b. Johnstown, Ohio, 5 Oct. 1834, unmar-
ried. Lives at Sierra Madre, Calif. Graduate Ohio Wes-
leyan University.
8. Henry Martyn, b. Johnstown, Ohio, 3 May 1837, m. Wash-
ington, D. C, 7 June 1868, Amelia Walborn, dau. of Ed-
ward and Elizabeth (Livengood) "Wialborn, b. Fremont,
Penn., 3 March 3 849, d. Washington, D. C, 3 Dec. 1892,
age 43. Lived in Washington, D, C. Children: i. Marion,
ii. Charles, iii. Ealph, iv. Grace, v. Mabel, vi. Edith, vii.
Henry, viii. Percy, ix. Amy, x. Elisabeth.
9. Ll'CV, b. Johnstown, Ohio, 30 Dec. 1839, unmarried. Lives
at Sierra Madre, Calif.
Electa, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 7 Dec. 18105, d. Wilkesville,
Ohio, 3 Aug. 1841, m. 1st, 1823, Elijah Strong, son of Judge
Horatio and Patience (Stevens) Strong, b. 22 April 1788.
She m. 2d, Arthur. Children (Strong):
1. Maky Ann, b. 23 Jan. 1824, m. Heman Lawtience.
2. Willard Reed, b. 5 Jan. 1826, m. Rebecca Susan Davis.
3. Sally Maria, b. 2 Aug. 1828, m. James Hampton.
4. Luther, b. 6 Sept. 1830, d. 25 March 1831.
5. Levi, b. 11 March 1832, m. Ann Eliza DA\as.
6. Christopher Columbus, b. 30 June 1834.
7. Isabel, b. 2 Dec. 1836, m. Robert Davis.
8. Electa Pamelia b. 15 Jan. 1838, d. 14 Sept. 1840.
Wilson, b. 10 Jan. 1809, d. Ohio.
Hammon, b. 18 Sept. 1811.
Palmer, b. 7 April 1813.
Franklin, b. 13 Sept. 1815, d. Wilkes\-ille, Ohio, 1826.
129. JOSIAH'' STOWELL {Israel^-^-^ Samuel^) was born
in Winchester, N. H., 22 March 1770, d. Smithboro, N. Y., m.
Miriam Bridgeman, dan. of Orlando and Martha (Wait) Bridge-
230 The Stowell GenExVlogy
man of Bainbridge, b. N. Y., 5 April 1773, d. Smithboro, N. Y.,
23 Sept. 1833, age 60.
Josiah resided in Bainbridge, Afton and Smithboro, N. Y.
He was a farmer. Had saw mills on the Susquehanna River.
In the history of Afton; p. 135, History of Chenango and
Madison Counties, N. Y. it says Josiah was an early setttler on
the Susquehanna River about two miles below Afton, that he
went to Lanesboro, N. Penn. in search of a supposed hidden
treasure, that he was accompanied by Joseph Smith, the founder
of Mormonism, who had previously worked for Josiah Stowell
on his farm and in his saw mill.
Children :
i. Simeons, b. 29 July 1791.
ii. Martha, b. 10 Sept. 1793, m. Brewer.
327. iii. Horace, b. 10 March 1796.
iv. Miranda, b. 6 Sept. 1798, m. John (or Almon) Smith.
V. Thomas, b. 28 Sept. 1800, d. 1803.
vi. Rhoda, b. 11 March 1805, d. Elmira, N. Y., 29 Oct. 1844, m.
1 Oct. 1835, Ward Bovier, son of John and Hannah (Smith)
Bovier, b. Southport, N. Y., 20 April 1806, d. Hartford, Mich.,
8 Nov. 1869. The name was originally spelled Bevier. Chil-
dren (Bovier) :
1. Horace S., b. 13 May 1837, d. 26 Nov. 1879.
2. James Henry, b. 18 Jan. 1839, d. 10 Dee. 1886, m. 28
Oct. 1867, Mary Emeline Boynton, dau. of Mortimer
and Emeline (Denison) Boynton, b. 2 Jan. 1844, d. 4
March 1896. Children: i. Guy W., ii. Mary Elizabeth.
3. Emmet, b. 3 May 1842, d. 7 May 1866, unmarried.
4. Alice R., b. 26 Aug. 1844, d. 23 May 1864, unmarried,
vii. Miriam, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 22 May 1807, m. Tioga, N. Y.,
5 Sept. 1837, Benjamin Richards, b. Ulysses, N. Y., 20 Sept.
1810. Lived at Tioga and Smithboro, N. Y. Children born
Tioga, N. Y. (Richards) :
1. Mary Louisa, b. 28 Sept. 1838, d. Tioga, N. Y., 25
June 1893, age 54, m. Binghampton, N. Y., 10 Sept. 1860,
John Milton Whitcomb, son of Ira Medes and Fanny
(Burnham) Whitcomb, b. Maine, N. Y., 18 Aug. 1833, d.
Union, N. Y., 30 Oct. 1909, age 76. Was a farmer and
lived at Tioga, N. Y. Children (Whitcomb) : i. Benjamin
"Richards, ii. Forman Elmer, iii. Herman Edwin.
2. Hannah E., b. Tioga, N. Y., d. AprU 1877, m. J. W.
Oostersine. No children.
328- viii. Josiah, b, Bainbridge, N. Y., 16 AprU 1809.
Fifth Generation 231
130. DEACON LUTHER» STOWELL (Israel"-'-'' Sam-
uel^) was born in Winchester, N. H., 18 Oct. 1772, d. London-
derry, Vt., 9 Nov. 1857, age 85, m. Petersham, Mass., 25 Dec.
1796. Lydia Clark of Petersham, dan. of David and Sarah
Clark, b. Petersham, Mass., 18 Aug. 1777, d. Londonderry, Vt.,
5 Dec. 1860, age 83.
Resided in Petersham, Mass., until 1797, Windham, Vt.,
until 1818, then Londonderry, Vt. Was a farmer. Was one of
the most active and prominent citizens of Londonderry for
many years and highly respected. Was Justice of the Peace
for 34 years and married all his children except Harden. Was
Deacon of the Congregational Church for fifty years. Was
selectman for many years. Was pastmaster for Londonderry
1825 to 1828. Was member of the State Legislature 1819, 1821,
1828. Member of the Constitutional Convention to revise the
Constitution in 1814 and again in 1828.
Children :
329. i. Col. Josiahs, b. Petersham, Mass., 30 April 1798.
ii. Florixda, b. Windham, Vt., 27 Nov. 1799, d. there 9 June
1879, age 79, m. Londonderry, Vt., 23 Sept. 1819, Ieia Farr,
son of Abraham and Mary (Harris) Farr, b. Dummerston, Vt.,
1 Dec. 1797, d. Windliam, Vt., 6' March 1870, age 72. Children
born in Windham, Vt. (Farr) :
1. Abram, b. 24 Sept. 1820, d. Windham, Vt., 5 Aug. 1825.
2. William Clark, b. 7 Nov. 1822, d. Windham, Vt., 23 Aug.
1889, age 66, m. Windham, Vt., 29 Dec. 1851, Elsie A. C.
Barrett, b. Windham, Vt., 12 Oct. 1829, d. there 10 April
1890, age 60. Lived at Windham, Vt. Children: i. Flora,
ii. WiUiam A.
3. Lydia Adeline, b. 2 Jan. 1825, d. Windham. Vt., 16 March
1894, age 69, m. there 13 March 1845, Hollis Gleason
Stowell, son of Reuben and Mary (Bennett) Stowell, b.
Windham, Vt., 17 March 1821, d. Springfield, Mass., 14
Sept. 1912, age 90.
4. Henriette, b. 20 April 1827, m. Windham, Vt., 1 Jan.
1849, David E. Eobbins, son of David and Olive (Bryant)
Bobbins, b. Wardsboro, Vt., 10 Oct. 1823, d. Windham,
Vt., 26 April 1895, age 71. Lived at Windham, Vt. Chil-
dren (Eobbins) : i. Mory Henrietta, ii. Addie Flonndn,
iii. Nettie May.
5. Ira Alonzo, b. 20 June 1830, d. Windham, Vt., 25 March
232 The Stowell Genealogy
6. IVlARY, b. 27 Oct. 1833, d. Brattleboro, Vt,, 23 Aug, 1908,
age 74, m. Windham, Vt., Charles Bobbins.
7. LoRA A., b. 7 April 1841, d. Londonderry, Vt., 1 March
330. iii. David Clark, b. 'VVindham, Vt., 15 March 1801.
331. iv. Horace, b. Windham, Vt., 10 Jan. 1803.
V. Harden C, b. Windham, Vt., 27 April 1805, d. Londonderry,
Vt., 24 Oct. 1881, age 76, unmarried,
vi. Elizabeth E., b. Windham, Vt., 28 Feb. 1807, d. L^judon-
derry, Vt., 25 Dec. 1871, age 64, m. there 1 Sept. 1825, Dr.
Jeremiah Wheeler Arnold, b. Londonderry, Vt., 2 May 1802,
d. there 13 June 1889, age 87. Physicdan. Lived at London-
derry, Vt. Children born Londonderry, Vt. (Arnold) :
1. Lydia J., b. 13 Aug. 1828, d. Mazomanie, Wis., 28 Sept.
1867, age 39, m. Londonderry, Vt., 17 Jan. 1847, Okin
Wait Park, son of Thomas Kinney and Lueinda (Wait)
Park, b. Grafton, Vt., 26 Nov. 1823, d. Jefferson, Iowa,
16 Feb. 1904, age 80. Children (P.irk) : i. Ada A., ii.
Ella L., iii. Frank L.
2. Mary J., b. 14 Jan. 1831, d. Londonderry, Vt., 13 March
3. Nancy, b. 11 Feb. 1832, d. Manchester, Vt., 11 Jan. 1882,
4. Luther Stow^ell, b. 28 Aug. 1834, d. Londonderry, Vt., 23
Nov. 1907, age 73, m. there 11 Feb. 1858, Marion Wait,
dau. of Sumner and Sally (Dodge) Wait, b. Londonderry,
Vt., 1 Aug. 1835, d. there 23 June 1914, age 78. Physician
and lived at Londonderry, Vt. Oliild: i. Elmore Ferdinamd.
5. Samuel H., b. 2 March 1837, d. Londonderry, Vt., 7 March
6. Louisa Isidorje, b. 23 Nov. 1844, d. Manchester, Vt., 12
Feb. 1881, age 36, m. Keene, N. H., 24 Aug. 1863, Dr.
James Washburn Marsh, son of Hiram Freeman and
Aurelia Eveline (Davis) Marsh, b. Reading, Vt., 15 Oct.
1839. Lived at Peru, Londonderry, Dorset and Manchester,
Vt. Physician. Children (]\1arsh) : {.Flora May, ii.
Earriet Florence, iii. ^ena Isidore.
7. Elbert Warrington, b. 19 Dec. 1847, d. Bellows Falls,
Vt., 10 April 1895, age 47, m. Weston, Vt., 24 Sept. 1871,
Sarah O. Shattuck, dau. of Daniel amd Olive (Sawyer)
Shattuek, b. Weston, Vt., 15 May 1846, d. Londonderry,
Vt., 12 Dec. 1871, age 25. He m. 2d, Londonderry, Vt., 3
Feb. 1878, Mary P. B. Courtis, dau. of Eben M. and Mary
T. (Bronson) Curtis, b. Warrensburg, N. Y., 1857. Chil-
dren: i. Bertell, ii. Luther, iii. Alice W., iv. Lee Elbert.
Fifth Generation 233
332. vii. Luther, b. Windham, Vt., 6 April 1809.
333. viii.
AvEEY Bacon, b. Windham, Vt., 12 April 1811.
Mart Butler, b. Windham, Vt., 25 Nov. 1813, d. Lj^ndboro,
N. H., 28 Jam. 1879, age 65, m. 1st, Londonderry, N. H., 30
Dec. 1832, Henry Chapin, son of Jesse anrl Eunice (Wlieelock)
Chapln, b. Uxbridge, Mass., 1 May 1797, d. Derry, N. H., 21
July 1836. She m. 2d, Nashua, N. H., 13 Aug. 1837, Lory
Bacon, b. Maine, 9 April 1811, d. Nashua, N. H., 25 Aug. 1854.
She m. 3d, at Nashua, N. H., 3 Dec. 1858, Joseph Perham,
son of Oliver and Anna R. Perham, b. Lyndboro, N. H., 17
Sept. 1802, d. Lyndboro, N; II., 16 Jan. 1879, age 76. Children
by Henry Chapin:
1. ^Ury W., b. Derry, N. H., 20 Jan. 1834, d. Chicago, III.,
1 Oct. 1890, age 56, m. Nashua, N. H., 20 Aug. 1854,
James Henry Wheeler, son of James and Adaline
(Briggs) Wheeler, b. Lynn, Mass., 20 Oct. 1833, d. New
York City.
Children by Lory Bacon:
2. George Lory, b. Nashua, N. H., 26 Nov. 1839, d. there
26 May 1842.
3. Charles Eoscoe, b. Nashua, N. H., 17 June 1842, d. New
York City, 15 June 1916, age 74, m. Waltham, Mass., 7
Feb. 1866, Mary C. Stiles. Child: i. Charles C.
4. Abby Jane, b. Nashua, N. H., 25 Aug. 1844, d. there 19
April 1849, age 4.
5. Ellen Loretta, b. Nashua, N. H., 12 Aug. 1850, m. Pea-
body, Mass., 11 Dec. 1877, Frank P, Wilkins, son of Levi
W. and Elizabeth W. Wilkins, b. Antrim, N. H., 12 June
1854. Child (Wilkins) : i. Lyman W.
Lydia, b. LondondeiTy, Vt., 2i Aug. 1818, d. Waltham, Mass.,
11 May 1896, age 77, m. Londonderry, Vt., 8 Jan. 1840, Samuel
Whitney, son of Samuel and Polly (Wallace) Wliitney. b.
Townsend, Mass., 20 July 1817, d. Waltham, Mass., 17 Oct.
1894, age 77. Lived in Nashua, N. II., and Waltham and
Taunton, Mass. For many years was a skillful mechanic for
the Nashua Mfg. Co. In 1864 entered employ of American
Watch Co., at Waltham, from which he retired in 1888. Chil-
dren born Nashua, N. H., (Whitney) :
1. George Wallace, b. 27 March 1843, d. Waltham, Mass.,
26 May 1881, m. Gardner, Mass., 21 May 1867, Lucy Ann
Harrington, dau. of Daniel and Nancy (White) Harring-
ton, b. Westminster, Mass., 14 Sept. 1847, d. 9 March 1917.
Was a Unirersalist minister and lived in Quincy, Saugus,
Westminster, Mass., and Augusta, Me. No children.
2. Frank Adelbert, b. 5 Sept. 1846, d. Nashua, N. H., 22
July 1849.
234 The Stowell Genealogy
3. Elbekt Watson, b. 8 Dee. 1849, m. Quincy, Mass., 8 Sept.
1875, Mary Frances French, dau. of Dr. Charles S. and
Dorothy (Norcross) French, b. Quincy, Mass., 13 June 1854.
Lived in Quincy and Peabody and Milford, Mass. Uni-
versalist minister. Graduate Tufts .College, A.B., 1873,
B.D., 1875. Children: i. Mabel, ii. Arthur Bryant.
4. Charles Henry, b. 19 June 1860.
334. xi. Henry Chapin, b. Londonderry, Vt., 17 April 1821,
131. DR. CALVIN» STOWELL (Israel'''-'' SamueV) was
born in Winchester, N. H., 5 Dec. 1774, d. Groton, N. Y., 8 Nov.
1838, age 63, m. 1st, Polly Stowell, dan. of Hezekiah and
Hepsabah (Persis) (Rice) Stowell, b. Petersham, Mass., 2 April
1766, d, Groton, N, Y,, 1804, age 36. He m. 2d, Lucy Bramhall,
dau. of Joseph and Experience (Blackman) Bramhall, b.
Dutchess Co., N. Y., 1778, d. Ithaca, N. Y., 2 Dec. 1871, age 93,
Was a physician. Lived in Bainbridge and Groton, N. Y.
and Penn.
Children by first wife Polly Stowell :
1. Annas.
335. ii. Hezekiah, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 7 Dec. 1796.
386. iii. Luther, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 15 June 1798.
337. iv. Warren, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., 19 May 180O.
V. Sophia, b. Bainbridge, N. Y., d. Pine Creek, Panama, 1842,
m, 7 March 1821, Orl.\ni>o Beidgeman, b. Bainbridge, N. Y.,
19 Aug. 1792, Had no children, but adopted Henriette Fowler,
who married Thomas Pollard Stowell.
vi, LuciNDA, m, Alvah Austin. Children (Austin) :
1. Amelia, m. Henry Leslie,
2. Louisa, m. Brown.
3. Orville.
4. Calvin.
5. Mary.
6. Hezekiah.
7. Chauncey.
8. Neale.
9. Susan Lucinda, m. Sylvanus Bean.
10. Carrie.
vii. Louisa, m. 1st, Calvin Champlin. She m. 2d, Cooll.. Chil-
dren (Champlin) :
1. Ira F.
2. Orlando Bridgeman.
3. sopiiila b.
4. William Henry.
Fifth Generation 235
\*ui. Armina, b. 1809, d. De Witt, Mich., m. David Clinton Will-
SEY. Children (Willsey) :
1. Mary Delphine, m. Edmund S. Fitz. Children (Fitz) :
1. Gilson, ii. Edmiind Albert, iii. Victor E., iv. Armina.
2. Josephine Louise.
3. Hortense Eliza, m. Charles H. Bheubottom. Children
(Rheubottom) : 1. Calvin TV., ii. David Henry.
ix. Matilda, m. 1st, John Gray, m. 2d, Stevenson. No children.
Adopted Calvin S. IL^mmond.
Children by second wife Lncy Bramhall:
338. X. John Conant, b. Groton, N. Y., 20 Feb. 1816.
xi. Daniel.
132. ABISHAP STOWELL (Israel'-'-' SamueV) was born
in Winchester, N. H., 13 May 1778, d. La Prairie, buried Blue
Ridge, 111., 5 Sept. 1840, age 62, m. 1st, 9 Feb. 1802, Hannah
M. Field, b. Brattleboro, Vt., 20 March 1784, d. Bainbridge,
N. Y., 25 Sept. 1818, age 34. He m. 2d, 7 Sept. 1819, MiriIm
Johnson, b. 9 Dec. 1792, d. Princeville, 111., 15 March 1859,
age 66. Resided Bainbridge, N. Y. and Hallock, 111.
Children by 1st wife Hannah M. Field born at Bainbrid'^e
N. Y.:
339. 1. Clarks, b. 11 Sept. 1803.
340. ii. Elihu Cooper, b. 23 July 1805.
341. iii. Ebenezer, b. 19 Oct. 1807.
iv. Olive, b. 9 Dec. 1809, d. Hallock, ni., 1 March 1870, age 60,
m. Lyman Robinson, d. 1873. Child (Robinson) :
1. Edgae p.
V. Almira, b. 10 March 1812, d. Mansfield, Penn., 12 Feb. 1860,
age 47, m. Bainbridge, N. Y., 10 March 1828, Robert Harper
Pratt, son of Ezra and Hannah (Barton) Pratt, b. Ninevah,
N. Y., 14 Sept. 1791, d. Richmond, Penn., 28 July 1884, age 92.'
For many years was pilot, rafting lumber domi the Susque-
hanna River, going as far south as Chesapeake Bay. Cliildren
(Pratt) :
1. Edwin, b. Coles Hill, N. Y., 13 Aug. 1829, d. Richmond,
Penn., 21 Sept. 1909, age 80, m. East Charleston, Penn.'
20 Nov. 1851, Martha Wiloox, dau. of Joseph and Eunice
(Duglas) Wilcox, b. Verotna, N. Y., 30 June 1832, d. Mans-
field, Penn., 1 Feb. 1911, age 79. Was a farmer and lived
in Richmond and Mansfield, Penn. Children: i. Carrie, ii.
Emily, iii. Maria H., iv. Arthur Stowell, v. Fred Earper,
vi. Frank L.
236 The Stowell Genealogy
2. Jane E., b. Shippen, Penn., 14 Nov. 1833, d. Tioga Jutac-
tion, Penn., 22 Nov. 1907, m. Riclimond, Penn., 4 Nov. 1852,
Antjrew James Patchin, son of Vine Donis and Maria H.
(Davidson) Patchin, b. Guilford, N. Y., 25 May 1830, d.
Tioga Junction, Penn., 25 April 1905. Farmer. Children
(Patchin) : i. Vine D., ii. Mart K.
3. EmLY E., b. Shippen, Penn., 3 Dec. 1835, d. Mansfield,
Penn., 21 Feb. 1887, age 52, m. 12 Sept. 1858, Albert H.
Avery, son of George azid Ruth (Nickerson) Avery, b.
Salisbury, N. Y., 12 Aug. 1830, d. Mansfield, Penn., 9 Oct.
1899, age 69. Farmer. Owned saw mill. Worked at rais-
ing and evaporating fruit. Lived at Charleston and Mans-
field, Penn. Child (Avery) : i. Wyllys B.
4. Olive Arabell, b. E. Charleston, Penn., 16 Nov. 1845, d.
Mansfield, Penn., 16 March 1883, m. there 25 March 1866,
Albert J. B. Dartt, son of Cyrus and Matilda (Sweet)
Dart, b. E. Charleston, Penn., 18 April 1842, d. Clyde,
Kan., 20 March 1878. Teacher. Settled on government
land after marriage and remained until driven off by In-
dians, then bought land. Lived fifty miles from post-
office or store. Children (Dartt) : i. Morton L., ii. Botert
Stowell, iii. Cyrus H., iv. Helen Isabell, v. Boy.
5. Vine Egbert, b. E. Charleston, Petnn., 20 April 1848, m.
Ansonia, Penn., 13 March 1872, Alice Ethalinda Darijno,
dau. of Joseph Andnis and Helen Marion (Swope) Darl-
ing, b. Delmar, Penn., 14 May 1851. Graduate State Nor-
mal School, Mansfield, Penn. Teacher, postmaster, civil
engineer at RejTioldville. Children: i. Wirt Darling, ii.
Maud Alice.
vi, Laura, b. 3 May 1814, d. Richmond, Penn, 19 March 1886,
age 72, m. John Goodall, b. England, d. Aug. 1872. He was
a carpenter and millwright. No children,
342. Tli. Reuben, b. 17 April 1816.
vin. Calvin, b. 9 Sept. 1817, d. Bainbridge, N. Y., 11 May 1819.
Children by second wife Miriam Johnson, all born Bain-
bridge, N, Y. :
ix. Thomas Johnson, b. 8 Aug 1820, d. Bainbridge, N, Y., 7
Sept. 1839, age 19.
X. Stephen Baker, b. 29 Nov. 1822, d. Russell, Kan., 20 Oct.
1908, age 85, m. Anna Blakelet. No children. He settled at
Dorrance, Kan., in the seventies. Was an Odd Fellow and died
at the Odd Fellows' Homie, near Manhattan, Kan.
xi. Nathan, b. 2 'Feb. 1825, d. Hallock, HI., 25 Aug. 1845, age
20. Killed by lightning.
Fifth Generation 237
xii. Hannah, b. 23 Feb. 1827, d. Clearfield,. Iowa, 3 Feb. 1894,
age 67, ra. Princeville, HI., 11 May 1847, George De Boed,
son of George aaid (Miller) De Bord, b. Somerset, Ky., 25 Jan.
1814, d. Princeville, HI., 1 April 1865, age 51. Lived at Ead-
nor and Princeville, 111. Children (De Bord) :
1. Jesse Johnson, b. Eadnor, 111., 29 June 1848, m. Leno^
la., 6 June 1883, Hannah Elizabeth Kjbdee, dau. of
Percy J. and Lois (Leskey) Kidder, b. Columbus, Wis., 17
May 1854, d. Richview, HI., 27 Oct. 1891, age 37. Chil-
dren: i. Ines Eddth, ii. Amy Alma', iii. Ora Stowell.
2. Martha Jane, b. Princeville, HI., 26 Oct. 1853, m. Pekm,
111., 29 May 1871, William Franklin Fuson, son of Al-
pheus and Hannah FusoSi, b. S. Paris, Ohio, 25 Oct. 1847.
Children (Fuson) : i. Otto D., ii. William Henry, iii. Boy
Monroe, iv. Infant, v. Arthur Neal, vi. May Sutha.
3. Olive Chastolette, b. Princeville, 111., 15 Dec. 1858, m.
DI., 15 Jan. 1880, Henky C. Rife.
4. George Lincoln, b. Princeville, HI., 28 April 1861, m.
Clearfield, Iowa, 13 Nov. 1884, Lillie May DickeesON,
dau. of William Alonzo and Clarissa Jane (AUbaugh)
Dickerson, b. Muscatine, Iowa, 13 Aug. 1867. Children:
i. Elva Gertrude, ii. Horatio Marion, Sri. Albert Oscar, iv.
William Earl, v. Jennie Eva, vi. Laura Edith, vii. Harold
Leslie, -wiii. Charles Edwin, ix. Bessie Alma; x. Jessie
Olive, xi. Hannah Clarissa. G. L. was a carpenter and con-
5. Hannah Miriam, b. Princeville, HI., 19 Nov. 1883, m.
there 8 Feb. 1883, Horatio S. Smith, son of Samuel and
Chloe (Laskey) Smith, b. Columbus, Wis., 13 June 1857.
xiii. Son, b. 30 May 1829, d. Bainbridge, N. Y., 7 June 1829.
343. xiv. Alfred, b. 20 Dec. 1832.
XV. Albert, b. 10 Feb. 1836, d. BaJnbridge, N. Y., 16 Feb. 1838.
133. REUBEN'' STOWELL (Israel*-^-'' Samuel"-) was bom in
Winchester, N. H., 4 Nov. 1779, d. Windham, Vt., 24 Sept. 1861,
age 81, m. Guilfoi^i, Vt., 10 Aug. 1800, Mary Bennett, dau. of
Josiah and Sarah Bennett, b. Guilford, Vt., 6 June 1781, d.
Windham, Vt., 21 Oct. 1872, age 91.
Resided in Windham, Vt.
Children all born Windham, Vt. :
i. Melint)A6, b. 6 Nov. 1800, d. Athens, Vt., 21 Dec. 1880, ago
80, m. Windham, Vt., 2 Dec. 1819, Jude Farr. Children born
Windham, Vt. (Farr) :
238 The Stowell Genealogy
1. Laura Ann, b. 14 May 1822, m. Winsloav B.vbbett. Chil-
dren (Babbett) : i. Frank, ii. Addie, iii. Herbert, iv. Jean,
V. Etta.
2. Justin, b. 7 Sept. 1824, m. Windham, Vt., 29 Nov. 1849,
Abby E. Dwinell.
3. Jason, b. 27 Nov. 1826.
4. David Stowell, b. 12 Dec. 1829.
5. Lysandek, b. 10 March 1833.
6. Carlton Laymott, b. 20 Aug. 1836.
7. Mary.
ii. Mary, b. 12 Nov. 1802, d. Wardsboro, Vt., 14 April 1889, age
86, m. Windham, Vt., 3 Dec. 1824, Hubbard Barrett.
S44. iii. Israel, b. 8 May 1805.
345. iv. Joseph, b. 24 Feb. 1807.
V. Almira, b. 15 June 1809, d. Grafton, Vt., 29 April 1900, age
90, m. Windham, Vt., 15 Feb. 1826, Jacob Bancroft Rugo, son
of Elijah and Lucretia (Farr) Rugg, b. Baltimore, Vt., 3 Sept.
1800, d. Grafton, Vt., 11 March 1879, age 78. He was a farmer
and carpenter. Lived at Windham, Londonderry, Chester and
Grafton, Vt. Children (Rugg) :
1. Ann, b. Windham, Vt., 15 Feb. 1828, d. there 16 March
2. Ann, b. Windham, Vt., 27 Aug. 1829, d. there 27 Aug.
3. Joseph Clark, b. Windham, Vt., 15 Aug. 1830, d. Vershire,
Vt., 14 Nov. 1862, age 32, m. 14 July 1860, Mindwell G.
Richardson, dau. of Solon and Prudence (Jewett) Richard-
son, b. Weston, Vt., 11 Sept. 1836. Was a minister. Child:
i. Joseph Harvey.
4. Mary Loiza, b. Windham, Vt., 26 March 1832, d. Grafton,
Vt., 27 Feb. 1910, age 77, m. Grafton, Vt., 23 June 1857,
Alden Walker, son of Samuel and Mercy (Smith) Walker,
b. Grafton, Vt., 13 March 1827. Children (Walker) : i.
Samuel J., ii. Mason A., iii. Herbert C.
5. Nancy M., b. Londonderry, Vt., 19 Jan. 1834, m. Chester,
Vt., 19 March 1857, William Wallace Marsh, son of
Chester W. and Sarah A. (Rugg) Marsh, b. Hinsdale, N. H.,
17 Jan. 1835, d. Chester, Vt., 19 Feb. 1912. Lived at Wind-
ham, Grafton, Townshend and Chester, Vt. Was in Co. G,
7th Vol. Inf. Vt. Children (Marsh) : i. Ellen M., ii. Mary
6. Lucretia Alvira, b. Londonderry, Vt., 9 Feb. 1838, m.
Windham, Vt., 16 Aug. 1856, Eev. Merrill Howard, son
of Deacon William and Katherine (Fuller) Howard, d-
Ottawa, Kan., 16 April 1887. She m. 2d, Kansas, 4 Sept.
Fifth Generation 239
1889, Dejtnis M. Shafer, d. 29 July 1904. Children: i.
Ella L., ii. Etta L., iii. Willie, iv. William M.
7. Elijah B., b. Londonderry, Vt., 29 Nov. 1840, d. Keene,
N. H., 6 Jan. 1900, age 68, m. 2 Oct. 1861, Lucinda L.
Stevens, b. 1 Jaai. 1841, d. Grafton, Vt., 5 May 1866. He
m. 2d, 31 Oct. 1866, Lucy H. Lincoln, b. 10 Nov. 1844,
d. West Swanzey, N. H., 11 May 1895. He m. 3d, West
Swanzey, N. H., 15 Oct. 1896, Mrs. Etta Holbrook. Chil-
dren: i. Eosie L., ii. Lizzie A., iii. Emma L., tv. Ida S.,
V. Willur J., vi. Euth A.
8. Elizabeth A., b. Londonderry, Vt., 22 Nov. 1842, d. Graf-
ton, Vt., 16 Aug. 1865, age 22.
9. Rev. Martin L., b. Chester, Vt., 5 Sept. 1849, m. Hamilton,
N. Y., 23 May 1877, Lillie A. Moseley, b. Eaton, N. Y.,
2 March 1856, d. Columbus, Ohio, 1 Jan. 1910. Minister.
Cliildren: i. Edna A., ii. Arthur E., iii. Herbert D.
346. Ti. Calvin, b. 6 Sept. 1812.
347. vii. Rev. Aaron Bennett, b. 19 Sept. 1814.
viii. Sarah Miranda, b. 17 May 1818, d. Londonderry, Vt., 10 Sept.
1874, age 56, m. Windham, Vt., 30 Oct. 1842, Levi Jones, b.
Londonderry, Vt., 19 Sept. 1814, d. there 16 Jan. 1886, age 71.
Lived at Londonderry, Vt. Child (Jones) :
1. Georgia Lucy, b. Londonderry, Vt., 25 Aug. 1843, m. there
31 Dec. 1865, Henry R. Darling, b. Rockingham, Vt., 26
March 1841. Child: (Darling): i. Frank L. Jones.
348. ax. Hollis Gleason, b. 17 March 1821.
X. Ordella. Adaline, b. 2 Nov. 1824, d, To\\Tishond, Vt., 2 Dec.
1900, age 76, m. Windham, Vt., 6 Sept. 1846, Jonathan Jones,
b. Londonderry, Vt., 8 Dec. 1812, d. Townshend, Vt., 10 April
1881, age 68. Merchant. Children (Jones) :
1. Charles, b. Windham, Vt., 18 Aug. 1849, d. Townshend, Vt.,
12 Dec. 1915, age 56, m. there 23 Dec. 1882, Ai.ma L.
Bonnell, dau. of Charles and Eliza L. (Davis) Bonnell, b.
Os-wego, N. Y., 1863. Was a farmer.
134. EBENEZER" STOWELL {Israel*-^-'' SamueV) was
bora in Winchester, N. H., 30 April 1781, d. Afton, N. Y., 20
March 1864, a^e 83, m. Bainbridge, N. Y., 2 March 1809, Mary
FooTE GoFF, dau. of Rufus and Anna (Foote) Goff, b. Windsor,
N. Y., 17 July 1792, d. Afton, N. Y., 11 June 1864, age 72.
Lived at Bainbridge and Afton, N. Y.
He was deacon of the First Presbyterian Church at Afton.
Arad was deacon of the same church at the same time.
240 The Stoweld Genealogy
Children all bom in Bainbridge, N. Y. :
i. Amandao, b, 30 March 1811, d. Afton, N. Y., 12 June 1857,
age 47, m. Bainbridge, N. Y., 21 Marcli 1838, William Davis
Minor, b. Watertown, Conn., 24 Nov. 1805, d. Afton, N. Y.,
15 March 1860, age 54. Lived at Bainbridge, Coventry and
Afton, N. Y. Child (Minor) :
1. William S., b. Coventry, N. Y., 11 Nov. 1839, d. Afton,
N. Y., 8 March 1867, age 27.
349. ii. Richard Spellman, b. 27 Sept. 1815.
350. iii. Allen Goff, b. 16 Dec. 1819.
iv. Electa, b. 2 Aug. 1825, d. Blue Ridge, HI., 27 Nov. 1906, age
81, m. Ninevah, N. Y., 1 Oct. 1851, John Clark, b. Worcester,
N. Y., 20 April 1823, d. Blue Ridge, HI., 23 Sept. 1906, age 83.
Lived at Bainbridge, Colesville, Sanford, N. Y., and Blue Ridge,
HI. Children (Clark):
1. Alice, b. Colesville, N. Y., 10 July 1852, m. Blue Ridg«,
HI., 20 Oct. 1884, Oscar Stowell. (See No. 591).
2. Caroline, b. Sanford, N. Y., 9 Dee. 1853, d. Blue Ridge,
HI., 26 March 1863, age 9.
3. Ella, b. Sanford, N. Y., 14 Nov. 1856, d. Blue Ridge, HI.,
17 June 1893, age 36, m. there 30 Jan. 1879, Frank Haelin,
b. Haysville, Ohio, 15 June 1855.
4. Arthttr., b. Blue Ridge, HI., 12 Sept. 1863, d. there 13
March 1865.
5. Lewis, b. Blue Ridge, HI., 31 Jan. 1869, m. Chilicothe, HI.,
5 Aug. 1894, EsTELLE Kent, b. Woodford, HI., 10 Oct. 1871.
135. MOSES'' STOWELL (Israel''''-^ Samuel}) was bom
in Winchester, N. H., 28 March 1782, d. 1868 or 1869, m. Lucy
Children :
351. i. Luthers, b. Cayuga, N. Y., 11 Aug. 1815.
ii. Norman.
iii. William.
iv. Moses.
V. Olive.
136. AARON' STOWELL (Israel^-^-^ SamueP) was bom
in Guilford, Vt., 4 Sept. 1785. d. Qnincy, 111., 1838, m. 1st,
Elizabeth Pratt, b. Broome Co., N. Y., d. Bainbridge, N. Y.
He m. 2d, Jerusha A. Pope, dan. of Squire and Sally (Angel)
Pope, b. Otsego Co., N. Y.. 23 July 1799, d. Binghamton, N. Y.
Fifth Generation 241
He resided in Bainbridge, N. Y. then moved to Quincy,
III in 1835. Was a farmer.
Children by first wife Elizabeth Pratt:
352. i. L-iMANC, b. Colesville, N. Y., 19 Feb. 1810.
353. ii. Alanson, b. Colesville, N. Y., 30 April 1812.
iii. RoxY or Roxana, d. Quincy, Bl. Married and had daughter:
1. Sarah Jane, d. 1909, m. Cornelius Chatterton. Children
(Chatterton) : i. Carry L., ii. Harry S., iii. George W.
Children by second wife Jerusha A. Pope:
iv. Mary Leonard', b. Ithaca, N. Y., 31 Oct. 1819, d. Bonaparte,
Iowa, 23 May 190S, age 88, m. 1st, Carthage, 111., 1840, Leavens
Mallett, son of Franklin and Nancy Mallett, d. 1851. She m.
2d, Michael Brennan. Lived at Carthage, 111., Bonaparte, Iowa,
and Neosha FaUs, Kan. Children by Leavens Mallett:
1. Nelson, b. Carthage, 111., 1 Dec. 1842, d. Trenton, Mo., 22
Feb. 1897, age 44, m. Vernon, Iowa, 1870, Martha Dulin.
Children: i. , ii. Elgin, iii. .
2. John Darwin, b. Carthage, 111., 1844, unmarried.
3. Sarah Jerusha, b. Bonaparte, Iowa, 1849, d. there 1852.
4. Mary Frances, b. Bonaparte, Iowa, 25 Sept. 1853, m. there
19 May 1892, Edavin H. Chase, son of Emmons Chase, b.
Ashtabula, Ohio, 2 Oct. 1844, d. Bonaparte, Iowa, 19 Dec.
1903, age 59. Child (Chase) : i. Vera Ivie Alta.
Child by Mjchael Brennan:
5. Jonathan, b. Neosha Falls, Kan., 1859, d. Bonaparte, Iowa,
1890, unmarried.
v. Sarah Ann, b. Broome Co., N. Y., 1 Dec. 1823, d. Yorktown,
111., 27 Nov. 1861, age 38, m. Westpoint, Iowa, Lewis Clark
Pope, son of S. S. Pope, b. Switzerland Co., Ind., 30 Sent. 1818,
d. Burlington, Kan., July 1896, age 78. Children (Pope):
1. Squire Stowell, b. Van Buren Co., Iowa, 22 June 1842, d.
there 25 Dec. 1843.
2. Mary Jerusha, b. Van Buren Co., Iowa, 23 Jan. 1845, m.
Edward Ware. Children (Ware) : i. William, ii. Eva.
3. Sarah Charlotte, b. Van Buren Co., Iowa, 28 June 1847,
m. Clark.
4. Alice Lovina, b. Prophetstown, lU., 9 Feb. 1851, m. Geneseo,
111., 3 Nov. 1876, John Gladman, son of William and Mary
(Betts) Gladman, b. Lawrence Co., Ohio, 31 July 1850, d.
Geneseo, 111., 8 Oct. 1915, age 65. CMld (Gladman) : i. Bou
5. Lewis Benjamin, b. Geneseo, 111., 21 May 1855, m. there
4 March 1876, Nellie E. Way. Lived in Geneseo, 111., and
Key West, Kan. Children: i. W. E., ii. Minnie, iii. Lewis
Miles, iv. Lulu May, v. Boy, vi. Harry Benjamin.
242 The Stowell Genealogy
vi. LoviNA, b. Broome C, N. Y., 24 Dec. 1824, d. Kinder hook,
111., 2.3 Juaie 1910, age 85, m. there 9 Oct. 1845, Cornelius Dil-
T.EY, son of John J. and Sarah (Elwood) Dilley, b. Penn., 8 Oct.
1812, d. Kinderhook, 111., 27 Aug. 1883, age 70. Children born
Kinderhook, 111. (Dilley) :
1. Infant, b. 8 July 1846, d. Kinderhook, III., 8 July 1846.
2. Sophia, b. 17 Sept. 1847, d. Kinderhook, Dl., 20 Aug. 1849,
3. John James, b. 24 Nov. 1849, d. 20 May 1900, age 50, m.
1876, Mary Talbott.
4. Emugene, b. ] Feb. 1852, d. 21 Oct. 1874, age 22, m. 28 Dec.
1871, W. K. Benson. One child died in infancy.
5. Jasper, b. 29 July 1854, m. 26 Sept. 1883, Frances Viola
Onstott. Children: i. Leota Emma, ii. Elgin Leroy, iii.
Juanita May, iv. Mary Lovina.
6. William, b. 12 Jan. 1857, d. Kinderhook, 111., 11 Feb. 1857.
7. Eugene, b. 28 Nov. 1858, d. Kinderhook, 111., 11 Nov. 1864,
8. George, b. 29 March 1860, d, 14 June 1910, age 50, m. 25
Oct. 1893, Lena Farmer, d. 11 Nov. 1900. Children: i.
Lela Marie, ii. George Harold.
9. Infant, b. June 1863, d. Kinderhook, 111., June 1863.
10. Cornelius, b. 9 Oct. 1864, m. 22 March 1893, Ella Hack-
3.54. vii. John D., b. Broome Co., N, Y., 3 Nov. 1829.
355. viii. James Darwin, b. N. Y., 1 Jan. 1832.
■ix. Chari,otte.
137. DOCTOR JOSEPH' STOWELL (Joseph* Israel'-^
SamueV) was bom in Winchester, N. H., 2 Oct. 1771, d. Earl-
viUe, N. Y,, 1843, m. at Winchester, N, H., 14 July 1798,
Content Alexander, b, Winchester, N, H,, 10 May 1781, d.
Hamilton, N. Y., 26 Nov. 1863, age 82.
Resided in Winchester, N. H, until 1804 then went to Earl-
ville, N. Y. Was a physician.
Content Stowell who died 26 Nov, 1863, made will probated
18 April 1864. Left all to daughter Semantha, she to give to
Permelia Buell, sister; Nancy Hunt, sister; Eunice Lawton,
sister; Alexa,nder Stowell, brother; Sidney A., Andrew J. and
Ellen Felt, children of deceased sister Cynthia Felt; Con-
tent Smith, child of Caroline Buell, deceased; Caroline,
J. Dorr and Sill Stowell, children of Jesseniah K. Stowell,
deceased brother. (Madison County, N. Y. Surrogate.)
Fifth Generation 243
Children :
i. PEKMELIA6, b. Winchester, N. H., 22 Jan. 1800, d. 1875, age
75, m. 20 Feb. 1820, Joseph Buell, d.' 24 May 1837.
Letters of Administration on estate of Joseph Buell who
died 24 May 1837, to Permelia Buell, Chauncey Buell and Jesse-
niah K. Stowell, 6 June 1837. Heirs: Permelia Buell, widow,
children: Hannah A., Permelia J., John B., Joseph W., Thomas
W., Nelson L., Rufus F., William F., all under 21 years. (Madi-
son Co. Surrogate Court). Children (Buell):
1. Hannah Angeline, b. Earlville, N. Y., 26 July 1821, m.
1 Sept. 1841, O. W. Hutchins. ChDdren (Hutchins) :
i. Althea, ii. Borneo, iii. Bomelia.
2. Permelia Jeanette, b. 17 May 1823.
3. John B., b. 23 June 1825.
4. Joseph Warken, b. 13 Sept. 1826.
5. Thomas Warner, b. 4 Oct. 1829, d. Milwaukee, Wis., 23
March 1913, age 83, m. there 23 June 1870, Mary Emma
Bliss, dan. of Albert and Sylvia Bliss, b. Rochester, Wis.,
13 April 1846. Lived in Milwaukee, Wis. since 1855.
Adjusting Agent Northwestern Life Insurance Co. 20 years.
Active in charity work. Secretary Provident Loan Society
8 years. President Associated Charities 1900 to 1906,
Director same 1906 to 1913. Childrem: i. Florence E., ii.
Dudley B., iii. Victor P.
6. Nelson Leroy, b. 2 May 1831.
7. RuFiJS Fayette, b. 27 April 1833.
8. William F., b. 25 Nov. 1835.
ii. Eunice, b. Winchester, N. H., 11 Feb. 1802, d. 1866, age 64,
ra. 17 Feb. 1825, Aaron B. Lawton. Children (Latvton) :
1. Charles.
2. Caroline.
356. iii. Jesseniah Kjttribge, b. Winchester, N, H., 24 Dec. 1803.
iv. LoviSA, b. Winchester, N. H., 24 March 1805.
V. Irene Caroline, b. Earlville, N. Y., 1806, m. Obin Buell.
Children (Buell) :
1. Caroline.
2. Content, m. Smith.
vi. Paul, b. Earlvfille, N. Y., 1808, d. there 1819, age 11,
357. vii. Joseph Alexander, b. Earlville, N. Y., 5 March 1810.
viii. Cynthia Amelia, b. Earlville, N. Y., 1812, d. there 19 Feb.
1855, m. 1833, Warren Torrey Felt, son of Jabez and Lydia
(Torrey) Felt, b. East Victor, N. Y., 10 March 1809, d. Earl-
ville, N. Y., 28 Jan. 1872, age 62. He m. 2d, at De Kalb, N. Y.,
Sept. 1855, Eveline Alexander, dau. of Elias and Chloe
(Woodhouse) Alexander.
244 The Stowell Genealogy
Will of Warren T. Felt proved 29 April 1872. Heirs: Eve-
line A. Felt, -w'idow; Florence G. Felt, dau.; Andrew Felt, Sid-
ney Felt and Ellen Aldrich. (Madison Co. Surrogate.)
Eesided at East Victor and Earlville, N. Y. Children
(Felt) :
1. Andkew Jackson, b. East Victor, N. Y., 27 Dec. 1833, m.
Bradford, Iowa, 21 Feb. 1858, Emily J. Rutherford, dau.
of A. R. Rutherford, b. Fairfield Co., Ohio. He was a
lawyer. In newspaper business. In 1885 appointed member
of State Board of Pardons. In 1888 elected Lieutenant
Governor of Kansas on Republican ticket. Children: i.
Charles, ii. Edward, iii. Harry Victor, Iv. Mary, v. Bertha.
2. Sydney Alexander, b. East Victor, N. Y., 26 Dec. 1837,
m. Sherburne, N. Y., 9 Nov. 1859, Eliza Judelia Csan-
dall, dau. of Latham and Keziah (Aldrich) Crandall, b,
Plymouth, N. Y., 9 Nov. 1843, d. Thorsalia, N. Y., 9
March 1864, age 20. He m. 2d, Pljonouth, N. Y., 22 Jan.
1867, Betsey Maria Jaynes, dau. of Marvin and Betsey
Louise (Aldrich) Jaynes, b. Plymoutli, N. Y., 30 March
1847. Child by first wife: i. Charles Warren. Children by
second -uife: ii. Andrew Marvin, iii. Helen Josephine, iv.
Mary Agnes, vi Flora Eleanor.
3. Ellen Cornelia, b. Earlville, N. Y., 20 Jan. 1852, m.
PhTDOuth, N. Y., 7 March 1808, Noah Aldrich, son of
Charles and Mariah Aldrich, b. Plymouth, N. Y., 9 July
1836. Cliild (Aldrich) : i. Etta Lomsa.
ix. Hannah, b. Earlville, N. Y., 1814, d. there 1819, age 5.
X. George, b. Earlville, N. Y., 1816, d. there 1817, age 1.
xi. Sanford p., b. Earlville, N. Y., 1821, d. Hamilton, N. Y.,
28 Sept. 1847, age 26. unmarried.
Will of Sanford P. Stowell, probated 22 July 1848, left
property to his mother Content; to sisters Samantha C, Pei-
melia Buell, Eunice Lawton, Nancy Hunt; nieces Felt, Hut-
chins and Smith; brother Alexander; nephews Sanford A. Sto-
well and Emory A. Stowell; nieces Delia and Meriam Stowell.
and two minors Dow Stowell and Sill StoweU; Caroline Sto-
well and Martha Stowell, "sister-in-law"; niece Caroline Buell,
dau. of deceased sisiter Irena Caroline, living with father Orrin
Buell. (Madison Co. Surrogate Court).
xii. Samantha C, b. EarMUe, N. Y., 1824, d. Ava, N. Y., 3 Jan.
1864, unmarried.
Will of Samantha C. Stowell, probated 14 March 1864.
Heirs same as in will of Content Stowell. In addition it men-
tions Samuel Hunt, brother-in-law; Martha Stowell, sister-in-
law; Delia C. Stowell and Marion S. Stowell, nieces; Sanford A.
Fifth Generation 245
Stowell and Emory A. Stowell, nephews; Angelina Hutehins,
niece. Executor, Saniuel Hunt. (Madison Co. Surrogate Court),
xiii. Nancy, b. EarlviJle, N. Y., 1825, d. 1880, m. 1st, 1843, Ada-
NiRUM H. Bkiggs, son of Rufus and Sally (Hopkins) Briggs, b.
about 1825. She m. 2d, 20 Feb. 1854, M. S. Hunt. Children:
1. Amelia.
2u Rufus.
5. Fred.
6. Ellen,
7. Harriet.
xiv. Chauncey, b. Earlville, N. Y.
138. ELIJAH" STOWELL {Joseph" Israel''-^ Samuel^) was
bom in Winchester, N. H., 28 May 1779, d. Burr Oak, Mich.,
2 July 1854, age 75, m. Westmoreland, N. H., 25 May 1803,
Deborah Lincoln, dau. of Samuel and Abigail (Hodges) Lin-
coln, b. Winchester, N. H., 29 July 1784, d. Burr Oak, Mich.,
13 Dec. 1849, age 65.
Elijah and Deborah Stowell joined Winchester Church 4
Sept. 1808. He was made Deacon 5 Nov. 1809, Lived in
Winchester, N. H. then N. Y. then Burr Oak, Mich, with son
Joseph Cheney Stowell. One of the founders of Hamilton
Children :
i, L0UISA6, b. Winchester, N. H., 24 March 1804, d. Norwich,
N. Y., 12 Feb. 1872, age 67, m. Lebanon, N. Y., 25 Aug. 1824,
James Went\\^orth Foote, son of Lewis and Lois (Wentworth)
Foote, b. Lebanon, N. Y., 26 March 1802, d. Norwich, N, Y.,
Jan. 1870, age 67. Lived at Otselic amd Norwich, N, Y. Chil-
dren (Foote) :
1. James "Wentworth, b. Hamilton, N, Y., 31 Dec. 1825, d.
Norwich, N. Y., 1 March 1857, age 31, m. 1845, Annie
Amelia Crocker. Children: i. Luoinda, ii. Cornelia.
2. Louisa Almira, b. Otselic, N. Y., 16 Sept. 1827, d. Leba-
non, N. Y., 12 Nov. 1863, age 36, m. Otselic, N. Y., 13
Feb. 1850, Samuel Barnum Benedict, son of Elijah West-
cott and Lois (Harrison) Benedict, b. Pljonouth, N. Y.,
5 March 1825, d. 13 Feb. 1900. He enlisted 21 May 1861,
in 26th Regt,. N. Y. Vol. In battles of Bull Run, Antie-
tam. South Mountain, Rappahannock, Cliantilly and Slaugh-
ters HHl. Lived at Lebanon, N. Y. Was Justice for
246 The Stowell Genealogy
twenty years. Children (Benedict) : 1. Eva Amelia, ii.
Ada Louisa.
3. Sophia Lovisa, b. Otselic, N. Y., 10 Aug. 1830, d. Nor-
wich, N. Y., 10 Feb. 1895, age 64, m. Plymouth, N. Y.,
16 Aug. 1854, Charles Giles Adams, son of Darius and
Martha (Simons) Adams, b. Plj-roouth, N. Y., 31 July
1823, d. Pl\Tnouth, N. Y. Lived at Plymouth and Caze-
novia, N. Y. Farmer. Graduate Norwich Academy. Chil-
dren (Adams) : i. Florence Olivia, ii. Helen Jane, iii. Alice
Sophia, iv. Mary Elizabeth, v. Grant Charles, vi, Jesse D.
4. Abigail, b. Otselic, N. Y., 1833, d. there 11 April 1850.
5. Eliza Ann, b. Otselic, N. Y., 2 Nov. 1835, d. Norwich
N. Y., 17 April 1897, age 61, m. there 16 July 1872, Alvah
L. Snow, d^ Norwich, N. Y., 22 Dec. 1891. Children
(Snow) : i. Louisa F., ii. Warren.
6. Lew-is, b. Otselic, N. Y., 30 June 1838, m. Homer, N. Y.,
17 Oct. 1865, Bethiah Wilkins Cowles, b. 2 June 1841.
He graduated from University of Michigan 1866. Degree
C.E. Children: i. Lewis L., ii. Charles C.
7. Christiana Amelia, b. Norwich, N. Y., 14 April 1841, m.
Norwich, N. Y., 26 May 1858, Samuel H. Weeden, d. Nor-
wich, N. Y., 22 Nov. 1906. Children (Weeden) : i. Charles
E., ii. Mary L., iii. Horatio B., iv. Archie Lewis, v.
Louisa H.
8. Charles Olin, b. 1844, d. Norwich, N. Y., 12 Dec. 1855.
9. Ellen Aucelia, b. Norwich, N. Y., 20 June 1846, d. 26
Nov. 1901, age 55, m. Norwich, N. Y., 24 Nov. 1870, Nel-
son F. WiLLET. Children (Willey) : i. CJiester V., ii. Ella.
358. ii. Alvah, b. Winchester, N. H., 8 Oct. 1805.
359. iii. Paul, b. Winchester, N. H., 23 Feb, 1807.
iv. Deborah, b. Winchester, N. H., 17 Nov. 1808, d. 25 Jan.
1844, age 35, m. 26 Feb. 1829, Harvey Partridge. Went to
Burr Oak, Mich, in 1836. Children (Partridge) :
1. IkLvRY, b. 1829, d. 1839.
2. Charles.
3. George, b. 1834, d. 1836.
4. Harvey Lincoln, b. 1838, d. 1841.
5. Francis, b. 1840, d. 1845.
360. V. Joseph Cheney, b. Winchester, N. H., 27 Oct. 1810.
361. vi. Israel, b. Windiester, N. H., 10 Sept. 1812.
362. vii. Elijah, b. Winchester, N. H., 27 Nov. 1813.
viii. Abigail Hodges, b. Winchester, N. H., 9 Oct. 1816, d. 4 July
1907, age 90, m. 5 July 1835, Ashbel Lacy Barnard, b. Ham-
ilton Co., N. Y., d. Yorkshire, N. Y. Lived at Ischua, N. Y.
Children (Barnard) :
Fifth Generation 247
1. Mary L., b. Iscliua, N. Y., 8 April. 1843, m. Delevan,
N. Y,, 4 Aug. 1864, Chakles BuiiL, son of Carpenter and
Maria (Bump) Bull, b. Delevan, N. Y., d. there 7 Oct.
2. Leonora Ann, b. Ischua, N. Y., 21 Sept. 1848, m. Dele-
van, N. Y., 18 Oct. 1874, Abel Bull, son of Carpenter and
Maria (Bump) Bull, b. Delevan, N. Y., 11 June 1839, d.
there 21 April 1903, age 63. She m. 2d, Davidson.
3. Edgar Alphonzo, b. Ischua, N. Y., 19 March 1852, m.
Machias, N. Y., 1873, Lydia Amanda Williams, dau. of
Eichard C. and Eunice (Remington) Williams, b. Ashford,
N. Y., 28 Sept. 1854.
4. James.
5. Emma, b. Yorkshire, N. Y., 16 May 1854, d. Sardinia,
N. Y., 4 May 1914, m. Yorkshire, N. Y., 1872, Maurice
Crook, son of William and Syrena (Adams) Crook, b.
Holland, N. Y., 30 Aug. 1854, d. Sardinia, N. Y., 11 Dec.
1912. Children (Crook) : i. Eattie May, ii. Bena Abigail,
iii. Florence Lenora, iv. William Lacy.
363. ix. Samuel Lincoln, b. Winchester, N. H., 1 Nov. 1818.
X. Rhoda, b. Lebanon, N. Y., 9 April 1821, d. Reed Caty, Mich.,
31 Dec. 1904, age 83, m. Aug. 1842, Reuben Wibirt, d. 23
April 1895. Children (Wibirt) :
1. Eliza, m, Benjamin Post. Children (Post): i. Charles,
ii. Ella, iii. William, iv. George, v. Eattie M., vi. Earry.
2. Henry, m. Julia Niles. Child: i. Earry.
3. John, m. Jennie Barrett. Children: 1. May, ii. Lulu,
iii. Jennie, iv. Infant.
4. Charles B., m. Sarah Singlinger. Children: i. Carrie,
ii. Edith, iii. Myrtie, iv. Eerman, v. Eeriert.
5. Ida May, m. Orville Lampson. Children (Lamfson) : i.
Edna, ii. Minnie, iii. Charles.
6. Helen Mar, m. Wallace Weeks. Children (Weeks): i.
Austin, ii. Earvey, iii. Beuben, iv. Wallace, v. Bay.
xi. Hannah, b. Lebanon, N. Y., 26 Aug. 1823, d. 24 Nov. 1889,
m. 13 Oct. 1844, Henry Buys. Children (Buys) :
1. George. Had two children.
2. Anna, m. James McIntyre. Had several children.
3. Ida May, b. Burr Oak, Mich., 8 July 1859, d. North Mus-
kegon, Mich., 17 April 1909, age 50, m. Muskegon, Mich.,
6 May 1881, Dougald McArthur, son of and Isa-
beille (Pursell) McArthur, b. Albro, Ont., Canada, 21 Aug.
1853. Lived at North Muskegon, Mich. Cliildren (Mc-
Arthur) : i. Charles Mansford, ii. Mabel, iii. Fearl, iv.
Stanley Eerhert.
4. Ellen.
248 The Stowell Genealogy
5. CHAiy:.ES.
6. IL4RRIET, m. Thomas Noble. Had three children.
xii. Eliza Caroline, b. Lebanon, N. Y., 16 March 1827, d. George-
town, N. Y., 19 Jan. 1910, age 82, m. there 16 July 1845,
George M. Chapman, b. Lebanon, N. Y., d. 23 Sept. 1857.
Lived at Georgetown, N. Y. Children bora'GeorgetowTi (Chap-
man) :
1. Hannah, b. 29 Nov. 1846, d. 15 June 1890, age 43, m. Clar-
ence Kellogg. Children (Kellogo) : i. Nettie, ii. Gar-
field, in. Myrtle, iv. Benjamin, v. Edna.
2. George N., b. 13 July 1850, m. Lucretia A. Lyon. Chil-
dren: i. Earl N., ii. Eliza M.
3. Estaloe, b. 20 March 1852, m. Levi Pullman. Children
(Pullman) : i. EdAth, ii. Lena, iii, Bomaine.
4. Maria L., b. 24 May 1855, d. 5 Feb. 1873, m. David Stone.
ChiHd (Stone) : i. Dmighter.
139. PAUL" STOWELL {Joseph"^ Israel^-'' SamueV) was
born in Winchester, N. H., 30 Oct. 1785, d. Pompey, N. Y., 28
March 1820, age 34, m. Winchester, N. H., 20 Oct. 1808, Na^cy
Ann Richards, dan. of Daniel Richards, b. Pepperell, Mass., 23
March 1790, d. Perry, N. Y., 20 March 1880, age 90.
Resided in Smyrna, Lebanon and Periy, N. Y. Was Metho-
dist Minister. Circuit Rider, Onondaga, Madison and Chenango
Counties, especially around Earlville and Smyrna, N. Y.
Letters of Administration granted Nancy Stowell on estate
of Paul Stowell, 15 Nov. 1820. (Madison Co. Surrogate.)
Children :
i. Louisas, b. Lebanon, N. Y., 8 Oct. 1810, drowned in Lake
Erie, 13 Sept. 1839, age 28, m. Rev. John Cosart of Michigan,
a Methodist circiiit rider. Children (Cosart) :
1. Nancy.
2. Louisa.
3. Cecelia, m. Wilson Hunt. Child: i. Eaitie.
ii. Esther Maria, b. Smyrna, N. Y., 1 Sept. 1812, d. Newark,
N. Y., 15 May 1893, age 80, m,. 6 April 1835, Rev. Davh) Nut-
TEN, b. Sabins, N. Y., 27 'Feb. 1810, d. Newark, N. Y., 13 Nov.
1886, age 76. He was a Methodist minister. Children (Nutten) :
1. Mary Jane, m. T. D. Tooker. Child: i. Minnie.
2. Wilbur Fiske, d. Newark, N. Y., m. Mrs. Ada Jewell,
who d. at Newark, N. Y. No children.
ifiS. Davu), b. Smyrna, N. Y., 27 Sepfc. 1814, d. Lobanon, N. Y.,
13 April 1818, age 3.
Fifth Generation 249
iv. Paul, b. Smyrna, N. Y., 3 Sept. 1816, d. Perry, N. Y., 22
Feb. 1894, age 77, m. Perry, N. Y., 16 May 1841, Ann Camp-
bell Bacon, dau. of Noah and Margaret (Dickerson) Bacon,
b. Mt. Morris, N. Y., 5 July 1822, d. Perry, N. Y., 3 Dec. 1904,
age 82. Lived at Perry, N. Y. Was a blacksmith and farmer.
Will of Paul StoAvell of Perry, N. Y., who died 24 Feb.
1894. Ann C. Stowell, widow, Executrix. Heir: Esther L. Har-
rington, daughter, of Perry, N. Y. All property given to
widow, Ann C. Stowell. (Wyoming Co. Surrogate Court).
Ann C. Stowell died intestate 8 Dec. 1904. Esther L. Har-
rington, only heir and next of kin. Letters of Adnin. granted
to daughter, Esther L. Harrington, 4 Jan. 1905. (Wyoming Co.
Surrogate Court).
Children :
1. Esther Lucretia, b. Perry, N. Y., 25 July 1847, m. Perry,
N. Y., 6 March 1872, George William Harrington, son of
William and Harriet (Brooks) Harrington, b. Castile, N. Y.,
23 Jan. 1847, d. Perry, N. Y., 9 Oct. 1908, age 61. Lived
at Mt. Morris and Perry, N. Y. No children.
364. V. David Page, b. Lebanon, N. Y., 16 June 1818.
140. DANIEL^ STOWELL {Enoch^ Israel'-- Samuel^) was
born in Winchester, N. H., 12 June 1766, d. Dundee, Canada,
5 April 1846, age 80, m. 1st, AVinchester, N. H., 1790, Sally
Pratt, b. N. Y. He m. 2d, Winchester, N. H., 22 Oct. 1805,
Lydia Field. Was Baptist Minister and fanner.
Children by first wife Sally Pratt:
365. L Daniels, b. near Susquehanna Eiver, N. Y., 29 July 1791.
366. ii. Jeremiah, b. near Susquehanna River, N. Y., 1795.
iit Sarah, b. Hamilton, N. Y., 15 Jan. 1798, d. Lansingburgh,
N. Y., 1861, age 63, m. Winchester, N. H., 2 Feb. 1819, Asa
TwiTOHELL, son of Joshua and Sarah (Cozzens) Twitchell, b.
Dublin, N. H., 12 Oct. 1795, d. Lansingburgh, N. Y., 7 May
1852, age 56. Lived at Swanzey, N. H., and Lansingburgh,
N. Y. Was a wagon maker. Children (Twitchell) born
Swanzey, N. H. :
1. Asa Wkston, b. 1 Jan. 1820, d. Albany, N. Y., 26 April
1904, m. Schaglitiooke, N. Y., 3 Jan. 1841, Nancy Simons,
dau. of Walter and Hannah (G-rawburger) Simons, b.
Schaghticoke, N. Y., 1 Feb. 1819, d. Bethlehem, N. Y.,
6 March 1897, age 78. Lived at Lansingburgh, Albany
and Slingerlands, N. Y. Portrait and landscape painter.
Stood very high as such in Albany. Children: i. Alice
Louisa, ii. Fredericlc W., iii. George TV., iv. Mary E., v.
250 The Stowell Genealogy
Paulina A., vi. Hannah Ida, vii. Asa Walter, viii. Charles
Wilhur, ix. Emma Josephine, x. James Elliot, xi. LilUe M.,
xii. Infant.
2. Augustus Wiibur, b. 24 Feb. 1821, d. Lansingburgh, N. Y.,
7 April 1852, age 31, m. Hannah Towne of Stowe, Vt.,
who d. 1913. Children: i. Augustus Wilbur, ii. Sarah
3. George, b. 7 Nov. 1822, d. Swanzey, IST. H., 18 Jan. 1823.
4. Sarah Ann, b. 13 Feb. 1824, d. Lansingburgh, N. Y., 13
March 1848, age 24, m. 1 Jan. 1843, James Dunlap, son of
Wendell Dunlap, d. 22 July 1887. Children (Dunlap):
i. Augustus Wilber, ii. Mary Frances.
141. ENOCH^ STOWELL (EnocJi* Israel^-'' Samuel^) was
born in Winchester, N. H., 27 Aug. 1768, d. Lebanon, N. Y., 3
June 1859, age 90, m. Lebanon, N. Y., Cynthia Church, dau. of
Benjamin Church, b. Pelham, N. H., d. Lebanon, N. Y., 5 Sept.
1827. He m. 2d Hannah —^ .
Moved to Lebanon in 1792 on lot 7 in North part of town.
Was a farmer. In war of 1812.
Will of Enoch Stowell probated 18 July 1859. Heirs
Hannah Stowell, widow; Stephen C. Stowell, son; Hubbard J.
StoAvell, son and his wife Caroline E. ; Cynthia Stowell, dau. ;
Harriet N. StOAvell; Horace Stowell, son. (Madison Co. Sur-
rogate Court.)
Children born Lebanon, N. Y. :
367. i. Stephen Churchs.
ii. Hubbard J., d. Mich., m. Madison Co., N. Y., Caroline E.
Ford, d. Eaton, N. Y., 9 Jan. 1892. Letters of Admn., 29
Feb. 1892, to Ellen M. Townsend, her daughter and only heir.
No husband,
iii. Cynthia, d. Georgetown, N. Y., 1875, m. Lebanon, N. Y.,
Emerson Stowell, son of Eoswell and Sally (Cook) Stowell.
iv. John Enoch, d. Lebanon, N. Y., unmarried.
368. V. Horace, b. 29 Nov. 1811.
vi. Harriet N., d. Eaton, N. Y., unmarried.
142. JESSE^ STOWELL {Eno'cli^ Israel^-'' Samuel^) was
born in Winchester, N. H., 14 May 1771, m. Mary .
i. Esthers, b. Winchester, N. H., 13 Nov. 1802.
Fifth Generation 251
143. DAVID» STOWELL {Enocli* Israel'-^ Samuel') was
bora in Winchester, N. H., 27 June 1773, d. Bangor, N. Y., 15
May 1867, age 93, m. Winchester, N. H., 5 Sept. 1794, I^Iary
Pratt, dan. of Jeremiah and Sally (Newton) Pratt, b. Win-
chester, N. H., 16 June 1775, d. Bangor, N. Y., 1838.
Was a farmer. Lived in Winchester, N. H., Eden, Vt. and
went to Bangor, N. Y. in 1820.
Children :
i. Marys, b. Winchester, N. H., 3 Dec. 1795, d. Todd CJo., Minn.,
13 I'eb. 1874, age 79, m. Eden, Vt., about 1818, Heman Har-
WOOD, son of Archibald and Susanna (Honse) Harwood, b.
Weathersfield, Vt., 19 Dec. 1794, d. Niagara, N. Y., Aug. 1835,
age 40. Was in War of 1812. Lived in Eden, Vt., until 1824,
then Bangor, N. Y. Went to Niagara to work. In Aug. 1835
YPTote he was going to return to his home in Bangor. Was
never heard from after that. Children (Harwood) :
1. Sally, b. Eden, Vt., 30 Oct. 1819, d. Todd Co., Minn., 8
July 1889, age 69, m. JoHx>j Eouse, d. Todd Co., mnn.,
29 Aug. 1874. Cliildren (Rouse) : i. Gilbert, ii. Uicina,
iii. Almina, iv. Sidney, v. George, vi. Mary, vii. Edson,
viii. Albert, ix. Bhoda, x. Melinda, xi. Ella, xii. Warren.
2. Mary, b. Eden, Vt., 3 July 1821, d. Boston, Mass., 21
April 1865, age 43, unmarried.
3. Hiram, b. Eden, Vt., 10 Jan. 1823, d. Bangor, N. Y., 23
Dec. 1890, age 67, m. there 8 Jan. 1851, Marianne Bige-
Low, dau. of James and Lucretia (Frank) Bigelow, b.
Plattsburg, N. Y., 22 Sept. 1825, d. Bangor, N. Y., 11
Sept. 1906, age 81. Was a farmer. Class leader in Metli-
odist Church 40 years. Children: i. Justin M., ii. Watson
H., b. 18 June 1854, m. Mahala Averill. He was a grad-
uate of Univ. of Vt. Medical College. Author of Genealogi-
cal History or Harwood Families of New England. He had
two children born at Chasm Falls, N. Y. : a. Franh Stowell,
b. Wesley Bigelow, iii. Theron L., iv. Lucy M.
4. Oli\'ER, b. Bangor, N. Y., 21 July 1824, d. there 8 July
5. Olh'ER, b. Bangor, N. Y., 6 Feb. 1826, d. Plainfield, Wis.,
15 Oct. 1910, m. 24 Sept. 1850, Elizabeth Steenberg, dau.
of John Steenberg. He m. 2d, 25 Aug. 1867, Mrs. Lttcy E.
CuMMiNGS. Was in Co. I, 5th Wis. Inf. After the war
lived in Plainfield, Wis, Was Justice of the Peace.
6. Amanda, b. Bangor, N. Y., 26 Feb. 1828, d. De Kalb Co.,
111., 11 July 1867, age 39, m. 22 Jan. 1852, Henry Graves.
Children (Graves): i. Lafayette, ii. Mary E., iii. Laura.
252 The Stowell Genealogy
7. David, b. Bangor, N. Y., 24 March 1830, d. Alton, Minn.,
6 March 1869, age 39, m. 5 March 1851, Mary Brown.
8. LucI^^DA, b. Bangor, N. Y., 15 Nov. 1832, d. Plainfield.
Wis., 10 May 1870, age 27, unmarried.
David, d. Bangor, N. Y., unmarried.
Oliver, b. Winchester, N. H., 12 June 1802.
Ezra, b. Eden, Vt., 7 Aug. 1806.
Orrilla, b. Eden, Vt., 21 Jan. 1810, d. Bangor, N. Y., 29
March 1890, age 80, m. Eden, Vt., 13 May 1830, Eiley Har-
wooD, son of Arcliibald and Susanna (House) Harwood, b. Eden,
Vt., 4 July 1810, d. Bangor N. Y., 3 July 1863, age 53. Chil-
dren born Bangor, N. Y. (IIarwood) :
1. James M., b. 20 March 1831, d. Stark Co., m., 23 Dec.
1877, age 46, m. 9 March 1864, Eebecca Wall.
2 Ezra C, b. 27 Sept. 1833, d. Bangor, N. Y., 15 Dec. 1903,
age 73, m. 1 Jaji. 1861, Cynthia Wood, d. Bangor, N. Y.,
21 July 1910.
3. Flora, b. 16 June 1836, d. Bangor, N. Y., 17 AprU 1852.
4. Susan A., b. 19 March 1838, m. 24 Dee. 1857, Wiij^iam
Shipman, d. Iowa. Children (Shipman) : i. Howard E.,
ii. EmmcD L.
5. Phila D., b. 13 July 1839, m. 18 April 1860, Cyril King,
d. in Army 27 Oct. 1864. Child (King) : i. Orville.
6. Edward W., b. 27 March 1842, d. in Army 9 June 1864.
In Co. H, 106th N. Y. Vol. Inf.
7. Mariette, b. 15 Jan. 1844, m. 1 Dec. 1863, Egbert Clark,
b. Canada, 14 Dec. 1839. Lived in Westville, N. Y.- Owned
flour and feed mill. Children (Clark) : i. Eobert, ii. Eva
M., iii. Elisateth F., iv. Orrilla E., v. Mary, vi. Herbert
L., vii. Walter C, viii. Carl W., ix. Clara L.
8. Annis, b. 18 Dec. 1845, unmarried.
9. Cyrus, b. 11 March 1847, m. 3 July 1872, Jennie Manson.
Lived at Bellmont and Malone Village, N. Y.
10. Laura A., b. 27 Feb. 1851, d. Puyallup, Wash., 26 Dec.
1890, m. 1 Jan. 1874, Charles H. Ft;lmer. Children
(I'ulmer) : i. Herbert L., ii. Evangeline M., iii. Fred E.,
iv. Myrtle M., v. Carlie H., vi. Leila M.
11. Lewis N., b. 7 Aug. 1852, m. 1 July 1884, Addie Smith.
Emily, b. Concord, N. H., 1811, d. Clicrokee, Towa, 3 Aug.
1890, m. Bangor, N. Y., 5 Oct. 1827, Thomas A. Stoughton,
son of Joseph and Phoebe D. (Carter) Stoughton, b. Middlesex,
Vt., 18 Oct. 1801, d. Maquoketa, Iowa, 23 Aug. 1872, age 70.
Lived at Jay, Vt., Brasher, N. Y,, Maquoketa and Cherokee,
Iowa. Children (Stoughton):
Fifth Generation 253
1. Oliver C, b. Jay Vt., 8 Feb. 1829, m. Fairfield, Iowa,
3 May 1859, Esther JVL^.son, dau. of William and Emily
(Kinion) Mason, b. Bolton, N. Y., 16 July 1836.
2. Anna C, b. Jay, Vt., 5 Feb. 1832, d. there 18 March 1832.
3 Anna M., b. Brasher, N. Y., 30 Oct. 1833, d. there 12 Dec.
4. Thomas.
5. James, d. Rock Valley, Iowa.
6. Ruth, m. Harri's.
7. Phoebe, m. Martin.
8. Almina.
viiL Susan, b. 3 Dec. 1814, d. 1 Dec. 1903, age 89, ra. 15 Dee. 1840,
John Moore, d. 3 July 1861. She m. 2d, 1866, Henry King.
Child (Moore) :
1. Osoar a., b. 14 July 1842, d. 9 Jan. 1843.
ix. Sally, m. Peter Wylie. Children (Wylie) :
'Four more who died young.
144. ROSWELL^ STOWELL {E7ioch' Israel^-- Samuel')
was bom in Winchester, N. H., bp. 1779, d. there 4 July 1854,
age 75, m. there 1st, Sally Cook, dau. of Francis and Ruth
(Berse) Cook, b. Winchester, N. H., 1790, d. there 3 April 1817,
age 27. He m. 2d, Chesterfield, N. H., 31 July 1831, Lydia Cook,
dau. of Francis and Ruth (Berse) Cook, b, Winchester, N. H,,
1793, d. there 6 May 1871, age 78.
Resided in Winchester, N. H. and Eden, Vt. until 1815
then at Chesterfield, N. H. then Winchester again.
Children by first wife :
371. L Emersonb.
ii. John, b. 20 Nov. 1811, d. Canastota, N. Y., 28 I'eb. 1847,
age 35, unmarried.
372. iii. Francis Cook, b. Eden, Vt., 30 June 1813.
373. iv. Roswell, b. Chesterfield, N. H., 17 Nov. 1815.
V. Sally, b. Chesterfield, N. H., 1817, d. there 18 Jan. 1849,
age 31, m. 1836, Wilson Holden, son of "William and Lucy
(Bacon) Holdeo, b. Chesterfield, N. H., d. there. He m. 2d,
LoviLLA Spaulding. Children (Holden) :
254 The Stowell Genealogy
1. Mary Adelaide, b. Cliesterfield, N. H., IG Aug. 1837, m.
there 7 June 1854, Henry H. Howe, son of Barton and Lois
B. (Hubbard) Howe, b. Chesterfield, N. H., 1 July 1834.
Was a mechanic and lived at Chesterfield, N. H. Children
(Howe): i. William P., ii. Sarah L., iii. Eenrxj B., iv.
Eattie H., v. Mabel C.
2. Alchesta L., b. 15 Nov. 1838, m. Monticello, Iowa, Al-
PHEus Johnson.
3. LiVA Ann V., b. 1839, d. 11 June 1851.
4. Louisa Jane, b. Chesterfield, N. H., 29 July 1845, m.
Westmoreland, N. H., 19 Feb. 1863, L-sman J. Chickerinq,
son of Alviai and Silate (Ware) Chickering, b. Westmore-
land, N. H., 1840.
145. ABIJAH= STOWELL (AhijaJi^ IsraeP-^ Samuel^) was
born in Newton, Mass., 18 Aug. 1772, d. 27 Feb. 1857, age 84,
m. 26 Sept. 1799, Lydia Richards, dan. of Daniel and Ann
(Richards) Richards, b. Richfield, N. Y., 5 Sept. 1776, d. Mexico,
N. Y., 25 May 1836, age 59.
Children :
374. L Jacobs, b. 11 June 1800.
375. ii. Victor Richards, b. Fulton, N. Y., 28 May 1803.
iii. Abu AH Packard, b. 26 Oct. 1806, d. 16 May 1807.
iv. Sarah, b. 4 June 1809, d. 22 Feb. 1881, age 71, m. Oswego,
N. Y., 10 April 1831, Sebern Dickinson, b. 22 March 1809.
Lived in Pulaski, N. Y., where children were born (Dickinson) :
1. RoswELL Chester, b. 3 May 1832, d. 9 April 1880, age 47,
m. Helen ■. Had one daughter.
2. Delos Green, b. 7 March 1834, d. there 9 March 1849,
age 15.
3. Lydia, b. 5 June 1837, d. 13 June 1837.
4. Miles, b. 10 A.pril 1842, d. 5 May 1842.
5. Rosetta, b. 9 Feb. 1850, m. 1869, Edwin J. Covet, b. 21
Jan. 1842. Had two children.
376. v. RoswELL Waterman, b. Richfield, N. Y., 14 May 1811.
vi. Rhoda Ann, b. 23 July 1813, d. 11 Sept. 1814.
146. JACOB'' STOWELL {Ahijali* Israel^-^ Samuel') was
born in Newton, Mass., 22 Dec. 1774, d. Richfield or Guilford,
N. Y., 17 Dec. 1830, age 56, m. 22 Dec. 1802, Anna Rockwell,
b. Canaan, Conn., 26 Feb. 1781, d. Mt. Upton, N. Y., 5 April
1864, age 83. Her father was in Battle of Bunker Hill and her
Fifth Generation 255
grandfather in Battle of Ticonderoga. Jacob Stowell lived at
Richfield and Guilford, N. Y.
Will of Jacob Stowell probated 7 Nov. 1831. Executors:
Anna Stowell and Zina Stowell. Heirs: Anna Stowell, wife;
sons Noah, Martin, Zina, Melzer, Harvey, Young E., Jacob.
Daughters, Susannah and Rhoda. (Otsego Co. Surrogate.)
Children all born in Richfield, N. Y. :
377. i. Eev. Koah'-, b. 34 Oct. 1803.
Martin, b. 14 Oct. 1805.
Zina, b. 24 Aug. 1807.
Susanna, b. 22 June 1810, d. Richfield, N. Y., 7 Mar. 1831,
age 20, unmarried.
Melzar, b. 25 Oct. 1812.
Harvey, b. 27 Aug. 1815.
Young Edavard, b. 6 Feb. 1818.
Ehoda Ann Packard, b. 20 March 1820, d. Richfield, N. Y.,
27 Aug. 1841, age 21, unmarried,
ix. Jacob, b. 7 April 1823, d. Mt. Upton, N. Y., 29 April 1908,
age 85, m. South Columbia, N. Y., 14 Jan. 1846, Emma Lane,
dau. of Jacob and Elizabeth (Vincent) Lane, b. South Columbia,
N. Y., 18 Aug. 1825, d. Preston, N. Y., 20 Oct. 1916. Lived
in Mt. Upton, N. Y. Carpenter and joiner. Teacher of vocal
music for twenty-five years. Assessor for three years. Justice
of the Peace in 1869. Justice Court of Sessions 2 years, 1872
and 1873.
"Will of Jacob Stowell probated at Norwich, N. Y., 80
July 1910. Left no issue and property went to heirs of his
father Jacob, who was described as Jacob Stowell of Guilford,
Chenango Co., N. Y.
147. DAVID" STOWELL {AUjaJi* Israel'-^ Samuel') was
bom in Newton, Mass., 30 May 1779, d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 28
Oct. 1849, m. Marlboro, N. H., 14 April 1803, Rebecca Bowker,
dau. of Bartlett and Christiana (Holmes) Bowker, b, Fitz-
william, N. H., 30 May 1782, d. St. Johnsbury, Yt.
Resided in St. Johnsbury, Vt., where children were born:
383. 1. Rev. Davids, b. 29 Dec. 1804.
ii. Rebecca, b. 19 Oct. 1807, d. T^tzwilliam, N. H., 11 Dec. 1878,
age 71, m,. there 6 Oct. 1829, John Whittemore, son of John
and Hannah (Stone) "Wliittemore, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 22
Oat. 1806, d. Lansing, Mich., 12 Feb. 1879, age 72.
256 • The Stowell Genealogy
iii, Leander Holmes, b. 29 Oot. 1809, m. Marlboro, N. H., 26
Dec. 1831, RoxANNA Bowker, dau. of Bartktt and Jemima
(Knowlton) (Wright) Bowker, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 28 July
1809, d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 29 Aug. 1863, age 54, He m.
2d, at Groton, Vt., 16 May 1864, Lovina Buknham, dau. of
Jacob and Betsey (Morison) Hatch, b. Groton, Vt., 1817.
iv. Susanna.
148. ASA LY]\1AN^ STOWELL (Ahijah" Israel'-'- SamueV)
was bom in Framingham, Mass., bp. April 1785, d. Dover, 111,,
11 April 1857, age 72, m. Fitzwilliam, N. H,, 10 Jan, 1805,
Betsey Harrington, dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth (Brigham)
Harrington, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 18 April 1784, d. Dover, 111.,
15 Oct. 1856, age 72.
Resided in Marlboro, N. H. and Lyndon and Derby Line, Vt.
Children :
1. Fanny6, b. 20 June 1805, d. Pa-rt- Paw Grove, 111., m. Josiaji
Speague. Had thirteen children.
Lyman, b. 8 May 1807.
Calvin, b. Lyndon, Vt., 19 May 1809.
John, b. 20 July 1811, d. 28 Sept. 1813.
Louisa, b. 2 June 1813.
Aeijah, b. Lj-ndon, Vt., 20 Aug. 1815,
387. vii. Joseph, b. 28 Sept. 1817.
388. viii. JosHUA, b. Derby Line, Vt., 29 June 1820.
389. ix. Edward, b. 7 April 1822.
X. Jacob, b. 15 April 1825.
149. DEACON ISAAC^ STOWELL {Ahijah'' Israel'-^ Sam-
ueV) was bom in Natick, Mass,, 1 May 1787, d. Troy, N. H,,
m, 1st, Fitzwilliam, N. H,, 19 March 1815, Levina Davis, dau.
of Samuel and Elizabeth Davis, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 22 March
1786, d. there 27 April 1852. age 66. He m. 2d, Elizabeth
Davis, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Davis, who was b. Fitz-
william, N. H., 14 Oct. 1792, d. Troy, N. H., Jan. 1856, age 63.
He m. 3d after 1856, Mrs. Mary Brewer Clark, dau. of Asa
and Deborah (Sargent) Brewer, b. Fitzwiilliam, N. H„ 17
Sept. 1796.
Resided in Fitzwilliam and Troy, N, H. Deacon of Troy
Fifth Generation 257
Children by first wife :
i. GE0IIGE6, b. ritzwilliam, N. H., 1818, d. Troy, N. H., 25 April
1888, age 70.
ii. Harvey, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 1820, d. Troy, N. H., 25 July
1845, age 25.
iii. Eliza, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., m. Troy, N. K., 7 June 1837,
James Comstock, b. Dublin, N. H. Children (Comstock) :
1. Abbie M., b. Jaffrey, N. H., 1843, m. Keene, N. H., 26
April 1864, Otis D. Hale, son of Jolin and Esther (Drury)
Hale, b. Eichmord, N. H., 1829.
iv. Mart, b. Pitzwilliam, N. H., m. Troy, N. H., 21 Nov. 1850,
IvERS Emerson of Troy.
V. Sarah, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., m. William Pierce.
vi. Harriet, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 29 Aug. 1827, m. there 30 Oct.
1845, Charles Smith, son of Elijah Thayer and Sarah (Wol-
cott) Smith, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 2 Nov. 1821, d. Marlbo-
rough, N. H., 4 March 1892, age 70. Lived Fitzwilliam, N. H.,
where all children were bom (Smith) :
1. Henry C, b. 18 Sept. 1848, m. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 8 July
1869, Clara A. Rollins. Cliildren: i. Clarence E., ii.
Charles W .
2. Ada Maria, b. 18 June 1850, d. Fitzwilliam, N. H., Aug.
3 Etta S., b. 28 March 1852, m. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 26
March 1871, Milton J. White, son of Thomas and Lucretia
(Bemis) Wliite, of Marlboro.
4. Amy Gertrude, b. 26 Oct. 1855, m. Fitzwilliam, N. H.,
24 Nov. 1880, Frank H. Peaslee.
5. Herbert Wolcott, b. 26 April 1860, d. Fitzwilliam, N. H.,
11 Oct. 1860.
6. Carrie A., b. 26 April 1864.
7. Nellie M., b. 28 May 1866, m. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 29 Aug.
1883. AxviN S. Olmstead.
150. ISAAC^ STOWELL (Isaac*-^ Israel^ Smmt'el^) was
born in Dedham, Mass., bp. 27 Aug. 1758, m. Dedham, Mass.,
18 Feb. 1782, Nabbe Ellis, dan. of Ebenezer and Sarah Ellis,
b. Medway, Mass., 23 July 1753.
Isaac Stowell in Aaron Guild's Co., Col. Lemuel Robinson's
Regt., 29 Jan. 1776 at Dorchester Heights. In Capt. Ebenezer
Battelle's Co., 2 July 1778 to 17 July 1778, guarding stores
at Watertown, 11 June 1778 to 18 Feb. 1779 to secure the
Hudson River, and 15 July 1780 to 25 Dec. 1780.
258 The Stowell Genealogy
Children born Hardwick, Mass.:
i. Sallys, b. 9 Jan. 1783.
390. ii. .ToTHAM Ellis, b. 15 May 1785.
iii. Nabby, b. 7 Feb. 1788.
151. JOEL'^ STOWELL {Isaac'-^ IsraeV SamueV) was bom
in Dedham, Mass., bp. 16 Oct. 1774, d. Dedham, Mass., 3 June
1858, age 83, m. there 19 Jan. 1797, Catherine Richards, dan.
of Jeremiah and Patience (Hawse) Eichards, b. Sharon, Mass.,
23 Oct. 1775, d. Dedham, Mass., 3 Nov. 1822, age 47. Catherine,
wife of Joel Stowell admitted to First Church of Dedham, 15
Nov. 1807 to have her children baptised.
Three Norfolk Deeds in name of Joel Stowell of Dedham.
Children all born Dedham, Mass. :
393. i. Seths, bp. 15 Nov. 1807.
ii. Jason, bp. 15 Nov. 1807, m. Dedham, Mass., 23 May 1830,
Lydia Ingall Robinson.
iii. Isaac, b. 1804, bp. 15 Nov. 1807, d. Sharon, Mass., 5 April
1869, age 65, m. there 22 March 1832, Betsey Hewins, dau. of
Leavitt and Betsey (Gay) Hewins, b. Sharon, Mass., 18 March
iv. Catherine, bp. 15 Nov. 1807, d. Saugus, Mass., 21 May 1880,
age 74, m. Dedham, Mass., 2 Jan. 1831, James B. LoviauNQ,
son of William and Sarah (Burrell) Lovering, b. Springfield,
N. H., 6 April 1807, d. Randolph, Mass., 5 March 1870, age 62.
He was a merchant. Children (Lovering) :
1. Isaac J., b. Holbrook, Mass., 6 Sept. 1S37, d. New Lon-
don, N. H., 1 June 1899.
V. Amanda, bp. 4 Sept. 1808, d. Randolph, Ms,ss., 3 Dec. 1874, age
66, m. Dedham, Mass., 26 Oct. 1834, Abraham G. Swain.
vi. Louisa, bp. 13 Oct. 1811, d. Randolph, Mass., 14 Aug. 1875,
age 64, m. Dedham, Mass., 26 Oct. 1834, Mason Lovering.
vii. Joel, bp. 15 Feb. 1818, d. Dedham, Mass., 29 Sept. 1821.
152. JOEL'' STOWELL (Jacob* Isaac^ Israel^ Samuel^)
was born 17 Nov. 1768, died at Windsor, Vt., 6 Feb. 1844, age 75,
m. 26 Nov. 1789, Hannah Holden, b. 21 Feb. 1771, d. Windsor,
Vt., 26 March 1856, age 85.
Resided in Windsor, Vt. Was a farmer. Tythingman 1808
to 1814. Surveyor of Highways 1816. Furnished a team and
went with it on the expedition to Ticonderoga 1812. Joel's
Fifth Generation 259
name is 6th on list of members of Baptist Church, Windsor,
Nov. 1810. Hannah joined Baptist Chnreh, Windsor, Aug.
1837. Was one of the founders of Baptist Society formed
West Windsor, 6 Feb. 1844.
Will of Joel Stowell, late of Windsor, deceased, dated 28
Jan. 1842, entered 9 March 1844. Gives Hannah, his widow,
all furniture and personal property as hers and the use of all
real estate during her life. Inventory $2832.97. To widow and
children of eldest son Oliver, late of Concord, Penn., deceased,
to Mary S. Ward, granddaughter formerly Mary S. Houghton,
dau. of Horace and Juliana Houghton, to Louisa Fay, grand-
daughter, formerly Louisa Willis, dau. of John and Louisa
Willis, to Huldah Houghton, wife of Peter Houghton, to Still-
man Stowell, to Philena Houghton, mfe of Horace Houghton, to
Beulah L. Stowell, to Emelia S. Stowell and to Caleb Kendall,
trustee, in trust for Sylvester Stowell, one sixth each of all his
real estate. Caleb Kendall, sole Executor. (Windsor District Pro-
bate, Proctorsville, Vt., 9 March 1844.)
Administration granted Cullen Woodruff, 1 April 1856
on estate of Hannah Stowell, late of Windsor. Heirs: Huldah
Houghton, Mary Ward, granddaughter, daughter of Juliana
Houghton, Philena Houghton, Sylvester Stowell, Stillman
Stowell and heirs of Oliver Stowell. (Windsor Dist. Ludlow
Administration granted on estate of Emilia S. Stowell, late
of Windsor, to Cullen AVoodrufP, 1 April 1856. Heirs : Huldah
Houghton, Philena Houghton, Stillman Stowell, Sylvester
Stowell, heirs of Oliver Stowell, Mary Ward, dau. of Juliana
Houghton. (Windsor Dist. Ludlow Probate.)
Children all bom in Windsor, Vt. :
i. Pollys, b. 2 Dec. 1790, d. Windsor, Vt., 3 June 1822, age 31,
392. ii. Olr'EK, b. 5 Oct. 1792.
iii. Huldah, b. 22 Aug. 1794, d. Windsor, Vt., 7 Nov. 1878, age 84,
m. there 20 Feb. 1817, Peter Houghton, son of Darius and
Sibyl (Eastman) Houghton, b. Windsor, Vt., 13 Oct. 1785, d.
Windsor, Vt., 12 July 1869, age 83. Lived at Windsor, Vt.
Was a farmer. Joined Baptist Church, Windsor, Vt., 1810.
Children born Windsor, Vt. (Houghton) :
260 The Stowell Genealogy
1. Oi'RUS, b. 26 June 1818, d. Windsor, Vt., 12 March 1860,
age 41, m. there 16 Oct. 1848, Lucy Boltwood, b. Windsor,
Vt., 24 Dec. 1823, d. 8 Sept. 1902, age 78. CMldren: i.
Charles H., ii. Harriet, iii. Emma.
2. Joel Stowell, b. 6 Dee. 1819, d. Windsor, Vt., 1 Dec.
1883, age 64, m. there 1 Oct. 1848, Mary Jane Boltwood,
b. Windsor, Vt., 13 Oct. 1830, d. there 1 June 1863, age 32.
He m. 2d, 1865, Ellen C. Bradley, b. 1827, d. 9 Sept.
1884, Children by Mary: i. Mary, ii. John, iii. Kate. Child
by Ellen: iv. Lihhie..
3. John, b. 5 Aug. 1821, d. Windsor, Vt., 17 Oct. 1850, age
29, unmarried.
4. Henry, b. 23 May 1823, d. Windsor, Vt., 23 Sept. 1846,
age 23, m. Windsor, Vt., 26 April 1846, Abbie L. Bolt-
wood, b. Windsor, Vt., 19 Jan. 1827, d. 29 Jan. 1890, age
63. Child: i. Lucia.
5. Hannah E., b. 17 May 1825, d. Windsor, Vt., 18 April
1862, age 36, unmarried.
6. Horace A., b. 16 Dec. 1827, d. in Army 23 Oct. 1862, age
34, unmarried.
7. Emily S., b. 7 April 1830, d. Sheddville, Vt., 3 Jan. 1907,
age 77, m. Windsor, Vt., 26 May 1850, George Clarence
Shedd, son of Oilman Shedd, b. Windsor, Vt., 25 Sept.
1833, d. Sheddvme, Vt., 21 March 1898, age 64. Lived at
Sheddville, Vt. Merchant. Children (Shedd): i. George
Clarence, ii. Florence May, iii. Addie Huldah, iv. Guy
Houghton, v. Emily Gertrude, vi. Carl CUftom, vii. Fred
8. Ellen M., b. 30 Nov. 1832, d. Windsor, Vt., 21 April,
1864, age 31, unmarried.
9. EthaN Allen, b. 18 Aug. 1835, d. Windsor, Vt., 11 March
10. Allen Ethan, b. 12 Dec. 1836, d. Windsor, Vt., 19 April
1911, age 74, m. Windsor, Vt., 22 Feb. 1866, LuciA A.
Winn, dau. of James and Adaline Winn, b. Windsor, Vt.,
22 Aug. 1843. Lived at Windsor, Vt. Farmer. Was in
Civil War. Child: i, James H.
iv. JULLA.NA, b. 28 Dec. 1796, d. Windsor, Vt., 29 April 1823, age
26, m. there 13 Dee. 1819, Horace Houghton, son of Darius
and Sibyl (Eastman) Houghton, b. Windsor, Vt., 28 April 1798,
d. Brasher, N. Y., 12 Jan. 1891, age 92. Was a farmer and
lived in Windsor, Vt., and Brasher, N. Y. He m. 2d, Nancy
Colston, and m. 3d, Philena Stowell. Child (Houghton) :
1. Mary Sophia, b. Windsor, Vt., 28 Sept. 1820, d. Massena,
N. Y., 12 Feb. 1904, age 83, m. Brashor, N. Y., 1 Jan.
1838, Jonathan Ward, son of William and Sallic (Grant)
Fifth Generation 261
Ward, b. Cornwall, Canada, 3 May 1814, d. Massena, N. Y.,
30 Dee. 1847, age 33. She m. 2d, Brasher, N. Y., 4 May
1856, Cyrus Clark King, son of Nathaniel and Sophia
(French) King, b. Bangor, N. Y., 9 Aug. 1822, d. Mas-
Bena, N. Y., 4 Jan. 1899, age 76. Children (Ward): i.
Louisa E., ii. H. D., iii. David II.
Stillman, b. 20 March 1799, d. Concord, Penn., 8 Dec. 1868,
age 69, m. 12 March 1837, Mrs. Ann McDaniel. No children.
Louisa, b. 22 May 1802, d. Windsor, Vt., 14 Fe\,. 1825, age 22,
m. Windsor, Vt., 22 Feb. 1824, John Willis, son of Joseph
and Eunice (Parkhurst) Willis, b. Windsor, Vt., 6 May 1792.
Beulah L., b. 14 Jan. 1804, d. Massena, N. Y., 17 Oct. 1850,
age 46, m. Windsor, Vt., 11 Feb. 1847, Koma Matthews of
Bombay, N. Y., d. Massena, N, Y., May 1861. He m. Ist,
Mary Raymonp. Went to Fort Covington, N.Y., Oct. 1849.
No children.
Philena, b. 20 March 1806, d. Tilton, N. H., 18 April 1894, ago
88, m. 29 Jan. 1829, Horace Houghton, son of Darius and
Sibyl (Eastman) Houghton, b. Windsor, Vt., 28 April 1798, d.
Brasher, N. Y., 12 Jan. 1891, age 92. Lived at Windsor, Vt.,
and Brasher, N. Y.
Childrem all bom Brasher, N. Y. (Houghton) :
1. Juliana, b. 3 May 1830, d. Massena, N. Y., 30 Dec. 1914,
age 84, m. Brasher Falls, N. Y., 29 Oct. 1854, Joseph
Austin Jacobs, d. Fort Covington, N. Y., 2 Jan. 1890,
age 78. Child (Jacobs) : i. Benjamin E.
2. Eliza Jane, b. 21 June 1832, d. Brasher, N. Y., 13 Sept.
1903, age 71, m. Fort Covington, N. Y., 12 Jan. 1853,
James A. Richards, son of Samuel and Rachel (Jacobs)
Edchards, b. Waterf ord,' Vt., 1 Feb. 1826, d. Brasher, N. Y.,
4 July 1900, age 74. Children (Richards) : i. Effle D., ii.
Amelia A.
3. Philena Calista, b. 18 March 1834, d. Bombay, N. Y., 1
Dec. 1877, age 43, m. Malone, N. Y., 25 March 1869,
Myron Southwick, son of Leonard and Lydia (Jackson)
SouthTvick, b. Bombay, N. Y., 26 June 1826. Children
(Southwick) : i. Emma Jane, ii. Henry, iii. Dora.
4. Hannah Amelia, b. 3 March 1836, d. Tilton, N. H., 17
Feb. 1907, age 70, unmarried.
5. Sarah Agnes, b. 5 Sept. 1838, d. Tilton, N. H., ]9 April
1899, age 60, unmarried.
6. Peter Eastman, b. 4 Feb. 1840, d. Potsdam, N. Y., S
Aug. 1906, age 66, m. Lawrence, Mass., 24 Jan. 1870,
Clara Alice Pike, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Clark) Pike,
b. Franklin, N. H., 4 Jan. 1848. Children: i. AHce, ii.
Clinton Osborne, iii. Stoivell, iv. Grace.
262 The Sto\vell Genealogy
7. Horace Sylvester, b. 28 Jan. 1843, d. Butte, Montana, 14
Dec. 1902, age 59, m. Hallie Hartzell, d. 1912. No chil-
39.'}. ix. Sylvester, b. 12 April 1808.
X. Emilia S., b. 13 July 1812, d. Windsor, Vt., 28 Nov. 1849, age
37, unmarried.
153. JACOB» STOWELL (Jacoh^ Isaac^ Israel'' SamueV)
was baptised 1783, died at Massena, N, Y,, mar. Windsor, Vt.,
Dec. 1793, Elizabeth Stowell, dau. of Lemuel and Kebecca
(Fisher) Stowell, b. Dedham, Mass., 19 Nov. 1772, d. Massena,
N. Y. Resided in Windsor, Vt. then went to Massena, N. Y.
about 1835. Was tythingman in 1815.
Children :
394. i. Jaspers, b. Windsor, Vt., 26 March 1795.
395. ii. Lewis Chauncey, b. Windsor, Vt., 27 March 1797.
iii. Eliza, b. Windsor, l-t., 9 Sept. 1800.
iv. Beca L. (Rebecca), b. Windsor, Vt., 9 Aug. 1802, d. Windsor,
Vt., 1828, m. N. Y,, Hitchcock.
396. V. Asaph, b. Windsor, Vt., 20 Nov. 1805.
vi. Hannah.
397. vii. Jacob, b. Utica, N. Y., 7 March 1821.
i'iii. Philip, b. 1824, d. Rockford, 111., 11 April 1888, age 64, unmar-
ried. Was in Civil War from New York.
398. ix. Daniel.
X. Katherine, m. George Washington Devitt. Children (Devitt) :
1. Emma,
2. Frankie.
3. Son.
xi. Sarah, m. Robert Humphrey. Had two sons.
xii. Ellen, m. Meeritt Hurd.
xiii. Elias.
154. OLIVERS STOWELL {Jaco'b'^ Isaac^ Israel'' Samuel^)
was baptised in Windsor, Vt., 1783, d. Antwerp, N. Y., 12 Sept.
1839, age 61, m. first at Windsor, Vt., 28 Feb. 1802, Elizabeth
HoisiNGTON, dau of Blisha Hoisington, b. Windsor, Vt., 1781,
d. Antwerp, N. Y., 18 Nov. 1815, age 34. He m. second at Ant-
werp, N. Y., about 1816, Ruth Hoisington, a sister of Elizabeth,
b. Windsor, Vt., 1791, d. Antwerp, N. Y., 6 May 1823, age 32.
He m. 3d Sally .
Fifth Generation 263
Resided in Antwerp, N, Y., went there from Vermont in
March 1806. Was a farmer.
Administration granted to Sally Stowell, widow of Oliver
Stowell, late of Antwerp, 22 Oct. 1839. Heirs: Sally Stowell
widow; Nancy McAllaster, wife of William McAllaster; Fanny
Copeland, wife of Clewley Copeland; Betsey Thomas, wife of
Salmon Thomas and Guy Stowell. Also George Copeland, son
of Maria Copeland, deceased. The estate amounted to about
$12,000 and a farm of 227 acres. (Jefferson Co. Surrogate.)
Children all by first wife Elizabeth Hoisington :
i. MARIA6, b. Windsor, Vt., 12 May 1803, d. Antwerp, N. Y., 17
Jan. 1828, m,. Antwerp, N. Y., Clewley Copeland, son of
Smith and Polly (Wetherbee) Copeland, b. 2 Sept. 1798, d.
Antwerp, N.Y., 28 Sept. 1878, age 80, Child (Copeland) :
1. George, b. Antwerp, N. Y., 27 Aug. 1827, m. Canton,
N. Y., SI March 1853, Jane Sophia Paige, dau. of Isaac C,
and Fanny (Fitch) Paige, b. Canton, N. Y., 15 Feb. 1831.
Resided at Canton, N. Y. Was a merchant. Children: i.
Minnie A., ii. Frank C, iii. Harry P.
ii. Nancy, b. Windsor, Vt., 6 Jan. 1805, d. Antwerp, N. Y., 9
July 1898, m. Antwerp, N. Y., 24 Feb. 1828, William Mc-
Allaster, son of Richard and Susannah (Dimond) McAllaster,
b. Antrim, N. H., 6 March 1792, d. Antwerp, N. Y., 5 May
1870. Children born Antwerp, N. Y. (McAllaster) :
1. William Pai^ish, b. 9 May 1829, d. Watertown, N. Y.,
19 Sept. 1863, unmarried.
2. George David, b. 3 Oct. 1831, m. Watertown, N. Y., 29
Nov. 1870, Matilda Eveline (Bent) Cross, dau. of Dal-
manutha and Betsey (Phippen) Bent, b. Mt. Holly, Vt., 3
May 1830, d. Antwerp, N. Y., 17 July 1903. Child: i.
George Ernest McAllaster, b. 25 May 1873, m. Ire7ie Ber-
nice Noyes, 9 Jujie 1909. He was a prominent lawyer in
Antwerp, N. Y.
3. OLrPER Richard, b. 10 May 1834, d. Elmira, N. Y., 7 July
1863, unmarried.
4. Henry Major, b. 20 May 1839, d. Antwerp, N. Y., 4
April 1841.
399. iii. Guy Oliver, b. Antwerp, N. Y., 18 Jan. 1808.
400. iv. Lorenzo, b. Antwerp, N. Y., 18 Jan. 1811.
V. Fanny, b. Antwerp, N. Y., 6 Aug. 1812, d. there 11 Nov.
1890, age 78, m. there 13 April 1831, Clfv\^ley Copeland, son
of Smith and Polly (Wetherbee) Copeland, b. 2 Sept. 1798, d.
Antwerp, N. Y., 28 Sept. 1878, age 80. Children born Antwerp,
N. Y. (Copeland) :
264 The Stowell Genealogy
1. Dr. Oliver Smith, b. 28 June 1833, d. Walnut, Kansas,
23 Dec. 1872, age 39, unmarried.
2. Francis Clewley, b. 10 Nov. 1835, d. Antwerp, N. Y., 13
July 1854, age 18, unmarried.
3. Charles Carroll, b. 8 Nov. 1838.
4. Fanny Makia, b. 12 July 1842, d. Milwaukee, Wis,, 11
Oct. 1908, age 68, m. Antwerp, N. Y., 22 Sept. 1863, Cteus
H. EussELL, b. Williamson, N. Y., 27 July 1828, d. Gou-
veiTieur, N. Y., 19 March 1875, age 47. She m. 2d, 1883,
John Winans of Janesville, Wis. Children (Russell) :
i. Charles Copeland, ii. Fannie.
vi. Elizabeth, b. Antwerp, N. Y., 22 April 1816, d. Delavau,
Wis., 27 June 1893, m. Antwerp, N. Y., 8 Jan. 1834, Salmon
TiroMAS, b. Utica, N. Y., 24 Dec. 1801, d. Delavan, Wis., 21
Sept. 1897. Went to Wisconsin in 1836. Children (Thomas) :
1. George, b. Utica, N. Y., d. in infancy.
2. Alfred Delavan, b. Delavan, Wis., 11 Aug. 1837, d. Fargo,
N. D., 8 Aug. 1896, age 59, m. Delavan, Wis., Oct. 1864,
Frances Eliza Barnes, dau. of Judge Alonson H. and
Clarissa (Hills) Barnes, b. Martinsburg, N. Y., 15 ^March
1844, d. Fargo, N. D., 5 Nov. 1898. Graduate Brown
University 1861. U. S. Judge for District of North Da-
kota, appointed by Pres. Harrison, 25 Feb. 1890. Children:
i. Clara Lucia, ii. Gertrude Elisabeth, iii. Alfred Benjamin.
3. Elizabeth, b. Delavan, Wis., 12 Aug. 1841, d. there 1 Oct.
1861, age 20.
4. Mary Frances, b. Delavan, Wis., 28 Sept. 1844, m. there
28 Nov. 1865, James IMa-RCEllus Goff, son of Dr. Mar-
cellus B. and Maria (Houck) Goff, b. Schoharie, N. Y., 24
Dec. 1839, d. Walnut, Kansas, 15 Feb. 190-8. Cliildren
(Goff): i. George, b. 12 April 1867, is a banker and lives
at Walnut, Kan. ii. Beien, b. 9 Dec. 1869, m. 23 Nov.
1892, Philip P. Campbell, Member of Congress from Third
Dist., Kansas, 58th, 59th, 60th, 61st, 62d, 63d, 64th and
65th Congresses, iii. Florence Evelyn, b. 28 Jan. 1885.
5. Helen, b. Delavan, Wis., 6 Aug. 1848, m. there 15 June
1870, Frank Conrick, son of Edward P. and Harriet (Man-
ning) Conrick. Children (Conrick) : i. Mary Evelyn, ii.
Maude Helen.
6. Fred, b. Delavan, Wis., 1856, d. there 1895.
155. REUBEN" STOWELL (Samuel* Isaad" Israel'' Sam-
ueV) was bom in Gray, Me., 1762, d. Brownville, Me., 1848,
age 86, m. 1st, Lucy > — . He m. 2d, Abigail Thompson.
Fifth Generation 265
Resided at Gray and New Gloucester, Me, and Shelbum, N. H.
Was a farmer.
He is described as Reuben Stowell of Gray, Me. in four
Cumberland Co., Me. deeds.
Children by first wife Lucy :
i, Edwards, d. New Gloucester, Me., March 1839.
401. ii. Reuben Noeris.
Children by second wife, Abigail Thompson:
402. iii. Samuel Thompson, b. Gray or New Gloucester, Me., 1806.
iv. Abigail B., m. New Gloucester, Me., 23 Jan. 1834, Cyrus
156. ISAAC" STOWELL (Samuel' Isaac^ Israel'' SamueV)
was bom in Gray, Maine, 27 Oct. 1780, d. Gray, Maine, m.
Olive Hancock, b. Gray or Otisfield, Maine, d. Gray, Me. She
m. 2d (Int. 16 Nov, 1845) J. Colby. Resided in Gray, Maine.
Children :
i. Jane Grays, b. New Gloucester, Me., 8 Nov, 1806, d, there 9
Oct, 1864, m, there 1 July 1832, Thomas M. Haskell, of New
Gloucester, Me,
403. ii. Oliver Hancock, b. Gray, Me., 16 Jan, 1809.
iii. Susan, b. Gray, Me., 12 Jan. 1811, d. there 26 Sept. 1815.
iv. Baniel, b. Gray, Me., 1 April 1813, d. there 16 Sept. 1815,
404. V. Daniel, b. Gray, Me., 10 Sept. 1815.
vi. Joseph H., b. Gray, Me., 20 Aug. 1818, d. Bangor, Me.
Vii. John Colby, b. Gray, Me., 27 Nov. 1820, d. Maiden, Mass., 8
Dec. 1900, age 80, m. Adaune H. Chase, dau. of Dean Chase,
b. Pawtucket, R. I., 1820, d. Maiden, Mass., 4 May 1904, age
84. No children,
405. viii. David R. C, b. Gray, Me., 29 April 1823,
ix. Caroline S., b. Gray, Me., 18 June 1826, m. Elias Castner.
157. FISHER'' STOWELL (Lemuel' Isaac^ Israel^ Samuel^)
was born in Dedham, Mass., 30 July 1776, d. Sheddsville, Vt.,
2 Sept. 1846, age 70, m. Dedham, Mass., 1 April 1798, Mary
Bailey, b. Dedham, Mass., 9 Feb. 1780, d. Brownsville, Vt., 4
July 1864, age 84. She m. 2d Stephen Dow, of Reading, Vt.
Resided in Dedham, Mass., Windsor, Waitsfield and West
Windsor, Vt. Was a wheelwright.
Administration granted on estate of Fisher Stowell, late
of Windsor, deceased, to Hiram Stowell, 14 Nov. 1846. Estate
266 The Stowell Genealogy
assigned to widow Sally Stowell. Names of cliildren not given.
(Windsor Dist. Prob., Ludlow.)
Children :
i. Mary or Polly^, b. "Windsor, Vt., 12 Aug. 1798, d. Petersham,
Mass., 21 Aug. 1878, age 80, m. Waitsfield, Vt., 12 Nov. 1815,
Oliver B. Smith, son of Oliver B. Smith, b. New Salem, Mass.,
24 Jan. 1794, d. Petersham, Mass., 12 Oct. 1881, age 87. Chil-
dren (Smith) :
1. Elka Ann, b. Hardwiick, Mass., about 1835, m. 1st,
BuFFUM, m. 2d, BrattleboTO, Vt., 24 July 1899, Lorenzo
CtTRTis, son of Henry and Sarah (Field) Curtis, b. Swan-
zey, N. H., about 1830.
2. HiRAM Wardsworth, b. Barre, Mass., about 1840, m. Brat-
tleboro, Vt., 18 Sept. 1891, Jane Smith, dau. of Alexander
and Elvira (Bancroft) Smith, b. Athol, Mass., 1836.
ii. Sarah Angeline, b. Windsor, Vt., 20 Aug. 1800, d. Newbury,
Vt., 22 Nov. 1879, age 79, m. Windsor, Vt., 8 June 1820,
Elisha Dake, b. 18 Aug. 1798, d. Brownsville, Vt., 4 July
1874, age 76. He was son of a Revolutionary soldier. Children
born Brownsville, Vt. (Dake) :
1. Ellen M., b. 12 Oct. 1821, d. Claremont, N. H., 28 Aug.
1904, age 82, m. Brownsville, Vt., 14 June 1843, John
English, d. Newbury, Vt., 26 March 1884, age 74. Chil-
dren (English) : i. Infant, ii. Grace, iii. William.
2. Lucy, b. 9 March 1823, d. BrowUiSville, Vt., 7 Jan. 1913,
age 89, m. there 16 June 1850, Charles M. Sprague, son
of Joseph W. and Charlotte (Matthews) Sprague, b. Clare-
mont, N. H., 7 July 1816, d. Weathersfield, Vt., 16 Nov.
1866, age 50. Children (Sprague) : i. Joseph Weston, ii.
Mary Jane, iii. Sarah Ellen, iv. Elisha DaTce, v. Henry
Harrison, vi. Sarah Elisabeth.
3. Sophronia E., b. 2 Feb. 1827, d. Brownsville, Vt., 27 Feb.
1901, age 73, m. there 25 Feb. 1846, Gkorge E. Pierce,
b. 28 April 1820, d. Brownsville, Vt., 15 Aug. 1887, age 67.
Children (Pierce): i. Willard Davis, ii. Ellen E., iii. Anna
May, iv. Edson N., v. Sarah Augusta.
4. Sarah Jane, b. 26 Dec. 1834, d. Brownsville, Vt., 31 July
1843, age 8.
5. Henry Harrison, b. 1 Dec. 1839, d. Weathersfield, Vt.,
15 April 1900, age 60, m. Weathersfield, Vt., 16 Feb. 1862,
Frances M. Tolls, b. Weathersfield, Vt., 4 Aug. 1842, d.
Pasadena, Calif., 5 Feb. 1888, age 45. He m. 2d, Auburn-
dale, Mass., 25 Feb. 1890, Ci.arissa Angeline Howaej^
dau. of Americus K. and Jane A. (Adams) Howard, b.
Fifth Generation 267
Springfield, Vt., 27 April 1841, d. Auburndale, Mass., 25
Aug. 1902. Children: i. Liszie G., ii. Fred T.
Adaline, b. Windsor, Vt., 5 Nov. 1802, d. Oaklanden, Ind.,
11 Sept. 1890, age 87, m. Windsor, Vt., 18 July 1824, Allen
Cole, of Middlebuiy, Vt. Went from Vermont to Strawtown,
Ind., lived there many years and had two sons and two daugh-
ters. After Mr. Cole's death she moved to Pendleton, Ind.,
and married James L. Bell. He died in two years and she
then married, 19 June 1851, William Silver.
Rebecca, b. Windsor, Vt., 11 Feb. 1805, d. Anderson, Ind.,
m. Waitsfield, Vt., 8 Sept. 1824, Marshall Savage, son of
Samuel Stow and Anna (Grandy) Savage, b. Waitsfield, Vt.,
18 June 1798, d. Anderson, Ind., 22 Jan. 1842, age 43. She
m. 2d, Scott. Children (Savage) :
1. Nancy Adaline, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 1 Jan. 1826.
2. Lemuel Cyprian, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 2 Dec. 1828.
3. Carlos.
Charles, b. Windsor, Vt., 11 May 1807.
Horace, b. Windsor, Vt., 29 Oct. 1808.
Hiram, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 17 Sept. 1813.
Lucy S., b. Waitsfield, Vt., 2 Feb. 1816, d. S. Londonderry,
Vt., 8 Nov. 1901, age 85, m. Waitsfield, Vt., 20 June 1832,
Horace Phelps, son of Capt. Bissell and Sally (Waterman)
Phelps, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 27 Aug. 1806, d. S. Londonderry,
Vt., 23 May 1882, age 75. Resided at Waitsfield and More-
town, Vt. Children (Phelps) :
1. Horace Rollin, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 24 Feb. 1834, d. Little-
ton, Mass., m. Sharon, Vt., 26 July 1863, LuCY Metcalf,
dau. of Pelatiah and Fanny (Hart) Metcalf, b. Sharon,
Vt., 16 Jan. 1833. Was a physician. Graduate Dartmouth
Medical College 1862. Lived at Littleton, Mass. Child:
i. Clara B.
2. Lucy Delight, b, W^aitsfield, Vt., 24 March 1836, d. there
14 April 1836.
3. Julia Lavinia, b. Waitsfield, Vt.. 22 May 1838, d. Walpole,
N. H., 1909, m. Sharon, Vt., 30 Aug. 1864, Charles B.
Norton, son of Henry and Eliza (Bucklin)) Norton, b.
Smithfield, R. I., 1838. She m. 2d, Londonderry, Vt., 22
Oct. 1882, Jonas N. Hunting, son of Newell and Lucinda
(Carcan) Hunting, b. Londonderry, Vt., 1838.
4. Henry Adelbert, b. Moretown, Vt., 26 Dec. 1845, d. Bel-
lows Falls, Vt., June 1918, m. Sharon, Vt., 18 Sept. 1871,
Aramantha Celestine Parker, dau. of James and Clar-
inda (Beckwith) Parker, b. Sharon, Vt., 27 July 1842.
Children: i. Ernest Henry, ii. Lttcy Araminta.
268 The Stowell Genealogy
5. Francis Bissell, b. Moretown, Vt., 10 Dec. 1851, m.
Sharon, Vt., 18 Sept. 1871, Harriet Georgietta Young,
dau. of George Sanford and Harriet Cook (Sargent) Young,
b. Royalton, Vt., 17 Sept. 1853. Child: i. Annie Julia.
ix. Emeline IVIaria, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 6 Oct. 1819, d. Kansas
City, Kansas, 6 March 1906, age 88, m. Windsor, Vt., Edwin
Skeels "Woods, son of Daniel and Esther Woods, b. Windsor,
Vt., 21 Sept. 1810.
158. JESSE ^ STOWELL (Thaddeus* Isaac'' Israel Sam-
uel^) was born in Dedham, Mass., 19 Aug. 1775, d. Washington,
N. H., 24 Sept. 1828, age 53, m. Roxbury, Mass., 10 June 1799,
Mary Talbott, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Wilson) Talbott,
b. Roxbury, Mass., 2 March 1779, d. Washington, N. H., 23
Feb. 1862, age 83.
Resided in Dedham, Mass., then moved to Newport, N. H,
in the spring of 1815, then to Lempster, N. H. in the fall of
1817 then to Washington, N. H. in 1820. Was a mechanic.
Children :
i. Sarahs, b. Dedham, Mass., 27 Feb. 1801, d. Goshen, N. H., 19
Jujae 1859, age 58, m. Goshen, N. H., 28 Feb. 1824, Zadoc
Smith Lewis, son of Seth and Betsey (Smith) Lewis, b. Lyme,
Conn., 17 Jan. 1798, d. Goshen, N. H., 22 April 1839, age 41.
She m. 2d, at Hancock, N. H., 9 July 1848, Elias Smith, son
of Timothy and Susannah (Smith) Smith, b. Goshen, N. H., 10
May 1790, d. Washington, N. H., 22 March 1872. Resided at
Goshen, N. H. Farmer. Children by Zadoc S. Lewis, aU born
Goshen, N. H.:
1. Marilla Allen, b. 29 July 1825, d. Rockville, Conn., 2
Jan. 1911, age 85, m. Nashua, N. H., 13 March 1855,
Alonzo Barnard Earlb, b. Springfield, Vt., 2 Dec. 1828,
d. 5 Jan. 1893. Children (Earle) : i. Orville Herbert, ii.
Sarah Delia, iii. Ida Marilla, iv. George W., v. Cora Ellen,
vi. Williaw Alonzo,
2. Chauncey B., b. 22 Oct. 1826, d. Goshen, N. H., 15 Oct.
1848, age 22.
3. Elizabeth Sarah, b. 28 July 1828, m. Framingham, Mass.,
28 Oct. 1847, Thomas Dowse Morse, son of Aaron and
Harriet (Bassett) Morse, b. Natick, Mass., 7 Nov." 1824,
d. Franklin, Mass., 30 Sept. 1887, age 62. Children
(Morse) : i. Mary FAizabeth, ii. Mia Jane, iii. Leon Cor-
tes, iv. Edith Almira, v. Mabel Ermiria, vi. Annie Louisa,
vii. Eddy Lincoln.
Fifth Generation 269
4. Mary Lucetta, b. 24 July 1830, d. Framingham, Mass.,
19 Jan. 1855, age 24, m. there 28 Nov. 1848, James
Stubbs, son of James and Bethia (Ward) Stubbs, b. Well-
fleet, Mass., 23 Sept. 1825, d. 5 Sept. 1902. Children
(Stubbs) : i. Chamicey L., ii. James Hmry, iii. John T.
5. Nancy Jane, b. 17 July 1832, m. Goshen, N. H., 27 Oct.
1851, William Horace Gould, son of Stephen and Lois
(Straw) Gould, b. Greenfield, N. H., 26 May 1827, d.
Franklin, Mass., 8 April 1900, age 72. Resided in Goshen
and East Milton, N. H., and Franklin, Mass. Children
(Gould) : i. Isabella Jane, ii. Emily Framoes, iii. Allanetta
Ora/iida, iv. Albert Wheaton, v. William Horace, vi. Alice
6. Almira Sylvester, b. 22 Feb. 1834, d. Framingham,
Mass., 6 Dec. 1862, m. there 9 Oct. 1855, Edwin C. Eice,
son of Stephen and Mary (Eaton) Eice, b. Framingham,
Mass., 22 Feb. 1825, d. there 9 Nov. 1898, age 73. Chil-
dren (Eice) : i. Lewis E., ii. Sylvester A .
7. Emily Frances, b. 2 March 1836, m. Foxboro, Mass., 24
May 1S55, Major Monroe Morse, son of Aaron and Har-
riet (Bassett) Morse, b. Natick, Mass., 20 April 1828.
Children (Morse) : i. Sarah Evelyn, ii. Emily Framces, iii.
Ernest Monroe, iv. Bertha Florence, v. Minnie Almira, vi.
Eiigene Charles Leslie.
Mary, b. Dedhara, Mass., 27 Feb. 1801, d. Goshen, N. H., 14
June 1894, ago 93, m. Goshen, N. H., 30 Dec. 1824, William
Zebulon Baker, son of Eichard and Lydia (Eobinson) Baker,
b. Lempster, N. H., 27 Jan. 1796, d. Goshen, N. H., 24 April
1853, age 57. Children born Goshen, N. H. (Baker) :
1. Abner, b. 19 Jan. 1826, d. Goshen, N. H., 7 Sept. 1828.
2. Emily, b. 4 Sept. 1827, d. Goshen, N. H., 18 Aug. 1828.
3. Emily, b. 17 June 1829, d. Hancock, N. H., 10 Sept. 1859,
age 30, m. Goshen, N. H., 5 April 1854, Owen Augustus
Willey, son of Lauren and Sylvia (Booth) Willey, b.
Goshen, N. H., 12 June 1829. Child (Willey) : i. Helen F.
4. Ermina, b. 28 Oct. 1832, d. Goshen, N. H., 27 Aug. 1836.
5. Mary, b. 1 Aug. 1835, m. Washington, N. H., 18 Oct.'
1854, Levi Woodbury Trow, son of Levi and Betsey (Aver-
ill) Trow, b. Mt. Vernon, N. H., 27 Sept. 1824, d. Goshen,
N. H., 21 April 1906. Children (Trow) : i. Chester W.,
ii. Mary Eva, iii. John Herbert.
6. John Stowell, b. 14 Nov. 1838, d. Carrolton, N. C, 17
March 1863, age 24, m. Washington, N. H., 6 June 1859,
Ophelia Ann Cofran, dau. of Nathaniel and Susannah
(HajTvard) Cofran, b. Goshen, N. H., 6 June 1839, d.
Newport, N. H., Aug. 1892. Child: i. Nathaniel Herman.
270 The Stowell Genealogy
409. iii. John, b. Dedham, Mass., 10 April 1803.
410. iv. Abner, b. Dedliam, Mass., 27 Sept. 1805.
411. V. Jesse Wheaton, b. Dedham, Mass., 9 Dec. 1807.
Ti. Catherine, b. Dedham, Mass., 21 June 1810, d. Unity, N. H.,
29 July 1885, age 75, unmairried.
vii. Nathan De Wolf, b. Dedham, Mass., 24 Nov. 1812, d. Chax-
lotte, Mich., 13 Feb. 1897, age 84, m. 1st, Geneva, N. Y., 5
May 1846, Elizabeth Mitchell, b. Wayne, N. Y., 23 Nov.
1822, d. Benton, Mich., 17 Sept. 1867, age 44. He m. 2d, Kala-
mazoo, Mich., 6 Sept. 1871, Mrs. Catherine Tubes, b. Cayuga
Co., N. Y., 11 Oct. 1824, d. Benton, Mich., 12 July 1880, age 55.
viii. Hannah, b. Lempster, N. H., 21 Dec. 1817, d. Dedham, Mass.,
13 June 1840, age 22, unmarried,
ix. LrCY Talbott, b. Lempster, N. H., 28 Aug. 1820, d. Newport,
N. H., 5 Jan. 1907, age 86, m. Newport, N. H., 5 April 1842,
Eev. Lorenzo Tandy, son of William and Betsey (Baker)
Tandy, b. Goshen, N. H., 28 Jan. 1818, d. Newport, N. H.,
24 Dec. 1898, age 80. Resided in Newport, New Hampton and
Aeworth, N. H., and Tewkesbury, Middleboro, R-oyalton and
Oakham, Mass. He was a minister. Lucy admitted to Dedham,
Mass., Church 6 Nov. 1836, and dismissed, 26 Oct. 1838 to New-
port, N. H. Children (Tandy) :
1. Nathan Stowell, b. Nev,- Hampton, N. H., 6 Feb. 1845,
m. Royalston, Mass., 25 Sept. 1871, Annie Martia Gorden,
dau. of Stephen and Mary (Eaton) Gorden, b. New Hamp-
ton, N. H., 11 Feb. 1845, d. Newport, N. H., 21 July 1892.
He m. 2d, Newport, N. H., 12 Feb. 1894, Mary Adelia
Little, dau. of Charles H. and Sarali (Fuller) Little, b.
Newport, N. H., 10 Oct. 1855, d. there 2 May 1901. He
m. 3d, Athol, Mass., 23 June 1902, Ada (Upham) Reed,
dau. of Edwin E. and Anna L. (Love.ioy) Upham, b.
Readfield, Me., 16 April 1852. Children: i. Malel Annette,
ii. Willie Hertert. iii. Minnie Edith, iv. Nathan Ernest, v.
Nelson Eddy, vi. Ali<;e Town, vii. FranJc Talbot, viii.
Blanche Evelyn, ix. Harry Lorenzo, x. Clara Gordon, xi.
Lillian Etta.
2. Charles F., b. New Hampton, N. H., 11 July 1846, m.
1st, Royalston, Mass., 19 Jan. 1867, AL^ria Elvira Davis,
dau. of Joseph and Tamma (Balou) Davis, b. Royalston,
Mass., 11 Oct. 1840, d. there 22 Nov. 1870. He m. 2d,
Athol, Mass., 19 Sept. 1872, Priscilla Elvira Fay, dau.
of Rev. Lysander and Priscilla Elvira (Chamberlin) Fay,
b. Athol, Mass., 19 Sept. 1847. Children: i. Charles Eu-
gene, ii. Wilburt Clifton, iii. Enth Lovinia.
Fifth Generation 271
Lucy Jane, b. Aeworth, N. H., 24 Sept. 1847, d. Eoyalston,
Mass., 3 March 1893, age 45.
Ellen Lucina, b. Tewkesbury, Mass., .^ May 1850, m.
Hoosac Tunnel, Mass., 23 June 1875, Luke Bemis Shep-
HARDSON, son of Eri and Elvira Shephardson, b. Royalston,
Mass., 9 Sept. 1852. Children (Shephard^.on) : i. Florence
Ethlyn, ii. John, iii. Bertha May. iv. Carl Winfred, v. Lucy
Edna .
William "Wheaton, b. Middleboro, Mass., 19 June 1853,
m. Royalston, Mass., 19 June 1877, Esthek Finette Cha-
PIN, dau. of Calvin C. and Susan G. (Clark) Chapin, b.
Royalston, Mass., 20 Aug. 1857. Children: i. Walter Les-
lie, ii. Elsie Finette, iii. Eddy Warreni, iv. Arthur William,
V. Calvin Chapin, vi. Harold Lorenzo, vii. Howard Nelson.
Sarah Evelyn Baker, b. Royalston, Mass., 29 Jan. 1855,
ni. there 25 Aug. 1880, William Henry Bullard, son of
John and Lovina E. Bullard, b. S. Royalston, Mass., 25
Sept. 1856.
Edward Lorenzo, b. Oakham, Mass., 19 Oct. 1857, d. Char-
lemont, Mass., 18 Oct. 1877, age 20.
Mary Elizabeth Talbott. b. Royalston, Mass., 29 Juno
1861, d. Worcester, Mass., 16 March 1913, age 51, m. West
Royalston, Mass., 22 Feb. 1894, William Thomas Parsons,
son of Henry and Alice (Bullock) Parsons, b. Holden,
Mass., 14 June 1855.
159. ABNER^ STOWELL (Tliaddeus* Isaac^ Israel^ Sam-
weZ^)\vas bom in Dedham, Mass., 1 Jan. 1786, d. Halifax, Nova
Scotia, 1823 or 1824, m. Mary Linsey. Resided in Halifax.
After death of Abner, Mary and her children returned to Boston.
He was a baker.
Children :
i. Charles Abners.
ii. Mary Linsey.
160. EBED'' STOWELL (Israel* Benjamin^-^ SamueV)
was born in Hingham, Mass., 30 Jan. 1786, d. Lebanon, Ohio,
4 Oct. 1864, age 78, m. Lebanon, Ohio, 21 Jan. 1819, Mary F.
Pearson, dau. of Judge Wyllis Pearson, b. Lebanon, Ohio,
23 March 1799, d. there 6 April 1869, age 70.
Resided in Lebanon, Ohio. Was a brick layer, builder
and contractor. One of the prominent citizens.
272 The Stowell Genealogy
Ebed Stowell of Boston sells land in Boston to Elisha
Wheeler, 7 June 1808. (Suffolk deeds.) One of grantees to
land in Lebanon, Ohio in 1815.
Children born Lebanon, Ohio.
i. SusAN«, b. 11 Feb. 1S20, d. Lebanon, Ohio, 21 Feb. 1820.
ii. Wyllis Pearson, b. 17 Nov. 1821, d. Sidney, Ohio, about 1892.
Child: i. WnlTcer.
iii. Lydia Jane, b. Oct. 1824, d. Lebanon, Ohio, 15 Sept. 1825.
412. iv. Aaron Henry, b. 13 March 1827.
V. Ebed Heesey, b. 21 April 1830, d. St. Louis or Chicago', 111.,
vi. Mary Frances, b. 24 Aug. 1833, d. Urban a, Ohio, 8 Dec. 1900,
age 57, m. Lebanon, Ohio, 26 June 1856, Joseph Browning
Morgan, sou of Enoch Miles and Sophia (Howe) Morgan, b.
Syracuse, N. Y., 5 Jan. 1820, d. Urbana, Ohio, 14 June 1884,
age 64. Lived at Lebanon and Urbana, Ohio. Bookkeeper.
Children (Morgan) :
1. Charles Stearns, b. Lebanon, Ohio, 11 May 1857, d. Vos-
burg, Miss., 10 March 1913, m. Isrt, Portsmouth, Ohio, Dec.
1880, Ida V. Applegate. He m. 2d, Livingston, Ala., Oct.
1908, Laura Brown, dau. of Pierce Bestor Brown. Child:
i. Shirley.
2. MAE.Y, b. Urbana, Ohio, 1 Nov. 1859, unmarried.
3. Hersey Stowell, b. Urbana, Ohio, 14 .June 1861, m. there
7 Nov. 1894, Mrs. Juliette (Downer) Bates, dau. of
J. E. and Elizabeth (Eastman) Dowaier, b. Janesville, Ohio.
4. Nellie Reid, b. Urbana, Ohio, 29 May 1865, d. there June
413. vii. .John Mansfield, b. Lebanon, Ohio, 30 May 1836.
161. HERSEY' STOWELL {Israel" Benjamin^-^ SamueV-)
was born in Hingham, Mass., 19 May 1788, d. there 16 May 1872,
age 84, m. there 14 Feb. 1811, Chrissey Hersey, dau. of Jere-
miah and Miary (Hersey) Hersey, b. Hingham, Mass., 16 April
1790, d. there 25 Jan. 1861, age 70.
Resided on North St., West Hingham. Mass. Master Mason,
contractor and builder. Member of Legislature 1833. In four-
teen Suffolk Deeds 1814 to 1843 he is described as Hersey
Stowell of Hingham, Mass.
Children all born Hingham, Mass. :
i. CHRISSEY6, b. 22 Nov. 1814, d. Hingham, Mass., 22 Dec. 1893,
age 79, m. there 11 Dee. 1836, James Lawrence Lincoln, son of
Marshall and Lucy (Stodder) Lincoln, b. Hingham, Mass., 23
Aus:. 1814, d. there 6 Ffeb. 1883. ajre 68. No children.
Fifth Generation 273
ii. Catherine, b. 28 July 1817, d. Boston, Mass., 12 March. 1896,
age 78, m. Hingham, Mass., 1 July 1838, Josefh Lincoln, son
of Deacon Joseph and Amy (Lamb) Lincoln, b. Boston, Mass.,
29 April 1815, d. there 22 June 1883, age 68.
Thomas J. Homer having been employed by Hervey Wal-
lace Lincoln so to do, appointed Admr. of estate of Catherine
Stowell Lincoln, widow, deceased, 22 Dec. 1896. (Suffolk Probate
No. 103308).
Children (Lincoln) :
1. Catherine S., b. 17 April 1847.
2. Hervey Wallace, b. 14 March 1849.
3. Eloise, b. 14 Jan. 1851, d. 14 Feb. 1861.
4. Elizabeth, b. 2 June 1853.
5. Joseph, b. 17 July 1859.
iii. Hersey, b. 18 Sept. 1819, d. England, 22 Aug. 1859, age 40,
m. Hingham, Mass., 1 Jan. 1852, Sara Emelie Michel, dau. of
Jean B. Alichel. No children.
iv. Lydia Ann, b. 26 June 1821, d. Hingham, Mass., 18 Dec. 1861,
age 40, m. there 29 Oct. 1843, Andrew Hervey Wallace, son
of Andrew and Margaret (Henry) Wallace, b. New Boston,
N. H., 23 Jan. 1815, d. 4 Nov. 1845, age 30. No children.
414. V. Edmund Hersey, b. 10 May 1824.
vi. Martha, b. 30 Dec. 1-827, m. Hingham, Mass., 24 April 1873,
Thomas Stephenson, son of James and Lydia (Thomas) Ste-
phenson, b. Hingham, Mass., 27 May 1834. Lived in Hingham.
No children. Thomas Stephenson was Brigadier General in
Civil War.
vii. Mary Ann, b. 11 April 1830, d. Hingham, Mass., 18 Dec. 1865,
age 35, unmarried.
viii. Helen IVIaria, b. 25 Jan. 1833, m. Hingham, Mass., 2 June
1874, Henry Clay Harding, son of David and Betsey (Tilden)
Harding, b. Hingham, Mass., 27 April 1832, d. there 22 Jan.
1900, age 67. Treasurer Hingham Savings Institute. No
415. ix. Francis Henry, b. 10 April 1835.
162. CALEB' STOWELL {IsraeV Benjamin^-^ Samuel^)
was born in Hingham, Mass., 17 Oct. 1792, d. Boston, Mass.,
12 Jan. 1867, age 74, m. there 13 Jan. 1820, Emmeline Hubbard,
dau. of William and Elizabeth Hubbard, b. Brighton, Mass.,
28 May 1799, d. Boston, Mass.,. 25 Nov. 1880, age 81.
Resided in Boston, Brookline and Roxbuiy, Mass. Was a
house builder and contractor. Deacon Bowdoin Square Bap-
tist Church.
274 The Stowell Genealogy
Will of Caleb Stowell proved 18 Feb. 1867. To wife
Emmeline Stowell, to Charles Hubbard of Chelsea, to John C.
Hubbard, to granddaughter Emma H. Shaw and grandsons
Frederick "W. Shaw and Edwin F. Shaw all of Braintree, to
Mary C. Badger, sister of my said wife, each $1000. To my
three children, Lemuel Gushing Stowell, Henry C. Stowell and
Frances C. Minot, wife of Charles MJinot, all of Boston. Execu-
tors: Charles and John C. Hubbard and Henry C. Stowell.
(Suff. Prob. No. 47569.)
Thomas P. Proctor appointed special Admr. of estate of
Caleb Stowell of Roxbury, 8 April 1867. (Suff. Prob. No.
To Frederick W. Shaw of Braintree, to Emma H. Rand
(sometimes called Emmeline H. Rand) of Chicago, HI., to
Robert Shaw of Randolph, to Bernard C. Cleveland of S.
Framingham, to Lillian M. Cleveland of Woonsocket, R. I., the
last two being great-grandchildren of Caleb Stowell, to Caroline
M. Roundy and William H. Minot of Boston, to Lilla E. Minot,
wife of William H. Minot. Trustees to pay over net income
accrued from real estate since death of Lemuel C. Stowell, viz. :
15 June 1903, also net income accrued since death of Henry
C. Stowell, 6 Nov. 1902. (Suff. Prob. No. 47569.)
Warren K. Blodgett appointed, 31 Jan. 1881, Admr. of
estate of Emmeline Stowell, widow, who died at Boston, 25
Nov. 1880, leaving as her only next of kin, Henry C. Stowell of
Boston, a son ; Lemuel C. Stowell of Boston, a son ; Frances C.
Minot of Boston, widow; a daughter; all adults. (Suff. Prob.
No. 65328.)
Lemuel C. Stowell appointed Admr. of estate of Henry
C. Stowell, late of Boston, who died 6 Nov. 1902, leaving no
widow and the following heirs: Lemuel C. Stowell of Boston,
a brother; William H. Minot, Caroline M. Roundy, both of
Boston; Frederick W. Shaw of Braintree, Mass., Emmeline
H. Rand of Chicago, 111., children of deceased sister; Jennie
A. Shaw and Robert Shaw, minors of Braintree; Bernard C.
Cleveland, Lillian C. Cleveland, minors, children of deceased
sisters; the last two of Franklin, Mass. Appointed 18 Dec.
1902. (Suff. Prob. No. 122304.)
Fifth Generation 275
Children :
i. Cakolinec, b. Boston, Mass., 1821, d. there 12 Nov. 1886, age
ii. Henry Caleb, b. Boston, Mass., 7 Jan. 1823, d. there in infancy.
iii. Henry Caleb, b. Boston, Mass., 1825, d. there 6 Nov. 1&02,
age 78, unmarried,
iv. Elizabeth H., b. Boston, Mass., d. Braintree, Mass., 20 Dec.
1864, age 44, m. Boston, Mass., 26 April 1849, Franklin Shaw,
son of Warren and Nancy (Thomas) Shaw, b. "Weymouth, Mass.,
14 Feb. 1824, d. Braintree, Mass., 2 Aug. 1897, age 73.
Frederick W. Shaw, Emma H. Shaw (now Emmeline H.
Rand) and Jennie A. Shaw and Robert Shaw, minors, children
of Edwin F. Shaw, under guardianship of John V. Beal, are
not barred from division of property under will of Caleb Sto-
well. (Suff. Prob.). Children (Snxw):
1. Frederick Walter, b. Weymouth, IVIass., m. Braintree,
Mass., 13 Nov. 1873, Annie R. Clark, dau. of Hiram and
Ann (French) Clark, b. Braintree, Ma.ss.
2. Emma Hubbard, b. We;^Tnoiith, Mass., 1 May 1853, m. Brain,
tree, Mass., 12 Oct. 1876, Lory Odell Rand, son of Jede-
diah and Eliza J. (Yeaton) Rand, b. Rye, N. H.
3. Edwin Francis, b. Weymouth, Mass., 27 Sept. 1855, d.
Taunton, Mass., 26 May 1897, age 42, m. Braintree, Mass.,
23 May 1883, Lu Linda Thomas Kingslby, dau. of Nathan-
iel H. and Jane L. (Thomas) Elingsley, b. Weymouth,
Mass., 1858. Children: i. Jennie A., ii. Bohert.
V. Frances Cushing, b. Boston, Mass., 29 Aug. 1829, d. there
16 Feb. 1888, age 58, m. there 5 Nov. 1851, Charles Edward
MiNOT, son of Thomas and Zoa Alinda (Goodliue) Minot, b.
Westford, Mass., 11 Aug. 1825, d. Boston, Mass., 2 Oct. 1874,
age 49. Children (MiNOT) :
1. Ella Frances, b. 5 June 1853, m. George L. Cleveland.
2. Caroline P., m. Franklin F. Roundy.
3. William H., b. 14 Dec. 1860, m. 27 April 1887, Lilla E.
Robinson, dau. of Loren D. Robinson, b. 8 Jan. 1865.
vi. Francis, b. Boston, Mass., 1831, d. there in infancy.
416. vii. Lemuel Cushing, b. Brookline, Mass., 9 Jan. 1833.
viii. Edwin, b. Brookline, Mass., 1835, d. Boston, Mass., 23 June
ix. Caroline, b. Boston, Mass., 1837.
X. Edwin, b. Boston, Mass., 1839. Lost at sea.
276 The Stowell Genealogy
163. SAMUEL^ STOWELL (Samuel'-"-''-''-^) was bom in
Weymouth, Mass., 18 Jan. 1765-6, died at Grafton, N. Y., 22
April 1843, age 78, m. Susanna Ford, dau. of Abel and Rachel
(Littlefield) Ford, b. Worthington, Mass., 17 Sept. 1779, d.
Grafton, N. Y., 8 Dec. 1857, age 78.
Samuel was a pioneer settler of Grafton, N. Y. Was a
farmer and also had a saw mill. Was in the war of 1812, had
land warrant for services.
Children :
i. Aletheat, b. Grafton, N. Y., d. Troy, N. Y., m. John Hanor
of BrunsAvick, N. Y.
ii. Lydia, b. Grafton, N. Y., 11 Feb. 1804, d. New Point, Ind.,
26 March 1883, age 79, m). Grafton, N. Y., 14 Feb. 1823^
George Avery, son of Asa and Sarah (Waite) Avery, b. Duch-
ess Co., N. Y., 28 Oct. 1792, d. Prescott, Ind., 25 May 1863,
age 70. They lived at Grafton, N. Y. He was a farmer. Had
mills, forge and wagon shop. Was in War of 1812. She was a
strong character, highly respected, a home maker, skillful with
her needle and at weaving and spinning. Children born Grafton,
N. Y. (Avery):
1. Sarah, b. 23 April 1824, d. Chatham, N. Y., 6 July 1903,
age 79, m. Cha/tham Four Comers, N. Y., 19 Jan. 1845,
Sylvester Van Deusen, son of Simeon and Hannah (Crou-
dall) Van Deusen, b. Chatham, N. Y., 20 June 1820, d.
Chatham, N. Y., 12 March 1885, age 64. Had three chil-
2. Mary, b. 20 April 1826, d. Indianapolis, Ind., 8 Dec. 1892,
age 66, m. Chatham Four Corners, N. Y., 2 Dec. 1846,
Joel Foster Richardson, son of Barzillai and Lydia (Fos-
ter) Richardson, b. Keene, N. H., 22 April 1823, d. Indian-
apolis, Ind., 4 Feb. 1895, age 72. Lived at Chatham and
Grafton, N. Y., and Lawrenceburg and Indianapolis, Ind.
He was engaged in building and operating railroads, 49
years. Was General Supt. of the I. C. & L. Ry. and its
branches. Was Proprietor and General Supt. of the In-
dianapolis Belt Line. Children (Richardson) : i. Ida
Frances, ii. George Barzillai, iii. Barzillai Foster, iv.
Thomas Morris, v. Mary Jane.
Sixth Generation 277
3. Alethea Avery, b. 17 Nov. 1827, d. Mechanicsville, N. Y.,
17 Feb. 1911, age 83, m. Grafton, N. Y., 2 Feb. 1845,
James Reed, son of John and Catherine Reed, d. Schaghti-
coke, N. Y. Children (Reed) : i. John George, ii. James
Harvey, iii. Axigusta Inez, iv. Thomas Sylvester, v. Emma
Catherine, vi. Sarah Jane, vii. Harriet.
4. Lydia Jane, b. 22 Feb. 1830, d. Grafton, N. Y., 2 June
5. Edward George, b. 28 May 1832, d. New Point, Ind., 27
Sept. 1872, age 40, unmarried.
6. Asa John, b. 15 Sept. 1834, d. Tiltom, Ark., Dec. 1911,
m. Troy, N. Y., Esther Hn)Ei.Y. Cliildren by Esther: i.
JElla Jane, ii. Sarah, iii. Joel. He m. 2d, at Shelbyville,
Ind., Annaretta Sorden, dau. of Isaac and Nancy (Toner)
Sorden, b. Shelbyville, Ind., 23 July 1841. Cliildren by
Annaretta: i. Mary A., ii. Lillian, iii. Frances, iv. Martin,
V. Laura. He m. 3rd Widow Sarah Williams.
7. Ursula Jane, b. 15 Aug. 1837, d. Bedford, Iowa, 1 March
1912, age 74, m. Smith's Crossing, Mechanicsville, Ind., 20
Aug. 1873, Capt. Mahlon Coleman Connett, b. 13 Nov.
1837, d. Cliicago, 111., 7 Sept. 1893, age 55. No children.
8. Charles Hiram, b. 27 Dec. 1839, d. 18 Oct. 190O, age 60,
m. New Point, Ind., Eva Michael, who d. New Point, Ind.
He m. 2d, New Point, Ind., 30 July 1863, Ruth Weston,
dau. of David and Jane (Ruson) Weston, b. Franklin Co.,
Ind., 1844, d. New Point, Ind. He was in Civil War, Sergt.
Co. D, 104th Ind. Regt. Children by Eva: i. May, ii.
Sarah. Children by Ruth: iii. George David, iv. Ella Jane,
V. Sarah Olive, vi. Lucretia Maud, vii. James Arthur, viii.
William, ix. Edward, x. Samuel.
9. David Edgar, b. 17 Nov. 1842:, d. Chicago, El., 23 Jan.
1893, m. Waldron, Ind., Maryetta Caldwell, dau. of
Chauncey and Celina Caldwell, b. 15 Sept. 1841. He m.
2d, at CI eves, Ohio, Eliza Jane Wambsley, dau. of Samuel
and Catherine (Groendyke) Wambsley, b. Cleves, Ohio, 24
Dec. 1848, d. Chicago, 111., 11 Sept. 1881. He m. 3d, at
Waldron, Ind., Julia Monroe. Children by Maryetta, i.
George Edward, ii. Harry Charles. Children by Eliza: i.
Stowell Connett, ii. Agnes, iii. Amia, iv. Alice.
Hi. Rachel, b. Gmftom, N. Y., m. Thomas Osgood, son of
Thomas and Polly (Knapp) Osgood, d. 1859. He had charge
of a nail factory at Troy, N. Y. Children (Osgood) :
1. Charles, m. Rosella Blackbird.
2. Mary, m. Philip Conradt.
3. Susan, m. William Walch.
4. Rebecca, m. William Shulters.
278 The Stowell Genealogy
5. Clarissa, m. William Donald.
6. William.
iv. Deborah, b. Grafton, N. Y., m. Enos Snyder. Lived at
Grafton, N. Y. Children (Snyder) :
1. Samuel, m. Emma Whitnky.
2. Lansing, m. Miss Whitney.
3. Jared, d. young.
4. George, unmarried.
5. Mary, m. Buell Barnhart and had two children.
6. Edward, m. Miss Wager.
V. Catherine, b. Grafton, N. Y., m. 1st, Saunders, m. 2d,
John Pitcher. Child (Saunders) : i. Melancthon. Child
(Pitcher) : i. Mary. These two children lived with their aunt
Alethea Haynor.
417. vi. Samuel, b. Grafton, N. Y., 9 March 1811.
vii. Thomas, b. about 1813, m. Ann Strope, b. 1810, d, Troy,
N. Y., 19 July 1900, age 90. Children:
1. David.
2. Sarah Ann.
3. Charles.
viii. Alpheus, b. Grafton, N. Y., m. Hannah Conradt, dau. of
Philip and (Breunstuhl) Conradt, b. 29 May 1837, d. Grafton,
N. Y., 3 Jan. 1907, age 69.
164. DANIEL« STOWELL (Samuer-^-^-^-^) was bom in
Weymouth, Mass., bp. 18 June 1769, d. Brunswick, N. Y. (will
proved 30 Jan, 1832), mar. Katherine Hauver. Resided at
Hamilton and Troy, N. Y. Was a gardener and farmer.
Children :
i. Henry7.
ii. Mary Ann, b. 11 Nov. 1791, d. Troy, N. Y., 29 Aug. 1870,
age 78, m. Troy, N. Y., 1 March 1809, RuFUS Munn, son of
Joseph and Sally Munn, b. Gill., Mass., 3 Nov. 1780, d. Troy,
N. Y., 28 June 1878, age 97. Lived in Troy, Trenton and
Albia, N. Y. Was in War of 1812. Children born Troy, N. Y.
(Munn) :
1. Lydia Ann, b. 6 Jan. 1813, d. Springfield, Mass., 29 Oct.
1894, m. John White. Child (White) : i. Harriet.
2. Eliza Ann, b. 17 Nov. 181G, d. Williamsburg, Mass., 12
Dec. 1901, m. Troy, N. Y., 23 Jan. 1839, Lorenzo Stock-
well, b. Plainfield, Mass., 10 June 1816. No children.
3. Daniel E., b. 27 March 1818, d. Morrison, Iowa, 15 Aug.
1904, m. Troy, N. Y., 25 Sept. 1847, Sarah Haynor, b.
Troy, N. Y., 12 March 1821, d. Grundy Co., Iowa, 10 Oct.
Sixth Generation 279
1861. He m. 2d, at Albion, Iowa, 7 Oct. 1862, Minerva
Baker, who d. at Morrison, Iowa, 6 Dec. 1914, Daniel
Munn moved from Troy to Grundy Co., Iowa, in 1860.
Held many offices. Was Judge, Justice of the Peace, Post-
master, etc. A Eepublican. Children by first wife: 1.
Charles Henry, ii. Sarah Jane, iii. Harriet Ann.
4. David S., b. 1 Dec. 1823, d. Albia, N. Y., 22 Dec. 1833.
5. RuFUS Sydney, b. 15 July 1829, d. Troy, N. Y., 12 July
1883, age 54, m. there 22 Dec. 1857, Elizabeth Ann Clem-
ents, dau. of Stephen Griffin and Harriet Nye (Severance)
Clements, b. Troy, N. Y., 11 Oct. 1832, d. there 14 Jan.
1911, age 78. Lived at Troy, N. Y. Was a wholesale
milliner. Prominent in church and political work for bet-
terment of city. A Republican. Children: i. William, b.
and d. at Troy, N. Y., 20 Jan. 1862. ii. Ida Jane, b.
Troy, N. Y., 7 June 1865, unmarried. Is an artist. Trav-
eled extensively in both this country and Europe. A prom-
inent club woman. President of many organizations, pat-
riotic, philanthropic and church.
6. Mary E., b. 3 Nov. 1836, d. Albia, N. Y., 10 Jan. 1843.
iii. Betsey, b. 11 Feb. 1796.
iv. Hannah, b. 14 Feb. 1798, d. 31 Dec. 1842, m. 6 March 1817,
George Lewis, b. 19 Feb. 1794, d. 18 June 1837. Children
(Lewis) :
1. Mary Eliza, b. 3 Feb. 1818, d. 17 April 1840, m. 26 Sept.
1835, Nathan Hastings.
2. William, b. 20 Aug. 1819, d. 31 Aug. 1843, age 24, m.
2 June 1842, Mary Goodspeed.
3. Eveline, b. 24 Jan. 1821, d. 6 Oct. 1844. age 22.
4. Daniel, b. 18 Nov. 1822, d. 17 April 1840, age 17.
5. Helen, b. 20 July 1824, d. 29 May 1838, age 13.
6. Christina, b. 26 April 1826, d. 11 March 1843, age 16.
7. Elizabeth, b. 6 June 1828, d. 6 March 1845, age 16.
8. Lydia Ann, b. 17 Jan. 1830, d. 2 July 1846, age 16.
9. Charles Henry, b. 26 Sept. 1831, d. 5 April 1836, age 4.
10. Harriet Amelli, b. 6 Oct. 1833, d. 18 Feb. 1912, m. 6
Aug. 1854, Jacob Cook. Children (Cook) : i. Nathan Eu-
gene, ii. JacoJ) Henry.
11. Matilda, b. 8 June 1835, d. 6 March 1851, age 15.
12. Emily, b. 15 April 1837, d. 19 Jan. 1838,
418. V. Daniel, b. 30 Dec. 1799.
vi. Davh), b. 24 Dec. 1801.
vii. Samuel, b. 7 April 1804.
viii. William, b. 18 Sept. 1806.
ix. Eveline, b. 29 Sept. 1808.
X. Lydia, b. 5 Nov. 1810.
280 The Stowell Genealogy
xi. Sydney, b. 23 June 1813.
xii. Infant, b. 12 Sept. 1815, d. 28 Oct. 1815.
165. WILLAED^ STOWELL {SamueV-"-^-^-^) was born at
Champlain, N. Y., died at Oppenheim, N. Y., mar. Plainfield,
Mass., (Int. 18 Dec. 1815) Lucy King, dau. of Robert and
Eunice King, b. Half Moon, N. Y., 29 July 1798, d. Oppenheim,
N. Y. Was a farmer. Was in War of 1812.
Children :
419. i. WiLLARDT, b. Northampton, N. Y., 1819.
ii. Robert, b. Oppenheim, N. Y., m. Cosia Montonye. Children:
1. Dora, b. West Monroe, N. Y., 1866, m. 1st, PATTEasoN.
She m. 2'd, Candor, N. Y., 25 April 1891, Benjamin Boyd,
son of Benjamin and Lucy Boyd, b. Candor, N. Y., 1863.
She m. 3d, Louder. She m. 4th, Onondaga, N. Y., 14 April
1913, Frederick LegCxUJTJ'eldt Beck, son of Antun L. and
Ashar (Windekelk) Beck, b. Denmark, 1867.
iii. AilzsL.
166. BARNEY^ STOWELL {Caleh^ SamueV'^-^-^) was
born in Easthampton, Mass., 2 March 1790, d. McConnells
Grove, 111., 1863, m. Poland, N. Y., 1811, Candace Pease, dau.
of Gideon and Deborah (Keacham) Pease, b. Warsaw, N. Y.,
1792, d. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, 1837. Resided at Wilbraham,
Mass., Brockport, N. Y., Cleveland and Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio,
Sweden, N. Y,, and McConnells Grove, 111. He was a fine
musician and singer.
Children :
i. Fidelia^, b. Brockport, N. Y., 1816, d. Georgetown, Colo.,
1873, m. Rock Creek, near Cleveland, Ohio, 1834, Alonzo Lusk,
son of Silas and Roxana (Bicord) Lusk, b. Hartford, Conn.,
1812. Children (Lusk) :
1. Charles, b. Cleveland, Ohio, 1835, d. Boulder, Col., 1904.
Occupied in mining.
2. Caroline, b. Cleveland, Ohio, 1837, d. McConnell, 111., 1861.
3. Frank, b. McConnell, 111., 1840, d. North Dakota. Farmer.
4. Mary, b. McConnell, 111., 1842, d. Gilbert Station, Iowa.
5. Lafayette Ricord, b. McConnell, 111., 1844, d. Watertown,
N. D., 1904.
6. Emma, b. McConnell, HI., 1848.
7. Edward, b. McConnell, 111., 1850.
8. Edwin, b. McConnell, 111., 1850.
Sixth Generation 281
9. Lyman, b. McConnell, HI., 1852.
10. Ida, b. McConnell, 111., 1857.
11. Ella, b. McConnell, 111., 1858, d. 1892.
ii. Elizabeth, b. Brockport, N. Y., 1818; d. Epworth, Iowa, m.
Cleveland, Ohio, Rea\ Judah Crosby. Children (Crosby) :
1. SoPHRONiA, m. Campbell.
2. Son.
3. James.
4. Henry.
5. Sara.
420. iii. Barney Todd, b. Brockport, N. Y., 1820.
iv. Sarah Elmina, b. Brockport, N. Y., 1822; d. Everett, Mass.
6 Oct. 1907, m. 1840, Porter M. Smart, son of John M. and
Elmira Smart, b. Oswego, N. Y., 5 May 1820, d. Boston, Mass.,
11 Nov. 1885, age 65. Resided in Boston and Everett, Mass.
Went v^dth family to Magnolia, Col., in 1860, with brother Caleb
Strong Stowell, then returned to Boston in 1865. Mr. Smart
was a lumber dealer. Formed a mining company with brother-
in-law, Caleb Strong Stowell, in Colorado.
Children (Smart) :
1. Albert, b. April 1841, d. Mexico, 1907.
2. Willard Israel, b. 1843, d. Buenos Ayres, Argentina, 1898.
3. Clara Elmina, b. 1847.
4. Gordon Caleb, b. 1849.
V. Lyman, b. Brockport, N. Y., 1828; d. St. Louis, Mo., 1844.
vi. Caleb Strong, b. Brockport, N. Y, 4 July 1830, d. Magnolia,
Col., 24 Jan. 1904, age 73; m. Somer\ille, Mass., 29 Jan. I867'
Caroline Scott, dau. of James and Caroline (Mason) Scott, h.
Boston, Mass., 18 Feb. 1842. She was a descendant of Samuel
Adams and Col. John Porter of the Revolution, who was aid
to Gen. Washington and Gen. Lafayette, and also of Gov. Dud-
ley through his daughter Anne Dudley, who married Gov. Brad-
street. Caleb lived at Brockport, N. Y., Cleveland, Ohio, Mc-
Connell's Grove, DL, Magnolia, Col., 1860, Boston, Mass., 1865,
Magnolia, Col., again rn 1866. Was a miner. Formed mining
company with his brother-in-law, Porter M. Smart. Was war-
den St. Stephen's Church. Caroline Scott Stowell has been
postmistress at Magnolia since 7 Nov. 1879. No children,
vii. AuRiLLA, b. Cleveland, Ohio, March 1834; d. Everett, Mass.
11 April 1906, unmarried.
167. DAVIS« STOWELL {CaleV Samuel'-^-^-') was bom
17 Feb. 1796, d. East Otto, N. Y., 1879, age 82, m. 2d, Deborah
CoRWiN, dau. of Jesse Corwin, b. N. J., d. East Otto, N. Y.
7 March 1880, age 79. Resided at Warsaw and East Otto N. Y.
282 The Stowell Genealogy
A farmer. Three years in War of 1812. Was private in Capt.
T. Lyman's Co., Lieut. Col. Longley's Regt., from 13 Sept. to
7 Nov. 1814.
Letters of Administration on estate of Deborah Stowell,
late af East Otto, who died 7 March 1880, issued to Edward
M. Stowell, son, of East Otto, 28 July 1883. Heirs: Edward
Mi. Stowell, son; David Stowell, son; Ransford Stowell, son;
William Stowell, son; Caleb Stowell, son; Susan Thompson,
dau. ; all of East Otto except Ransford of Franklinville, Caleb
of Chicago and Susan of Warsaw, N. Y. (Surrogate Court,
Cattaraugus Co., N. Y.)
Children by first wife:
i. Rachel", (i. Flint, Mich., m. Daniel Pettingill.
ii. Pamelia, d. Warsaw, N. Y., m. James Phillips.
Children by second wife:
iU. Davis J., b. Warsaw, N. Y., 1828, d. East Otto, N. Y., 18 March
1893, age 65, unmarried. A farmer.
iv. Susan, m. Earl Thompson.
V. Lavina, d. Mansfield, N. Y., m. Nelson Morton.
421. vi. Eansfoed, b. Warsaw, N. Y., 13 Jan. 1834.
422. vii. Edward Moore, b. Warsaw, N. Y., 2 July 1837.
428. viii. William Henry Harrison, b. Warsaw, N. Y., 6 March 1839.
ix. Caleb B., b. about 1845, m. 1st, Ella Halstead, m. 2d,
Laura de Bruce. Son, b. Mansfield, N. Y., 27 June 1897.
168. CALEB*' STOWELL (CaleV Samuel^-^-^-^) was born
in Plainfield, Mass., 29 March 1807, d. Chautauqua, N. Y., 28
Jan. 1892, age 84, mar. Hamilton, N. Y., Rhoda Tefft, dau. of
John and Elizabeth (Dye) Tefft, b. R. I., 18 April 1802, d.
Chautauqua, N. Y., 16 May 1881, age 79. Resided at Chautauqua
and Summerdale, N. Y.
Will of Caleb Stowell probated 29 Feb. 1892. Admr. Milton
W. Clark. Heirs: Elnora Northway, dau.; Eliza Clarke, dau.;
John C. Stowell, son, all of Chautauqua, N. Y. (Chautauqua
Co. Surrogate Court.)
Children born Chautauqua, N. Y. :
i. Rhoda Elnora^, b. 3 2 Sept. 1835, m. Chautauqua, N. Y., 28
Oct. 1858, George S. Northway, son of Stephen W. and Maria
(Orcutt) Northway, b. Chautauqua, N. Y., 1 Feb. 1826. Lived
at Chautauqua, N. Y. Farmer. Children born there (North-
way) :
Sixth Generation 283
1. Frank G., b. 23 July 1859, d. Chautauqua, N. Y., 7 May
2. Cordelia R., b. 10 Aug. 1861, m. Mayville, N. Y., 25 Nov.
1885, Arthur 0. Messenger. No children.
ii. Eliza Akn, b. 25 March 1837, d. Summerdale, N. Y., 31 Jan.
1912, m. Chautauqua, N, Y., 1 Jan. 1858, Milton W. Clark,
son of Dr. Lemuel and Eliza (Clark) Clark, b. Harbor Creek,
Penn., 15 Dec. 1830. Resided at Summerdale, N. Y. Children
born there (Clark) :
1. Fred A., b. 22 May 1859, m. Westfield, N. Y., 30 Nov.
1882, Minnie Scott, dau. of Calvin and Mary (Porter)
Scott, b. Westfield, N. Y., 11 Dec. 1861. Children: i. Clyde
Calvin, ii. Cora, iii. Balph Milton.
2. Ida E., b. S March 1861, m. Summerdale, N. Y., 30 Nov.
1882, Frank J. Russell, son of William and Rhoda (Buss)
Russell, b. Westfield, N. Y., 22 April 1859. Child (Rus-
sell) : 1. Lauie M.
3. Lewis Milton, b. 5 Aug. 1865; d. Summerdale, N. Y., 25
Feb. 1876, age 10.
4. Carrie M., b. 17 June 1869.
5. Leon F., b. 9 Nov. 1872.
424. iii. John Caleb, b. 17 April 1839.
169. RANSFORD^ STOWELL (Caleb' Samuel"-^-^-^) was
born in Plainfield, Mass., 7 May 1809, d. Fort Recovery, Ohio,
7 Sept. 1878, age 69, m. Liverpool, Ohio, 21 Aug., 1839,
Catherine Patience Greene, dau. of Ruloff William and
Mary (Goodsell) Greene, b. Swanton, Vt., 2 Sept. 1821, d. Fort
Recovery, Ohio, 14 Aug. 1898, age 76. Resided at Liverpool
and Grafton, Ohio, Wabash Township, Ind., Fort Recovery,
Ohio. Was a cooper.
Children :
i. William Ruloff^, b. Liverpool, OMo, 19 Jan. 1841, d. Port
Gibson, Miss., 28 May 1863, age 22, from wound received at
Port Gibson. Was in Co. B, 34th Ind. Vol. Inf. Unmarried.
425. ii. George Henry, b. Grafton, Ohio, 23 Oct. 1842.
iii. Edwin Cornelius, b. Grafton, Ohio, 20 Aug. 1844. Was three
years in 118th Ohio Vol. Inf.
iv. Vanderhoof, b. Wabash To-uTiship, Ind., 26 Sept. 1847, d.
there 14 Jan. 1857.
v. Orin, b. Wabash Township, Ind., 8 April 1850, d. there 10
April 1850.
426. vi. Charles Warren, b. Wabash Township, Ind., 5 Dec. 1851.
427. vii. Samuel R., b. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 25 May 1854.
284 The Stowell Genealogy
428. viii. John Lloyd, b. Fort Eecovery, Ohio, 1 Jan. 1857.
429. ix. Francis Marion, b. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 7 April 1859.
430. X. William Angelo, b. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 18 May 1864.
170. WILLIAM^ STOWELL (Caleb' Samuel*-'-^-^) was
born in Plainfield, Mass., 15 June 1810, d. Saline Co., Neb.,
5 Dec. 1885, age 75, m. 1st, Orilla Tefft, dan. of John and
Elizabeth (Dye) Tefft, b. Madison Co., N. Y., 14 Oct. 1814,
d. Ellery, N. Y., 13 March 1853, age 38. He m. 2d, Louisa
Onley of Westfield, N. Y. Eesided at Lebanon and Chautauqua,
N. Y., and Cordova, Neb.
Children by first wife:
i. Electa OJ, h. Lebanon, N. Y., 9 July 1834, m. Clymer, N. Y.,
8 Aug. 1853, Thomas Wakeman. Had four children born at
South Stockton, N. Y.
ii. Jane E., b. Chautauqua, N. Y., 13 Sept. 1838; m. Ellington,
N. Y., 18 Sept. 1865, Elijah Green, son of Ebenezer and
Roxana (Francis) Green, b. Ellington, N. Y., 25 Dec. 1824,
d. there 11 Jan. 1883, age 58. Lived at Dewittville and El-
lington, N. Y. Children (Green):
1. Elmer E., b. Dewittville, N. Y., 16 Oct. 1867.
2. Carrie M., b. Dewittville, N. Y., 12 July 1874.
iii. "Warren N., b. Chautauqua, N. Y., 21 Aug. 1841; m. James-
town, N. Y., Rosetta Hollenback, dau. of Edward and Polly
Hollenback, b. Chautauqua, N. Y., 2 Feb. 1843, d. Jamestown,
N. Y., 26 July 1894, age 51. Child:
1. Mandolin, b. Buffalo, N. Y., d. Jamestown, N. Y., 8
Jan. 1893, age 4.
iv. Ruth A., b. Chautauqua, N. Y., March 1853, d. 1853
Children by second wife:
V. Ransford B., b. 15 May 1856, m. Jasper Co., Iowa, 10 Dec.
1884, Sarah Emily Avttry, dau. of William and Margaret
(McKinney) Awtry, b. Jasper Co., Iowa, 18 Sept. 1868. Child:
1. Abigail.
vi. Albert N.. b. 26 March 1858.
171. NAHUM^ STOWELL (David' Samuel*'^-''-'-) was born
in Bridgewater, Mass., 11 April 1791, d. Huntington, Mass.,
24 Aug. 1882, age 91, mar. Chester, Mass., 5 Dec. 1816, Nancy
Steele, dau. of Moses and Amanda Steele, b. Washington, Mass.,
26 Dee. 1797, d. Huntington, Mass., 4 Oct. 1868, age 70. Parents
moved to Plainfield when Nahum was a child ; then to Hunting-
ton, Mass. Was a farmer and lumberman.
Sixth Generation 285
Will of Nahum Stowell probated 3 Oct. 1882. Dwight
Stowell, son, appointed Executor. Mentions three sons, Samuel
S. Stowell, Nahum H. Stowell and Dwight W. Stowell and
two daughters, Amanda E. Stowell and Nancy Cordelia Stowell.
(Hampshire Co. Probate.)
Children :
431. i. Samuel Steele'^, b. Huntington, Mass., 20 April 1818.
432. ii. Nahum Hollis, b. Huntington, Mass., 31 July 1819.
iii. Amanda Elizabeth, b. Plainfield, Mass., 30 June 1825, d.
Huntington, Mass., 25 April 1899, age 73, unmarried.
iv. Nancy Cordelia, b. Plainfield, Mass., 25 July 1828, d. Spring-
field, Mass., 8 May 1911, age 82, unmarried.
V. Henry Dwight, b. Huntington, Mass., 6 Juno 1836, d. there
433. vi. Dwight Webster, b. Hunfrington, Mass., 17 June 1838.
172. DAVID« STOWELL {David^ SarmieV'^-^-^) was bom
in Plainfield, Mass., 20 July 1797, d. Amherst, Mass., 1 March
1856, age 58, m. 1st, Plainfield, Mass., 1 Feb. 1827, Charlotte
ViNiNG, dau. of Joseph and Sarah Vining, b. Plainfield, Mass.,
1808, d. Amherst, Mass., 13 July 1854, age 46. He m. 2d at
Amherst, Mass., 12 April 1855, Mrs. Florilla C. Pierce of
Sunderland, dau. of Israel and Martha (Morse) Cooley (her
3d mar.) b. Sunderland, Mass., 1807, d. Northampton, Mass.,
3 Oct. 1899, age 92. Resided in Plainfield and Amherst, Mass.
Was a farmer.
Children born Plainfield, Mass.:
i. David Porter^, b. 14 Dec. 1827, d. Chatham, Ohio, 2 Feb.
1914, age 86, m. 22 Sept. 1863, Lucy A. Talbott, dau. of
Edward and Cynthia (Reynolds) Talbott, b. Cazanovia, N. Y.,
15 Sept. 1841. No children.
ii. Edward Chauncey, b. 1835, d. Northampton, Mass., 29 April
1891, age 56, m. there 20 Nov. 1862, Sarah Meech, dau. of
William and Electa (Brigham) Meech, b. Worthingt.on, Mass.,
1834, d. Northampton, Mass., 31 Oct. 1897, age 63. No children.
173. WILLI AM« STOWELL (David' SamueV''-^-^) was
bom in Plainfield, Mass., 29 March 1801, d. Chatham, Ohio, 26
Sept. 1888, age 87, m. Plainfield, Mass,, 23 April 1829, Mary
Shaw, dau. of John and Polly (Beals) Shaw, b. Plainfield,
Mass., 11 March 1811, d. Chatham, Ohio, 22 March 1898, age
286 The STo^VELL Genealogy
87. Resided at Plainfield, Mass. and Chatham, Ohio. Merchant
and farmer. Assessor. In militia.
Children bom Plainfield, Mass.:
434. i. William Harrison^, b. 23 Jan. 1833.
ii. Venila Mary, b. 17 April 183G, d. Chatham, Ohio, 8 Dec. 1910,
age 74, m. there 10 May 1855, OzRo Evbrard White, son of
James and Anna (Peebles) White, b. Fredotnia, N. Y., 12 Oct,
1834, d. Chatham, Ohio, 31 Oct. 1891, age 57. Lived at Chat-
ham, Ohio. He was a farmer. Children born Chatham
(White) :
1. Mary Aj^n, b. 3 Jan. 1858, d. Chatham, Ohio, 30 Oct. 1895,
age 37, m. there March 1877, Harvey Dustin, b. 10 Feb.
1847. Children (Dustin) : i. Carl Alton, ii. Perry Irvin,
iii. Bladne, iv. Boy Stowell, v. Ina Louise, vi. Edna Elnora,
vii. Amia L., viii. Kenneth A., ix.^Lyman Harvey.
2. Walter Perry, b. 2 June 1860, m. Chatham, Ohio, 9 Nov.
1881, Dora Chapman, b. Lodi, Ohio, 9 Dee. 1859; d. 14
April 1892. Children: i. Edith, ii. Errm; iii. James Clar-
ence. He m. 2d, at Oiatham, Ohio, 18 Nov. 1893, Emma
Harrington, b. 27 Aug. 1859. Children: iv. Pearl, v.
Ma^y Mildred, vi. Bonnie Beth.
3. Stowell, b. 1 June 1865, m. Chatham, Ohio, 20 March
1894, Edith Beach, dau. of Caroline (Clapp) Beach, b.
Chatham, Ohio, 13 July 1871. Children: i. Dorothy, ii.
Ellen, iii. Wanda, iv. Bae.
iii. Lydia Ann, b. 19 Feb. 1839, m. Chatham, Ohio, 10 Nov. 1862,
Fernando Rice, son of Perez and Lucy (Chamberlain) Rice, b.
Sullivan, Ohio, 9 Jan. 1836, d. there 1 Sept. 1913, age 77. She
was educated in private schools at Chatham and Medina, Ohio.
Taught school at Chatham, Sullivan and Spencer, Ohio. Chil-
dren born Sullivan, Ohio (Rice) :
1. Stowell Waldo, b. 20 Jan. 1864, m. Sullivan, Ohio, 3 Oct.
1893, Lorilla Farnsworth, dau. of Henry and Malvina
(Close) Farnsworth, b. Sullivan, Ohio, 21 July 1868. Lived
at Sullivan and was a farmer and stock raiser. Children:
i. Lucy, ii. Gerald, iii. Bay, iv. Paul.
2. Stanley Fernando, b. 7 July 1865, m. SuUivan, Ohio, 2
July 1888, Verena Chapman, dau. of Peter L. and Cynthia
M. (Dunlap) Chapman, b. Sullivan, Ohio, 6 Dec. 1867.
Graduate University Ada, Ohio. Farmer and stock raiser.
Children: i. Forest, ii. Miriam.
3. CoRiNNE Lelia, b. 4 May 1867, unmarried. Graduate of
Mt. Holyoke College, A.B. 1891. Graduate University of
Chicago, Ph.B., 1899. University of Chicago, J. D., 1908.
Practising law in Chicago, HI.
Sixth Generation 287
Blanche Lola, b. 28 Sept. 1870, m. Sullivan, Ohio, 24
July 1894, Fr.\nk North Williams, son of Jeptha and
Ruby Lavlnia (North) WiJliams, b. Panama, N. Y., 5 May
1864. He is a graduate of Oberlin College, 1894. Owns
two large ranches and is also a merchant. Cliildren (Wil-
liams) : i. Dorothy, ii. Harold.
Walton Perez, b. 17 Aug. 1874, m. Sullivan, Ohio, 3 Dec.
1899, Sydney Jones, dau. of Howard and Melinda (Old-
mass) Jones, b. Homer, Ohio, 17 Dec. 1878. He is a
graduate of Oberlin College. Farmer and stock raiser.
Children: i. Fern, ii. Hollis, iii. Lucile.
Celestine Lorena, b. 13 Oct. 1878, immsrried. Graduate
Oberlin College, A.B., 1891. Graduate Ogden School of
Science, University of Chicago, HI. Head of Department
of Biology at Decatur, HI.
174. PHINEAS ROGERS^ STOWELL (ElipJialet PJitneas*
Samuel*-^-^-'^) was bom in Evans Mills, N. Y., mar. Elizabeth
MiNiCE, b. Le Roy, N. Y.
Children :
435. i. Willard Porter^, b. Le Roy, N. Y., 1837.
436. ii. Elias C, b. Antwerp, N. Y., 26 July 1847.
175. DARIUS WARREN« STOWELL (EUplialet PUneas'
Samuel*-^-''-'') was born at Evans Mills, N. Y., 16 Jan. 1820, d.
Park Rapids, Minn., 23 Jan. 1890, age 70, m. Woodstock, 111.,
26 Jan. 1848, Abigail Jane Cranston, dau. of Gershom Rogers
and Philena (Fosdick) Cranston, b. Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, 14
Jan. 1829, d. Park Rapids, Minn., 8 Oct. 1902, age 73.
Resided at Woodstock, 111., Sun Prairie, Wis., Hardin,
Iowa and Park Rapids, Minn. Was a farmer and stock raiser.
Was Midshipman in Navy 1838 to 1840.
Children :
i. Alvin Warren'-, b. Woodstock, HI., 2 May 1849, m. Lake
Alice, Minn., 11 May 1904, Myra Anzonetta (Dobson) Tir-
EELL, dau. of Saul and Demetria (Bates) Dobson, and widow
of Pliny M. Tirrell, b. Postvllle, Iowa, 24 Oct. 1859. Resided
at Lake Alice and Cass Lake, Walker, Minn. Was a teacher,
writer and poet. Postmaster at Lake Alice, Minn. Graduate of
Academy, Sun Prairie, Wis. Farmer and stock raiser. One
child, adopted: Beva Eldoran Tirrell, b. Postville, Iowa, 9 Jaji.
288 The Stowell Genealogy
ii, AvALiNE Weltha, b. Woodatock, 111., 2 May 1849, d. there 7
Oct. 1849.
'■ iii. Elizabeth Jane, b. Woodstock, lU., 1 Sept. 1852, d. Elgin,
Iowa, 11 Oct. 1873, unmarried. Teacher.
iv. AMELIA Josephine, b. Sun Prairie, Wis., 9 July 1856, d. Har-
din, Iowa, 31 Oct. 1864.
V. Esther Philena, b. Cleveland, Iowa, 13 Ang. 1859, d. Park
Rapids, Minn., 15 June 1889, m. Fayette, Iowa, 9 Dec. 1875,
John Jacob Lewis, eon of Harrison Lewis. She m. 2d, at
Park Rapids, Minn., 4 April 1886, Albert Tower Churchill,
son of Asa V, and Charlotte Elizabeth (Crane) Churchill, b.
Mentor, Ohio, 17 Oct. 1859. They lived at Brainard, Plainfield
and Nashua, Iowa, St. Peters, and Park Rapids, Minn. Chil-
dren (Lewis) :
> 1. Henry Warren, b. Brainard, Iowa, Nov. 1876. Rancher.
2. George Lafayette, b. Plainfield, Iowa, Aug. 1879.
3. David William," b. Nashua, Iowa, 30 June 1881.
4. Lucy Sylvania, b. St. Peters, Minn., 23 June 1883, m.
Park Rapids, Minn., 1 Jan. 1898, William Laney, son of
James and Abigail Jane (Brown) Laney, b. St. John's,
New Brunswick, 1860. No children.
5. Francis Burke, b. Park Rapids, Minn., 31 March 1885.
Children (Churchill) :
6. Mary Elizabeth, b. Park Rapids, Minn., 17 Feb. 1887, hl
Detroit, Minn., 12 Nov. 1903, Frank O'Neil, son of John
O'Neil, b. Salem, Mass., 16 Sept. 1865. Children (O'Neil) :
i. Frederick Leroy, ii. Harry Everett, iii. Charles Eugene.
7. Charles Eugene, b. Park Rapids, Minn., 2 March 1890, d.
there 2 April 1891.
437. vi. Gershom Rogers Cranston, b. Hardin, Iowa, 21 Feb. 1862.
vii. Willard Edward Porter, b. Hardin, Iowa, 5 Aug. 1864, d.
there 2. May 1867.
438. viii. Avery Willard, b. Hardin, Towa, 27 Oct. 1865.
ix. Mary Eliza, b. Ludlow, Iowa, 12 March 1869, d. there 26
March 1869.
176. WILLARD« STOWELL {EUpJialet PMneas^ 8am-
uel*'^-'-^) was bom in Amboy, N. Y., 30 Jan. 1825, d. Gouverneur,
N. Y., 30 Dec. 1887, age 62, m. there 26 Dec. 1849, Rhoda M.
MiNNiCK, dau. of Elias and Rhoda (Prindle) Minnick, b. Leroy,
N. Y., 7 Aug. 1829, d. Gouverneur, N. Y., 25 March 1914, age
84. Resided at Gouverneur, N. Y, Was a farmer. Was in
Civil War in the Cavalry.
Sixth Generation 289
Children :
i. Frances Mary;', b. Amboy, X. Y., 4 Oct. 1852, d, there 11
Oct. 1852.
ii. Clarissa Elizabeth, b. Gouverneur, N. Y., 22 May 1854, d.
Fowler, N. Y., 18 April 1858.
iii. WiLLLVM, b. Amboy, N. Y., 9 May 1856, d. Fowler, N. Y., 26
April 1858.
439. Iv. Charles Adams, b. Hermon, N. Y., 7 May 1859.
V. George Potter, b. Fowler, N. Y., 8 July 1861; m. Anna Bre-
SEE. Children :
1. Eva.
2. Gertrude.
3. Nellie,
vi. Mat Lena, b. Fowler, N. Y., 14 Feb. 1865, m. Gouverneur,
N. Y., 30 July 1887, William Gardinier, son of Joseph and
Margaret (Hence) Gardinier, b. Hermon, N. Y., 1859. He
was a farmer. Children (Gardinier) :
1. Maud, m. Moore.
2. Jesse, m. Cooper.
3. Pearly.
4. George.
5. Joyce.
6. Charles.
7. Lea.
8. Gladys.
9. Douglas.
440. vii. Alexander Potter, b. Pitcairn, N. Y., 2 March 1868.
441. viii. Lorenzo Lynn, b. Gouvemour, N. Y., 23 Feb. 1873.
177. ELIAKIM" STOWELL (Issacher'' Adam'' SamueP'^-^)
was bom in Hingham, Mass., 12 Jan. 1782, d. Wakefield, Mass.,
27 April 1843, age 61, m. at Hingham, Mass., 24 June 1804,
Margaret Chubbuck, dau. of Thomas and Margaret (Stodder)
Chubbuck, b. June 1781, d. Hingham, Mass., 3 Nov. 1811, age
31. He m. second, Elizabeth N. Hobart, dau. of Nathaniel
and Bathsheba Hobart, b. Bridgewater, Mass., 15 Feb. 1793,
d. Wakefield, Mass., 17 Nov. 1872, age 79. Resided at Hingham
and Wakefield, Mass.
Eliakim Stowell was private in Capt. T. Monroe's detached
Co., Lieut. Col. J. Dudley's Regt., served S. Boston, 13 Sept.
to 7 Nov. 1814.
290 The Stowell Genealogy
Will of Eliakim Stowell of S. Reading probated 10 June
1849. To wife Elizabeth N. Stowell entire estate. Lilley Eaton
of S. Reading sole Executor. (Midd. Prob. 42586.)
Will of Elizabeth N. Stowell probated 24 Dec. 1872. Gives
property to American Home Missionary Society and American
Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Lilley Eaton
of S. Reading Executor. (Midd. Prob. 10573.)
Child by first wife Margaret Chubbuck :
i. Lydia Hobart", b, Hingham, Mass., 15 March 1805, d. Wake-
field, Mass., 22 Nov. 1825, age 20, m. Wakefield, Mass., 13 AprU
1825, Stephe>i Sweetser, b. Reading, Mass., 2 Dec. 1802. He
m. 2d, at Wakefield, Mass., 23 Oct. 1831, Nancy Witherspoon,
who d. 29 June 1847, age 42. He m, 3d, Wakefield, Mass., 7
Sept. 1848, Charlotte Kenney.
178. CAPT. ISSACHER" STOWELL {Issacher' Admn*
SamueP'^''^) was born in Hingham, Mass., 13 Feb. 1786, d.
Wakefield, Mass., 27 May 1868, age 82, m. 1st at Wakefield,
Mass., 13 Nov. 1806, Elizabeth Green, b. about 1789, d. Wake-
field, Mass., 26 July 1817, age 28. He m. 2d, at Wakefield, Mass.,
23 April 1818, Lydia Williams of Danvers, dau. of Henry and
Lydia (Newhall) Williams, b. Danvers, Mass., 4 Dec. 1797, d.
Wakefield, Mass., 1 Feb. 1888, age 90. Resided at Wakefield,
Will of Issacher Stowell of S. Reading dated 16 Feb. 1856.
To wife Lydia Stowell; to grandson Aaron Stowell Hadley,
son of my deceased daughter Eliza ; to daughter Emeline
Stowell; to children Issacher Stowell Jr., Haswell G. Stowell,
Elbridge M. Stowell, Henry Stowell, Lydia Pond, Mary Demsey,
Caroline Bartlett, Emeline Stowell and Amanda Malvina Wiley.
Hiram Sweetser appointed Executor. (Midd. Prob. No. 42589.)
Will of Lydia StoweU of Wakefield, probated 28 Feb. 1888.
To my children, viz. : Lydia A. Pond, widow ; Henry W. Stowell,
both of Wakefield; Mary Q. Dempsey, wife of Loring Dempsey
of Danvers; Caroline Hammond of Reading, widow; Amanda
M. Wiley, wife of James M. Wiley of Wakefield; also Elbridge
M. Stowell, son of my late husband by a former wife. Henry
W. Stowell to be Executor. (Midd. Prob. 23510.)
Sixth Generation 291
Children by first wife Elizabeth all bom Wakefield, Mass. :
i. Eliza ', b. 1807, m. Wakefield, Mass., 10 Sept. 1835, James
Hadley, son of James and Hannah Hadley, b. Stoneham, Mass.,
31 Jan. 1808, d. there 22 Sept. 1872, age 64. He was a shoe-
maker. Child (Hadley) :
1. Aaron Stowell, b. Stoneham, Mass., 9 Feb. 1839, m. thero
22 Sept. 1861, Charlotte A. Green, dau. of Loel and
Pamelia Green, b. Maiden, Mass., 1845.
IssACHER, b. 2 Nov. 1809.
Haswell G., b. r. June 1812.
Child, b. Jan. 1815, d. Wakefield, Mass., 15 March 1815.
Elbkidge M., b. 25 May 1816.
Children by second wife Lydia all bom Wakefield, Mass. :
vi. Lydia A., b. 9 Sept. 1819, d. Wakefield, Mass., 29 May 1892,
age 72, ni. there (Int, 27 March 1840) Charles W. Pond, sou
of Charles and Sarah Pond, b. Wakefield, Mass., 8 June 1820,
d. there 13 Sept. 1879, age 59. Children bom Wakefield (Pond) :
1. Adaline Augusta, b. 29 July 1841, d. Wakefield, Mass.,
27 April 1885; m. South Reading, Mass., 25 Dec. 1861.
Lewis Fogg, son of Ransom and Hannah Fogg, b. South
Braintree, Mass., 1839.
2. Sarah A., b. 10 Oct. 1843, d. South Reading, Mass., 26
June 1859, age 15.
3. Charles W., b. 2 May 1850, d. South Readuig, Mass., 16
March 1851.
445. vii. Henry W., b. 31 March 1821.
viii. Mary Q., b. 21 March 1824, d. Danvers, Mass., 28 Aug. 1907,
age 83, m. Wakefield, Mass., 2 Feb. 1853, Loring Perley Demp-
SEY, son of Isaac and Mary (Williams) Dempsey, b. Danvers,
Mass., 6 May 1825, d. there 21 Nov. 1905, age 80.
ix. Caroline, b. 22 March 1826, d. Wakefield, Mass., 15 Nov. 1893,
age 67, m. there 22 May 1851, George J. Bartlett, son of
William and Abba Bartlett, b. Concord, N. H. She m. 2d, at
LaAvrence, Mass., 13 Oct. 1866, Asa Russell Hammond, son of
Michael and Malintha (Wood) Hammond, b. Fairhaven, Mass.,
1825; d. Wakefield, Mass., 28 Jan. 1868.
X. Emeline, b. 7 Aug. 1828, d. Wakefield, Mass., 18 July 1883,
age 54, unmarried.
xi. Amanda ILilvina, b. 19 June 1831, d. Wakefield, Mass., 18
Feb. 1896, age 64, m. Stoneham, Mass., 27 April 1854, James
M. Wiley, son of Ira and Lucretia (Gerry) Wiley, b. Wake-
field, Mass., 19 June 1831, d. there 14 May 1897, age 65.
179. DEACON MARTIN« STOWELL {Issadier" Adam*
Samuel^-'^''^) was born in Hingham, Mass., 7 July 1789, d. Wake-
292 The Stowell Genealogy
field, Mass., 3 June 1865, age 76, m. Wakefield, Mass., 27 April
1815, Betsey Burditt, b. Wakefield, Mass., Sept. 1789, d. there
9 Dec. 1826, age 37. He m. 2d at Wakefield, Mass., 28 April 1840,
Olive Sweetser, dau. of Col. Lemuel and Hannah (Eaton)
Sweetser, b. Wakefield, Mass., 8 Feb. 1805, d. Chicago, 111., 20
Feb. 1895, age 90. Eesided at S. Reading, now Wakefield,
Mass. Was a shoemaker. Deacon First Baptist Church for
48 years. Superintendent Sunday School.
Will of M;artin Stowell of S. Reading, probated 13 June
1865. Entire estate to wife Olive Stowell, she to care for and
educate the children. Edward Mansfield appointed Admr.
(Midd. Prob.)
Children by first wife :
i. Daughter^, b. 14 Jan. 1816, d. 14 .Jan. 1816.
ii. Daughter, b. 6 Aug. 1817, d. 6 Aug. 1817.
Children by second wife:
446. iii. John Davis, b. S. Eeading, Mass., 21 July 1841.
iv. Joseph Everett, b. S. Eeading, Mass., 22 July 1844, d. there
24 June 1851.
447. V. Eev. Alfred Sweetser, b. S. Eeading, Mass., 1 June 1850.
180. CHARLES« STOWELL (Issacher'' Adam* Samuel'----")
was born in Hingham, Mass., 8 Oct. 1790, d. Boston, Mass., 28
March 1868, age 77, m. Boston, Mass., 9 July 1820, Anna
Litchfield, dau. of John and Sarah Litchfield, b. Scituate,
Mass., 1789, d. Boston, Mass., 2 June 1850, age 61.
Charles Stowell, bricklayer of Boston, sole heir and Exe-
cutor of estate of Ann Stovv^ll, deceased, late wife of said Charles
Stowell, 17 June 1850. (Suff. Prob.) •
Children :
i. Stephen Sweetser^, b. about 1821.
ii. Cassendana, b. Boston, Mass., 1831, m. there 2 Feb. 1851,
George W. Brown, son of James Brown, b. Wellfleet, Mass.,
181. SETH" STOWELL {Seth' Adatn* SamueP-^-") was
born in Hingham, Mass., 23 Aug. 1781, d. Boston, Mass., 29 May
1842, age 60, m. Hingham, Mass., 23 July 1805, Abigail Stodder,
dau. of Stephen and Lucy (Stodder) Stodder, b. Hingham,
Mass., 14 Jan. 1786, d. there 10 March 1865, age 79.
Sixth Generation 293
Seth Stowell was private in Capt. D. McB. Thaxter's Co.,
Major Maltby's Battalion raised in Hingham and served in
Boston from 22 Sept. to 31 Oct. 1814.
Children born Quincy, Mass.:
i. Adeline^, b. 1820, d. Boston, Mass., 27 April 1905, age 85.
ii. Otis, b. 1822, d. Boston, Mass., 18 July 1861, age 39.
iii. Sophia W., b. 1826, d. Boston, Mass., 3 July 1886, age 61,
m. Boston, Mass., 5 Jan. 1858, Henry Nichols, so(n of Eleazer
and Abigail (Hager) Nichols, b. Boston, Mass., 1818, d. there
15 April 1893, age 76.
SamneP-^-'^) was born in Littleton, Mass., 2 July 1802, d. Jack-
son, Mich., 4 Oct. 1894, age 96, m. Madrid, N. Y., Adaline
TuTTLE, dan. of Philo-Judson and M;abel (Lee) Tuttle. He
m. 2d at Novi, Mich., Margaret Lawther, dau. of John Lawther,
b. Sharon, N. Y., 1818, d. Jackson, Mich., 27 Nov. 1883, age 65.
Resided in Madrid, N. Y., Bedford, Ohio, and Jackson,
Mich. Was a merchant, also contractor and builder from
1854 to 1863, building many stores, houses and factories.
Children by first wife:
448. i. George KJ, b. Madrid, N. Y., 30 Oct. 1828.
ii. Sarah Eliza, b. Madrid, N. Y., IVIarch 1830, d. Jackson, Mich.,
5 March 1864, age 34.
iii. Harriet, b. Madrid, N. Y., 8 June 1832, d. Jackson, Mich.,
20 Aug. 1850, age 18.
iv. Mary, b. Bedford, Ohio, 28 April 1834, d. Kalamazoo, Mich.,
1909, age 75.
Children by second wife:
V. James Emmett, b. Jackson, Mich., 26 June 1839, d. there 14
July 1839.
vi. Charles W., b. Jackson, Mich., 13 Feb. 1842, d. there Dee.
1889, age 47, m. Jennie Titus.
vii. Ella F., b. Jackson, Mich., 2 June 1845, m. there 1866, Wil-
liam Pless, b. Michigan, d. California. She m. 2d, at San
Francisco, Calif., 1872, William Corbett, of Boston, Mass., b.
there, d. San Francisco, Calif. She m. 3d, 1889, William L.
IVlURPHEY of Wilmington, Del., b. there. Children (Corbett) :
1. Frederick William, b. San Francisco, Calif., 1874, d.
there 1901, age 27.
viii. Alexander Hamilton, b. Jackson, Mich., 27 Sept. 1847, un-
294 The Stowell Genealogy
ix. Cora M., b. Jackson, Mich., 8 June 1853, d. there 24 Nov. 1896,
Rge 43, ni. 1st, Frank Hubbell, m. 2d, Philo Hall. Had
two cbildn-n by Frank Hubbell.
Adam* SamveV''^-'^) was born in Springfield, Vt., 9 June 1804,
d. Detroit, Mich,., m. Chateaugay, N. Y., 29 Oct. 1827, Amanda
Alvord, davi. of Woolcott and Sarah (Dunham) Alvord, b.
Chateaugay, N. Y., 2 Dec. 1803, d. Warren, 111., 7 March 1884,
age 80. Went to Detroit, Mich, when young. During the
cholera of 1832 volunteered to care for the sick. Owned a book
store. Was assessor, city marshal, alderman 1839, 1850-1853,
State Senator 1853. In real estate at time of death between
1867 and 1872.
Children :
i. Infant^.
ii. Sarah Almedea, b. Detroit, Mich., 4 Sept. 1836, d. Pomona,
Calif., Feb. IW?, age 70, m. 1st, James Arpinwall of Detroit.
She m. 2d, Dr. Fairchild.
184. JESSE ADAMS« STOWELL {Jesse'' Adam'' Sam^
ueP---'^) was born in Springfield, Vt., 24 Feb. 1806, married ....
Children :
449. i. William', b. Waddington, N. Y., 8 Aug. 1828.
ii. Charlotte.
185. DANIEL« STOWELL {Daniel'' Joseph* Samnel^'^-^)
was born in New Bedford, Mass., 16 May 1779, d. there 1 April
1861, age 81, m. 1st at Harwich, Mass., 31 March 1799, Hepsa-
betti Bassett, b. Harwich, Mass., 23 Feb. 1777, d. Dartmouth,
Mass., 8 Nov. 1843, age 66. He m. 2d at Dartmouth, Mass., (Int.
31 Aug. 1844) Hepsabeth Eldredge, dau. of Barre and Rhoda
Eldredge, b. Harwich, Mass., 1796, d. New Bedford, Mass.,
11 Dec. 1885, age 89. Resided at New Bedford and Harwich,
Mass. He was a ship caulker.
All children by first wife, Hepsabeth Bassett :
i. John Gostrege^ b. Harwich, Mass., 16 Sept. 1800, d. New
Bedford, Mass., Dec. 1826, age 26.
450. ii. Daniel, b. New Bedford, Mass., 14 March 1802.
451. iii. KiCHARD Bassett, b. New Bedford, Mass., 18 Nov. 1803.
iv. Lucy Stodder, b. New Bedford, Masis., 3 Aug. 1805, d. there
7 Sept. 1806.
Sixth Generation 295
V. David Sharrow, b. New Bedford, Mass., 6 March 1807, d. New
Orleans, La., 19 May 1827, age 20.
vi. Barriok Eldredge, b. New Bedford, Mass., 1 Nov. 1808, d.
there 2 Nov. 1808.
vii. EosETTA, b. New Bedford, Mass., 16 Nov. 1809, d. Dartmouth,
Mass., 1 Jan. 1888, age 79, m. there 19 Sept. 1830, Philip
Reynolds, son of Philip and Hannah Reynolds, b. Dartmouth,
Mass., 1807, d. there 14 July 1866, age 58.
452. viii. George Washington, b. New Bedford, Mass., 9 Dec. 1811.
453. Lx. Frederick Longchour, b. New Bedford, Mass., 10 July 1813.
X. Mary Rotch, b. New Bedford, Mass., 19 April 1815, d. Dart-
mouth, Mass., 17 Jan. 1894, age 79, m. Royal Sherman, son of
Jonathan and Mary (Sherman) Sherman, b. Dartmouth, Mass.,
1812, d. California, 22 Nov. 1865, age 53.
454. xi. Columbus, b. New Bedford, Mass., 9 Ocit. 1816.
xii. Hepsabeth Bassett, b. New Bedford, Mass., 18 Feb. 1819, d.
there 9 May 1822.
xiii. William.
xiv. Charles, b. Hingham, Mass., 1823, d. Westboro, Mass., 11
March 1892, age 69.
186. JOSEPH^ STOWELL (Daniel' Joseph* SamueP-'^-^)
was bom in Stonington, Conn., d. between 12 April 1834 and 6
May 1834, m. Dartmouth, Mass., (Int. 16 Aug. 1806) Phoebe
Bassett, dau. of Richard and Phoebe Bassett, b. Harwich, Mass.,
1783, d. New Bedford, Mass., 9 June 1855, age 72.
Resided at New Bedford, Mass. Joseph Stowell was one
of the organizers of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Acush-
net in 1808 and was one of the trustees of MJethodist Episcopal
Church in New Bedford in 1820.
Will of Joseph Stowell of N. Bedford, yeoman, probated
6 May 1834. Wife Phoebe, Executrix. Heirs : Sons Joseph and
Benjamin G., and daughters Harriet Stowell and Sarah G.
Stowell and Catherine Morse. (Bristol Co. Prob.)
Children born New Bedford, Mass. :
i. Harriet^, b. 1808, d. New Bedford, Mass., 15 April 1873, age
455. ii. Joseph, b. 1817.
456. iii. William H., b. about 1820.
457. iv. Benjamin G., b. Sept. 1824.
V. Sarah Gr., b. New Bedford, Mass., 2 Aug. 1828, d. Melrose,
Mass., 18 April 1902, age 73, m. New Bedford, Mass., 29 July
1855, Felix Cassidy, son of Barnard and Ellen Cassidy, b. Ire-
296 The Stowell Genealogy
land, 1825, d. Chelsea, Mass., 8 June 1884, age 59. He was in
the TJ. S. Navy.
187. THOMAS^ STOWELL {Thomas'' JoJin*-^-^ Samuel')
was born in Boston, Mass., 3 Feb. 1790, d. there 31 Dec. 1842,
age 52, m. there 10 Nov. 1833, Martha Fenno, dau. of Lazarus
and Nancy (Beal) Fenno, b. Governor's Island, Boston Harbor,
Boston, Mass., 27 April 1807, d. East Boston, Mass., 28 June
1878, age 71.
Thomas Stowell was Sergt. in Capt. R. Hawthorn's Co.,
Lt. Col. P. Osgood's Regt., raised in Boston, served there from
1 July to 30 July 1814. He was private in Capt. E. Dyer's
Co. of Artillery, Gen. Well's Command, Sept. to Oct. 1814.
He was Sergt. in Capt. P. Bonner's Co., Lt. Col. D. Messenger's
Regt. from 23 Oct. to 30 Oct. 1814.
Children :
i. Orlando N.'?, b. 17 Sept. 1834, d. Boston, Mass., 3 March 1837.
ii. Amakda MoRGiANA, b. Boston, Mass., 9 Jan. 1837, d. Newton,
Mass., 22 Sept. 1909, age 72, m. Boston, Mass., 15 June 1855,
Austin Alden Harding, son of Austin Alden and Polly (Murch)
Harding, b. Camden, Me., 1 March 1825, d. Conway, N. H.,
24 July 1908, age 73. Children (Harding) :
1. Frances Amanda, b. E. Boston, Mass., 9 Feb. 1858, d.
Needham, Mass., 19 Feb. 1913, m. Boston, Mass., 5 July
1899, Oscar E. Morgan. No children.
2. Arthur Ellsworth, b. Cohasset, Mass., 20 Sept. 1860, m.
E. Boston, Mass., 5 Jan. 1893, Anna Dattel. No children.
3. Mildred Elizabeth, b. E. Boston, Mass., 10 Aug. 1862,
m. there 22 Nov. 1883, William Henry Linnell, son of
Henry S. and Frances A. (Hodges) Linnell, b. Osterville,
Mass., 22 Nov. 1860. Children (Linnell): i. Lionel, ii,
Lester, iii. Mildred.
4. Martha Stowell, b. E. Boston, Mass., 3 Sept. 1866, m.
there 27 June 1894, John Watson, Jr., son of John and
Adalaide J. (Simmons) Watson, b. E. Boston, Mass., 26
Feb. 1867. Child (Watson): i. John Alden.
5. Gertrude Lincoln, b. E, Boston, Mass., 4 Aug. 1870, m.
there 3 Aug. 1892, Charles H. S. Wetmore, son of Josiah
Q. and Lucretia M. (Smith) Wetmore, b. St. John, N. B.,
25 Sept. 1869. No children.
6. Mary Melissa, b. E. Boston, Mass., 26 Jan. 1874, d. there
23 Aug. 1874.
Sixth Generation 297
7. Austin Alden, b. E. Boston, Mass., 10 Oct. 1878, d. there
20 Feb. 1886, age 7.
iii. William H., b. 19 March 1840, d. Xeedham, Mass., 2 July 1842.
iv. William H., b. Needham, Mass., 15 Feb. 1843, d. there 1 April
188. JOHN« STOWELL (Thomas' JoJin'-^-^ Samuel^) was
born in Boston, Mass., 19 Oct. 1784, d. there 25 May 1817, age
32, m. there 27 Aug. 1806, Jane Wheeler, dau. of Thomas and
Jane (Taunt) Wheeler, b. Boston, Mass., 2 Sept. 1784, d. there
3 Feb 1862, age 77. Resided in Boston. A painter.
John Stowell was a private in Capt. R. Hawthorn's Co., Lt.
Col. D. Messenger's Regt., raised in Boston and served there
from 16 Sept. to 10 Oct. 1814. Also private in Capt. P. Bonner's
Co., Lt. Col. D. Messenger's Regt., served in Boston from 23
Oct. to 30 Oct. 1814. Was Corporal in Capt. R. Hawthorn's
Co., Lt. Col. P. Osgood's Regt., served in Boston from 1 July
to 30 July 1814.
Children all born Boston, Mass. :
458. i. John", b. 3 Jan. 3808.
ii. Thomas, b. 6 Sept. 1809, d. there 11 Sept. ISIO.
iii. Thomas Wheeler, b. 12 March 1811, d. Boston, Mass., 11 May
1874, age 63, unmarried. Sailor in U. S. Navy on ships Merri-
mae and Ohio,
iv. Edv/ard, b. 15 June 1812, d. Boston, Mass., 16 May 1836, age
24, unmarried.
189. JOHN B.« STOWELL {Jolin'-"-'-^ Samuel^) was born
in Temple, N. H., 5 June 1783, m. Croydon, N. H., 2 April
1826, Levina Durkee, dau. of Rufus and Polly (Whipple)
Durkee, b. Croydon, N. H., 1805, d. ]\Ianchester, N. H., 27 July
1855, age 50. Resided at Cornish, Croydon, Newport and
Manchester, N. H. He Avas Justice of the Peace, postmaster,
selectman 1837-38-44 and Representative in Legislature 1839.
i. Mary Ann^, b. Newport, N. H., 2 Aug. 1828, m. F. Kelley.
190. MOSES^ STOWELL {John'-'-'-' Samuel') was bom
in Temple, N. H., 12 May 1789, d. Ashburnham, Mass., 19 Jan.
1870, age 80, m. Fitchburg, Mass., 9 Nov. 1829, Mary Chessmore,
298 The Stowell Genealogy
dau. of Daniel and Mary (Gibson) Chessmore, b. Henniker,
N. H., 20 Dec. 1801, d. Ashburnham, Mass., 26 March 1872, age
70. Resided at Ashburnham, till 1836, then Leominster 1836
to 1840, then Ashburnham 1840 where he with his brothers
Joshua and Jeremiah built a woolen mill for wool carding.
Was also a farmer and wheelwright.
Children :
i. Lucy Elvira^ (adopted), b. Ashburnham, Mass., 7 March 1825,
d. Ashburnham, Mass.; m. Townsend Bakrett, son of Joel and
Mercy Barrett, b. Leominster, Mass., 15 June 3815, d, Ashburn-
ham, Mass., 11 April 1871, age 67.
ii. Charles Newmax, b. Ashburnham, Mass., 29 June 1830, d. Bur-
lington, N, J., 26 April 1884, age 53, unmarried.
459. iii. Jeremiah Thomas, b. Ashburnham, Mass., 5 Sept. 1831.
iv. Susan or Susannah Todd, b. Ashburnham, Mass., 28 March
1833, unmarried.
V. Emily Newton, b. Ashburnham, Mass., 29 Jan. 1835, d. Provi-
dence, K. I., 24 March 1900, age 65, m. Ashburnham, Mass., 29
Jan. 1853, Stephen Gushing Hastings, son of John and Melin-
da (Belles) Hastings, b. Ashburnham, Mass., 4 Dec. 1834. Lived
at Ashburnham, Masis. Was a painter. Children bom Ashburn-
ham (Hastings) :
1. Abbie a., b. 1853, m. 1883, Edward E. Sweet. Children
(Sweet) : i. Ernest H., ii. Harry W.
2. Annie M., b. 1855, d. New Haven, Conn., 1884, m. 1876,
Charles TV. Stebbins, son of Benjamin Franklin and Sarah
M. (Clark) Stebbins, b. Wilbraham, Mass., 26 Dee. 1847.
Children (Stebbins) : i. Lottie H., ii. Ella M.
3. Ella Melinda, b. 12 Aug. 1860, m. 1889, Charles R. Car-
ter, b. London, England.
4. Charles Lyman, b. 25 June 1872, d. Providence, R. I.,
460. vL Joshua Todd, b. Leominster, Mass., 10 May 1837.
vii. George Scollay, b. Leominster, Mass., 23 March 1839, d. Ash-
burnham, Mass., 21 Jan. 1847.
461. viii. Ransom Gibson, b. Ashburnham, Mass., 12 July 1841,
ix. Sarah Lucinba, b. Ashburnham, Mass., 18 Oct. 1843, m. there
10 Jan. 1867, Lyman Taft Lovewell, son of Isaac and Eliza
(Moulton) Lovewell, b. Gardner, Mass., 17 Oct. 1842. Lived
at Antrim, N, H, No children.
191. JOSHUA" STOWELL (Jolin^-'^-^-^ SamneV) was born
in Temple, N. H., 12 May 1789, d. Ashburnham, Mass., 8 Jul.y
1880, age 91, m. there 2 July 1815, Lydia Hastings, dau. of
Sixth Generation 299
Capt. Charles and Anna (Woods) Hastings, b. Ashbumham,
Mass., 21 Dec. 1794, d. there 19 March 1829, age 34. He m.
2d at Ashburnham, Mass., 22 April 1834, Sally Davis, dau.
of Amos and Hannah Davis, b. Natick, Mass., 1793, d. Ash-
burnham, Mass., 9 July 1877, age 84. He built mill in Ashburn-
ham, Mass. in 1825 with his father and brothers Moses and
Children by first wife, Lydia ; all born Ashburnham, Mass. :
i. Harriet AJ, b. 7 March 1816, d. Ashburnham, Mass., 14 April
1863, unmarried. Admr. of estate 2 Jan. 1864.
ii. Moses A., b. 31 July 1817, d. Havana, Cuba, 29 Oct. 1846, ago
39, unmarried.
462. lii. Otis Whiting, b. 13 Nov. 1819.
iv. John Gushing, b. 1 Oct. 1823, d. Cherubusco, Mexican War,
28 Aug. 1847, age 24. Printer and editor {it Lowell, Mass.
Was Sergt. of Co. H, 9th Inf. under Gen. Franklin Pierce,
vfouiided at battle of Cherubusco and died near Mexico City.
192. JEREMIAH« STOWELL {John'-"-'-^ SamueV) was
bom in Temple, N. H., 5 June 1791, m. Catherine Lowden,
b. Burlington, N. J.
463. i. John', b. Burlington, N. J., 5 March 1819.
SamueV) was born in Temple, N. H., 16 :M^y 1793, d. Burling-
ton, N. J., 31 Aug. 1881, age 88, m. Dutch Neck, Penn., Rachel
Magonigal, b. Dutch Neck, Penn., d. Burlington, N. J., summer
of 1876. Resided in Burlington, N. J. Was a farmer and
gardner. He joined the U. S. Naval ship in 1810 at Philadelphia.
Children all born Burlington, N. J. :
i. • Henryt, b. 13 Jan. 1814, d. Burlington, N. J., in infancy.
ii. Susanna, b. 11 July 1816. ^
iii. Henry M., b. 26 Sept. 1818.
iv. William, b. 2 Aug. 1820, d. Burlington, N. J.
V. Ebenezer, b. 12 Sept. 1822.
vi. Charles C, b. 8 May 1824, d. Burlington, N. J.
vii. Marguretta Fayette, b. 3 Sept. 1826, m. Levi Atkinson.
viii. George Allen, b. 8 July 1828, m. Sarah Sexton.
464. ix. Arthur Collins, b. 22 July 1830.
465. X. Nathan Cole, b. 20 Sept. 1832.
xi. Eachel Maria, b. 29 Sept, 1834, d. Burlington, N. J., young.
300 The Stowell Genealogy
194. STEPHEN^ STOWELL {Noah" Stephen'' John^-^
SamueV) was born in Hingham, Mass., 4 March 1799, d. there
28 April 1872, age 73, m. Weymouth, Mass., 4 June 1822, Mary
White Derby, dau. of Capt. Abner and Mary (White) Derby,
b. Weymouth, Mass., 22 April 1800, d. there 3 Jan. 1886, age
85. Resided at Fort Hill St., Hingham and Weymouth, Mass.
Children :
466. i. Abner Derby^, b. Hingham, Mass., 13 Jan. 1824.
ii. Jane, b. Hingham, Mass., 8 Nov. 1825, d. WeyniiOuth, Mass.,
2 Jan. 1887, m. there 13 Nov. 1848, Benjamin Burrell, son of
Benjamin and Mary (Pratt) Burrell, b. Weymouth, Mass., 11
March 1820, d. there 15 Jan. 1887. He was a cordwainer.
iii. Levina, b. Hingham, Mass., 13 Aug. 1827, d. Brockton, Mass.,
1 Dec. 1907, m. Hingham,. Mass., 13 Feb. 1848, Ebenezer
Humphrey Thomas, son of James and Abigail D. (Pratt)
Thomas, b. WejTuouth, Mass., 21 June 1824, d. there 29 May
1895. He was a cordwainer.
iv. Eliza, b. Hingham, Mass., 23 Aug. 1829, d. 'Fitchburg, Mass.,
30 April 1912, m. Charlestown, Mass., 27 Nov. 1850, JOSEPH
Smith Wilson, son of Nathaniel and Mary (Stodder) Wilson,
b. Dover, Mass., 27 Jan. 1826, d. Fitchburg, Mass., 27 Aug.
V. Stephen, b. Hingham, Mass, 23 Dec. 1831, d. at sea 34 June
1850, age 18.
467. vi. Edwin, b. Weymouth, Mass., 4 Feb. 1834.
vii. Sarah, b. WejTnouth, Mass., 2 May 1836, d. Fairhaven, Mass.,
28 May 1852, age 16.
viii. Catherine Ellen, b. Hingham, Mass., 7 April 1839; d. Middle-
boro, Mass., 8 Aug. 1903, age 64, m. Hingham, Mass., 1 Sept.
1864, Alfred Leavett Bates, son of Nathan and Hannah
(Leavett) (Bicknell) Bates, b. Weymouth, Mass., 1 July 1835,
d. Middleboro, Mass., 1 July 1903, age 68. He served three
years in Co. H, 12th Mass. Vol. Inf. Honorably discharged.
Children (Bates) :
1. Effie Clifton, b. 4 July 1865.
2. Grace Lincoln, b. Weymouth, Mass., 15 March 1868,
m. Springfield, Mass., 24 Aug. 1896, Rev. George E. :Mac-
Ilwain, son of John A. and Elizabeth (Redfielrl) MacHwain,
b. Oxford, Mich., 1868.
3. Nath.vn, b. Hingham, Mass., 27 Feb. 1872, d. there 17 Oct.
195. NOAH« STOWELL {Nodh^ Stephen'' John'-^ Samuel^)
was born in Weymouth, Mass., 2 May 1801, d. there 29 Deo.
Sixth Generation 301
1870, age 69, m. there 13 March 1823, Hannah Blanchard,
dan. of Nathaniel and Lydia (Blanchard) Blanchard, b. Wey-
mouth, Mass., 28 March 1800, d. there 7 March 1874, age 74.
Resided in South Weymouth, Mass. Was a boot and shoe
manufacturer and merchant. Was Capt. of a militia company.
In nine Norfolk Deeds, 1830 to 1854, he is described as
Noah Stowell of Weymouth, Mass.
Children all born Weymouth, Mass.:
i. Hannah Blanchard-, b. 27 March 1824, d. there 16 Jan. 1911,
age 87, unmarried.
ii. Calista Carolinis, b. 18 April 1S25, d. S. Weymouth, Mass., 6
Dec. 1903, m. there 15 Oct. 1846, David Sampson Murray, son
of Amos and Mary (Sampson) Murray, b. Leeds, Me., 22 July
1822, d. S. Weymouth, Mass., 20 Nov. 1907. Cliild (Murray) :
1. George Austin, b. Wepnouth, Mass., 12 Aug. 1861, m. there
9 Dec. 1884, Lulazinb Anna Reed, dau. of Stephen S. and
Ruth M. (Curtis) Reed, b. Scituate, Mass., 17 Feb. 1861.
468. iii. Noah, b. 16 Oct. 182G.
196. JARED" STOWELL {Noah' Stephen' John'-' SamueV)
was born in Hingham, Mass., bp. 31 Jan. 1808, d. there 16 April
1880, age 72, m. there first to Abigail Lincoln Waters, dau.
of Isaac and Deborah (Lincoln) Waters, b. Hingham, Mass., 23
June 1813, d. there 21 Feb. 1864, age 50. He m. 2d at Hingham,
Mass., 6 Feb. 1870, IVfes. Deborah (Lincoln) Waters, dau. of
George and Fanny Lincoln and widow of Daniel Waters, b.
Scituate, Mass., 9 April 1822. Resided in Hingham, Mass.
Was a cooper. Also in grain and tlour business.
Children born Hingham, Mass.:
i. Abby Ellen7, b. 24 Aug. 1826, d. Hingham, Mass., 12 Aug. 1838.
ii. Catherine Lincoln, b. 4 March 1838, d. Hingham, Mass., 23
Aug. 1838.
iii. Abigail Lincoln, b. 2 April 1839, d. Hingham, Mass., 23 Oct.
1869, age 30, m. there 22 Sept. 1864, George Y7asiiington
Ct.everly, son of Jonathan and Mary (Pratt) Cleverly, b. Wey-
mouth, Mass., 10 April 1816, d. there 23 July 1890, age 74.'
iv. EuvriN Jared, b. 9 April 1842, d. Hingham, Mass., 26 May 1845.
V. Alice Amelia, b. 5 Aug. 1850, m. Hingham, Mass., 2 Jan.. 1870,
Chari.es W. Spooner, son of Thomas and Mary Spooner, b.
Plymouth, Mass., 1849.
302 The Stowell Genealogy
197. EBENEZER« STOWELL {David' Thomas* SamueP
David^ Samuel^) was born iii Hardwick, Mass., 1782, bp. Brook-
field, Mass., 10 Nov. 1782, d. Ashford, N. Y., 1845, m. Hannah
Meacham, b. New Salem, Mass., 1789, d. Ashford, N. Y., 1862.
Moved to Ashford, N. Y. in 1835.
Children all bom Dana, Mass. :
i. LuTHERA", b. 30 June 1811, d. EUicottville, N. Y., 1863, m.
ANDiiEw Stevens.
ii. John Thomas, b. 1813, d. Dana, Mass., 1814.
iii. Caroline, b. 1 June 1816, m. 22 April 1838, John Squires, son
of Seely and Susrm (Drake) Squires, b. Concord, N. Y,, 1
March 1816. Children (Squires) :
1. Thomas S., b. Concord, N. Y., 27 Feb. 1839, m. Oct. 1866,
Paraloxy Cornwell, dau. of Willard Comwell. Had one
2. LuTHERA Ellen, b. Springville, N. Y., 11 Aug. 1840, m.
there 7 June 1868, John Cornelius Treat, son of John
and Eunice (Amidon) Treat, b. Concord, N. Y., 20 Dec.
1844. Farmer. Lived in Springville, N. Y. Child
(Treat) : i. Thomas Squires.
3. Caroline, b. 20 March 1842, m. July 1864, Rev. Sextus
4. Betty E., b. 4 March 1844, m. 4 Aug. 1864, Hon. C. P.
Vedder. Child (Vedder) : i. Jo7m C.
5. Susan J., b. 29 Oct. 1849, d. 1 Feb. 1879, m. 20 Oct. 1876,
Charles McCoy.
6. Seely, b. 20 May 1855, d. 20 Jan. 1856.
iv. Marie, b. 29 July 1818, m. Seth Wheeler.
V. John Thomas, b. 18 Sept. 1820, d. Ashford, N. Y., 15 Nov.
469. vi. Charles Ebenezek, b. 14 July 1822.
Vii. Betsey, b. 13 July 1824, m. 1st, 1842, John G. Blake. She
m. 2d, Louis McAulley.
viii. Jonathan, b. Oct. 1828.
198. CORNELIUS" STOWELL (Abel'' Cornelius* Samuel*
David^ Samuel^) was born in Worcester, Mass., 15 Oct. 1784, d.
there 15 Sept. 1836, age 52, m. there 14 June 1811, Betsey
Wood, dau. of John and Sarah Wood, b. Fitchburg, Mass., 1793,
d. Boston, Mass., 10 Oct. 1878, age 85.
Elizabeth U. Johnson of Boston appointed Administratrix
of estate of Betsey Stowell, late of Boston, who died 10 Oct.
1878, leaving no husband. Next of kin were: Elizabeth R.
Sixth Generation 303
Johnson, widow, a dan.; Sarah C. Stowell of Lawrence, single-
woman, a dau. ; Mary J. Hill of Lawrence, widow, a dau. ;
Elizabeth R. Johnson, eldest dau. appointed Administratrix
9 May 1887. Elizabeth R. Johnson deceased, and Sarah C.
Stowell appointed Administratrix 4 June 1888. (Suff. Prob.
Children all bom Worcester, Mass. :
i. Elizabeth Relief", b. 30 Sept. 1812, d. Boston, Mass., 22 Dec.
1887, age 75, m. Johnson.
ii. Sarah Cornelia, b. 19 Oct. 1814, d. Lawrence, Mass., 13 Sept.
1891, age 76, unmarried,
iii. Mary Jennison, b. 14 Dec. 1817, d. Lawrence, Mass., 2 Sept.
1898, age 80, m. Andover, Mass., 7 June 1848, Willla.m Justin
Hill, son of William and Phoebe (Moar) Hill, b. Andover,
Mass., 30 Aug. 1816, d. Lawrence, Mass., 20 Dee. 1884, age 68.
iv. Caroline Lauretta, b. 26 Oct. 1819, d. Lawrence, Mass., 18
Jan. 1903, age 84, unmarried.
199. ABEL" STOWELL (Ahel^ Cornelius* SamueV Davi<P
SamueV-) was bom in Worcester, Mass., 14 March 1789, d.
Charlestown, Mass., 6 Sept. 1860, age 71, m. Medford, Mass.,
Oct. 1814, Elizabeth Symmes, dau. of Capt. John and Eliza-
beth (Wright) Symmes, b. Medford, Mass., 10 April 1787, d.
Charlestown, Mass., 14 June 1856, age 69.
Resided in Medford and Charlestown, Mass. Bought a
mill privilege in what is now Winchester for $4,000 where he
had an iron foundry which he sold in 1823. Was also a clock
Will of Abel Stowell probated 9 Oct. 1860. To son Abel,
one dollar ; to son Alexander, one dollar ; to dau. Caroline Rogers,
one dollar ; to dau. Abby Marie Hunt, one dollar ; to daughters
Eliza and Emma, rest of estate. Charles B. Rogers of Charles-
town, sole Executor. (Midd. Prob.)
Children all born Medford, Mass. :
i. Elizat, b. 4 Jan. 1816, d. Watertown, Mass., 19 March 1893,
age 68, unmanied. Will of Eliza Stowell, proved 27 March
1894. To sisters Emily Stowell and Abby Maria Hunt, all
property. (Midd. Prob. No. 38784).
470. ii. Abel, b. Jan. 1819.
471. idi. Alexander, b. 29 Nov. 1821.
304 The Stowell Genealogy
iv. Caroline, b. 22 June 1823, d. Boston, Mass., 14 Sept. 1899, age
76, m. Charlestown, Mass., 6 April 1843, Chaeles B. Eogers,
son of Jacob and Julia (Van Schilbi) Rogers, b. Oambridgo,
Mass., 1816, d. Boston, Mass., 20 Dee. 1892, age 76. He was
an apothecary. Children (Rogers) :
1. Charles A., who had: i. Florence A., ii. Katherine, iii.
Ahhy F., iv. Emily M.
2. Florence, b. Charlestown, Mass., 12 April 1850, m. Boston,
Mass., 18 Sept. 1871, Thomas Frank Bell, son of John and
Rachel Bell, b. Westfield, Ohio, 1848. He was a merchant.
3. Clara LIaria, b. Charlestown, Mass., 1 Jan. 1852.
V. Emily, b. Aug. 1825, d. Watertown, Mass., 12 April 1909, age
84, unmarried. Will of Emily Stowell, single of Watertown,
proved 12 May 1900. Mentions sister Caroline S. Rogers and
husband Charles B. Rogers; nephews Charles A. Rogers, Albert
J. Hunt axid Eugene A. Stowell; niece, Florence R. Boll; gi-and
nephews, Albert J. Hunt and Arthur H. Hunt; grand nieces,
Florence A. Rogers, Katherine Rogers, Abby F. Rogers, Emily
M. Rogers, Elizabeth Stowell Hunt, Caroline Stowell Foster,
Alice Stowell Elder, Caroline Stowell Rogers, Anna M. Condon.
(Midd. Prob. No. 81323).
vi. Abby Maria, b. 6 Sept. 1828, d. Watertown, Mass., 11 Aug. 1904,
age 76, m. Charlestown, Mass., 22 Oct. 1855, John Gardner
Hunt, son of John and Elizabeth G-ardner CVVTiiting) Hunt, b.
Medford, Mass., 27 Oct. 1818. Children (Hunt) :
1. Albert J., who married and had: i. Albert J., ii. Arthur
W., iii. Elizabeth Stowell.
vii. John Symmes.
200. JOHN« STOWELL {Ahel^ Cornelius* SamueV David'"
Samuel^) was born at Worcester, Mass., 18 Aug. 1793, d.
Charlestown, Mass., 3 Oct. 1834, age 41, m. Charlestown, Mass.,
23 July 1818, Mary Ann Goddard Davidson, dau. of George
and Mary (Clark) Davidson, b. Boston, Mass., 14 March 1795,
d. Concord, Mass., 4 Oct. 1876, age 82. Lived at Charlestown,
Mass. Was a jeweler.
Children born Charlestown, Mass. except John:
472. i. George Alexander^, b. 16 Oct. 1819.
ii. John, b. Boston, Mass., 7 Feb. 1822, d. Rockport, Mass., 25 Aug.
1899, age 77, m. Charlestown, Mass., 4 Oct. 1855, Elizabeth D.
Moulton, dau. of Andrew and Anne (Dennis) Moulton, b.
Charlestown, M^ss., 6 Aug. 1826, d. Boston, Mass., 8 Jan. 1899,
age 72. No children.
Sixth Generation 305
473. iii. Francis, b. 28 June 1825.
474. iv. Charles, b. 30 April 1828.
475. V. Edward, b. 26 Aug. 1831.
201. ALEXANDERS STOWEJiL (Ahel'^ Cornelius^ SamueV
David? SamueV-) was bom in Worcester, Mass., 9 Sept. 1795,
d. Salmon Falls, N. H., 27 Jan. 1847, age 51, m. Salmon Falls,
or S. Berwick, Me., about 1830, Frances Bowles Goodwin,
dau. of Thomas and Mary (Butler) Goodwin, b. S. Berwick,
Me., 4 June 1799, d. Chelsea, Mass., 26 April 1884, age 84.
Resided at Salmon Falls, N. H. Was a machinist. Warden
in Episcopal Church.
Children all born Salmon Falls, N. H. :
i. George^, d. Salmon Falls, N. H., in infancy.
ii. Mary Lephe, b. 25 Sept. 1833, d. Chelsea, Mass!, 6 Nov. 1905,
age 72, m. Salmon Falls, N. H., 6 May 1858, Francis Henry
Pike, son of Noah and Betsey (Snow) Pike, b. Cornish, Me.,
7 July 1829. Lived at St. Paul, Minn., and Salem and Chelsea,
Mass. Children (Pike) :
1. Henrietta Stowell, b. St. Paul, Minn., 30 July 1859.
Lived at Winthrop, Mass. Was a teacher.
2. Frances Gertrude, b. Salem, Mass., 28 Dee. 1866. Lived
at Winthrop, Mass. Was a teacher.
476. iii. Abel Thomas, b. Salmon Falls, N. H., Jan. 1836
lius'^ Samuel^ Bavid^ SamueV-) was born in Worcester, Mass.,
26 Dec. 1798, d. NewburjT)ort, Mass., 8 Dec. 1869, age 71, m.
Medford, Mass., 9 Aug. 1827, Sally Hill, dau. of Jonathan
and Sarah Hill, b. Exeter, N. H., 1 Jan. 1800, d. Newburyport,
Mass., 9 Dec. 1869, age 69.
Children :
i. GtrsTAVus A.7, b. Exeter, N. H., 14 Jan. 1830, d. Newburyport,
Mass., 11 Jan. 1894, m. there 12 Oct. 1872, Maky Jane Osborn
(maiden name Brookings), b. Boston, Mass., 1832, d. New-
buryport, Mass., 14 Nov. 1879.
203. SAMUEL^ STOWELL {Tliomas' Cornelius^ SamueV
David^ SamueV) was bora Worcester, Mass., 5 April 1783, d.
there 20 Feb. 1859, age 75, m. there 27 Sept. 1812, Abigail
Heywood, dau. of Abel and Abigail (Chamberlain) Hey wood,
306 The Stowell Genealogy
b. Worcester, Mass., 22 March 1789, d. there 1 June 1869, age 80.
Eesided in Worcester, Mass. in the original Stowell home-
stead. Was a farmer. Held the following offices in Worcester :
Hog reeve in 1808 and 1813, field driver in 1811, surveyor of
highways 1811 and 1845, on school committee 1813, 1825 and
Will of Samuel Stowell, late of Worcester, deceased, pro-
bated 14 Feb. 1859. Frederick T. Stowell, son, appointed
Executor. Mentions wife Abigail, dau. Laura Stowell; children
of dau. Harriet, wife of George W. Wheeler; Frances E. Stowell;
Abby, wife of Marshall Symmes, Jr. (Wor. Prob. 57176.)
Children all born Worcester, Mass.:
i. Harriet^, b. Worcester, Mass., 19 June 1814, d. there 16 Oct.
1894, age 80, m. there 2 June 1836, George Washington
Wheeler, son of John and Elizabeth (Fenno)' Wheeler, b.
Boston, Mass., 22 Feb. 1811, d. Worcester, Mass., 24 Dec. 1883,
age 72. Banker . Children born Worcester, Mass. (Wheeler) :
1. Harriet Elizabeth, b. 14 June 1839, d. Worcester, Mass.,
11 Dec. 1839.
2. George Washington, b. 6 Oct. 1840, d. Shrewsbury, Mass.,
5 Dec. 1903, age 63.
3. Mary Grosvernor Bangs, b. 13 Aug. 1845, d. Worcester,
Mass., 3 July 1882, age 36, m. there 13 June 1871, Fred-
erick WILLLA.M Ward, son of Artemas and Huldah P.
(Reed) Ward, b. Worcester, Mass., 26 Jan. 1848. Children
(Ward) : i. Mabel Harriet, ii. Edith Mary, iii. Alice Caro-
11. Charles, b, 3 May 1816, d. Worcester, Mass., 7 Dec. 1845, m.
Charlton, Mass., 25 Nov. 1839, Frances Louise Comings, dau,
of Jacob and Fanny (Gibbs) Comings, b. Charlton, Mass., 10
March 1819, d. Worcester, Mass., 14 Dee. 1845, age 26.
477. iii. Frederick Thomas, b. 27 April 1818.
478. iv. Francis Palmer, b. 22 April 1820.
V. Laura, b. 14 Dec. 1822, d. Winchester, Mass., 12 April 1895,
age 72, unmarried,
vi. Abigail F., b. 16 Aug. 1824, d. Winchester, Mass., 22 April
1905, age 80, m. Worcester, Mass., 17 June 1846, Marshall
Symmes, son of Marshall and Lephe (Stowell) Symmes, b.
Winchester, Mass., 27 Oct. 1818, d. there 19 July 1911, age 92.
Lived in Winchester, Mass., an the original grant to Eev.
Zachariah Sj-mmes, who came over in 1634. Was a farmer.
Children boni Winchester, Mass. (Symmes) :
Sixth Generation 307
1. Frances Louisa, b. 26 April 1847, d. Winchester, Mass.,
25 Aug. 1849.
2. Frederick Marshall, b. 13 Aug, 1850, m. Medford, Mass.,
30 Oct. 1878, Addie Maria Symmes, dau. of Alexander
Stowell and Sarah Jane (Livermore) Symmes, b. Medford,
Mass., 23 March 1853. Children: i. :Rohert M., ii. Euth S.
3. Ella Lephe, b. 28 May 1852, m. Winchester, Mass., 6 Nov.
1874, James William Russell, son of William Adams and
Hai-riet (Hill) Russell, b. Somerville, Mass., 18 Oct. 1844.
Children (Russell) : i, Alice S., ii. Fred A., iii. James W .,
iv. Bertha L.
4. Walter Fay, b. 1 Aug. 1854, d. Winchester, Mass., 20
Dee. 1907, age 53, m. there 26 Jan. 1881, Emilie Caroline
Locke, dau. of Asa and Caroline (Hutchins) Locke, b.
Winchester, Mass., 27 Feb. 1858. Children: i. Gertrude L.,
ii. Ernest M., iii. Marshall W.
5. Anna Eliza, b. 16 Feb. 1857.
6. Samuel Stowell, b. 22 Oct. 1858, m. Winchester, Mass.,
3 Dec. 1885, Jennie Elizabeth Metcalf, dau. of Robert
C. and Martha (Stone) Metcalf, b. E. Boston, Mass., 6
Oct. 1857, d. Winchester, Mass., 13 Sept. 1887, age 29.
He m. 2d, at Everett, Mass., 5 March 1895, Minerva Rice
Johnson, dau. of Benjamin Coleman and Maria Elizabeth
(Parlin) Johnson, b. Nahant, Mass., 11 March 1870. Chil-
dren: i. Lawrence M., ii. Elizabeth, iii. Samuel Stowell,
iv. Bussell.
7. Albert Henry, b. 11 Aug. 1860, d. Winchester, Mass., 28
April 1861.
8. Abbie Elizabeth, b. 2 Aug. 1862, m. Winchester, Mass.,
9 Jan. 1889, Alfred Sigourney Hall, sou of Stephen Au-
gustus and Evelina Amanda (Newhall) Hall, b. N. Chelsea,
Mass., 27 Aug. 1861. Children (Hall) : i. Eleanor S., ii.
Gertrude E., iii. Alfred S., iv. Stephen S.
Eliza Putnam, b. 21 Feb. 1832, d. Winchester, Mass., 8 Oct.
1856, age 24, m. Worcester, Mass., 31 Oct. 1855, Philemon
Wright Symmes, son of Marshall and Lephe (Stowell) Symmes,
b. Winchester, Mass., 12 Feb. 1826, d. there 8 Jan. 1861, age
34. Lived at Winchester, Mass. Cliild (Symmes) :
1. Ida, b. Winchester, Mass., 30 Sept. 1856, d. game day.
204. THOMAS^ STOWELL {Thomas" Cornelius' SamueP
David^ SamueV-) was born in Worcester, Mass., 22 March 1786,
d. Burlington, Vt., 12 June 1858, age 72, m. Middlesex, Vt.,
4 Feb. 1812, Sarah Haskins, dau. of Capt. Samuel Haskins who
308 The Stowell Genealogy
was in the Battle of Plattsburg, b. Springfield, Vt., 25 Oct.
1790, d. Montpelier, Vt., 31 Jan. 1845, age 54. He m. 2d at
Bridport, Vt., 6 Oct. 1846, Maby Day, b. Mass., 1791, d. 1866.
Resided at Worcester, Mass., and Middlesex and Burling-
ton, Vt. Built the second Tannery in Worcester. Was a
clothier in Northville with his father, then the same in Worcester
and sold out in 1818, then built the first carding mill in Worces-
ter. Field driver in Worcester 1819-1822, surveyor of highways
1820-1821. Was member of Vermont Legislature from Wash-
ington 1839. Was hotel keeper at Northville and entertained
General Lafaj^ette. Was in Battle of Plattsburg.
Will of Thomas Stowell dated Burlington, Vt., 1 Sept.
1857. Gives wife Mary, use of house and furniture during life
and profits from buildings and notes ; on her death all property
to be divided equally between the children, vLz. : Emeline M.
Hart, wife of M. L. Hart, William C. Stowell, Samuel H.
Stowell, George T. Stowell, Palmer F. Stowell. (Probate Dist.
of Chittenden.)
Children by first wife, Sarah Haskins:
. i. Emeline Mobra^, b. Middlesex, Vt., 2 Nov. 1812, d. Marengo,
HI., m, Middlesex, Vt., 27 July 1831, Moses Lester Hart.
Children (Hart):
1. Charles.
2. Edward P,
3. Daughter.
479. ii. William Curtis, b. Middleeex, Vt., 12 Jan. 1815.
480. iii. Samuel Haskins, b. Worcester, Mass., 17 April 1817.
481. iv. George Thomas, b. Worcijster, Mass., 19 June 1819.
482. V. Palmer Franklin, b. Worcester, Mass., 4 Sept. 1821.
vi. Truman F.
vii. Charles, b. 1826, d. Middlesex, Vt., 1828.
205. WILLIAM^ STOWELL (Thomas' Cornelius* Samuel'
David^ SamueV-) was bom in Worcester, Mass., 5 June 1790,
d. there 7 Aug. 1853, age 63, m. Millbury, Mass., 11 April 1816,
Salia' Chamberlain, dau. of Jacob and Lydia (Buck) Cham-
berlain, b. Millbury, Mass., 13 April 1795, d. Worcester, Mass.,
4 Feb. 1854, age 58.
He built carding machines at Worcester about 1815, then
went to S. Worcester, then to New Worcester.
Sixth Generation
William Stowell was private in Ser^. H. K. Appleton's
Guard, Oct 1813. He was private in Capt. Thomas Harrington 's
detached Co. of Shrewsbury and vicinity, Lt. Col. Walter
Hasting's Regt., service at Fort Warren from 13 Sept. to 30
-Nov. 1814.
ChUdren all born Worcester, Mass •
i. Sab^h W, b. ai June 1817, d. Worcester, Mass., 29 Dec.
18.61, age 44, m. there 24 Dec 1844, Wix^uam Caleb'lamson
25 Oct. 1805, d Cambridge, Mass., 23 May 1862, ago 56. Lived
at Worcester M^ss. He was a car builder, (lildren bo n
Worcester, Mass. (Lamson) :
'■ :;^^;",^^^^^^™STxrs, b. 15 Dec. 1845, d. Worcester, Mass.,
19 July 1847. '
2. ^AKXES Henry, b. 17 Sept. 1848, m. Cambrfdge, Mass 2
Nov. 1893, Elizabeth Nicholson, dau. of Sylvauus 'Lei
Olivia (Daniels) Nicholson, b. Wellfleet, Mass., 27 March
1848. He was a machinist.
3. Ebwin Arthur, b. 9 Sept. 1851, d. Worcester, l^lass., 11
-t? 6D. loOo.
4. Arthur T^ranklin, b. 28 March 1854, m. Cambridge, Mass
20 July 1874, Elizabeth Frances York, dau. of George
Henry and Emeline M. (Chapman) York. Lived in Brook-
lyn and Flatbush, N. Y. Children: i. Maude Elizabeth,
u. Renry Arthur, iij. Herbert William, iv. Frank William.
V. Nell%e Ethel, vi. William Edward. '
ii. William Augustus, b. 15 Jan. 1821, d. Worcester, Mass 19
May 1827. '
iii. Maria Lydia, b. 15 July 1823, d. Worcester, Mass., 10 Oct
1871, m. there 9 Dec. 1845, James Reed Pierce, son of James
and Sally (Fiske) Pierce, b. West Bovlston, Mass., 4 May 1815
d Worcester, Mass., 25 Nov. 1876. Children born at Worcester,'
Mass. (Pierce) :
1. Albert Emerson, b. 25 Sept. 1847, m. Worcester, Mass,
20 March 1872, Linda Frances Barber, dau. of Benjamin
and Ann Maria Barber, b. Worcester, Mass., 12 Aug. 1850
Children: i. Clifford H., ii. Bessie L.
2. Emma Eliza, b. 2 Oct. 1849, m. Worcester, Mass., 11 April
1872, E. Henry Swan, son of John D. and Jane B. Swan,
b. Stoughton, Mass., 29 Oct. 1850.
3. Frederick A., b. 26 Feb. 1855, unmarried.
iv. George Henry, b. 2 Jan. 1830, m. Worcester, Mass., 13 Oct
1S61, Mrs. Caroline Glacier (Claflin) Pitts, dau. of Oliver
Wiswall and Tabitha Harris (Gatchel) Claflin, b. Burlsville
E. L, 4 Oct. 1835. No children. '
310 The Stowtell Genealogy
V. Harriet Curtis, b. 25 May 1835, d. Worcester, Mass., 1 Feb.
1866, age 30, unmarried. Harriet C. Stowell, single, left heirs,
Maria L. Pierce of Worcester, Mass., sister; George H. Stowell
of Cleveland, Ohio, brother; Charles H. Lamson and Arthur G.
Lamson, cliildran of Sarah A., a deceased sister. James R.
Pierce, guardian of said children, 29 Feb. 1867. (Wor. Prob.)
206. JOSEPH^ STOWELL (Tliomas^ Cornelius* SamueF
David^ SamueV) was born in Worcester, Mass., 30 Dec. 1798,
m. there 3 June 1841, Caroline M, Ray.
i. Martha Ann^, b. Auburn, Mass., 13 March 1842.
207. EBENEZER^ STOWELL {Jonatluin^ Ehenezer*
David'-'- SamueV) was bom in Mansfield, Conn., 1774, d. Colum-
bia, Conn., 1867, age 92, m. Windham, Conn., 9 March 1800,
Irene (Rene) Bingham, dau. of Capt. Malatiah and Mercy
(Wright) Bingham. (Malatiah Bingham was 1st Lt. in the
Revolution of 9th Co. 3d Regt., Col. Israel Putnam of the
Conn. Line) b. Windham, Conn., 6 Aug. 1778, d. there 7 Oct.
1820, age 42. He m. 2d 24 Feb. 1822, Elizabeth (Betsey)
LooMis, dau. of Corp. Samuel and Betsey (Dunham) Loomis,
b. Colchester, Conn., 30 June 1790, d. Columbia, Conn.
Resided in Windham, Lebanon and Westchester, Conn.
Was a wheelwright. Builder of mills. Was Captain in the
Children by Irene Bingham:
483. i. Jonathan', b. Windham, Conn., 9 July 1801.
ii. EOYAL, b. 8 March 1803, d. Mansfield, Conn., 24 Feb. 1810.
iii. Laura, b 5 July 1805.
iv. I^lARY, b. 13 Aug. 1807.
V. Milton, b. 31 May 1810.
vi. AI.BERT G., b. 4 Oct. 1812, d. Windham, Conn., 21 July 1831.
vii. James W., b. Mansfield, Conn., 25 March 1815, d. Worcester,
Mass., 12 Fob. 1855, age 40', m. Margaret. Child:
1. George, b. Worcester, Mass., 1849.
viii. Stedman Baldwin, b. 30 June 1817.
Children by Elizabeth Loomis:
ix. ChaPuLOTTE Eene, b. 25 Dec. 1824.
X. Helen Adelia, b. 13 Dee. 1826.
484. xi. Looms Ebenezer, b. Westchester, Conn., 5 Jan. 1828.
xii. Warner M., b. 15 Feb. 1830.
Sixth Generation 311
208. WARNERS STOWELL {Jonathan' Ebenezer* David'-''
SamueV) was bom in Windham, Conn., 18 Nov. 1789, d.
Mansfield, Conn., 9 Dee. 1836, age 47, m. Mansfield, Conn., 7
Jan. 1812, Maria Williams Barrows, dau. of Stephen and
Eunice (Williams) Barrows, b. Mansfield, Conn., 13 Oct. 1793,
d. there 2 Nov. 1878, age 85. She m. 2d at Mansfield, Conn.,
21 March 1843, Jesse Bingham.
Resided in Mansfield, Conn. A Warren Stowell was a
private, New London, in George Swift's Co. from 7 June 1813
to 14 July 1813.
Children :
i. Samuel WnxiAMs^, b. Mansfield, Conn., 29 Oct. 1812, d. there
25 April 1826.
ii. RoxANNA Maria, b. Mansfield, Conn., 5 Aug. 1814, d. there
22 Feb. 1819.
4.85. iii. Stephen Sumner, b. Mansfield, Conn., 31 July 1817.
iv. Eunice Amelia, b. Mansfield, Conn., IS Nov. 1820, d. there
25 Nov. 1848, age 28, nu there 4 Dec. 1843, William Reynolds,
son of Peleg and Mary (Wells) Reynolds, b. Mansfield, Conn.,
12 Nov. 1820, d. there 21 Aug. 1898, age 76. Lived at Mans-
field, Conn. Quldren (Reynolds) :
1. George Dallas, b. Mansfield, Conn., 20 Oct. 1844.
2. Maria Josephine, b. Mansfield, Conn., 27 Oct. 1848.
v. Maria Adelia, b. Mansfield, Conn., 18 Nov. 1820, d. there 28
July 1827.
486. vi. George Merriil, b. Mansfield, Conn., bp. 17 April 1825.
vii. Cornelia Jane, b. Mansfield, Conn., 12 Nov. 1827, d. there
22 Jan. 1840.
487. viii. Edson Merrit, b. Mansfield, Conn., 5 Oct. 1830.
ix. Mary Ann, b. Mansfield, Conn., bp. 19 Oct. 1834, m, there 28
July 1850, William B. Manley.
209. ALFRED^ STOWELL (Josiali' Ehenezer' David'-'
Samuel^) was born in Mansfield, Conn., 11 April 1778, d. Middle-
bury, Vt., 6 March 1865, age 87, m. Lydia Southworth, dau.
of Samuel and Abigail (Aspenwall) Southworth, b. Mansfield,
Conn., 10 July 1780, d. Middlebury, Vt., 21 Sept. 1859, age 8o!
Resided at New Haven and Middlebury, Vt. and Groton
Falls, N. Y.
312 The Stowell Genealogy
Children :
i. LoEAY'^, m. Middlebury, Vt, 22 Jan. 1824, Deacon Stephen
FiSK Barrows, son of Philip and Sarah (Parker) (Fisk) Bar-
rows, b. Windham, Cann., 21 Jan. 1799, d. Groton, N. Y., 31
Dec. 1854, age 55.
iL Mary.
iii. Sarah Louisa, b. New Haven, Vt., 1821, m. Middlebury, Vt.,
27 Jan. 1859, Elihu Spencer, son of Jabez and Joanna Spencer,
b. Mt. Holly, Vt., 1799.
iv. Abbey, b. Middlebury, Vt., 1818, m. there 24 Sept. 1861, Fred-
erick Smith, son of Simeon and Lucy Smith, b. New Haven,
Vt., 1801. She m. 2d, at Cornwall, Vt., 2 Feb. 1880, LouiS S.
Peet, son of Samuel and Eoxalana (Stebins) Peet, b. Corn-
wall, Vt., 1806.
210. ORIN^ STOWELL {Josiah^ Ebenezer* David^-'' 8am-
ueV) was bom in Mansfield, Conn., 20 Oct. 1784, d. Middlebury,
Vt., 1 May 1831, age 46, m. Clarissa Manning, dau. of William
and Ruth (Nichols) Manning, b. Mansfield Center, Conn., 25
June 1793, d. Mansfield, Conn., 9 Dec. 1869, age 76. She m. 2d,
Mansfield, Conn., 10 Nov. 1835, Zalmon Storks, husband of
sister Cynthia. Lived at Middlebury, Vt. where all children
were bom.
, Children:
i. Lucy Morris^, b. 2 April 1813, m. Middlebury, Vt., 12 April
1832, Kilo Saxton of Salisbury, Vt. Child (Saxton) :
1. Reuben.
ii. Cynthia Storrs, b. 14 Jan. 1816, m. Mansfield, Conn., 28 Nov.
1850, Horace Dwight Russ of Mansfield, Conn. Lived at
Willimantic, Conn. Children (Russ) :
1. ClaPuA, m. Peck. Children: i. Alfred, ii. Susan.
2. Z. Dwight, had children: i. Clara May, ii. E. Dwight.
iii. Clara Manning, b. 2 July 1817, m. Mansfield, Conn., 4 Aug.
1837, Calvin A. Shaw of Middlebury, Vt. Lived at Middle-
bury, Vt., and Romeo, Mich. Children (Shaw) :
1. Kate, m. Scott.
2. Dell.
?,. Jennie, m. Southgate.
4. Cynthia Adelle, b. 17 Aug. 1852, m. Rockford, 111., 29
May 1879, William Henry Worthington.
211. MILLEN« STOWELL {Josidk" Ehenezer^ David^-^
Samuel^) was bom in Mansfield, Conn., 22 July 1789, d. Middle-
Sixth Generation 313
bury, Vt., 16 Jan. 1869, age 79, m. there 1 Jam. 1818, Susan
Spapford, dau. of Job and Hannah (Chipman) Spafford, b.
Tinmouth, Vt., 15 Jan. 1792, d. Rockville, Conn., 7 Sept. 1872,
age 80. Resided in Middlebury, Vt. Was a farmer. Sheriff
several years, Addison Co.
Children bom Middlebury, Vt. :
i. Sarah CmPMAN^, b. 14 Sept. 1819, m. there 5 Jan. 1842, Hora-
tio Martin Wood, b. Middlebury, Vt., d. there 27 Sept. 1848.
She m. 2d, at Dixon, 111., 2 March 1852, Major Theodore Elias
Hicks. Went to Americus, Kans., in 1859. Children (Wood) :
1. Martin Diller, b. 22 Sept. 1843, d. Kansas City, Mo.,
Oct. 1904.
2. Clara A., b. 18 April 1846, d. 6 Sept. 1846.
3. Jennie, d. Dixon, HI.
Children (Hicks) :
4. Jesse Edwards, b. Dixon, 111., 16 Dec. 1852, m. Kansas
Cit}', Mo., 9 June 1886, Florida Bucknam, dau. of Capt.
George and Harriet Jane (Wood) Bucknam, b. Tarrytown,
N. Y., 9 June 1851, d. El Paso, Texas, 9 March 1894.
Lived at Springfield, Mo. Employed in General Store
Dept., St. Louis and San Francisco Ey.
5. Jennie Elizabeth, b. Dixon, 111., 5 Aug. 1854, d. Jackson-
ville, Fla., 20 Jan. 1910, age 55, m. Waterloo, Kansas, 10
July 1872, Orlando Benjamin Wharton, s5n of Joshua
Wliarton, b. Cynthiana, Ohio, 24 Aug. 1845, d. Leavenworth,
Kansas, 5 Jan. 1906, age 60.
6. Mn>LEN Stowell, b. Dixon, 111., 20 Sept. 1857, m. Pahsi-
mon, Idaho, 25 Oct. 1892, Frankie M. Trem:fer, dau. of
James and Elizabeth (Bludsow) Tremfer, b. Crown Point,
Ind., 20 Dee. 1873. Lived at Kimberley, Idaho. Ranch-
7. William Balkam, b. Emporia, Kansas, 13 Jan. 1860, m.
Brenham, Texas, 6 June 1902, Mrs. Ethelewis (IM/VT-
thews) Colr, dau. of James Fiske and Mattie Walker
(Browning) Matthews, b. Chapel Hill, Texas, 10 Sept. 1877.
Lived. at Indio, Calif. Mining engineer.
ii. Elizabeth Rhodes, b. 5 Aug. 1821, d. Rockville, Conn., 15 Miay
1888, age 66 m. Middlebury, Vt., 12 Dec. 1842, Albert Phil-
lips, son of Martin and Mary L. (Woodworth) Phillips, b.
Mansfield, Conn., 19 July 1819, d. Rockville, Conn., 3 Aug. 1892,
age 73. Lived at Mansfield and Rockville, Conn. Children
(Phillips) :
1. Susan, b. Mansfield Center, Conn., 10 May 1845, m. Rock-
ville, Conn., 4 Oct. 1864, Gilbreth Dawson, son of James
314 The Sto\vell Genealogy
and Phoebe (Cole) Dawson, b. Oxford, Conn., 6 Nov. 1838,
d. Long Beach, Calif., 21 Jan. 1913, age 74,
2. Frank Lerot, b. Eockville, Conn., 10 April 1851, d. there
11 Oct. 1852.
3. Albert Wallace, b. Eockville, Conn., 30 March 1856, m.
Chicago, 111., 27 Oct. 1910, Elizabeth Jones Magie, dau.
of James Kingsley and Mary Jane (Ritchie) Magie, b.
Macomb, 111., 9 May 1866. Graduate Yale 1878. Lived
in Cliicago. Publisher.
iii. Susan Spaffokd, b. 1 March 1824, d. Milton, Mass., 8 Nov.
1885, age 61, m. there 14 May 1848, William Henry Balkam,
son of Cyrus and Rebecca (Preston) Balkam, b. Dorchester,
Mass., 9 Jan. 1827, d. Milton, Mass., 21 July 1903, age 76.
Lived at Milton, Mass., all their lives. Cracker and biscuit
manufacturer. Supt. of Sunday School, clerk and deacon of
church. Children born Milton, Mass. (Balkam) :
1. William Henry, b. 26 Aug. 1849, m. Randolph, Mass., 17
Sept. 1874, Hannah F. Thayer, dau. of Adoniram and
Louisa (Packard) Thaj^er, b. Braintree, Mass., 8 May 1843.
2. Elizabeth Glover, b. 25 April 1851.
3. Albert Warner, b. 15 Jan. 1854.
4. Nellie Rebecca, b. 22 April 1855, d. Milton, Mass., 6 Sept.
iv. Hannah Leavens, b. 26 March 1827, d. Middlebury, Vt., 3
March 1912, age 85, m. there 8 Jan. 1861, Eli Mjoody Elmer,
son of Chester and Huldah (Fisher) Elmer, b. Addison, Vt., 29
Jan. 1824, d. Middlebury, Vt., 28 July 1902, age 78. Lived in
Addison and Middlebury, Vt. Was a farmer. Children born
Middlebury (Elmer) :
1. Harriet Stowell, b. 26 March 1863, d. Middlebury, Vt.,
4 April 1901, age 38, m. there 25 Jan. 1882, Vernon G.
Atwood, son of George and Sarah (Shattuck) Atwood.
2. Charlotte Elizabeth, b. 19 Dec. 1865, m. Middleburj%
Vt., 12 Oct. 1887, Noble Chester Fenn, son of James P.
and Nancy S. (Foote) Fenn, b. Middlebury, Vt., 4 May
1866. Farmer. Children (Fenn) : i. Elmer James, iL
Florence Hannah.
V. Harriet Bates, b. 18 April 1830, d. Rockvillo, Conn., 20 Feb.
1903, age 72, m. Middlebury, Vt., 10 Sept. 1856, Edmund Noble
FooTE, son of Noble and Emily Barrett (Smith) Foote, b.
Middlebury, Vt., 17 July 1833. Lived at Middlebury, Vt.,
until 1861, then Rockville, Conn. Children (Foote) :
1. Edmund Warner, b. Middlebury, Vt., 18 May 1858. Lives
Rockville, Conn. Merchant. Also in newspaper work.
vi. Charlotte Bass, b. IS April 1833, m. Middlebury, Vt., 20 Dec.
1859 Henry Whitman Brewster, son of Elisha and Rebecca
Sixth Generation 315
(Fish) Brewster, b. Middlebuiy, Vt., 19 Nov. 1828. Lived iu
Middlebuiy, Vt. Jeweler and optician. ChUdien born Middle-
bury, Vt. (Brewster) :
1. William Henry, b. 20 Dec. 1861, m. Middlebuiy, Vt., 18
June 1895, Emma Elizabeth Cushman, dau. of William
M. and Jennie (Hadley) Cusliman, b. Burlington, Vt., 23
June 1873. He Treasurer Green Mountain Lime Co.
She Regent Ethan Allen Chapter D. A. R. Cliildren: i.
Dm-oihy Elizabeth, ii. Susan Stowell.
2. Susan Stowell, b. 5 Sept. 1874, m. Middlebury, Vt., 18
June 1901, Joseph Alanson Peck, son of Charles C. and
Hannah (Patterson) Peck, b. Augusta, Me., 1873. He was a
viL Millen Warner, b. 18 Sept. 1835, d. Hartford, Conn., 8 April
1881, age 45, m. Etta Smith. He was an expert workman in
Spencer Rifle Co., Boston, during the Civil War.
212. HENRY^ STOWELL (Josiali^ Ebenezer' David'-''
Samuel^) was born in Mansfield, Conn., 11 Dec. 1798, d. Cam-
bridge, Vt, 28 March 1872, age 73, m. 23 Oct. 1823, Martha
Smith, b. about 1804, d. Cambridge, Vt., 2 Aug. 1853. He m.
2d at Cambridge, Vt., 19 April 1865, Cordelia Hopkins, dau.
of Hiram and Mary (Reynolds) Hopkins, b. Cambridge, Vt., 27
May 1825, d. Montpelier, Vt., 26 Jan. 1915, age 89.
Moved to Middlebury, Vt., 1807, graduated from Middle-
bury College 1816, age 18, the youngest member of his class,
moved to Cambridge, Vt., 1820, lawyer 1820 to 1872. Mtember
of Constitution Convention for Cambridge 1836, Council of
Censors 1848, County Judge 1849 to 1851.
Children born Cambridge, Vt., by first wife:
i. Mary Eliza^, b. 22 Sept. 1824, m. Cambridge, Vt., 25 Sept.
1849, 1k\ H. Hathokn of Terre Haute, Ind.
ii. Henry Josiah, b. 17 Oct. 1826, d. Cambridge, Vt., 9 Feb. 1897,
age 70, unmarried.
213. DAVID« STOWELL {David'-^-^-^ Samuel') was born
in Rockingham, Vt., 25 May 1778, d. Columbus, Ohio, 29 Sept.
1845, m. Clarendon, Vt., 17 Sept. 1801, Elizabeth (Betsey)
TuBBS of Clarendon, Vt.
i. SiDNEYT, b. 19 Nov. 1803, d. Columbia Center, Ohio, 6 Dec. 1886,
m. 1820, Samuel Mills, son of Samuel and Sally (Morse) Mills!
316 The Stowell Genealogy
b. 9 Feb. 1797, d. Columbia Center Ohio, 25 June 1879. Children
born Schroon, N. Y. (IMills) :
1. Leander, b. 7 Nov. 1821, m. 19 Dec 1844, Jane Greer,
dau. of James and Hannah (Clinton) Greer, b. Chester,
N. y., 10 June 1824, d. Columbia Center, Ohio, 18 Nov.
1901. Lived at Columbia Center, Ohio. Children: i. Han-
nah Angeline, ii. Mary Jane, iii. Sidney Jennette.
2. Susan Elizabeth, b. 4 May 182&, d. Columbia, Ohio, 23
Deo. 1895, m. 14 Feb. 1841, Francis Wickliff, son of
George and Isabel WicMiff, b. Ireland, 24 Aug. 1813, d.
Columbia, Ohio, 10' March 1877. Lived at Columbia, Ohio.
Children (Wickliff) : i. Stisam Melissa, ii. Josephine
Louise, iii. Sidney Isabel, iv. Franklin Fierce, v. James B.
3. David Stowell, b. 30 Sept. 1829, d. Columbia, Ohio, 3 Feb.
1893, m. 7 Aug. 1870, Alice Frances Vandeeujriff, dau.
4 of William and Hannah (Kidd) Vandergriff, b. 2 Aug.
1851. Children: i. George, ii. Bertha Alice, iii. Edith Lee,
iv. Pearl, v. Sammel King.
214. JOHN^ STOWELL (David'^-*-^-^ Samuel"-) was born in
Walpole, N. H., 15 Feb. 1780, d. Schroon, N. Y., 31 May 1848,
age 68, m. first Betsey Priest. He m. 2d at Leicester, Vt., 24
March 1823, Mrs. Sally Paine Osyar, dau. of Thankful Paine,
b. Leicester, Vt., 27 July 1796. Resided at Clarendon, Vt. and
Schroon, N.Y. Was a farmer. In War of 1812.
Children by first wife:
488. i. John", b. Clarendon, Vt., 7 Aug. 1804.
ii. Betsey, b. Clarendon, Vt., 15 June 1807, d. Tioga, Penn., 9
Aug. 1883, m. Brandon, Vt., 3 April 1825, Lyman Jackson
FiSKE, son of Ebenezer and Martha (Bigelow) Fiske, b. Bran"
don, Vt., 11 July 1805, d. Ontario, 7 March 1857. Children
(Fiske) :
1. Ezra Wilson.
2. Ansel Jason, b. Schroon, N. Y., 16 June 1829, d. 16 June
1885, m. Tioga, Penn., 10 Feb. 1850, Jane E. Spencer.
3. William Jackson, b. Schroon, N. Y., 2 Jan. 1833, m. Tioga,
Penn., Harriet N. Hammer, b. 1832. Children: i. Lyman
J., ii. Charles M., iii. George, iv. Lewis L., v. Lillie Mae.
4. Lyman Watson.
5. , Betsey Maria.
6. Andrew W.
7. Infant.
8. Infant.
Sixth Generation 317
iiL Jeffeeson, b. Clarendon, Vt., 18 Sept. 1800.
iv. Staty, b. Clarendon, VL, 27 Sept. ISll.
V. Chaunoey, b. Schroon, N. Y., 29 Nov. 1814.
^n. Hannah, b. Schroon, N. Y., 6 Jan. 1818.
Children by second wife:
489. vii. William Harlow, b. Schroon, N. Y., 11 Oct. 1824.
490. viii. Charles Painb, b. Schroon, N. Y., 12 Feb. 1828.
ix. Lyman, b. Schroon, N. Y., 21 July 1832, d. Glens 'Falls, N. Y.,
13 March 1914, age 82, m. Luzeme, N. Y., 20 Sept. 1882, Mary
Ann Weight, dau. of William and Jane (Hackett) Wright, b.
Conklinville, N. Y., 17 Aug. 1853, d. Luzerne, N. Y., 26 Feb.
1913, age 59. He was a carpenter. Was in Bucktail, Penn.,
Eegt. in Civil War and on pension roll.
215. HENRY« STOWELL {David^-^-^-- Samuel^) was born
in Clarendon, Vt., 26 July 1792, d. Schroon, N. Y., 11 March
1865, m. Mercy Tubes, b. 1795, d. 24 Oct. 1851.
491. i. DAvro^ b. Schroon, N. Y., 25 Sept. 1821.
Samuel^) was born in Clarendon, Vt., 22 Sept. 1797, d. Columbus,
Ohio, 9 March 1869, m. Schroon, N. Y., 27 Sept. 1818, Sally
Mills, dau. of Samuel and Sally (Morse) Mills, b. Troy, N. Y.,
5 July 1799, d. Blacklick, Ohio, 16 Jan. 1883, age 83.
Resided in Schroon, N. Y. and Blacklick, Ohio after 1833.
Was a farmer. In War of 1812 at Battle of Plattsburg.
Children :
L Sallyt, b. Schroon, N. Y., 2S Oct. 1820, d. Summit Station,
Ohio, 11 Feb. 1900, age 79, m. Blacklick, Ohio, 12 Feb. 1838,
Zelotes Landford, b. Schroon, N. Y., 14 May 1816, d. Aurora,
HI., 1 Sept. 1855, age 39. Children (Landford) :
1. Sarah Helen, b. Kirkersville, Ohio, 13 Jan. 1844, d. Frank-
lin Co., Oliio, 18 Jan. 1872, m. Franklin Co., Ohio, 2 Oct.
1865, George W. Todd, b. Musldngden Co., Ohio, 4 Sept.
1845. Children (Todd): i. Alma V., b. 22 Feb. 1867, at
Havens Corners, Ohio, m. 26 July 1888, at Pataskala, Ohio,
Zenophen Mcintosh, b. 12 Feb. 1863. Children: a. Boss
Milton, b. Emma Lee, c. Helen Beatrice, d. Sereno Fer-
nando, ii. Serano.
2. George Washington, b. Kirkersville, Ohio, 11 Jan. 1846,
d. Aurora, 111., 11 April 1885, m. Indiana, Kariah Dean.
318 The Stowell Genealogy
Children: i. Laura, ii. George, iii. Sarah, iv. Bessie, v.
3. HULDAH Jane, b. Franklin Co., Ohio, 29 Aug. 1848, d. Sum-
mit Station, Ohio, 26 July 1887, m. Franklin Co., Ohio,
2 Feb. 1873, George W. Todd, b. July 1844. Children
(Todd) : i. George Lee, ii. Sadie Jane, iii. Seymour.
4. Mary Parmelia, b. Aurora, 111., 22 May 1854, d. Franklin
Co., Ohio, 5 Feb. 1870, unmarried.
iL Mary, b. Scliroon, N. Y., 20 Sept. 1822, d. 12 Dec. 1898, m.
24 Nov. 1839, William Compton, b. 16 Sept. 182i0. Children
(Compton) :
1. Oscar, b. 18 Nov. 1840, d. 28 Sept. 1841.
2. Louisa.
3. Rebecca, b. 1 Feb. 1845.
4. Katherine, m. Richard Atwood.
5. Mary Elizabeth, b. 6 Aug. 1847, m. 21 Dec. 1871, Wil-
liam Cady. Children: i. Bose Luretta, ii. Bayrrumd.
6. Martha, b. 18 March 1850', m. 26 Aug. 1875, William At-
wood. Children: i. Arthur, ii. Nellie, iii. Walter, iv.
Harry, v. Nelson, vi. Eussell.
7. William, b. 25 March 1853, m. 1 Dec. 1881, Ora Mary
Mull. Children: i. John, ii. George, iii. Mary Calhanma,
iv. Frank, v. Daniel, vi. William, vii. Elisabeth.
8. Eliza Alice, b. 31 Oct. 1857, m. 22 Dec. 1881, Emmet
TuRNBULL. Children: i. William, ii. Wilbert, iii. Bansom
Vera, iv. Mary Alice.
9. Ida Roselth, b. 20 July 1860, m. 28 May 1881, William
Peters. Children : i. Wilbert, ii. Frank, iii. Mary Belle,
iv. Alice, V. Mattie, vi. Samuel.
492. iii. Gibson Willard, b. Schroon, N. Y., 26 Jan. 1825.
493. iv. Francis Burnham, b. Schroon, N. Y., 11 April 1827.
V. Thomas J., b. Schroon, N. Y., 5 Dec. 1829, d. Jefferson Tp.,
Ohio, 1 April 1854, unmarried.
vL Abby, b. Schroon, N. Y., 18 April 1832, d. 10 Nov. 1855, m.
Blauvett. Child (Blauvett) :
1. Adain.
vii. Jane, b. Blacklick, Ohio, 5 April 1834, d. 12 March 1858.
viii. Stephen D., b. Blacklick, Ohio, 26 Sept. 1836, d. 1 Dec. 1855.
ix. Permeija, b. Blacklick, Ohio, 7 Jan. 1839, d. Jefferson Tp.,
Ohio, 19 Dec. 1863, m. Philip Gaines. Child (Gaines) :
1. Stephen, b. 19 Dec. 1863, m. Addie McGruder.
217. WILLI AM« STOEL (David'-'-'-^- Samuel') was born
in Clarendon, Vt., 28 Feb. 1800, d. Kinfr.sbury, N. Y., 10 June
1874, age 74, m. Schroon, N. Y., 11 Nov. 1819, Samantha Fiske,
Sixth Generation 319
dau. of Ebenezer and Martha (Bigelow) Fiske, b. Brandon, Vt.,
12 May 1803, d. Sandy Hill, N. Y., 1 April 1859, age 55. He
m. 2d at Warrensburg, N. Y., 12 Sept. 1859, Mary Neilson
Stuart, dau. of James and Eliza (Atchison) Stuart, b. Hartford,
N. Y., 9 March 1832, d. Kingsbury, N. Y., 11 Oct. 1901, age 69.
Resided in Brandon, Vt. and Schroon and Sandy Hill, N.
Y. He was a carpenter, merchant and Justice of the Peace.
Drummer Boy in 1812. Said to have had twelve children by
Samantha Fiske, all of whom died in infancy.
Children by second wife, Mary Neilson, all born Sandy
Hill, N. Y.:
i. Martha Eliza^ b. 13 July 1861, d. Sandy Hill, N. Y., 29
March 1894, age 32, m. there 18 Sept. 1881, Samuel Hill Farr,
son of Thomas and Emily (Hill) Farr, b. Moreau, N. T., 16
Jan. 1861. Lived at Sandy Hill, N. Y. ChUd born there
(Farr) :
1. William Thomas, b. 18 Nov. 1887, d. Sandy Hill, N. Y.,
June 1896.
ii. Mary Jane, called Jennie, b. 4 May 1863, unmarried.
iii. Nellie, b. 6 Nov. 1865, d. Sandy Hill, N. Y., 7 April 1912, age
46, m. there 18 Aug. 1886, John Ray Cooper, son of Henry
and Josephine (Caples) Cooper, b. Wilton, N. Y., 3 July 1862.
Children all bom Sandy Hill, N. Y. (Cooper) :
1. Anna Belle, b. 4 June 1887.
2w Clifford Ray, b. 10 Dec. 1888, m. Glens Falls, N. Y., 9
Oct. 1913, LiLLLAN May Woodvs^ard.
3. Mary, b. 26 July 1890.
4. Nina Stoel, b. 11 Jan. 1892, m. Hudson Falls, N. Y., 2
May 1913, Clifford Augustus Grant. Child: Henrietta
5. Martha, b. 5 Aug. 1895.
6. Jennie, b. 12 Oct. 1896.
7. William Henry, b. 1 Oct. 1900.
8. Herbert, b. 11 Jan. 1903.
9. Nellie, b. 26 June 1907.
iv. William Harlow, b. 29 July 1868, m. Moreau, N. Y., 2 Aug.
1894, Mrs. Flora Nellie (Camp) Wilson, dau. of William
and Rhoda Ann (Murray) Camp, b. Qucensbury, N. Y., 20
April 1860. No children. Lived at Hudson Falls, N. Y.
320 The Stowell Genealogy
t>MZ*-3-2 Samuel^) was born in Walpole, N. H., 11 Sept. 1780, d.
23 Nov. 1844, m. 11 Sept. 1805, Ruth Chapel, b. 22 Nov. 1778, d.
23 Sept. 1844.
Resided at Chautauqua and Hartwiek, N. Y., then Coopers-
town until 1827, then near Rochester, N. Y.
Children :
i. Laura Eliza^, b. 18 May 1806, d. Dayton, Ohio, la. Coopers-
tovvn, N. Y., 26 Jan. 1826, John Alpin Sprague, son of Joseph
and Mary (Alpin) Sprague, b. Otsego Co., N. Y., 3 April 1803,
d. Dayton Ohio, 30 July 1881, age 78. He m, 2d, at Rochester,
N. Y., 6 Jan. 1857, Catherine M. Rothgangal. Resided at
Rochester, N. Y., and Dayton, Ohio. Manufacturer of glue.
Children (Sprague) :
1. Henry Melancthon, b. Rochester, N. Y., 19 Jan. 1829, d.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 11 Aug. 1887, m. Dayton, Ohio, 9 Sept.
1869, Emma Price. Children: i. Bonnie E., ii. Stowell, iii
Gertrude L.
2. Elizabeth, b. Rochester, N. Y., 12 Feb. 1832, d. Keyser,
N. C, 5 July 1884, age 52, m, Elmira, N. Y., 28 March
1859, John Henry Vosburg, son of John W. and Emily
(Badger) Vosburg, b. Harpersville, N. Y., 27 May 1834, d.
Philadelphia, Penn., 29 March 1882, age 47. Children
(Vosburg) : i. Clara Elizabeth, ii. Caroline, iii. Theodore,
iv. Elisabeth, v. Paul Sprague, vi. Cornelia.
3. 'Einney, b, Rochester, N. Y., 27 July 1834, m. 1st, Dayton,
Ohio, 10 June 1858, Elizabeth Henrietta Keenan, dau.
of Newton H. and Elizabeth (Alexander) Keenan, b. Pu-
laski, Tenn., d. Dayton, Ohio, 9 Dec. 1864. He m. 2d,
Rochester, N. Y., 19 Sept. 1867, Eloise Williams Jen-
nings, dau. of Moses and Emmeline (Middlebrook) Jen-
nings, b. 30 June 1849. Lived at Rochester, N. Y., and
Dayton, Newark, and Toledoy Ohio, St. Paul and Stillwater,
Minn., and New York City. Children: i. Lanra Elizabeth,
ii. Virginia Leona, iii. Eussell Stvmson, iv. Eois Finnetta.
4. Richard Cobden, b. Dayton, Ohio, 31 Aug. 1846, m. Mary
FoRSYTHE, dau. of James B. and Jane (Jackson) Forsj^he,
b. Xenia, Ohio, 9 Aug. 1850, d. Cedar Rapids, Ohio, 15
June 1909. Lived at Cliicago, 111. Bookkeeper. Children:
i. Mabel, ii. Harry, iii. Paul Forsythe.
ii. Loana, b. 6 March 1808, d. Wcstfield, N. Y., m. John William
Winslow, son of \rohn and Bethany (Brayton) Winslow, b.
Swansey, Mass., 8 Dec. 1803. Lived in Maj-ville, N. Y. A
Sixth Generation 321
494. iii. Leverett Ohapel, b. Hartvi-ick, N. Y., 30 July 1811.
iv. Emma Elvira, b. 8 March 1814, d. Tecumseh, Mich., m. Jere-
miah or William Gilman. Lived at Rochester, N. Y. Was a
ITniversalist minister. Children (Gilman) :
• 1. William, killed at Antietam, Va.
2. Eaima, d. 1840, age about 18. Was adopted by her aunt
495. V. William Sawtelle, b. 10 July 1816.
219. JAMES C.^ STOEL OR STOWELL {William'' Da-
vid*-^-^ Samuel^) was born in Walpole, N. H., 25 March 1785,
d. Cooperstown, N. Y., 4 May 1855, age 70, m. 1st, Susannah
Cook, who d. 5 July 1815. He m. 2d at Cooperstown, N. Y.,
10 May 1818, Mary Crafts, dan. of Samuel and Lucy (Sumner)
Crafts, b. Springfield, N. Y., 16 Nov. 1792, d. Cooperstown, N.
Y., 7 Oct. 1878, age 85.
Eesided at Cooperstown, N. Y. Was a merchant. In two
Coopersto\^Ti Deeds he is described as James Stoel, 1815 and
in six Cooperstown Deeds as James Stowell, 1815-1833.
Will of James Stowell probated 16 June 1855. Executors :
James Crockett and Horace Lathrop. Heirs mentioned: Mary
Stowell, wife; Henry Cook Stowell, son; dau. Martha Ann
Crockett, wife of James Crockett; son, Samuel Albert Stowel.
(Otsego Co. Surrogate.)
Will of Mary Stowell probated 15 Oct. 1878. Heirs : Sam-
uel A. Stowell, son ; Willard Albert Crockett, grandson ; Martha
A. Crockett, dau.; Albert C. and Ida Stowell, children of son
Samuel A. Stowell. Executor: Edwin M. Harris. (Otsego
Co. Surrogate.)
Children by first wife :
i. Henry Cookt, d. 187G or 1877, unmarried,
ii. Catherine, d. 22 April 1816, age 2.
Children by second wife:
iii. Martha Ann, b. Cooperstov™, N. Y., 16 March 1820, d. there
3 Oct. 1878, age 58, m. there 12 Sept. 1847, James Crockett,
son of John and Sarah Crockett, b. Hartwick, N. Y., 15 April
1820, d. Cooperstown, N. Y., April 1864, age 44. Lived at
Cooperstown, N. Y. Children bom there (Crockett) :
1. Willard Albert, b. 11 March 1852, d. Cooperstown, N. Y.,
30 Sept. 1889, m. Mrs. Ollie Wood Beaching. One child:
Sarah Crafts Crockett.
322 The Stoavell Genealogy
iv. George Crafts, b. Cooperstown, N, Y., 18 Feb. 1823, d. there
6 June 1846, age 23, unmarried.
V. Albert, b. Cooperstown, N. Y., 25 Jan. 1826, d. there 19 July
496. vi. Samuel Albert, b. Cooperstown, N. Y., 6 July 1830.
220. DAVID« STOWELL {WiUiam^ David^-'-^ Samuel')
was born in Walpole, N. H., 14 March 1797, d. Cooperstown,
N. Y., 1 Nov. 1838, age 41, m. Elizabeth (Betsey) Fisher, b.
Hartwick, N. Y., d. Westville, Otsego Co., N. Y., 19 July 1877.
She m. 2d, Addison Hubbell.
There are five Cooperstown Deeds, 1812 to 1835 in name
of David Stowell.
Children all born near Hartwick and Milford, N. Y. :
i. Phoebe'^, d. Seattle, Wash., m. John Webster. Children
(Webster) :
1. David.
2. Mary Elizabeth.
497. ii. William Henry Beardsley, b. 3 July 1819.
iiL Mary Ann.
iv. Clarissa, b. 22 Sept. 1824, d. Syracuse, N. Y., 19 March 1899,
V. Levancha, m.. 1st, Charles Robinson. She m. 2d, Melvin G.
Hubbell, son of Addison and Nancy (Green) Hubbell. Chil-
dren (Hubbell) :
1. Nancy.
2. John.
vi. James, b. 1831, d. Oneonta, N. Y., 16 Oct. 1895, age 63. He
married twice and had one daughter by first wife, who married
a Rose.
vii. Ai-MiNA, m. H. N. Robinson. Had a daughter who m. C. M.
498. viii. Adolphus, b. 1834.
ix. Louisa, m. Bogertt, and had two children.
221. ASA« STOWELL OR STOEL (Asa" David*-^'^ Sam-
uel') was bom in Rockingham, Vt., 12 Nov. 1793, d. Putney,
Vt., 1848, m. Mary Colby, b. 1795, d. Putney, Vt., 1857. Resided
at Putney, Yt. Was a carpenter. He was admitted to First
Congregational Church at Rockingham, 22 March 1819.
. Children born at Putney, Vt. :
1. Mary MJ, b. 1824, d. Putney, Vt., 14 Sept. 1846, age 22.
ii. Charles, b. 1826, d. 1850.
Sixth Generation 323
iii. Lucius, b. 1829, d. 1851.
499. iv. George Robertson, b. 11 Feb. 1831.
V. Almira.
500, vi. John Wesley, b. 29 Sept. 1835.
222. ROYAL« STOWELL OR STOEL {Asa' David'-^-^
Samuel^) was born in Eockingham, Vt., 25 Jnne 1799, d. Middle-
field, N. Y., 19 Nov. 1880, age 81 ; m. 1st, Middlefield, N. Y., 4
May 1826, Hannah Maria Mackey, dau. of Elias and Anna
(Baker) Mackey, b. Middlefield, N. Y., d. there 15 March 1831.
He m. 2d at Middlefield, N. Y., 8 Aug. 1831, Sarah Mackey,
dau. of Elias and Anna (Baker) Maekey, b. Middlefield, N. Y.,
14 Sept. 1807, d. there 29 Nov. 1877, age 70. He went to Coop-
erstowTi, N. Y. in 1820, then to Middlefield in 1831. Was a
wagon maker.
Letters of Administration issued 6 Dec. 1880 to Henry M.
Stowell, a son. Mentions next of kin: Henry Stowell, Jonas
Stowell, D. Winfield Stowell, Anson Stowell, Louise Stowell
and Mary Stowell. Jonas was oldest son and Henry next
oldest. (Otsego Co. Surrogate Court.)
Children by first wife all born Middlefield, N. Y. :
i. JAMES7, b. 9 March 1828, <L Middlefield, N. Y., 14 Sept. 1S45.
ii. Hannah Maria, b. 15 Feb. 1831, d. Middlefield, N. Y., 1 March
Children by second wife all born Middlefield, N. Y. :
iii. Jonas Theodore., b. 11 May 1832, d. Middlefield, N. Y., 26
Dec. 1880, age 48, unmarried,
iv. Charles Alonzo, b. 23 June 1833, d." Middlefield, N. Y., 31
Aug. 1835.
V. Henry Mortimer, b. 23 June 1835 m. Cooperstown, N. Y., 25
Dec. 1856, Martha Ann Hunter, dau. of Samuel M. and Mar-
tha (Peck) Hunter, b. M^iddlefield, N. Y., 26 April 1835, i
there 18 Feb. 1908, age 72. No children. Lived at Middle-
field, N. Y. Wias a farmer and carpenter.
501. vi. Orlando Royal, b. 20 April 1837.
vii. Charles Oscar, b. 12 March 1839, d. Middlefield, N. Y., 5
Sept. 1867, age 28, unmarried.
502. viii. Anson Davh), b. 18 April 1842.
503. ix. Winfiei>d Scott, b. 17 Oct. 1847.
223. CHARLES^ STOWELL OR STOEL (Asa' David'-'-'
Samuel}) was bom in Rockingham, Vt., 27 Jan. 1803, d. there
324 The STO^VELL Genealogy
25 April 1875, age 72, m. 1st, 10 Nov. 1830, Lydia Smith of
Washington, N. H., who d. Rockingham, Vt,, 6 June 1852, age
55. He m. 2d at Hadley, Mass., 13 Oct. 1856, Elizabeth (Evans)
Ely, b. Rockingham, Vt., 1806, d. there 7 Oct. 1863, age 55.
He m. 3d at Rockingham, Vt., 1 Oct. 1864, Mrs. Valeria A.
(Prouty) Billings, dau. of Luke and Susannah Prouty, b.
Salem, N. Y., 1809, d. Rockingham, Vt., 24 Dec. 1882, age 73.
Resided at Rockingham, Vt. Farmer. Selectman 1855 for
Children all born Rockingham, Vt. :
i. Ellen MJ, b. 3 May 1832, d. Ludlow, Vt., 20 Nov. 1896, age
64, m. Eockingliam, Vt., 7 July 1851, George G. Knight, son
of Vernon and Polly Knight, b. Putney, Vt., 10 Aug. 1826.
Children (Knight) :
1. Oharles v., b. Putney, Vt., 12 May 18152.
2. Frank T., b. Putney, Vt., 1 Dec. 1853.
3. Fred A., b. Putney, Vt., 2 March 1855, m. Ludlow, Vt., 7
June 1893, Leonora M. Hammond, dau. of Lowell G. and
Mariette P. (Guernsey) Hammond, b. Ludlow, Vt., 1851.
4. Carrie L., b. Cavendish, Vt., 16 April 1864, d. Ludlow,
Vt., 6 Jan. 1892, age 27, m. Joshua Blakely.
ii. LuCRETiA A., b. 29 July 1833, d. Chester, Vt., 29 May 1864,
age 30, m. Chester, Vt., 21 Aug. 1862, Dexter A. Edgell, son
of Aaron and Lucinda (Davis) Edgell, b. Chester, Vt., 1835.
iili. Abigail C, b. 16 July 1835, d. Eockingham, Vt., 21 April 1899,
age 63, unmarried.
iv. Martha A., b. 7 Feb. 1837, d. Brandon, Vt., 28 June 1891, ago
54, m. Eockinghain, Vt., 7 April 1870, Sardir Hack, son of
Zephaniah and Hannah Hack, b. Brandon, Vt., 11 June 1819.
504. V. Charles Gut, b. 1 Aug. 1838.
vi. John E., b. 10 Aug. 1841, d. Rockingham, Vt., 20 July 1851.
224. DAVID^ STOWELL (Asa^ David^-'-- Samuel^) was
bom in Rockingham, Vt., 9 July 1804, d. there 2 June 1872, age
67, m. there 23 Dec. 1831, Laura Evans, dau. of Eli and Sarah
(Edson) Evans, b. Rockingham, Vt., 1 March 1811, d. there
17 March 1869, age 58. Resided at Rockingham, Vt. Was
a farmer.
Will of David Stowell probated 7 Aug. 1872. H. K. Willey,
Executor. Heirs: Laura A. and Harriet Frances Stowell,
daughters. Witnesses: J. H, Stowell, Oscar D. Stowell, Laura
Sixth Generation 325
A. Stowell, Harriet F. Stowell and W. Stowell. (Rockingham
Dist. Probates.)
Children all bom Rockingham, Vt. :
505. i. WiLLARi>', b. 23 Jan. 1833.
it Sarah Augusta, b. 30 March 1834, d. Saxtons River, Vt., 11
May 1910, age 76, m. Rockingham, Vt., 14 Jan. 1857, Marshall
Olark Richardson, b. Rockingham, Vt, 8 Jan. 1829, d. Sax-
tons River, Vt., 11 June 1910, age 81. Children born Rocking-
ham, Vt. (Richardson) :
1. Willard Stowell, b. 7 Jan. 1858, m. "Washington, D. C,
30 July 1884, Annie M. Daily, dau. of John Daily, b. Phil-
adelphia, Penn., 11 April 1858.
2. Lizzie Laura, b. 15 July 1850, d. Saxtons River, Vt., S
Dec. 1893, age 34, unmarried.
3. Henry Oscar, b. 28 June 1862, m. Cambridge, Mass., 21
May 1885, Aggie Alice Moore, dau. of Hopkins E. and
Jennie (Bailey) Moore, b. Berlin, Mass., 20 May 1866.
4. George Marshall, b. 22 March 1864, m. Rockingham, Vt.,
10 Feb. 1915, Alma Luvta Carpenter, dau. of Ransom W.
•and Sarah EmUy (Farr) Carpenter, b. "Westminster, Vt.,
1862. Lived at Saxtons River, Vt. "Was a jeweler.
5. Edward E., b. 19 Feb. 1873, m, Rutland, Vt., 6 Oct. 1896,
Grace Potter, dau. of George W. and Lydia A. (Carpenter;
Potter, b. Danby, Vt., 19 July 1873.
iii. Laura Ann, b. 23 April 1836, d. Bellows Falls, Vt., 18 Nov.
1915, age 79, m. Loyalton, S. D., 1 May 1887, George Shepard,
b. Stannard, Vt., 9 March 1832. N"o children.
506. iv. James Henry, b. 10 Nov. 1838.
v. Irvine, b. 22 Nov. 1839, d. Rockingham, Vt., 22 Nov. 1839.
vi. Twin, b, 22 Nov. 1839.
vii Olive Emeline, b. 4 Feb. 1845, m. Chester, Vt., 11 May 1862,
Lewis O. McQuaid, son of Daniel and Laura (Lovell) Mc-
Quaid, b. Rockingham,, Vt., 1841. Children bom Rockingham,
Vt. (McQuAiD):
1. Lewis O., b. Jan. 1868, m. Rockingham, Vt., 20 June 1894,
Elsie Severance^ dau. of Warren F. and Amy (Dutton)
Severance, b. Rockingham, Vt., 1866.
2. Laura E., b. Nov. 1873, m. William S. Severance.
3. Olive S., b. Dec. 1878, m. Marlboro, N. H., 15 Nov. 1898,
Charles Brooks, son of Clark and Mary (Chapman)
Brooks, b. Chester, Vt., 1858.
507. viii. Oscar David, b. 20 Feb. 1847.
ix, Harriet Prances, b. 20 Sept. 1853, m. Bamardston, Mass., 19
Sept. 1879, Dexter Cuti.er Benson, son of John Ellis and
Sarah (Cutler) Benson, b. Standstead Plains, Canada, 19 July
326 The Stowell Genealogy
1845, d. Eockinghani, Vt., 14 Dec. 1906, age 61. Lived at
Rockingham and Bellows Falls, Vt. Children born Rocking-
ham (Benson) :
1. Dexter Edwakjd, b. 8 Jan. 1881, d. Rockingham, Vt., S
Sept. 1881.
2. Annie Laurie, b. 28 July 1884, m. Bellows Falls, Vt., 17
Jan. 1909, Fred JIilton Hunt, son of Nathan and Mattie
(Hunt) Hunt, b. Leverett, Mass., 26 March 1887. She m.
2d, at Springfield, Vt., 28 July 1914, Franklin Horace
RuMRiLL, son of Harvey and Emma (Hicks) Rumrill, b.
Weathersfield, Vt., 13 Aug. 1891.
225. EZRA*' STOWELL {Ehenezer^ Isaac" David^-^ Samuel^)
was born in Cornish, N. H., 24 June 1791, d. Ne\\T)ort, N. H.,
14 July 1872, m. 1st. Clarissa Diamond. He m. 2d, Sally Colby.
He m. 3d at Hopkinton, N. H., 29 Jan. 1828, Mrs. Betsey
(Colby) Herrick, dau. of Ebenezer and Mariam (Davis) Colby,
b. Bradford, N. H., 6 Dec. 1793. He m. 4th at Newport, N. H.,
11 Oct. 1840, JVErs. Jane Lowell.
Children by Clarissa Diamond:
i. Pamelia Milaney", b. Grantham, N. H., 16 Nov. 1813.
ii. Ezra, b. Grantham, N. H,, 3 Jan. 1822, d. Lowell, Mass., 23
Feb. 1847, age 25, m. Springfield, N. H., 22 Feb. 1842, Dorothy
C. Heath, b. Springfield, N. H., 18 Aug. 1821.
Child by Sarah Colby:
508. iii. Sylvanus George, b. Grantham, N. H., 3 Aug. 1824.
226. IRA« STOWELL {Ebenezer^ Isaac" David^-^ SamueV)
was born in Grantham, N. H., about 1790, d. Pentwater, Mich,
or Hart, Mich., April 1883, m. 1st Grantham, N. H., 4 Oct. 1814,
Eunice Coburn, dau. of Merrill and Abigail (Bradford) Coburn,
b. Cornish, N. H., 23 April 1790, d. Pontiac, Mich., 10 Nov.
1879. ( ?). He m. 2d in Ohio,' 26 April 1829, Sarah Beebe, dau.
of Gideon and Lena (Rogers) Beebe, b. Penn., 15 June 1808,
d. Flowerfield, Mich., 22 Feb. 1891. He m. 3d at Jackson,
Mich., 18 June 1851, Mrs. Eliza (Burtch) Hall, who d.
"Wayne, Flowerfield, Mich.
Resided in Grantham, N. H., Gates, N. Y., Pentwater and
Pontiac, Mich. Went from Sandusky, Ohio, 1831 or 1832 to
Flowerfield, Mich. He was a tailor.
Sixth Generation 327
Children by first wife, Eunice Coburn:
i. Daughtee^, d. young.
509. ii. Ira, b. New York, 1S19.
510. iii. Simeon, b. Gates, N. Y., 2 Jan. 1821.
Children by second wife, Sarah Beebe:
iv. Catherine Adaline, b. Huron Co., Ohio, 27 May 1830, d. Ash-
land, Wis., 30 Nov. 1897, age 67, m. Flowerfield, Mich., 8 April
1849, Ira Starkweather, son of Horace and Clarissa (Marsh)
Starkweather, b. 22 May 182G. Lived at Dowagiac, Mich., Dry-
Creek, Col., Morris, HI., Flowerfield, Mich., and Ashland, "Wis.
Children (Starkweather) :
1. Ruth Lee, b. Dowagiac, Mich., 9 March 1851, d. there 1
April 1852.
2. Alice Ada, b. Dowagiac, Mich., 3 June 1854, d. there 26
Aug. 1854.
3. Ella Blanche, b. Dowagiac, Mich., 5 March 1856.
4. Or.\ Regina, b. Dry Creek, Col., 25 Feb. 1862, d. Batavia,
N. Y., 17 Dec. 1863.
5. Maude C, b. Morris, 111., or Flowerfield, Mich., 21 Sept.
1866, m. Flowerfield, Mich., 5 Jan. 1885, Edward M.
Kepler, son of Susan (Colchnell) Kepler, b. Flowerfield,
Mich., 8 June 1863.
6. Kate, b. Flowerfield, Mich., 26 April 1870, d. there 26
April 1870.
V. Mary Ann B., b. Flowerfield, Mich., 2 Oct. 1833, d. there 13
Sept. 1838.
^11. vi. Burr Smith, b. Flowerfield, Mich., 15 April l»e57.
vii. Mary Parhelia, b. Flowerfield, Mich., 2 Sept. 1838, d. Ash-
land, Wis., 10 April 1909, age 70, m. Dowagiac, Mich., 4 Jan.
1857, Charles H. Gleason. Children (Gleason) :
1. Ethel Blanche, m. R. W. Chambers.
2. Allison.
3. Henry Burr.
4. Sherman.
5. Charles.
6. Ida May.
7. William Meesen.
Viii. Sarah Cordelia, b. Flowerfield, Mich., 11 June 1841, d. Chi-
cago, 111., 1 Feb. 1910, age 68, m. 1st, Charles H. Chalmer,
m. 2d, William Mason.
ix. Lois Lucretia, b. Flowerfield, Mich., 7 July 1843, m. 1st, Al-
bert Stevens, m. 2d, Byron Forward.
X. Henry Stevens, b. Flowerfield, Mich., 3 June 1845, d. there
11 May 1848.
The Stowell Genealogy
Children by third wife, Eliza Hall:
xi. Olive Elizabeth, b. Jackson, Mieh., 19 Nov. 1851, d. Pent-
water, Mich., 20 June 1903, age 51, m. Dearborn, Mich., 22 Nov.
1866, AiUEii Freeman, b. Dearborn, Mich., 10 Oct. 1846, d. Pent-
water, Mich., 22 June 1880, age 34. She m. 2d, at Pentwater,
Mich., 18 Nov. 1885, John W, Hurley. Lived at Wayne and
Pentwater,, Mich. Teamster. Children bom Wayne, Mich.
(Freeman) :
1. Ira Julius, b. 12 Jan. , m. Nettie Warner.
2. Ii>A Belle, b. 28 Aug. .
3. Frances Blanche, b. 21 March •, m. Harry E. Lodge.
4. Lillie Valena, b. 27 March , d. Pentwater, Mich.
227. AMASA^ STOWELL (Ehenezer' Isaac^ David^-^ Sam-
uel^) was born in Cornish, N. H., 1795, d. Flint, Mich., about
1838, m. Grantham, N. H., 1817, Betsey Spaulding, dau. of
Abel and Elizabeth (Chase) Spaulding, b. Cornish, N. H., 28
Aug. 1796, d. Lawrence, Mass., 7 Nov. 1854, age 58. Kesided
at Cornish, N, H. and Flint, MHch. Farmer.
Children born Cornish, N. H. :
Sylvester FJ, b. 10 Feb. 1819.
Whitney Erastus, b. 2 or 5 Sept. 1820.
Lucinda N., b. 29 April 1822, d. Jeffrey, N. H., m. Springfield,
Vt., 12 June 1842, Axbert G. Harlow, son of Ebenezer and
Permelia (Powers) Harlow, d. Springfield, Vt., 4 July 1858.
iv. Joseph, b. 10 April 1824.
V. Martha C, b. 8 Jan. 1826, d. Lawrence, Mass., 25 April 1851,
age 25, m. Windsor, Vt., 17 March 1845, Harvey K. Goodwin,
son of James and Dilly Goodwin, b. Tunbridge, Vt., 7 Sept.
1823. Child (Goodwin) :
1. Henry King, b. Tunbridge, Vt., 14 Dec. 1847, m. Law-
rence, Mass., 4 Dec. 1875, Eldora Louisa Waggoner, dau.
of Edmund and Eli^a Waggoner, b. Waldeboro, Me., 25
Sept. 1845, d. La\vrence, Mass., 27 March 1901, age 55.
vi. Eveline Linda, b. 16 Sept. 1827, m. Weathersfield, Vt., 3 Jan.
1856, George Washington Hewey, son of Jeremiah and Susan
G. (Weaver) Hewey, b. Springfield, Vt., 22 Aug. 1825. Lived
at Claremont, N. H., and PerkinsvUle, Vt. Children (Hewey) :
1. George Frank, b. Andover, Vt., 22 May 1859, d. Weathers-
field, Vt., 23 Aug. 1910, age 51, m. Goshen, N. H., 28 Nov.
188S, Ida C. Anderson, dau. of L. Dean and Mary S.
(Rounday) Anderson, b. Unity, N. H., 1864.
2. FiLA M., died in infancy.
Sixth Generation 329
3. Henry A,^ b. 1 June 1864, m. 5 Feb. 1884, Hattie E.
515. vii. De Witt Clinton, b. 8 Oct. 1830.
viii. Caroline M., b. 14 Oct. 1832, d. Springfield, Vt., 30 March
1895, age 62, m. 1st, Springfield, Vt., 14 May 1852, Albert G.
Harlow, son of Ebenezer and Permelia (Powers) Harlow, who
was accidentally shot at Springfield, Vt., 4 July 1858. She m.
2d, at Andover, Vt., Calvin Adams, son of Phineas and Ee-
becca (Gdbson) Adams, b. Ludlow, Vt., 23 May 1829. Children
(Harlow) :
1. 'Frank S., b. Springfield, Vt., IS Feb. 1857, d. New York,
N. Y., 11 Aug. 1906. He was the best mathematician ever
graduated from West Point. Eemained in the Service all
his life. Retired from Army a few weeks before hig
death. Rank of Major.
516. ix. G-eorge Henry, b. 28 Oct. 1835.
517. X. S. Austin, b. 21 Sept. 1838.
228. CALVIN« STOWELL (Ehenezer' Isaac' David'-^^ Sam-
uel^) was born in Cornish, N. H., d. there 25 Sept. 1847, age 49,
m. Pamelia Bicktord, dau. of John and Eunice (Chase) Bick-
ford, b. Hopkinton, N. H., 1802, d. Weathersfield, Vt., 6 Feb.
1855, age 53. Resided at Cornish, N. H.
Children all born at Cornish, N. H. :
518. i. Albert-, b. 6 Jan. 1820.
ii. Harriet, b. 27 Nov. 1822, d. Unity, N. H., 6 April 1897, age
74, m. Cornish, N. H., 17 June 1846, John Gove, son of Isaiah
and Mary Gove, b. Grantham, N. H., 18 Oct. 1821. Had two
iii. Maria, b. 27 Nov. 1822, d. Sunapee, N. H., 14 May 1885, age
62, m. Frank Newton of Cornish. Had one son.
iv. Alfred, b. 18 Sept. 1826, d. Lebanon, N. H., 24 April 1892,
age 66, m. Enfield, N. H., 21 April 1859, Caroline Button'
dau. of Silas and AchsaJi Dutton, b. Enfield, N. H., 22 June
1835, d. there 23 March 1860. He m. 2d, at Lebanon, N. H.,
20 June 1861, Mrs. Jennette Frances (Eastman) Gage, dau!
of Isaac and Hannah Eastman, b. Lebanon, N. H., 25 Oct. 1829,
No children by either wife.
Ambrose, b. 14 Oct. 1828.
Edwin, b. 10 June 1835.
Sylvanus Bryant, b. 20 June 1827.
229. ISAAC« STOWELL (Isaac'-' David'-^ Samuel') was
bom in Starksboro, Vt., 1797, d. Bristol, Vt., 1883, m. Harriet
330 The Sto\\t:ll Genealogy
Hall, b. Vt. He was a farmer. Was first postmaster of Starks-
boro, Vt.
Children all born Starksboro, Vt. :
Austin Hillt, b. 6 Oct. 1818.
Samuel Hall, b. 10 Feb. 1820.
Mary A., b. about 1823.
Isaac E., b. 6 Jan. 1824.
Harriet L., b. about 1830, m. Bristol, Vt., 1 Aug. 1883, Page
Colby, son of Joseph and Lydia (Gove) Colby, b. Ware, N. H.,
about 1812. Lived in Bristol, Vt. Was a farmer,
vi. Mary Melissa, b. 7 May 1838, d. Bristol, Vt., 12 June 1915,
m. Bristol, Vt., 3 April 1866, Levi L. Lysott. She m. 2d, at
Addison, Vt., 1 Aug. 1883, Silas Munge Goff, son of Harrison
and Eoxany Goff, b. Westport, Vt., about 1840. Lived at Addi-
son and Bristol, Vt. Mechanic.
230. CONST ANT« STOWELL {Ira" Isaac" David^-^ Sam-
uel^) was born in Thetford, Vt., 4 April 1792, d. Hyde Park, Vt.,
31 Dec. 1862, age 70, m. Thetford, Vt., 1 Dec. 1813, Anna
Blanchard, b. New Boston, Vt., about 1797, d. Hyde Park,
Vt., July 1876, age 72. Lived at Thetford and Hyde Park,
Vt. Farmer. Was in the Battle of Plattsburg.
Children :
525. i. IRA7, b. Thetford, Vt.
ii. Makia, b. Thetford, Vt., d. Hyde Park, Vt., unmarried,
iii. Hannah, b. Hyde Park, Vt., 1821, d. Edon, Vt., 23 Sept. 1865,
m. Hyde Park, Vt., 15 March 1840, John Bidwell, b. England.
Lived at Hyde Park, Vt. Children (Bidwell) :
1. Maria, b. Hyde Park, Vt., m. there 13 May 1866, John
Whipple, b. Maine.
2. Charles, b. 1847, d. Johnson, Vt., 1 Nov. 1913, age 66,
3. Harriet, b. 1854, m. 2d, a Wood, m, 3d. at Johnson, Vt., 6
April 1910, James F. Woster, son of Ira and Adeline
(Guptil) Woster, y>. Johnson, Vt., 1854.
4. WiL^LiAM W., b. Johnson, Vt., 1857, m. Eden, Vt., 28 July
1882, Alvee E. Emerson, dau. of Oliver A. and Abigail
(Goodnow) Emerson, b. Hyde Park, Vt., 1868. Lived at
Eden, Vt. Was a farmer.
5. Harrison, b. Hyde Park, Vt., 1860, m. Eden. Vt.. 6 .Tun.--
1886, Clara Emerson, dau. of Oliver and Abigail (Good
now) Emerson, b, Hyde Park, Vt., 1869.
Sixth Generation 331
6. Ira A., b. Eden, Vt., 1863, m. there 17 March 1889, Hattie
Amanda Adams, dau. of Henry and Abbie (Ober) Adams,
b. Eden, Yi., 22 Jan. 1873.
iv. Hattie, b. Thetford, Vt., d. in infancy.
526. V. James, b. Hyde Park, Vt., 1822.
527. vi. Allen ELj b. Thetford, Vt., 19 Nov. 1825.
528. vii. John E., b. Johnson, Vt., 1829.
529. viii. G-eorge Washington, b. about 1831.
530. ix. Richard Blanchard, b. Hyde Park, Vt., 19 Dec. 1838.
David^-^ Samuel^) was born in Thetford, Vt., 15 April 1818,
d. Norwich, Vt., 26 March 1893, age 74, m. Thetford, Vt., 29
April 1849, Susan Sargent, dau. of Thomas and Susan (Bart-
lett) Sargent, b. Thetford, Vt., 10 Jan. 1822, d. Norwich, Vt.,
20 Jan. 1894, age 72. Lived at Norwich, Vt. Was a farmer.
Children :
i. Abbie Mary^, b. Norwich, Vt., 24 Nov. 3850, d. Thetford, Vt.,
8 Jan. 1904, age 52, m. Norwich, Vt., 14 Oct. 1874, Allen E.
Stowell, son of Constant and Anna (Blanchard) Stowell, b.
Thetford, Vt., 19 Nov. 1825, d. Hyde Park, Vt., July 3897,
age 71.
ii. Elam N., d. Norwich, Vt., 20 Dec. 1905. (?)
232. IRA A.« STOWELL (Ira' Isaac* David'-^ Samuel"-)
was born in Thetford, Vt., 29 Dec. 1831, d. Thetford, Vt., 17
May 1905, age 73, m. Noi-wich, Vt., 22 June 1869, Isabelle M.
Simonds, dau. of Charles W. and Huldah S. (Bicknell) Simonds,
b. Norwich, Vt. Lived at Norwich and Thetford, Vt. Was
a farmer.
i. Alice Isabelle^, b. Norwich, Vt., 8 Feb. 1870, m.- there 4 Dec.
1888-, William S. Reynolds, son of Gardner C. and Rosa
(Simonds) Reynolds, b. Norwich, Vt., 1868. Children (Rey-
nolds) :
1. HOR.VCE W., b. Norwich, Vt., 29 Oct. 1889.
2. RoscoE G., b. Norwich, Vt., 7 Sept. 1892.
3. Hazel B., b. Thetford, Vt., 1 Nov. 1896.
233. JOSEPH^ STOWELL (Nathan' Isaac* David^'^ Sam-
uel^) was born in Waitsfield, Vt., 27 Oct. 1798, d. Lindon, Wis.,
May 1865, age 66, m. 1820, Rachel Livingstone, b. 6 May 1802,
d. Minnewaukon, N. D., 27 March 1888, age 86.
332 The Stowell Genealogy
Eesided in Waitsfield, Vt., Lindon, Wis., Minnewaukon, N.
D. Was a farmer. Deacon in Free Will Baptist Church.
Owner of newspaper at New Lisbon, Wis. in 1863.
Children :
i. Dorcas Angelina', b. Waitsfield, Vt., 15 May 1825, m. Wiluam
Root. Children (Root) :
1. Frp:derick.
2. Amanda.
3. Fannie.
4. Almond.
5. Elic.
6. Lucia.
7. Decka.
8. Minerva.
9. Minnie.
ii. Adelia Miranda, b. Waitsfield, Vt, 30^ Nov. 1826, unmarried,
iii. Fanny Amelia, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 14 Sept. 1828, d. Ottercreek,
WisL, May 1906, age 77, m. Wisconsin, 1 Jan. 1854, John
MoNepf. She m. 2d, in Wisconsin, 1851 or 1861, Curtis Hubble
Thomson, son of John Curtis and Mary (Hubble) Thomson,
b. New York, 17 Feb. 1835, d. Ottercreek, Wis., May 1900, age
65. He was chairman of to'UTi trustees for several years.
Children (Thomson) :
1. John Curtis, b. 15 Jan. 1863, m. 1st, Hattie Coon. Ho
m. 2d, Ella Wilson.
2. Norman Leroy, b. 1 June 1864.
3. William Addis, b. 27 May 1866, d. Ottercreek, Wis.
4. Allen Amos, b. Ottercreek, Wis., 1 Aug. 1868, m. Pleasant
Valley, Wis., 26 Oct. 1890, Almira Ross, dau. of William
B. and Elizabeth (Taylor) Ross, b. Buffalo, Wis., 30 July
1876. Lived at Ottercreek, Wis., and Lindsey, Mont. Was
a farmer. Children: i. Iva Addis, ii. May Evaline, iii.
Bessie Luoile, iv. Dollie Filone, v. Walter Luel, vi. Elgie
Myrtle, vii. Leroy Senry, viii. Lois Emily, ix. Delia Louise,
X. Sadie Ellen.
iv. Nathan, never married.
531. V. John, b. Waterloo, Wis., 1843.
vi. Caroline, m. Theodore Sargent.
vii. Jane, m. Chauncey Kennedy. Child (Kennedy) :
1. Isaac Henry, b. Mile Creek, Wis., 27 Dec. 1854, m. Otter-
creek, Wis., Georgette Ethelinda Burgess, dau. of Isaac
Henry and Sarah (Stowell) Burgess, b. Mile Creek, Wis.,
23 Oct. 1860. Lived at Minnewaukon, N. D. Children:
i. Jane Lovene, ii. William Sherman, iii. Lottie May, iv.
Ora, V. May.
Sixth Generation 333
viii. Edward Livingstone, unmarried.
is. Chloe, m. William Eighmy.
X. Serenas, m. Francis Ward.
xi. William, unmarried.
xii. Sarah, b. Deporel, N. Y., 8 Dec. 1838, d. Minnewaukon, N. D.,
6 April 1910, m. Delano, Wis., 19 May 1857, Isaac Henry
Burgess, b. Brownville, N. Y., 4 May 1833. Was a farmer.
Children (Burgess) :
1. EvALiNA v., b. Delano, Wis., 15 April 1858, m. William
2. Georgette Ethelinda, b. Mile Creek, Wis., 23 Oct. 1860,
m. Ottercreek, Wis., Isaac Henry Kennedy, son of Chaun-
cey and Jane (Stowell) Kennedy, b. Mile Creek, Wis., 27
Dee. 1854. Lived at Minnewaukon, N. D. Children (Ken-
nedy) : i. Jane Lovene, ii. JVilliam Sherm-an, iii. Lottie
May, iv. Ora, v. May.
3. Philenda, b. Ottercreek, Wis., 1 Jan. 1863, d. Minnewau-
kon, Wis., 3 May 1900, m. Albert Whitney.
4. Cora; A^jelle, b. Ottercreek, Wis., 31 March 1866, m.
Alonzo Thompson.
5. Lillian Leora, b. Ottercreek, Wis., 14 April 1869, m. Free-
man Green.
6. Nora, b. Ottercreek, Wis., 1 Sept. 1870, d. there 9 Sept.
7. Rachel Laodicea, b. Ottercreek, Wis., 21 Oct. 1872, d. there
3 Jan. 1873.
8. Elizabeth Mabel, b. Ottercreek, Wis., 9 Jan. 1874, m.
Frank Turkey.
9. Sheridan Lester, b. Scott Valley, Wis., 24 March 1875, m.
Hay River, Wis., 16 Aug. 1899, Maud Lillian Rice, dau.
of Charles H. and Mary (Eighmy) Rice, b. Chetek, Wis.,
28 Dec. 1880. Lived at Eau Claire and Pleasant Valley,
Wis., and Minnewaukon, N. D. Farmer. Children: i.
Marian Sarah, ii. Maiel Jraminta, iii. Isaac Charles, iv.
Bessie May, v. Florence Irene.
10. Florence Theda, b. Seott Valley, Wis., 4 July 1877, m.
Carl McCauley.
11. Alberta Irene, b. Pleasant Valley, Wis., 17 Aug. 1879, m.
Charles Jacot.
12. Isaac Derwood, b. Pleasant Valley, Wis., 14 Dec. 1881, m.
Mrs. Hxjlda Geskie.
532. xiii. Joseph Salu, b. Mich., 21 Feb. 1850.
234. NATHAN^ STOWELL {NatJian^ Isaac* David^-^ Sam-
uel^) was born in Granville, Vt., 8 Feb. 1804, d. Waverly, Iowa,
334 The Sto\vell Genealogy
5 Aug. 1876, age 72, m. Waitsfield, Vt., 28 June 1827, Sarah
Greenslitt, b. Chelsea, Vt., 8 Aug. 1806,. d. Waverley, Iowa,
27 June 1887, age 80. Resided in Waitsfield, Vt., Seneca, 111.
and Waverley, Iowa. Was a farmer.
Children :
i. SAL0ME7, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 11 March 1828, d. Duluth, Minn.,
24 May 1891, m. Marengo, 111., 30 Nov. 1846, Thomas Laban,
b. Marengo, 111., .30 Nov. 1826, d. on way tO' California in 1849.
Child (Laban) :
1. Armina, m. Stewart.
ii. George, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 9 Oct. 1829, d. in the Army 4 Feb.
1863, age 33, m. Delton, Wis., 30 Nov. 1856, Laura Bass, b.
Delton, Wis.
iii. Sarah Jane, b. Waitsfield,, Vt., 20 Feb. 1831, d. Waverley,
Iowa, 26 June 1887, m. T. W. MoORE. No children.
533. iv. Henry, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 8 June 1833.
V. Fannie, b. Waitsfield, VL, 17 Aug. 1835, m. Seneca, 111., 1 Jan.
1856, Alanson Kimball, son of Joseph and Hannah (Stowell)
Kimball, b. Francestown, N. H., 24 June 1829. Lived at Seneca
and Marengo, 111. Child (Kimball) :
1. Eugene E., b. Seneca, HI., 14 June 1859, m. 23 Dec. 1885,
Ida E. Joslyn, b. Fisk's Corners, Wis.
vi. Harvey, b. Waitsfield, Vt., 10 Aug. 1838, d. Washington, D. C,
21 May 1864, age 25.
vii. Ahira, b. Seneca, 111., 25 July 1841, m. Lemonweir, Wis., 1870,
Amy Shonts.
Viii. John, b. Seneca, Hl.^ 17 March 1843, d. Seneca, 111., 1 Jan.
ix. Lydia, b. Seneca, 111., 14 May 1845, m. Waverley, Iowa, 24
March 1869, Charles Henry Hoard. Lived at Waverley and
Charles City, Iowa. Children (Hoard) :
1. Nellie Jane, b. Waverley, Iowa, 24 June 1870, m. 16 Juno
1890, August Weible.
2. Frank Nathan, b. Waverley, Iowa, 21 Oct. 1872, m. 1
Sept. 1891, May Polly .
3. Ida Lydia, b. Waverley, Iowa, 30 Dec. 1875, m. 30 July
• 1892, William Pettit.
4. Sarah Ellen, b. Charles City, Iowa, 2 Dec 1877, d. there
26 Nov.
5. Charles Blair, b. Charles City, Iowa, 19 Jan. 1881, d. there
21 Jan. 1881.
6. Harry Alain, b. Charles City, Iowa, 22 April 1882, d. there
.30 Aug. 1882.
7. Nora, b. Charles City, Iowa, 6 Aug. 1883, d. there 6 Aug.
Sixth (jrENERAn:iON 335
8. Nina, b. Charles City, Iowa, 6 Aug, 1883, d. there 6 Ajig.
9. Maud Laura, b. Charles City, Iowa, 11 Aug. 1884, m. 15
March 1906, Albert L. Smith.
10. Edwin Church, b. Charles City, Iowa, 16 Aug. 1886, m.
4 Feb. 1908, Marie Smith.
X. Oscar, b. Seneca, III., 26 July 1848, m. Waver ley, Iowa, 9 Oct.
1868, Julia .
235. PASCAL^ STOWELL {NatJian^ Isaac* David^-- Sanv-
ueV-) was born in Waitsfield, Vt., 6 April 1811, m. there 15
Dec. 1836, Minerva Joslin, dau, of Hooker and Lucia (David-
son) Joslin, b. Waitsfield, Vt, 22 Aug. 1818.
Children all born Waitsfield, Vt. :
i. Daughter^, b. 25 Nov. 1827, d. Waitsfield, Vt., 30 Nov. 1837.
ii. Caroline, b. 24 Jan. 1839, m. 2 Nov. 1865, Edward M. Leach,
Cliildren (J-iEACh) :
1. Hattie M., b. 1 Oct. 1866.
2. Herbert P.,- b. 5 April 1868.
3. Albert E., b. 2 July 1869.
4. Ealph W., b. 20 Jan. 1871.
5. Mabel O., b. 5 Oct. 1872.
6. Eva L., b. 31 June 1874.
7. Edmund M., b. 15 March 1876.
8. Edith, b. 7 April 1878.
9. Walter A., b. 27 July 1880.
iii. Edmund L., b. 13 July 1841, d. 16 Oct. 1860.
iv. Lucia M., b. 23 May 1844, m. 12 Sept. 1866, Haktwell S.
Mead. Children (Mead) :
1. A. Edward, b. 29 Dec. 1867.
2. Bessie M., b. 24 July 1869.
V. Ophelia M., b. 27 Sept. 18(51, m. 20 Sept. 1875, Jasper W.
vi. Harriet E., b. 14 Jan. 1859, d. 7 Jan. 1861.
vii. Herbert E., b. 14 Jan. 1859, d. 13 March 1861.
236. RUFUS« STOWELL OR STOEL {Rufus'^ Isaac*
David^-^ Samuel^) was born in N. H., about 1808, d. Vershire,
Vt., 2 April 1860, age 52, m. Thetford, Vt., 21 July 1839, Nancy
Tucker, b. Mass. about 1802, d. Vershire, Vt., 31 Jan. 1860, age
65. Lived at Vershire, Vt.
Will of Rufus Stowell of Vershire, Vt. proved 7 April
1860. Hezekiah D. Howe appointed Executor. Rebecca H.
336 The Stowell Genealogy
Stowell was given all the property. (Prob. Dist. of Bradford,
Vt.) Mioses Spear was appointed guardian over Rebecca 6
Oct. 1877.
i. Rebecca H."
237. ROYAL« STOWELL {Asa^ Samuel'' David'-'' Samuel^)
was born in Norwich, Vt., 23 Aug. 1798, d. St. Clair, Mich,
about 1885, m. Newport, N. H., 23 Oct. 1834, Hester Amelia
Jenks, dau. of Jeremiah Whipple and Hester (Lane) Jenks,
b. Newport, N. H., 22 Dec. 1808, d. St. Clair, Mich., 23 Feb.
1877, age 68. Went to St. Clair, Mich, in 1856.
Children :
i. Sarait. b. 1835.
ii. Asa Russ, b. Crown Point, N. Y., 31 March 1837, d. St. Clair,
Mich., 22 Dec. 1911, m. 1st, Eugena Wickers, b. Olean, N. Y.,
d. St. Clair, Mich. He, m. 2d, Mrs. Deborah L. (Wright)
BoNNEAU, dau. of Joshua Burton and Leah (Wilson) Wright,
b. Toronto, Ont., 30 March 1841. Child:
1. Rot Wickers.
238. HORACE^ STOWELL (Asa'' SamueV David^-^ Sam-
uel) was born in Norwich, Vt., 31 July 1803, d. Whitehall, N.
Y., 11 April 1892, age 68, m. Bridport, Vt., 20 March 1827,
Phileann Crawford, dau. of Elijah Crawford, b. Bridport, Vt.,
8 June 1803, d. Whitehall, N. Y., 19 April 1889, age 85. Resided
at Salem and Whitehall, N. Y. Was Justice of the Peace.
Sheriff. Insurance business.
Will of Phileann Stowell probated 12 Dec. 1889. All prop-
erty to Anna Jane Bull of Albany. Martin V. B. Bull, Executor.
(Surrogate, Washington Co., N. Y.)
Children born Salem, N. Y.:
i. Frances Lootsat, b. 23 March 1830, d. Salem, N. Y., 24 Aug.
ii. Anna Jane, b. 7 June 1832, d. Albany, N. Y., 22 Oct. 1902, age
70, m. Whitehall, N. Y., 14 Nov. 1854, Martin Van Buren
Bull, son of Henry C. and Anna Jane (Closson) Bull, b. Hebron,
N. Y., 27 April 1832, d. Albany, N. Y., 15 Oct. 1911, age 79.
Lived at Whitehall and Albany, N. Y. Insurance manager.
Children born at Whitehall, N. Y. (Bull) :
1. Horace Stowell, b. 10 June 1858, m. Albany, N. Y., 25
Sixth Generation 337
Oct. 1885, Margaret Wool Soitthwick, dau. of Henry C.
and Margaret I. (Fraser) Southwick, b. Albany, N. Y., 24
April 1861. Lived at Albany and Nassau, N. Y. Banker
and insurance. No children.
Stephen Closson, b. 9 Feb. 1862, m. 1st, 25 Oct. 1887,
S.UDEE Britton, dau. of Winchester and Caroline (Parker)
Britton, m. 2d, Rahway, N. J., 20 Feb. 1913, Helen O.
Erwin, dau. of William J. and Rebecca (Wood) Erwin, b.
Spring Water. N. Y., 8 June 1878. Child by first wife: i.
Edith B.
239. OREN CROCKERY STOWELL (SamueV-" David'-'
SarmieV) was born in Willington, Conn., 10 June 1785, d.
Orwell, N. Y., 6 Dec. 1847, age 62, m. Cambridge, N. Y., Lovisa
KiLBUBN, dau. of Elijah Kilburn, b. Cambridge, N. Y., 28 June
1788, d. Orwell,. N. Y., 19 Oct. 1853, age 65.
Resided in Orwell, N. Y. Was one of the first settlers in
Orwell. Was a mason, bricklayer and farmer. In War of 1812.
Will of Oren C. Stowell probated 18 April 1848. , Samuel
D. Stowell, Executor. Heirs: Eunice Baleh, dau.; Samuel D.
Stowell, son; William Stowell, son; John Stowell, son; Lineus
Stowell, son; Jane Darrow, dau. (Surrogate Court, Oswego
Co., N. Y.)
Children all born Orwell, N. Y. :
i. Eunice^, b. 9 Dec. 1808, m. Orwell, N. Y., 1821, John Balch,
son of Timothy and Hannah (Damon) Balch, b. Manchester, Vt.,
14 Feb. 1792, d. Orwell, N. Y., 10 March 1882, age 90. Lived
at Orwell, N. Y., where all the children were born (Balch) :
1. LuciNDA, b. 6 Dec. 1823, d. 30 April 1851, age 27, m. 1847
or 1848, William Henry Smith, b. Willington, Conn., 23
April 1815, d. 7 Oct. 1848, age 33. No children.
2. Walstein, b. 2 Jan. 1826, d. 2 March 1890, age 64, m.
Brissa , who d. 6 June 1889. Child: i. Eenrij.
3. Susannah, b. Nov. 1827, m. 1st, Hilton Rima of Dempster,
N. Y., m. 2d, Sheldon, m. 3d, Joseph Damon, m. 4th,
Nelson Rima.
4. William, b. 18 Dec. 1832, d. 6 April 1911, age 78, m. 17
Dec. 1854, Sarah M. Wheeler, dau. of Hiram and Polly
(Hill) Wheeler, b. Elllisburg, N. Y., 2 Feb. 1835. Children:
i. Ella, ii. Ira F., iii. Melvin W., iv. Dora G.
5. Orin H., b. 31 March 1835, m. Catherine E. , d.
Mannsville, N. Y., 15 Oct. 1876.
338 The Stowell Genealogy
6. Harriet N., b. 18 March 1838, d. 13 Aug. 1903, m. James
A. Wheeler, son of Hiram and Polly (Hill) Wheeler, b.
Mannsville, N. Y., 8 Oct. 182i8, d. 10 Feb. 1893. Children
(Wheeler) : i. Hiram E., ii. Orrin, iii. Nettie May.
7. Ira, b. 22 Feb. 1840, m. 18 March I860', Mary E. Wheeler,
dau. of Hiram and Polly (Hill) Wheeler, b. Mannsville,
N. Y., 30 Dec. 1839. Children: i. Etta Li, ii. Heriert W.
8. LORETTE, b. 1842.
9. Ann, b. 1842.
10. John H., b. 24 Jan. 1849.
534. ii. Samuel Draper, b. 4 Feb. 1811.
535. iii. William, b. 18 Feb. 1813.
536. iv. John N.. b. 7 March 1815.
V. Latjra, b. 26 May 1817, d. 6 Nov. 1836, age 29, m. James Kil-
burn, son of James and Mary (Knapp) Kilburn, b. Clayton,
N. Y., 16 Jan. 1817. Lived at Ellisburg and Orleans, N. Y.
Children (Kilburn) :
1. Charles.
2. Herbert.
vi. Jane, b. 27 Nov. 1819, m. Abel Darrow.
537. vii. Allen G., b. 13 March 1822.
638. viii. Linus, b. 25 March 1824.
* ix. Ei^N, b. 31 Dec. 1826, d. Om-ell, N. Y., 11 April 1831.
539. X. Hiram, b. 25 May 1829.
xi. Edward, b. 20 Nov. 1832, d. Orwell, N. Y., 6 March 1833.
540. xii. Albert, b. 23 May 1834.
240. ELIJAH^ STOWELL {Samuel^-" David'-^ Samuel^)
was born in Willington, Conn., 27 Dec. 1789, d. OrweU, N. Y.,
23 July 1861, age 71, m. Willington, Conn., 2 Dee. 1814,
Celinda Williams, dau. of Elijah and Caroline Matilda (Hunt-
ley) Williams, b. Hartford, Conn., d. Orwell, N. Y.
Resided in Willington, Conn, until 1817, then Orwell, N. Y.
One of the pioneers there. Was a shoemaker.
Children :
i. Caroline^, b. Willington, Conn.^ 4 Oct. 1816, d. Sandy Creek,
N. Y., 8 May 1890, age 73, m. Major Sparks, who d. Orwell,
N. Y., 1890, age 91.
541. ii. Marcus.
iii. Elon.
iv. Matilda Williams, m. 24 June 1841, Perry Wilder Gueley,
son of Benjamin and Clarind.a (Wilder) Gurloy, b. Sandy Creek,
N". Y., 16 March 1815, d. Jan. 1895, age 79. Children (Gurlev) :
Sixth Generation 339
1. Celinda, b. Waupaca, Wis., 9 Aug. 1843, m. there 13 Jan.
1866, Okin Hall of Waupaca, Wis., who d. May 1892. He
was a jeweler and engraver. Children (Hall) : i. Matilda
Jane, ii. Bertie, iii. Charles Moses.
2. Jason Smith, b. Waupaca, Wis., 27 Dec. 1845.
3. Orville Nicholas, b. Waupaca, Wis., 22 June 1847.
4. Lucius William, b. Waupaca, Wis., 7 May 1849, d. 1871,
5. Franklin Pierce, b. Waupaca, Wis., 3 Oct. 1851, m. 5 Oct.
1877, Susan Collier, dau. of Thomas and Matilda (Coul-
son) Collier. Children: i. Earl Walton, ii. Jessie Matilda.
6. Mary Annie, b. Waupaca, Wia, 2 Nov. 1853, m. 6 Sept,
1882, Herman Leroy Bump, son of Merrill Bump of Lin-
coln Co., Wis. A lumberman. Child: (Bump) : i. Arthur
7. Lillie Almira, b. Waupaca, Wis., 13 April 1855, m. 7
March 1873, Elisha L. Bump. He was a lawyer. Children
(Bump) : i. FravMin Elisha, ii. Mary Evelyn, iii. Florence
V. Almira, b. Orwell, N. Y.i, 3 June 1827, m. there 3 June 1855,
Orson Loomis, son of Henry and Anna (Tuttle) Loomis, b.
Lee, N. Y., 15 Nov. 1824. Lived at Orwell, N. Y. Child
(Loomis) :
1. EMJLi, b. Orwell, N. Y., 6 Jan. 1857, m. Lucius Beadle.
542. vi. Cyrus, b. Or^-ell, N. Y., 17 April 1829.
■viL Hannah, b. Orwell, N. Y., m. there 8 April 1847, Benjamin
F. Sprague. Children (Sprague) :
1. George.
2. Varnor.
viii. Susan, b. Orwell, N. Y., 21 April 1834, d. Lacona, N. Y., 20
Dec. 1899, age 65, m. Orwell, N. Y., 22 July 1855, Henry
Loomis, son of Plenry and Anna (Tuttle) Loomis, b. Lee, N. Y.,
13 Jan. 1831, d. Carrolton, La., 27 Jan. 1863, age 32, while in
the Army. Lived in Orwell, N. Y. Was a farmer. Children
born Orwell (Loomis) :
1. Arvilla C, b. 16 Sept. 1858, m. Orwell, N. Y., 25 March
1879, Edmund G. Bonner, son of Etbnund S. and Orpha
(Burkett) Bonner, b. Orwell, N. Y., 29 June 1857.
2. Arletta Hester, b. 5 Aug. 1860, m. Rome, N. Y., 23 Sept.
1903, Kinnie Wadsor Scoville, son of Wadsor and Han-
nah (Kiunie) Scoville, b. Camden, N. Y., 6 April 1860.
3. Henrietta, b. 4 Jan. 1863, m. Orwell, N. Y., 15 Dec. 1886,
Frank Sawyer, son of Justus and JuJia (Miller) Sawyer,
b. Ava, N. Y., 22 Mjarch 1860.
340 The Stowtell Genealogy
241. SAMUEL^ STOWELL (Samuep-'' David'-'' Samuel^)
was born in Willington, Conn., 26 July 1791, d. Orwell, N. Y.,
20 June 1885, age 93, m. 1st, Orwell, N. Y., 22 March 1818,
Jane Eilburn, dau. of Elijah Kilburn, b, Willington, Conn.,
6 Nov. 1796, d. Orwell, N. Y., 27 Sept. 1854. He m. 2d at
Richland, N. Y., 8 Nov. 1855, Mrs. Polly (Sampson) Weed,
b. Greenwich, N. Y., 6 Nov. 1796, d. Oi^ell, N. Y., 23 Jan.
1869, age 72.
Went from Willington, Conn, to Orwell, N. Y. in 1817.
Was a farmer. Town clerk of Orwell 1819 to 1821.
Administration of estate of Samuel Stowell granted 25
March 1886. Henry J. Stowell, Admr. Heirs : Austin Stowell,
son; Henry J. Stovv^ell, son; George E. Stowell, son; Mary
Crocker, dau.; Harriet Ashley, dau.; William Lattimer and
Frank Lattimer, grandsons; Delilah Hollis, gi'anddaughter ;
Perry W. Stowell and Heniy M. Stowell, grandsons, sons of
Nelson Stowell. (Surrogate Court, Oswego Co., N. Y.)
Children by first wife, Jane Kilburn, all born Orwell, N. Y. :
i. Maryt, b. 4 Feb. 1819, d. Orwell, K Y., 28 May 1900, age 81,
m. Orwell, N. Y., 1 Jan. 1840, SroNEY Crocker, son of Asa
Crocker, b. Hamilton, N. Y., 22 Sept. 1816, d. Orwell, N. Y.,
31 Jan. 1880, age 63. Lived at Orwell, N. Y. Children born
Orwell (Crocker) :
1. GrLBERT S., b. 23 Oct. 1840, m. Orwell, N. Y., 26 Jan. 1869,
AURELIA Celestian Stowell, dau. of John M. and Sarah
Ann (Greenfield) Stowell, b. Orwell, N. Y., 29 July 1845.
Children: i. Sarah Matide, ii. Celia Marie, iii. May Ethel.
2. Harriet Jane, b. 6 March 1842, d. Orwell, N. Y., 14 Feb.
1888, age 45, m. Altmar, N. Y,, Russell Olin, b. Altmar,
N. Y., d. Mexico, N. Y. Children (Olin) : i. Benjamin, ii.
Estella, Iii. Louis, iv. Eugene, v. Mi/nnie, vi. Bussell.
3. Frances M., b. 9 March 1844, m. Orwell, K Y., John
Waggonee, son of John George and Anna (Sahr) Wag-
goner, b. Baysinging, Germany, 1840. Children (Wao-
GONEr) : i. Nettie, ii Edwin, iii. Edith.
4. Theresa S., b. 11 May 1846, d. Orwell, N. Y., 13 April
1911, age 64, unmarried.
5. Annette, b. 14 April 1848, m. Joseph Robbins of Sandy
Creek, N. Y.
0. D:'LIA L., b. 6 June 1853, d. Orwell, N. Y., unmarried.
Sixth Generation 341
7. Edwin G., b. 2 Oct. 1856, m. Boylston, N. Y., 25 June
1885, Emma Aldrich, dau. of George and Martha (Davis)
Aldrieh, b. Orwell, N. Y., 25 June 1861, cl. there 12 Oct.
1887, age 26. Child: i. Blanche E.
8. Minnie N., b. 3 March 1859, d. Onvell, N. Y., 30 May 1864.
9. Ella H., b. 17 July 1861, m. James Goobrich, son of
George and (Streeter) Goodrich.
543. ii. Austin, b. 29 Oct. 1820.
544. iii. Nelson, b. 29 Oct. 1820.
iv. Sabra, b. 31 Jan. 1824, d. Orwell, N. Y., 8 Oct. 1879, age 55,
m. Orwell, N. Y., 29 April 1851, John I/. Latimer, who d.
Orwell, N. Y., 9 May 1872. He was born in Ireland. Lived
at Orwell, N. Y. Carried mail from Eichland. to Orwell several
years. Wias a farmer. Children born Orwell, K Y. (Latimer) :
1. Delila a., b. 15 April 1862, d. Pulaski, N. Y., 2 Oct. 1917,
m. Orwell, N. Y., 17 May 1870, Henry Hollis, son of
William and Maria (Rima) Hollis. Was a farmer. Chil-
dren (Hollis) : i. Franlc, ii. George, iii. Earl, iv. Fred.
2. William H., b. 24 Jan. 1854, m. there 1 Jan. 1880, Geor-
gianna Woodbury, dau. of Col. George Farnham and Ann
(Brown) Woodbury, b. Albion, N. Y., 24 jV.pril 1859. Lived
at Orwell, N. Y. Furniture manufacturer. Children:
i. Clara Ella, ii. John, iii. Harry, iv. George, v. Stanley,
vi. Anna.
3. ^Ury Ella, b. 2 Sept. 1857, d. Orwell, N. Y., 1 July 1878,
4. MiLO, b. 7 Feb. 1800, d. Orwell, N. Y., 26 June 1862.
5. Frank N., b. 4 March 1864, d. OatskUl, N. Y., 28 Jan.
1909, m. 1895. Was a plumber and kept hardware store.
Children: i. Hope, ii. Sabria.
545. V. George Edwin, b. 20 'Jan. 1826.
vi. Harriet Adelia, b. 7 Feb. 1829, m. Orwell, N. Y., Daniel D.
Ashley (his 2d wife), b. England. Lived at Centerville, Mich.
Children born Centerville, Mich. (Ashley) :
1. Ellen, b. 25 Dec. 1851, m. G. W. Rutherford.
2. Fannie.
3. W. Irving, b. 20 May 1869, m. Ida Belote. Was an editor.
546. vii. Henry John, b. 10 May 1832.
viiL lEA, b. 20 Aug. 1833, d. Orwell, N. Y., 26 March 1834.
ix. Milo, b. 13 Nov. 1835, d. in Army, at Carrollton, La., 7 March
1863, age 26, unmarried. Enlisted 6 Aug. 1862, in Co. C, 110th
N. Y. Vol. Inf.
X. Lydia Ann, b. 7 July 1841, d. Manns\-ille, N. Y., 10 Dec. 1860,
age 19, unmarried.
342 The Stowell Genealogy
242. ELON« STOWELL {Samuel'-'' David'-^ Samuel^) was
born in Willington, Conn., 20 Sept. 1796, d. Orwell, N. Y., 13
June 1867, age 70, m. Willington, Conn., 5 June 1828, Abigail
Anderson, dau. of Thomas and Alice (Whitmore) Anderson,
b. Willington, Conn., 20 May 1797, d. Orwell, N. Y., 5 Feb.
1870, age 72.
Resided in Willington, Conn., until 1830, then Orwell, N. Y.
Was a carpenter and wheelwright. Elon and Abigail were
among the first members of the Congregational Church at Orwell.
Children :
i. Otis Elon^, b. Willingrton, Conn., 24 March 1829, d. Orwell,
N. Y., 10 April 1865, age 36, unmarried.
i)i. Amelia A., b. Oi-well, N. Y., 19 Nov. 1830, d. there 28 Feb.
1905, Rgo 74, m. Sandy Creek, N. Y., 26 March 1850, James
Freeman Davis, son of Freeman and Eebecca (Heald) Davia,
b. Temple, N. H., 5 Sept. 1825, d. Orwell, N. Y., 19 Nov. 1903,
age 78. Lived at Orwell, N. Y. He was a farmer and dentist.
Graduate Mexico Academy. Supt. of Schoolsi for Orwell.
Deacon of Congregational Church. Children bom Orwell
(Davis) :
1. Clayton H., b. 28 March 1851, m. Sandy Creek, N. Y., 1
Oct. 1885, Clara L. Hadley, dau. of Jacob and Adeline
(Hadley) Hadley, b. Sandy Creek, N. Y., 29 March 1862,
d. 21 Oct. 1889. No children. He m. 2d, at Clean, N. Y.,
15 Feb. 1893, Abbie M. Brown, dau. of Leonard J. and
Carrie M. (Prince) Brown, b. Bedford, N. H., 12 Oct. 1863.
No children. Lived at Pulaski, N. Y. Dentist.
2. Ellen A., b. 25 Aug. 1855, m. Oct. 1907, Nathaniel
Montague, son of Stoddard Montague.
3. Lavinia R., b. 13 Sept. 1862. Graduate Oberlin College,
A.M. Graduate Syracuse Medical College, M.D., 1897. A
4. Freelon J., b. 12 Oct. 1867, unmarried. A lawyer. Grad-
uate Albany Law School, 1897. Justice of the Peace of
Orwell, 1889 to 1897. Justice of the Sessions Court, 1891
to 1895. Com. Clerk N. Y. Senate, 1896 to 1899. County
Judge Oswego Co., 1899 to 1908. District Attorney Oswego
Co., 1908—.
m. Juliette, b. Orwell, N. Y., 7 Oct. 1832, d. there 7 Jan. 1851,
age 18, unmarried.
243. ELKANAH« STOWELL (AbeZ" SamueV Bavid^'^
Samuel}) was born in Canada or Vt., 21 Jan. 1802, d. Oswego,
Sixth Generation 343
N. Y., 5 Jan. 1889, age 87, m. Cynthia Dow, dau. of S. and
Cynthia Dow, b. Canada or Vt., 13 Jan. 1805, d. 1 May 1890,
age 85. Resided in Canada, then Oswego, N. Y.
Will probated 3 Dec. 1891. John C. Rowe, Executor.
Heirs: Cynthia H. Stowell, dan.; Abram Stowell, son; Henri-
etta Robinson, dau.; Elmira Strehan, dau.; Hiram Stowell,
son. (Prob. Oswego Co., N. Y.)
Children :
i. ABRAM7, b. Canada, 28 Aug. 1825, d. Oswego, N. Y., 28 Mav
ii. Henrietta, m. Robinson.
iii. Elmira, m. Strehan.
iv. Cynthia H., b. Canada, 1833, d. Oswego, N. Y., 25 March
1899, age 66, unmarried.
V. Hiram.
vi. Lorenzo Dow, b. Canada, 4 Nov. 1841, d. Oswego, N. Y., 23
Aug. 1881, age 39, m. Eliza A. , b. 1819, d. Bunker Hill,
N. Y., 25 Aug. 1911, age 92. He was a farmer.
David^-^ Samuel^) was born in Stowell 's Comers, N. Y., 1 Feb.
1797, d. Cape Vincent, N. Y., 10 Aug. 1881, age 83, m. Houns-
field, N. Y., Hannah Moore, dau. of Verannis and Julia (West-
cott) Moore, b. Hounsfield, N. Y., 4 Aug. 1800, d. Cape Vincent,
N. Y., 6 Oct. 1874, age 74.
Was a farmer. Hotel Keeper at Stowell 's Corners. Lived
there and at Hounsfield, N. Y. In about 1841 went to Cape
Vincent, N. Y.
William Stowell made Ensign in 108th Regt. in 1818, Jeffer-
son Co., and made Lieutenant in 1819.
Will of William Stowell probated 31 Oct. 1881. Names
five children : Norman Stowell, Horace T. Stowell, Julia Stead-
man, wife of Benjamin Steadman, Ozni Stowell and Elizabeth
Armstrong, wife of John Armstrong. Son Horace and son-in-law
John Armstrong, Executors. (Jefferson Co. Surrogate.)
Children :
547. i. Norman, b. Stowell 's Corners, N. Y., 11 May 1822.
ii. Cordelia, b. Stowell 's Comers, N. Y., 22 June 1825, d. Cape
Vincent, N. Y., 15 Aug. 1844, age 19.
344 The Stowell Genealogy
lii. Orrin, b. Stowell 's Corners, N. Y., 22 I^Iarch. 1827, d. Cape
Vincent, N. Y., 4 March 1840', age 13.
548. iv. Horace Truman, b. Stowell 's Corners, N. Y., 21 April 1829.
V. OzNi, b. Stowell 'a Corners, N. Y., 12 Jan. 1831, unmarried.
Was a dairy farmjer. In 6th Wis. Light Artillery. Served
three years in Civil War.
vi. Julia, b. Cape Vincent, N. Y., 15 March 1833, d. Rochester,
Minn., m. Cape Vincent, N. Y., Benjamin F. Steabman, son of
Lnther and Susan (Baker) Steadman, b. Loraine, N. Y., 15
Juno 1832. Lived at Cape Vincent, N. Y. Children born there
(Steadman) :
1. Jessie, b. 12 May 1866.
2. Hannah, b. 27 July 3868, m. Rochester, Minn., 4 Nov.
1893, William Hinckley, son of William Henry and
Rachel Ann (Bolen) HincMey, b. Dover, Minn., 3 March
3. Frank, b. 25 April 1871.
4. George, b. 18 June 1872.
5. Luther, b. 27 Jan. 1874.
vii. Child, b. Cape Vincent, N. Y., 5 Feb. 1835, d. there 11 Oct,
Viii. Elizabeth, b. Cape Vincent, N. Y., 5 May 1837, d. there 11
July 1889, age 52, m. there 8 Dec. 1863, John Armstrong, son
of Alexander and Ann (Armstrong) Armstrong, b. Cape Vin-
cent, N. Y., 15 Jan. 1838, d. there 4 June 1901, age 63. Lived
at Cape Vincent, IST. Y. He was a farmer. Sergt. in State
Militia in Civil War. Children born Cape Vincent, N. Y.,
(Armstrong) :
1. William Stoel, b. 28 Sept. 1864, m. Cape Vincent, N. Y.,
16 Feb. 1892, Jesse Ingalls Shei.ey, son of William W.
and Mary E. (King) Sheley, b. Cape Vincent, N. Y., 8 Oct.
1866. Children: i. Bichard Sheley, ii. Stoel William, iii.
Lawrence Eobert, iv. Helen Sheley.
2. Charles, b. 18 Dec. 1866, m. Locke, N. Y., 7 Sept. 1898,
Alice May Hinman, dau. of John S. and Mary Jane (Tur-
ney) Hinman, b. Newtown, Conn., 7 March 1869. Was a
3. Annie Frances, b. 4 Jan. 1868, m. Cape "V^cent, N. Y.,
.6 Dec. 1893, George Frederick Vincent, son of Edgar
John and Rosella W. (Shafer) Vincent, b. Cape Vincent,
N. Y., 20 Nov. 1869. Children: i. Kenneth A., ii. Lansing
W cuter TtuHm.
A. Robert Emmett, b. 21 Sept. 1869, m. Victoria, Texas., 12
April 1899, ISADORE Collier, dau. of John George and
Meta Virginia (Lander) Collier, b. Victoria, Texas, 28
Oct. 1873.
Sixth Generation 345
5. Brayton, b. 1 Sept. 1872, m. Alexandria, La., 1 Feb. 1899,
Harriet PtiomcOMBE, dau. of Richard and Annetta (Reed)
Puddicom.be, b. Windsor, Ont., Canada, 28 May 1874. Chil-
dren: i. Helen, ii. Elizabeth.
William, b. 28 Feb. 1840, killed by the Indians in California
in the early fifties while on guard duty with an emigrant train.
245. JOHN*' STOWELL (Ozni'- Samuel^ David'-'' Samuel^)
was bom in Stowell's Comers, N. Y., 14 Nov. 1798, m. Percy
Morgan. Was a Baptist minister.
549. i. Lucrus Morgan t, b. 6 Feb. 1825.
David''" SamueV-) was born in Stowell's Corners, N. Y., 4 Aug.
1809, d. Seriba, N. Y., 4 May 1880, age 70, m. Scriba, N. Y.,
1837, Dolly Spencer, dau. of Daniel and Laura (Westcott)
Spencer, b. Deerfield, N. Y., 30 Jan. 1820, d. Scriba, N. Y., 28
May 1890, age 70.
Kesided at Scriba, Oswego Co., N. Y. Was a sailor, boatman
and farmer.
Children :
550. L Merrick^, b. Seriba, N. Y., 3 Oct. 1838.
ii. George Maynard, b. Scriba, N. Y., 4 Sept. 1840, m. Syracuse,
N. Y., 22 April 1871, Mart E. Farley, dau. of James and
Freelove (Goodfellow) Farley, b. Geddes, N. Y., 1 May 1840.
No children. Resided in Saginaw, Mich. Was a lumber in-
spector. He was two years in 24th N. Y. Inf. Vol. and eighteen
months in 24th Cavalry.
iSi. Oscar, b. Seriba, N. Y., 6 April 1843, d. there 20 June 1904,
age 61, unmarried.
iv. Martha Westcott, b. Scriba, N. Y., 19 Aug. 1846, unmarried.
She was one of the most successful teachers in the county.
247. RODMAN^ STOWELL {Amasa'' Jonathan*-' David''
SamueV) was born in Mansfield, Conn., 5 May 1788, d. Vergen-
nes, Vt., m. Mansfield, Conn., Sarah Gansen, d. Canton, N. Y.
Resided in Vergennes, Vt. until 1850, then St. Lawrence Co.,
N. Y. and Oswego, N, Y. Was a farmer.
346 The Stowell Genealogy
Children born Vergennes, Vt. :
i. SiNA Ann^, d. Oswego, N. Y., 3 Feb. 1892, age 77, m. Ver-
gennes, Vt., Henrt Stowell.
Lina (Sina) A. StOTvell will probated 27 Aug. 1892. Jen-
nie C. Tiffany, Esisex. Heirs: Lovinia D. Converse, a sister;
Mrs. Frances Curtis, sister; Sada Stowell, a niece. (Surrogate
Court, Oswego Co., N. Y.).
ii. Harriet Adeline, d. Canton, N. Y., 2 Dec. 1889, m. Vergennes,
Vt., Asa Page, b. Shelbume, Vt., d. Canton, N. Y., 1869.
Lived at Vergennes, Vt., and Oswego and Canton, N. Y. Chil-
dren (Page) :
1. Charles Edavard, b. 29 Nov. 1838, m. Hermon, N. Y.,
Elizabeth Greene.
2. Frank Stowell.
3. Daughter, d. in infancy.
4. Jennie Strong, b. 19 May 1851, m. Oswego, N. Y., 18 Feb.
1871, Henry George Gucker, son of David and Mary Mag-
daline (Neiger) Gucker, b. Utica, N. Y., 6 Nov. 1849. Chil-
dren (Gucker) : i. Harriet Mary, ii. Edgar George, iii.
Carrie Belle, iv. Henry David, v. Charles.
iii. Charles, d. Sacramento, Calif., unmarried.
iv. Frances Elizabeth, d. Oswego, N. Y., m. Vergennes, Vt.,
Frederick C. Curler. Lived in Oswego, N. Y. Children
(Curler) :
1. Jennie.
2. Charles.
3. Lavinia.
V. Lavinia Ducas, b. 24 July 1833, d. Norwich, N. Y., Oct. 1909,
m. Canton, N. Y., 29 March 1853, George Converse, son of
Theron and Nancy (Case) Converse, b. "Wateiiown, N. Y., 20
Nov. 1825, d. Salem, Ohio, 28 Sept. 1888, age 62. Lived in
Hermon and NorAvich, N. Y. Children (Com'ERSE) :
1. Nellie, b. Hermon, N. Y., d. there.
2. Ch:arles Stowell, b. Hermon, N. Y., d. Batavia, N. Y.,
m. Batavia, N. Y., Lilly Worthington.
3. Hattie May Pooler, b. Edwards, N. Y., 5 March 1867, d.
Boston, Mass., 22 Feb. 1893, m. Boston, Mass., 10 Feb.
1892, Henry Lyman Schutt, son of John Henry and Sarah
Jane (Phelps) Sehutt, b. Port Gibson, N. Y., July 1869.
Child (Schutt) : i. Edivard John.
vi. Litta, m. Aaron Bellamy.
248. RATIO LEAVENS« STOWELL (Amasa" JonatTian*-"
DaviiP SamneP) was bom in Mansfield, Conn., 28 Aug. 1795,
d. Shelbume, Vt., 21 Sept. 1884, age 89, m. Vergennes, Vt.,
Sixth Generation 347
10 June 1819, Charlotte Smith, dan. of John Smith, b. 25
March 1794, d. Vergennes, Vt., 24 March 1832, age 38. He m.
2d at Leicester, Vt., 11 June 1833, Julia Ann Deming, dau.
of Gad and Bethiah (Woodward) Deming, b. Leicester, Vt., 5
May 1807, d. Shelburne, Vt., 18 June 1895, age 88.
Resided at Vergennes and Shelburne, Vt. Was a farmer.
He was a private in Capt. William C. Manson's Co., Sumner's
Regt., Vt. Militia, War of 1812, 12 April to 27 April 1814.
Capt. of Infantrj^ 1825 to 1828.
Children by first wife, Charlotte Smith, all born Vergennes,
i. LiTCitJS Smith7, b. 15 April 1820, d. Vergennes, Vt., 9 Sept.
ii. George Edmund, b. 9 Sept. 1822, d. Florida, Vt., Aug. 1849,
age 26.
iii Frank Smith, b. 31 May 1824, d. Vergennes, Vt., 28 Aug. 1825.
iv. Catherine Lucretia, b. 10 Dec. 1826, d. Vergennes, Vt., 19
March 1829.
V. RoLLiN Amasa, b. 26 Dec. 1828, d. Vergennes, Vt., 9 March
vi. Charlotte Electa, b. 3 Aug. 1830, m. Vergennes, Vt., 29 Nov.
1865, TiRAS Hall Ferris, son of Lemuel and Anna (Hall)
Ferris, b. Williston, Vt., 12 Feb. 1834, d. Chicago, 111., 9 Dec.
1897. No children,
vii. Ratio Ellis, b. 17 Jan. 1832, d. California, about 1860.
Children by second wife, Julia Ann Deming, born Vergen-
nes, Vt. :
viii. JuIjIA Deming, b. 7 March 1834, d. Vergennes, Vt.^ 14 March
ix. Ellen Bethiah, b. 8 March 1835, m. Vergennes, Vt., 17 Jan.
1860, Walter Anson Weed, son of Anson and Salome (Cross-
man) Weed, b. Hinesburg, Vt., 15 Sept. 1833. Lived at Shel-
burne, Vt. Was a farmer. Justice of the Peace 45 years.
Member of House of Representatives of State and member of
Senate. She was a graduate of Mt. Holyoko in 1856. Chil-
dren born Shelburne, Vt. (Weed) :
1. Son, b. 15 Jan. 1861, d. Shelburne, Vt., 17 Jan. 1861.
2. Henry Harrison, b. 20 Aug. 1862, d. Shelburne, Vt., 25
July 1865.
3. Walter Anson, b. 14 Feb. 1871. Is sales manager of the
Oliver Chilled Plow Works, South Bend, Ind.
348 The Stowell Genealogy
4. Harry Stowell, b. 21 Aug. 1872, m. Burlington, Vt., 28
Oct. 1904, Lucy Hunter Kingsland, dau. of Abraham and
Helen (Cutting) Kingsland, b. Chicago, 111., 8 April 1874.
Lived in Burlington, Vt., Asst. Cashier Howard Bank,
Burlington. Child: i. Kingsland Deming.
X. Catherine Eliza, b. 19 March 1837, d. Vergennes, Vt., 23
March 1842.
551. xi. Henry, b. 14 May 1839.
xii. Mary Elizabeth, b. 29 Jan. 1842, d. Vergennes, Vt., 11 March
xiii Harrison Deming, b. 20 June 1844, d. Camp Parapet, New
Orleans, 5 Oct. 1862, age 18, in Civil War.
3d.v. Edward Loomis, b. 27 June 1846, d. Shelburne, Vt., 16 Nov.
1888, age 42, unmarried.
XV. Sarah Catherine, b. 31 May 1850, d. Vergennes, Vt., 29 Dee.
1864, age 14.
249. LUCIUS^ STOWELL {ArcJielaus^ Jonathan*-^ David^
Samuel^) was born in Mansfield, Conn., 2 Feb. 1793, d. Broome
Co., N. Y., 1880, m. Virgil, Cortland Co., N. Y., Sarah Ketchum,
who d. Barker, Broome Co., N. Y., 10 Sept. 1870. Lived at
Virgil, N. Y. fifty years, then Whitney's Point and Barker, N.Y.
Lucius Stowell, private, Groton, Amos Chaffee's Co. from
7 Sept. to 20 Sept. 1814 and private in Charles Abel's Co. 7
Sept. to 26 Oct. 1814.
Will of Sally Stowell of town of Baker, N. Y. probated 19
Dec. 1870. Oscar Stowell, Executor. Heirs: Lucius Stowell,
husband; Alvah Stowell, son; Oscar Stowell, son; Jonathan
Stowell, son ; Clarinda Skinner, dau. ; Sally J. Skinner, dau. ;
George Skinner, husband of Sally J. Skinner; William M.
Stowell, son. (Surrogate Court, Broome Co., N. Y.)
Children all born Virgil, N. Y. :
Alvah 7.
Sarah Jane, m. George Skinner. Child : i. Euphemia STcin/ner.
Jonathan G., b. 19 Sept. 1828.
Clokinda, m. Seymour Skinner. Child: i. Budolph Skinner.
William Marville, b. 3 Jan. 1825.
250. JEHIEL« STOWELL (Archelaus' Jonathan*-^ David"
SamueV) was born in Mansfield, Conn., 17 May 1800, ra. 1st,
Sixth Generation 349
Mansfield, Conn., 7 Oct. 1821, Margaret Simonds. He m. 2d,
Phianna or Fanna Stappord, b. N. Y.
Children by 2d wife, Phianna Stafford :
i. Arnold^, b. Blodgett's Mills, N. Y., 4 April 1828, d. Harford
Mills, N. Y., 9 Aug. 1901, age 73.
ii. Olive, b. Freetown, N. Y., 1838, m. 1st, Goodell. She m. 2d,
Blodgett's Mills, N. Y., 24 July 1901, Charles H. Waters,
son of Harvey and Pamelia (Goodrich) Waters, b. Preble,
N. Y., 1835.
556. iii. George E., b. Blodgett's Mills, N. Y.
557. iv. Jehiel.
251. JOHN« STOWELL (Alladuran^ Jonathan*-^ Davi(P
SamiieV) was born in Acworth, N. H., 25 July 1793, m. More-
town, Vt., 29 March 1819, Auce Mayo, dan, of Ebenezer and
Lucy (Lawson) Mayo, b. Springfield, Vt., 7 March 1796.
Children :
i. EuTHT, b. Moretown, Vt., 20 Dec. 1819, d. there 22 Nov. 1821.
558. ii. Chauncey Commodore, b. Moretown, Vt., 19 July 1821.
iii. Emeline Heart, b. Moretown, Vt., 29 April 1831.
iv. Horace or Horatio.
V. William.
vi. John N.
252. HARVEY^ STOWELL (Alladuran'^ Jonathan*-^ David^
Samuel^) was born in Acworth, N. H., 11 March 1797, d.
Moretown, Vt., 23 April 1873, age 76, m. Putney, Vt., 18 Jan.
1835, Mary Snow Newton, dau. of Eben and Lucinda (Savin)
Newton, b. Castleton, Vt., 26 April 1815, d. Stowe, Vt., 23
Nov. 1900, age 85. Resided at Putney and Moretown, Vt.
"Was a farmer.
Children :
i. Elnora HuNTiNGi'ON', b. Putney, Vt., 14 May 1836, d. Stowe,
Vt., 30 July 1919, m, Moretown, Vt., 20 Sept. 1870, William
Azro Stiles, son of Orin and Tryphenia (Holt) Stiles, b.
Moretown, Vt., 13 June 1837, d. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 28 Nov.
1883, age 46, No children,
ii. Mary Lucinda, b. Putney, Vt., 16 Sept. 1837, d. there 16 May
350 The Stoavell Genealogy
iii. Lucy Jane, b. Putney, Vt., 24 June 1840, d. Stowe, Vt., 7 Nov.
1901, age 61, m, Montpelier, Vt., 24 June 186», Amariah Cox,
son of Jacob and Mary Lucy (Seymour) Cox, b. Hebron, Me.,
20 March 1831, d. Stowe, Vt., 26 March 1902, age 71. Lived
at Stowe and Ryegate, Vt. Children (Cbx) :
1. Mary Lucinda, b. Stowe, Vt., 5 Nov. 1870', m. there 18
Jan. 1900, Adelbert Gene Blake, son of Joseph and Ellen
(Lawrence) Blake, b. Lowell, Vt., 18 Jan. 1873. Children
(Blake) : i. Josephine Gladys, ii. Infant, iii. Joseph Wil-
liam, iv. Dono'ld Adeibert, v. Asahel Hugh.
iv. Alladur.\n, b. Moretown, Vt., 28 Aug. 1842, d. there 8 Oct.
1882, age 40, unmarried.
253. DUREN« STOWELL {Alladuran^ Jonathari^-' David^
Samuel^) was born in Acworth, N. H., 16 June 1799, d. Mont-
pelier, Vt., 16 March 1885, age 86, m. Moretown, Vt., 11 May
1826, AsENATH Baxtek, dau. of Timothy and Ruth (Hubbard)
Baxter, b. Colebrook, N. H., 5 Sept. 1801, d. Mbretown, Vt.,
7 May 1869, age 67. Lived at Moretown, Vt. Was a farmer.
Children born Moretown, Vt. :
i. Ruth Hubbard^, b. 10 Nov. 1827, m. Moretown, Vt., 17 Aug.
1852, Curtis Carpenter, son of Cephas and Anne (Benton)
Carpenter, b. Moretown, Vt., 31 March 1812. He was a black-
smith. Children born Moretown, Vt. (Carpenter) :
1. Julia Sabrina, b. 26 Dec, 1853, d. Moretown, Vt., 17 April
2. George Henry, b. 26 Oct. 1855, d. Moretown, Vt., 29 Nov.
3. Frank Kingsley, b. 28 March 1859, m. Moretown, Vt., 20
June 1885, Jennie Lenora Corlis, dau. of Chester and
Maggie (Howard) Corlis, b. Landaflf, N. H., 1862. No
children. Was express messenger.
4. Anna Asenath, b. 2 July 1861, d. Montpelier, Vt., 2 Oct.
1882, age 21, unmarried.
ii. Rhoda "Wilson, b. 16 Dec. 1829, d. Burlington, Vt., 9 Jan.
1903, age 72, m. 1st, Morristown, Vt., Stillman H. Rand, who
d. 11 Dec. l!870. She m. 2d, at Waterbury, Vt., 11 Dec. 1872,
Joel Remington, son of Jeremiah and Mtiry Remington, b.
Huntington, Vt., 8 June 1818, d. 25 Nov. 1891, age 73. Lived
in Morristown and Burlington, Vt. Child by Stillman Rand:
1. Mecna Alma, b. Morristown, Vt., 8 Nov. 1864, m. Water-
bury, Vt., 16 Feb. 1887, Frank Chauncey Lyon, son of
Chauncey and Meriam Emcrett (Hopkins) Lyon, b. Water-
bury, Vt., 28 Oct. 1866. Had three children.
Sixth Generation 351
iii. AcHSAH Franklin, b. 28 March 1833, d. Springfield, Mass., 18
July 190O, age 76, m. Hyde Park, Vt., 13 June 1855, Andre;v
Jackson Keeler, son of Frederick and Jane (MeKinstry)
Keeler, b. Hyde Park, Vt., 21 Feb. 1828, d. 1 Feb. 1869. Ee-
sided in Hyde Park, Waterbury and Montpelier, Vt. Tailor.
Children (Keeler) :
1. Alice Asenath, b. Hyde Park, Vt., 11 Aug. 1856, m.
Montpelier, Vt., 5 Feb. 1873, Asa Peck Hathaway, son of
Hiram and Ruth H. (Johnson) Hathaway, b. Moretown,
Vt., 24 Deo. 1853, d. there IS May 1881, "age 27. She m.
2d, at Montpelier, Vt., 13 Sept. 1887, Herbert Augustus
Bowman, son of Edwin Nathan and Lorinda (Merritt)
Bowman, b. Barre, Vt., 3 April I860. ChUdren (Hatha-
way) : i. Esilier Achsnh, ii. Edna Buih. Children (Bow-
man) : iii. Bertha Alice, iv. Helen Keeler, v. Carroll Her-
2. George A., b. Waterbury, Vt., 2 Jan. 1858, d. Montpelier,
Vt., 23 April 1863, age 5.
3. William Stowell, b. Montpelier, Vt., 12 June 1859, d.
Lynn, Mass., 29 March 1906. age 46, m. Montpelier, Vt.,
29 Nov. 1880, Clara Helen Miles, dau. of Otis George
and Mary Alvira (Smith) Miles, b. Middlesex, Vt., 14 May
1863. Lived at L-^mn, Mass. Electrical engineer. Chil-
dren: i. Frederick Duran, ii. Forrest William; iii. Florence
Clara, iv. Eaymond Stowell, v. Dorothy Achsah.
4. MiNNiK Lknora, b. Montpelier, Vt., 2 March 1862, m. there
15 Oct. 1885, Seth Wesley Corse, son of Jehiel Wesley
and Minerva Abies (Cumbs) Corse, b. Montgomery, Vt.,
1 Jan. 1860. Children (Corse) : i. Harry Stowell, ii. Lena
Jane, iii. BacTiel May, iv. Gertrude Pearl.
559. iv. William Alonzo, b. 25 June 1837.
than*-^ David^ Samuel^) was bom in Cornwall, Vt., 8 April
1802, d. there 30 Oct. 1886, age 84, m. there 22 Feb. 1823,
Melinda Sherwood, dan. of Ethan Allen and Sally (Purdy)
Sherwood, b. Cornwall, Vt., 7 June 1803, d. there 12 March
1873, age 70. Resided in Cornwall, Vt. Was a farmer. Con-
stable five years. Postmaster in Cornwall from 1824 to 1833.
Tavern Keeper.
Children born Cornwall, Vt. :
i. Sara'h Evei.inet, b. Nov. 1823, d. Cornwall, Vt., 26 May 1824.
352 The Stowell Genealogy
ii. HULDAH Emeline, b. 25 June 1825, d. Cornwall, Vt., 10 Sept.
1910, age 85, m. there 5 May 1846, Eeuben Titus Samson, eon
of Eeuben and Mercy (Hurd) Samson, b. Cornwall, Vt., 17 Feb.
1822, d. there 2 June 1S70, age 48. She m. 2d, at Cornwall,
Vt., 28 March 1872, Benjamin C. Parkhill, son of David and
Sibyl (Blanchard) Parkhill, b. Cornwall, Vt., 1802, d. Corn-
wall. Lived at Cornwall, Vt. Stock raiser. Children born in
Cornwall, Vt. (Samson) :
1. Henry Stowell, b. 28 Dec. 1847, d. New York City, 14
Nov. 1914, age 66, m. Brandon, • Vt., 3 Dec. 1867, Frances
E. Gibson, dau. of Henry Hubbell and Laura A. (Noyce)
Gibson, b. Leicester, Vt., 11 June 1849. He m. 2d, at
Saratoga, N. Y., 15 Sept. 1891, Josephine Jordan. Chil-
dren: i. Charles F., ii. Albert.
2. Minnie A., b. 11 April 1857, m. Cornwall, Vt., 8 Aug. 1877,
Arthur Jesse Field, son of Benjamin Stearns and Emily
(Ellsworth) Field, b. CornwaU, Vt., 26 Oct. 1855. ChUd
(Field) : i. Benjamin B.
3. Sarah M., b. 3 Aug. 1863.
4. Albert, d. Hartford. Conn., 6 Sept. 1915.
iii. Caroline Electa, b. 19 Oct. 1827, d. Salisbury, Vt., 9 Jan.
1875, age 47, m. Cornwall, Vt., 4 Jan. 1848, Charles Reeve
Ford, son of Dr. Frederick and Sally (Reeve) Ford, b. Corn-
wall, Vt., 26 April 1824, d. there 5 Sept. 1868, age 44. She m.
2d, at Cornwall, Vt., 7 March 1873, Charles Elisha Everts,
son of Gilbert and Hannah (Weeks) Everts, b. Salisbury, Vt.,
24 Sept. 1818, d. Salisbury, Vt., 21 May 1875, age 56. Lived
at Cornwall and Salisbury, Vt. Children born Cornwall, Vt.
(Ford) :
1. George Edvtin, b. 29 Jan. 1851, m. Storm Lake, Iowa, 21
March 1878, Carrie Marie Pettit, dau. of Thomas Tisdale
and Eliza Foster (Young) Pettit, b. Indianola, Iowa, 3
May 1857. Children: i. Charles Frederich, ii. Florence Car-
rie, iii. Harry George, iv. Ernest Leland.
2. Frederick Chauncey, b. 27 April 1857, d. Fort Collins,
Colo., 11 July 1885, age 2S.
3. Edwin Stowell, b. 31 March 1861, d. Cornwall, Vt., 27
Feb. 1862.
4. Charles Frank, b. 17 March 1865, ni.- Storm Lake, Iowa,
1 Jan. 1900, Ev^ Estelle Varney, dau. of Gardner W.
and Mary L. Varney, b. Boston, Mass., 29 Jan. 1870, d.
Sioux City, Iowa, 28 March 1909, age 39. He m. 2d, at
Los Angeles, Calif., 25 Nov. 1913, Edith K. Perkins.
560. iv. Edwin Sherwood, b. 27 Jan. 1829.
V. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 27 July 1832, d. Milwaukee, Wis., 4
March 1890, age 57, m. Cornwall, Vt., 25 May 1^4, Abram
Sixth Generation
Clark Wicker, son of Ira and Jane (Haskell) Wicker, b.
Bridport, Vt., 15 Aug. 1831, d. Toledo, Ohio, 10 June 1881
age 49. Lived at Rockland, Me, Cornwall, Vt, Toledo Ohio'
and Milwaukee, Wis. ChUdren (Wicker) :
1. Mary, b. Rockland, Me., 3 June 1855, m, Chicago, 111., 11
'Feb. 1875, Marcus Victor Barbour, .on of Erwin Laroell
and Jean Eliza (Adams) Barbour, b. Benson, Vt., 26 Sept.
1847. Children (Barbour) : i. BernardiJie WicJcer, ii. Vic-
tor DxidJey.
2. Jennie, b. Cornwall, Vt., 12 April 1860, m. Toledo, Ohio,
9 Feb. 1883, Robert Newton Dudley, son of Hiram Carlos
Haniiltcn and Mary (Eastwood) Dudley, b. Albany, N. Y.,
30 April 1854. Children (Dudley) : i. FranTclin Clark, ii!
Miriam Frances.
vi. Mtnerva Eveline, b. 31 July 1834, d. Middlebury, Vt., 3 Nov.
1884, age 50, m. Cornwall, Vt., 24 Aug. 1864, George Lanodon
Porter, son of Deacon Cyrus and Mary Olive (Wilcox) Porter,
b. Middlebury, Vt., 28 Jan. 1837, d. Bridgeport, Conn., June
1901, age 64. Children born Middlebury, Vt. (Porter) :
1. Cora Stowell, b. 29 April 1866, m. Montpelier, Vt.. 27
Oct. 1887, Dr. Charles Elmer Chandler, son of Charles
Marcellus and Abigail Josephine (Hazen) Chandler, b.
Montpelier, Vt., 24 May 1861. Children (Chandler): i.
Charles Porter, ii. Hazen Atherton.
2. Emiia Langdon, b. 23 March 1S68, d. Middlebury, Vt., 20
Sept. 1868.
3. Mai,t)e Frances, b. 9 Nov. 1876, m. Montpelier, Vt., 1 Sept.
1897, FR.VNK Elmek Grosshans. Children (Grosshans) :
i. Donovan Porter, ii. Marjorie Thomas.
vii. Sylvester Scott, b. Aug. 1837, d. Cornwall, Vt., 12 Feb. 1843.
255. IRA« STOWELL (JoaV John'-' David' Samuel') was
born in Petersham, Mass., 22 Feb. 1797, d. there before 10 Feb.
1843, m. Abigail Richmond, dau. of Sylvester and Nabby (New-
ton) Richmond, b. New Braintree, Mass., Sept. 1804.
William Leonard appointed guardian of Samuel Stowell,
minor son of Ira Stowell, late of Petersham, Mass. deceased,
10 Feb. 1843. (Worcester Probate.)
Children :
i. Aibertt.
561. ii, Samuel Wright, b. Petersham, Mass, 10 Feb. 1829.
iii. Charlotte A., b. about 1833, d. Athol, Mass., 1 Jan. 1838,
ago 4.
354 The Stowell Genealogy
256. JOHN« STOWELL {Jolm^-^-^ David'' SamueV) was
born in Petersham, Mass., 27 June 1788, d. Shutesbury, Mass.,
16 Nov. 1868, age 86, m. at Petersham, Mass., 13 Feb. 1812,
Polly Sanderson, dau of Moses and Sophia (Jackson) Sander-
son, b. Petersham, Mass., 8 July 1787, d. Montague, Mass.
Went from Petersham, to Shutesbury in 1806, then to Monta-
gue, Mass.
Children :
i. EzEA E.7, b. Moutague, Mass., 1814, d. there 21 July 1888,
ago 74.
562. ii. Moses S., b. Montague, Mass., 1820.
iii. Warren Manley, b. Montague, Mass., d. there 10 March 1903.
Was in Civil War.
563. iv. Charles B., b. Littleboro, Masis., 1827.
257. HENRY« STOWELL (JoJin'-'-' David^ SamueV) was
bom in Petersham, Mass., 27 June 1788, d. Shutesbury, Mass.,
24 April 1876, age 87, m. Petersham, Mass., 26 May 1812,
Elizabeth Sheldon Sanderson, dau. of Moses and Sophia
(Jackson) Sanderson, b. Petereham, Mass., 3 Sept. 1794, d.
Shutesbury, Mass., 13 Nov. 1872, age 78. Lived in Shutesbury,
Mass. Was a farmer.
Children all born Shutesbuiy, Mass.:
i. Sally', b. 5 March 1814, d. Amherst, Mass., 26 Sept. 1881,
age 67, m. Geoege R. Roberts, son of Reuben and Esther (Ris-
ley) Roberts, b. East Hartford, Conn., 15 March 1811, d. Am-
herst, Miass., 11 Aug. 1873, age 62. Children born Amherst,
Mass. (Roberts) :
1. Saraji Eluza, b. 1836, m. Amherst, Mass., 21 Oct. 1868,
Henry Edgar Soper, son of Jacob and Hannah (Ketchum)
Soper, b. Huntington, N. Y., 1839.
2. George Henry, b. 18 Oct. 1844, d. Amherst, Mass., 6 Dec.
1893, m. Amherst, Mass., 26" Jan. 1865, Mary E. Bangs,
dau. of Charles H. and Mary S. (Cotton) Bangs, b. Mar-
cellus, N. Y., 1844. Was a paper maker. Children: i.
Percy Cotton, ii. Bertha Isabelle.
?.. Sylvester, b. 12 Nov. 1850, m. Amherst, Mass., 30 Nov.
1876, Addie Soper, dau. of Jacob and Hannah (Ketchum)
Soper, b. Long Island, N. Y., 1853, Paper maker. Child:
i. Frederick 8.
Sixth Generation 355
4. William, b. 18 April 1853, m. Ajnherst, Mass., 3 Aug.
1873, Carrie T. Adams, dau. of Silas W. and Matilda A.
Adams, b. Shutesbury, Mass., 1S56. Paper maker. Chil-
dren: i. Lena May, ii. Grace W.
5. Mary Ellkn, b. IS April 1853.
6. Infant.
Laura, b. 22 Nov. 1815, d. Shutesbuiy, Mass., 20 June 1891,
age 75, m. 1840, Lucius Davis, son of John and Beulah (Rob-
erts) Da\'is, b. Prescott, Mass., 1822, d.. Shutesbury, Mass., 21
Jan. 1865, age 43. She m. 2d, at New Salem, Mass., 22 Jan,
1868, Levi H. Leonard, son of "Watson and Zerviah (Haskell)
Leonard, b. Shutesbury, Mass., 1820, d. there 15 Aug. 1892, age
72. One child by Lucius Davis:
1. Eliza Ann, d. 10 Feb. 1847.
Lydia, b. 4 April 1818, d. Amherst, Mass., 1 May 1885, age 67,
m. Shutesbury, Mass., Wheaton Oemond Lovett, son of John
and Angle (Ballou) Lovett, b. Cumberland, R. I., 1817, d.
Amherst, Mass., 25 Aug. 1899, age 82. Lived in Granby, S.
Amherst, and Belchertown, Mass. Was a farmer. In Civil
War 1861 to 1864. Children (Lovett) :
1. Henry S., b. Granby, Mass., 23 Feb. 1841, d. in infancy.
2. Rosina Olive, b. S. Amherst, Mass., 20 Ncv. 1842, d. Wil-
liamsburg, Mass., 16 Jan. 1880, age 37, m. Northampton,
Mass., 16 May 1864, Charles S. Smith, son of Oliver
and Thankful (Childs) Smith, b. Springfield, Mass., 1839,
d. Northampton, Mass., 11 Jan. 1897, age 58. Children
(Smith) : i. Ehie, ii. Inez.
3. Ellen Sophia, b. S. Amherst, Mass., 10 Oct. 1844, m. Am-
herst, Mass., 1 Jan. 1864, Lyman Brown, son of William
and Minerva (Glazier) Brown, b. Leverett, Mass., 1848.
Child (Brown) : i. Frederick L.
4. Myron Willakd, b. S. Amherst, Mass., 25 Dee. 1848, d.
EocJiester, N. Y., 8 Jan. 1888, age 39, m. Martha .
Child: i. Herbert Lovett.
5. Eliza Ann, b. S. Amherst, Mass., 25 Sept. 1850, d. Wil-
liamsburg, Mass., 1869, age 19.
6. James Henry, b. S. Amherst, Mass., 25 Sept. 1854, m.
Easthampton, Mass., 8 Aug. 1877, Emma Etta Lemon,
dau. of John and Elmira (Davis) Lemon, b. Belchertown,
Mass., 16 June 1854. Mechanic. Children: i. Len^ M.,
5i. Gertrude L., iii. Lester C.
1. Ida E., b. S. Amherst, Mass., 24 Sept. 1857, m. Amherst,
Maf!3., 28 Aug. 1879, Frederick C. Russell, son of Dwight
and Laura (K-neeland) Russell, b. Amherst, Mass., 28 Feb.
1852, d. there 8 July 1907. Child (Russell) : i. LxlUe
356 The Stowell Genealogy
8. AiMON S., b. S. Amherst, Mass., 29 Nov. 1859, m. Belcher-
town, Mass., 2 Dec. 1880, Nellie Jenks, dau. of Isaac
and Laura (Bartlett) Jenks, b. Belchertown, Mass., 1862.
Children: i. David Henry, ii. Bosina 0.
iv. Avery Williams, b. 14 March 1820, d. Shutesbury, Mass., 16
May 1861, age 41, m. Amlierst, Mass., 13 Nov. 1845, Caroline
S. Ingram, dau. of Lucius and Rhoda (Cheney) Ingram, b.
Washington, Vt., 24 Nov. 1819, d. Sunderland, Mass., 20 Feb.
1899, age 80. No children. She m. 2d, at Leverett, Mass., 16
March 1864, Jason H. Woodbury, son of John and Lydia
V. Lucy, b. 26 Feb. 1822, d. Montague, Mass., 17 Dec. 1875, age
53, ni. Shutesbury, Mass., 23 Sept. 1845, Josiah Graves, son of
Newell and Berthena (Woodard) Craves, b. Montague, Mass.,
6 Jan. 1817, d. there 18 Oct. 1892, age 75. Children (Graves) :
1. Charles Josiah, b. Montague, Mass., 22 March 1847, d.
Hadley, Mass., 3 Aug. 1849.
2. Frederick Joab, b. Hadley, Mass., 30 June 1848, d. there
11 Aug. 1849.
3. Charles Watson, b. Montague, Mass., 23 March 1851, d.
there 29 Jan. 1866, age 14.
4. Frederick Thomas, b. Montague, Mass., 6 March 1854, d.
there 11 Aug. 1856.
5. DwiGHT Lovell, b. Montague, Mass., 7 Nov. 1857, m. 1st,
Deerfield, Mass., 22 Dec. 1880, Ellen E. Clark, dau. of
Joseph and Arvilla (Bailey) Clark, b. Deerfield, Mass.,
12 Oct. 1856, d. N. Leverett, Mass., 28 April 1914, age 57.
He m. 2d, 15 Sept. 1917, Minnie E. Williams. Children
by first wife: i. Carrie Belle, ii. Lyndon Dwight, ui.
Charles WilUam.
6. Josephine Lucy, b. Montague, Mass., 29 May 1859, d.
Bennington, Vt., 6 Dec. 1893, age 34. m. Leverett, Mass.,
29 May 1877, George Bates, son of Wathold and Mahala
Bates, b. Shaftebury, Vt., 15 Sept. 1842.
7. Elizabeth Jane, b. Montague, Mass., 29 June 1867, d. there
g April 1902, age 34, m. N. Leverett, IMJass., 25 April 1885,
Silas Salvador Lauriston Richardson, son of Dauphin
Salvador and Maria Amelia (Waters) Richardson, b. Lev-
erett, Mass., 18 April 1864. Giild (Richardson) : i. Alta.
vi. Sophia, b. 9 Nov. 1825, d. Shutesbury, Mass., G Nov. 1828.
564. vii. Joab, b. 31 July 1827.
Viii. Almond Y., b. 26 May 1830, d. Shutesbury, Mass., 23 May
1849, age 19, unmarried.
ix. Sophia, b. 6 April 1833, d. Hadley, Mass., 15 Aug. 1872, age
39, m„ Shutesbury, Mass., 24 May 1864, Horace Smith Han-
NUM, son of Oliver and Mary D. (Gaylord) Hannum, b. Belcher-
Sixth Generation 357
town, Mass., 29 Nov. 1830, d. Formaii, N. D., 23 Oct. 1916, age
86. Children born HadJey, Mass, (ITannum) :
1. Jennie Sophia, b. 6 Dec. 1866, m. St. Paul, Minn., 4 Jan.
1894, David Jenkins Jones, son of Evan "VVilliam and
Harriet (Roberts) Jones, b. Neenah, Wis., 24 Nov. 1864.
Children (Jones): i. David Hannum, ii. Anna Jane, iii.
Jennie Buth.
2. Grace Stowell, b. June 1872, d. Hadley, Mass.. Sept. 1872.
X. Elizabeth J., b. 15 May 1886, d. Spring-field, Mass., 7 Aug.
1864, age 28, m. Shutesbury, Mass., 4 Sept. 1860, William H.
Hemenway, son of Josiali, Jr., and Harriet (Hill) Hemenway,
b. Prescott, Mass., 1837. No children.
3d. Ellen M., b. 11 Aug. 1839, d. Shutesbury, Mass., 22 Jan. 1867,
age 27, m. there 28 Nov. 1859, Levpis F. Johnson, son of Levi
and Lucinda Johnson, b. New Salem, Mass., 13 Feb. 1841, d.
Leverett, Mass., 18 Aug. 1879, age 38. Children (Johnson) :
1. Nelson L., b. Shutesbury, Mass., 2 Jan. 1862, d. Marlboro,
Vt., 30 May 1916, age 53, m. there 7 Dec. 1885, Mary G.
WORDEN, dau. of Joseph J. and Ellen E. (Null) Worden,
b. Wilmington, Del., 1868. He was a printer.
258. PETER« STOWELL (John'-'-' David^ SamueV) was
bom in Shutesbury, Mass., 23 Dec. 1790, d. there 24 Sept. 1869,
age 77, m. Shutesbury, Mass., Lucy Fiske, dau. of Samuel and
Olive Fiske, b. Worcester, Mass., 22 Oct. 1792, d. Shutesbury,
Mass., 13 Jan., 1871, age 78. Lived in Shutesbuiy, Mass. Was
a farmer.
Children bom Shutesbury, Mass.:
565. i. FRANKLIN7, b. 15 April 1818.
566. ii. Samuel Hekrick, b. 16 Feb. 1821.
259. LUTHER^ STOWELL (JoJin'-"-' David^ SamueV) was
bom in Petersham, Mass., 5 Jan. 1793, d. 16 Feb. 1882, age 89,
m. 1817, Lucinda Lamb, b. Wendell, Mass., 12 Dec. 1799, d.
Leverett, Mass., 12 Oct. 1881, age 82. Resided in Shutesbury,
Children bom Shutesbury, Mass.:
i. Charles Henry^, b. 1 Jan. 1818, d. 5 Jan. 1828.
ii. Ira Lyman, b. 16 Nov. 1824, d. Shutesbury, Mass., 6 May 1869.
age 44, m. there 7 Sept. 1848, Olive Fisk Briggs, dau. of Amos
and Sarah Briggs, b. Shutesbuiy, Maps., 1 June 1830.. No chil-
dren. She m. 2d, at Shutesbury, Mass., 30 Jan. 1873, Hiram
Ballou, son of Stephen and Alice Ballou.
358 The Stowell Genealogy
iii. Caroline Louisa, b. 24 Nov. 1829, d. Leverett,- Miass., 5 Jan.
1852, m. Shutesbury, Mass., 8 Sept. 1846, Elijah Gardner, sou
of Elijah and Nabby (Holden) Gardner, b. 8 Aug. 1819, d. 30
Oct. 1877. Children born Leverett, Mass. (Gardner) :
1. Charles Elijah, b. 12 Dec. 1850, m. 11 Sept. 1878, Susan
Emily Williams, dau. of Moses and Susannah Williams,
b. Wendell, Mass., 24 July 1857. Children: i. Leonora
Leona, ii. Ava Dell, iii. Ermine Ortell, iv. Faith HarTcness,
V. Vinton C ashman, vi. Mary Aid en.
2. Luther, b. 8 Oct. 1852, m. Brattleboro, Vt., 12 Oct. 1875,
Ellen Etta Siddon, dau. of Jolm and Mary F. (Flanders)
Siddon, b. Lynn, Mass., 1855. Was a mechanic.
iv. Mary Elizabeth, b. 27 April 18.36, d. Wendell, Mass., 10 May
1S55, ago 19, m. there 18 Aug. 1852, D^vight Gates, son of
Paul and Eliza (Stone) Gates, b. Wendell, Mass., 25 April 1829,
d. Wendell, Mass., 2 Oct. 1875, age 46.
260. DEXTER" STOWELL {Lemuel^ JoJin*-^ David'' Sam-
ueV) was born in Petersham, Mass., 29 May 1789, d. there 14
Dec. 1871, age 82, m. there 15 Jan. 1814, Mrs. Achsah (Smith)
Crocker, dan. of Zacchens Jr. and Mrs. Bathsheba (Caswell)
Smith, b. Sunderland, Mass., 30 March 1790, d. Petersham,
Mass., 19 June 1847.
Lived in Petersham, Mass. Was a farmer. Achsah was
admitted to Petersham Church from Sunderland, 13 Oct. 1810.
Children bom Petersham, Mass. :
567. i. Austin Crocker', h. 1 Feb. 1816.
ii. Susan Mary, b. 25 Feb. 1818, d. Sunderland, Mass., 14 July
1882, age 64, m. Petersham, Mass., 25 Dec. 1838, Daniel Beal
Crocker, son of Beal and Editha (Hubbard) Crocker, b. Sun-
derland, Mass., 12 April 1812, d. there 29 Sept. 1900, age 88.
Lived in Sunderland, Mass. Cliildren born there (Crocker) :
1. EOvSA Achsah, b. 27 April 1840, d. Maiden, Mass., 31 May
1872, age 32, m. Sunderland, Mass., 10 Nov. 1864, Henry
Jackson Cox, son of Unity and Sally (Waitt) Cox, b.
Maiden, Mass., 17 Sept. 1832, d. there 1 Feb. 1899, age 66.
2. William Daniel, b. 9 Oct. 1842, m. N. Hadley, Mass., 14
Nov. 1867, Abbie Viola Allen, dau. of Jonathan Edwards
and Lucinda (Belden) Allen, b. Hatfield, Mass., Aug. 1845,
d. Sunderland, Mass., Jan. 1913.
3. Austin Frederick, b. 10 Feb. 1848, m. Holliston, Mass., 9
Oct. 1880, Amanda Maria Angell, dau. of Isaac and Fanny
(White) Angell, b. Pawtucket, E. T., 31 May 1856, d.
Sixth Generation 359
Maiden, Mass., 11 April 1910, age 53. Lived in Maiden,
4. Elizabeth Mart, b. 16 July 1854, m. Maiden, Mass., 20
Oct. 1874, Henry Jackson Cox, son of Unity and Sally
(Waitt) Cox, b. Maiden, Mass., 17 Sept. 1832, d. there 1
Feb. 1899, age 66.
5. Anna Jane, b. 22 Nov. 1856, m. Maiden, Mass., 16 Sept.
1891, Nathaniel William Treadwell, son of Nathaniel
and Emeline Choate (Jewett) Treadwell, b. Ipswich, Mass.,
5 Sept. 1854.
568. iii. Ancel Caswell, b. 6 May 1821.
iv. Elizabeth Jane, b. 25 March 1829, d. Athol, Mass., 9 June
1907, age 78, m. 1st, Petersham, Mass., 15 June 1859, Franklin
Cox, son of Unity and Sally (Waitt) Cox, b. Maiden, Mass.,
16 Aug. 1830, d. Maiden, Mass., 6 Feb. 1871, age 40. She m.
2d, at Petersham, Mass., 1 Oct. 1874, William H. Pierce, son
of Frederick and Ermina Pierce, b. Orange, Mass., 1840. Chil-
dren born Maiden, Mass. (Cox) :
1. Emma Gertrude, b. 18 July 1864.
2. Daughter, b. 9 Dec. 1869.
261. KUFUS'^ STOWELL (AheP JoTin'-^ David^ Samuel^)
was born in Petersham, Mass., 7 Nov. 1795, d. there 12 Oct. 1843,
m. Barre, Mass., 24 May 1827, Anna Allen, dan. of Samuel
and Anna Allen, b. 20 Aug. 1802, d. Orange, Mass., 15 Jan.
1879, age 76. She m. 2d at Petersham, Mjass., 15 April 1846,
Capt. LE\\as McNear. Lived in Petersham, Mass. Farmer.
Children born Petersham, Mass. :
569. i. Henry Rufus", b. 19 Juno 1832.
ii. Mary Estelle, b. 6 Oct. 1834, d. Petersham, Mass., 30 Jan,
570. iii. Emery Austin, b. 1 May 1837.
iv. George Allen, b. Feb. 1843, d. Petersham, Mass., 28 April 1844.
262. ABEL'' STOWELL {Ahel' John*-' David^~ Samuel')
was born in Petersham, Mass., 10 April 1808, d. Elmira, N. Y.,
20 April 1886, age 78, m. Utiea, N. Y., 1832, Elizabeth
Stringer, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Underwood) Stringer,
b. Bouekville, N. Y., 1813, d. Elmira, N. Y., 11 Feb. 1877, age
64. Lived in Binghamton, N. Y. and Elmira, N. Y, Was a
contractor and builder. President Elmira Mechanics Society
for many years.
360 Thp: Stowell Genealogy
Children :
i. Francis Abel^, b. Binghamton, N. Y., 13 May 1833, d. Elmira,
N. Y., 9 Jan. 1841, age 7.
ii. Charles Montross, b. Binghamton, N. Y., 21 Oct. 1834, d.
Elmira, N. Y., 18 March 1910, age 75, unmarried,
iii, Rachel Freeman, b. Binghamton, N. Y., 14 May 1836, m.
Elmira, N. Y., 3 Dec. 1862, John Eddy Larkin, son of Ephraim
and Susanna (Williams) Larkin, b. Rome, N". Y., 26 Feb. 1836.
Lived at Elmira, N. Y., where children were bom (Larkin) :
1. Harriet Elizabeth, b. 8 Oct. 1863, m. Elmira, N. Y., 10
Feb. 1891, Peter Walger, son of Peter "Walger.
2. Helkn Stowell, b. 17 Aug. 1865, m. Elmira, N. Y., 12 June
1894, William Lea Ratcliefe, son of James F. and Mary
Lea (Hunter) Ratcliffe, b. Rochester, N. Y., 19 Jan. 1862.
Children (Ratcliffe) : i. Helen, ii. James Alden, iii.
Marion Louise, iv. AUce Lea.
3. M. Isabelle, b. 1 June 1867.
4. Alice, b. 3 April 1869.
571. iv. RuFXTS RiNALDO, b. 18 May 1838.
572. V. William Horace, b. 9 AprU 1840.
573. vi. Francis Abel, b. 11 Aug. 1842.
vii. John Emory, b. 3 June 1845, m. Elmira, N. Y., 24 Sept 1884,
Mrs. Emma Elizabeth West, dau. of Adna Harrison and Ann
Cathron (Haines) Reynolds, b. MaytoTvn, Penn., 7 March 1851.
No children. Was bookkeeper for wholesale hardware dealer.
Supervisor for many years.
574. viii. Henry Clark Fillmore, b. 31 May 1850.
rx:. Ella Mary, b. 21 May 1853, d. Elmira, N. Y., 6 Jan. 1854.
263. JOHN WARD« STOWELL {AsaheV JoJin^-' David"
SamueV) was born in Petersham, Mass., 19 May 1799, d. Hart-
ford, Conn., 7 April 1840, age 41, m. 22 Sept. 1830, Elizabeth
Atwood, Lived at Hartford, Conn. Merchant.
Children born Hartford, Conn.:
i. Mary Elizabeth^, b. 8 April 1832, d. Pasadena, Calif., 23 Feb.
ii. Persis Maria, b. 15 Feb. 1834.
iii, Fanny Amelia, b. 1 Aug. 1837, d. Pasadena, Calif., S Nov.
264. DANIEL^ STOWELL (AsaJieF JoJin^-^ David'' 8am-
ueV) was born in Petersham, Mass., 12 Sept. 1803, d. Lancaster,
Mass., 4 Nov. 1880, age 77, m. there 22 Nov. 1831, Pamelia V.
Miles, dan. of Charles and Ruth (Brooks) Miles, b. West-
Sixth Generation 361
minster, Mass., 12 May 1800, d. Lancaster, Mass., 21 Nov.
1880, age 80.
Resided in Northampton, Ware and Petersham, Mass., mov-
ing to Lancaster in 1865. Was a farmer.
Children :
575. i. JAirES Henry-, b. Ware, Mass., 9 Dec. 1833.
ii. Catherine Victoria, b. Petersham, Mass., 16 Sept. 1837, d.
there 21 July 1856, age 19.
iii. Annie Maria, b. Petersham, Mass., 1 Nov. 1839, d. Lancaster,
Mass., 3 Jan. 1866, age 26.
iv. Helen Augusta, b. Petersliam, Mass., 4 Dec. 1842, d. there 19
March 1864, age 21.
265. THOMAS NIXON« STOWELL {William'' Benjamin*
John^ Bavid^ Samuel^) was born in Paris, Maine, 12 Jan. 1789,
d. S. Paris, Maine, 11 Jan. 1868, age 79, m. Oxford, Maine, 24
March 1833, Martha Hanson Clark, dau of Peter Hanson
and Rhoda (Richards) Clark, b. Middleton, N. H., 4 June 1812,
d. Farmington, Maine, 2 Nov. 1891, age 79.
Resided in Paris, Maine. Had woolen mills. Was a large
manufacturer. A prominent citizen. Thomas N. Stowell was
major in Militia.
Children born Paris, Maine:
i. Harriet Newell", b. 16 Jan. 1834, d. Paris, Me., 28 Oct. 1837.
ii. Catherine Nixon, b. 12 Dec. 1836, m. S. Paris, Me., 6 March
1858, Dr. Charles Collins Bounds, son of Nathaniel and Bet-
sey (Brown) Rounds, b. Waterford, Me., 15 Aug. 1831, d. Farm-
ington, Me., 8 Nov. 1901, age 70. Resided in Cleveland, Ohio,
Auburn and Farmington, Me., Plymouth, N. H., and New York
Oity. Was a physician. A prominent educator. Was principal
of first Normal School at Farmington, Me., from 1868 to 1883.
Children (Rounds) :
1. Agnes Iola, b. Cleveland, Ohio, 15 Aug. 1860, m. Plymouth,
N. H., 10 July 1888, Edwin Scott Matthews, son of
Isaac Denny and Ann Eliza (Herendeen) Matthews, b.
Worcester, Mass., 19 June 1855. Child (Matthews): i.
Harold Nixon.
2. Arthur Charles, b. Cleveland, Ohio, 28 Dec. 1862, unmar-
ried. Member Massachusetts Chapter Cincinnati.
3. Ralph Stowell, b. Cleveland, Ohio, 3 Sept. 1864, m. Mas-
siUon, Ohio, 29 May 1905, Mar,y Helena Ricks, dau. of
Augustus J. and Emma (Atwater) Ricks, b. Knoxville,
Tenn., 10 March 1871. Resided in New York City. A
362 The Stowell Genealogy
lawyer. He graduated from Amherst in 1887 and from
Columbia Law School 1892. Member of Leg-islative Inves-
tigation Committee, 1917. Children: i. Ralph Stowell, ii.
Emma EUzaheth.
4. Katherine Elizabeth, b. Auburn, Me., 20 Maj 1868.
iii. Thomas Nixon, b. 19 Nov. 1838, d. Tagus, Me., 24 June 3911,
unmarried. Was private in Co. G, Capt. George L. Beal's Nor-
way Light Infantry, also Sergt. Co. K, 13th Reg-t. Inf. Me.
Was 1st Lieut. 74th Louisiana Inf. Post Adjutant on General's
Staff. Had horse ranches in Arizona.
iv. Oharies L., b. IG Jan. 1843, d. Paris, Me., 4 May 1S43.
V. Annetta Rhoda, b. 25 Sept. 1845, d. Farm.ington, Mo., 28 Feb.
1910, m. Paris, Me., about 1868, Dr. Sewall Webber, son of
Henry R. and Nancy (Whitehead) Webber, b. Oxford, Me.. 21
April 1840, d. Paris, Me., 6 July 1873, ago 33. She m. 2d, at
Paris, Me., about 1875, Adna S. Cusiiman, son of George
Washington and Clarissa (French) Cushnxan, b. Paris, Me., Aug.
1844. No children.
266. DANIEL" STOWELL (Daniel' Benjardin* John^ Da-
vid^ SamueV) was born in Guilford, Vt., 7 April 1784, d. Paris,
Me., 5 Feb. 1844, age 59, m. Paris, M«., 24 Nov. 1812, Anna
Robinson, dan. of Stephen and Jemima (Haskell) Robinson (a
descendant of the Rev. William Robinson who was pastor of
the Congregation that went to Leyden, Holland) b. Paris, Me.,
11 June 1793, d. Mazeppa, Minn., 22 Oct. 1870, age 77. Lived
in Guilford, Vt. and Paris, Me. Was a farmer. Deacon.
Daniel Stowell was Sergt. in Capt. Stephen Blake's Co.,
Lieut. Col. W. Ryerson's Regt., from 14 Sept. to 24 Sept. 1814.
Children all born Paris Maine :
i. Eliza Ann^, b. 28 Dec. 1814, d. Lincoln, Me., 8 Sept. 1836,
age 21, m. 5 Jan. 1835, Samuel Freeman Hersey.
576. ii. Francis Augustus, b. 8 April 1816.
iii. Levi, b. 17 March 1818, d. P<aris, Me., 20 Feb. 1819.
577. iv. Edward Houghton, b. 23 Nov. 1819.
V. Sarah, b. 11 Feb. 1822, d. Mazeppa, Minn., 13 May 1895, age
73, m. Paris., Me., 29 April 1842, John Ellingwood Hyde, sou
of William and Julia (Douglas) Hyde, b. Portland, Me.. 27
Aug. 1819, d. Mazeppa, Minn., 20 Oct. 18S9, age 70. Lived in
Paris, Me., then Galena, 111., four years, Mazeppa, Minn., bal-
ance of life. Merchant. Private In Co. I, 156th lU. Vol. Inf.
Enlisted 27 Feb. 1865 to 20 Sept. 1865. Childi-on (Hyde) :
1. Eliza Ann Freeman, b. Paris, Mcs., 10 Feb. 1843, unmar-
Sixth Generation 363
2. Mary Duren, b. Paris, Me., 27 Dee. 1844, d. Chicago, 111.,
22 Nov. 19-06, ago 61, unmarried.
3. Joseph Walker, b. Paris, Me., 7 Jan. 1847, d. Mazeppa,
Minn., 23 Aug. 1866, age 19, unmarried.
4. Francis Douglas, b. Paris, Me., 21 March 1849, m. St.
Paul, MSnn., 30 Oot. 1876, Ella Maria Babcock, dau. of
Charles Roland and Sarah Maria (Stowe) Babcock, b,
Leydcn, Mass., 24 Jan. 1855. Resided in Mazeppa, Minn.
Was an architect. Cliild: i. Josephine Etta.
5. Edward Stowell, b. Galena, 111., 21 July 1851, m. Minne-
apolis, Minn., 14 Feb. 1883, Fanny Mae Nolan, dau. of
Patrick Francis and Ellen Apies (English) Nolan, b. Phila-
delphia, Penn., 27 Sept. 1860. Lived at Zumbro FaUs and
Devil's Lake, Minn., and Dubuque, Iowa. Civil engineer.
Supt. Cemetery Dubuque. Children: i. Joseph Killing-
wood, ii. Frances Julia, iii. Harry, iv. Maud.
6. Anna Maria, b. Galena, 111., 28 May 1853, m. Mazeppa,
Minn., 26 Aug. 1880, Alvin Tenney Pomeroy, eon of Jesse
and Martha (Manley) Pomeroy, b. Franklin, Vt., 6 Feb,
1841, d. 19 March 1897, age 56. Resided in Dubuque, Iowa,
and Chicago, Dl. He was private in Co. F, 7th Vt. Inf. Vol.
I March 1862 to 25 Feb. 1863, discharged on account of
disability. Thirty years as railway poc3tal clerk. Children
(Pomeroy) : i. Winifred Madge, ii. Martha Pauline.
7. Julia Richardson, b. Galena, 111., 1 Feb. 1855, d. Mazeppa,
Minn., 30 Dec. 1899, age 44, m. there 21 Dee. 1886, Charles
8. Turner, son of Ichabod Orcott and Julia G. (Eaton)
Turner, b. Johnson, Vt., 4 Feb. 1843. Lived at Mazeppa,
IVTinn. Children (Turner) ; i. Sumner Hyde, ii. Edward
8. Eli.a Frances, b. Mazeppa, Minn., 19 Feb. 1857, d. Los
Angeles, Calif., 5 March 1898, age 41, unmarried.
9. Minnesota, b. Mazeppa, IVEnn., 26 Feb. 1859, m, there 17
Feb. 1881, Reuben Eugene Ruth, son of William and
Sarah J. (Morse) Ruth, b. Long Grove, 111., 27 Feb. 1854.
Cliildren (Ruth) ; i. Marjorie Sarah, ii. Carl Douglass, iii.
Edgar Kingshury, iv. Inmi Stanley, v. Chester William, vi.
Gearge Washington.
10. Elizabeth Fletcher, b. Mazeppa, Minn., 15 March 1861,
m. there 17 Feb. 1887, Walter Fowler, son of George
Worthy and Huldah Ann (McManus) Fowler, b. Mazeppa,
Minn., 10 June 1859. Lived in St. Paul, Minn., and Su-
perior, Wis. Children (Fowler) : i. Allen Walter, ii. Har-
old Douglas, iii. Elmer Ellsworth, iv. Donald Hyde, v.
364 The Stowell Genealogy
11. William, b. Mazeppa, Minn., 19 April 1863, d. tliere 23
Jan. 1864.
vi. Maria, b. 23 April 1824, d. Paris, Me., 26 Aug. 1825.
vii. LucRETiA Houghton, b. 6 July 1826, d. Lake City, Minn., 16
July 1907, age 81, m. Rochester, Minn., 25 Oct. 1860, James
Samuel Stanford, b. New York City, 28 April 1834. Lived at
Guilford, Minn., 41 years. Farmer. County Commlissioner.
Children born Guilford, Minn. (Stanford) :
1. Jennie Hersey, b. 3 Feb. 1862.
2. William Gilbert, b. 23 Aug. 1863, d. Clearwater, Minn.,
29 July 1894, age 30.
3. Eliza Ann, b. 19 Dec. 1864.
viii. Jane Robinson, b. 29 March 1829, d. Biddeford, Minn., 30 June
1847, age 18.
ix. Daniel, b. 15 March 1831, d. Minneapolis, Minn.,, 8 July 1910,
age 79, unmarried.
X. Adaline Quinct, b. 19 Sept. 1833, d. Lake City, Minn., 5